In these last days, it is critical to understand that the power of God has been bestowed upon you, to walk upright and be victorious. In Christ In You Vol. 2, Dr. Bill Winston strengthens your inner-man as he teaches on the ministry of the Holy Spirit (the Latter Rain), and the gift of the Anointing, that is on and in you.

ANNOUNCER: The Believer’s
Walk of Faith is paid for

by Bill Winston’s Ministries
partners and viewers.

on the Believer’s Walk

of Faith. BILL: I’ve
got good news for you.

God’s got a destiny for you
and if you want to reach it,

you’re gonna do it God’s way.
You gonna do it God’s way

brothers and sister. I have
tried to do it my way. That road

gets long, it gets
hard. It gets tough,

you find you got
bills, you can’t pay them.

You can’t seem to settle
down, your kid’s running crazy.

I’m just telling you, you let
God go, he’ll let you

go. You come back to God,
he’ll come back to you.

BILL: Welcome to the
Believer’s Walk of Faith,

this is Pastor Bill
Winston, where we walk

by faith and not by
sight. Praise God. Well

today’s teaching, we share with
you one of the reasons why a lot

of people don’t reach their
destiny and the reason why is

because of what we’re teaching
in this vital message, the

anointing. You see, Christ
means the anointed one in his

anointing. And that anointing is
on you. Once that anointing is

on you and in you, let me tell
you, nothing can stop you. It

doesn’t make any difference who
you are. It doesn’t make any

difference what you’ve got,
where you start, doesn’t make

any difference what your
background is. Doesn’t make any

difference. You are headed to
your destiny. That’s the power

of the anointing. Now, get
your Bibles and pencils

and papers ready. Let’s
go into this teaching now.

Learn more about this
anointing. Let’s go into it,

it’s called Christ in
You, volume two.

BILL: You’ve got Christ where?
In you. And what you’ve

accomplished now is a
joke compared to what you can

do. Now I’m just saying think
about it. When God made the

church, he made the church
so powerful, I mean, you’re not

supposed to be fighting bills
all the time. You’re not

supposed to be fighting
depression. You’re not supposed

to be … I’m not coming down if
that’s a thing that’s happening,

but I’m here to tell you that
God has a higher life that we

supposed to be living because of
what’s under the hood of our

covering here. Over in Genesis
12:2 in the Amplified, “And I

will make you,” he’s talking to
you now, “A great nation and I

will do,” what? “Bless you
with,” what? “Abundant increase

of,” what? “Favor and make your
name,” come on, “Famous and

distinguished and you will be a
blessing.” So you are supposed

to be famous by now for whatever
you do. Well what has been

happening? What’s been happening
either is that the anointing has

not been preached or the
antichrist has been getting in

and stealing that anointing
because of anger, because of

racism, because of whatever and
causing that anointing not to

work. Don’t shout me down
because I’m preaching good. So

what is the result of not having
that anointing to function?

People have never reached their
destiny, never reach the maximum

of what they can do in this
life, and also, lives have never

been touched. When you got that
anointing on you, it draws

people to you. It takes you to
problems that you can lift

burdens off of people and also
when that anointing is on you,

when the anointing is not there,
it’s not been that fulfillment.

When people die and leave this
earth, you see them talking

about, oh, I wish I would have
… boy I had a chance, I never

did this, I should have done
that. All kinds of fulfillment

that’s not there at the end of
life. When that anointing is not

working, you’ll find that you’re
not even leaving an inheritance

to your children’s children.
Folks, there should be enough in

the bank that your children
won’t have the struggle, they

can live better than you. Don’t
shout me down because I’m

preaching good. And also, when
that anointing is on you, it

gives you a possibility
lifestyle. In other words,

others will see it on you and
when they see it on you, they’ll

be drawn to that anointing.
They’ll see the value in it. Say

amen to that. Also, when
that anointing is on you,

opportunities will never pass by
you. You’ll see that

opportunities will be drawn to
you and all the opportunities

that will be drawn to you, you
will be open to opportunities

that you’ve never been
open to before. Also, when that

anointing is not working like it
should, you don’t command the

respect of an unbeliever. Some
how you’re sitting in the same

doctors office, I’m just saying,
don’t shout me down because I’m

preaching good. I ask you to
fasten your seatbelt because

what you’re gonna do from now on
is that anointing is gonna kick

in. You’re gonna take your foot
and put it all the way down

there. You’re gonna see what
this thing will really do. Say

amen to that. Look at Jesus.
He’s constantly moving them into

that anointing, see because
they’re trying to live only by

their flesh. And he said in Mark
16, if you go over there with

me, please. In Mark 16, starting
at verse 15. “And he said unto

them, ‘Go unto all the world and
preach the Gospel to every

creature. He that believeth
on me and is baptized shall be

saved. He that believe not shall
be,'” what? “damned. And these

signs shall follow them that
believe. In my name, they shall

cast out devils. They shall
speak with new tongues and they

shall take up serpents. And if
they drink any deadly thing, it

won’t hurt them.” Now this is
not talking about going out and

drinking a fifth of liqueur
somewhere and just say it won’t

hurt me. “They shall lay hands
on the,” who? “Sick, and they

shall …” This is not written
to the preacher. It’s written to

the reacher. It’s written to
people who are in a church. The

word church comes from the Greek
word ecclesia, which means

called out ones. You didn’t
choose him. We said in John 15

in verse 16, “You didn’t choose
him, for he chose you and

ordained you that you will go
out and bring forth fruit.” You,

with that anointing on you, are
never supposed to run from a

problem. You’re supposed to run
to problems because you’re

supposed to be operating so
high, above people that don’t

… come on now. Get your foot
on the accelerator. It’s time to

pump this thing. It’s in you
already. It’s called potential.

Potential is simply hidden
abilities. God would never tell

you to govern the earth if you
didn’t have the potential to do

it. Isaiah 9:6, “And unto a us a
child is born, unto us a son is

given. And the government shall
be upon his shoulder. And his

name shall be called wonderful,
counselor, the mighty God, the

everlasting Father, the Prince
of Peace. And of the increase of

his government and peace there
shall be,” what? “No end. Upon

the throne of David and upon his
kingdom, to order it. Say order

it. And to establish it with
judgment and with justice from

hence forth, even forever, the
zeal of the Lord of host will

perform this.” That’s what he
said, the government shall be

upon his, what? Shoulder.
The number of government is 12.

That’s why he chose 12
disciples. And where will it be?

Upon his shoulder. See, the
government of God, the church,

is the governing arm of the
kingdom. Wherever you go, subdue

systems. Watch this, change
legislation. Oh yes, in the last

days, one of the major targets
of attack, demonic attack is

going to be the justice system.
But you coming to change laws.

Now wait a minute, don’t say you
can’t do it, because he never

would have told you that you can
do it. But he said, I’m giving

to you power to tread on
serpents and scorpions and over

all the power of the enemy. And
what, nothing. All right, let’s

look at 1 John 2:18, one more
time please. “Little children,

it is the last time. As you have
heard, the antichrist shall

come. Even now are there many
antichrist whereby we know that

it is the last time.” So the
antichrist comes to steal the

what? The anointing. Stop that
anointing because that’s the

thing that he’s got to stop.
Now, one of the things that can

stop the anointing is you not
believe and trusting in God’s

Word. All right? Now I think in
the last days, it’s going to be

all about the anointing.
The devil is trying to stop the

church because you are starting
to rise and he does not like it.

All right, let’s look at 1
Timothy 2:1, he says, “I exhort

therefore that first of
all, supplications, prayers,

intersessions, and giving of
thanks be made for some men.” Oh

thank you for correcting me,
“All men. For kings and for all

that are in authority that we
may lead a quiet and peaceable

life, in all godliness,” come
on, “And honestly.” Keep going.

“For this is good.” Say this is
good. “And acceptable in the

sight of God, our Savior, who
will have all men to be saved.”

Glory to God. I had to break
that out. “And come to the

knowledge of the truth.” All
right, now God is sovereign.

Isaiah 45, God is sovereign.
What does sovereign mean? It

means all powerful. He is above
everything. “I am the Lord and

there is non else. There is no
God beside me. I girdeth thee

and though thou has not known
me, that they may know from the

rising of the sun, and from the
west, that there is none beside

me. I am the Lord and there is
none else. I formed the light,

and I create darkness. I, make
peace, and I create evil. I the

Lord, do all these things.”
Leave that in place, please. Now

notice what he said. He said, “I
formed the light, and I create

darkness.” The Bible says over
in 1 John that in him is no

darkness at all. God doesn’t
create what doesn’t come out of

him. So, what he’s saying here,
I formed the light, and I allow

darkness. Because it’s in the
permissive in the Hebrew. I make

peace, and I create evil. Well
if God created evil, he couldn’t

get on you for lying and
creating evil. No, it means he

allows evil. And he said, “I the
Lord do all these things.” Now I

want you to go to Isaiah 33. Say
God is sovereign. Now this

scripture is where we get in our
constitution, the three branches

of government. This is human
government. For the Lord is our

who? Judge. The Lord is our what
else? Law giver. The Lord is

our, who? King. And what will he
do? He will save us. All right,

let’s go to these three. He’s
a judge. That is the judicial

branch of government, the
Supreme Court. He is a law

giver. That is congress. That is
where laws now are made. He is

our king. That is the executive
branch of government and that is

the president that is the last
signature signing something into

law. Got it? So this country was
ordered under those three. Got

it? Now, when that happens, now
God tells us about who to pray

for. And in 1 Timothy 2:1 again,
he tells you who to pray for. “I

exhort therefore that first of
all, supplication prayers,

intercessions and giving of
thanks be made for all men.”

Watch this. “For kings and all
that are in authority.” Now, do

we have a king in this country.
No, what do we have? We have a

president. Now are we supposed
to pray for our president. Why?

Because God said so. Now, wait a
minute, don’t get it twisted. He

didn’t ask for your opinion. And
he doesn’t want it. You said,

well wait a minute, I just don’t
feel I have to do that. Who are

you? 2 Corinthians 5:20, please,
who are you? He said this, “Now

that we are ambassadors for
Christ, you are a government

official sent from a kingdom and
you are only authorized to do

the will of your king. The will
of your king says you will pray

for all that are in authority.”
I told you to fasten your

seatbelt. See, I don’t have a
choice. It makes no difference.

He’s not changing. Proverbs 21.
Look what he says in Proverbs

21:1, “The king’s heart is in
the hands,” come on, “Of the

Lord, as the rivers of water, he
turneth it whether so ever he

will.” See, when they got in
that position, their heart is

now gonna be controlled by God.
Watch this, watch this, who is

going to respond to the
intercession of the people of

God. You don’t pray, he don’t do
nothing. And you gonna have a

rough life. I don’t care who’s
in there because whoever gets in

there, the devil is after him. A
place of the seat of authority

like the president, that place
is bombarded daily with demon

spirits. Now, stop this
complaining why? Because over in

Ecclesiastes 10, it says this,
“Curse not the king.” I’m gonna

leave that right there. I’m
telling you the way that the

enemy is trying to stop the
church is to get you first to

hate each other, and then get
you hating on somebody who in

fact, if they’re put there, you
got a petition with God who is

the judge, that he can turn a
river which ever way he wants to

turn it. Look at Daniel
in Daniel 6. See, a lot of

preachers don’t have the courage
to preach this. I’m not saying

I’m somebody special, but when
you come in here, you gonna get

it straight with no chaser. You
gonna get the Gospel with no

flares on it. You gonna get it
just like it is in the book, and

I’m telling you right now that
you got a choice to make after I

lay this on you. You can either
flow with God or you can decide

to go with some group
that you’ve been hearing and

television that you’ve been
watching. I got good news for

you. God’s got a destiny for you
and if you want to reach it, you

gonna do it God’s way. You gonna
do it God’s way, brothers and

sisters. I have tried to do it
my way, that road gets raw, it

gets hard, it gets tough. You
find you got bills, you can’t

pay them. You can’t seem to
settle down, your kid’s running

crazy, I’m just telling you, you
let God go, he’ll let you go.

You come back to God, he’ll come
back to you. He doesn’t care

what you think. I ain’t coming
back in here, yes you are. You

know why you’re coming back?
Because you love the truth. You

might get mad at it right now,
but you were like I was when I

went to that church on the North
side and I saw this man of God

preaching and you know, he was a
white man, and I’d never been to

a white church with a white man
preaching, I was brought up in

a black baptist church and I’d
never been and I said, “I don’t

know, this man trying to trick
these people.” So each time, I’d

move closer to the front, I’d
move closer to the front to see.

I said, “I’m going to see the
whites of his eye.” I got so

close to the front, he said,
“All right, somebody need to be

saved. If you need to be saved,
get in this line. If you need to

be healed, get in this line. If
you need the Holy Ghost, get in

this line.” I said, “Oh, Lord,
what line do I need to get in?”

And so I got in the Holy Ghost
line. The man of God laid hands

on me. Pow, the power of God hit
me, I fell out under the power

of God, I got up, and it felt
like somebody was having a party

in my stomach. I said, “Man,” I
said, “I got some.” I went home

and told my friend, “Hey, man, I
got the Holy Ghost.” They said

this, “You got a ghost?” I said,
“No, I got the Holy Ghost, man.”

It changed my life from that day
to this one because I got the

power of God and it removed the
burdens and it destroyed the

yokes. You better hear what I’m
telling you. There’s some people

in here, you’ve been baptized in
water but you have never had the

Holy Ghost and when you don’t
have the Holy Ghost, you’re

missing part of the power
because it’s going to remove

things that have been choking
your mind and keeping you in

darkness. Now give God
some praise off of this.

I am unapologetic about
the Gospel because it is the

power of God unto salvation. To
everybody that will believe it.

ANNOUNCER: Christ, his
death and resurrection did

more than simply guarantee
your entrance into

Heaven. There’s so much
more here one earth you

have access to because of the
anointing deposited within

you. Christ and his anointing
breaks yokes, lifts burdens and

clears the way for you to win in
life. It’s time to discover how

to access and release this power
source, the anointing is the key

that brings to pass the promises
of God right now. Call us now at

800-711-9327, or go online to to get your

copy of Christ in You, Volume
Two. In this four part series,

Dr. Winston masterfully breaks
down the anointing within you,

as only he can. Dr. Winston uses
the scriptures to explain what

the anointing is, and exactly
how this God given power works.

Consider this four part series
a spiritual boot camp. You’ll

emerge from this time
in the Word, truly

understanding the anointing
and how to activate it for your

benefit. These lessons are
available on DVD, MP4, CD, or

MP3. Maybe you want to up size
your understanding of the true

power you have as God’s child,
then The Power Within You bundle

is just for you. Not only will
you receive the four part Christ

in You, Volume Two series,
you will also get a copy of Dr.

Winston’s mini book, The Missing
Link of Meditation. The art of

Biblical meditation is the
process that shifts you’re

thinking and creates permanent
change in your life, if you have

not seen what the Bible promises
comes to pass, this book

provides the missing link to
make your every dream become a

reality. You have all you need
to succeed locked up inside of

you, don’t wait one more day to
unleash the power within.

BILL: Hello Bill Winston here. I
would like to wish you and your

family a very happy
thanksgiving. In Isaiah 12:4-5

it says this, “And you will say
in that day give thanks to the

Lord. Call upon His name and
make known his deeds among the

people. Proclaim that His name
is exalted. Sing praises to the

Lord, for he has done
gloriously. Let this be made

known throughout all the
earth.” As we go through this

holiday season, it’s important
for us to remember to take time

to give thanks to God. You might
be gathering with the family,

you might be by yourself.
But wherever you are, it’s good

for us to thank God. You see
when we want to open the door

even for more things that God is
wanting to do for us. He wants

us to thank Him for what He’s
done. Let’s just take a moment

right now, Father we come before
you in the name of Jesus. Lord

we don’t come asking for
anything, we don’t come

requesting something, we just
come to stay thank you. Lord we

don’t want to be like those
that when you heal them they

just went off and only one
returned. We want to be like

that one that returned and said
thank you. And Lord we want to

thank you, even for the things
that you’ve done, for the

things that you’re doing now.
The things that you’re going

to do, thank you Lord. And we
give you the praise and thank

you for it all. In Jesus name,
amen. You know it might not seem

like much, but it’s a lot to
God just for His children to

come back and say thank you. We
thank our partners and we thank

all of those who have
been viewers. Those that have

supported our broadcast, whether
it be monetary or whether it be

supporting us in prayer. We
thank you so much. You’re

gifts and you’re support have
meant so much to us. Together

we’re taking the Gospel to the
nations and transforming

millions of lives. Praise God,
and we thank you so much for it,

so for all of us here at Bill
Winston Ministries, we wish you

and your family a very happy
Thanksgiving, God bless you.

and Veronica Winston

are dedicated to
seeing lives changed through

the power of prayer. Our
loving and highly trained

prayer ministers are
ready to pray and agree with

you. We know that prayer can
turn around any situation in

your life. Contact us by phone
at 1-877-543-9443 or submit your

prayer request online at Follow

us on Periscope and Facebook to
join us for our regular live

prayer session. We want to thank
our partners who have made this

prayer call center possible.
Together we are transforming

lives throughout the world.
If you are not a partner we

encourage you to prayer about
joining us in partnership and be

apart of the wonderful
work that God is doing

through this ministry. We
love you, and look

forward to praying and
partnering with you.

FEMALE: My name is Tracy
Abrams and I am JBS. I am the

administrator and owner of
Harvest in Home Care. I became a

single parent because I had
gotten a divorce, and I was

really really struggling. I
didn’t have any money, and I

didn’t know how I was going to
pay my bills so I knew I needed

a way out. I attended JBS,
and that’s when God spoke to me

clearly that you need to open up
your own company. Just the over

all environment, being in a
place where you can hear God.

That’s when He spoke to me and
said, you should open up your

own home care agency. That was
the most impactful moment for

me. The program really changed
my life drastically. Attending

JBS helped me to build my
core team. We currently

have 50 caregivers that are
employed by Harvest in Home

Care. I encourage anyone
that has a business

idea to attend the Joseph
School of Business.

ANNOUNCER: The mission of Bill
Winston Ministries is to preach

the Gospel of the Kingdom
throughout the world. Thank you,

Bill Winston Ministry partners
and viewers for your continuous

support of The Believer’s
Walk of Faith Broadcast.

ANNOUNCER: The Believer’s
Walk of Faith is paid for

by Bill Winston Ministries’
partners and viewers.