In this series, Dr. Bill Winston explains how God has given you control over your own destiny, which is demonstrated throughout Scripture.Believers who ask, receive—but how? While it begins with prayer, it is faith that makes prayer work. #PrayerandPraise #BWOF

the believers walk of faith is paid for

by bill Winston ministries partners and

viewers where are you going to

supernaturally demanding where are you

going to scuba NETL it’s a lifestyle

God’s gonna make you a praise in the


praise is more than music it is a

warfare to that God gives you so that

you can shift the battle over to him

he inhabits the praises of his people

prayer since angels praise since God

you just get up off your knees and walk

away that’s not the right thing to do it

to midnight out you’re not done yet

you get a bump your knees raise your

hands up and start giving God some

praise because it’s already done you are

made for worship natural realm versus

spiritual realm temporal versus eternal

physical versus the unseen or the

invisible that’s what you’re dealing


for you to go into your inheritance

you’re going to have to get a

breakthrough you’re going to have to

break out of the five physical senses

same into that you’re going to go have

to go to a place where you don’t have to

hear see feel anything before you

believe something now once that happens

you have just gone from the normal to

the impossible

this invisible opens up an entirely new

world of possibilities

because once I’m back here now in the

natural logical world where most

professionals are then something is

impossible but once I break through once

I leave these five physical senses Oh

all things become possible same into

them because see I’m not by myself when

I do this I’m one spirit with the Lord

say Amen to this so now this scripture

here put it up mark 11:23 he’s talking

about saying to this mountain now what

is a mountain mountain is something that

what is impossible to move am i right

about it but who said this Jesus how do

I know Jesus said it’s in the ring so if

he said it he’s telling me what I’m

capable of doing because he knows how

I’ve been designed

am i right about it so now I’ve got to

say something to see something and as I

do this don’t ever see if it’s a

mountain it’s got to obey me now I know

I’m not by myself I know about but not

by myself but I’m leading the way here

because it’s my authority gods won’t

have to use now let’s keep going –

except further God does not need time in

the senses you need it but over here I

don’t so what I’m saying here is that

many times the people of God don’t see

the miracle the signs and wonders the

supernatural is because they have never

gotten outside of time and they’re

trying to make God perform it outside of

the now

now this is why you don’t see miracles

in churches because the church many

times has been conformed to this world

they have been thinking time but God can

take your future and invade your now

with it now once I step over the line

the only thing I’ve got to work with is

faith because there’s nothing else that

can tell me anything I’ve got to believe

what the word says save it to this and

not go back on my senses to verify

whether this is so is this making sense

to you now so I’m gonna speak two things

then in the next verse verse 24 watch

this now I’m staying on this for a

reason therefore I say to you what thing

soever you desire when you pray in this

case is whatsoever things you desire say

min so I got to come up with my design

what’s my design now I’m not talk about

something that’s ugly

I’m know about my desire something in

the line of life and godliness believe

that I what received them and I shall

have them so it didn’t ask me to pay for

it it asked me to believe for it one

more time

it didn’t ask me to Pepsi you you look

at me but I want to get just in your

spirit because the enemy has sown seeds

in there that one I got a weight on

things and the next thing that this

thing is impossible there’s nothing

impossible if it looked looks impossible

it’s a deception so don’t even deal with

that deal with whether I believe this or


so I’m dealing now with the impossible

I’m not asking is it possible so I take

my wife and we’re in Minnesota so we go

around looking at houses we have any

money to bank except about I know

thousand dollars fifty hundred dollars

or something

we just paid everything off we were

going for this thing and so we went

around about three days had a Christian

realtor to show us around and we saw

this house but we saw a lot of houses so

we came back and I said in spirit of God

spoke to me and say ask your wife which

one does she like I said sweetheart God

told me ask you which one do you like

she said what you mean which one can we

afford all right let’s read the script

you again verse 24 whatsoever things you

desire when you pray believe you

received them and what will happen did

it ask me to pay for it no what did it

ask me to do believe i’ma go somewhere

I’ll show you something I’m really lift

your spirit ship I said God didn’t ask

me which one we could afford he asked me

which one do you like

so God with this verse is leading us

into a place where 99.9 percent of the

time it’s beyond your ability watches

beyond your paycheck watch it beyond

your own education law heaven

that’s what this verse is for so he’s

leading me into a battle I can’t win

without this verse I’m talking about in

the natural now because the natural man

said oh say that’s impossible that can

happen no no with God all things are

possible so she said well I like the big

white one on the hill with that circular

driveway I said ok let’s get out and


both are outside of the bread we pray

this is that night Spirit of God said

get up and take your wife go over then

point at the house claim that house now

I’m pointing at the mountain I’m about

to speak to it so I get up got my wife

go over there is that house you hear me

talking to you wait a minute I’ve done

this before because I read this before

and I just happen to be a person that is

a dual of the word and not sitting up

here just saying Amen so when my car

wouldn’t start and it was 50 degree

below zero wind chill factor in Chicago

I went out there car wouldn’t start

Trump said speak to it I got out the car

and I confess I look to see if anybody

was looking I got in the middle of the

street but no I was out there to go and

I’ll take car I’m talking to you in the

name of Jesus some of y’all won’t do

this in the name of Jesus start I went

back in that house now what did I do

I just left the temporal the seen the

physical the limitations of a natural

man I just broke through into a place

where all things are possible

I know when these dogs ability into my

situation are y’all good might of

tougher I went back inside got a cup of

tea or something for about a half hour

look through the game give God a chance

to work now where did I get that from I

got that from looking at new church in

that victory and then we came back the

next morning it was all withered away

so I said now I’m gonna speak to his

garden we’re going here and give me some

some tea look at the football game

minute now I’m coming back out but when

I come back out this time I’m bringing

all my books and bringing my bags cuz

I’m going up to the office and I’m going

there and I’m going out to this car like

it’s starting I couldn’t go back to what

I saw in the natural that it will start

I couldn’t go and leave everything

inside they go out there see if it works

that’s not faith so I go back and I take

it and I boom Carl started right up now

I did that but wait a minute that’s not

all I did then I had some bills this is

when I first in there’s one I heard a

man teaching that he spoke to his bill

I’m talking about about two now I’m

talking about you’re much bigger on the

inside than you are on outside and when

you cross over that barrier you’re on

the inside when you come back over here

in the flesh you’re on the outside I am

a Bill’s heard the man say put him on

the table

scramble them all up go off the table

point out his bills command the bill to

be paid off boom boom boom boom boom

Bill’s got paid off I said well if he

can do it I can do it too so I put the

bills on the table and the one I’m at a

nerve to talk to me I said shut up I

said I’m doing the talking here bills

are talk to you late at night get talk

to you

I said in the name of Jesus Christ of


I command you be paid off disappeared go


be dissolved in the name of Jesus boom

boom boom boom boom bills got paid off

now I understand I so – see but my point

– is is that this works say Amen to this

so what happened is on the house once we

did that things supernaturally started

happening and this guy what happened we

said let’s go over and meet the guy

that’s selling the house he was an

executive at Honeywell and and we went

over there knocked on the door NES door

and said oh I remember you all you came

looking down here he said you know yeah

I thought you were a nice couple that’s

what it said something like and we sat

down and we talked him a little bit he

said well I’m going through a divorce

right now so forth so I say oh well look

at my wife I said well let’s listen tell

you what we just back off the sale we

just pray for you and your family to

come back in he said no we ain’t coming

back together he said now you either you

gonna buy the house I almost said some I

said oh okay we’ll forget all I said he

never into the house okay I’m gonna tell

you what I did okay well if he ain’t no

good you know man’s well get it y’all

sit with me things are happy – Vanessa

now you with me now because I’m I’m in a

supernatural realm because that’s where

you go have to go if you go make heaven

become earth come to earth you gonna

have to go there now I said so what

happened is I went down to preach for

Bishop TD jakes

went down there to preach three days

from preach – three days I’m preaching

about ownership taking ownership and

what I said is that Jesus didn’t die for


he died for ownership so we need to

forget not all his benefits do bread

come with this that’s where they said it

in the hood all right now so what I did

is I said I’m gonna preach two days and

then the Spirit of God said now have

them to do what you did and point out

their bills so I told them a night

before I sent down tomorrow night when

you come back bring the biggest bill

that you’ve got to get paid off

I said now understand God does not need

time he can take your future and bring

it into the now he can move time around

any kind of way he wants you don’t have

to wait until 10 years to be a

millionaire he can make you a

millionaire today he can move time from

the future to you’re not y’all got to

get this what did I do

I got him had the oceans to take up the

biggest bill I said don’t put two on

there put two you negate yourself put

one biggest bill that you’ve got to do

one that you want paid off so then I go

back come back Chicago but I got a word

sent me an email

somebody somebody who believed what I

said and so what did the e-mail say

praise report look at God my mind is

blown why cuz your mind can’t get this


it could it’s got to be renewed to this

a family reached out to me recently and

asked me if they could help me pay

anything off what would it be I told

them I would love to pay off my student


loans they asked me well how much do you

I told him our 160 thousand dollars they

just mailed me a check for $165

whosoever that worked for that man at

160 and folks take it from me that’s low

and it worked in a wig cannot you have

that same thing happened before

Christmas let me share with you what I

believe is about to happen because

you’re about to get the kind of faith

that’s going to start transferring

people and property back to its rightful

ownership hey I’m talking about you

gonna be calling in money you’re gonna

be calling in businesses you gonna be

calling in resources Sade’s plan was to

have the church lift live on leftovers

to be the tail and not the head to be

the borrowers and not the livers I’m

telling you we’re bout to spoil his

house it’s a lot of stuff he’s holy

that is not belonging to him that has

never belonged to him and we’re about to

transfer it

not only that we gonna transfer the

labor that went with it

mercy I’m saying we’re about to see

things come back to their rightful

ownership Satan doesn’t own a thing

anything that he’s got anything that

he’s using people to hope it’s been

stolen and God wants it back – a trifle


we’re about to harass the devil we are

about to experience the terrorists and

I’m declaring his goal start right now I

said right I’m not talking about

tomorrow I said right now now let me

give you one more thing sit down let me

give you one more thing before we go as

you know I talked about General George

Patton am i right all right I want to go

through this just one more time of what

he pray now realize if God will do it

with a person who attended that meeting

at dr. Jack he’ll do it for you

I’m here with you all the time I said

I’m here with you all the time we gonna

prove this work I said we’re gonna prove

this word you have enough faith you

ought to be shifting billions of dollars

into the kingdom of God and don’t deal

with nobody who is behind this whole

idea of where y’all getting to fanatical

don’t even talk to him

yet make it so did that don’t come into

your system I’m putting something in you

now that the devil hate I’m telling you

the devil trying to stop this word but

I’m here with you I will stay with you


God in your house

now listen up this sit down let me just

give you there I gotta go

this is George General George Patton’s


now listen at this

me hey

ah bill a Holy Ghost

now here’s what is that here’s what he

said remember nothing can stop you

here’s his prayer here’s what he prayed

almighty and most merciful Father we

humbly beseech you of thy great goodness

to restrain this these moderate rains

now this is whether he’s praying against

because God is not behind that bad

whether that’s the devil behind that bad

weather and from now on we forbid a

snowstorm this winter

now I’m letting a little snow come in

because the kids want some snow save it

but no snowstorms no shutting down

electricity come on no come on come on

we got something to say in moderate

rains words which we have had to contend

grant has fair weather for battle

graciously hearken to us as soldiers who

call upon thee that armed with our power

we might may advance from victory to

victory notice no losses only victories

and crushed the oppression and

wickedness of our enemies and establish

here’s the word by justice among men and

among nations I’m here to tell you in

Isaiah chapter 61 that’s what he talked

about verse 8 know verse 7 first for

your shame you shall have double God’s

about to turn around everything that

made you ashamed verse 8 for I the Lord

love judgment put justice in your Bible

and I hate robbery verse 9 and there see

that you shall be known among the

Gentiles and their offspring among the

people all that see you will acknowledge

that you are the seed that the Lord has

blessed everything held up

it’s being released right now I said

it’s gonna start right now I didn’t ask

you which house are you before I said

which one do you like which car do you

like what job do you want what’s

business tool you have what contract do

you want now give God some praise and

let’s just watch the fun

well I trusted you a blessed by today’s

seating now this the closing Series on

the power of prayer and praise vol 3 now

he is a very important point you want to

remember now

the spiritual versus the natural realm

these are two realms here one is seen

and the other unseen now for you to go

into your inheritance you get real

action in prayer you’re going to have to

be able to go beyond the scene so you

don’t have to hear feel or see anything

to believe it you just only believe what

the Word of God says and what you speak

will come to pass and you’ll see

powerful results in prayer the announcer

is going to give you some important

information and how you can order this

powerful four disc series on the power

of prayer and praise volume three and

I’ll be right back where are you going

to supernaturalism ending where are you

going to stupid metal it’s a lifestyle

God’s gonna make you a praise in the


praise is more than music

it is a warfare to that God gives you so

that you can shift the battle over to

him he inhabits the praises of his

people prayer since angels praise sends


you just get up off your knees and walk

away that’s not the right thing to do it

to midnight out you’re not done yet you

get above your knees raise your hands up

and start giving God some praise because

it’s already done

you are made for worship govern the

authority of your words increase the

force of your belief and embrace the

peace of your worship in pastor

Winston’s life-changing four-disc series

the power of prayer and praise vol 3 to

order on CD or dvd contact us online at or by phone at

1-800-711-9327 psa’s whether or not you

feel that of goose bumps or whatever

just believe you’ve received it and

you’ll have it raised god until next on

disability and saying we love you and

keep walking by faith

the believers walk of faith is paid for

by bill Winston ministries partners and
