Faith is the spiritual empowerment to bring heaven to earth, and is the holder of your destiny. That is why nothing is more important in this hour than developing your faith. When faith is fully developed, it converts your humanity to divinity…You begin to talk, think and act like God.

>> male announcer: The

“Believer’s Walk of Faith” is

paid for by Bill Winston

Ministries’ partners and


>> Bill Winston: If you treat

your faith like a seed, you

plant it.

And you plant it by saying it.

Once you speak it, the soil of

your heart grabs it.

This is putting faith to work.

You can’t say what you see,

you’ve got to say what he said.

When you say what he said, he

can watch over his word and make

it good.

Now speak the word “holy.”

Faith is your servant.

Now put him to work.

>> Bill: This idea of faith, one

is faith sees.

Faith sees.

There’s a couple places you can

see for that.

You can turn to 2 Kings chapter


And over in 2 Kings chapter 6,

he says–this is when Elisha and

the–his servant Gehazi was

surrounded by the enemy.

It says here, verse 15, we just

start there, “And when the

servant of the man of God was

risen early, and gone forth,

behold, a host compassed the

city both with horses and


And his servant said unto him,

‘Alas, my master, how shall we


In other words, “I am scared.”

“He answered, ‘Fear not, for

they that be with us are more

than they that be with them.'”

Glory to God.

“Elisha prayed and said, ‘Lord,

I pray thee, open his eyes.'”

Now, a question.

Weren’t his eyes open to have

him to see the enemy?


But now he’s saying, “Open his


So, it tells me we’ve got a pair

of eyes that most folk don’t

have open.

And that’s why they can’t see


And I’m saying that, “‘Open his

eyes, that he may see.’

And the Lord opened the eyes of

the young man, and he saw, and

behold, the mountain was full of

horses and chariots of fire

round about Elisha.”

It didn’t even say anything

about round about unbelief

because the other guy’s in


It was round about Elisha.

Now those angels were there.

They were there.

They were positioned there by


And this man of God saw them.

Now, when you see them, true

enough, you can see them with

your spirit, but it’s different

from seeing them with your

natural eyes.

In your spirit, we call it, for

the most part, discerning.

Discerning, because it’s another

level of seeing.

And that’s why, in the kingdom,

you’re not–you’re not really

taught by learning, you’re

taught by discerning.

That’s why the academic world

can’t compete with it.

As a matter of fact, let’s see,

I put some things down here.

The natural world is trying to

compete with the spiritual world

and it can’t do it.

Dr. Cho made a comment, he

said, “God does not bother to

talk to smart people.”

He sure did.

He said, “God doesn’t talk to

smart people.

He only talks to those who say,

‘Lord, teach me.'”

Do you hear what I’m saying?

Because the tendency is to think

that your intellect can get over

into this.

And it can’t.

It can’t.

Now you can see this verse, when

he talked about–I’ll just turn

to it for a moment, and talk

about in 1 Corinthians, in

chapter 1.

He says in verse 26, “For you

see your calling, brethren, that

how not many wise after the

flesh, and not many mighty, not

many noble are called.

But God has chosen the,” what

kind of things?

“Foolish things of the world to

confound the wise, and God has

chosen the weak things of the

world to confound the things

that are mighty.

And base things of the world,

and things which are despised,

hath God chosen, yea, and things

which are not, to bring to

nought the things that are.”


“So that no flesh can glory in

his presence.”

Now, thank God that you can go

to a university or a high school

or whatever have you, but you

don’t have to be smart to have


You better write that down.

Somebody in here better write

that down.

You don’t have to be smart to

have faith.

Now, this really bothers people

who paid a lot of money for some

big education.

It really bothers them.

And a matter of fact, it makes

them somewhat jealous of it

because they have just spent all

this money trying to be smart.

And I’m not really talking

against academics now.

I’m saying that’s fine.

But you’ll find that–I find

that when I’m having people to

get born again and people come

in, that the people who are real

smart want to tell me what to


You don’t know me.

You know, one of them came in

and said, “Well, I can’t get


I said, “Why?”

“Well, other people have been in

that water.”

Well, this water here, this

water here is sanctified, this

water here.”

Are you following what I’m


I’m saying that’s what you have

from smart people.

And it is amazing.

They can come up with some

schemes that I’ve never seen.

You know, and now I’m not going

to go into it, but just–if you

could just take that, okay.

So, I’m just saying it’s

interesting how sometimes, with

smart people, things of faith

offend them, actually offend


And so, you can’t be too smart

for God because he’s the one

that put that brain in your head

in the first place.

And you’re going to find that

faith usually, always puts you

in a place of ridicule.

It puts you in a position for

people, if it doesn’t work, to

laugh at you.

And so, smart people don’t want

to be laughed at.

They don’t want to take any


They have got all kinds of risk

formulas out there, and so forth

and so on.

But God will give you a plan and

he doesn’t even give you a

backup because the first one


And so, he’ll just tell you what

to do.

I’m just saying this is faith at


And you and I all have been

given the measure of faith.

Put it up there, please.

That’s in Romans chapter 12,

verse 1, Romans chapter 12,

verse 1.

So God, he doesn’t talk much to

smart people.

I mean, you can have a PhD and

God will talk to you if you

don’t think you that smart.

I mean, you know, smarter than

God, that’s what I’m talking


Because it is amazing how many

schemes they can come up with.

And the enemy wants you to do


I put something down here that

one of his jobs is to keep you

in the natural realm.

And if he can keep you in that

natural realm, he’ll put a ring

in your nose and lead you all

over town.

And the next thing you know,

you’re either going to run out

of money or run out of time.

Because that’s what he

specializes in.

He keeps you in time, he can

dominate you.

Take him out of time, and he


I’m going out of time when we

talk about out of time in just a


Look at what he says, “I beseech

you therefore, brethren, by the

mercies of God, that you present

your bodies a living sacrifice,

holy, acceptable unto God, which

is your reasonable service.

And be not conformed to this

world, but be ye transformed by

the renewing of your mind, that

you may prove what is that good,

and acceptable, and perfect,

will of God.

For I say, through the grace

given unto me, to every man that

is among you, not to think of

himself more highly than he

ought to think, but to think,”


“Soberly, according as God has

dealt to,” how many men?

Every man what?

The measure of faith.

All right, let’s see whose faith

it is.

Let’s go to Mark’s Gospel

chapter 11, please.

Over at Mark’s Gospel chapter

11, we see an account here of


And he has this issue with this

fig tree.

Verse 12, “And on the morrow,

when they were come from

Bethany, he was hungry.

And seeing a fig tree far off

having leaves, he came, if haply

he might find anything thereon.

And when he came to it, he found

nothing but leaves, for the time

of figs was not yet.

And Jesus answered and said to

it,” say to it, say, “It.”

Say “it” again.

Now, “it” is an inanimate


So, “it.”

You can speak to things that

can’t talk back.

You can speak to problems, you

can speak to trees, you can

speak to storms, you can speak

to disease, you can speak to it.

Glory to God.

Boy, that’s worth something

right there.

That’s worth coming right there.

“And Jesus said to it, ‘No man

eat fruit of thee hereafter


And the disciples heard it.”

It didn’t say the tree heard it,

it said the disciples heard it.

Now I’m just–I’m reading what

it says here.

He said in verse 19, “And when

the evening was come, he went

out of the city.

And in the morning, they passed

by and saw the fig tree dried up

from the roots.

Peter calling to remembrance and

said to him, ‘Master, behold,

the fig tree which you cursed is

withered away.’

And Jesus answered and said to

him, ‘Have faith in God,'”

underline it.

Have faith in God.

Now, another way to say that is

have the what?

God’s kind of faith, right?

But let me embellish that just a

little bit more.

Have God’s faith.

Have God’s faith.

Now, what he’s going to do is

give you his faith.

Human faith is insufficient.

You need God’s faith.

Now, when you have God’s faith,

you can do things–come on now,

I’ve got to finish this


You can do things just like your

Father when you have his faith.

Because his faith is what made

all of this.

His faith is what made all of


Look, just I’m coming back to

that place, just look, if you

will, at Hebrews chapter–pardon

me, yeah, Hebrews chapter 11,

verse 3.

Just look at that.

He said this, “Through faith we

understand that the worlds were

formed by the word of God, so

that the things which are seen

were not made out of things

which do appear.”

Now, what is he saying?

That which was seen didn’t come

out of something visible.

It came out of something


So, God’s faith was involved in

manifesting this earth, his


Now, he gave you his faith to

manage it.

Say amen to this.

So, what we have to do is we

have to develop this faith.

We have to learn how to use this

faith, how to make faith work

for us.

Because if God is depending on

us to steward this earth, and to

be fruitful, replenish, and

multiply, so forth, he wants us

to develop our faith.

So, we have to develop this kind

of faith.

The same kind of faith God has,

we have, so now let’s make this

faith work for us the same way

God made it work for him, and

Jesus is demonstrating.

So he released his words filled

with faith.

“No man eat fruit of you

hereafter, forever.”

And the disciples, not

overheard, they heard it.

Because he wasn’t trying to make

it so they didn’t hear it.

When he went in the house of

Jairus, here’s what he said when

he showed up in Mark–in Mark

chapter 5.

He said this, “Your daughter is

not dead, she is just asleep.”

Now if that in the natural

didn’t qualify for a lie, I

don’t know what did.

She was graveyard dead.

But he was operating on a higher

level of truth.

And the truth of God is the

highest level of reality.

Say amen to that.

And I’m saying, as he spoke that

word, something happened.

Now why did it happen?

Because he believed that what he

said was going to come to pass.

Stay with me now.

He spoke it because he believed

what he’s going to say will come

to pass.

Now, what was the reaction of

the people once he said it?

What was the reaction?

They what?

They laughed at him.

What is the reaction of people

with you when you say stuff like


They’re going to laugh at you.

But should that stop you from

saying it?

I’m saying they don’t know what

they’re doing; you know what

you’re doing.

Now, what are you doing?

When you do that, you’re not

looking linear.

You’re not looking in time,

waiting on some time for

something to happen.

Because in the spirit, it has

already happened.

And the only thing you’re doing

is going vertical.

You’re going up in the spirit

and superimposing the invisible

over the visible.

I better come over here.

You are going up in the spirit

for something that has already

been done before the foundation

of the world, and superimposing

that over the visible.

So that’s why faith is always



If you ever go in the future,

you’ve just looked linear.

And if you just look linear, you

have just put faith in time.

And if you put faith in time,

then you’re not vertical

anymore, you are linear.

And if you’re linear, you are

out of faith.

You don’t have faith.

But when you know that it’s

already done, you know that

it’s–come on, you already done.

There is an assurance inside of

you that that deal is already


Now the only thing left for me

to do is say it.

Now, I got to say it because if

I can’t say it, God can’t do it.

So I’ve got to call things

that–as though they–because

they already are.

Now, stop talking about, “I’m

going to get my debts paid.”

[speaking in tongues]

Stop talking about, “I’m going

to get my healing.”

Once the devil puts you in time,

he can keep you in time.

What you need to do is let go of

time and understand faith is


This is one of the biggest

reasons why the Christian

community is not benefitting

from their own relationship with

God, and they’re sons–as sons

and daughters of Christ, of God,

and having the benefits of that

relationship, one of the biggest


The biggest reason is the tense.

It’s the tense.

They’re still putting it in the


It’s already done.

Now, not only do you have to say

it’s already done, you’ve got to

believe it’s already done.

Say amen to that.

And don’t be trying to minimize

it so that if it doesn’t work,

you don’t look that bad, or

trying to not work God too hard.

Put it back up there.

Because what God’s got for you

is the best.

What he laid up for you is the


Say amen to this.

Now this is–this is very

important now.

I’m just saying, you know, he

doesn’t–he doesn’t have a lot

of hand-me-downs up there.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with


But he does have some new stuff.

When the prodigal son came back

home, he said bring me the what

kind of robe?

The best.

He didn’t say, “Bring me the one

on sale.”

Now that’s all right, you can go

down and say, “I’ll get one on


But see, when I start talking

like that, see, what happens

with faith, faith converts your

humanity to divinity.

And what you’ve got to do is

understand that God is bringing

you into a whole new dimension

of seeing, speaking, and


So, what you’ve got to do is

come on in.

Who was that Bishop Oyedepo?

He said, “Nobody on my staff

will ever tell me I don’t have

no money.”

He said, “If they do, it’s the

last time they’ll tell me that.”

They won’t even tell him.

But how did he know?

He got to figure out some other

way to tell him because he


Because he wouldn’t let that

come out of their mouth.

Now listen, listen, I’m talking

about something now.

I’m talking about one of the

reasons why the enemy does not

want you to clean up your speech

is because his job is to keep

you not believing what you say

is going to come to pass.

See, his job is to keep you

into, “My feet are killing me.

Oh girl, I’m just dying to go.”

See, it’s to keep you.

That’s where he’s to keep you.

Because he knows that if you

check your speech and you

believe what you say, then when

you speak to that mountain, it’s

going to move.

The problem comes in when you’ve

had all this corrupt

communication all day, and all

of a sudden here it comes, boom,

something happens in the house,

and you’re trying to speak to


Well, your spirit is not trained


It’s hard for it to bring it


And so, what you’ve got to do is

go back to that Bible and he

talks about no corrupt

communication, talks about so


And you’ve got to clean that

thing up.

That’s why one of the reasons

why you saw the centurion–and

remember, the centurion came to


It’s Matthew chapter 8.

And he came to Jesus about his

servant, was lying at home,

wherever it was, sick as a post.

Jesus said, “Well, I’ll come and

heal him.”

He said, “You don’t need to come

to the house.”

Just what?

“Speak the word only, and my

servant shall be healed.”

Watch this.

“Because I’m a man under


And I got soldiers under me, and

I say to those ‘Go,’ and he

goes, one, ‘Come,’ and he comes.

And they obey me.”

So what is he saying here?

He is saying, “Wait a minute, I

respect words.

I respect words.”

I’m going to tell you something.

You’ve got to watch–you’ve got

to watch being around loose


Now, let me just say what I


Now, you think about this.

Joshua and Caleb came back and

said something.

And they said–let me get my


They said, “Let us go up at

once, and possess it.

For we are well able to overcome


Didn’t they?

Now, look what happened, chapter

13 and verse 31.

“But the men that went up with

him said, ‘We be not able to go

up against these people, for

they are stronger than we.'”

What difference did that make?

See, what difference did that

make if you’re operating by


Faith commits God.

He’s looking for faith.

The Bible says when they opened

up that roof and let that man

down, when Jesus saw their


Say amen to this.

Those ten lepers that were with

Jesus and next thing you know,

they cried out–I mean, they

were outside the gate, they said

“Jesus, son of David, have mercy

on us.”

Jesus said, “Go show yourself to

the priest.”

They started going and started

getting healed.


Because they had to show some


You can believe and sit there,

and nothing will happen.

But when you get up and start

talking and walking, then

something’s about to happen.

It commits God.

It obligates him.

Sure it does.

And look what he says here in

verse 32.

“And they brought up an evil

report in the land.”

Now verse 33, “And there we saw

the giants, the sons of Anak,

which come of the giants, and we

were in our own sight as

grasshoppers, and so we were in

their sight.”

Look at what it says next.

“And all the people,” chapter

14, verse 1, “all the

congregation lifted up their

voices and cried, and the people

wept that night.”

Now, why did they weep?

Why did they weep?

Unbelief, okay, unbelief, that’s


But why did they weep?


What did words form?



And I’m just looking at how many

pictures are on TV about


It is enough stuff going around,

they got something for


And I said, “Man, this

medication thing is taking


So I’m saying here, notice they

said the wrong thing, now the

enemy is feeding vain

imaginations into their thinking

and trying to make them see


>> Bill: If you treat your faith

like a seed, you plant it.

And you plant it by saying it.

Once you speak it, the soil of

your heart grabs it.

This is putting faith to work.

You can’t say what you see,

you’ve got to say what he said.

When you say what he said, he

can watch over his word and make

it good.

Now speak the word “holy.”

Faith is your servant.

Now put him to work.

>> announcer: Open your

spiritual eyes and allow God to

excite your imagination to see

your greatest destiny in Pastor

Winston’s dynamic teaching,

“Putting Faith To Work.”

To order on CD or DVD, contact

us online at BILLWINSTON.ORG, or

by phone at 1-800-711-9327.

Faith is the key to the kingdom

of God that opens the door of

your unlimited potential when

you enter by love.

Plant God’s Word in your heart

and keep it in your mouth.

Now you can rest while putting

faith to work.

Order “Putting Faith To Work”



>> Bill: Today’s powerful

teaching is from our 2015 Faith


It’s called “Putting Faith To


Now, because we grow from faith

to faith, we have this refresher

to strengthen our faith, to see

beyond the natural sense realm

into a higher reality of the

eternal, where there is no time.

The Bible says in Hebrews

chapter 11 and verse 1, now this

is the Amplified translation,

“Now faith is the assurance (the

confirmation, the title deed) of

the things [we] hope for, being

the proof of things [we] do not

see and the conviction of their

reality, [faith perceiving as

real fact what is not revealed

to the senses].”

Now, that’s a powerful

definition of faith.

So in the spirit, everything

you’ll ever need has already

been done, and faith can see it.

Praise God.

Well, this is Bill Winston

saying we love you.

And until next time, keep

walking by faith.

>> announcer: The mission of

Bill Winston Ministries is to

preach the gospel of the kingdom

throughout the world.

This broadcast has been made

available to you through the

faithful support of Bill Winston

Ministry partners and friends.

We invite you to become a

partner and join Dr. Bill

Winston as he trains believers

how to live independent of this

world’s system and have dominion

over it.

Thank you, Bill Winston Ministry

partners and viewers for your

continuous support of the

“Believer’s Walk of Faith”


>> announcer: The “Believer’s

Walk of Faith” is paid for by

Bill Winston Ministries’

partners and viewers.