You don’t just win because you’re a warrior; you win because you have an intercessor. You can only fight alone so long before you need help. When the battle is long and weariness comes fast, the Spirit gives you a vantage point. The more you pray, the higher you get. With God, you have the leverage to drop bombs on the enemy! It’s a multilevel attack: You fight it on the ground, while God fights it from the hill. Is your war strategy sustainable? Make it an air strike — the aftermath is guaranteed victory!

the book of exodus chapter number 17

verse 8 through 15.


the pmts are receiving your seed

now it’s time to go to the word

exodus 17 8-15

when when you find this amen

then came amalek and fought with israel

in re-freedom

i used to say referendum but it’s

actually repeatable

and moses said unto joshua

choose us out men

and go out

and fight with amulet

pay close attention

choose us out men and go out fight with

amalek tomorrow

i will stand on the top of the hill with

the rod of god in my hand

so joshua did as moses had said to him

and fought with amalek and moses aaron

and her went up to the top of the hill

and it came to pass when moses held up

his hand that israel prevailed

and when he let down his hand

amalek prevailed

but moses hands were heavy

and they took a stone and put it under

him and he sat there on

and aaron and her stayed up his hands

oh god thank you for the people that

stay up my hands

thank you jesus excuse me

the one on the one side the other on the

other side and his hands were steady

until the going down of the sun

and joshua discomforted amalek

and his people with the edge of the


and the lord said unto moses write this

for a memorial in a book and rehearse it

in the ears of joshua for i will utterly

put out the remembrance of amalek from

under heaven

and moses built an altar

and called the name of it

jehovah nessie

can you say man give god a praise

i want you to go to the 10th first and

take a look at it

so joshua did as moses had said to him

and fought with amalek

and and watches moses

aaron and her

went up to the top of the hill

today i want to talk from the subject

air strikes

air strikes

holy spirit

you are so amazing

you move in a mysterious way

you don’t do things in a conventional


you do them in a mysterious way

i thank you right now

for what you gave me to give to them

i am excited about what you gave me to

give to them

imparted unto them in such a way

that they receive what they need

for their lives and their circumstances

and their situations in jesus name

somebody shall a man

you may be seated

somebody say air strikes


you know i’m going somewhere don’t you


let’s be clear we are in the midst of

many blessings

any blessed people in the building

it might sound strange but we have

unbelievable opportunities

unspeakable resilience

we’ve seen the hand of god in our seeing

the hand of god move in spite of

everything that’s going on around us god

has been good to us

he’s still open doors he still made ways

he still provided

he’s still spoken to us he’s still

encouraged he still uplifted us and it

is an odd situation but nonetheless we

are in a season of great warfare also

you’re blessed on one hand and attacked

on the other

you’re going forward on one hand but

it’s pouring down rain on the other

you have to deal with i found out a long

time ago is that you don’t get more of

what you want

without getting more of what you don’t

want to deal with

you don’t get more wheat and not get

more tear

more means more

if you get more this you’re going to get

more of that

come on you don’t get more income and

not pay more taxes

unless you want to go to jail

you don’t get the house of your dreams

and not pay hoa fees you got you more

means more you you don’t get more

children and not have to buy more


more school supplies more


more always means more

my sister and i when we were raising our

children we used to laugh because my

sister would buy a dozen eggs for all


because she had one child

a dozen eggs would last one day in my


so her idea of groceries are my idea

groceries were two different things

because i had more

so you have to pay more and you have to

deal with more and you have more

incidents and you have more adversities

and you have more more just simply



you cannot

ask god for more

and be shocked when more pressure more

tension more anxiety

more trouble more haters

more discord more disruption more

affliction more adversity more problems

more crisis more simply means more you

got to deal with that you got to deal

with that the children of israel cried

out to god for example and asked god set

us free from the bondage of the


well that and he did that he did just

that and he did it so eloquently that

god fought the egyptians

god fought the egyptians it was a kind

of legendary massacre that would become

the substratum of their belief system of

their faith system that throughout all

ages god would always refer to it and

say am i not the god who brought you out

from under the hand of pharaoh am i not

the god who delivered you from the red

sea this is a point of reference

everybody in here ought to have uh am i

not the god story

so that when you face new trials you

have a point of reference that draws you

back to something that you know that you

know that you know that you know that

that that god did for you in your life

am i not the god

their army was advanced they they were

they were the superpower of the era

their embalming methods are so strong

that the bodies are still well kept

today that were bombed by the egyptians

the egyptians were known for their

pyramids that people still travel to see

the pyramids that were built in the

ancient days of egypt egypt was a

superpower with their advanced army and

their warfare techniques and their

chariots and their armies and they had a

economic process that was unbelievable

to the degree that others had to come

seeking food and other stables in order

to survive but god didn’t care nothing

about that because when you wage war

with god’s children god will tear down

everything you got and come get you and

rescue you and deliver you out of the

hand of the fowler and there’s some

people in here that have been delivered

out of the hand of the fowler some of

you have been delivered you weren’t even

supposed to make it through kovid but

god just stepped in and delivered you

and brought you out of it and you owe

him a pray if you got any kind of breath

you owe him a prey you owe him a pray

while over 600 000 dead bodies are

buried all over america and you’re still

walking around here you better not be

arguing about no parking space you

better open your mouth and start

praising god oh you too cute you too

cute to come to church you too you

better get up and start praising god and

thank god that you’re not in the icu

you ought to thank god that you’re not

in a crisis sinner that you’re not

gasping for breath

oh yeah you’ve been in a fight

you’ve been in a fight if the enemy

couldn’t get you that way he wanted you

to have a nervous breakdown completely

lose your mind feign up under the

pressure and some of you came real close

but you still here and you survived and

some on boards and some on broken pieces

made it through things that would have

drove other people crazy but somehow

other gods sustained you and even though

you got to the edge god pulls you back

off the edge and you ought to thank god

for what he’s doing in your mind in your

emotions in your body in your

sensitivities in your limb you better

thank god cause you still know your name

you still know your address you still

know your phone number you still know

who your mama is you still know who your

daddy is you still know you know you


there are people who are who are your

age that cannot tell you what their name

is to god be the glory

forget praising him for your card forget

praising him for your cute shoes forget

praising god for your red bottom shoe

praise god for your breath praise god

for your kidneys praise god for your

liver praise god for your lungs your


your soul your soul does make her boast

in the lord the humble shall hear

thereof and be glad oh magnify the lord

with me and let us exalt his name



and if you don’t praise him for you

praying for your mama if you don’t pray

that for your mama praising for your

daddy your prayers for your dad and

praising for your children praising for

your big brother praying for your older

sister praise them that they’re still

doing good i thank god i thank god i

thank god i don’t know about you i thank

god i’m gonna be thankful now god is

never gonna have to say to me i took

them because you didn’t appreciate them

i thank god for everybody god kept in my

life i thank you right now in front of

the world for everybody for every tear i

didn’t shed for every funeral i didn’t

go to i thank you for that

and the lord brought them out



god brought them out

on eagle swings he brought them out

with his right hand he brought them out

god fought them all kind of ways with


and frogs

and pestilence

and destruction god sent lucas into

their field see it’s a bad thing to mess

with a praying person


they don’t have to cuss you out they

don’t have to cuss you out they don’t

have to pop their neck and flip out they

don’t have to take their if they start

praying god has said locusts stuff you

never thought about that’s why your car

won’t run that’s why your teeth falling

out that’s why you got no peace because

you spoke against the wrong person you

bring curses on yourself you bring

damnation on yourself because when god

fights god fights with stuff you

wouldn’t even think of who else but god

would think of fighting you with frogs


you better watch your mouth

you better watch your mouth

you better watch what you say

i don’t care that you don’t like them if

you speak against somebody that god

loved god will shut it down

and they prayed

god delivered them

even though pharaoh wanted them god

delivered them even though pharaoh was

considered the strongest leader of his

era god delivered them

even though pharaoh got 600 chosen

chariots and chased him god delivered

them even though they came to a stopping

place where they couldn’t go forward and

the red sea was in front of them and

mountains on either side of the god

delivered them even though they were

scared god delivered them even though

they murmured and complained god

delivered them even though they were

flawed and imperfect god delivered them

even though their leaders didn’t know

what to do god delivered them because

when moses didn’t know what to do god

knew what to do and god still delivered

them they taught moses how to use what

he had somebody ought to pray god teach

me how to use what i got i got more than

i think i got this walking stick got

power in it and when moses stretched

forth his rod the waters parted and they

went across on dry ground

and they went on


pharaoh and his horses in a serious

drowned in the red sea

and miriam grabbed the tambourine and

about beat the skin off it and started

praising god and all the women went

forth and started dancing

we didn’t create dancing all the women

went forth and started dancing and

praising god that’s not a denominational

thing i don’t dance i’m methodist i

don’t dance i’m catholic that’s not a

denominational thing that’s a grateful

thing that’s a victory thing thank you

jesus i saw jabari jumping a while ago i

can’t jump like that no more i might can

but i don’t know what happened when i

come back now but i tell you what i was


he was jumping i was bobbing i’m gonna

get some licks in some kind of way don’t

you get old and just start sitting i’ma

if i can’t jump i’m above if i can’t bob

i’m a weed from side to side if i can’t

weave from side to side i’m gonna wave

my hand i’m gonna do something

get up

show some sign that i’ve been liberated

that i’ve been set free that the great

emancipator has liberated me from that

which i feared and from that which

chased me

he delivered me from that which chased

me that which was pursuing me

he delivered me

he brought me out by his own right hand

i can’t take credit for this delivery

this is a deliverance for which they did

not participate they didn’t have to

fight the egyptians the egyptians would

have ate them up

they didn’t have to fight the egyptians

but just because you don’t have to fight

the first time

doesn’t mean you won’t have to fight the

next time

see we get spoiled when god fights for

sometimes we get so small when god

fights for us that we never learn how to

fight and the only way to learn how to

fight is to get into a fight and when

you get into a fight you learn how to

fight and it doesn’t mean that god

doesn’t love you and it doesn’t mean

that god isn’t there but he’s teaching

you how to survive

in freedom

if you was a slave you wouldn’t have to

fight but but now that you’re free you

got to take on some people because your

freedom is intimidating to other people

you see what i’m saying your freedom is

intimidating to other people and other

people resent you just because you’re


and so this group of people called the

amalekites became intimidated because of

of the freedom of the hebrew people

they became intimidated not just because

they were free but because they had

moved into a territory that scared

amalek according to the bible that

malachites are descendants of amalek

there was a character named amalek who

was the son of elfaz himself the son of


and amalek is described as the chief

of amalek among the chiefs of the sons

of esau from which it is surmised not

known not proven controversial that he

ruled a clan or territory territory

named after him called the amalekites

are you hearing what i’m saying to you

and if that is true

that would mean that jacob and esau

are still fighting


that that that would mean that the

descendants of one

are fighting with the other

now according to the mid-ration the

mid-range is a group of people who

studied the talmud they were ancient

jewish historians according to them the

amalekites were sorcerers

they were sorcerers who could transform

themselves to resemble animals in order

to avoid capture

thus in first samuel 15 3 it was

considered necessary to destroy the


in order to destroy amalek


the amalekites weren’t just descendants

of esau they were demonic they dabbled

in witchcraft and sorcery and evil and


they were also known for their

willingness to

attack the weak

they were merciless

they would kill they would take the

women and children and you remember at

zig lag how they took the women and

children and david came back from

ziggler and they had captured women and

children what kind of army kick goes

after kids and women

that’s who’s fighting them



demonic infused


because the children of israel were free

they had faced obstacles they they had

faced being admirable where the waters

were bitter

they had faced not having enough food

and god had to magically provide food

for them

they had a second bout with thirst and

moses had to smite the rock so that they

could drink from the waters

but when they came down to refeed them

all of a sudden all hell broke loose

because the amalekites were concerned

you see refreedum is the last


between the red sea and mount sinai

and when you start getting close to my

signing i’m outside give me some time

because i’ma lay a foundation

mount sinai is the place where god

authenticated and legitimized them as a

people and not just a family where they

became a nation it was a coronation

service when they give the ten

commandments and they get the judgments

they get all of this because god is

setting up a nation of people

and so just when they were about to come

into this inaugural service of being

they come to graffiti

rafita means oasis

rafita means oasis because refreedom was

a place of support and rest with palm


and beauty

and it was a desired piece of land

because once you got past your freedom

you went into the desert of the

wilderness of sin leading up to sinai

so this is the last beautiful place

and when you’re getting close to what

god has for you

that’s when the amalekites come to

attack you that’s when all hell breaks

loose that’s when problems begin to

arrive so they they faced mirror but

they had faced not having enough food

they had faced about with thirst they

had faced the sneaking ambush of the


and all of a sudden they find themselves

in this situation it seems they’ve gone

from knowing him as a savior in egypt

to knowing him as a provider in the


however they’re about to experience him

as a protector

god will always protect his children

but that doesn’t mean that we can rest

while he fights

that doesn’t absolve us of our


he is teaching them the responsibility

of faith faith is aggressive

not passive

faith is aggressive not passive faith is

strong not weak faith is confrontational

not hiding

faith will march on you

and even though the hebrews were not

experienced in warfare and they were

more experienced in being slaves than

anything else and they were not trained

in hand-to-hand combat and they were not

equipped with the kinds of equipment

that they needed to fight people who

fight for a living they still had to

fight with the odds up against them they

had to fight aggressively and they had

to fight by faith and we will see

joshua’s first attempt at leadership and

in our battle and what happens in this

text is an amazing amalgamation of a

huge strategy as moses begins to lay out

an attack command

for the people he’s leading and he’s

never done it before

has god ever given you something to do

that you’ve never done before

whether it’s as simple as starting a

business or raising a child has god ever

given you something to do for which you

have no experience and you have to

strategize in the dark

you have to strategize the unknown

without a model without a mentor without

a pattern you had to make it you had to

build it from the ground up


i told somebody about this church i said

there’s not a rafter in this church i

haven’t walked through

i’ve been on the roof of the church i’ve

been in the rafters i’ve been in the

walls i know where everything is i know

how it was poured i know how this was

laid i know how that was like when you

build something from the ground up you

know what’s in it you know what’s under

it you know what’s done to it that’s why

it’s good to build from the ground up

when people hand you something you don’t

know what you got but

i remember when kovya first started and

we were all sheltering in place and i

was telling my wife you can get on the

app and order food which we eventually

did but it took her a long time to order

food she said no

i’ll cook it because if i cook it i know

what’s in it

if you build it yourself you know what’s

in it if somebody hands you something

you don’t know what you don’t know where

they’ve been

you don’t know what they’ve been doing

and you don’t know what’s in the food

and in the abundance of

of caution sometimes you have to build

it yourself

and so god has put them in a situation

where moses has to strategize for the

first time so he says to joshua

who is going into the battle for the

first time because slaves don’t battle

he says joshua you take the bulk of the


and go down there and fight

this experienced group of witches

this experienced army of hateful people

that are trying to attack us who have

already started to pick off the

stragglers i neglected to tell you that

the malachites had already started

picking off the stragglers that’s why i

wouldn’t be a strangler in church

i wouldn’t be a straggler in the kingdom

of god it’s not good to follow too far

in the rear because the enemy picks off

stranglers we’re better together we’re

stronger together we have more power

together we have more resources together

don’t let the enemy first you was on the

front row and then you move to the

middle and then you’re on the back row

and then you’re not on no row and little

by little he’s getting you further and

further back so he can get a good grip

on you but the devil is alive you need

to move up and stay in the stream you

need to sing your song do your dance i

don’t care where you sit you ought to

clap your hand you ought to praise the

lord don’t start strangling because the

enemy likes to pick off stragglers

so in our text today they’ve already

started picking off stragglers and moses

says all right joshua we we got to fight

what i like about it is

it is not it is not moses’s inclination

to lead an army into battle it is not

his inclination but i don’t care how

nice i am if you push me far enough

if you back me in a corner i’m a nice

guy i swear i am i’m a really nice guy

but if you back me in the corner

if you push me where i can’t get around

if you keep coming up in my face talking

about your finger at me you’re going

back the inner corner they backed moses

in the corner and moses had to come up

with a strategy

his strategy is


you stay down here

and i’m going up here

because moses strategy is high-level war

high level war somebody say that with me


level war say it again


level war when i was developing this

message the holy spirit told me to tell

you this is not no fight on a school bus

the fight we’re in right now is not a

school bus fight it’s not a meet me

after school fight it’s not some kind of

little fight you and your siblings had

fighting over whose bunk bed you was

going to sleep in this is high level war

this is demonic warfare this is satanic

warfare this is where the enemy has come

after you in ways that you cannot

imagine and many of you need to

recognize in order to fight this kind of

devil seeing as it is a high

level war you can’t fight this from down

here you can’t fight it on an eye-level

basis you can’t fight it in your flesh

you can’t fight it in a natural way

sometimes you gotta go up high to get

the job done you gotta move on up a

little higher to get the power of god

i’m not up here worshiping just so

jabari never feel good i’m worshiping so

i can get high enough to do what i got

to do to break through what i got to

break through to get what god has for me

somebody praise the lord and let’s go on

up a little higher

let’s go up a little higher

let’s go up a little higher

let me rephrase that everybody who’s in

a fight praise the lord


so watch this you’re gonna learn

something today you’re gonna learn

something david said he teaches my

fingers to war it means that that god

will teach you how to fight he’ll teach

you how to fight the good fight he’ll

teach you how to fight the good fight of

faith cause you didn’t learn that in the

street you didn’t learn that in the club

you didn’t learn that in the gym class i

know you was on the wrestling team but

you can’t wrestle this devil you can’t

box this devil you can’t shoot this

devil you can’t cut this devil this is a

spiritual battle and in order to fight a

spiritual battle you got to be a

spiritual person you got to be a

spiritual person i get nervous when

people start telling me they spiritual

because i want to know what kind of

spirit are you talking about because

there’s all kind of spirits in the world

today what kind of spirit are you

talking about i know your spiritual

demons are spiritual witches are

spiritual come on tell me tell me what

kind of spirit are you talking about i’m

not spiritual i’m a child of the king

i’ve been washed in the blood of the

lamb i’m filled with the holy ghost i

got the power of god walking down inside

of me and so go tell me you spiritual we

are all spiritual what kind of spirit

are you

moses says i’m going overhead

and he takes aaron and her with him

and he goes overhead

and you can always tell when it’s

spiritual warfare

because spiritual warfare uses strange


moses goes up

joshua goes out

this is a two-dimensional warfare

moses without using a sword or a

slingshot or a chariot

just goes to the top of the mountain and

does an air strike


he does an air strike he does an

airstrike he doesn’t do hand-to-hand

combat with the enemy he’s not wrestling

with the enemy he’s wrestling with the

spirit that’s controlling the enemy he’s

wrestling with the principality and

power that is using the enemy he oh you

all don’t hear what i’m saying i’m about

to get ahead of myself

and so in order to do this moses went as

high as he could go and then he

stretched as far as he could stretch and

he raised up his hand and looked like a


because spiritual warfare looks stupid

that’s why some in some intellectual

people won’t do it because they’re

worried about what they look like some

cute people won’t do it because they’re

worried about what it looks like but if

you get

hit hard enough you won’t care what you

look like you will go into some

spiritual warfare and moses was willing

to look like a fool because he said i

didn’t bring them this far not to take

them to the destination that they’re

supposed to go to and won’t be unto the

devil that tries to stop me when i’m

after something

did you hear me whoa be unto the devil

and try to stop me when i’m after

something i’ll cut right through you

when i’m after something you better move

up out of my way

moses stretched forth israel and the

lord told me to tell you because this is

a high level warfare you’re gonna have

to stretch

you’re gonna have to be willing to be

uncomfortable you’re gonna have to be

willing to get out of your comfort zone

you’re gonna have to stretch you’re

gonna have to stretch in a way that

doesn’t even look like you’re doing what

you’re doing and it doesn’t look

effective and it doesn’t look like

you’re in the battle and some people are

saying you’re a turncoat that you went

up on the mountain when you should have

been down there fighting with the people

but you know what you’re doing you’re

gonna have to stretch forth your rod

moses is interceding this is

intercession this is what’s gonna break

the yoke when you take them cute

earrings off and get down on your face

and start saying devil you can’t have my


the blood is against you when you go

back to your grandmama stuff and get you

some good old anointed oil and start

anointing your door post and start

anointing your bed and start anointing

your children in the sleep i know it

looks stupid but sometimes you gotta

stretch to get the breakthrough that you

need is there anybody in here that

remembers the old-fashioned power of the

holy ghost you this is the time you’re

gonna have to go into warfare you’re

gonna have to get up out the bed and

pray for them kids before you send them

to school they’re going into all kind of

stuff anoint them with oil cover them

with the blood please the blood and wear

man do everything you can do you got to

fight high and you got to fight low you

got to fight high and you got to fight

low you got to fight high and you got to

fight low

moses affects the battle without ever

drawing a sword

because moses knew the power of


he knew the power of prayer he knew the

power of aligning himself with god he

knew that he had a principality to break

over that region and while joshua is

fighting in the flesh

moses is fighting in the spirit

works goes to the valley

faith goes to the mountain

works goes to the valley

faith goes to the mountain

now you can’t have one without the other

you got to have both because faith

without works is dead so you got to have

somebody fighting on the ground while

somebody’s going air strikes from above

but you’re gonna get a break through

whoever i’m preaching to i know you’ve

been in a spiritual battle but the lord

said if you listen closely at this

message it’s a prophetic word of

direction to show you how to break

the thing that’s trying to break you

we’re going to break it we’re going to

break it we’re going to annihilate it

we’re going to destroy it we’re going to

break its grip on us and we’re going to

bring it through the power of the holy

ghost faith goes to the mountain works

goes to the valley faith does air

strikes works does hand-to-hand combat

and you got to have both


look at somebody saying it’s going to be

a hair strike

the devil’s not even going to know what

hit him he’s not even going to know what

came at it because he’s going to be

looking down here fighting at what he

can see because he can only see eye

level he doesn’t know that i’m up here

working in the heavenlies that i’m

rebuking the principalities of the

powers in the air that i’m standing in

total agreement for a breakthrough

that’s how i got my breakthrough that’s

how i got my finances that’s how y’all

didn’t hear what i’m saying that’s how i

got out of debt that’s how i got up on

my feet i had to send works down here i

had to send prayer up here i don’t care

what’s got you today shake yourself it’s

coming off today it’s coming off today

it’s coming off today it’s coming off

today it’s coming off today it’s coming

off today it might not have come off

your mama it might not have come off

your daddy but it’s gonna come off for

you we’re gonna ride it till we break it

we’re gonna ride until we break it we’re

gonna ride until we break it we’re gonna

pray all up in the balcony we’re gonna

paint all out in the vestibule we’re

gonna pray all out in the hallway until

we rebuke the powers in the air that are

coming in the spirit of all heart

there’s a spirit in the air there’s a

spirit in the air hell has loose fresh

demons to control

the airways but we’re gonna get us some

air space today it’s about to be some

air strikes going on somebody take about

three minutes and go into holy ghost


you got a minute and a half to launch an


drop a bomb this morning drop a bomb

you’re watching it out you’re watching

me online you’re watching me online drop

a bomb this is an airstrike it’s an

airstrike you’re gonna hit him in the

spirit you’re gonna hit it in the spirit

you’re gonna break it in the spirit

you’re gonna be healed in your spirit

before you get healed in your body

you’re gonna get loose in your spirit

before you loosen your body your

finances are coming in your spirit

before they come in your wallet it’s an

ass strike it’s an airstrike




sit down i got to go more i got more i

got more i got more i got more i got to

get this to somebody i got to get this

with somebody because the devil’s been

having his way with you he’s been

picking off your stragglers he’s been

eating up your crops he’s been after

your field he’s been after your stuff

but you came on the right sunday this

morning because you’re about to get a

breakthrough up in here up in here it’s

going to be some delivery up in here up

in here


and i’m going to show you why moses had

to go high

because it changes your point of view

see when you’re fighting eye to eye you

think your opponent is eye level

but when you get high enough you get





the problem is

the battle goes on for a while

and this is the problem in the church


and respectfully

we don’t have no endurance

you can call the church to prayer

and they good for about three minutes

maybe five

large do you remember when we used to

add in shut-ins


it would be after the revival

and you stayed over for the shut-in and

you didn’t come out till in the morning

you didn’t come out in the morning till

in the morning and 24 hours you were

just praying and talking in tongues and

praying in the spirit we we don’t have

the endurance of our elders

we want to have church but got to be


because we got stuff to do

until we don’t have stuff

somebody called it over there

i said

i know you busy you’re a busy woman of

god you’re a businesswoman i’m a

businesswoman i’m a boss yeah you you’re

a boss till you don’t have nothing to


you better take time to be a prayer

warrior and an intercessor and get down

on your knees or you won’t have nothing

to run

i feel like i’m preaching to somebody i

don’t know who it is but i’m talking to

somebody right now

and you all upset because it’s not

working out on paper and it’s not

working out on the books and it’s not

working out in the record you you you

fighting our level

you got to get up on the mountain

and start saying say god i know you

started this you began a good work in my

life i know you spoke this into my

spirit and lord as i stand here with you

i rebuke every demonic principality that

has hovered over my family for

generations and generations and

generations i’m going to be the david

that breaks the yoke over my family that

changes the trajectory that stars such

lineage of kings i’m gonna break through

i know i wasn’t in line to be a king i

know i’m not saul’s son i know the

church didn’t like me the people didn’t

like me and the neighborhood don’t like

me and when i go on the grocery store

they don’t even like me but i’m coming

anyway and i’m going to break this yolk

until i start a new order i’m going to

be the first johnson i’m going to be the

first wilson i’m going to be the first

matthews i’m going to be the first

jameson i’m going to be the first one to


to break this curse i’m going to ride

until i break it i’ma ride until i start

a new order and moses went on top and he

broke it up high

but he had to have endurance

because the truth of the matter is

even though moses


the preferred prophet of the old

testament the one who god said other

prophets have i spoke to through dreams

and visions but of my servant moses will

i speak face to face

and if he were not only a profound

prophet he is also the first pastor

of the old testament church

that’s why he was trained as a shepherd

because he would lead the children of


and he is an amazing man of god

he is full of miracles

he has stretched forth this same rod

across the red sea and the waters have


he has smoked a rock and turned it into

a gushing waterfalls

moses is back

moses is bled

he’s cracked his hands and quail covered

the sky

moses was bad anybody would want to go

to moses church

moses was bad he didn’t take no junk

god heard moses

god heard moses

god parted siege from moses god broke

yokes from moses god sent pestilence

from moses enemy moses was a bad man of


they’d seen him demonstrate they’d seen

his mighty power they’d seen his mighty

way they had seen the anointing on his

life even when they didn’t like him they

had to respect him because

was a bad man


to my wife is bad is an african-american

colloquialism that doesn’t mean bad it

really means good

so when i say he’s bad don’t mean he’s


i i explain to you later

he was amazing


he was profound he was prolific he was


he would


but just because you’re bad don’t mean

you don’t get tired

oh i wish i had a witness in here

i wish i had somebody that everybody

thinks you’re strong and everybody

thinks you’re invincible and everybody

brings you all their problems because

you always know how to fix everything

and after a while they start relying on

you and then they start taking you for

granted and they don’t understand i

don’t care how anointed you are how

powerful you are how gifted you are how

wise you are how blessed you are after a

while you get tired moses

he stretched

he stood

and every time he stretched forth his

rod the same rod that parted the waters

every time he did it

joshua started winning in the valley

so joshua isn’t just winning because

he’s a warrior

he’s winning because he’s got an


and every time the intercessors


joshua’s driving back the amalekites

but every time moses got tired and

dropped his hands

the amalekites started to defeat

the hebrews

because the truth of the matter is

you can only hold your arm up so long

and after a while

you get tired

can i talk to tired people

who’ve been through battle after battle

after battle

you throw trees into the bitter waters

of america you serve quail to people who

didn’t even appreciate you you’ve helped

people that grumbled and complained

against you you fed them you gave them

water as as if they were close while

they murmured and complained and

questioned your leadership and you stood

up to all of it but the truth of the

matter that you don’t even want to tell

anybody you don’t tell your husband you

don’t tell your wife you don’t tell your

kids you got nobody to talk to but me

and so since you ain’t got nobody but me

let’s talk you tired

it’s okay said i’m tired

yeah say it again i’m tired

see some of us need permission to be

able to say it because we can’t even say

i’m tired in our own house we can’t

admit it to anybody because we got an

image to maintain and we got to always

know what to do and we got to always be

strong and we got to always be

invincible and we got to always be

mighty but the truth of the matter is i

stress this law and i can stretch and

god i’m tired


to all my tired brothers and sisters

you need to develop a sustainable system

and you by yourself is not sustainable

when all roads lead to you and you have

to answer all questions and you have to

do everything and you have to fix

everything that you can do that for a

while but it’s not sustainable

you’ve had great success

being a one-man man

you’ve been an amazing woman

you’ve done some awesome stuff


yourself took them on knocked them out

packed your bags and carried them


threw them in the trunk

drove yourself you bad


you’re bad

you’re bad

he left you thought you weren’t gonna

make him you showed him you took night

classes worked part-time got an extra

job pull yourself up did your own hair

sent the kids off to school bought the

groceries came home did the homework and

still sing songs and still made it to

choir rehearsal you bad

but you’re tired

and it’s okay

it’s okay

to be tired

you just have to develop

a sustainable system

because you cannot too much is at stake

for your arm to fall

if your arm falls right now

everything you work for dies

if your arm falls right now everybody

who depends on you dies if your arm

falls right now

amalek is going to win they’re going to

divide the people you were born to

deliver if your arm falls right now

you’re going to go into bankruptcy if

your arm falls right now your kids are

gonna backslide and go back to where

they came from if your arm falls right



but you tired

so first of all they put him on a stone

they put moses on a rock

they said we’re gonna show up your


we’re gonna put you on a rock

you sit on the rock

this rock is jesus

have you ever noticed that half of moses

with miracles were with sticks and



sticks and stones the stick is in his

hand he’s sitting on the stone

and aaron and her

got up under his arms

and in order to get the victory

you’re gonna have to let somebody help


who am i preaching to holla at me

i know you used to do everything by

yourself but now

in this season

you’re gonna have to let somebody help



and aaron and her

lifted up his arms


day long

that’s a long time


leave it up to 10 o’clock tonight


i want i want you to sense

the reality of this text

do you know what your arm would call you

back by four o’clock by

about 12 o’clock

by five o’clock it would go numb

by eight o’clock it would feel like it

fell off

you’re gonna need some help

because this is not a quick fight

the fight we’re in right now pastor bao

is not a quick fight

this will not be over this weekend

it is a long fight

fought by people who are used to quick


it is a long fight you’re not used to

making buttermilk

you don’t know nothing about homemade

ice cream and those of you that do this

because you bought a machine at


you don’t know nothing about long grain


or slow-cooked grits

you don’t know nothing about making

pancake batter

and waffle batter from scratch

and beating egg whites and folding it

over it

it’s and i’m not belittling you

i’m just saying

you’re not used to long fights

so you grow weary quick

and the lord said this will not be quick

you’re gonna have to develop a system

that’s sustainable

now let me go quick to where i’m trying

to go

the two-prong strategy

is a spiritual warfare

it has to be supported spiritual warfare

isolated without physical action is


physical action without spiritual

warfare is incapable

joshua fought with a sword

moses fought with the rod

joshua fought with his troops

moses fought with his god

joshua fought with soldiers

and moses

fought with the source

joshua fought on an eye level

moses fought from the air

you gotta have both

i’m almost where i need to be ephesians

6 12-14

put it up we wrestle not against flesh

and blood

but against principalities

against powers

against the rulers of the darkness of

this world

against spiritual wickedness

in high places

in high places

wherefore take unto you the whole armor

of god that you may be able to withstand

in the evil day and having done all the


i don’t care if you got to get on a rock

and you got to get two people to hold

you up stand therefore having your loins

gird about with truth and having on the

breastplate of righteousness

this is going to be an air strike

somebody say it’s going to be an


we are not battling against flesh and


and you know what really goes takes us

to the mountain

our mountain is not a geographical

location our mountain is going into the


when we go into the spirit we defeat

what is fighting in the flesh

that’s why when paul teaches

about praying

he says i will pray in the spirit

and i will pray with an understanding


one does not negate the other

you have to do both

look at first corinthians 14 14-15 i’m

almost done

for if i pray in an unknown tongue my

spirit prayer but my understanding is


do you hear what i’m saying see a lot of

us got a prayer language but we don’t

use it anymore

but for this level of demonic attack

you are fighting the amalekites you are

fighting witches

you are fighting the prince of this air

do you not know that satan’s name is the

prince of the air

and in order to air is is it’s a root

word where we get the greek word pneuma


this is a spirit battle

and when i say air strikes

i’m not just talking about air like 40

000 feet above the ground i’m talking

about pneuma i’m talking about the

breath of god i’m talking about ruach

i’m talking about spirit you don’t have

to fight this in your spirit you have to

get in the spirit because when you get

in the spirit let me tell you what get

praying in the spirit will do the bible

says praying in the spirit will build

you up

praying in the spirit will strengthen

you praying in the spirit will fortify

you praying


and start praying in the holy ghost

weighing in the holy ghost praying in

the holy ghost praying in the holy ghost

because the more you pray and the more

you pray the highest



see the more i pray in the spirit the

higher i get the higher i get and once i

get above it i can handle it

what is it then i will pray with the


and i will pray with the understanding


praying with the spirit is not just

praying under the anointing it’s praying

in an unknown tongue or it sounds stupid

to say i will pray with the spirit and i

will pray with an understanding also

praying with the spirit means that i

don’t understand it i read the previous

verse the next verse says you have two


i’m going to pray with an understanding

that’s my joshua

i’m gonna


i’m gonna send my joshua in i’ma pray

with an understanding but my

understanding is limited because some of

these demons i’m fighting right now i

don’t understand

i don’t know what to tell god to do i

don’t know how to tell god to fix it but

i’m still going to send my joshua ahead

and when i start praying with an

understanding that’s an eye level prayer

but when i start praying in the spirit

that’s a high

mountaintop prayer that’s an airstrike

and whoever i’m preaching to today god

says you’re gonna have to do an air

strike to bring this devil down you

gotta be able to work on both dimension


and spirit you’re gonna have to be able

to sing in english

and sing in tongues you’re gonna have to

sing in the language

y’all don’t know nothing about singing

until but i come out of the old church

and in the old church we use this heart

singing in tongues

you’re gonna have to do an air strike

if you do an air strike there’s gonna be

a healer yeah if you do an air strike

there’s gonna be a miracle if you do an

air straight the yoke will be broken

somebody do an air strike right now

somebody online

go into an air strike

i’m gonna ride it till i break it i’m

gonna break it i’m gonna break it i’m

gonna break it

amalekites i don’t care what you turn

into i don’t care if you turn into a

goat if i do an airstrike you gonna come


if you turn into a lion the lion will


if you turn into a bear

the bear will fall if you turn into

goliath goliath will fall

because i’m about to do an airstrike i

need 30 suckers of airstrikes in this

place right now

in this place in this place online

in your living room

in your kitchen

in your bed

sitting in your living room sitting at

your kitchen table i feel an air strike

i feel an air strike

i feel it air strike

i feel the air strike the church has got

to go back to old-fashioned power

and do an air strike on the enemy

the anointing of god

is in this room

and glory to god if you open your mouth

something is going to break loose

break loose break loose break break

break break break break in the name of


somebody say yes lord

somebody say yes slowly i will pray with

an understanding i’mma pray in the

spirit also i’m sending my understanding

here and i’m sending my holy ghost in

and i will defeat the amalekites

somebody go to jumping up and down i’m

gonna stomp on them i’m gonna press them

under my feet

i’m gonna bring them under my feet i’m

gonna bring it under my feet i’m gonna

bring it under my feet i’m gonna be

there oh i’m gonna bring it under

oh i’m gonna bring it under my feet i’m

a fighter i’ll fight you all day long

i’m gonna bring it under my feet

i’m gonna tread on serpents i’m gonna

pray on serpents

if you turn into a snake get ready to be

stepped on because i’m coming through

in the name of jesus

i’m coming through in power

i’m coming through in victory i’m coming

through up under the anointing of the

holy ghost

i need about a hundred praises

better break this yoke in this place

open up your mouth

and begin to praise your god

praise until hell gets nervous

praising tell demons tremble

praise until you feel a breakthrough

he’s greater than cancer

he’s greater than leukemia

he’s greater than failure he’s greater

than defeat

open up your mouth and shout out to god





i’m almost finished

i feel the enemy weakening

and i feel the trash getting stronger i

feel the believers catching on fire i

feel the anointing coming back

get your strength back

get your courage back

get your fight back

get your drive back

drive the devil out of your house

drive the enemy away drive him back

this is my territory

you can’t have my daughter

you can’t have my son

you can’t have my peace

you can’t have my power

you can’t have my provisions

you can’t have my prophecy i find you


in the name of jesus

somebody shout yes



stand on your feet and listen to this

you already standing








kill the amalekites

kill them out

kill them out

they wouldn’t be fighting you if you

weren’t close

they wouldn’t be fighting you if you

weren’t on their heads they wouldn’t be

fighting you if god didn’t have it for

you they wouldn’t be fighting you if you

weren’t near

the mount of your promise

kill the amalekites

don’t pet them

don’t counsel them

don’t cuddle them

kill the amalekites

say that you’ve gotta die

everything you’re trying to do has got

to die

it’s gotta die

come on

it’s gotta die

it’s not a fighter

it’s getting the whole shot it’s gonna

die somebody open your mouth

and give out god the praise i have to

feel the power of the holy ghost open up

your mouth




i’m gonna give you this remain strength

i’m gonna give you this

i’m gonna give you this

oh yes

i’m gonna give you something

you’re not in this by

you’re not in yourself by yourself

romans 8 26 says

in the same way

the spirit

helps us in our weakness

i want everybody who’s been tired

the holy spirit stands alongside to help

us in our weakness

you know who god is anointing today

he’s anointing tired people

he’s renewing their strength

are there any tired people in here

i got an anointing

i got an anointing for tired people

he’s anointing you with new strength the

bible says the spirit helps us

in our weakness

hallelujah to god some of you can’t get


because you always try to be strong

but in order to get this help

you gotta admit i’m tired

and if you tell daddy i’m tired he’ll

help you

in your weakness

he’ll help you

in your weakness the spirit

helps us

in our weakness

we do not know

what we ought to pray for

we do not know

what we ought to pray for

i’m praying with an understanding

but i do not understand

what i ought to pray for

but the spirit itself

intercedes for us

with wormless groans

that cannot be uttered

the spirit is lifted up a standard

against the enemy

shall yes

what i’m trying to make you see


is that the holy ghost


your intercessor

he sits on the high

with classified information

and he intercedes for us

with groanings that cannot be uttered

moses didn’t open his mouth

he just stretched forth his rod

it shows you what the holy spirit will


when you’re in a battle

am i helping anybody over here

if i’m helping somebody over here make

some noise





yeah yeah

if i’m helping anybody over here

make some noise



it’s a few of y’all



if i’m helping anybody over here

make some noise

if i’m helping you online

make some noise

make a chat

send an emoji

send out a signal

shoot off a player

let hel know

i’m getting stronger

if i’m helping anybody over here

make some noise


if i’m helping anybody over here

make some noise

make some noise

make some noise

make some noise let the whole church

make some noise



and he

who searches our hearts

knows the mind of the spirit

because the spirit intercedes

for god’s people

in accordance

to the will of god

somebody shake yourself and say it’s not

his will

for me to be defeated

it’s not his will

for me to be sick

it’s not his will

for me to be broke

it’s not his will

for me to be depressed

it’s not his will

for me to give up

so i know what the spirit

so i know what the spirit

i can hear you so i know what the spirit

is praying for

it’s praying for the freedom

it’s praying from a strength

it’s praying from a victory

it’s praying for oh god i feel like



it’s praying for my power

he’s praying for my revival

he’s praying for my anointing

he’s praying for my fierceness

he’s praying from a fight

it’s praying from a drive

it’s praying for my stability

it’s praying for the fortitude

shall ya


and we know

that all things

god works for the good

of those who love him

who have been called

according to his purpose

i’m going to close here

i’m going to stop right here

he almost shot

the bible said

that when it was all over

they call the name of the place

jehovah nisi

it means the lord is my banner that

means he’s the flag i fight under

he’s the flag i fight under

i know i’m gonna win because jehovah


said it online jehovah

jehovah nessie

jehovah nessie

the lord is our banner

hallelujah got to get through him before

you can have me

the lord is our

you thought i was up here by myself

what kind of fool are you

i would never try this by myself

the spirit helps me in my weakness

the spirit bears my infirmities

the spirit gives me wisdom

the spirit gives me power

i want every born-again believer to lift

your hands and open your mouth

and begin

to worship god


began to worship god


you’ve been complaining

you’ve been frustrated

you’ve been self-medicated

you’ve been doing all kinds of stuff

trying to get through this

but what you need is a praying spirit

you need a praying spirit

you need a praying spirit

you need a praying spirit

you need a praying spirit

lift your hand over your mouth we need a

praying spirit

what you need

all the way up in the balcony we need a

praying spirit

you’re watching me in nigeria you need a

praying spirit

you’re watching me in london you need a

praying spirit in birmingham you need a

praying spirit

south america

you need a praying spirit

belize you need a praying spirit

jamaica botswana you need a praying


cuba yes

you need a praying spirit brazil

in order to get out of this


how many will make a fresh commitment

to praying in the spirit


god told me he wants to do an air strike

but you need to release that holy ghost

that’s trapped up in your belly


it’s buried up under all your feelings

and all your opinions and all your ideas

god’s waiting for you to start praying

in the spirit to fix that thing okay

he’ll fix it


he’ll fix it if you open your mouth and

start praying in the holy ghost


if you start praying in the holy ghost

you do an airstrike



lord give me





a praying spirit









lord when i pray

give me the words





i don’t trust myself

to pray right



to break it to destroy it to bring it

down to its knees i’m gonna bring it

down i’m gonna bring it all the way



















you got it from me

you got it for me

whatever you say

it’s a yes from me

lord from my heart

i’ll give you my ass

lord from my heart i’ll give you my






i’ll give you my ass

you got a yes for me

i’ll give you my yes


help me too


help me to say yes

lord give








help me to say



as we come to the close of this service

i want you to understand a few things

i was never preaching about mla

and i was never preaching about moses


i was never preaching about reef for


i was always just using them

as an example

to show you how to launch

a multi-level attack

i was trying to show you that you can

fight on the ground


and fight from the air

and i was doing it because the holy

spirit said

for that demonic influence that we are

fighting right now


unlike anything we have ever seen

in all of our lives


we’re gonna have to do an airstrike

we’re gonna have to strike it up here

and here


and works


and spirit

and i wanted you to know that god is

standing alongside to help your

infirmity and not just the idea of god

but the holy spirit in particular who is

god but it points to a different aspect

the holy spirit

is waiting on you

to admit i don’t know what to say i

don’t know how to understand it i don’t

know what to do i need your help


to give me a sustainable strategy


my arm hurts

my arm hurts



get up under me

because i can’t drop

down lift both your hands straight up in


i can’t drop now

holy spirit

come on in

and help me

help me with this


if you say that from your heart ain’t no

way you can leave here to save

if you say that from your heart

there’s no way you can watch this

broadcast and still be the same

this is an air strike



there it is

that is


he’s moving around the room right now


somebody’s getting a breakthrough you

better get yours

this is an airstrike


this is an airstrike


it’s an airstrike

it’s an asteroid

it’s an airstrike

it’s an air strike

holy ghost

holy ghost

holy ghosts

we will strike back


we’re not slaves anymore


the hebrews were slaves they’re not

slaves anymore

i’ll fight for i go back



i fight

i fight you in the holy ghost

i’ll fight you in the flesh

i’m launching a new warfare

i’m gonna fight on both levels

i’m gonna fight on both levels


you will not drive me back to the red



if there’s a person in this room that

doesn’t know jesus

you ain’t got nothing to fight with


i love you but you ain’t got nothing to

fight with

because this is a spiritual warfare

and if we was in a club you know what to

do and if we was in the street you know

what to do and if we were in the strip

club we you know what to do and if if we

were fighting in the flesh you’re good

but this is a spiritual battle


and in order to fight a spiritual fight

it starts with giving your life to jesus

look here look here listen to me

you’re living in the book of revelations



before one plague is over here comes

another plague before that other plague

is over here comes another plague all of

this was prophesied

thousands of years ago

all of it was prophesied thousands of

years ago men becoming lovers of their

own said all of this was prophesied

years ago you are living in the book of


races against racists

ethnos against ethnos generations

against generation all of that’s


everything you’re reading in your bible

is biblical

the conflict in the middle east is


the war for jerusalem is biblical

all is you’re living in the book of

revelations and if you don’t know jesus

getting high ain’t gonna help you


if you don’t know jesus getting drunk

won’t fix it

ain’t none of them girls you got gonna

fix it ain’t none of them boys you got

gonna fix it this is serious people died


six hundred thousand people died in

america and america has paid little


three thousand people

died in the world trade centers and

america every year heart almost stops

meeting over 3 000 people


000 people


and they didn’t even turn around

the white house is breached

completely breached people climbing

over the walls into the building

and everybody tourists

i mean the people they were protecting

for power are willing to ignore it

this is the book

of revelations

if you don’t know jesus right now

i mean like right now no more excuses

you won’t let sex

send you to hell


that’s it’s that good that you’re

willing to ignore jesus

what kind of drugs that got you so high

that you can’t see

i don’t believe in preachers fine don’t

believe in me i don’t care

i don’t care

i don’t care

you don’t believe the bible that’s fine

believe your newspaper

believe the

news believe the white house wall scale

believe the war in afghanistan

and the unrest

in israel


the plagues

that’s killing

in your community

your relatives your friends relatives

and then go back and get the bible and

maybe you’ll pay the preacher some

attention not cause i’m good not cause

i’m perfect i’m weak i’m flesh i’m dust

i’m just like you

only difference is he called me to be a

watchman on the wall

to warn you

to tell you what’s up

if i was you

if i was you man please hear me black

man white man red man i don’t care how

you describe yourself blue man democrat

republican millennial ex-boomer i don’t

care what kind of name you put on it

you’re a soul and you’re gonna die


you’re gonna die like you came you came


you’re gonna die naked

not one suit not one diamond not one


nothing you got is going with you

you gonna die just like you came


strip naked

no titles no power

no degrees over your casket you can’t

take none of that stuff you got with you

it’s all gonna stay here

the only thing that matters is do you

know jesus


i wouldn’t let this service close

if i was a backslider or i was a setup i

would let this service close

it’s just as dangerous as walking

through the hood at midnight

unarmed unprepared you have no weapons

for this kind of fight

this is a spiritual fight

it’s like being dropped into a war zone

and you ain’t got nothing but a butter


you got no weapons you need jesus

you need he don’t need you

he’ll be jesus whether you come or not

you need him

and whether you’re in the balcony or the

back row

or the front or the stage or watching


i invite you to jesus

i invite you to jesus

every head about every eye clothes

if you are in this room

i will not beg you


i will not plead with you

i will just invite you

and if you are in this room and you you

are not right with god


right yes now

right now

right this minute

if you’re online there’s a number on the

screen to call


if there’s one

i’m almost finished

if you’re trying to outweigh me you’re

gonna win

because god’s been good enough that if

you don’t want him now

your life is in your own hand i i’m

gonna wash my hands

i’m gonna wash my hands i’m gonna wash

my hands cause if i don’t warn you your

blood is required on my hair but if i

warn you you don’t come

the blood is not required on my hands



i’m getting ready to wash my hands

come stand right here

come stand right here

stand right here

i’m getting ready to wash my hands

you need jesus you can’t live without

him you can’t live without him you need

him in your life it’s not about being


it’s not about being perfect it’s about

being sincere you need


this planet is going crazy the whole

planet it ain’t just america the whole

globe is going absolutely nuts i’ve

never seen anything like it


there’s nowhere to hide there’s no way

to run there’s no place to go where this

stuff ain’t going on





anybody anybody else

last call

anybody else

anybody else

come on down

you need him

you need it

if you folk in the balcony or come and

hold your hand up

or if you’re just trying to sneak out

that’s fine

if you come and hold your hand up so i

know to wait on you

this is real

this is real

you need jesus

you need him you need him in your life

you need him in your life you need him

in your business you need him in your

mind you need him in your heart you need

him in your soul you need jesus you need

it you need it

i don’t care

what you got on

i don’t care what it looks like i don’t

care about the color of your skin i

don’t care what you think of yourself

you need jesus

you’re not prepared for this without




you’re not prepared

you’re not prepared without jesus

i’m not asking you were you baptized

when you were 12

because your grandmother pushed you to

the pool i want to know do you have a

real vibrant relationship with jesus

don’t fake the funk

get up here

this is real

this is real you talk about keeping it

100 this is keeping it 100.

you need jesus

you need jesus


nothing works without him


nothing works spread out we’re going to

keep distance spread out nothing works

without jesus

nothing works without jesus

nothing works without jesus

spread out nothing works without jesus

nothing works without jesus nothing

works without jesus i’m not saying

getting saved and you don’t have

problems i’m just saying that when you

get saved you got help

you got real help

with crazy stuff



i’m saying

i’m tired of burying y’all

i’m tired of the graveside services i’m

tired of the funerals

i’m tired of the senseless killings

i’m tired of the murder rate being out

of control i’m tired of young people

dying before they get to see who they

are i’m tired of it you don’t have to

live like that you don’t have to be that

way it’s not supposed to be that way

it’s not supposed to be that way you’re

not supposed to be dead at 30.

it’s sick

that’s sick man that’s sick


you’re supposed to live to walk your

daughter down the aisle

you’re supposed to live long enough to

say goodbye to your parents

you’re supposed to be at your kids

graduation you’re supposed to survive


the storm that’s in louisiana today

could be in dallas tomorrow

nothing keeps us safe anymore we’re not

safe anywhere

so you better be saved because you sure

ain’t safe

your show ain’t safe

your show ain’t safe

your soul ain’t safe i don’t care how

much money you got i don’t care what you

pay for your house

you ain’t safe in it

hurricane don’t look at the price of the

house and just pull it up by the roof

pastor phillips i want you to come


and i want you to pray for these that

are gathered around this altar

today is the day of salvation


look at these souls

look at these souls




you singers come up here come up here

come up here


you helped to bring these young people

to jesus

because they saw you

sing his praise

and worship his name

and glorify him

you are important

i cannot do this without you


i can preach but you can convince him

singing that song

lifting him up

that’s all

lifting my arms up

that’s that that song lift my arms up it

it gives it lifts my arms up

it lifts my arms up it lifts my arms up

the man of god i chose to come

pray for you

if it were not for but the grace of god

would have been locked up in jail


for drugs

i can’t tell his testimony like he can

now he’s preaching the gospel




you watch it online do not miss this

opportunity to give your life to christ

you that believe this ministry is

effective support this ministry support


ministry is one of the few left


that operates on both dimensions


come on man of god

god has brought us into this moment


this is your new beginning

the bible says that any man that’s in

christ is a new creation

old things are passed away

behold all things are made new

the wonderful thing i love about giving

our lives to christ

is that it’s just

you have to be willing

and that he will come down and find you

in any place

and in any posture


i got saved



and if the power of god

can come and get me hallelujah


in a church service


while i was high

he certainly can come and get you

so lift those hands

everybody at this altar everyone

watching online

every young man every young woman

god loves you more than you will ever


and this is your day

your new beginning

and as we pray over you i hear the

spirit of the lord saying he’s sending

an airstrike

to every demonic force

hallelujah that will try to keep you


and keep you held


is your day come on let’s pray

spirit of living god we thank you for

every soul every life

every individual who are lifting up

their hearts before you

father you said in your word that if you

if we were


to confess

our sins

willing to do it

that you are able to forgive us of our


so father we stand before you today

not perfect

but just willing

you said whosoever will

call upon the name of the lord shall be


that means we qualify today

we’re all whosoever wills

so father we thank you right now for

coming into the life

of each and every individual who stands

here at this altar

and changing their life forever

satan we serve you notice at this moment

that you are no longer

their lord

but jesus is their lord

and their life belongs to him

father we plead the blood of jesus

over every life

and we thank you that this is their new

beginning that this is their new moment

that this is their new day

and we give you praise ford in this

moment right now

in jesus name if you prayed that prayer

with me go ahead and give god a shout of

praise right where you are and thank him

for come on come on thank him for coming

into your life thank him for rearranging

your life thank him for changing you in

this moment

here’s what we want to do

here’s what we want to do

if you’re at this altar and you don’t

have a home church

and you want the potter’s house to be

your church

we want to open the doors of this church

to you

so here’s all you need to do you see

those hands extended up over there

just turn that way and follow them right

over there they’re going to give you

some information come on if you’re at

this altar and god is calling you to

come this church come on y’all lift your

hands over there come on church let’s

thank god let’s thank god

let’s thank god come on church

come on church

come on church as they go come on

potter’s house


come on lift those hands let’s give the


may god bless you and keep you

may his face shine upon you may god be

gracious unto you

give you peace

may he surround you with his favor like

a shield

as angels and kept himself round about

you and may his precious blood cover you

from now until eternity in jesus name

somebody say amen

god bless you we love you
