You have a right to everything that is required for you to finish your earthly assignment! In this continuation of The Anointing Series – Christ In You Volume 2, Dr. Bill Winston digs deeper on the power of the Anointing and your purpose for dominion on this earth. Your dominion starts with living from the inside-out, understanding who you are in Christ, valuing your words and decreeing the word of God over every aspect of your life. Let the spirit of the Lord dictate your potential, raise you up in your royalty, and bring you to an entirely new level of faith in the anointing!

the believers walk of faith is paid for

by bill Winston ministries partners and

viewers you will win you will come out

on top every battle you will win

I declare in Jesus name

don’t make any battle whatever battle

you are fighting whether it’s something

health-wise or whatever you gonna win

you gonna come out on top hello bill

Winston here and welcome to the

believers walk of faith while we walk by

faith and not by sight now let me

encourage you today that with God you

will never face anything you cannot

overcome now dude that’s it this is

powerful here though what that’s what

I’m saying with God now you remember

what he said with God all things are

what possible yeah I don’t care what the

doctor just said I don’t get with the

x-rays just show I don’t it doesn’t make

any difference what your pocketbook says

or or what happened to it oh wait a

minute with God all things are possible

and he will never allow you to face

anything you cannot overcome over to God

that’s powerful stuff you’ll find it in

first Corinthians chapter 10 and verse

13 so today’s message we’re going is

going to truly bless you

it’s called fulfilling your Dominion

mandate let’s go right into it

one of the things that that we want to

make sure we’re doing is we’re having

faith in the anointing having faith in

that anointing now what is what is

anointing again it’s God’s burden

removing yoke destroying power what we

said about the anointing is that it is

God’s power coming on human flesh to

basically do only what God can do and

that this anointing is what each of us

needs if we want to finish the work of

God God what what is done in the earth

God wants to do but he wants to do it

through you and the way he gets through

you is put Christ in you all right so

whatever God does we got to make sure

that we don’t try to bring what he can

do down to what we can do instead of we

step aside of what we can do and let him

do through us what only he can do does

that make sense okay now with this we

said the anointing is something like oil

and we said oil we mean that it’s you it

it means to anoint needs to smear on and

I use the example Vic’s ass and I was

little boy mama can I get some big SAFF

can you put some big SAP on my chest so

she would put Vicks half on me and you

know the smell of it would open up your

you know your yeah open up your pipes in

so far and and so far but she would

smear it on and the same thing when

you’re talking about oil you’re talking

about what the Shepherd’s of old used to

do with the sheep and they would smear

on oil on the sheep on

outside of the sheep and why would they

do that because it would repel the bugs

the insects that would try to lodge and

into their wool or whatever have you and

even I was a boy scout and we used to

have boy scout hike and one of the

things we made sure we took especially

when I was raised in Alabama where where

was it was hot what you do is you put on

mosquito repellent and that mosquito

repellant would actually repel the

mosquitoes from biting so they get close

to that repellant they’d get off now

just imagine you’re doing God’s work and

while you’re doing it work the anointing

is oozing out of you think about it it’d

be dared difficult for the devil to

touch you so God says in Psalm 105 touch

not my anointed and do my prophets no

harm so as we look at this we must

determine what we can do by the

anointing or the power of God don’t let

it us determine what we can do by our

own strength of what we can think of or

imagine and so forth because God is

going to take us much beyond that now

some of the things that we said is that

when we are talking about this anointing

we’re talking about God sending you into

places that in fact you are going to be

used by God in those places to restore

things to bring order to those places to

eradicate poverty in those places to

bring ideas of how people can get jobs

and who whatever have you so you really

are the ones that God is going to be

sending to places to bring the presence

of the Garden of Eden back to those

places or to bring heaven on earth say

heaven on earth

heaven on earth and towards we do this

there are gonna be a lot of temptations

and I can tell you that that if once you

get on the other side and opposite side

of Satan then he sends temptations and

tries to send those temptations against

you but the Bible says over in 1st

Corinthians in chapter 10 and verse 13

he says there is no temptation taken you

but such a common to man but God is

faithful who will not suffer you to be

tempted above that’s what you are able

but will with the temptation make a way

to escape that you may be able to bear

it and what we said you might put in

your Bible is that you will never face

anything you cannot overcome this is

God’s plan for you so I don’t care what

you’re going through right now but I can

guarantee you Satan’s got something to

do with it

and what people don’t realize is that

Satan uses spiritual forces to win he

comes against people with spiritual

forces and what they think a lot of

times is they think they’re fighting

their own you know something natural it

is nothing natural that’s Satan’s

stirring up people’s hearts putting

stuff in their minds making them say

certain things Wow

because many people if it’s a Christian

sometimes they’re too carnal and there

you move by the feelings and not by

faith and as a result of that Satan

tries to gain advantage over them but

you will persevere you will win you will

come out on top every battle you will


I declare in Jesus name every battle you


doesn’t make any better whatever battle

you’re fighting whether it’s something

health wives or whatever you gonna win

you gonna come out on top say amen to


I just want you to see this look at Matt

the mark’s gospel chapter four and mark

chapter four they said jesus said in

verse 35 he said let us go over to the

other side so now they started a journey

in that boat going over to the other

side of that river whatever have you

that lake or who ocean and it said that

all of a sudden a storm came up and the

wind waves beating to ship it was now

full and he was in hind a part of the

ship is sleep on a pillow and there wake

him and said master don’t you care that

we’re about to die I’m putting it in

their own words and he arose rebuked the

wind said to the sea peace be still in

the wind ceased and there was a great

calm and then he said to them why are

you so fearful how is it that you have

no faith and they feared exceedingly it

said one to another what manner of man

is this that even the wind and the sea

obey Him now could they have stopped

that storm themselves yes say yes so

when there’s no temptation taking you

there’s no nothing God will allow to

come to you that you cannot overcome say

amen to that right all right then Verte

chapter five verse one then it came unto

the other side of the sea into the

country of the gadarenes and when it was

come out of the ship immediately that

met him out of the tombs a man with an

unclean spirit and he had his dwelling

among the tombs and no man could bind

him no not with change because that he

had been often bound with fetters and

chains and the chains had been broke

plucked asunder by him and the fetters

broken in pieces neither could any man

tame him hey I’ll stop right there

now put something right there in your

hand and just turn over here and look

here at gen Exodus chapter 7 and over in

Exodus chapter 7 you will see

where Moses was sent down to Pharaoh and

was sit down there to tell Pharaoh to

let my people go

and now Pharaoh of course being as he

was he objected in fact he made it

harder on them because Moses had

requested their deliverance and

sometimes when you trying to get out of

a situation look like it just got worse

and I’m saying over in verse eight and

the Lord spake unto Moses when Pharaoh

shall speak to you saying show me a

miracle and for you then thou shalt say

unto Aaron and then take that rod and

cat’s it with for Pharaoh and it shall

become a serpent and Moses and Aaron

went into the Pharaoh and they did as

the Lord had commanded and Aaron Capps

down his rod before Pharaoh and before

his servants and it became a serpent and

Pharaoh also called the wise men and the

sorcerers and now the magician’s of

Egypt and they also did likewise or like

manner with their enchantments for they

cast down every man his rod and they

became serpents but Aaron’s rod

swallowed up their rods

now here’s my point could Pharaoh’s

magicians do what look like the

supernatural so he does have some kind

of power it’s a cult power and no man

can defeat it without their Nanak see

what with without God’s help you can’t

outwit the devil you can’t defeat the

devil I’m just showing you this because

here you saw Satan using spiritual

forces to win over here in mark chapter

chapter 4 you saw again that Satan is

using spiritual forces to win what is he

doing in mark chapter 4 he’s actually

channeling this storm through a man and

getting this man see he he got he’s like

God he has to use people see and he used

this demoniac man that they finally ran

upon here he was the one that Satan was

using to control that whole coastline so

I think he was controlling business but

now Jesus shows up he is the Anointed

One now I understand the things that he

did so what we do also so he was waiting

on him to stop the storm but they

wouldn’t they waited on Jesus they said

something wrong that we want to die and

so forth Jesus had to cut that mess off

and stop the storm then he said why are

you so fearful how is it that you have

no faith so it took faith to release an

anointing or a power that could actually

confront that storm and cut it off and

I’m telling you the power was coming

through this man right here and they

checked to see how many demons he had

and the Bible says he said in chapter

five and verse nine and he asked him

what is your name he answered and said

my name is legion for we are many

Legion Legion is a a number of soldiers

could be two thousand four thousand subs

as many as six thousand so this man

hadn’t as many as six thousand demons

loaded in it and they and their their

captain over those demons was called

Legion now you know if you ever bind the

strongman you can spoil a strong Mans

house say amen to that

see we binding the strongman in Chicago

and he gonna let everybody go and so

what happens here then it says in verse

12 and all the devil’s besought him

saying send us into the swine that we

may enter into them in other words don’t

send us out of this country and so what

he did he sent him into the swine and

the swine ran down the cliff and died he

said in verse 14 and they that fed the

swine fled and Tolan in the city in the

country and they they went out to see

what was done that that was done and

they come to Jesus and see him that was

possessed with the devil and had the

Legion sitting and what clothes and what

else in his right mind

somebody said bona fide last time we

talked about bona fide miracles

see we’re not talking about getting a

headache out we talked about getting six

thousand Legion six thousand demons out

of a man watch this and setting a whole

countryside free

I believe the world is waiting on

something that’s bona fide come on they

don’t work just a man’s leg so that he

can walk again how about giving him a

new leg

how about a man that came in that had

one leg missing come on now y’all

looking at me like care for the new game

I’m talking about bonafide I said I’m

talking about bona fide you see God’s

gonna do some miracles in these last

days let me try to find the scripture

for it’s gonna be good in the last days

folks I’m so glad I’m in the last days I

don’t know what to do he said the latter

end shall be greater than factor first

so and there’s a scripture Habakkuk

chapter 1 and verse 5 behold you among

the heathen and regard and wonder

marvelously for I will do a work in your

days which you will not believe though

it be told you say man I’m talking about

God is about to do some bonafide

miracles say men that you you gonna have

to do very little witnessing you goes

they gonna see that miracle and gonna

want to know who your God is getting

that wonderful say bona fide the man was

in his right mind see it didn’t make any

difference because I told you God is a

hard fixer come on

and a mind regulator see you know if he

could take Nebuchadnezzar who was a

Babylonian king and he was all full of

pride but he was the most powerful man

of his day but notice what God said

through the Prophet of Joseph orab

lavish and Daniel he said God said that

you gonna be cut down like a tree stump

and you’re gonna go out in the field and

your hair is gonna grow on you like an


you’re gonna eat grass like an ox and

after seven years I’m gonna let you come

to your right mind I’m gonna bring you

back in and set you back up as king and

do you know what God did just that

but once God did that Nebuchadnezzar

said he is God and I’m telling you right

now you might have a cousin that’s got

perverted thoughts and doing perverted

things but God is still done

come on you might have a boss man that

is evil and wicked and hates you but da

is a hard fixer

and a mind regulator what’s been the

problem Church been in unbelief and got

too close to the world started thinking

like the world acting like the world

talking like the world cussing like the

world oh I better leave that alone there

come on back here the first job first

John chapter 2 verse 15 love not the

world neither the things that are in the


If any man love the world the love of

the father is not in it what I’m saying

is this is God delivered you out of the

world but now I’m saying that he’s

sending you back into the world now as

he’s sending you back into the world he

doesn’t want you to fall in love with

the world

oh I’m preaching good

now let me just show you two things one

is Jeremiah chapter 29 let’s put that

pop that up there real quick please

Jeremiah chapter 29 he said this and

seek the peace of the city whether I

have caused you to be carried away

captain life says and pray unto the Lord

for hit for in the the peace thereof

shall you have peace so you’re going

into places that God’s gonna send you

and he’s not sending you in there to

curse two people

he is sending you in there to pray for

them cuz you know the God that is a

heart fixer and a mind regulator am I

right about that now understand again

going into that world there are a lot of

temptations there but the Bible tells

you in James chapter 4 verse 7 that you

draw nigh to God and resist the devil

and what will the devil do he will

depart from you plus the fact you got

that anointing smeared on you and at

that anointing spirit on you no disease

ought to be able to hang on you

or in there’s no preaching here

now in there God’s gonna make you super

comfortable now understand you’re gonna

be conformed to the word but he’s gonna

bring comfort your way

I trusted you were blessed by that

powerful message now here’s a point you

want to remember the anointing of God is

God’s power coming on human flesh to do

what only God can do you remember Samson

and how he that anointing would come on

him and now he could take the jawbone of

a donkey and slay a thousand men now

this is only what God can do it’s just

one person you can take somebody who

Joseph for example the anointing comes

on him and he can give the King Pharaoh

he can give him some answers that no man

could give him look how the anointing

can empower you both physically and the

anointing can empower you mentally I

mean everything there knowing he can

come on you and your business and raise

your business and you up to a level that

is beyond anything any of your

competitors because that’s the anointing

so their knowing is what we need to

finish God’s work so what we do we pray

God ask God for that anointing he said

I’m gonna pour out my spirit on all

flesh now here’s one of the things you

must have for that annoying to come on

you God’s way to do God’s work and that

is you must be born again now somebody

show what is that well Nicodemus who is

a rule of the synagogue back in the days

of Jesus asked the same question he said

you mean come out of my mother’s womb a

second time he said no no what’s flesh

is flesh and what spirit is spirit now

when we’re talking about born again

we’re talking about a person actually

giving their life to the Lord Jesus


once they do they give their life to God

the Christ in you that spirit of god

that life force comes inside of you

there is a miracle that takes place in

your life you get born again for example

I I went and yeah I’d been in church

when I was a kid but you know just

because you in church doesn’t mean the

church is in you you know so I did all

the religious things but I never knew

Christ I never knew him as my personal

Lord and Savior so when I got older

God’s head I came out of the middle

cariann and then i went to a company IBM

and computers and and things not

happening going negative in south with

me and health and everything and I cried

out to the Lord Lord sent somebody and

she took me to a meeting way up on the

north side of Chicago and the next was

history I tell you I received Christ and

just me receiving him saying the word

something came inside of me I got born

again and when I got born it felt like

the world had lifted up off my shoulder

and so what happened from that day

forward my life has never been the same

now what he did for me he’s gonna do for

you Peter said this I perceive that God

is no respecter of persons you see he’s

waiting on you matter of fact he sent

his son to die for you now he wants you

to come home he’s got an anointing for

you you see you’re trying to do your

work and that’s why you’re frustrated

and that’s why you’re going through

things you need that anointing need that

empowerment from God that’s what Adam

had in the beginning so God has taken us

back to the garden so what do you do

today did the Bible says if you confess

with your mouth the Lord Jesus and

believe in your heart that God has

raised him from the dead you shall be

saved well that’s what I did that night

powerful thing so what are the what like

to do now I want to say that prayer for

you I want to lead you through that

prayer that you can speak these words

and as you do we’re gonna expect a

miracle to take place inside of you that

you’ll be born again let’s do it

so if you know that you you may have

been the church but you know you’re not

certain that that you know when you die

you can leave and go to be with the Lord

you know it’s not certain why because

that experience were never real to you

so no matter what category you’re in I

want to pray for you now here’s what I

want you to do bow your heads with me

and say this after me dear lord I come

to you now

just as I am you know my life you know

how I’ve lived forgive me lord I repent

of my sins I believe Jesus Christ is the

son of God that he died for my sins and

on the third day he was raised from the

dead Lord Jesus I ask you come into my

heart live your life in me and through

me from now on from this day forward I

belong to you

thank you lord in Jesus name Amen praise

God well if you sent that prayer with me

I’d like to send you my book it’s called

born again in spirit film right now I’ve

got it in English and Spanish and polish

we even have a Zulu version for those

who speak Zulu let us send it right out

to you why in these books it has your

next step being water baptized filled

with the spirit so forth why so that you

could get the best out of your Christian

experience right he’s our Lord well this

is bill Winston saying we love you and

until next time keep walking by faith it

doesn’t matter what walk of life you’re

from or what your economic situation is

this very minute you can grab hold of

the promises of God and take true and

lasting dominion over your God given

inheritance for years dr. Winston has

preached on God’s greater plan for our

lives you have a right to everything

that is required for you to finish your

earthly assignment in this continuation

of the anointing series dr. bill Winston

Diggs even deeper on the power of the

anointing and your purpose for Dominion

on this earth your Dominion starts with

living from the inside out understanding

who you are in Christ valuing your words

and decree the word of God over every

aspect of your life let the Spirit of

the Lord did take your potential raise

you up in your royalty and bring you to

an entirely new level of faith in the

anointing call one eight hundred seven

eleven ninety three twenty seven right

now or go online to bill Winston or to

receive dr. Winston’s four-part series

fulfilling your Dominion man

available now on your choice of DVD mp4

CD or mp3 each teaching divinely equips

you to resume your or deemed position

with dominion over financial resources

Dominion over sickness and disease and

Dominion over your relationships lessons

designed to bring you closer to God in

the way you were meant to be the time to

fulfill your god-given destiny is now

don’t miss this masterful teaching and

at last fulfill your Dominion mandate

call or go online to one eight hundred

seven eleven ninety three twenty seven

or pill Winston org doctors bill and

Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing

lives changed through the power of

prayer our loving and highly trained

prayer ministers are ready to pray and

agree with you we know that prayer can

turn around any situation in your life

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our regular live prayer sessions we want

to thank our partners who had made this

prayer call center possible together we

are transforming lives throughout the

world if you are not a partner we

encourage you to pray about joining us

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forward to praying and partnering with


