In this third volume of The Greater Works series, Dr. Winston brings a revelatory message that gives believers a clear understanding of how the anointing functions, how to value the anointing through the Word of God, and how honoring the anointing brings protection into your life. Let this dynamic teaching reveal to you how the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of the anointing will flow in your life and equip you to do the greater works God has called you to do! #BWOF #UnderstandingTheAnointing #BillWinston

the believers walk of faith is paid for

by bill Winston ministries partners and

viewers up next on the believers faith



faith in God’s Word is what empowers his

word to deliver all right now a little

little do something here let’s look at

an example of this mark chapter 5 verse

25 this is the woman with the issue of

blood a certain woman who had an issue

of blood twelve years and some of many

things of many physicians but had spent

all that she had nothing better to

rather than worse and when she had heard

of Jesus came in to press behind and

touch this government before she said if

I may touch but his clothes I shall

behold and straightway the fountain of

her blood was dried up and she felt the

body that she was healed of that plane

and Higgs immediately knowing himself

that virtue what’s another name for

virtue power what’s another name for

power the anointing had gone out of him

turned him about the presses I do touch

my clothes and his disciples said to him

that the multitude they will preach all

people pushing on you and how could you

say who touched me and he looked around

about to see her who had done this thing

and a woman fearing and trembling

knowing what was done at her came but

fell down for him and told him all the

truth and he said her daughter thy faith

hath made thee whole

go in peace and behold at that plague

now this woman got an instant healing

and I said to you faith in God’s Word is

what empowers his word to deliver

hey y’all with me here let’s take

another look at second game chapter 4

please second Kings chapter 4 look at

verse 1 now then pride a certain of a

certain woman of the wives of the sons

as a prophets and to Elisha saying thy

servant my husband is dead and you know

my service that’s fear the Lord and the

predator has come to take into my son’s

to be bondman and Elijah said to her

what shall I do for you tell me what’s

in your house and she said dine

handmaids not anything in the house

they’ve a pot of oil and he said to her

go borrow the vessels abroad of all thy

neighbors even empty vessels bar not a

few and when they would come in now it

shall shut the door upon you and your

sons and shall pour out to all these

vessels and thou shalt set aside that

which is full so she went from him and

shut the door upon her and her sons who

brought her the vessels to her vessel

stirrer and she poured out and it came

to pass when the vessels were full and

that’s he said unto her son bring me yet

another vessel and he said there’s not a

vessel more and the oil what stop/go

stayed and she came told the man of God

he said now go sell the oil pay your

debt and you live you and your children

on the restaurant he got rid of her debt

in the first example he got rid of her


you’re with me now now I’m talking about

the anointing and I’m saying in this

particular case in each one of these

cases there was a man anointed the one

what you see this now there this is the

this is a picture for the church there

was somebody who was anointed and this

anointing was there to lift burdens off

of people but faith in that word or is

what empowers his word to deliver so

here is an anointed one I’m anointed now

I’m anointed to serve you

you got what I’m saying I’m anointed to

serve you now in this case Jesus was

anointed and the Prophet was anointed am

i right

and it’s each case the people got the

benefit of that anointing now in each

case these people law have mercy valued

the anointing and they put such value on

it until they trusted the anointing to

get them out of the situation that they

were in watch this immediately and this

is still available today now the Lord

you see something that was to come look

at Romans chapter 10 flips over in

Romans chapter 10 he says here and I’m

gonna start reading at verse 6 but the

righteousness which is of faith speaketh

on this wise saying say not in thy heart

who shall ascend into heaven that is to

bring Christ down from above or who

shall descend into the deep that is to

bring Christ again from the dead but

what saith it the word is nigh thee even

in thy mouth and in thy heart that is

what the Word of Faith which we preach

Jesus preached the word of faith

I was in Detroit second night I preached

preached on then order I preached the

word of faith after I finished I walked

out the bishop asked all who God he’ll

stand up people stood up all over the


no understand they’re morning comes with

the world RW schambach going on to be

with the Lord he said I was preaching

one night in Birmingham Alabama and as I

was preaching all of a sudden without

warning the line of wheelchair people

all of them got up and that’s toward me

like an army

he likes feedback now understand what’s

happening that the anointing is

accompanying the word so that word is

coming to you right now from the prophet

of God watch this if you value that

anointing that or not it will do what it

said now look what it says in Isaiah

chapter 55 and verse 11 he says so shall

my word be that goes forth where out of

my mouth it shall not what return to me

void but it shall what accomplish that

which I please and it show what prosper

in the thing whereto I said see the word

comes with the spirit look what he says

in Luke’s Gospel chapter 5 put that up

there please

nobody says in Luke’s Gospel chapter 5

and he withdrew himself into the

wilderness and prayed this is Jesus and

it came to pass on a certain day as he

was teaching that there were Pharisees

and doctors of the lost city 5 which

will come out of every town of Galilee

and Judea and Jerusalem and the power of

the Lord was present to heal them see if

I’m preaching the word of faith then my

faith is causing the anointing

to beyond what operates sink and if you

receive that this dis man brought they

brought a person in that legs had been

foot had been crushed brought him in the

hill Osbourne’s meeting TL Osborn is

preaching now often he says he asked the

Holy Spirit don’t please don’t start

working until I get the word out please

because the word and the spirit are

always accompanying one another so he is

preaching so they will take the nurse

thing with him and so forth the man was

on the gurney and so they keep and and

he said all right god it is ready to

heal and he went down into the crowd and

the first place he came to that man and

the man’s he said what can I do for you

what then the Lord do for you he said

all doctor osburgh I think something has

already happened now understand when

they came in there they had a sheet over

him and he had one foot sticking up the

other one was crushed but by the time

dr. Osborne came to him two feet was

sticking up now I’m saying that because

in mark chapter 6 starting at verse 3

closer to God Jesus makes the statement

here they said that it is not the

carpenter’s son of Mary the brother of

James and James and Jose and Judas and

Simon is not this his sister here with

us and and all they were offended at him

watch this but jesus said to them a

prophet is not without honor

come on but in his own country come on

among his own kin folk come on and his

old house keep going and he could well

do nobody works say that he laid his

hands on a few sick folk and heal them

watch this and he marveled because of

their what

and he went round about the villages

what teaching I’m saying the woman cried

– this man cried to me woohoo that one

helped her she demanded this one

do you believe if you receive it better

money will lead you into whatever you

need to do say Amen now I’m telling you

something where are we going

you’re gonna have to give some reverence

to that annuity yeah I’m not talking

about worshiping a man cuz it’s not the

man if they’re knowing that the man had

been allowed to carry



do you see

say Amen now I am you got me wrong I am

NOT puffing up myself

I got more sense than that but I am

puffing up the building of God I’m

saying the ignoring of God is something

that we have not learned that we’ve got

to give that value you got something on

this thing




that’s the first thing that happened

winning like Joe left and got taken up

to heaven then he dropped that medal in

that Batman got that lemoncello and he

hit that one and said where is the Lord

God here comes a miracle now look what

he did he valued that anointing so much

even all the prophets were looking at

him he didn’t care cuz when you got that

anointing right


you you got that color spirit in you

that you’re ashamed of Jesus don’t work

for you requires bone my husband feared

the Lord they’re coming to take my kids

gotta get like that

say Amen now that was that was the

second Kings chapter for second Kings

chapter four also that was a woman who

had kids they had no see

and notice what the man of God he came

there and slept when they build him a

prophets waters and then he before he

laid down the Spirit of God to ask – one

boy what you want because he had sold

and she had sold into that anointing and

when you sow into that anointing now you

about to get a Prophet’s reward

so here she did it and he got up said

what do you want she said oh I’m okay I

got quoi cuz she was a woman of means

but the prompt assistance of the

promises you don’t have a child it’s at

this time next year you won’t have a


see when you speak out of that renewing

it just like God just spoke



but this thing is so powerful in the

next verse ii came chapter 5 this is

when a man who had leprosy named Naaman

and he heard about a prophet down then

it could happen but he wasn’t a

israelite so he goes down there and he

rides up with all his men because he was

a big captain indica in the army of the

Syrians and he came to the house of the

man of God and the man of God said his

sharpen our testicles we’ll see what he

wants he said well he’s a leper and he

said ask me that he wants to be healed

man of God said I tell you what tell him

to go dip sometimes in the river Jordan

now what did that nickname almond do he

got mad about it

he said blessed are they that are not

offended in me but he got mad about it

why cuz he’s carrying pride and see this

anointing God resists the proud but he

gives grace to the humble

so that man had to Humble himself to get

that renewing to work in his life say

Amen but he knew he had leprosy he knew

he had to get rid of it and this was his

chance to do it what did he do he’s

getting instructions to dip seven times

in the River Jordan I’m telling you that

the instructions God might give you

might sound foolish





set the things of the Spirit of God of

foolishness to the natural man there’s

supposed to be foolish now let’s go

through the last part of this Lotus

First Samuel chapter 22 David therefore

depart events and escaped into the cable

of Abdullah now Saul was trying to kill


why because David that anointing was on

him and Saul got jealous about it and

when his Brotherhood and all his

father’s house heard it they went down

bitter to him watch this and every one

of them that was what distress and

everyone that was what in debt and

everyone that was what discontented

gathered themselves unto him and he

became a captain over them now notice

today we call that broke busted and

disgusted so that’s you so God has

called us all together come on now but

he’s got a captain over the team and

that captain is anointed save me now

look what happened because they didn’t

have what David had David had an

anointing on him and you know God had

anointed him and he slay the line he

slayed her back and slayed Goliath am i

right about it now look what happened in

2nd Samuel over here and 2nd Samuel and

chapter 23 and verse 8 these be the

names of the mighty men who David had

the Tecla night the Tecmo night that set

in the seats she’s among the captains

the same was adeno that ends night and

he lifted up his fear against how many

eight hundred who he slayed one and one

time he didn’t have that when he doing

that’s called unloading biases gonna be

God’s Way you wake up you don’t wake up


and talking please


now that’s for battle that’s for coming

up against anything that might come up

against you in this earth that’s gonna

be another on you for battle for winning

everybody giving news not you


not only that let’s look at the next

thing that happened to them over in

first Chronicles over to God first

Chronicles now David got rich millions

of dollars he gave to build the temple

but look what happened to his men and

the teeth of the fathers and princes or

leaders of the tribes of Israel and the

captains of thousands and hundreds went

the rulers of the Kings work offered

willingly they will give an offering and

they gave for the service of the house

of God of gold

five thousand talents and ten thousand

dreams and of silver ten thousand

talents now women five thousand tells

them on concordance at home says the

talent is equivalent to a million

dollars that’s what my concordance says

they gave five thousand talents somebody

helped me with this number

that’s not like five billion you started







now the teetotalers they solve their

marathon singing didn’t harass the

maragon they didn’t talk dirty about it

upset that they helped a man not hurt

the man but because of that the

anointing came of them and what David

had beta






well I trusted you were blessed by that

powerful teaching now again that’s

understanding the anointing as a matter

of fact we’ve got a five-part teaching

right here now we have four CDs in this

pack right here that you can order but

they give you a bonus for ordering at

why because we want to get this message

into your hands understanding the

anointing let me explain or share with

you one point that you really want to

remember you remember the same anointing

that was on David came on David’s men

who remember over in 1st Samuel chapter

22 week he got two men they were broke

busted and disgusted that’s what I’d say

now the Bible said they were in dead and

they were distressed so forth and so on

but he got them just like they were and

that’s the way God took me I mean I was

down to my last dime so forth and so on

but God chooses you like that and then

once David’s men came on board with

David they began to fight battles and

the same anointing that was on David

came on them one man was able to slay

eight hundred men with just one weapon

eight hundred men now that’s the

anointing that comes on them well that

principle still worked with you and I if

you partner with me the same anointing

that is on my life is shared with you

now you can see the same thing with

Jesus remember Jesus asked to use Peters

boat well he got in a boat and told

Peter push out a little from the land

and he did that once he did that the

Bible said Jesus sat down and taught the

people out of the ship now once he

finished speaking he said Peter launch

out into the deep and let down your nets

for a draught Peter said well and fished

all night and caught nothing

nevertheless at thy word that’s what

I’ll do and he went out and let down the

net and caught so many fish till the net

broke then he called for his partners

and they came in and they filled up

their ships now I understand

they weren’t in the boat with Jesus and

Peter but they were partners and you see

what they get

they shared in that anointing wealth

it’s the same thing when you understand

the anointing and partner with me with

this ministry you share in that

anointing look what God has done to us I

came to Chicago with $200 now we’re

preaching on a weekly basis almost a

billion people explain that look what we

have shopping malls we have business

schools all in five continents business

schools same anointing on bill Winston

coming on you now I’m saying that

because sometimes people talk about well

I don’t have much as you got I don’t

have this I don’t have that stop talking

mock what you don’t have in partner with

somebody that does right it’s God and

I’m not bragging on myself my point to

you is is that’s a principle of the

anointing and you can understand that by

ordering this series of teaching it is

powerful well this is bill Winston

saying until next time we love you and

keep walking by faith to order today’s

series understanding the anointing on CD

or mp3 on DVD or MP for call us at one

eight hundred seven one one ninety three

to seven or contact us online at let this dynamic

teaching reveal to you how the bertin

removing yoke destroying power of the

anointing will flow in your life and

equip you to do the greater works God

has called you to do order this

must-have series today doctors bill and

Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing

lives changed through the power of

prayer our loving and highly trained

prayer ministers are ready to pray and

agree with you we know that prayer can

turn around any situation in your life

contact us by phone at 187 seven five

four three nine four four three or

submit your prayer request online /prayer follow us on

periscope and facebook to join us for

our regular live prayer sessions we want

to thank our partners who have made this

prayer call-center possible together we

are transforming lives throughout the

world if you are not a partner we

encourage you to pray about joining us

and partnership and be a part of the

wonderful work that God is doing through

this ministry we love you and look

forward to praying and partnering with




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