In this conference series you will experience the teaching ministry of seven of the greatest “Generals of Faith” in the Body of Christ, including conference host, Dr. Bill Winston. These generals are apostles and prophets who have been anointed by God to teach you how to live by faith, and they have the sustained ministry evidence, “faith proofs,” to authenticate their calling. Speakers include Dr. Bill Winston, Bishop Tudor Bismark, Bro. Kenneth Copeland, Dr. Jesse Duplantis, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, Pastor Cash Luna and Dr. Creflo Dollar.

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ANNOUNCER: The Believer’s Walk
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on The Believer’s Walk of

Faith. BILL: You are
entitled to the finest that

God has in this earth. I’m
gonna say it one more

time. That came from the holy
ghost. You are entitled …

Lord, have mercy. When
Jesus got it back, he

got the finest back
that is in the earth.

BILL: Hello, I’m Bill Winston
and welcome to another

program. That program
that you’re watching is

called The Believer’s Walk of
Faith, where we walk by faith

and not by sight. Well, today’s
message is entitled, “Faith for

the Supernatural.” Praise God.
Let me say, this teaching today

just is a powerful teaching that
was taken from one of our

previous annual international
faith conferences. We call it

the IFC, and this is what we
have once a year and this is one

of the previous teachings that I
did. Now, in this particular

teaching, I bring out the fact
that you must think big, that

what happens with people is they
limit their thinking by their

provision. In other
words, don’t ever look at

your provision when
you’re thinking vision.

You know, when
you’re focusing in on trying

to do something big, don’t
ever look at how much

money you got. That’ll shrink
your vision. Just have the

vision there and believe God,
that he’s got provision already

put in heaven with your name on
it. Praise God, and all you’ve

got to do is to bring it into
manifestation. Think about it

this way. Why would God give you
a vision and not provision to

bring it to pass? What kind of
God is that? Can you follow what

I’m saying? So think big,
because that’s the way God wants

you to think, and get this. The
provision is already set aside.

No, you might not know where it
is, but guaranteed, it’s already

set aside for you and you put
your faith to work, that

provision will come into
manifestation. Let’s go into it.

It’s called “Faith for
the Supernatural.”

BILL: Transformation, for the
most part, has not been taught.

When I say that, I mean this,
that there were two parts to it.

Go ye in all the world and what?
Preach the gospel to every

creature. Over here in Matthew
28, he said, “Make disciples.”

Say amen to this. CONGREGATION:
Amen. BILL: So we

got a double edged piece here.
We’ve got to not only get them

saved. Say amen to this.

we’ve got to teach them how to
live. You got what I’m saying?

Now, this whole idea of how to
live is not so much a how to

live sitting up in church. This
is how to live out there in the

world. Say amen. CONGREGATION:
Amen. BILL: God deliberately

plants the righteous among the
wicked and when you and I get

born again, then I understand
salvation but you’ve got

something called eternal life.
Now, in eternal life, that means

you’ve got the whole package. I
said you’ve got the whole

package. So, everything that
Jesus died to provide, you’ve

got it. You don’t need to beg
God for healing because it’s

already yours. I said healing is
already yours, and deliverance

and everything else that you
might want. So, what has to

happen is we’ve got to
understand God’s bill of rights.

We have to understand what he’s
given us and these things that

he’s given us, we have got to
make them manifest. Now,

what I did is I was talking
about getting some barbecue on

the South Side of Chicago. So,
what happened is

standing in line to get the
barbecue and this lady got her

barbecue. Just a little window,
you know? Eat it and beat it,

and so she got it. She got her
barbecue and she walked away,

but she opened the bag and saw
that the bread was missing.

I said, the bread was
missing. So she went back and

pushed the person who was next
out of the way and said, “Excuse

me, excuse me.” Now the guy, you
know, just one guy back there

cooking and selling and doing
everything. She said, “Does

bread come with this?” Now, she
didn’t say it like that. She

said, “Do bread, do bread, do
bread come with that? Does bread

come with this?” Well, he had
forgotten to put a bread in

there, and I’m saying he said,
“Forget not all” what? Come on,

these benefits … See, you’ve
got to get everything Jesus died

to provide. Satan wants you to
leave your bread. Come on now,

Satan wants you to get saved but
stay sick. Come on. He

wants you to get saved, but your
marriage still a wreck. He wants

you to get saved but broke as an
I don’t know what. My point to

you is bread comes with this.
Everything comes with eternal

life. It means I’m gonna live
here just like I would there and

no sickness is in heaven. Say
amen to that. CONGREGATION:

Amen. BILL: No poverty and lack
are in heaven. Say amen to that.

not talking about just coming up

to some mediocrity. I’m talking
about this whole idea. I think

Bishop Tudor Bismarck used the
term called “extravagant.”

Didn’t he use the term? Do you
know some Christians back off of

that term. You know why? Because
we’ve brought the world into the

church. We’re trying to make
something stretch. God ain’t

said nothing about make
something stretch. There is

plenty in God’s house. You don’t
need to make nothing stretch.

God’s got more than you
know what to do with. I’m

talking about for you. Watch
this, and for whoever you

minister to. He’s got enough.
See, somehow we’ve thought this

shortest thing. Now, the enemy
is behind that because he’s

hoping that you’ll leave the
earth, praise the Lord, and go

on on to heaven and leave him
with the stuff, but I’ve got

good news for you. Christians
are waking up. There is a group

that’s coming up like you that
don’t care what people think.

Come on, that won’t take down on
the gospel. Come on now, that’s

gonna live a holy life. There is
a group coming up that are not

ashamed of the gospel. There is
a group coming up, said my name

is Jimmy and I’ll take all you
give me. I’m telling you,

there is a group coming up.
We’re gonna clean house.

Everything Satan stole from your
grandmama’s mama … I’m here to

tell you folks we’re about to
clean house. Everything God’s

gonna show you stuff back to 10
generations that you gonna say,

“Satan, you took that and you
took that.” The Bible says, “If

the thief be found, if the thief
be found, if the thief be found,

he gonna have to give his whole
house.” Now, we’re about to

break the house. Now, if you’re
with me, say amen. CONGREGATION:

Amen. BILL: Look what he says
here. “I am sure that the king

of Egypt will not let you go.”
This is God talking to Moss. No,

not by a mighty hand. I’m
sure of it. I’m sure that

Pharaoh won’t let you go. Now,
Pharaoh had the disposition of

the devil. The devil won’t let
you go. I’m sure he got you in

debt. He won’t let you go. I am
sure he’s got your marriage in

trouble. He won’t let you go. I
am sure that he’s got you …

whatever have … he won’t let
you go. Now look at the next

verse. He said, “Not by my
hand. I’ll stretch out my hand

and smite Egypt with all my
wonders, which I will do in the

midst and after that, come on
…” He will let you go. I said

he will let you go. This year,
you’re gonna be let go. This

year … I’m talking about
before Christmas. You’re gonna

be let go. I’m talking about
your finances gonna be let go.

I’m talking about that sickness
in your body, it’s gonna have to

go. I’m talking about that …
whatever it is, you will be let

go. Next verse, please. He said
this, “And I’ll give those

people favors.” Come on, say
favor. CONGREGATION: Favor.

BILL: “The sign of old Egyptians
and it shall come to pass. When

you go, you will not go empty.”
Come on, bread comes with this.

Every woman shall borrow of her
neighbor and everyone that

sojourneth in her house, jewels
of silver, jewels of gold

and raiment and you
shall put them on

your sons and upon your
daughters. Glory to

God, and you shall spoil the
Egyptians.” BILL: What does

spoil mean? I said what does
spoil mean? You know, I was a

young kid and we used to go
visit my grandmother, and they

lived in the country. It was
time for Sunday coming up and my

grandmother would fix a chicken
dinner, you know? For dinner.

They didn’t have supermarkets
because they were out in the

country, so they’d have to kill
the chicken. So the chicken

would be … He had no idea that
his time had come. They’d have

to run the chicken down, you
know? They’d have to run the

chicken down, and then they’d
run him down and grab the

chicken and then what is known
as ring its neck. They’d ring

his neck. Now, I had never
seen that. I said, “Man, poor

chicken.” But then she’d take
him and then put him in some hot

water. Very hot water. Come on,
old school. Old school in here

know what I’m talking about. Put
it in some hot water and then

pull it up and they would do
what to the chicken? They would

pluck this chicken and it’s
amazing, after the chicken been

plucked, you’d see that little
old– chicken. Man.

What happened to the
chicken? I’m saying

only reason Pharaoh is that big,
he’s got your stuff, and I’m

saying when we pluck it, he is
broke. We’re about to pluck the

world’s … We’re about to pluck
Satan. We’re about to take back

everything that belongs to God’s
people. This is your year of

jubilee. Glory to God. Sit down.
Bread comes with this. Now,

jubilee. Glory to God. Sit down.
Bread comes with this. Now,

rights … These are some of the
rights that you have. Look over

here at Isaiah chapter 32. In
Isaiah chapter 32, look at verse

18. I’m just read this, “And my
people shall dwell in peaceable

habitation.” That means nobody’s
supposed to be shooting outside

your house. Are you
following what I’m saying? I can

go down this list because what
has happened here is Satan is a

negotiator and he’s tried to get
us to back up on God’s promise

and negotiate us out of part of
it. Say amen to this.

what we have to do is we have to

find out where did we negotiate?
What did he take? What

deceptively did he steal? And go
get it. I said and go get it and

take it back. Now look what he
says here. I ran up on this

scripture. Psalm chapter 2 and
verse 8. Glory to God. Over in

Psalm 2, verse 8, he says, “Ask
of me and I’ll give you the,”

what? Heathen for thine
inheritance and what else? The

uttermost parts of the earth for
thy possession, but what’d he

have to do first? You’ve got to
ask for it. Psalm 24 and verse

1. “The earth is the Lord’s and
the fullness thereof,” and what?

“The world and they that dwell
therin.” Now what am I

saying here? Here comes the
devil and he is gonna

put his people in charge and
bless their hearts. They don’t

know they’re being deceived
because that’s what Jesus said.

“Father, forgive them,” come on,
“for they know not what they

do.” So they pass a law that
takes the Bible out of the

schools. Now, do you believe
that was the will of God?

is the only institution that

could stop that? Can make …
You, praise God. You know what

I’m about to say. I’m saying
it’s not just that, folks. If

you just spend some time with
God, he’ll show you every place

that the church has given up
land for a mess of pottage.

They somehow have
given over to the enemy what he

shouldn’t have. Say amen to

When I look at Jesus and his
life, he said, “The things that

I do, shall you do also.” I’m
just seeing all that he did.

Jesus stopped storms. Didn’t he
stop storms? Jesus, glory to

God, raised the dead. Didn’t he
raise the dead? Now, are we

supposed to be doing that? I’m
saying somewhere we’ve got to

swing into motion. When I was a
kid growing up, when I got my

driver’s license, we would get
our parents’ car and we’d go out

and meet at the old airport and
we’d try to hot rod. We’d drag

race, but there was a guy named
Top Cat and TC. TC had an old

car and he’d bring it out on the
line and we’d get the flag

dropped and we’d take off. He’d
beat us by a country mile. I

mean, he was winning all the
money. What you’d say is,

“TC, let me see what you got
under there.” You lift it up and

it’s all new. Can’t you see what
I’m saying? I’m saying you might

look like the old model but if I
can go inside your spirit,

everything’s new. Everything’s
new. You’ve got stuff that the

world does not have. I said
bread comes with this. So in my

life, I want to make sure that
I’m getting everything God has

for me. Say amen to that. So, I
looked at some of the things

that you can get here. You’re
not supposed to be broke. Come

on. You can get debt free. I’m
talking about by Christmas, this

year. I’m talking about every
mortgage. Come on, every

mortgage. Every mortgage paid in
full. Now, this is not for

everybody, but you might want a
husband. I said this is not for

everybody, didn’t I say that
before when I came in?

I’m telling you, you
can get that. Now, make sure

that that’s what you want. Okay?
You’re not supposed to leave

here early, you’re supposed to
leave here living long and

strong. Say amen to this.

only thing I’m doing now, I’m
just wrapping this up because

you have supernatural faith. I
said you have supernatural

faith. Alright, now, God is
leading you into things that are

faith. Alright, now, God is
leading you into things that are

too big for you. He’s doing it
on purpose because it’s not too

big for him, but the difference
is he doesn’t work unless you

rest. If you work, he rests. So,
I had to find out that as I’m

being led into these places,
faith is a rest, and that I’m

gonna have to use my faith and
believe that God is gonna do his

part. Glory to God. Can I
talk to you a minute here? I’m

not just getting folks saved.
I’m getting folks discipled so

that they can change the culture
of the environment that they are

living in. Say amen to that.
That is the power of the gospel.

It can virtually change the law.
I said the gospel can change the

law. There are unjust laws on
the books and the gospel can

change them. Folks, we can put
ourselves together. We can bind

ourselves together and change
it. Lord, have mercy. Now,

I’m gonna talk on another level
here. Y’all got me down here and

I’m talking … I want to see
the church manifest the glory.

You can stop storms. The Bible
says, “What is man that thou art

mindful of him?” You’ve got to
understand when God made this

man, he made him like God. He
made him … He had the same

DNA, the same genetic
constitution, everything that

God had. He had the same desires
as God. He saw himself a ruler

and Jesus came to get us back
there, that we are the image of

God. Say amen to that.

being the image of God, when
Jesus stopped that storm, he

looked at them and said, “Why
didn’t you do it?” Are you

following what I’m saying? I’m
saying you and I are … We’ve

got some abilities here that
we’re trying to feel. Don’t try

to feel nothing. Just get out
there in the middle of the dirt

and just tell the storm what to
do. Let’s start practicing this

thing. If it don’t work the
first time, it’ll work the

second time. Just get on out
there and speak to that thing.

Come on now. Get your wallet,
put it on the table and speak to

the thing. Say, “Hey, fill up in
the name of Jesus. I command

right now.” Just crazy stuff.
Just stuff … Come on, come on.

I’m trying to be logical now. I
ain’t got time for logic.

Come on, somebody gonna have to
put at something. Somebody gonna

have to say something. Come on.
Somebody have to tell the devil,

“Come from here and go over
there and sit down.” I’m just

saying this is what we’ve got to
do, folks. We’ve got to go take

nations. Now, every nation’s
supposed to come under the

kingdom. That’s our job, to take
it to every nation, and I’m

telling you, I’m gonna raise up
a group of people. I don’t care

who, what, anybody says. I’m
gonna raise them up to take some

nations. I’m telling you … I
saw that man in Luke chapter 16.

The Bible says, “He sat outside
the gate and he was a beggar and

had sores and he sat outside the
gate begging,” and the Bible

says he desired to be fed with
crumbs. Desired to be fed

with what? Crumb. What will God
give you? The desires, come on,

of your heart. So don’t desire
crumbs. Don’t come that way.

Come on. Bread comes with this,
man. Come on, I desire the best.

I want the best that he got up
in here. I want this community

to have no murders in the name
of Jesus. I’m talking about I

got something to say about this.
There is a need for the body of

Christ to stop acting like
slaves and come on in to daddy’s

house. Come on, and act like the
father. Jesus said, “When you

see me, you see the father and
the things that I did, you shall

do also.” Come on, “In greater
works.” Folks, we just

don’t want television that
works, we want the satellite.

Come on, come on now. Someone
think big and don’t try to

bounce your vision off your
provision because that’s why a

lot of people, it shorts out
your vision. Next thing you

say is, “Well, I don’t
have that much money.” What

money got to do with it?
Come on now. God told

you to ask and I’m just saying
what happens sometimes is we

look at the little money that we
might have and then it brings

our vision either down to that
level or it shorts it out all

the way. You say, “Oh, forget
that.” Don’t forget it. Listen,

God has plenty in his house and
most of what he’s got in there

has got your name on it. It’s
time for us to collect. Now, get

your vision back up there
where it’s supposed to be.

ANNOUNCER: Faith for the
believer is a lifestyle.

In order to please God, we
must have faith. Faith

in his word. Faith in his
promises. But, how do you build

faith in moments of uncertainty?
How do you hold fast in moments

of doubt? The answer is simpler
than you might think. God has

promised to meet your every
need. To possess what is already

prepared for you, you must
believe, receive and speak the

Word in faith. In today’s
message titled, “Faith for the

Supernatural” by Dr. Bill
Winston, you will learn how to

activate your faith in all
aspects of your life. Faith for

abundance. Faith for
deliverance. Faith for healing.

Faith for finances and so
much more. Learn how to

stand firm in the face
of fear and doubt.

In the US, call us now
at 800-711-9327 or

go online to
or in Canada, call

us now at 844-298-2900 or
go online to Get

your copy of today’s message,
“Faith for the Supernatural.”

Through this message, Dr. Bill
Winston will help you develop

your faith. Call now to receive
this message and start your

journey to a deeper
understanding of the power of

faith that exists within you.
Operators are standing by.

ANNOUNCER: Drs. Bill and
Veronica Winston are dedicated

to seeing lives changed through
the power of prayer. Our loving

and highly trained prayer
ministers are ready to pray and

agree with you. We know that
prayer can turn around any

situation in your life. Contact
us by phone at 1-877-543-9443 or

submit your prayer request
online at Follow
us on Periscope and Facebook to

join us for our regular live
prayer session. We want to thank

our partners who have made this
prayer call center possible.

Together we are transforming
lives throughout the world. If

you are not a partner we
encourage you to prayer about

joining us in partnership and be
apart of the wonderful work that

God is doing through this
ministry. We love you, and look

forward to praying and
partnering with you.

ANNOUNCER: The mission of Bill
Winston Ministries is to preach

the gospel of the kingdom
throughout the world. Thank you,

Bill Winston Ministry partners
and viewers for your continuous

support of The Believer’s Walk
of Faith Broadcast.