Every believer needs to know how to pray and how to have confidence that their prayers have been heard and will be answered. Never forget that the effective, fervent prayer of the righteous shall avail much! #PrayerandPraise http://bit.ly/1SGmvm0

the believers walk of faith is paid for

by bill Winston ministries partners and

viewers righteousness has everything to

do with your successful life of prayer

when you pray righteously you pray with

confidence that whatever you pray God is

gonna hear hear you when you pray

something and you’re waiting on the

manifestation of the answer once you

pray it is when the fight begins

notice the devil starts with your

thoughts so if you thought wrong put

your hand over your mouth because if you

come up with something that negates that

prayer then you have to start over again

so we have to watch what we say because

angels on assignment and waiting on

God’s words that you speak

how do you know that you have the

petition you jizz out of him because he

heard you how do you know he heard you

because you prayed according to his will

so when God suggests the impossible to

you be it unto me

don’t try to figure it out how he’s

gonna do it how is this gonna work to me

only believe righteousness in my opinion

has everything to do with your

successful life of Prayer everything to

do it not something to do with it

everything to do with it now once you

get born again you are made the

righteousness of God in Christ Jesus say

I am the righteousness of that okay Adam

Adam was righteous but he sinned and

when he sinned where he was righteous

now that was unrighteous because where

he was a child of God now he got born

again from life to death and Satan

became a spiritual father so he got the

nature of his daddy the nature of God is

righteousness the nature of Satan is

iniquity that was our nature but now

we’ve been born again

and our nature now is righteousness but

this body and his mind need to be

renewed and this body needs to be

retrained so the body and the mind still

want to go to the river boat and the

Spirit is said don’t go out there man

you lost your money last week Oh God

but spirit come on now y’all y’all with

me now okay so you got this war going on

see but because you miss it if you

confess it he’s faithful and just to

forgive it come on and cleanse you come

on come on out of all unrighteousness


cleanse of all unrighteousness put it up

on the board first John chapter 5 verse

17 please they put it all

unrighteousness why because it says in

the scriptures that all unrighteousness

is sin see one of the ways that the

enemy has of managing God’s people are

trying to manage God’s people is to keep

them sin conscious see because sin

consciousness is like a disease of the

Spirit it won’t let you walk upright

stay with me pray today praise God are

you with me here you see consciousness

upset what I did yesterday guilty or

shame so forth and so on

you can’t have that because

consciousness of sin whites out faith

and you need faith for answered prayer

so the effective fervent prayer of a

righteous man availeth much now you have


made righteousness say I have been made

righteous the Bible says that over in

2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 17

any man or any person that’s in Christ

is a what new creature old things are

what passed away behold all things are

what new come on down to verse 21 and in

verse 21 he says that for he had made

him to be sin for us who knew no sin

that we might be made the righteousness

of God in him so notice what he did he

took our sin on him and gave us come on

his righteousness so you are righteous

not cause you feel righteous you are

righteous not because you doing

everything right you are righteous

because that’s the way you were born and

he knows that what you’re trying to do

is overcome this old life you’re trying

to whip this flesh into shape you’re

trying to make your mind think of good

things instead of taking on those things

you used to do he knows you’re battling

with that so if you fall he lift you

back up said come on get up let’s go

again praise God

I yell with me here so now righteousness

bring some things to you let’s go to

Isaiah chapter 32 please righteous sets

bring some things to you and in

righteousness he says this the work of

righteousness shall be what peace peace

once you get back into right standing

with God you come back into fellowship

with God

same into that notice when Adam sinned

he ran from God but notice now when you

mess up you gonna run back to God

because he’s got the blood eternally

flowing to cleanse your mind and your

heart from all the dead works so you can

serve a living God Hebrews chapter 9 so

loud have mercy you’re with me I’m

preaching hard

say Amen somebody all right now what am

I saying

so Isaiah 32 again the work of

righteousness shall be peace all right

so that’s going to bring peace to you

now you and God are one again and that’s

what you want because that’s what faith

flows out of you don’t have to struggle

forfeit I believe I receive I believe I

was it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that’s

works you need to come on in here and

rest in the Lord and understand that if

he said something to you that’s it say

amen to that and that the next part and

the effect of righteousness is what

quietness well you can rest you can just

sleep at night so good say Amen the

Bible says the unrighteous are like a

trouble see that it’s always something

coming out I know they made me look like

they’re making plenty of money but

they’re taking sleeping pills to try to

go to sleep and now I’m just here to

tell you right now this righteousness

will bring quietness to your spirit

look at the next part of that he said

this he said quietness and assurance


now that didn’t say insurance it says

assurance say assurance now what are you

what’s another word for assurance

confidence so it brings confidence

righteousness brings confidence why does

it bring confidence to you because you

don’t have to feel something to believe

it if God said it you believe it I said

if God said it you believe it

so let’s look at confidence back again

in first John chapter 5 verse 14 he said

this is the confidence that we have in

him that if we ask anything according to

his will he hears us and if we know that

he hears whatever we ask we know we have

the petition that we desired of him say

amen to that

so I want to make sure that I’m

operating in righteousness because when

I’m operating in righteousness

everything flows like it’s supposed to

flow now I did a little study here of a

man named Moses to try to see how he

operated let’s go to Exodus and chapter

4 please and I’ll start reading here at

verse 10 and Moses said to the Lord my

lord oh my lord

I’m not eloquent neither heretofore nor

since thou has spoken unto thy servant

but I am slow of speech and a slow of

tongue now this is God telling Moses to

go down there and get Israel set free

come on now and the Lord said unto Him

who made your mouth a man’s mouth or who

maketh the dumb or the deaf or the

seeing or the blind have not either Lord

now therefore go and I’ll be with your

mouth and teach you what you ought to

say amen to that and he said o my lord

sin i pray thee by the hand of him whom

thou was sin and the anger of the lord

was kindled against moses Omaha

further so we got Aaron to do it so

Moses saying I can’t talk now this is

where Moses came from he came from

making excuses to move out in

righteousness Jesus how do I’m talking

about movie unrighteousness because the

righteous are as bold

come on righteous are as bold as a lion

well I’m just a little timid no you’re


as Italy tried to make you think you’re

timid you are as you are from the tribe

of Judah you I said you are from the

tribe of Judah see here the deal you and

I in righteousness not just stay with me

we have God’s DNA we have his nature his

nature is the nature of a master his

nature is the nature of a ruler his

nature is not a nature of inferiority he

Jesus didn’t feel inferior to anything

he didn’t feel inferior to disease come

on he didn’t feel inferior to people

come on he didn’t feel you was

intimidated by some intellectual come on

now talk about you he wasn’t intimidated

by storms

he told storms what to do say amen to


now I’m saying you and I have to take on

this and when we first started Moses

first started he didn’t start way up

there in in mastering things he started

down here talking about I can’t talk but

look what God did with it

look at Exodus chapter 32 and verse 9

because he’s going to do the same thing

with you it’s not that righteousness

grows is that you grow in Revelation 2


look what he said and the Lord said to

Moses I have seen the people and behold

it is a stiff-necked bunch people for

his God a man and therefore let me alone

that my wrath may wax hot against him

and that I may consume them and I will

make of thee a great nation

Moses let me take care of this bunch and

I’m gonna give you another group of

people to go with you

look what Moses said and Moses besought

the Lord his God and said this Lord why

does our wax a wrath wax hot against the

people which thou has brought forth out

of the land of Egypt with great power

and with a mighty hand wherefore should

the Egyptians speak and say for mischief

he did bring them out and to slay them

in the mountains and to consume them

from the face of the earth turn from thy

fierce wrath and he talkin to God

turn from my fears grass and repent of

this evil against thy people come on now

remember Abraham Isaac and Israel I can

hear him now he got a little Authority

in his voice ah thy servant of whom thou

sweareth by thy own self and said it to

them I will multiply your seed as the

stars of heaven and all this land that I

have spoken of will I give unto your

seed and they shall inherit it for ever

and the Lord repented of this evil which

thou would he thought to do to his

people the Lord repented the law I’m

talking about the same man she said I

can’t talk the same in it said that now

is standing up in the face of God so

women oh hold on here let’s let’s talk

now I’m not telling you to get sassy

with God I’m not

but I’m saying you have now the God

class a being you can stand in the

presence of God without a sense of

insecurity without a sense of judgment

without you follow what I’m saying now

you want to be in here it’s not the God

no God knows you can never be God if you

don’t know what he knows it so that is

not the issue the issue is to bring you

up to the place where you can receive

his promise I will say it again

the issue is that he can bring you up to

a place why you can receive what he has

for you I’ll say it again the issue is

that he wants to bring you up to a place

where you can receive his inheritance

because a slave he’d receive it now look

at Galatians chapter 4 verse 1 you gotta

have righteousness to receive it what

God has for you is fit for a king and

anything less than a king can’t receive

it you gotta have a righteous mentality

I was praying that not in Minnesota and

I’m coming out it’s 12:00 midnight and

Saturday night I’m trying to get a

message from the Lord and I’ll start

crying you know trying to trying to fake

God out you know Lord the people need a

message I heard it just very clear what

are you doing how’s this sir what are

you doing I said well I’m trying to get

a message he said that the way you

supposed to come to me I said well no


well how do you suppose have come to me

I said well as opposed to come boldly to

you he said we’ll come that way I ask

what we’re in the name of Jesus and the

boy has said I had to start right why

because I’m trying to get it out of

order honor is royalty same into this

order is royalty you are a king in God’s

eyes you are royalty in God’s eyes

you are not some servant some sleep

you are a son you are a daughter of

Abraham and I’m telling you right now

God has a look what it says now I say

the air as long as he’s a child does it

look different nothing from a servant

though he be the Lord of all put it up

there please in the amplified

translation here’s what he says now what

I mean is that as long as the inheritor

the heir is a child and under age he

does not differ from a slave although

he’s a master of all the estate all the

estate is the earth you are master over

the weather you are master over plagues

you are master over demons you’re a mess

over everything that I’m telling you

what’s missing from the church is

revelation of your righteousness you

knowing who you are in God that you have

his DNA and everything Jesus did you can

do it turn to the book of Esther this

inheritance is not made for unrighteous


wealth coming into the body of Christ

was not made for a fool Bible says

prosperity will ruin a fool is made for

people who grown up you know who you are

can’t nobody look at you and look down

on you if you let them look down on you

that’s your fault I’m saying God is the

one who has who made you who created you

to be who you are

Estlin 4:11 and the King’s servants and

the people of the king’s provinces do

know that whosoever or whether a one man

or woman shall come into the King into

the inner court who’s not called there

is one law of his to put him to death

except such to whom the King shall hold

out the golden scepter that he may live

now what happened

he told us a motor-car sir Esther we

needed to go in there and intercede say


in a session is a type of prayer I’m

using this as an illustration because it

is based on love it’s saying that I’m

going to stand in the gap for somebody

who has missed it going to God and gods

going to look at my heart and judge them

i’ma intercede is based on love esta was

gap standing but she fasted three days

had everybody else too fast cuz

sometimes to get that flesh subdued you

got to turn the plate over and then

chapter 5 verse 1 and it came to pass in

the third day that essa put on her royal

apparel I told you that these things are

for people of royalty you are a person

of royalty a royal apparel and stood in

the inner court of the king’s house over

against the king’s house and the king

set upon his royal throne in a royal

house over against the gate of the house

and it was so when the King saw as to

the Queen standing in the court that she

obtained favor in his sight and the King

held out to cesta the golden scepter

that was in his hand so as to drew near

and touch the top of the scepter and

said the King unto her what will thou

Queen Esther and what is thy request and

it shall be given thee to the half of

the kingdom notice before she got the

blessing she had to put the robe on

I had to put the robe on folks and I’m

telling you I tried to go before God and

get something that was mine

any part of my inheritance and I tried

to do it in doubt unbelief

unrighteousness of and it held it up but

once I shifted into being bold as a line

everything broke through say amen to


so let’s look the Romans chapter 5 and

verse 17 for about one man’s offense

death reigned by one much more they

which receive abundance of grace and the

gift of righteousness shall do what

reign in life by one Jesus Christ how

many righteous people in Christ do I

have in here yeah it’s not your

righteousness is his righteousness given

to you so when you come to the throne of

grace you’re going to come how oh well

you can find grace obtain mercy to help

in time of need did you get somebody

yesterday I want to assure you that

there’s no such thing as unanswered

prayer if you prayed he had

I’m drunk my righteous prayer I’m not

talking about some other stuff because

that’s not praying that’s something that

we’ve been taught by somebody who didn’t

even know how to pray but real prayer

something happened

now once you pray believe you received

why because with God there’s no time the

same God today it’s the same as ten

thousand years from today with God it’s

all right now so you got to receive it

right now so once you pray believe you

what receive when right right when you

pray get it now here comes a fight

between I believe I receive and there it

is and next week we’re going to go over

what you do between I believe I received

and that from now on your prayers are

gonna be answered all of them give God


while I trusted you were blessed by this

powerful teaching now this is a part of

a four-disc series it’s called the power

of prayer and praise now here’s an

important point you don’t want to

remember you are not righteous because

you feel righteous or you’re not

righteous because of your conduct you’ve

done everything right I know some people

confuse righteousness with holiness

holiness its conduct righteousness is

the nature of God it’s God coming inside

of you what you were born with when you

were born again you were born righteous

praise God

now the effective fervent prayer of the

righteous will avail much glory to God

the announcer is going to give you some

important information how you can order

this powerful set of teachings I’ll be

right back

righteousness has everything to do with

your successful life of Prayer

when you pray righteously you pray with

confidence that whatever you pray God is

gonna hear hear you when you pray

something and you’re waiting on the

manifestation of the answer once you

pray it is when the fight begins

notice the devil starts with your

thoughts so if you thought wrong put

your hand over your mouth because if you

come out with something that negates

that prayer then you have start over

again so we have to watch what we say

because angels are on assignment and

waiting on God’s words that you speak

how do you know that you have the

petition you jizz out of him because he

heard you how do you know he heard you

because you prayed according to his will

so when God suggests the impossible to

you be it unto me don’t try to figure it

out how he’s gonna do it

how is this gonna work to me only


stand in your righteousness and exercise

four easy steps that will yield

effective fervent prayer every time you

pray in pastor Winston’s life-changing

four-disc series the power of prayer and

praise to order on CD or DVD by bank

guard at one eight hundred seven one one

ninety three to seven or online at


in Hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 it says

let us therefore come boldly to the

throne of grace that we may obtain mercy

and find grace to help in time of need

you see once you in right standing with

God or you have an understanding of your

righteousness you can come boldly in

prayer you know it’s kind of like an

example of somebody in an apartment

building and renting an apartment but

they haven’t paid the rent in three

months and they just heard that the

landlord’s on the first floor you know

they’re going to turn off the music turn

off everything why because they don’t

want to see em see they can’t come

bowling but once you know you’re right

with somebody you know you’ve got your

rent paid up for three months in advance

and the water is leaking here in the

bathroom hey get the landlord up here

you know that’s the same thing about

prayer when you know you’re right with


you can come boldly to the throne of God

God hears your prayer the Bible said the

effective fervent prayer of the

righteous availeth much God I’m telling

you from now on out your prayers are

going to be effective and fervent in

Jesus name well this bill wins and

that’s all we have this time you see on

their side until then keep on

the believers walk of faith is paid for

by bill Winston ministries partners and
