If we dig deep inside ourselves, would we see a person capable of change and evolution, or someone stubborn, stagnant, and resistant to learning? We serve a God of discovery – one who is always teaching us how to be the best version of ourselves through our struggles, through His strategy, through His sovereignty, His serendipity, and our self-discovery. Life teaches us how to be lifelong students, and it is only through God that we can truly find out who we are and who we need to be. Are you ready to discover more about yourself?


it’s time to go to the word of god

let us go as we stand to our feet to the

book of genesis chapter number 28

verse 10 through 19

so that we can hear what the spirit of

the lord is saying to the church it’s so

good to see you this morning

how many are visitors

glory to god glad to have you so glad to

have you

so glad thank you for choosing to

worship with us this morning and i pray

that it will be profitable to you in the

kingdom of god

genesis 28 10-19

jacob left bear sheba

and set out for haran

when he reached a certain place he

stopped for the night

because the sun had said

taking one of the stones there he put it

under his head

and laid down to sleep

he had a dream in which he saw a

stairway resting on the earth which its

top reached to heaven and the angels of

god were ascending and descending on it

there above it stood the lord and he

said i am the lord the god of your

father abraham and the god of isaac

notice he didn’t say jacob


i am the lord the god of your father

abraham and the god of isaac i will give

you and your descendants the land on

which you are lying

going to give you the land

on which you are lying

what are you laying on

you need to go lay on something

your descendants will be like the dust

of the earth and you will spread out to

the west and to the east and to the

north and to the south all people on

earth will be blessed through you and

your offspring

i am with you and will watch over you

wherever you go

i am with you and will watch over you


ever you go

and i will bring you back to this land

i will bring you back to this land i

will not leave you until i have done

what i have promised you


and they’re good i don’t even have to

preach do it if i just read it it’s

enough to feed you all myself when jacob

walked from his sleep he thought surely

the lord is in this place and i was not

aware of it

he was afraid and said how awesome is

this place

this is none other than the house of god

and this is the gate of heaven

early the next morning jacob took the

stone he had placed under his head and

set it up as a pillar and poured oil on

top of it

he called that place bethel

though the city used to be called loves

can you say amen

i want to go back to verse 16.

when jacob awoke from his sleep he

thought surely

the lord

i want you to think about this surely

the lord is in this place

and i was not

aware of it

isn’t that amazing

surely the lord

is in this place

and i

was not

aware of it surely the lord

is in this place and i

was not aware of it i want to use a

subject this morning one word subject



discovery spirit of the living god falls

fresh on us

as we delve into your word we do it

with an appetite to hear

what the spirit is saying to the church

you will not have to feed us


you will not have to force feed us

we are not on a hunger strike

we want to hear what you’ve got to say

in fact honestly we came to hear from


and we don’t want to leave until you

talk to us

because we’re going to live this week

out in accordance to this word that we

hear today

i thank you for what you’re going to do

have your way great god that you are

in the name of jesus we pray

somebody with all of the voice you can




you may be seated

surely the lord was in this place

and i knew it not

could that be possible

that we could be in the presence of god

and not recognize it

god is omnipresent which means he is in

all places at all times

it is just that occasionally we go from

the omnipresence of god into the

manifest presence of god

god reveals himself

and we discover him

now to discover something doesn’t mean

you created it

to discover something means it already


but it has it is new to you

it has been revealed to you

which requires that you live your life

from a perspective of being a lifelong


i said in one of the classes the day you

get to the point that you think you know

everything you are ignorant

the smartest brightest most proficient

successful people in the world spend

their lives learning

they have a spirit of being inquisitive

it’s the life of filled with discovery

it implies that for many of us like

jacob life is a mystery

it’s a utter mystery you don’t know

what’s going to happen in the next


one text can change the trajectory of

your life

one phone call can change your mood your

outcome can change everything that’s

happening around you because life is

itself a mystery

as soon as you master it you step into a

new mystery

the moment you accomplish being able to

get the children ready

to go to preschool

and you got all of their stuff in order

and you got the little clothes laid out

and you get used to being able to do

that while they eat in the car and leave

a mess in the car and you get good at

bed and how to manage that the next

thing you know they want the car keys

you get used to them on the car keys and

the next thing you know they moved out

little by little life brings changes

and it keeps you in the position of the


always inquisitive always learning

always becoming not only learning about

life but learning about yourself and

learning about god

the important thing is not to stop


curiosity has its own reason for


curious people are always interesting


one cannot help but be in awe when he

contemplates the mysteries of eternity

of life of the marvelous structure of

reality it is enough if one tries merely

to comprehend a little of this mystery

each day

said albert einstein

albert einstein says life is a mystery

so if it was a mystery to einstein

then surely it is a mystery to us

notice the inquisitive way in which he

approached life

seeking not only to see what happened

but to understand why it happened

what can i learn from what i’ve been


rather than groaning about what you’ve

been through the greater question is

what did this come to teach me

what did this come to teach me how did

what i’m going through serve as an

instructor to train me for the class

because if i don’t learn what i was

supposed to learn i am destined to take

the class over again

i will say that again if i don’t learn

what i was supposed to learn i am

destined to take the class again and

some of us have had to take remedial

courses over and over and over again in

life simply because we are so engulfed

in complaining about what happened that

we never learned what we should have

learned from what happened whether it be

good or bad everything teaches you


everything catapults you and everything

develops equity

in the bank of your wisdom

experience builds up equity

intellectually so that you will be more

profound and have a deeper understanding

there is nothing as embarrassing as an

old fool


to have lived a long time and learn

nothing is a disgrace

it’s a disgrace to be on the earth a

long time and not be any wiser than you

were when you started

i think that we are so busy now that we

don’t have think time

you need think time we’re so busy doing

that we don’t have time to think and to

reflect and to understand what did this

come to teach me

and then some of us are so busy fighting

the new season

trying to fight our way back to what was

that we don’t learn from what is

but every stage of life brings you into

a different level of understanding and

renewal and if you will learn from it

you can gain peace from it

the reason we have so little peace today

is that we have a life filled with

unresolved issues

it’s not unresolved because people

didn’t apologize it’s not unresolved

because somebody died and didn’t say i’m

sorry it is unresolved because you have

failed to use the experience as a lesson

to learn something that would equip you

and make you better

you are not dependent upon somebody

else’s reaction to extract the value out

of the experience

it is up to you to dig into the treasury

of your memory and say what did i do

and how can i do it better and how can i

learn from what they did how can i use

their mistakes to be my maestro and

educate me and bring me into a deeper

intellectualism because if you don’t

learn that the person you criticize

today you will be tomorrow


i’m preaching better than you shall

as as we as we meander around the

parameters of this text you must

understand first of all that jacob is in

school and the world is his university

and god is taking him the class

all of his classes develop us into the

man that we should become and jacob is

becoming he is not he is becoming

he had had difficulty he had had a very

difficult life

and at this time is fleeing the wrath of


he has swindled esau his brother

most of what he has learned has not been

from his patriarchal lineage he didn’t

learn it from abraham and isaac and

therefore you don’t see god saying i’m

the god of abraham isaac and jacob

instead most of jacob’s life lessons

have been learned from his mother


he has been influenced by rebecca a

careful study will reinforce the fact

that he is a mama’s boy

he is exposed to his father but he is

mentored by his mother and she has

mentored him in trickery

she comes from a long line

of sneaky people

her propensity to trickery and deceit

has shaped his

identity a lot of us are shaped by the

people we’ve been exposed to

choosing the wrong person to speak into

your life will shape you into some

contorted figure that may take 20 years

to untangle you from

because of the influence of his mother

and because of the influence of her

uncle laban and because of so many other

things jacob has followed their

personality profile and is exhibiting

the kinds of traits that makes god

reluctant to call him his god

he says i am the god of your father

i am the god of your grandfather but you

have not yet

learned or earned the right to be to

allow your name to be listed in the

patriarchal family because you’re too

sneaky to be my son

you’re too underhanded to be my son

you’re too deceitful to be my son

you got too many scams to be my son

you’d be surprised at the people who get

in church and they’re still sneaky

let me go over here and talk a while

you’d be surprised at the people who get

in church and they say churchy things

and they wear churchy clothes and they

have churchy statements but deep down

inside they are still the same person

they were before

they joined the church but they had

never had an encounter with god

this is jacob’s first

real encounter with god

up until now he has only encountered his

mother but now he has encountered god he

has the spirit of laban

he has the disposition the bad side of

the family and through trickery and evil

devices he has been successful at

scamming his brother out of his


if i were to theme jacob’s life it would

be struggle

jacob’s life is full of struggle

it starts in prenatal care

before he was ever pushed out of his

mother’s womb he was fighting in her


later the texts will teach us that jacob

and esau were fighting in the womb not

just two people but two nations fighting

inside of one person


let me pause there and talk to the

people who have two nations fighting

inside of one person

which is everybody


each one fighting to get the upper hand

on the other one each one fighting to

get a control of your mouth each one

fighting to get control of your decision

each one fighting to get control of your

finances each one fighting to get

control of your future all of us have a

jacob and an esau at war on the inside

of one human being and depending on the

circumstance which one comes out first

rebecca’s uncle was self-willed and

self-promoting and

self-aggrandizing they come from people

that promoted their own agenda ignoring

the sovereignty of god and now he has a

birthright he cannot enjoy

he got the birthright from his brother

he schemed the birthright from his

brother but he can’t enjoy it because

esau is going to kill him

and because esau has set out to kill him

jacob is on the run

he he he isn’t just running from esau he

is also a fugitive of god

he is a he’s running from esau because

he stole the birthright but he’s a

fugitive of god because he has yet to

discover who god really is


introduces him

in this strange place

he isn’t just he isn’t just uh uh there

to be there he’s there because he’s on

the run he has fled from canaan he has

left his homeland which should have been

his birthright and fled into the

wilderness to escape esau and there in

the wilderness he has an encounter with

god there is no place we can run

that god cannot find us

david said if i make my bed in hell thou

art there if i take the wings of the

morning and ascend to the uttermost

parts of the earth god is there i want

you to know that when god is tracking

you he will run you down he he he don’t

just come to church

you don’t you don’t just have to be in

church to encounter god god will come in

the strip club

god will come in a beard joint god will

come in a drug house

god will come in a prison cell

god will come in any place to get what

he wants god it’s the god of the whole

earth of all things that are in the

earth and under the earth and above the

earth are all up under his domain

all of it’s up under his domain there is

absolutely no place you can go where you

can get away from god

there’s no place you can go that you can

get away from god and consequently jacob

has had a life of struggle he struggled

with his brother in the womb he

struggled to get the woman that he loved

he had to work 14 years to get the woman

that he loved everything comes hard for

jacob i’m here to talk to somebody who’s

had a life of struggle

everything came hard for jacob things

that were easy for other people came

hard for jacob everybody else just had a

baby but when it came to jacob it was a

fight all the way till she gave birth

everybody else just chose a wife but

when it came to jacob he got a trickster

and he had to work 14 years to get one


the first woman was a booby prize

she she was a consolation pride

she was a runner-up prize

her name was leah and he never wanted


and it’s a bad thing to be married to

somebody who don’t want you

let me stop right here and shout i said

it’s a bad thing to be married to

somebody who doesn’t want you not only

is it a bad thing it’s a traumatic thing

to be married to somebody who doesn’t

want you it’s a terrible thing to work a

job that doesn’t want you it’s a

terrible thing to pastor a church that

don’t want you it’s a terrible thing to

direct a choir that doesn’t want you and

jacob has had a lifetime of experiences

where he has gotten the woman that he

didn’t want and yet he had relationships

with somebody he didn’t want

i’m not going to ask you to raise your


i don’t want to put you on blast like

that but there’s some brothers in here

that understand what i’m talking about

that it is possible for a man to

function physically with a woman that he

has no attachment to

ain’t gonna talk to me y’all ain’t gonna

talk to me let me find me a real church

maybe there’s a real church online

maybe there’s a real church on mine

jacob slept with leah and didn’t even

know who she was

he thought she was rachel it was morning

before he knew who she was

and so everything has been a struggle

he’s got a struggle in the womb he’s got

a struggle to get the woman that he

wants now he’s got two women in the

house he’s got rachel and leah in the

house he’s got a struggle in his house

ain’t no struggle like a struggle in

your house

if i gotta have a struggle let me have a

struggle on my job

cause at least at five o’clock i can

punch the clock and i can get away from

all of that but when you got a struggle

in your house you gotta lay down in a

fight you gotta get up in a fight you

gotta drive around your house trying to

decide whether you want to come in your

house or not cause you got such a

struggle in your house that you can’t

rest in your own bed i know you can’t

say nothing i know you can’t say nothing

keep looking straight ahead act like you

don’t know what i’m talking about but

somebody in here knows what it is to

have a struggle in your own house if

it’s not coming from your spouse it’s

coming from your child it’s a bad thing

to come home you wouldn’t think

something that little could drive you

that crazy but somebody that can create

a struggle in your house makes you not

want to come into your own house you’re

making payments on the house you can’t

have peace in

y’all didn’t hear what i’m saying you

making payments on a house that you

can’t have peace in and every time you

make the payment you’re frustrated

because your whole life is a struggle

this kind of anxiety causes your blood

pressure to go up this kind of anxiety

creates creates eating disorders this

kind of anxiety causes insomnia this

kind of anxiety causes you to have

multiple personality this kind of

anxiety causes you to burst out in tears

and nobody has died this kind of anxiety

causes you to have mood swings and

temper tantra just because you don’t

have any peace and you think it’s a

demon no it’s a person and this kind of

anxiety is not always a demon sometimes

it’s an individual that’s driving you up

the wall i

would rather stay in a dog house and

have me some peace than live in a

mansion with somebody that don’t want me

if you don’t want me call me text me

send me a note send a pigeon send a dove

send a crow set aside i’d rather be by

myself than to be with somebody who’s

always creating a struggle in my life

you’re tired when you go to bed you’re

tired when you get up in the morning

you’re tired of arguing over stuff that

don’t make any sense get the clue they

just don’t want you


most people fight chris on jacob’s life

from the perspective of his rather shady

character it doesn’t help that he has

been named his very name at birth means

a planter means trickster every time you

call it they say hey trickster come on

get something to eat

hey con artist come on get you something

when people start calling you something

and you start answering to it you become

what they call you

seldom does anybody examine his

character and to begin to understand

that he is born out of extraordinary

struggle he didn’t get that way by

himself in fact jacob’s life has been so

bad that his theme of his whole life is

nothing but struggle and if you struggle

long enough it changes your personality

it changes your disposition it changes

your attitude it changes the way you see

life it changes the way you focus on

anything and everything because you’ve

been through so much hell you’re afraid

to be nice you’d be surprised at the

nice people who have been beat down so

bad that they have assumed the false

identity to survive the atrocities of

the life that they’re living in oh but

you’re gonna get some help today because

god is about to pull off all of those

mass and all of those scabs and get you

back to being who he created you to be i

need about 50 seconds of praise in this

house i just want to be who he created

me to be

i just want to be who he created me to

be i just want to be who he created me

to be i want to be who he created me to

be but sometimes you don’t even know who

he created you to be you’ve been who you

had to be so long that you don’t even

know who you’re supposed to be you’ve

assumed so many identities to survive

the atrocities of your circumstance that

you don’t even know who you’re supposed

to be and instead of living in your

promised land you are like jacob running

through your desert i call you out of

every dry place i call you out of every

barren land i call you out of every

obscure place i call you out we gonna

put you on trial today until you get a

breakthrough in your life until you are

vindicated until you are exonerated

until your records are expunged until

you have a brand new beginning until you

have a fresh start ye shall know the

truth and the truth shall set you free

truth is liberation truth is liberation

it’s not about being right it’s not

about being wrong it’s about being true

to be true to yourself it is what it is

somebody shout it is what it is until

you come to understand what it is you

can’t change it into what it ought to be

you got to be honest enough to say this

is where i am jacob is lost in the


in law there is a term called discovery

and the definition is this is the formal

process of exchanging information

between the parties about the witness

and evidence that is submitted that

they’ll present at trial discovery means

not only you have to collect the

information but share the information

discovery enables the parties to know

before the trial begins what evidence

may be presented one of the most common

methods of discovery is to take

depositions and so what we are seeing

here is jacob is in a state of discovery

he doesn’t know who he is he doesn’t

know who god is he doesn’t know what’s

going on in his life he doesn’t know

where he is he is living on the road

you’ll be shocked at the people in this

room that are living on the road working

yourself to death because you’re living

on the run going through all kinds of

changes because you’re living on the run

you don’t want to take off you don’t

want a vacation you don’t want a peace

you don’t want to have a good time

because you’re addicted to running

you’ve been running all your life people

think you’re running toward a goal but

it’s not what you’re running to it’s

what you’re running from esau is chasing

you your past is chasing you your god is

chasing you your past deeds are chasing

you and you’re exhausted from the run

if i were to break this message down

into things i would talk about the

struggle i would talk about the strategy

i would talk about the serendipity i

would talk about the sovereignty of god

and i would talk about self-discovery

i’m gonna say that again because i want

you to get it i would talk about the

struggle which i just did i would talk

about the strategy which i’m about to do

i would talk about the serendipity which

i’ll get to in a minute i talk about the

sovereignty of god and i would talk

about self-discovery life is full of

struggle strategy serendipity

sovereignty and self-discovery struggle

strategy serendipity sovereignty and

self-discovery struggle strategy

serendipity sovereignty and

self-discovery jacob is in a state of

struggle and he does not realize that

while he is struggling god has a



i said while he is struggling god has a

strategy while he’s on the run god has a

strategy i got news for those of you

that are watching me online you’re in a

struggle but god has a strategy you’re

in the hospital but god has a strategy

you lost your job but god has a strategy

your husband walked off but god has a

strategy your wife left you but god has

a strategy you’re pregnant out of

wedlock but god has a strategy you had

to give up your house but god has a

strategy and if you can’t praise him for

the struggle you ought to praise him for

the strategy

your god is a strategic god can i take

my time this morning your god is a

strategic god he doesn’t react he acts

his word is forever settled in heaven he

has determined the end from the

beginning he worketh all things after

the council of his own will all things

work together for the good of them that

love the lord god has a strategy for

your life do you hear what i’m saying

god has a strategy for your life god has

a strategy for your life and if you’re

not happy you’re not happy because

you’re not in the strategy as soon as

you line yourself up with god’s strategy

and get away from your struggle you’re

so focused on your struggle that you

haven’t asked god for his strategy but

somebody ought to throw your hands up

and say oh shot god give me the strategy

give me the strategy to raise this child

give me the strategy to save this

marriage give me the strategy to open up

my business give me the strategy to come

out of debt give me the strategy to live

the abundant life there is a strategy if

rockefeller can do it if the hunts can

do it if oprah winfrey can do it if

tyler perry can do it if anybody else

can do it there’s got to be a strategy

you’re not a respecter of persons if you

did it for anybody you’ll do it for me

if joe got off drugs if willie got off

drugs if mary got off cocaine if sally

got off crack i can get off too give me

the strategy oh i’m helping somebody

there’s a strategy that will break every

chain in your life that will break every

struggle in your life that will break

every pain in your life god has a

strategy for your life

god is strategic

he has a plan for everything

when he created the earth he had a plan

he knew what he was going to do the

first day he knew what he was going to

do the second day he knew what he was

going to do the third day he knew what

he was going to do the fourth day god

has a strategy and he worked it

according to his strategy give me the

strategy for being 40 give me the

strategy for in my 50s give me the

strategy for my 60 don’t let me be 60

trying to be 30 don’t let me be 50

trying to be 20. give me this day my

daily bread give me the strategy for

where i am right now i’m trying to help

somebody i don’t even know who it is

there is a strategy for where you are

there is a strategy there is a strategy

for what you’re going through there is a

strategy for this stage in your life

there is a strategy the reason you can’t

get the strategy is because you’re too

stubborn to admit where you are and

you’re 60 trying to be 20. give me the

strategy for where i am so that i could

be the baddest 60 year old you ever saw

in your life so that i could be the

baddest 30 year old you ever saw in your

life i want to be smart at 20. i want to

be wise at 15. give me the strategy

god is a

strategist he made kings out of


god don’t care nothing about your


god cares about your wise day give me

the strategy that’s necessary god

created the earth through his wisdom the

manifold wisdom of god wisdom will solve

every problem in your life wisdom will

fix every situation if you would shut

your mouth and wait on god to speak

through you rather than speaking out of

your flesh and speaking out of what

rebecca taught you and wait on the lord

god would change your situation half the

trouble you’re in your mouth got you in

if you shut your mouth you could change

your outcome that’s why the bible said

be still and know that i am god oh i

feel like preaching here be still and

know that i’m god you talk too much you

fuss too much you tell too much you

trust too much sometimes you just gotta

shut up and hold your peace and let god

fight your battle why should god fight

for you when you’re fighting for

yourself but i dare you to stand still

and say i’m a child of god and watch god

come to your rescue he’ll send angels

running up and down the ladder to get

you a breakthrough if you’ll just be

still god will give you the land that

you lie on if you just be skilled if

you’re just trusting the strategy throw

your hands up and say god i want your





has a strategy

grace has serendipity

grace has serendipity serendipity is the

thing you stumble into

you stumble into it

you didn’t even know you were going into

it you just stumble into grace

god gives you grace to deal with

something you thought you couldn’t

handle you just find grace oh i’m

preaching to somebody the bible said

noah found grace in the eyes of the lord

he didn’t plan for it he wasn’t looking

for it he just stumbled upon it oh do

you hear what i’m saying jacob wasn’t

looking for this rock he just stumbled

upon it grace has serendipity how many

people have happened to be in the right

place at the right time and you stumbled

upon something that changed your life i

wish i had a witness maybe i got

somebody online i don’t seem to have

nobody in church but maybe there’s

somebody online that god just let you

stumble upon a grace and now you’re

standing things you thought you couldn’t


doing things you never went to school

for doing things that you never been

trained for but gracious serendipitous

you just struggled into it you didn’t

even know you could do that you didn’t

even know you could function like that

you didn’t even know you could stand

that but grace has a serendipity


grace has

a serendipity

because god

is sovereign

so what you stumbled into

god already strategized


i want you to see that what you stumbled


god already strategized he has

determined the end from the beginning

nothing just happens in your life

when roost tumbled up on boaz’s field it

was her serendipity

but it was god’s strategy he knew

exactly where she was job says the lord

knows the way that i take and when he

has tried me i shall come forth as pure

go i don’t know who i’m prophesying to

but you’re about to stumble into

something that’s going to change your

entire life you’re just going to stumble

into it it’s just going to come knocking

on your door like elijah and asks you to

bake a cake you’re just going to be at

the right water fountain you’re just

going to be at the right restaurant and

meet somebody that changes the

trajectory of your life that’s why the

devil’s trying to move you out of your

place because the devil knows that god

has a strategy and if you just trust god

by serendipity you’re going to step into

the strategy of god and once you step

into the strategy of god demons have to

back up witches have to back up trouble

has to back up stones have to back up

because once you get in the strategy of

god you have gotten into the presence of

a god who’s got angels on the road

bringing blessings from every direction

glory to god somebody turn around in a

circle right back everywhere you look

you got an angel everywhere you look to

the north to the south to the east to

the west the bible said the angels of

the lord and camp about them that fear

him and jacob didn’t even know it but he

was laying with angels



has left his home

he’s left his family

he’s left his livestock

he’s left his inheritance

he tricked esau to get an inheritance

that he had to run from

and now he’s in the desert fleeing for

his life

and there out there of all places he

discovers god

the discovery of god not

church you have discovered church

but i am here to help you discover god

i have seen people discover church and

go to hell but if you discover god glory

to god if you discover god when the

service is over in the building it’ll

get in the car when the service is over

in the building it’ll get in your house

when the service is over in the building

it’ll get in your life if you discover

god the prison isn’t strong enough to

keep god out if you discover god he’ll

slip through the bars ask paul and silas

he’ll come in at midnight if you

discover god god will bring you through

all kinds of stuff jacob has discovered


up until then he’s just heard about it

from his daddy and from his grandfather

but he has not had a personal experience

with god you can’t know god through your

mama you got to know god for yourself

you can’t know god through your daddy

you got to know god for yourself you

can’t know god through your church you

got to know god for yourself there are

people that are more loyal to their

denomination than they are to god

himself you would never leave your

denomination but you cheat on god all

the time jacob has discovered god


at the worst moment in his life

he discovers god

at the worst moment in his life

in the middle of a wilderness

a place of barrenness a place of dryness

a place of emptiness a place of sweat a

place of desperation a place where

little grows in the wilderness

jacob discovers god and he’s had such a


he’s had such a struggle that when he

discovers god he steps into this what i

call the social order of heaven

the theologians call it angiology

he comes into the social order of heaven

nothing is moving in the wilderness

but everything is moving in the social

order of heaven

he has to go to sleep to see it but he

sees angels ascending and descending on

the ladder and yet he’s laying in a

place where nothing is moving

are you laying in a place where nothing

is moving you need to step into the

spirit because something is moving in

the spirit something is moving in the

spirit rail something is changing in the

spirit rail something is working in the

spirit realm and notice they were

ascending and descending that in order

to us in they had to be on the ground

before they came up that means that when

he laid down he was laying with angels

glory to god he was laying with angels

he was laying with angels but april the

problem was

he didn’t know it

god was there

and he knew it not

how many people in this room

have the sensitivity of knowing that god

is there

how many people who are in in the

hospital know that god is there

how many people who are going to the

funeral home to work with the funeral

home understand that god is there how

many people who are going through a hard

time are not cognizant of the fact that

god is


you see god cannot be explained

he must be revealed

moses told god

show me your goodness

show me i need to see you

show me your goodness

manifest your

omnipresence i know you’re present

because you’re omnipotent you’re all

places at all times simultaneously both

past present and future but i need a

manifestation of the presence of god i

need to discover you until you become

more real in my life you need to be more

real in my life than my church is

you need to be oh yeah yeah yeah i’m

gonna drive it i’m gonna drive it i’m

gonna drive it i’ma drive it till my car

is sitting on your lap you need to be

more real in my life than my bishop is

you need to be more real in my life than

my family is you need to be more real in

my life than my problem here see you

have not discovered god you’re

discovering church


and you go a while and you leave a while

and you hear a while and you walk away

for a while but if you discovered god

you would be stable

god is stable

god is steadfast god is unchanging god

is immutable god is eternal god is

everlasting god is god before there was

a where or when or this or that god was

god nobody made him god nobody elected

him god nobody appointed him god he was

god before there was anybody there to

tell him he was god he doesn’t need your

praise to know who he is he said i look

for one greater than myself and finding

no one greater than myself i swear by

myself that surely blessings i will

bless you and multiplying i will

multiply thee


when i say god is tragic i mean he is


in his providence

he has already created your entire life

while you are yet to discover it

did you hear what i said i know you

heard me i don’t know if the rest of my

heard me god has already created your

entire life while you are waiting to

discover it when your mama rocked you in

her arms and nursed you on her breast

god saw you as an old woman as a young

woman as a middle-aged woman god had

determined the end from the beginning he

gave you enough grace he gave you enough

strength he gave you enough win he gave

you enough power he gave you enough mind

to carry you the entire journey you

don’t just have grace for the moment you

have grace for the

future god

lord i wish i had a church this morning

somebody haul a grace in the desert


it doesn’t matter that you’re in the

desert god will give you grace in the

desert you can be in a dry place but god

is there he brought water out of a rock

in the middle of a desert he showed

himself strong in the middle of a desert

he healed people of diseases in the

middle of the desert he he turned the

bitter waters of mars sweet in the

middle of a desert god doesn’t need a

wet place to be god he can have you in a

dry place and still be god your life is

based on your conditions and when your

conditions are right you say god is

there but when your conditions are all

wrong god is still there no money in

your pocket but god is still there no

job to go to in the morning but god is

still there nobody to hold you at night

but god is still there nobody to tell

you they love you but god is still there

nobody seems to appreciate you but god

is still there

god has grace in the desert if you’re in

the desert and you’ve discovered god

make some noise right now


yeah yeah yeah yeah

yeah yeah yeah yeah

yeah yeah

yeah yeah


praise him with your single self

praise him with your alone self praise

him with no money in your pocket god is

a god of the desert god walks in dry

places he moves in hard times he works

in the middle of a struggle i wish i had

about a hundred witnesses that have been

going through a desert and yet god has

been with you i wish you’d stop acting

like them other people that ain’t been

through nothing and start giving god the

praise for not leaving you alone

god will not leave you in a dry place

he’ll be right there with you ask hagar

god will speak to you in the desert

he’ll show you water in the desert he’ll

supply your needs in the desert he’ll

lift your emotions in the desert he’ll

give you counseling in the desert he’ll

give you strength in the desert he’ll

give you help in the desert he’ll feed

you food in the desert he’ll bring you

through in the desert somebody help me

praise it is there anybody in the

balcony that’ll help me praise god

god of your dry place god of your

painful place god of your hurting place

god of your lonely place i need the

sacrifice to pray the devil don’t want

you to praise god because all you can

see is your desert but god is about to

give you a discovery that god is in the

middle of your desert and i dare you to

open your mouth i don’t care nothing

about that mass and god don’t either

open your mouth and give god





now jacob does not go to the desert to

find god

it’s serendipitous

he goes to the desert to flee esau

he goes to the desert to escape man

he goes to the desert because his scheme

leaves him in an on the run situation he

goes to the desert because he has

embezzled his birthright

he has made his bed hard my mama used to

say make your bed hard you got to

you got to lay in it and so jacob is

laying in a hard place

and whoever i’m preaching to right now

you’re laying in a hard place

you’re laying in a hard place you know

you have had a life of struggles

when you can make a pillar out of a rock

i said you know you’ve had a life full

of struggles when you look at a rock and

say this would make a nice pillow

jacob has become so callous that he can

rest on a rock

who in here wants to sleep on a rock

to put a rock up under your head

a rock for a pillar you have to be hard

to use a rock for a pillar

but what the devil meant for evil

god made it good

because when he messed around and put

his head on the rock

the heavens opened up

when you put your mind on the rock the

heavens open up when you put your head

on the rock the heavens open up don’t

you understand

this rock is jesus

that’s why the heavens had to open up

because when you put your mind on jesus

god will open up the heavens in your

life if you’re not getting anything out

of the service it’s because you haven’t

put your head on the rock but if you put

your head on the rock the heavens open

up if the heavens open up the ladder

will descend and angels will start

ascending and descending in the spirit

you’re watching me

on the screen god’s got angels going and

coming bringing you blessings taking up

praise the more you send up praise the

more god sends back blessings when

praises go up blessings come down i dare

you to take a minute and give the angels

something to take up the ladder if you

open up your mouth and start praising

god there’s both sides of messiah


the reason you’re not seeing activity is

because you’re sitting there with your

lips glued together and your legs

crossed but if you would give the angel

something to take up to god god would

give the angels something to bring back

to you when praises go up blessings come

down i wish i had two minutes of praise

that would send up the angels get that

put something in the angel’s hand open

up your mouth and give god the praise i

dare you to praise him in the middle of

your serendipity in the middle of your

circumstance in the middle of your

crisis in the middle of your deliver

open up your mouth and give god the



i know you’re not an emotional person i

know you’re a quiet person by nature i

know you taking notes but you need to

drop your notepad and open up your mouth

for the kind of hell you’re going

through you need to give the angel

something to work with you’re in a dry

place right now you don’t know what to

think you don’t know where to go you

don’t know who to trust you don’t know

what to say but if you open up your

mouth and start sending up the praise i

want you to fill the raptures with

praise i want you to fill it with glory

i want you to send the ladder up with

the praise right now praise him in your

living room praise him on your couch

praise him at your kitchen table praise

him in your bedroom praise him right

where you are sitting in that chair

praising through your phone praise him

through your ipad let everything that

have breath praise jesus lord let

everything that have breath if you ain’t

dead open your mouth and give god some

praise if you are still alive give god

some praise if you got one breath use it

to praise the lord because if you send

up a praise god will sit down a healing

if you send up a praise god will sit

down a financial breakthrough if you

send up a praise god will deliver you

send something up you can’t get

something for nothing if you sow you’ll

reap if you plant you’ll harvest if you

praise you’ll prosper open up your mouth

and praise our god i double dare you i

double dare you his praise shall

continually be in my mouth my soul shall

make her vote in the lord i’m gonna give

you 60 seconds to find your voice the

angels are waiting the angels are

waiting the angels are waiting in the

balcony the angels are waiting on you

open your mouth and praises

you can’t praise him and not get better

you can’t praise him and not get loose

you can’t praise him and stay depressed

the more you send up praise the more god

will send down deliverance you want to

be delivered you don’t need me to lay my

hands on you you need to open up your

mouth the power of life and death is in

your tongue you shall have whatever you

say i double dare you to open your mouth

and give god the praise right now

give god the praise right now

give god the praise right now

give god the praise right now

shame every devil save every spirit

break every curse break every bondage

and discover the presence of god god is

sitting all around you god has developed

you god has covered you god is in your

process god is in your nostrils god is

in your lungs god is in your chest let

the redeemed of the lord say so let the

redeemed that the lord



i’m gonna move to my next point but i’m

not through yet somebody needs to praise

him till the chain falls off somebody

needs to praise him till the yolk is

broken somebody needs to praise him till

the door is open somebody needs to

praise him until a ladder comes down thy

will be done

on earth as it is in heaven

thy will be done

on earth as it is i can’t hear you

i came here








something is about to happen in this


take me further

come on tell them something’s about to

happen in this place something’s about

to happen in this place something’s

about to happen tell the person behind

you something’s about to happen in this

place something’s about to happen in

this place something’s about to happen

i’m about to make a discovery i’m about

to have an awakening i’m about to have a

breakthrough i’m about to discover a

power of power that’s greater than my

problem a power that’s greater than my

circumstance a power that’s greater than

my dilemma a power that’s better than my

store i’m about to make a discovery yes

he’s here yes he’s here yes he’s here

yes he’s here he’s still with me

in spite of my trickery in spite of my

mistakes in spite of my crisis in spite

of my storm in spite of my dilemma god

still loves me

i feel the power of the holy ghost about

to shake this place discover discover

discover discover discover discover

discover discover discover discover this

girl i feel the anointing of the holy

ghost lift your voice




look at somebody say i just stepped into


i just stepped into something i just

stepped into something feels like angels

are all around me don’t feel like i’m

socially distanced

i’m no longer socially distant i’m

spiritually close i feel an angel on my

right side i feel an angel on my left

side that means devil if you get to me

you got to go through my angels i got

angels all around me the angels are the

lord and camp about them that fear him i

don’t know who i’m preaching to but if

i’m preaching to you holler at your boy

right now


can i go just a little bit deeper sit

with me let me go just a little bit




hallelujah glory to god the anointing of

god is in his place i expect a tumor to


y’all don’t hear me i expect a tumor to

shrink in here i expect a cancer to dry

up in here i expect the practice i

expect the power of god to move i expect

a yoke to break i expect the door to

open oh my



oh my god i feel glory in this place i

feel glory in this place i feel glory in

this place somebody open up the door and

let the devil out let the witches out

let the curse out let the depression out

let the suicide out let the trouble out

let the pain not let it out

let it out ain’t no room for you in here

you got to go you got to go you got to

go praise is filling up the room

down your head

shout yeah






grace is serendipitous

he said i have found

the house of god

bethel means the house of god

but then he said i found the gate of


that means heaven’s got a gate

glory to god heaven’s got a gate

somebody just walked through the gate

you’re dwelling in the heavenly places

in christ jesus somebody take a step

just any step

you just step through the gate you just

stepped into the gate you just stepped

into the supernatural you just stepped

into the cleansing of your soul you just

stepped into your deliverance you just

stepped into your breakthrough you just

stepped in the fresh glory you just

stepped in the fresh shrimp you just

stepped in the best power you just

stepped in the wisdom you respected the

knowledge you respected the glory you

just stepped into healing you

take a step through the gate


god says to jacob


i will give you the land

you lie on


imagine that god says i will give you


land that you’re lying on that’s right

praising bruh praising don’t pay me no

attention this ain’t about me this is

about what god is doing down in your

spirit this is about what god is doing

see sometimes we got too much order in

church glory to god sometimes we got too

much order in church every now and then

you need to get out of order you need to

get a breakthrough you need to get so

alone with god that you don’t know what

time it is you don’t know what day it is

you don’t know who’s looking at you you

don’t care what you got on you need to

praise them till you lose sight

sometimes you need to praise until you

come out your shoes and you gotta find

them latest



god says to jacob

i want you to get this promise

he says i will not leave you


will not

leave you

until i have accomplished



i promise you

i won’t leave you at 30.

i won’t leave you at 40.

i won’t leave you at 50 i won’t leave

you at 60 i won’t leave you at 70. i

won’t leave you at 80. i won’t leave you

at 90. i won’t leave you at 100. however

long it takes i i will not leave you i’m

not looking at the calendar i’m looking

at your purpose i will not leave you

until i accomplish what i sent for you

to do

and the bible says

that jacob got up from that place

and took some oil

and poured it on the rock

and anointed the rock with oil

as a marker of the spot

where the gate opened

this is the spot where the gate opened

that’s why i go to this church

this is the spot

where the gate opened

that’s why i come every sunday this is

the spot where the gate open

i don’t always feel like coming but i

come anyway cause this is the spot where

the gate opener this is the spot where

the heavens open up

this is the spot where demons were

reviewed this is the spot where witches

became delivered this is a spot where

drug dealers become deacons this is the

spot where the gate open

look at your neighbor and say you’re in

the right spot

he anointed the rock with oil as a sign

that this is the right spot


he goes from there now bear in mind he’s

still running from esau

he spends 20 years

running from esau

comes to a place called penile

and there he wrestles with god

the man who wrestled in the womb

the man who struggled for a wife

the man who struggled all his life

is now struggling with god

because struggling is the only language

he has

some of you all you know how to do his


and even in the presence of god you’re

gonna fight

and the bible said there a theophanic

manifestation appeared unto him that

means that it is christ in the old

testament a man wrestled with him can i

pause right here and thank god for

wrestling with me

can i thank god for wrestling with me

can i thank god for wrestling with me

can i thank god for wrestling with me

when i was trying to go in my own way

can i thank god for wrestling with me

when i was about to blow up everything

can i thank god for wrestling with me is

there anybody else in here that needs to

thank god for wrestling with you i would

be in prison if he hadn’t wrestled with

me i would have od on drugs if he hadn’t

wrestled with me i’d have blown

somebody’s brains out if he hadn’t

wrestled with me you go ahead and praise

him for your car but i praise him for

wrestling with me thank you for not

giving up on me thank you for talking

sis to my crazy head thank you for

getting me together thank you for boxing

me thank you for wrestling me thank you

for every karate chop you gave me thank

you for everything you did to humble me

thank you for not giving up on me the

bible said that when the angel saw that

the day breaker that he smote him in the

hollow of his head thank you lord for

the pain that it caused me to humble


you could have left me standing straight


but you left me with a limp

god said you might walk up but you’re

going to limp back

i’m going to break you down

i’m going to bring you to your knees i’m

going to break you till you say yes i’m

going to break you to your surrender

i’ma break you to sell out i’ma break

you and now this time the first time god

introduces himself

the second fight

god introduces

jacob to himself



because jacob doesn’t know who he is he

says to jacob what is your name

and jacob said

jacob that’s what they call me

god says your name shall no longer be

called jacob

but israel

watch this

because as a prince

you have prevailed with god

jacob didn’t know he was a prince


my god

lord help somebody to hear this word

don’t let it just fall on the rocks in

the dry places let it fall on good


jacob had lived most of his life

thinking he was a khan

you could be wrong about you


what they call you might not be who you


he wrestled for self-discovery the

discovery of self

he said i didn’t know i was a prince

he said your name shall be called israel

and i will bless you with descendants

spite of your early mistakes

you may be greater than your father or

your grandfather

y’all gonna get this in a minute let me

let me prove that for my for my scholars

and my theologians


produced the seed

isaac passed the seed

but jacob multiplied the seed

god is about to take some of you into


multiplication press down shaken

together and running over

god said i’m gonna use your struggle as

a strength

you got two wives and two concubines i’m

gonna use all of them to multiply your


what labor meant for evil

god is gonna make it good

you work that job and they fired you but

you learned something that that job

that’s gonna help you down the road

you went through your first

uh marriage and you got your heart broke

but you learned something that god’s

gonna help you in your next relationship

to multiply your seed look at your

neighbor and say i’m about to be


i’m about to be multiplied i’m about to

be multiplied i’m about to be multiplied

i’m about to be multiplied and jacob

wrestled with the angel

until all of a sudden he knew

who he was

so he has gone

from the struggle

to the strategy

to the serendipity

to the sovereignty of god

to the self-discovery

and that’s where we want to be

this morning

who am i

not what did i do

i know what i did

who am i

i thought i was jacob

and as long as i thought i was jacob

i lived like jacob

as long as i thought i was mentally


i lived up to what they called me

as long as i thought i was depressed

i lived like i was depressed

as long as i thought i was suicidal

i lived suicidal

but that’s not who i am

that might be what i did

but that’s not who i am

i’m a prince


i’m a prince

it was the fight of his life

not to find god but to find jacob

to find himself

to know who he really was

because all of these hands had shaped

him into who he was never meant to be

as i close this message today

look at the hands that shaped you

look at the hands that shaped you into

that mouth you got

that attitude you got that weakness you

got look at the hands that shaped you

it is only when you discover god

that you discover you

are you getting something out of this

clap if you’re getting something out of


i i preached a message

a few months ago

and it’s probably the most viewed

message on youtube i didn’t know i was


jacob didn’t know he was a prince

he didn’t know that laban’s trick was

going to work for his good


should i be mad at laban

for tricking me

when god used the trick

why should i be bitter

against god

when god had a strategy

for my painful places

and now it’s all coming together

as i discover myself

so jacob comes down off the mountain

and he’s


and he runs into esau

and he makes peace

with esau

and he says to esau

may the lord watch between

me and me

while we are absent

one from another

we use that all the time but we don’t

know where it came from

it is what jacob says to esau

in a final


to a lifetime of running

it’s over

it means

it means

the struggle



may the lord watch between

me and thee

while we are absent one from another and

you remember god promised jacob he said

i will bring you back to this place

so when he leaves esau

he comes back to bethel

only this time he calls it l bethel

the first time bethel means house of god

el bethel means god of the house


he has gone

from just being a church member

to l bethel means

at first i just saw the house of god

now i have met

the god of the house

my concern as a pastor

my concern as an e-pastor

my concern to my viewers

don’t just stop

with bethel

i watch the potter’s house faithfully

i’m a e-church member i’m a member i go

to that church i just love bishop james

oh i love the way he preaches whatever

you saying whatever you type it

uh don’t stop there

el bethel

means you must discover

bishop jakes is god

the potter’s house god

the god of this house

the god of this house right here

the god of this house that moved me out

of the hills of west virginia to a place

i never dreamed i would live

and bless me to build over the last 25

years something that people have been

here 50 years had not built the god of

this house

the god of this house


who is translating this message you’re

here right now into 52 different


the god of this house

that’s distributing water to people that

have no water and food to people that

have no food the god of this house

that’s rehabilitating inmates

former ex-felons and getting them jobs

and opera the god of this house

that has 50 different nationalities a

attend this church the god of this house


i don’t want to introduce you to the


i want to introduce you to the god

of this house

by the time

jacob meets god

by the time jacob meets god

he’s limping

because i don’t really think you can

meet the god of the house

without a limp


by the time he sees that stone again

that all his stone he left at last

by the time he comes back to laws

and finds that stone

he limps up to it

and now he perceives the god of this


there are some people in this room

that god

had to smote you

in a painful place

and leave you with a limp

for you to discover him

more clearly and it might not be a

physical limp


it it it might not be a physical limp

an emotional a marital a psychological a

sociological a relational

lymph in your life that humbled you

that stopped you from thinking you were

so such a much

that stopped you from being so impressed

with yourself

that brought you down to your knees

that make you say yes to god


god said i’m not gonna stop

until you go down and i come up

and i become the bigger part of your


your pride

and your ego

has stopped you from seeing me

i want you to see me

and if i have to break your heart

to show you who you are

i will break your heart

into pieces

because i’d rather you limp into heaven

than strut in the hell

the god of his house the god of this


the god of this house

the god of this house jacob jacob


to the stone

and he says hell bethel

this child

god of the house

and he multiplied his seed

and out of his twelve sons

ten sons two half sons comes to twelve

tribes of israel

comes the birthing of a nation of people

a nation

came out of a con man

can you hear that

can you hear that that god can bring a

nation out of hope



somebody who had a baby out of wedlock

somebody who’s hiv positive

somebody who’s been perverted all of

your life

that if you can hear this word you can

have a discovery you are not what you


you are not where you’ve been

you are not what happened to you




god wants you to have

a discovery


in the bible the word is behold


and unveiling

where you see god in a way you’ve never

seen him before

if you come to church every week

and you don’t see god

you wasted your time


but if you see


one time

if you see god

his excellency

his power

his pharmacy

his commitment

his longevity

the god who will fight you down

the god that will beat down your bride

the god that will humble you

the god that will bring you to your


the god that will not leave you

nor forsake you not in the hospital


all them friends you got they’re only

your friends cause you got a little


as soon as you lose a little something

they gonna be gone they ain’t real

you gave your soul to their fullness

they’ll love you they love what you got

run out of it and see how much they love

you but god said i will not leave you

god said i will not leave

god said i’m with you for the long haul

i’m with you when you’re a fool i’m with

you when you’re crazy i’m with you when

you’re foolish i’m with you when you

made mistakes i’m with you when you was

running in the wrong direction i’ve been

with you all in your life and i deserve

a commitment from you

a commitment

stand to your feet i’m done

this is the moment of discovery


this is a moment

of discovery you might be the last

person in the last row in the top of

this balcony but if you made it in here

today you made it in here for a reason

the reason was for you to have a


this is the place right here

the rock is oily

there’s oil on the rock

this is the gate of heaven

and you mean to tell me

that you’re going to come this close

and walk away

and not discover god

jacob said god was here and i knew it


oh god don’t let me so blood be so blind

or so prideful or so egotistical or so

stubborn or so ambitious or so carnal or

so greedy that i fail to perceive

that you are here right now

you are in this place right now i don’t

care what your religious tradition is i

don’t care where you came from i don’t

care what you think you are

your background what you accustomed to

what they told you

this spot right here

this spot right here


the heavens open up

i’m not saying we’re the only church

but i can only testify about where i am

this spot right here


this spot right


this miracle ground

right here


that we built in the first few years of

our ministry

while my mother was dying this spot

right here

that god blessed us to burn the mortgage

in three years this spot



god who’s right here

you can’t make me believe it i don’t

care what you say

you can be a brown hebrew a black hebrew

any other kind of thing you want to call

yourself you cuss me out you can you can

you can troll me all you want this spot

right here

i don’t know what you talking about this





i can’t i can’t help that you don’t know



but god is here



right here jehovah this hat

right here


right here

jehovah sharma

right here


right here jehovah’s sycamore right here

jehovah’s locker desk right here

this spot right here



jacob said

this is an awesome place

i have found

the gate of heaven

when he laid his head

on the rock

the heavens opened up


sent us


on the back row up front

i don’t care where you’re sitting

if you need the heavens to open up in

your life

now is your chance


in in in

in the middle

of a pandemic

in the middle

of a world going crazy

in the middle of conflict in afghanistan

in the middle of the rebuilding of haiti

in the middle of struggles all over the


in the middle of china taking over

in the middle of disruption

like we have never seen

this spot



i don’t care what your gender is

i don’t care what your race is

you let race

stop you


when you know god is here


if you have been in the desert

and it has been so dry

and you’ve been running so long

and all your life you had to fight

the struggle could end today

if you would meet me at this altar


the struggle

the struggle

the struggle could end today i don’t

mean you won’t have problems i mean

problems won’t have you
