Possessing Your Mountain, a follow up to Dr. Bill Winston’s teaching “Climbing without Compromise” you will learn that you were called, gifted, and planted in this earth by God to convert the culture back to Him. #PossessingYourMountain #BWOF http://bit.ly/1SGmvm0

>> male announcer: The

“Believer’s Walk of Faith” is

paid for by Bill Winston

Ministries Partners and Viewers.

>> Bill Winston: This is the set

time of your deliverance.

God has a plan, and you are

behind his plan.

You are late.

He’s got to catch you up that

the enemy has been resisting you

with one thing or another.

It could be sickness, it could

be problems, it’s over.

But I’ve got news for you.

Everything Satan stole from you,

this is your year of recompense.

>> Bill: Hello, I’m Bill

Winston, and welcome to

another program.

The program that you’re watching

is called the “Believer’s Walk

of Faith,” where we walk by

faith and not by sight.

We have a really exciting

program to share with you today.

Now, this teaching is on

“Possessing Your Mountain.”

Now, we described a mountain as

a sphere of influence.

It’s like a mountain of the

government, a mountain of

education, a mountain of arts

and entertainment, and theater,

and music, different mountains.

And you and I, as believers, are

called to these different


Somebody has a gift for acting

in Hollywood, somebody has

another gift for working in


We are called to these different


Now, what God wants us to do is

to possess this mountain.

Possess means control it from


Praise God, because we are

supposed to be the ones that are

influencing in that mountain.

Now, the Bible tells us in

Proverbs chapter 29 and verse

18, “Where there is no vision,

the people perish.”

So, what it’s time to do is to

dream again.

A lot of times, what the enemy

comes to do is shut down your


You think that you can’t go

anywhere, can’t accomplish much,


God has big plans for you, and

he wants you to dream big,

praise God.

Well, let’s go right into it.

Today’s teaching is called

“Possessing Your Mountain.”

>> Bill: Now, let’s take the

Hivites for example.

Let’s go to Joshua, please, in

Joshua chapter 9.


Each one of these -ites is a

different strongman.

“And it came to pass, when all

the kings which were on this

side of Jordan, in the hills,

and in the valleys, and in all

the coasts of the great sea over

against Lebanon, the Hittites,

the Amorites, the Canaanites,

Perizzites, the Hivites, and the

Jebusites, heard thereof, that

they gathered themselves

together to fight with Joshua

and with Israel, with one


So now, the enemy is getting


“Now, we can’t stop them


Let’s unite.”

And sometimes, the devil gets

several forces together because

one just won’t do it.

But he’s saying that they are

mightier than we are.

Now, I’m going somewhere.

So now I’ve got to fight

someone that’s mightier than me.

You got what I’m saying?

So God is sending me into the

impossible on purpose.

Now, why is that?

Because faith connects me with

the ability of God.

Now, I want to stay with that, I

want to stay with faith connects

me with the ability of God.

Stay with me.

So I’m going in here by faith

and I’m going to win.

I’m not going to lose.

I’m going to take whatever level

because God’s got to promote me.

He’s going to get me in there

and promote me.

The Bible says in Matthew

chapter 25, he said, “If you be

faithful over a few things, God

will make you,” what?

Ruler over many things, so he’s

a promoter.

I came here with nothing, but I

was faithful in what he gave me.

I had 40 members and I was

faithful with them.

Sometimes, people don’t want to

start with 40, they want to

start with 40,000.

And that is not the way God

works because you’ve got to

learn to work with 40 before you

work with 40,000.

Same thing about a business.

He’s not going to give you IBM

from the start.

Now, he may do that if you know

what you’re doing, but normally,

he starts you somewhere in the

ranks and moves you up.

Because then you’ve got to

display faithfulness to what

he’s given you.

All right, you with me?

So Hivites, so come back to

Joshua chapter 9, “Now when the

inhabitants of Gibeon heard what

Joshua had done unto Jericho at

Ai,” he just ran through them,

“they did work wilily, and went

and made as if they had been

ambassadors, and took old sacks

upon their donkeys, and wine

bottles, old and rent and bound

up, old shoes and clouted upon

their feet, and old garments

upon them, and all the bread of

their provision was dry and


So, they’re looking like they

came from a long ways.

“And they went to Joshua into

the camp of Gilgal, and said to

him, and to the men of Israel,

‘We be come from a

far country.'”

Now, they came from Maywood,

but they’re saying–now just for

those over television or

network, this is the street

right around the corner here.

But they didn’t come from a long


What were they working?


The spirits of Hivites are the

spirits of deception.

They are sent to deceive you.

They deceive you somehow to

either get you to not use God’s

ability and try to use your own,

or deceive you into going into

some kind of unholy alliance, or


Folks, look like I’ve been

through all of it.

I’ll tell you from experience.

Is my shirt torn up in the back?

Okay, no, I’m just kidding.

Okay, so, now, I saw a man do

that one time, he was kind of

comical, you know.

He’s coming out, he’s saying,

“Oh, I’ve been through it, man,

I’ve really been through it.”

And then this guy says, he says,

“Let me just take off my coat,

it’s kind of hot,” take off his

coat and he had nothing but

holes in the back of his shirt.

Well, anyway, deception, now

what did they do?

They made a league with Joshua.

He shouldn’t have made it

because he’s supposed to wipe

them out.

And now, once they made a league

with him, he couldn’t touch



Now, I’m talking about going

into the giants now.

And every one of these -ites is

a strongman.

It’s a spirit.

All right, let’s deal with

another one, Jebusites.

Now, Jebusites literally means

to stomp on.

These are spirits that have this

mission to prevent people from

growing up.

One man says from getting


They are spirits sent to make

others feel small.

They talk down at them.

They even will tell you to shut


They concede that other people

are nobodies.

Now, who had this?

How about Gideon?

You recall Gideon?

These are spirits now that make

people feel small.

Look at what it says in Numbers

chapter 13 and verse 31.

I want you to look at this.

I’m just letting you know that

all these are in there, making

you feel inferior.

And they major on it, see,

because it makes them feel


“But the men that went up with

us said, ‘We be not able to go

up against these people, for

they are,'” what?

Stronger than we.

Keep going, now this is Israel


“And they brought up an evil

report of the land which they

had searched unto the children

of Israel, saying, ‘The land,

through which we have gone to

search it, is a land that eateth

up its inhabitants thereof, and

all the people that we saw in it

were men of,'” what?

Great stature.

“And there we saw the giants,

the sons of Anak.”

Now, this is the race that he’s

trying to get.

“Which come of the giants, and

we were in our own sight as

grasshoppers, and so were we in

their sight.’

Notice, see themselves small.

So, that’s the idea.

And so, what happens when a

person sees themselves small?

Then they think small.

They begin to dream small.

Now, one of our speakers said

that a dream will produce

anything you are believing for.

A dream.

And how do you dream?

And what do you dream?

And so, there’s another spirit

called Perizzites.

And the Perizzites are spirits

that make people weak and unable

to walk.

Now, the word “walk” in the Old

Testament always symbolizes


So, what these spirits want you

to do with the Perizzites is not

depend on God for yourself, but

try to get somebody else to do

all your praying for you, and

look at men more than you look

at God.

Now, let’s just go back to this

dream again because this is a

piece that I think I’m going to

have to finish up in this area

right here.

This dreaming, let me take a


When Joseph had a dream, he told


It wasn’t a small dream.

Because these spirits are

designed to have you and I to

think small.

Villagers some people call them.

But they have you to think in a

small way.

And it’s almost like when you

start getting your imagination

to rise, these spirits try to

close in on you, and make you

shrink back, and keep your

imagination small.

I put something down here in my


In your dream is your destiny.

Imagination will produce the

faith it takes to create that


If you can imagine it–remember

what he said over in Genesis

chapter 11, “Nothing will be

restrained from them which they

have,” what?

“Imagined to do.”

Here’s my point.

If you’re going to inherit the

world, then you’re going to

inherit the wealth of it.

If your thinking is small, there

ain’t no way, excuse my English,

that you’re going to inherit a

trillion dollar economy.

No way.

And the enemy is after your


See, that starts first.

Out of Acts, put it up, chapter

26 and verse 19, he said,

“Whereupon, King Agrippa, I was

not disobedient to the heavenly

vision,” that God dropped

something in your thinking.

And he does it on purpose.

Because he’s got to get a job


And the stimulation from that

job is going–and for what

you’re going to do, it’s going

to come from him.

He’s the author and finisher of

your faith.

He’s the one that’s going to

give you the dream.

The Bible even talks about

“Without a vision,” come on,

“the people perish, but he that

keepeth the law, happy is he.”

That this vision will come from


And I’m telling you, each one of

us has a vision.

And when Joseph got that dream

and talked about it, his

brothers even wanted to wipe him


And look what God did with


He came to him and said, “Hail,

my mighty man of valor.”

Gideon said, “Who, me?

Who are you talking to?

I’m the poorest among this


It doesn’t make any difference.

Because once you get born again,

you are born of God.

You’ve got the same DNA that

he’s got, watch that.

And he’s got a big dream for


So here is Gideon, and Gideon

doesn’t want to do anything with

his dream, and God had to prove

him because Gideon fleeced God.

Now, don’t try to fleece God

today because those days are


He said, “God, if you are really

speaking to me, then make–when

I wake up in the morning, make

the ground dry around this, and

make this thing in the center


And God did that.

Then he came again and fleeced

him again.

And pretty soon, he started

moving in the things of God.

My point to you is that the same

thing happened to this man named


And if you look at here, it’s 1

Chronicles, 1 Chronicles and

chapter 4, it says this in verse


This is Jabez.

Now, the word “Jabez” means


His mother named him pain.

You see, I’ve seen that before,

folks naming their babies what

they’re going through.

You don’t need to name that kid

what you’re going through.

You need to go through it and

then name the kid.

And my point to you is–come on,

you tell what era somebody get

brought up in because they named

the kid that, and you know this

and that.

I ain’t going to call no names,

but some of them you can’t even


You’re looking at the paper and

I’m trying to pronounce these

names, and so I say, “Where did

they get this from?”

And I can almost guarantee you

it didn’t come from heaven.

This is something somebody

thought of.

But you don’t even know what

that means.

You name your kid something,

then that could be the worst

name that you ever gave your kid

in somebody else’s language.

Look what it says here over in


He said, “And Jabez was more

honorable than his brethren, and

his mother called his name

Jabez, saying, ‘Because I bare

him with sorrow.’

Jabez called on the God of

Israel, saying, ‘Oh, that thou

would,'” what?

“Bless me indeed.”

And what else?

“Enlarge my coast.”

And what else?

“And that thy hand might be with


And what else?

“And that you would keep me

from,” what?


Now, check it out.

What Jabez was asking for, he

wasn’t asking God to change his


He was asking God to change how

he saw himself.

He was asking God to give him a

greater capacity for receiving

what he might accomplish on

God’s behalf.

He was asking God that

things–thoughts were holding

him captive, and he needed to be

released from those thoughts.

And this prayer of Jabez, he is

saying, “Give me a greater

ability to think the thoughts of


Look what God says in Isaiah

chapter 55 and verse 8.

Here’s what he said.

He said, “For my thoughts are

not your thoughts, neither are

your ways my ways, saith the


For as the heavens are higher

than the earth, so are my ways

than your ways, and my thoughts

than your thoughts.”

You see, there are spirits that

are designed, when God wants you

to have hair salons all over

Chicago, those spirits will make

you do hair in your


That is not what God–come on

now, instead of–you might be

teaching school.

God didn’t want you to teach

school, he wanted you to have


My point to you is, it’s amazing

how we try to bring God’s vision

down to the level of our small

thinking, instead of taking our

thinking, enlarging it, and

going up to what God has called

us to do.

There are so many people sitting

in here right now, and what has

happened is the enemy has shut

off your dreamer.

He has tried to make you–see,

when any somebody tell you you

can’t do something, that’s when

you know you can.

Because with God, come on, all

things are possible.

And I’m telling you right now,

you need to dream again.

Martin Luther King said, “I have

a dream.”

And because of it, he went to

the top of the mountain and

affected nations in this


I’m saying the same thing

happened to Booker T.


He comes to Tuskegee in Alabama

with nothing, had nothing.

And he comes there, and a

picture was taken with him

eating lunch in an old wooden

church, who had a hole in the

ceiling, it was raining, and

somebody was holding an umbrella

over his head while he ate.

That’s where he started in 1885.

But by 1905, it is written up

that Booker T. Washington

graduated out of a slave group

of people, he graduated

more self-made millionaires

than Harvard, Yale, and

Princeton combined.

The president of Harvard came

down over and over again to

speak at his commencement.

President Roosevelt invited him

to the White House and ate with


And it caused a stir throughout

the whole world.


Because the world and many

people didn’t want this group of

people to get up off their knees

and dream again.

But I’m here to tell you I came

through something.

And when I came here, oh yeah, I

started small, but I started

saying Jabez.

I began to say this prayer every

day, every day, “Oh Lord, bless

me indeed.

Enlarge my territory.

Keep me from evil.”

And God began to grow me over

and over.

And I’m telling you right now,

we are worldwide.

We are in every continent on the

face of this earth.

God gave me a Scripture, he

said, “I’m going to have you to

take the Word of God to the

earth as the waters cover the


And let me tell you, he’s going

to protect you in that thing.

Now, notice what happened here.

I took you back to Genesis

chapter 20.

Now, in Genesis chapter 20, this

is when a man named–a king

named Abimelech, he took Sarah,

Abraham’s wife, in his harem.

He’s going to take her now, what

is he doing?

He just–Satan is after that

gene pool.

So, what happened?

Look what happened that night.

And it says in verse 3, it says

that, “God came to Abimelech in

a dream by night, and said to

him, ‘Behold, you are but a dead

man, for the woman which you

have taken, she is another

man’s wife.'”

Now, what happened then?

Abimelech came out of that, he

said, “Get this woman out of


Now, what am I telling you?

I’m telling you, you’re about to

go into the best time of your

life, that whatever has been

resisting your plan, come on,

for God’s plan for your life

shall be stopped today.

Whatever–now, don’t look at me

and say, “Somebody’s just saying


No, this is the set time of your


God has a plan, and you are

behind his plan.

You are late.

He’s got to catch you up that

the enemy has been resisting you

with one thing or another.

It could be sickness, it could

be problems, it’s over.

But I’ve got news for you.

Everything Satan stole from you,

this is your year of recompense.

Everything, I had it up there,

everything is going to have to

be skimmed back.

So whatever has been tampering

with your destiny in God,

whatever’s been afflicting you,

humiliating you, whatever’s been

against your peace, your

progress, against your career,

your business, your children,

your job, I command the

vengeance of the Lord, it is

coming on them today.

Say amen to that.

So everything contrary to the

rule and justice of God is going

to be dealt with.

You see, God has now got to get

the job done.

I’ll tell you, we’ve seen things

happen, we’ve seen laws made

that are ungodly, we’ve seen

babies aborted, we’ve seen


But God is saying, “Enough is


It’s time now for God to move.

And he’s got to do it through

his people.

Now, you give God a shout and

get ready to dream.

[congregation cheering]

You’re going to dream again.

You’re going to dream again.

And the dream is not going to be

a small dream.

It’s going to be the impossible


You’re going to dream the


You’re going to dream things

that you say in your heart, “I

don’t know how this is going to

come to pass.”

You don’t need to know how it’s

going to come to pass.

It’s not your dream, it’s God’s


Let him dream through you.

Give the Lord a shout and a


Esther, Esther couldn’t hardly

believe it.

Her uncle came to her and said,

“Esther, now you’ve got to go

before the king.”

Esther said, “I haven’t been


How am I going to go in there?”

Said, “Esther, you have been

called for such a time as this.

Esther, you can’t miss your


There’s a timetable we’re

working here, where wicked Haman

has got an ungodly law to kill

all the Jews.

And so we need you, girl.”

See, you can’t look at yourself.

Because now you’ve got the DNA

of God.

He can dream through you.

Look what happened.

Esther fasted 3 days.

The Bible says she put on her

royal apparel, Esther chapter 5.

She went in there, went before

the king.

If the king doesn’t point his

scepter at you, your head goes

off because to come into the

king, you’ve got to be invited.

But the Bible says for you to

come boldly to the throne of


And watch this, no weapon formed

against you shall prosper.

The king pointed his scepter at

her, said, “Esther, tell me what

you want and I will give it to

you, up to half of my kingdom.”

You’re a joint heir with Jesus.

Whatever he gets, you got.

I want you to do something.

Dream again.

Make yourself dream again.

Refuse to stay small.

That’s not your calling.

Your calling is to inherit the


That’s everything in it, from

the surface to the core.

You just don’t get the good

stuff now, you inherit the worst



Because you’ve got something in

you that can clean it all up.

You’re blessed, you’re God’s

favorite, and God has saved the

best for last.

This is it, this is it.

I believe this in my heart.

So, what I want you to do,

prayer of Jabez, say it once a

day for 7 days.

And watch something happen in

your life.

Oh, he’s been trying, God’s been

trying to get it to you, but

it’s screened him out.

But this prayer is going to open

you up, give you more capacity,

so you can be and do and have

what Jesus died to provide.

If you agree with that, shout


Glory to God.

>> announcer: Develop the seed

of your faith and expand the

borders of your capacity to

reach your destiny in Pastor

Winston’s powerful,

life-changing teaching,

“Possessing Your Mountain.”

To order on CD or DVD, contact

us online at billwinston.org, or

by phone at 1-800-711-9327.

>> announcer: The “Believer’s

Walk of Faith” is paid for by

Bill Winston Ministries partners

and viewers.