There is absolutely nothing that God can’t do! And as His child He wants you to exercise the same level of power that Jesus used to overcome every obstacle that tries to stand in your way

the believers walk of faith is paid for

by bill Winston ministries partners and

viewers have you factored in God in this

world we’ve been trained by mostly this

world system before we got born-again

Christian thinking like the world and

when you think like world you think

without God no Word of God is void of

power because the Word of God is God an

incorruptible seed if you take this word

and meditate on it and eat it and

consume it then it will come alive

inside of you and the seed of the word

will produce in your life and bring

forth exactly what it says the Word of

God has miracle

I’m talking about living in the

supernatural partnering with thee is

visible while we look not at the things

that are seen but the things that are

not seen for the things that are seen

are temporal or something to change but

the thing that are not seen are eternal

what is not see don’t worry

God we’re going to a place where one

moment you go be right here

then the next moment you gonna be over

here one moment you gonna be broke and

then the next moment

one moment nothing’s going to be in your

bank account and then tomorrow about

this time you gonna be loaded I’m gonna

tell you about the miracle action of the

word the word I said in Romans chapter 8

and verse 11 but if the spirit of him

that raised up Jesus from the dead come

on dwell in you he that raised cry up

Christ from the dead shall also quicken

oh you got a define quicker

quicken means to make alive your what

mortal body by his who spirit that

dwelleth in you folks that’s a scripture

that I’ve used more than once you see I

were playing tennis and I heard some pop

on the testicle path and then my ankle

might heal I’ll just begin to paint I

thought oh my god what’s that I thought

I was outside playing I thought somebody

shot a rifle or something from a long

distance and it hit me that’s how loud

it sound and that’s how it popped and I

couldn’t walk

I came home my wife she what throwed you

I see baby I don’t know I was a distance

ten in the top month of pop I said but

by his stripes I’m healed and I’m

telling you I knew if I went to the

doctor thank God for doctor but I knew

if I went there and don’t say the thing

is pop we don’t have to put it in a cast

we all have the dollar it’s on take and

you probably won’t have full function of

it for another five years or so above

all tulta us away

a minute I’m not going that route but

the spirit of him that raised up Jesus

from the dead dwells in me he shall

restore life to my mortal body I took

that scripture worked it worked it

worked it in a few days I was kind of

running don’t did working in a few days

I in the next thing I’ll back on the

tennis cool fries got my point to you is

that Scripture is designed to bring life

back to your bones

that’s Krypton designed to go down to

the very cells of your body and heal wha

cause we’ve been redeemed proverbs

chapter 4

proverb chat for death and life aware

bar over the tongue follow the tone

folks Devil’s trying to use your

authority to keep you down don’t give it

to it

I don’t care how bad it looks say what

God said tell you Mary had nothing in

the natural to tell her that this thing

is working not a thing

not our thing but she believed God say I

believe God verse 20 my son attend to my

words you know what a 10 means you you

doing something somebody comes to hey

can you come on we win no no no no I got

10 to this right now

I Bishop you governance and make it a

priority every day you should get a

little word you know what cuz the word

has life in it I said the word has life

in it not only that if you look at

Ephesians 5:26 it says that the word

will cleanse and wash same into that it

says washing of the water with the word

it will wash off all that corruption

that’s come to you because of sitting

around and going places and so forth

those things try to hang on to you get

back in the word and get a good

brainwashing get a good washing my son

attend to my words and climb down here

to my sayings let them not depart from

your eyes keep them in the midst of your

what heart for they are for they are to

those that find them and I don’t know

what your Bible says in my Senate column

reference a Hebrew says medicine to all

they’re flesh you know we’re doing we’re

taking preventive medicine we gonna take

the water God and meditate this word

their night and any little sickness or

any little pain coming your body get in

this word meditated let the Holy Ghost

bear witness inside of you and bring

forth feeling it now I’m not saying

anything’s wrong with the oil I can get

some oil but it says let you call for

the elders of the church suppose no

elders are around you can go get some

medication yourself see we got this big

cabinet independent alcohol sometimes

that we call it medicine cabinet in any

case anything come in on us we can

always go to the medicine cabinet we’ve

kind of condition ourselves to run to

that cabinet off in the work place we

call it sick leave we kind of call it

when we get off oh I’m taking a sick day

you need to stop saying that find

another word to say it you say men you

in that medicine cabinet put a King

James Bible up in there

say me to that I’m talking about living

in the supernatural partnering with the

invisible while we look not at the

things that are seen but the things that

are not seen for the things that are

seen are temporal are something to

change but the things that are not seen

are eternal but what is not seen the

Word of God but if you take it and put

it in your heart it will manifest and

bring forth exactly what it says it will

drive anything else

this makes this see now how about the


you got the blood not only did the blood

save you because the Bible says that

that ransom that was paid for us was

paid by the blood of Jesus

so notice they couldn’t use gold they

couldn’t use silver because it wasn’t

worth enough this is how much you worth

he had to save you with his own blood

wasis and the blood came from the father

not from Mary come on now

yep what am I telling you that blood

once that blood you plead that blood

then the blood speaks

Hebrews chapter 12 so you got the blood

you can put down the blood line notice

nothing deliver them from Egypt until

they spread who put the blood once they

put the blood oh it was out then that’s


is how powerful that blood is now let’s

look at one more thing let’s look at the

name go to Acts chapter three please

whoo are you with me all right here’s a

case where are some people we’re going

up to the synagogue going to church and

I want to let you know that a powerful

witness is you go into Church

you’d be surprised how many people don’t

go to church anymore and when you put on

your Sunday go to meeting hat and put on

your real clothes and so forth they

watch you hate checking you out

it puts them on their mind when you roll

out of that driveway going to church now

when Peter and John went up together

into the temple at the owl of Prayer

being the ninth hour three o’clock in

the afternoon a certain man lame from

his mother’s womb was carried whom they

laid daily at the gate of the temple

which is called beautiful to ask alms of

them that entered into the temple who

sing Peter and John about to go into the

temple asked and arms peter fastened his

eyes upon him with John said look on us

they gave heathen to them expecting to

receive something from them and Peter

said silver and gold have I none but

such as I have give I thee in the name

of Jesus Christ of Nazareth you rise up

and walk and he took them by the right

hand and lifted him up and is

immediately his feet and ankle bones

received strength and he leaping up

stood and walked and entered with them

into the temple walking leaping and

praising God and all the people saw him

walking and praising God in verse 12

Peter saw he entered into people and

said you men of Israel why Marvel ye at

this or why look ye so earnestly on us

as though by our own power holiness we

made this man to walk but let’s let’s

skip on down here verse 16 and his name

through faith in his name has made this

man strong whom you see and know faith

in his name and God of Abraham the god

of Abraham and Isaac got and J of Jacob

and the God of Our Fathers has glorified

who his son whom you delivered up and

denied him in the presence of Pilate

when he was determined to let him go but

you denied the Holy One and the just and

desired a murderer to be granted unto

you and kill the Prince of life whom God

has raised from the dead whereof we are

witnesses as go all the way over to Acts

chapter 4 and verse 13 now when they saw

the boldness of Peter and John perceived

that they were unlearned and ignorant

men they marvel and they took knowledge

of them that they had been with Jesus

and beholding the man which was healed

standing with them they could say

nothing against it but when they had

commanded them to go aside out of the

council they conferred

themselves saying what shall we do to

these men for that indeed underline the

next word notable miracle has been done

by them

is manifested to all them that dwell in

Jerusalem and we cannot deny it but that

it spread no further among the people

let us straightly threaten them that

they speak hints forth to no man in this

name and they call them and commanded

them not to what speak at all nor what

teach and the name of Jesus now what am

I saying folks still being threatened

because of that name today come on now

there’s a threat coming to fit some folk

and and I’m saying that you will have to

rise up in a new level of bonus but I

want to call something your attention on

this whole of teaching right here that

this name cause havoc among religious

folk and the one thing it did it start

upsetting the whole city the name did

and if you go in some of the seminaries

today they don’t preach on the name they

don’t teach on the name I remember when

I was going to seminary and I remember

that there was we had preaching class um

that that we had to go to and you learn

how to put together an Exedy passages

and so forth and so on and here I was

trying to get to home renewed excite and

so forth and so on because they don’t

want you to take things out of context

and it didn’t mean that and people have

preached that but what happened was here

was we were preaching and remember a guy

behind me or in front of me whatever was

start preaching and preached whole thing

and I said to myself my goodness

now he’s preach and what they thought

was a perfect service ideal sermon

in fact some years ago one man preached

the best sermon for that particular year

it was picked by you know people

theologians didn’t mention the name of

Jesus once now I’m the only saying not

meaning anything against him that the

enemy is trying to get that name out

same into this and when we’re talking

about that Jesus is the introduction he

is the body and he is the conclusion he

is the Alpha he is the Omega he is the

beginning of things and he is the end of


he is the author come on he is the

developer he is a good shepherd he is

the bright and Morning Star that is not

anything that he is not Jesus is all at

all and when we come in we got to

understand that wait a minute

if we won’t talk about anything we got

to talk about Jesus come this is what

this whole book is all about from

beginning to the end of things so the

devil is after our testimony the next

thing I want to bring to your attention

is just say they said this is a notable

miracle you see I’m not fed up with the

miracles why you somebody take the cloth

they little eggs if and throw it on

somebody and they fall out in the spirit

I’m through with that I need I need a


who has been bound up like a knot who

has never walked and when you speak that


those begin to straighten out

we need miracles that somebody won’t say

are they rigged at all they did that no

no no you bout to see miracles in the

church right now that nobody can deny it

whether they’re saved or unsaved we

gotta stop just falling for loot

miracles no Hankinson miracles let’s go

for some miracles that’s gonna astound

the world this is it let’s not anymore

be caught up in those little things that

might happen thank God for those but we

want some big ones now I said we want

some big ones and we’re gonna expect

some big ones

y’all looking to make out of funny now I

know what I’m talking about

so what am i Santi

I’m saying here are some men and this

notable miracle took place and as this

took place the religious people wanted

to put a hold on that that I’ve been

invited before to speak or to give the

benediction or the prayer some in a

public gathering and they’ve told me now

pastor Winston we’d like you to to

understand we have various people here

and all these people that are here these

people some of them of different

religions and we meet we may not want to

mention the name I said okay if I can’t

mention it I’m not doing it

let me tell you something the enemy is

trying to get that name out of God’s

people trying to intimidate you so you

won’t say his name now wait a minute we

call his name will be down and out and

don’t know where our next meal is coming

from but let us get up and get a little

car than loop Rahad new coat new clothes

come on now

all of a sudden we get too cute that

that name can be called anymore but I

want you to make up your mind today that

you’re not going to be ashamed of the

gospel of Jesus Christ

this that we’re going into now is going

to be a time of the supernatural the

church is no longer going to be looking

at as big and borrowing and and and

battered we’re going to be recognized

and respected because as I’m putting

this in you right now the supernatural

is gonna come out of you your days of

being lack and lack or over your days of

being ridiculed are gone your days of

being ashamed of who you are are over

come on now you may as well wave them

goodbye because God is coming in with a

new season in your life

have you factored in God in this world

we’ve been trained by mostly this world

system before we got born again we’re

still thinking like the world and when

to think like the world you think

without God no Word of God is void of

power because the Word of God is God an

incorruptible seed if you take this word

and meditate on it and eat it and

consume it then it will come alive

inside of you and the seed of the word

will produce in your life and bring

forth exactly what it says the Word of

God has miracle

I’m talking about living in the

supernatural partnering with thee is

visible while we look not at the things

that are seen but the things that are

not seen for the things that are seen

are temporal or something to change the

things that are not seen what is not

seen the Word of God live independent of

this world and stand up as a witness of

the Almighty God with dr. bill Winston’s

four-disc series entitled partnering

with the invisible to order on CD or dvd

simply write to bill Winston ministries

Bo box 947 old Park Illinois six zero

three zero three five eight card at one

eight hundred seven one one nine three

to seven or online at

hello this is bill Winston and I’d like

to take a few moments to share with you

about partnership and partnering with

bill Winston ministries you know when we

first came to Chicago we came here with

$200 need yeah we were down to it I mean

that was what we had and we didn’t have

a place to stay and their sister opened

her home to us and gave us a place to

say while we got started in Chicago

well me and my family started we started

ministering first at a storefront Church

and that was in one of the more

challenging areas of Chicago but God led

us that that was our assignment and the

people that we ministered to and so

forth like that people who were really

really in need while we were faithful

over a few things now God moved us on

and we moved to a place called Forest

Park which is on the western edge of the

city limit of Chicago’s well once we

move to Forest Park things expanded then

we moved on and it grew and God brought

more people to help get the word out to

a wider audience and then we went on and

bought a shopping mall and so forth and

so on and then built areas and started

schools and business schools and

ministry schools so forth look what God

has done now that has happened because

of the resources that God had supplied

for us

make that happen now this word

partnership is a word in the Bible and

this is the Philippians in Chapter 1

this is the Apostle Paul writing a

letter to the Philippians of the church

at Philippi always in every prayer of

mine for you all making requests with

joy for your fellowship in the gospel

from the first day until now

now this fellowship in the gospel the

word fellowship in the Greek is

translated partnership so there’s a

partnership that he’s got with them

going there now as they are partnering

with Paul then God puts them on Paul’s

heart for prayer you see because why

because they are helping Paul get the

gospel out so as you are partnering with

me this ministry God puts you on our

hearts for prayer now where how do I get

to this place that I am God sent people

to help not only that I sowed seed into

other ministers became partners with

them and I was for taker of their grace

see I didn’t have to go back and

reinvent the wheel the anointing came on

me to expand quickly to be able to

overcome things to see things even

though I’d never experienced it before I

made the right decisions I’m just saying

that’s a partaker of someone’s grace so

we have a grace in this ministry a grace

for business and business leaders we

have a grace for ministers and bringing

up pulpit ministers and evangelists and

apostles we have a grace for actually

being able to go into prisons and

administer until that’s the grace that

we have by you being a partner with us

you can be a partaker of our grace so

I’m saying to you now that this is our

time we’re moving into a place and I

need partners to come and help me here’s

what he says is going to be the benefit

of those who would help but my God shall

supply all your need according to his

riches in glory by the

one Jesus now what I’d like to do is

reach out to you right now and ask you

would you partner with me would you be a

partner with me I’m talking about a

monthly Giver a person that would pray

for me a person that would partner with

me we’re not only hitting the cities but

we go into the nations and God is

spreading this gospel throughout the


thank God he’s called us to be a part of

it it is not some kind of a burden it’s

an honor and I’m asking you to partner

with me this call is a Macedonian call

this is an urgent call we need more

partners why we need people to join in

with us so we can do more for the

kingdom this is bill Winston we love you

I’m looking to hear from you god bless

you and keep walking by Faith
