As 1975 came to a close, Billy Graham commented on the civil unrest, uncertainty, increased crime and drug addiction, massive debt, and pattern of broken homes that plagued not only the United States but many parts of the world.

on this eve of the bicentennial year

ladies and gentlemen Billy Graham

good evening

I’ve just returned from a three-month

trip around the world it took me through

Asia various countries in the Middle

East and Europe

I’ve talked with church leaders

political leaders Educators newspaper

editors military leaders

I visited with a number of heads of


I wish that every American could have

been with me on this trip

it has been an eye-opener to me

for example someone has said that if you

haven’t been in Asia in the last six

months you don’t know Asia

the world is changing so rapidly that I

hardly know it anymore

at midnight we enter

1976 the year of our 200th birthday with

a paradox of moods on the part of the

American people

on the one hand many are excited

thrilled and optimistic about the next


on the other hand as a news magazine

says Americans are in a bitter and

fearful mood

there’s no doubt that many are confused

discouraged cynical afraid and


with our scientists warning us of an

all-out atomic war before the end of the


now while we Americans will be glued to

our television screens tomorrow watching

the football games

the rest of the world is reeling and

rocking from crisis to crisis

dangerous explosions are almost


we’re on the edge of a precipice

one newspaper reports that over 25 Wars

have been fought this past year or are

now being fought

most of them don’t make the headlines

but people are being wounded and killed


when I hear so much talk of peace

I’m reminded of what God Said through

Jeremiah to the false prophets of his


he said they’re shouting peace peace

when there is no peace

the psalmist warned about dealing with

those whose words are smoother than


those who say I’m for peace but when I

speak therefore War

let’s face it there’s never been so much

talk of Peace nor such a worldwide

preparation for war

as there is today

here at home many of our problems are

getting worse with every passing day

the crime rate jumped faster this past

year than any year in American history

drug addiction continues to soar as

strong A drugs arrive daily by the plane


massive debts threatened some of our

major cities with bankruptcy

family life falters and thousands of

children have made orphans every month

from broken homes

abortion has brought the population

growth to a standstill

as I return home

I have a feeling that the American

people are almost drugged and are

oblivious to the events at home and


that caused the atomic clock

to move closer to midnight

now what is wrong it’s almost a paradox

that America possessing all the economic

affluence for enjoying life

virtually leads the world in crime

narcotics abuse pornography immorality

and even debts

we seem to be naive to what is happening

in the real world

so what do we do we watch spectator and

entertainment events on television and

try to forget it all hoping that it will

somehow go away

or we take another high ball and try to


the rest of the world watches our

self-inflicted wounds with amazement

they cannot understand why we wash so

much dirty Linen in public

but tonight

before we take a look at the future

we should look at the past and remind

ourselves of the roots from which we

sprang 200 years ago

I do not see how anyone could study the

history of America

without recognizing religious influences

that have helped mold this nation from

the very beginning

in 1835 an astute French visitor to the

United States reported upon my arrival

in the United States the religious

aspect of the country was the first

thing that struck my attention

in no other nation’s founding documents

can we find so many Declarations of

allegiance to God

time after time in our history there

have been appeals to the Supreme judge

in seeking to build a new nation

this idea of freedom as a right of all

men everywhere is absolutely unique

among nations

but where did it come from

any search for its origin takes us back

to our father’s God author of Liberty

it takes us to the creation of man

whom God made in his own likeness

free to roam and replenish the Earth

free to decide how or even whether he

would serve his creator

and man of course chose rebellion and

today because of that choice by our

first parents we’re alienated from God

and because of this alienation we are a

suffering planet

with the ultimate result of death

for every generation

but this idea of freedom also takes us

back to the Old Testament prophets

proclaiming in the face of kings and

shouting from dungeons man’s god-endowed

right to Freedom unto God

it takes us back to an angry Moses

daring Pharaoh’s wrath to demand let my

people go

and later leading a great Army of the

enslaved into a new country

where they could at God’s behest

Proclaim Liberty throughout the land and

to all the inhabitants thereof

these words from Leviticus 25 10 are

inscribed on America’s Liberty Bell in


it also takes us back to Jesus Christ

who’s standing in Nazareth boldly

declared his Destiny to preach

Deliverance to the captives to set it in

Liberty them that are bruised

Liberty and freedom

these were the Flaming revolutionary

words the early followers of Christ cast

again and again Into The Tinderbox of

men’s hearts and hopes

now that the thing that tyrants feared

was that this ideal of the free man in


that ideal has always been terrifying to


and that is why religious liberty is

being curtailed in so many parts of the

world today

you see if you give men the Bible

and freedom to Proclaim its message

they’ll soon be free

and it was in pursuit of this ideal that

those hundred and two brave men and

women clamored aboard a tiny vessel

called the mayflower one chill day in

1620. and with prayers on their lips and

visions of a new nation unto God

they set sail for a far unknown land

the night before the historic Dawn when

the pilgrims landed

they had crowded into her tiny hold to

sign their famous Mayflower Compact

based on biblical principles as they saw


later to be called the birth certificate

of American democracy

and the Puritans who followed during the

Great Migration of 1630 through 1640

also laid it on the line their reasons

for coming to Massachusetts Bay

the opening sentence of their New

England Confederation says we all came

into these parts of America with one in

the same end namely to advance the

kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ

not all of course were dedicated

Christians after the Puritans that

crowded a diverse lot of adventurers

slave Traders ex-prisoners and


but it is a mark of the Puritans

Vitality that their ideals largely


in those early days of America

Americans who scoff at their straight

lacedness and earlier intolerance should

never forget that it was the Puritan’s

religious faith and his passion for


that gave us much of our political and

social democracy that has lasted these

200 years

but both patriotism and puritanism

tended to wane and weaken in the third


by the middle of the 18th century

problems for the young country began to


many of them are the problems we face


for example inflation is nothing new in

American history

in the late 1700s during the days of the

American Revolution they Too Faced

inflation in 1779 ducks and chickens

were sold for a few pennies each

in just two years time they were costing

250 dollars each

there came a time that money was hardly

worth the paper it was printed on

that’s where the saying came not worth a

continental it meant that the money

issued by the Continental Congress had

become valueless

we should remember that as we Face

inflation today

that it’s not nearly so bad as was faced

by our forebearers and they licked it

how did they do it

by sheer courage discipline hard work

prayer and faith in the future of


remember the people that found that

America did not have telephones


television electricity automobiles

airplanes inside Plumbing or

refrigerators they had no tractors or

bulldozers to help them with their

farming or road building

they had no supermarkets to go and Shop

in they had no social security

no guaranteed welfare

the fastest they could travel was by


yet they succeeded

where we seem to be failing

they scratched dug worked sweated and

prayed to build a nation from New York

to San Francisco

many times during American history there

have been great spiritual Awakenings

that have affected the nation and

strengthened its moral and spiritual


one of those was called the Great

Awakening of the 1740s

it strengthened the nation for the

bitter days of the Revolution that was

yet to come

great evangelists like George Whitfield

from England and Jonathan Edwards

proclaimed judgment and Grace

calling on the people to turn to God

this Great Awakening say historians

cradled and paved the way for the


under such eloquent preaching set those

young people

who would soon be called the founding

fathers of America

and from under such preaching came in

like John Adams who wrote

Statesmen May plan and speculate for

Liberty but it is religion and morality


upon which Freedom can securely stand

and John Adams continued a patriot must

be a religious man

you know the Declaration of Independence

reflects the feelings of men to whom

religious Faith was all important

there was not an atheist or an agnostic

among the 56 who signed that declaration

some of them were deist

some of them believed only in a Supreme

Being they did not believe in Jesus


but before they Strode forward to append

their Cigna to us each bowed his head in


the declaration’s giant step was being

taken they Affirmed

with a firm Reliance upon the protection

of Divine Providence

in declaring themselves free they said

they were assuming the separate and

equal station to which the laws of God

entitled them

the self-evident truth they voiced was

that men were endowed by their creator

with inalienable rights

and before the world they appealed to

the Supreme judge of the world for the

source of their intentions

such Expressions were no mere polite

gestures to God

they were a firm commitment to the

principle that God must be Central to

any form of government

and because they signed that document

some of those men were captured and


some were stripped of their possessions

some were jailed

and I have to ask myself tonight

at another hour of American crisis

do we have that kind of Courage

would you be willing to sign would I be

willing to sign

how many people today would be willing

to put their life on the line for

Freedom as those men did 200 years ago

11 years later

After the Revolution was won

they’re assembled in Philadelphia men

from 13 colonies charged with creating

one of the most revolutionary political

documents of all time

yet there were flaws

they were men who had never known the

concept of democratic Liberty and


for example

slavery was a part of the social

structure both North and South

Catholics could vote in only three of

the 13 states

Jews were not permitted to vote in New

Jersey or in New Hampshire

women could not vote anywhere in America

in the hindsight of 200 years they made

many mistakes

but what they produced was nothing short

of a miracle of God

when the Constitution was submitted for


the people demanded a Bill of Rights

that would settle certain fundamental

freedoms once and for all

they were implied in the Constitution

but the people wanted them in black and


and in the Amendments making up the Bill

of Rights where was religion

it was first in top Place speech

assembly and petition followed religion

in the First Amendment and those were

quickly approved but for three and a

half months the house and the Senate

debated the phrasing of religious

freedom changing the words around adding

deleting clarifying at no time in the

history of the world

has so much care and attention been

lavished on one sentence of legislation

the final wording was this

Congress shall make no law respecting an

establishment of religion or prohibiting

the free exercise thereof

it was not government renouncing

religious faith

it was government protecting our

religious Faith by forever removing

religious rights from tampering by any

Public Authority or self-seeking


here we have a guarantee that America

would never have a civil religion

but we would have freedom of religion

not freedom from religion as some have

mistakenly interpreted that Amendment

in every area of American Life

the Faith of Our Fathers has left its

indelible imprint and nowhere more than

in our educational system

when our forefathers stepped a show on

the new world their First Act was to

establish a home

next they erected a church then they

started a school

the Puritans and the pilgrims came to

the new world determined to provide

education for their young

in the lands they’d left education was

the privilege of the few

therefore those early Americans flung up

their rude School houses all across the

advancing Frontier

do you know what their first textbook


it was the Bible

their first task to teach children to

read came from the Bible

founded also by the churches where

America’s first institutions of Higher

Learning a few years after the pilgrims

landed Harvard College came into being

it’s motto for Christ in the church its

main purpose a training center for


in 1701 Yale College was founded by a

group of Evangelical clergymen for the

same purpose

Princeton was brought into being by the

Presbyterian revivalistic party

the University of Pennsylvania stemmed

directly from George whitfield’s

electrifying preaching during the Great


it was in the American churches too

that women first came into their own

the pilgrim woman was a new breed along

with her man she stepped onto these free

Shores with freedom shining in her eyes

at home in her community and in her

church she began her god-given

fulfillment as a woman derived from the

teachings of the Bible

we’re a bachelor different people today

than we were 200 years ago

our society is far more complex more


but of this one thing we can be sure

God has not changed his laws have not

changed he is still a god of love and


but he is also a god of righteousness

and judgment

and any individual or nation which

ignores his moral and spiritual laws

will ultimately face God’s judgment

I believe that every problem facing us

tonight as Americans is basically a

spiritual problem

crime is a spiritual problem

inflation is a spiritual problem

corruption is a spiritual problem social

injustice is a spiritual problem

the lack of a will even to defend our

freedoms is a spiritual problem

the Lord speaking through his servant

the prophet Isaiah said quote

I was ready to be sought by those who

did not ask for me I was ready to be

found by those who did not seek me

I said here am I to a nation that did

not call on my name I spread out my

hands to all the rebellious people

but they followed their own devices

are people who provoke me to my face


when I spoke you did not listen but you

did that which was evil in my eyes

and judgment came

the great question before us tonight on

the Eve about 200th birthday

and on the eve of 1976 a crucial

election year is

will this nation survive this Century as

a free Society or even the next five


as a free Society

as I come home from my three-month World


this is how crucial and how critical the

problems of the present hour seem to me

I do not believe that we will be a free

democracy 24 years from now in the year


unless unless a dramatic change takes

place within the hearts of the people of

this nation

it was James Russell law American poet

of the last century who put the

challenge to us

when asked by a French historian

how long do you think the American

Republic will endure

Lowell replied

so long as the ideas of its founding

fathers continue to be dominant

one of those ideas was that the Bible

was true

and that our entire social and political

structure was to be built upon its laws

and its teachings

another idea that our founding fathers

had was that God was Supreme

that is why they put on our coins in God

we trust

another early idea certainly not shared

by everybody was that every person

needed Jesus Christ in his heart

as tonight we enter a historic year

America is troubled

our people are filled with frustration

fear and confusion

according to a series of articles in the

Los Angeles Times in October thousands

of radicals are highly organized from

coast to coast

with the determination to overthrow this


we’ve heard testimony before Congress

recently that highly trained terrorists

have arrived in the United States to

begin Terror tactics during the

bicentennial year

will they succeed

it will depend on the patriotism

courage and Faith like those early

Americans had when they landed first on

these Shores

is God going to allow a cataclysmic

judgment to fall Upon This Nation

as has fallen upon nations of the past

who have turned from God and forgotten



will God send to us another great

Spiritual Awakening that has saved us in

the past

during the last 12 months

thousands of Americans have been turning

to God we’ve seen it in our own Crusades

from coast to coast and in throughout

the world wherever we’ve been

prayer groups and bible study groups

have been springing up all over the


churches and other religious

organizations are reporting that

millions are living a more disciplined

Christian Life

this is encouraging even though it only

involves a minority of Americans

in a similar time to ours when only a

minority with True Believers

Isaiah the great Hebrew Prophet said

except the Lord of hosts had left unto

us a very small Remnant we should have

been like Sodom and we should have been

like unto gemara

but God is warning us tonight

that judgment is going to fall Upon Us

in a very short time unless we as a

nation repent of our sins and turn to


in pleading with ancient Israel God said

come now and let us reason together

saith the Lord though your sins be a

Scarlet they shall be as white as snow

though they be red like Crimson they

shall be as wool

if ye be willing and obedient ye shall

eat the good of the land

but if you refuse and rebel

ye shall be devoured with the sword for

the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it

will America turn to God at this late


or will America continue on the broad

road that leads to destruction

it will soon be too late to decide

already the storm clouds are gathering

I’m calling upon Christians everywhere

to a time of humiliation

prayer and fasting during this 200th


there’s no possible solution to the

problems we Face apart from a change in

the spiritual atmosphere

you who are listening to me tonight

by asking the question what can I as an

individual do

I feel so helpless in the midst of the

present crisis

I want to do something but what

what did those early pastors and

teachers and evangelists Proclaim

the heart of the message of Whitfield

Edwards Wesley tenet and hundreds of

other clergy along the frontier was

basically the same message I offered to

you tonight


recognize that God loves you the Bible

says that he is not willing that any

should perish but that all should come

to repentance

secondly be honest before God admit that

you’ve broken his laws and chosen to go

your own way instead of his way be

willing to let him change your life

third receive Jesus Christ into your

heart as Savior and Lord

fourth be a living example by your good

works the Apostle James said faith

without works is dead

this proves that you mean business with


pray for those in Authority be a good

citizen help the poor help the

distressed and help the oppressed of the



get involved in the political process

this coming year is an election year

I would like to challenge every deeply

committed American who is qualified to

think about running for political office

I do not believe that we as Americans

and Christians should withdraw we need

men and women of integrity and Christian

commitment who will run for political

office this coming year no matter to

which political party you belong

on this New Year’s Eve if you will do

these things you could have a part in

helping America to be the kind of

country you want your children and

grandchildren to grow up in America is

Too Young To Die