As another year of ministry comes to a close, we thank God for how He continues to use the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world. Join BGEA in giving people hope:

our job is to make the impact of Christ

felt in every phase of life

his holy spirit filled power when you

preach the gospel gospel I want you to

know tonight that God loves you but our

sins separate us from God

we have chaplains trail of paper council

people and let people know that God

loves them

we’ve got more opportunity today that

we’ve ever had to reach a lost and dying

world with the truth of God’s love we’ve

got an opportunity to tell others about

Jesus Christ we’re going to stand up and

let our voices be heard as Christian men

and women of God this time then we quit

being afraid it’s time that we quit back

it up we need to take a stand

and it all begins with you