In this series Dr. Winston teaches how to renew your mind and rest in the peace of God. How to reach new levels of peace and prosperity without toil and hard labor by speaking and meditating the Word of God. #BWOF #RestingInGod

>> male announcer: The

“Believer’s Walk of Faith” is

paid for by Bill Winston

Ministries’ partners

and viewers.

>> Bill Winston: God never

intended for the world system to

support his family.

You need a revelation of who you


You got the same God in you that

Jesus had in him, and you got

the same anointing, being filled

with the Holy Ghost.

It’s not gonna be us.

It’s gonna be the Father in us.

He is gonna do the work

’cause we’re in the Sabbath,

and in the Sabbath it means that

I’m taking you back to the

Garden, back to a time where

Adam never had to bear the

weight of his own provisions,

that God was gonna take care

of him.

“Come unto me all that labor and

are heavy laden, and I’m gonna

give you rest.”

>> Bill: Whatever you need God

will supply it, why?

Because we’re in covenant with

God through Jesus Christ, and

whatever belongs to God belongs

to us, and whatever belongs to

us belongs to God, and that’s

the way a covenant functions.

Hebrews chapter 4 again.

Look at verse 3, “For we which

have believed do enter into

rest, as he said, I have sworn

in my wrath, if they shall enter

into my rest: although the works

were finished,” from when?

“The foundation of the world.”

God’s name, one name, is Jehovah


What does that mean, somebody?

My provider.

My provider.

You remember when I was talking

about El Shaddai, the breasty

one, and talking about, hey, God

is the breasty one.

You have a baby, and all of a

sudden when you have that baby,

notice the nature of your system

generates milk.

On a normal mother, who

breastfeeds, that generation of

milk is done, and it comes with

the baby.

There is an enormous amount of

provision for every one of us

that’s already set aside, not

gonna be set aside.

God prepared the milk before the

baby came.

Come on, now, and I’m telling

you right now there is stuff

set aside for you that you

haven’t gotten.

A person is not poor because

they don’t have any money.

They’re poor because they don’t

have any knowledge.

He said, “My people were

destroyed for the lack of,”


“Knowledge,” not the lack of


You start thinking like a

millionaire your system has no

choice but to produce it, no


Look what he says here, “And the

very God of peace sanctify you

wholly;” watch this.

“I pray God that your,” what?

“Whole spirit and soul and body

be preserved blameless to the

coming of our Lord Jesus


Now, how do you interpret that?

Let me tell you how I interpret

it with a new perspective, with

a new paradigm.

Let me show you how to protect


“I pray your whole spirit, soul

and body be preserved


My spirit, my spirit be


I’m a new creature.

Am I right about it?

And my spirit is gonna be

preserved until the coming of

our Lord Jesus Christ.

My soul is gonna be preserved.

It’s gonna be at peace all the


It’s gonna be operating in


Are you with me here?

I’m not gonna have anxiety.

How about my body be preserved?

Now, this is one that kind of

trips some people out.

If your kidney goes bad, get

another one.

Now, wait a minute–


I’m not talking about waiting on

somebody to die so you can get a


I said, God’s got kidneys.

Lord have mercy.

Coming over to Matthew chapter

15, please.

Now, I’m gonna go there.

I’m gonna go there and see,

let me tell you, let me tell

you, the church has been

singing, “Please don’t pass me


We’ve been doing that long


Jesus is not passing by.

Jesus is in you, and he wants

you to grow up.

And I’ve been–I have

volunteered for the job.

I said, “I have volunteered for

the job.”

Look at Matthew chapter 15.

Let me know when you get there.

Over in Matthew chapter 15, look

what he says, starting at verse


Put it up there, please.

Over in verse 29, he says this,

“And Jesus departed from thence,

and came nigh into the sea of

Galilee; and went up into a

mountain, and sat down there.

And great multitudes came unto

him, having with them those that

were,” what?


Come on.


Come on.


Come on.


Come on.

“And many others,” and what did

they do?

“He cast them down at Jesus’


And what did he do?

“He healed them.”

Keep going.

“Insomuch that the multitude

wondered, when they say the,”


“Dumb to speak.”

Come on.

“Maimed to be made whole.”

Come on.

“The lame to walk.”

Come on.

“The blind to see.”

Come on.

“And they glorified the God of


Now, what happened to the


What happened to the maimed?

They were healed.

What does maimed mean?

What does maim–?

I’m missing a part.

I’m missing a part.

Jesus replaced parts.

Come on.

Come on.

You get your mind off of this

natural, three-dimensional

world, and put your mind on God.

Look what he says in Genesis

chapter 18 and verse 14, please,

and look at Genesis 18:14.

Here’s what he says.

He says, “Is any thing too hard

for the LORD?”

Now, you got to answer that

because it’s not you, it’s the

Father in you.

He’s doing the work.

Man, if he’s doing the work, if

he made the first kidney, can he

make another one?

He doesn’t need to make it.

It’s already made.

He’s got it in inventory, man.

He’s got it in will call.

Jesus laid hands on people and

arms grew out.

I’m telling you he said what he

did, you can do too.

You don’t need to get up there,


You don’t need to do all of


Just lay a hand on the sick in

his name, and they shall


But you got to expect a miracle

to see a miracle, and that’s why

a lot of our young people are

not coming because, one, there’s

a provision shortage in the


And they, hey, they got to get

some money, man.

“That money ain’t come in, I’m

broke already.

I need to go somewhere where I

can get some money.”

And some of them over there and

the thing, on drugs, and selling

drugs and so forth.

But if they just knew that God’s

got for them much more than

drugs can supply–

But they don’t see it.

We’re still trying to play

games, trying to do all kinds of

entertainment to get ’em in.

We don’t need to do that.

Just make the arm grow out, and

you will have this place


And it ain’t growing out ’cause

we don’t believe what we read.

Now I’m telling you, God is

about to raise up a church that

is gonna have the greatest

agreement between heaven and

earth that’s ever been seen

since the building of Solomon’s

Temple and the Garden of Eden.

Now, you say you don’t believe

that, you’re dishonest.

No one representing the King

of kings should be broke.

No one.

No one.

No one.

See, you don’t say, “I don’t

have much education.”

It doesn’t make any difference

whether you’ve got much


Your provision is not based on


Your provision is based on your


You have become a joint heir

with Christ.

I’m gonna preach this thing.

Some preacher’s got to preach


You had them 12 spies to come

back and 10 of them told him


They said, “We can’t take it.

The giants in the land, they’re

stronger than we are,”

and so those are all lies.

You got to say what God says.

He said, “We are more than


He said, “We are well able to

overcome them.”

Come on.

He said, “If God be for us, who

can be against us?”

God has never checked my bank

account when he told me to do

something ’cause I have never

had it in there.


‘Cause you’re trying to leave

God out, and God’s trying to put

himself back in ’cause he wants

to let people see who he is.

This whole system has taken God


He’s not in the classroom


He’s not in Hollywood.

He’s not in this.

But you got some brave saints

coming up now.

They ’bout to put him back in

the classroom.

Come on.

‘Bout to put him back in

politics, ’bout to put him back

in Hollywood.

We’re about to take dominion.

Now, you look at 1 Peter,

“Blessed be the God and Father

of our Lord Jesus Christ, which

according to his abundant mercy

hath begotten us again unto a

lively hope by the resurrection

of Jesus Christ, our Lord.”

Watch this, “To an inheritance

incorruptible, undefiled, that

fadeth not away, reserved,”


“In heaven.”

For who?

He is not talking about things

that are yours reserved in

heaven for when you get there.

That’s called reward.

You’re gonna get there, you

get a mansion.

Oh, yeah, that comes with the


You get golden streets.

That comes with the program.

Come on.

You get walls that are built up

with gold and diamonds, and so

that comes with the program.

He’s talking about reserved in

heaven for when you want it down


He’s talking about, “Pray thy

kingdom come, thy will be


Come on.

“On earth as it is in heaven.”

There is no sickness in heaven.

There is no oppression in


There’s none of that.

God wants your life to radiate


He wants your light to be so

shiny that people will see his

good work and lift up the hand

and glorify your Father.

I need you say this.

Now, you do work, but it’s a

different kind of work.

To get this, you need to be born


And what happened to me, and

the reason why I got born again,

one of the main reasons, is

because of provision.

That’s why I can preach this so

fervently, with such passion.

And I’m telling you when they

cut my paycheck in half, when

they put me on quota at IBM, I

saw that paycheck, and I’m

telling you I just about became


I said, “How in the world is a

man supposed to feed his family

off of this?”

Well, you’re not.

I was supposed to make some up

on sales, but I was trying, and

I couldn’t sell anything.

Two months passed.


Now, what did I do?

I went to HFC, borrowed some


Another month passed.

I went to HFC to consolidate.

I’m talking about I went back.

I must have consolidated six


I consolidated a consolidation.

They were glad to see me coming.

They knew me by first name, “Oh,

Bill, come on in.

I got some paperwork all ready

for you.”


I was trying to run faster, see,

on a treadmill, was trying to

run faster.

Treadmill’s speeding up now and

you got to get off that.

That dog won’t hunt.

That thing will wear you out,

give you high blood pressure,

cause your joints to start

aching, everything.


‘Cause you’re not made to carry

the weight of your own


It will weigh you down.

So, what happened?

One night, now understand, I’m

acting like I’m all together,

wearing sharp suits, you know,

talking intelligent, driving a


Meanwhile, my boss called me

and, “Hey, Bill, so-and-so

called here, and the company

wanted to garnish your check,”

you know.

I said, “Well, who was it?”

And you know, I’m wearing

clothes like I’m shopping at

I. Magnin’s or, you know,

some–and that was one of those

little old really kind of, you

know, inexpensive stores.

And he told me, and I said,


He said, “Well, the company

doesn’t do that, but you need to

get your finances together.”

You know what I wanted to ask



“I’m working two jobs, man.

You tell me how.”

This is how.

But wait a minute.

Hold on.

But I had to first get in the

family for this.

I had to be born again.

The kingdom of God is built on

sowing and reaping.

That’s the way it’s built.

Satan doesn’t want you to invade

his domain with your principle

of sowing and reaping.


Because it’s a higher principle,

and it’ll override all that’s in

his kingdom and cause it to come

into that kingdom.

Are you with me?

All right, sowing and reaping.

Somebody says, “Well, a farmer


He sows corn, and he gets some

corn back–”

You know that, okay.

But you really don’t know it

because sowing and reaping is a

principle that no one can live

outside of, no one.

Here’s what he says about


If you want friends, what do you


“You have to sow yourself


So, you have to sow something to

get something.

He said, “If you sow it to the

wind, you’ll reap the,” what?


All this is in the book.

Notice, every time you got to

sow something, but it comes back


So, let’s just take this


Suppose somebody slaps somebody,

what are they gonna get?

And listen, listen, listen

folks, this–got it?

Now, think about it.

If that were really on

somebody’s mind, and they had

the principle, why would they go

and buy a slave?

Because they were operating on

buying and selling.

This other system is stronger.

It will eventually possess all

of this system, and that’s what

Joseph was.

Remember what he did.

Joseph was sold as a slave by

his brothers to a passing band

of Ishmaelites.

They took him down to Egypt, and

what did they do with him in


They sold him to a man named


So, Joseph was on the auction


Here he was, chained up on an

auction block, and the man

Potiphar bought him.

But when Joseph started working

for Potiphar, Joseph saw work in

another principle, and “Potiphar

began to prosper to the point

that Potiphar eventually put all

that he had–” this is what the

Bible says in Genesis 39, “under

Joseph’s hand.

And once he did that, now he

transferred it over into the


Now, what am I saying to you?

I’m saying that ship that was

out there that Peter had, what

did he do with it?

He gave it to Jesus.

It transferred into the kingdom,

and once it transfers into the

kingdom, the law of

multiplication takes place.

Now, you got what I’m saying


So, my wife and I were down

there in a ministers’ meeting

and the pastor was–the minister

who was having the meeting said

he was trying to buy an airplane

for his ministry because he

couldn’t keep up.

The commercial schedules

couldn’t keep up any more.

He said, “How many people would

like to give into it?”

Well, our ministry needed an

airplane, so I turned to my

wife, said, “What are you

saying, baby?”

I said, “Let’s just pray and see

what God says.”


We came up, said, “God says, sow


So, we took $100,000 and sowed


Now, remember, you say, “I don’t

have no $100,000.”

It’s not the amount, it’s the


Don’t ever forget that.

One woman had only two mites.

So, what happened?

We sowed it.

Then about 2 weeks later, I

got a call, “Hey Bill, this is


Listen, I think that offering

was taken up the wrong way, and

I want to take all that seed

that was sown to me for that

airplane, and I want to sow it

to so-and-so on the mission


Here’s what I said, “Well, why

are you calling me?

That’s not mine.”

See, if it’s still mine, I get

no harvest.

I’d better come over here.

If it’s still mine, I get no


You cannot put it in the bucket

and watch the bucket all the way

down the aisle.

You have never let it go.

And remember when Adam sinned,

God couldn’t come in and say,

“King’s X on that man.

Let me get another man and form

him,” because the ground didn’t

belong to him anymore.

He can’t touch what’s not his.

I know my God can’t.

That’s why people get a new car,

and sometimes, “Yeah, I got this

new car.”

Praise the Lord.

“Well, this is the Lord’s car.

Now, it’s, it’s–” I say, “Oh,

it’s the Lord’s car.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

I said, “Well, you driving it?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m driving it, but

it’s the Lord.”

I say, “Okay, now, what did you

do, give it to the Lord?”

“Well, no, I just know the Lord

watching over it, you know, and

so forth.

That’s why.”

You know, a whole lot of flaky

stuff, and I’m trying to figure


That’s your car.

Get that car.

Put the blood of Jesus over it

and drive that thing down the


But my point to you is, wait a


See, you put the money in the


Then you try to tell the pastor

what to do with it.

You have never let it go.

You will never get a harvest off

of it, and the harvest and seed

time is the way God has to meet

your needs.

He might bring it back in in


He might bring it back in in


He might bring it back in in new


He might bring it back in, but

one way he’s gonna bring it

back in, without toil.

He’s gonna bring it back in.

You’re just gonna go and

gather it up because it’s a new

level of work that you’re gonna

be doing.

You’re not working for earning a

living any more.

You’re gonna work now to keep

your mind off of that provision

so you can do your assignment.

If you’re supposed to work in

the education area, get in that

education area.

If you’re supposed, come on, it

doesn’t make a difference ’cause

God’s got your back.

It’s not gonna be your

education level that’s gonna

dictate your income.

It’s gonna be your sowing level

that’s gonna dictate.

Now, put the Scripture up there

again, Matthew chapter 11, verse


Now, listen, this’ll work for


Now, you said, “Do you work


I work hard.

You can ask my staff.

I’m a hard worker, but I’m not

working to earn more money.

I’m working to fulfill my

assignment to God to get this

ministry moving.

That’s why I’m working.

If you put your mind on a

paycheck, try to create at the

same time.

Those inventions will slow down,

those ideas will slow down

to little or nothing.

You’ve got to get your mind off

provision, folks.

The whole world has been


Satan was trying to see to that.


So, they can’t go anywhere.

Please, don’t reject what I’m


Study it out first.

The Bibles were hid in

monasteries from you because if

you ever got off this buying and

selling system and got over here

on this other system, you can

get your needs met on the top of

Mount Vesuvius with nobody



Because Jesus said, “Hey, feed


They were at the top of the


He said, they said, “I’ve got to

go work and get some money to

feed all these people.”

He said, “No, you don’t.

There’s a lad here with two fish

and five loaves.

Give me that, and let’s make

some food.”

And that food began to multiply

’cause it was bread from heaven.

God will give you from heaven

what you need, independent of

the system that you’re living

in, independent of the economic

times that you’re enduring.

Now, where did I tell you to go?

“Come unto me, all who labour

and are heavy laden.

I’ll give you rest.”

Come on.

“Take my yoke upon you, and

learn of me; for I am meek and

lowly at heart: and you shall

find rest for your souls.”

Check it out.

“For my yoke is easy,” keep

going, “and my burden is light.”

My friends, you say that

“Pastor, I’m not sure about


What I’m gonna tell you is

I’m gonna pray for you

because what I just told you was

the gospel truth.

It is the way that God is going

to use his people so that they

can have enough provision to

feed the poor.

They can have enough provision,

watch this, to make some

schools–this is a dream of

mine–make some schools for

people who have been in some of

these tough neighborhoods.

Put a citadel in each one of

them so that they have some of

the best instructors.

Don’t let them live at home.

Let them come and live right in

the citadel.

We’ll supply their clothes.

We’ll supply their everything

that they need, and we’re gonna

train up leaders and get the

leaders raised up right in the

ghetto, right in the middle of

Satan’s worst attack.

We’re gonna get leaders.

Come on.

We can do that with money, so

God wants more than enough, not

only in my hand but your hand


This ain’t–this is not about

get-rich-quick, folks.

This is about getting God’s job


>> Bill: God never intended for

the world’s system to support

his family.

You need a revelation of who you


You got the same God in you that

Jesus had in him, and you got

the same anointing, being filled

with the Holy Ghost.

It’s not gonna be us.

It’s gonna be the Father in us.

He is gonna do the work

’cause we’re in the Sabbath,

and in the Sabbath it means that

I’m taking you back to the

Garden, back to a time where

Adam never had to bear the

weight of his own provisions,

that God was gonna take care

of him.

“Come unto me all that labor and

are heavy laden, and I’m gonna

give you rest.”

>> announcer: It is finished.

You have been redeemed from the

curse of lack, and your days of

toiling are over.

Your provision is now unlimited

in Pastor Winston’s dynamic

teaching, “Resting in God.”

To order on CD or DVD by bank

card at 1-800-711-9327, or

online at

>> Bill: Today’s teaching,

“Resting in God, Volume 1,” is a

part of a two-disc series.

Now, the purpose of this message

is to inspire you with a

question: is anything too hard

for God?

Praise the Lord.

Now, here’s a point I’d like you

to remember.

God has heavenly provisions for

every need that you and I might

have while we’re in this earth,

independent of the system of

this world, all the economic

conditions that we might be


In Matthew chapter 11, verse 28,

here’s what Jesus said.

He says, “Come unto me all who

labour and are heavy laden, and

I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn

of me, for I am meek and lowly

in heart and you shall find rest

for your souls.

For my yoke is easy, and my

burden is light.”

Now, let me just tell you what

he says here.

He is saying in that time there

could be an ox that would be

used to plow, and there is

another ox that is being taught

how to plow.

So, the stronger ox is put on

this, the lead ox, and then the

other one is learning as he

follows him.

Same thing about Jesus.

He’s our burden-bearer.

He’s the strongest one among us.

So, we are learning from him.

So, he says that “my yoke is

easy,” yoke to Jesus,

the yoke–ox and yolk together,

“and my burden is light.”

So, are you experiencing heavy


You better get it off you.

Praise the Lord.

Jesus has borne all of our


He is making it so that the load

is light.

Praise the Lord.

Well, this teaching and others

that we’re working through is a

teaching that you need to get

the job done.

In other words, for today

there’s pressures from every

side, but God has a way to

relieve that pressure and have

you go through this life


Praise the Lord.

Well, this is Bill Winston

saying we love you,

and until next time,

keep walking by faith.