Are you feeling unseen, in an unchanging season? There’s something you need to know: God sees you. In your weak place, God sees you. When others look past you, God sees you. When you feel hopeless, empty, and stuck, God sees you. But when God gets ready to move, He will MOVE. He will come to where you are, in that place of desolation where the odds are stacked against you, and change the landscape. You will not die in the desert because of El Roi! God is able. Do you have faith enough to give Him a “desert” praise?

and if the enemy can keep you from

seeing if he can keep you from seeing

them the blessings he can keep you stuck

in a place of brokenness if he can keep

you from seeing the advantages or the

opportunities he can keep you running

that’s that’s a very important thing is

that when you’re when your vision of who

God is is obscured by what you’re going

through something very small can block

out something much bigger can I stay

here a minute like you’re gonna say no

something very small can block out

something much bigger how could I

illustrate this I’m gonna try to

illustrate this real quick I know y’all

aren’t prepared for this so for just a


freaking out the camera people but

something very small this very small but

you what you’re supposed to see you

can’t see

pray for me y’all yeah something very

small this is very small right it’s very

small something very small can block out

something much bigger now you can’t see

anything that’s supposed to be seen

something very small and maybe it’s no

coincidence that I’m using this iPhone

discuss some of y’all with stomach

ulcers because you won’t come off of it

and see what’s right around you or you

won’t use that Bible left you got that

other app open what’s it called instance

the what huh insta insta instant it’s

not Instagram right now it’s like insta

gross it’s like it just makes me feel if

I stay on it too long it’s just like I’m

in an alternate reality and now I can’t

see what is invisible something small

can block out something bigger okay is

that camera on y’all we didn’t plan any

of this so pray for your preacher right

now pray for the camera man I’m still

six feet apart by the way I want y’all

to know that but I’m just showing you

this illustration how something small

and this is what first Kings 19 says

about it that Elisha who was the great

man of God who taught Elisha in second

Kings six everything that he knows

because this is not

they knew because the same God that

delivered me from the paw of the lion in

Nepal the bear will deliver me from this

uncircumcised philistine – the only

reason elijah knew what to see in the

situation that he’d never been in before

he had followed the great man of god

elijah the prophet the one who called

down fire on mount carmel remember that

Bible story Shawn I mean he said if God

is God serve Him if Bale is God serve

him choose this day who you will serve

and God answered by fire 850 false

prophets the prophets of Asherah had to

had to bow their knee and and then when

when Elijah got done with that with that

miracle he went up on a mountain and

pray now listen to this about

perspective into my perspective he said

I hear the sound of the abundance of

rain I hear something that I can’t see I

know something that I can’t see and when

a servant went to check the sky he said

I know you said you heard something but

there’s nothing there and Elijah said to

a servant what we need to say to our

soul go back and look again go back and

look again rejoice in the Lord always I

will say it again rejoice I will say it

again rejoice say it again say it again

say it again check it again look again

go again look again say it again say it

again in the chat say it again in the

comments say it again say it again say

it again God is good say it again the

Lord is my shepherd say it again God is

with me say it again he has not left me

say it again I’ve never seen the

righteous forsaken say it again he is

the bread of life

say it again he’s a way maker say it

again he’s a miracle worker and when he

checked the seventh time he saw

something very small a cloud the size of

a man’s hand something so small three

and a half years of drought came to an

end because of something very small but

you know what’s weird

when Jezebel a Habs wife a abbe was the

wicked King Jezebel was the one really

running the show

one preacher said the last decision I

have ever made was I do because after

that Jezebel took over and she would

kill the Prophet she was she was much

more ruthless than Ahab was but when

Jezebel heard what Elijah had done she

she said well put it up there on the

screen first Kings 19 she sent a

messenger to Elijah to say may the gods

deal with me be it ever so severely if

by this time tomorrow I do not make your

life like one of them i’ma kill you but

she couldn’t she couldn’t there are

certain things that devil can’t do to

you but if he can get you to believe it

he doesn’t even have to do it if he can

get you to get so blocked by something

small are you on this camera go back to

this camera something’s how could

something so small look what Elijah the

great man of God did in verse three so

Elijah was afraid he was afraid so he

fled and he ran and he ran and he ran

because Jezebel couldn’t kill him so

since she couldn’t kill him all she

could do was convince him and so I

believe this message is prophetic not

pathetic prophetic in the sense that you

are allowing something small to block

out something bigger and I promise you

right now God’s calling is bigger than

any crisis trust me on that and read

your Bible if you don’t believe me

that’s how I can go through it because I

know that God’s calling is bigger and so

why would I let something small block

out something big with he hung the stars

and named them

why would I refuse to lift my eyes to

the hills when I know where my help

comes from so there is something bigger

there is something greater

there is something other on the other

side of this

I wonder what’s on the other side of

this that is so big that the enemy sent

a storm to disrupt your piece to destroy

your joy God is with us in this place

right now do you feel that and so the

Prophet said those who are with us are

more than those who are with him he must

have went to public school

this dude is bad at math Elijah is bad

at math and the surfing that’s like huh

because he’s counting right he’s like

those with us are more than those with

them all right so one two and then he

starts counting enemy one two three four

five say seven eight nine ten because I

know somebody said that looks like well

preacher that’s just this is cool this

is neat but have you seen the news I’m

like but yeah I saw it

I see the statistics but what good is it

gonna do for me to be afraid like I want

to be aware but there’s a fine line

between aware and afraid and let me just

say this when we can edit it out if it’s

too strong I think it’s dangerous when

we start watching a death count on a

ticker like it’s a score in a baseball

game I think that kind of crosses a line

I think it puts us in a state where we

have made entertainment out of misery

and then we become addicted to being

afraid and it kind of feels comfortable

it’s like oh this is normal you know one

of the reasons Elijah ran from Jezebel

he was used to running he had been

hiding for three and a half years so he

did what came natural and a lot of us

when we get in a fierce stay it’s

because it feels familiar to us this is

like group therapy isn’t it to know that

sometimes we we feel more familiar in a

state of fear than we do in a state of


and what the Prophet gave him was a

different way to do math I wrote in my

notes I said this is miracle math

somebody put it in the comments this is

miracle math miracle math is like this

you ready there’s more of us than them


close your eyes and you’ll see it

because I’m not talking about what you

can’t see I’m talking about what’s more

real than what you can see close your

eyes and you’ll see it this is miracle

math it’s it’s a miracle math it’s like

Gideon you have too many men too many

men I’m going to fight a battle that’s

exactly what I need is soldiers know you

got too many because if you go in with

this many men you will think it was you

that won the battle so when he gets down

to 300 God says now go in the strength

that you have

now go it’s miracle math it’s like Jesus

there’s 5,000 men and women and children

what do you have five loaves into fish

it’s not enough right depends on whose

calculator you’re using this is not

Texas Instruments this is the son of God

put it in my hands what you got in your

house a little bit of oil a little bit

of time a little bit of sanity a little

bit of praise just a weak Wi-Fi

connection but I’m hooked up hooked in

to the presence of God and God is a

multiplier and God is enough and God is

with me this is miracle man how long has

he been dead three days that’s just

right this is miracle man God said do a

do a recalculation I thought I was

outnumbered but I’m not I thought it was

over but it’s not I thought it was done

but it’s not this is miracle man

he prayed after he encouraged him don’t

be afraid then he said open my eyes open

my eyes there’s to prayer and and that’s

that’s really not a physical statement


his eyes were working just fine that’s

why he was scared

he’s like much my vision is 20/20 bro I

don’t know what you’re looking at is

like no no no no no open his eyes Paul

called it the eyes of your heart

perspective now when the servant looked

again verse 17 and this is the whole

message okay he opened his eyes after

the Lord granted Elijah’s request and he

looked and saw the hills full of horses

and chariots of fire all around Elijah

now let me tell you what’s really

wonderful about that verse is that when

Elijah prayed help did not come help was

already there so when Elijah prayed you

goodness when he prayed open his eyes

Holly so that he may see the Lord only

had to show him what was already there

and we can pray for provision and that’s

wonderful and we can pray for healing

and we should and we really need to pray

for everybody who’s a nurse or a doctor

or a clerk or a law enforcement officer

our first responders like all of it we

need to pray for each other but the

thing we need to pray for more than

anything else is perspective we’re

coming into a time where what is

invisible is more valuable than what is

visible when everything that can be

shaken will be shaken so that that which

cannot be shaken will remain we’re

coming to a time where peace is more

profitable than Bitcoin we’re coming to

a time where joy cannot rest on external

circumstances and when he looked he saw

the hills full of horses they were

already full he just couldn’t see it he

saw the hills full of chariots of fire

the fire was already burning but you

know what didn’t happen when he prayed

and I don’t know if you want to hear

this or not and LJ we’re not going to be

able to put a b3 on this but it’s true

and I need to say God did not answer

Elijah’s prayer by eliminating the enemy

instead he illuminated his presence so

faith is not a lever that I pull God

make it stop God is a lense faith

there’s a lens that I look through to

see that God has been there the whole

time he’s with you right now but I’m

still scared

every said I’m I’m still scared then

just stay with me just stay with me and

whatever is going on up there whatever

is going on out there you need to stay

with your father right now and you need

to stay in faith right now and the only

way that we can really deal with fear

because if we stay in fear and then we

stay in frustration and then we get

stupid because you are not very

strategic when you’re scared so don’t be

afraid watch this the only way to do

that is to change the focus to change

the focus okay the situation did not

change in second came six the focus did

the only way I know to stop being afraid

is to change what I’m focused on and so

I just need us right now to begin to ask

the Lord to illuminate not eliminate Oh

God take the fear away it doesn’t work

like that

Oh God give me all the answers tell me

the plan I need the strategy God said

before I give you the strategy I want to

give you your sight and shine light on

your situation

hey thank you for watching make sure you

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thanks again for watching