Billy Graham in San Diego, CA, on August 18, 1976.

you see happiness doesn’t depend on

abundance happiness depends on something

else it depends on something deeper and

the Bible says Isaiah the prophet said

there is no peace saith the Lord to the

wicked I don’t care how rich you get and

how powerful you get there will be no

peace in your heart if you don’t know

God now that word wicked doesn’t mean

that you do wicked things it means that

you’re just away from God you’ll be like

the Restless sea the Bible says if you

ever looked out at the sea and watched

how restless it is it’s coming and it’s

going the Bible says that’s the heart of

the person who doesn’t know Christ

that’s the way his party is always

restless the Bible says be not deceived

God is not mocked whatsoever a man

soweth that shall he also reap

but the Bible also says blessed are they

whose iniquities are forgiven and whose

sins are covered that word blessed means

happy if you have your sins forgiven and

your iniquities have been covered by the

blood of Christ

then there’s happiness and there’s joy

and this peace and God can forgive sin

because of the Cross God has sent his

son the Lord Jesus Christ to die on the

cross and he put all of your sins on him

he became the sin bearer he became the

scapegoat he was the one that took the

penalty for your sins and because of

that God says I love you I can forgive

you there’s hope there’s joy there’s

purpose there’s meaning because he lives

I can face tomorrow I’m looking forward

to that day when I’ll see Christ face to

face are you does he live in your heart

now would you like that hope and would

you like that peace and would you like

that joy would you like to know that all

your sins are forgiven would you like to


that you are going to heaven you can

tonight on the authority of God’s Word

I can promise it to you tonight you

don’t get eternal life when you die you

get it right here and now tonight