God loves you and wants everyone to be healed! In this anointed teaching series taken from Living Word Christian Center’s Miracle Healing Services on how to have Faith for Healing, Dr. Bill Winston reveals how the miracle-working power of the Holy Spirit confirms the Word preached with signs, wonders, and miracles. Your faith will increase, as you learn: • Why God wants you healed • How to override time through the law of faith • The importance of speaking the Word only. The Word of God brings restoration, if you believe and receive it.

let’s go down here at verse 25 whereof I

made a minister according to the

dispensation of God which is given to me

for you to fulfill the word of God even

the mystery of which hath been hid from

ages and from Generations but now is

made manifest to his Saints to whom God

would make known what is the riches of

the glory of this mystery among the

Gentiles which is what Christ in you the

hope of glory praise God

all right now

we’re we’re stepping into something now

we’ve as a matter of fact we’ve stepped

into it

and this is the the time

of the Vengeance of the lord it’s the


what we call the latter rain

the latter rain

and so if you go with me to Isaiah 61


I’m going to read and this is what Jesus

read in the synagogue as he got up to


he said the spirit of the Lord God is

upon me because he the Lord has anointed

me to preach Good Tidings to the me

uh and he has sent me to heal upon me

the bind of the Brokenhearted and to

Proclaim Liberty to the captures and the

opening of the prison to them that


and to proclaim the acceptable year of

the Lord the day of Vengeance of our God

to comfort

all that mourn to appoint unto them that

morning Zion to give unto them Beauty

for Ashes oil of joy for mourning and

the Garment of Praise for the spirit of


that they may be called Trees of

Righteousness the planting of the Lord

that he might be glorified wow lot there

is a lot in that folks

all right the first part of that as you

know Jesus got up to preaching the

synagogue he said spiritual Lord as God

is upon me in Luke chapter 4 and verse

16 Verse 18 pardon me Spirit of the Lord

God is upon me because he the anointed

me to preach at the gospel to the poor

so forth well Jesus was reading