In Billy Graham’s final days, he had a deep desire to preach one more time. This is his last message—recorded in his North Carolina, mountaintop home.



the moment you read in the paper that

billy graham is dead

you’ll know that he’s more alive than

he’s ever been before

and i’m in heaven


we’ve become spectators we watch the

events happening all around the world

and it seems that it’s going to happen

to everybody else but it won’t happen to



most people think that about death

they say well the other fellow’s gonna

die but i i’m not gonna die it’s gonna

happen to somebody else

we live as though we’re going to live

forever and we’re not

you’ve been to a funeral

for a few moments you’re solemn you’re


that night you go back you go to bed you

think about it


you try to put it out of your mind you

don’t want to think about it

and yet the bible says it’s appointed

unto man once to die

that is the hearse carrying the body the

reverend billy graham

in that simple casket

built by prisoners in louisiana

it’s just something

for that man to even

want me to build his character

one of these days they’re going to be

taking me out to the cemeteries


they’ll be saying some words over me

is that the end


is it all over

here is the question

if a man die


shall he live again



reverend billy graham one of the most

inspirational spiritual leaders of the

20th century

he was a giant he won’t see his likes

again i want us to look at the cross

tonight he’s met and talked and preached

the kings queens and heads of state

around the globe i’m just an ordinary

messenger of the kingdom of god the

humble farmer’s son who helped change

the world

is a spiritual gift to all of us


got that locked down

there you go

you ready

you know as i look back over my life

it’s full of surprises


i never thought i would become friends

with people

in different countries all over the


i want us to look at the cross tonight

i see how god’s hand guided me what a

wonderful and glorious hope

love one another when i began preaching

many years ago it was not with any

thoughts that i’d be preaching to large


come to the cross his gospel is for


god has done this

christ is alive modern america today

there is a victim of the soul our

country is in great need

of a spiritual awakening

well there have been times that i’ve

went as i’ve gone from city to city and

i’ve seen how far

people have wandered from god


of all the things that i’ve seen and


there’s only one message

that can change people’s lives

and hearts

there is a way

if you come by the way of the cross

i want to tell people about the meaning

of the cross


not the cross that hangs on a wall

or around someone’s neck

we receive our freedom purchased by the

ransom at the cross but the real cross

of christ

the cross expresses the great love of

god his scarred and blood state

his was a rugged cross real purpose for

coming was to die i know that many will

react to this message

but it is the truth

and with all my heart i want to leave

you with the truth god says i love you i

love you i love you with an everlasting

love that he loves you

willing to forgive you of all your sins



i look out across an audience

when i stand up to preach

and i think of all the people within

different backgrounds and their various


and i know that they are objects of

god’s mighty love

to the point

that he gave his son

his only son

to die upon a cross and the cross was

the most terrible

form of execution by the romans for


and jesus endured all that

in our place

because of our sins

we deserve the cross we deserve hell

we deserve judgment and all that that



i know that there are many people that

dispute that

people don’t want to hear that they’re


to many people it’s an offense

the cross is offensive

because it directly confronts

the evils which dominate so much of this



you see the bible teaches that all of us

are wrong we’ve all gone astray with

everyone turned to his own way

and when we turn to our own way we go

astray from god’s way and that includes

the whole human race and that’s why the

world is in such terrible danger right


it’s not dangerous so much because we

have atomic bombs it’s dangerous because

of the human hearts back of the bombs

filled with envy and hate and strife and

greed and lust and all the other things

that could pull the trigger

now these things about the cross of


being able to save people and find

forgiveness of sin and find eternal life

at the foot of the cross

sounds foolish

to modern ears

the bible says but the natural man

receiveth not the things of the spirit

of god for their foolishness unto him

neither can he know them because they

are spiritually

discerned you see your mind was affected

by sin

our minds have been distorted

all of us are sinners we’ve turned our

back on god

and that’s a very dangerous thing for us

as individuals

sin is a disease in the human heart it

affects the mind and the will

and the emotions

every part of our being is affected by

this disease


how can we break this bondage

how can we be set free


we’re under condemnation

we’re already condemned we’re on death’s


right now all of us

and god through the cross

is saying to you

i’ll pardon you

i give you a pardon

i’ll forget your sins

i’ll never hold you accountable for your

sin again

you can enter the kingdom of god

and have eternal life

but first we’ve got to settle the score

with god and that’s what christ did on

the cross he made atonement he

reconciled us to god

on that cross god was laying on jesus

our sins

they not only put nails in his hands

but before that they scourged him

a roman scourge was a terrible thing

they took whips

and pellets on those whips and beat a


almost to death

and then they took that cross

and made him carry the cross

which was in his weakened condition

was almost impossible

but he carried that crosstalk place

outside of jerusalem

and then they put nails in his hands

but that was not the real suffering

the real suffering is when he said

my god why i still forsaken me in that

terrible moment

he and god the father

were separated



he shed his blood

and the shedding of that blood carries

with it

god’s very life

the blood is the meeting place between

god and man

and the bible says without the shedding

of blood there’s no forgiveness and

that’s what christ was doing on the

cross he was making atonement for our


he became sin think of it jesus christ

the greatest person that ever lived the

holiest person that ever lived the son

of the living god

became sin

he had never known sin and he became

guilty at that moment of adultery

he became guilty of lying of idolatry

he became guilty of every ugly dirty

thing you can think of

because it was your sins poured out on


jesus took it on the cross and shed his

blood for us

and he was shedding his blood now when

you take the blood out that means you’re

giving your life

and that’s what it means it means the

life of christ

the cross and the resurrection of christ

offers forgiveness of sin offers a whole

new life and offers you eternal life

if you come to the cross by repentance

and faith


there is no other

way of salvation except through the

cross of christ

jesus said i’m the way the truth and the


no man cometh to the father but by me

the only way to the father

father god

is through his son

jesus christ

now why jesus

he’s the only one

that was born in this world without sin

but more than that he was a righteous


and when you come to him you’re clothed

in his righteousness

god no longer sees your sin

he no longer

sees your own heart

he sees jesus

now i don’t understand all about it

there are many things about the cross

and about salvation that i do not

understand and i’m not told that i have

to understand it all i’m told that i’m

to believe and that word believe means

commit i commit my life totally to him


jesus christ from the cross

says i will save you

i will forgive you

i will change you i’ll make you a new


if you come to the cross by repentance

and faith

come to christ

come to christ

when you come to christ you come by the

way of repentance

repent means to change

to change your way of living

and turn from

your sins

and turn to jesus christ

and say bye my son

i need forgiveness

and i know that you’re the only one

that can change me

a lot of people say well i don’t really

want to change in my life

the scripture teaches without that

change that god demands we’ll never get

to heaven

but for me i was a member of a church

but i hadn’t really come to christ

from the very beginning i was reading a

christian atmosphere

my father and mother both were


by the time i was a teenager there came

an evangelist out town mordecai ham

iron back got under such conviction

and one night

they gave the invitation

to receive christ and i reluctantly went


i really meant business with the lord


i came

just as i was

with all my sins

all my failures and the lord received me

and changed me

that has

transformed me till this day

i’ve never been the same



i found during the latter years of my


when i’ve had sicknesses and been in the

hospital and so forth

there’s a piece that just resides there

and stays there

that i cannot explain

everybody could have that same peace

if they received christ as their savior

i know i’m going to heaven

i’m looking forward to it with great


because of what jesus did on that cross

he died for us but he was raised by god

if christ is alive

there is hope in the world

yes jesus christ is alive

he rose from the dead in that day that

easter sunday morning that first easter

when mary and mary magdalene and


went to the grave expecting to anoint a

dead body

they saw the angel sitting there

and they said where is jesus

the angel said he is not here he is

risen i submit to you tonight that

that’s the greatest news the world has

ever heard

he is not here

he has conquered the grave he’s alive

and the whole early church went up and

down the country preaching the

resurrection of jesus christ


and you’ll notice that when the

disciples went out after

the cross and the resurrection

it says they went out preaching that

jesus was alive

and that because he lives

we too are going to live someday

in that same resurrection glory

and because of the hope we have in jesus

we can all be in heaven

someday forever

but first

there must be a decision here

and now

in this life


i’m asking you

to put your trust in christ

i’m going to ask you to pray this prayer

sentence by sentence after me

dear heavenly father

i know that i’m a sinner

and i ask for your forgiveness

i believe you’ve died for my sins

and rose from the dead

i turn from my sins

i repent of my sins

i invite you to come into my heart and


i want to trust and follow you

as my lord and savior

in jesus name



he’s alive

i’ve given my life not to a dead christ

but to a living christ

i know where i’ve come from i know why

i’m here i know where i’m going

do you




i’m guilty

was all that i could say



your mercy

crashing like a wave

and all my sin was washed away


washed away



washed away







and all my sin was washed away

washed away

you took them all


forever washed away

and all my sin was washed away

washed away

you took them all

there’s not a trace





away oh


is the flow


makes me

white as snow



nothing but the god of jesus















the focus of billy graham’s message and

ministry was the cross of christ his

book what happened at the cross explores

the true meaning of this extraordinary


as a thank you for your support we’ll

send you this powerful book call


or go to


for over 60 years billy graham shared

the good news of the cross and

resurrection and today that work


partner with the billy graham

evangelistic association in our ongoing

mission to proclaim the gospel through

every means available


internet evangelism allows us to reach

the world with the good news 24 hours a


our rapid response chaplains offer hope

to the hurting during times of tragedy

and we continue to share god’s love

through franklin graham festivals and

willgram celebrations

join us in taking the gospel to the ends

of the earth visit billy book

or call 877-567-8989

as a thank you we’ll send you what

happened at the cross by billy graham

call or log on today

you’re invited on a journey of discovery

at the billy graham library

retrace billy graham’s path from humble

farm boy to international ambassador of

god’s love

tour the restored grand family home

place browse ruth’s attic bookstore and

have a meal at the dairy bar

enjoy special exhibits events and

seasonal activities for the whole family

admission is free so come walk this

journey of discovery at the billy graham



millions of people are searching for

answers to the crushing problems and

fears that they face today

that ought to give us a new urgency

to declare the one answer

my father his whole ministry he never

got sidetracked he stayed focused on

what god has called him to do jesus said

follow me follow me

there’s a generation now that doesn’t

know billy graham that doesn’t know

jesus christ doesn’t know anything about


we see a spiritual need

here at the billy graham evangelist

association we’re called to meet it


the billy graham archive and research

center will be a facility that will hold

all of my father’s correspondence and


it will be a state-of-the-art facility

it’s going to be two-story 34 000 square


of the audio and visual and photography



everything about this 70-year plus


we’re bringing all that together in


we feel that this is so important for

future generations to have this material

where people can study

what god did through billy graham and

how god did it

i’m sure mr graham had no idea that he

would develop such a treasure trove of

materials first of all of the

manuscripts that he carried into the


probably the most valuable piece of the

archives are those sermon notes that

reflect that incredible anointed

preaching ministry

right next door is the billy graham

library what’s so neat about the archive

center being right beside the library

is that you get not just the research

side but the practicality side of it so

when people come to study

his life they can go to the library and

see his life

and how god brought a group of men and

women around him to reach millions and

millions of people for

jesus the ultimate impact of the billy

graham archive center linked to the

library is to encourage

a younger generation to the task of

proclamation evangelism

and that’s what i hope that this archive

center will do that it will call young

men and women to proclaim the good news

of jesus christ wherever they go and

that’s what’s exciting to see

if this center

can be a place that spurs them on

and gives them an inspiration

for fulfilling the great commission in

their day then it’s worth every dollar

that’s raised


moment of work that it takes to bring it

together so that someone else can learn

to do the work of evangelism

