Did you know as the righteousness of God, you are a world changer with supernatural ability to turn around anything that is out of alignment with Kingdom order? “Occupy Till I Come” is a present-truth teaching and Dr. Bill Winston shares strategies to expand your thinking and equips you to understand the meaning of the mandate to advance and hold in the land!

ANNOUNCER: The countdown starts
now. Check the most profound

global transformational event of
this year. Time to dominate, the

International Faith Conference,
hosted by Dr. Phil and Veronica

Winston. The faith commanders
are here. Dr. Paul Enenche,

anointed, Reverent Samuel
Rodriguez, dynamic, Dr. Creflo

Dollar, transformative, Bishop
Tudor Bismark, explosive, Dr.

Jesse Duplantis, captivating,
Apostle Cynthia Brazelton,

empowering, and our very
own conference host, Dr. Bill

Winston, prothetic, along with
this year’s prayer, praise, and

aborning women’s event speaker,
Michelle McKinney Hammond,

pheromonal, and Pastor Tamara
Bennett. Be uplifted with music

by award-winning musical
artists. Sunday, September

eighth, through Friday,
September thirteenth, at Living

Word Christian Center.

ANNOUNCER: The believer’s
Walk of Faith is paid

for by Bill Winston ministries
partners, and viewers.

ANNOUNCER: Up next, on
the Believer’s Walk

of Faith… BILL: Don’t
be trying to feel

anything, cause you can’t feel
his word! The only thing you can

do is say his word. Release
it, once you release it, you get

your faith on what you just
said. I release it, and I

believe he heard it, cause he
said it! And if he didn’t mean

it, he shouldn’t have put
it in this book! So

I’m about to act on
what I just praised.

BILL: It’s called Possessing
Your Inheritance,

and the subtitle is
Occupied Till I Come. Let’s go

now to Romans over chapter five,
verse seventeen. In the King

James, “For if by one man
offense death reigned by one,

much were they, which receive
abundance of grace and of the

gift of righteousness, shall
reign in life by one Jesus

Christ. I’ll look at it in the
amplified, if by because of one

man’s trespass, lapse offense,
death reigned through that one,

much more surely will those who
receive god’s overflowing grace,

a merited favor and the free
gift of righteousness, putting

them in right standing with
himself, reign as kings in life,

through the one man Jesus
Christ, the Messiah, the

Anointed One.” Luke, chapter
nineteen, verse twelve. “And

he said therefore, certain
nobleman who went into a foreign

country, to receive for himself
a kingdom, and to return. And he

called his ten servants, and
delivered them ten pounds, and

said unto them, occupy till I
come.” Underline that, that’s

what it’ll be called today.
Occupy until I come. He said a

simple, way of translating
occupy till I come, is advance,

and hold. Advance, and hold.
Alright, let’s deal first with

the topic we left off with last
time, the righteousness of God.

The righteousness of God. They,
which receive the abundance of

grace and the free gift of
righteousness, shall reign.

Shall reign. And that’s what God
wants us to do. He wants us to

reign. Not being reigned on, but
to be reigning. Now what we said

is some people are trying to
employ faith, but they have no

sense of righteousness. And
because of it, faith won’t rise.

Faith won’t increase. Faith,
you’ve been born again, you’ve

got a degree of faith. God gives
you a certain measure of faith.

Now your job is to make that
faith grow. But, put something

down here about your
inheritance, your inheritance,

your rich inheritance comes in
proportion to your new identity.

Your rich inheritance comes in
proportion to your new identity

meaning, that how you see
yourself, that’s how much land

you’re going to take. So the
possession, of what’s going to

happen, is not going to be
possessing the land outside,

it’s going to be possessing your
mind inside. As much of that as

you can possess, is as much land
as you have the capacity to own.

And some people are trying to do
it, oh you look good in front of

people, you know, but wait till
the test comes. What we said is

that righteousness,
consciousness, makes you a

master over Satan and everything
that he can do. Anybody who

understands righteousness and
knows what it means, becomes

Satan’s master. And so what
we said is we got to wait this

righteousness out, because
the righteousness is inside of

everybody. You are the
righteousness of God. So we said

it’s not the goody-goody way
you act, that’s conduct, we call

that holiness. But righteousness
is in right standing with God,

meaning that we have a right
relationship with God in terms

of our nature, and our life. So
we are the righteousness of God.

am BILL: The righteousness

CONGREGATION: The righteousness

God BILL: In Christ.

Now, this is that thought that
you should have, the bible says

in Romans, I think it’s Roman’s
chapter twelve, in verse three,

He said, “For I say, through the
grace given under me, to every

man that is among you, not to
think of himself more highly

than you ought to think, but to
think soberly, as God is given

to every man the measure of
faith.” But notice what he said,

don’t think more highly, think
highly! But don’t think more

highly. So you should
walk around with superiority

consciousness. That Satan can’t
curse you, he can’t stop you, he

can’t touch you with evil, and
the scriptures say that. And so

what I just ask people to do is
get in scripture and find out

what the scripture says. What
happens sometimes, is people are

influenced by their own
expiriences, or influenced by

their own flesh. Now let’s look,
cause I used an illustration

last time it showed, I was
having you to imagine a bottle,

a glass of water, and then a
flashlight. So I’ve got this

flashlight and I’m going to
shine this flashlight through

that water. The light will come
out on the other side. And you

can do that. What will happen if
I take the water, and put mud in

it? Stir it up, and now I try to
shine the light through? What’s

going to happen? I got some
problems. I got some problems

because too much junk’s in the
water. And I’m saying, when it’s

more junk in our lives, then
the righteousness can’t shine

through. In other words,
that righteousness brings us in

contact with a lot of things,
it causes us to be able to get

revelation, it causes us to have
spiritual initiative. Spiritual

initiative is just new ideas,
it’s being able to receive

creativity from God, it’s being
able to think of things, to have

the wisdom of God to flow
through you. Come up with “Hey I

think we should do this, I mean
these are good God ideas.” So

that spiritual initiative, in
other words, it really cuts down

on what provision or in my case
I mentioned before, what portion

you will receive from God
regarding your inheritance. Your

inheritance, according to God,
is wealth. CONGREGATION: Amen!

BILL: Your inheritance in,
health. CONGREGATION: Amen!

BILL: Am I right about that?
Your inheritance is victory.

didn’t say you win a few, lose a

few. Didn’t say that! It says he
always causes me to triumph. You

win every battle, say I win
every battle. CONGREGATION: I

win every battle! BILL: So as
we look at this, we are talking

about this flesh, because the
flesh wants to participate. And

in Galatians chapter one, He
says here in verse fifteen,

“But, when it pleased God to
separate me from my mothers

womb, and call me by his grace,
this is the apostle Paul when he

got called, to reveal his son
in me, that I might preach him

among the gentiles.
or heathen. Immediately, I

conferred not with,” what? Flesh
and blood. All right. What is

Paul saying there? He said,
“When God gave me a revelation,

I didn’t ask my flesh what they
thought about it.” CONGREGATION:

Amen. BILL: Why? Because the
flesh is going to give you

another answer. Guaranteed. God
reveals to you what to give? Ask

your flesh. That’s why a lot of
people of God are still where

they are. Bible says the true
witness delivers souls. True

witness delivers souls. I’m
asking you to understand that if

you’re still where you are, then
something’s wrong. Because this

righteousness is designed to
move you into right standing, to

get you into a place where you
should be according to the word

of God. Your portion is wealth.
Your portion is health. Are you

with me here? CONGREGATION:
Amen. BILL: I know, I’m not

trying to come down on anybody,
but I want to just cover some

things and make sure that we
understand this. The bible says

over in 1 John, 1 John
chapter 5, verse 17, that all

unrighteousness is sin. All
unrighteousness is sin. So, the

devil’s job is to get you to
think unrighteous. Meaning that

he wants you to think about
everything you did in your past.

He wants you to keep bringing it
up, keep rehearsing it, keep it

in your spirit. He wants
a person to also think of

themselves low. I’m humble for
God. Now, the devil meantime is

whipping them all over town. He
wants us to gravitate towards

unrighteous songs. Unrighteous
songs. Now, what are those?

Unrighteous sermons. Let me let
you hear an unrighteous sermon.

Are you ready? Numbers
chapter 13 verse 31. This is an

unrighteous sermon. “We be
not able to go up against these

people for they are stronger
than we and they brought up an

evil report in the land which
they sent out…” Next verse,

please. In the land that eateth
up its inhabitants, therefore

and all the people that we saw
in it were men of great

stature.” Now, they’re still
preaching now. “And there we saw

the giants,” they’re still
preaching now, “The son of Anak,

Anak. Which come of the giants.
And we were in our own sight as

grasshoppers and so were we in
their sight.” Let’s just sing

one chorus of Please Don’t Pass
Us By. Praise God. Now, I’m

letting you know this because
that’s where we came from.

But none of that’s true. It’s

all unrighteousness and it’s
what kept us in Egypt. Watch

this. Without a desire to get
out. That’s the tragic thing.

Satan had stolen the desire. And
so now here, my wife and I, here

we come to Chicago, we’re
starting a church. Now, what do

we do? She played the guitar.
We both sang. I took up the

offering. She did the accounting
for the church. But our song,

“This is the day, this is the
day that the lord … Arise,

arise for ever more, for Jesus
is alive.” Now, some of the

people that came to our service
there at Lake Pulaski were kind

of confused. Because they
couldn’t hip swing. But we grew

like wildfire. Because it
was the righteousness of God.

like wildfire. Because it
was the righteousness of God.

I’m saying that because a lot of

songs that have been written
have been written with the

influence of the flesh. And the
more flesh you get in, the more

of God’s promises you don’t get.
I’ll say that again. The more

flesh you allow in, the less
of God’s promises you will get.

That’s it. Righteousness. The
nature of God. The nature of God

is not that. And unfortunately,
most of us have come from that

environment where that’s what
we did. We sing songs. I want to

cry some. We’re not here to do

We’re not here to excite your
flesh one iota. Because for you

to get them giants, your flesh
is going to have to be out of

it. Or you’re going to find
yourself a statistic. God. Okay.

So, if I run an electric line
down here or I see a light up

there, now suppose all of a
sudden in one of those lights, I

start seeing sparks. What more
than likely is happening at that

light juncture? We call it a
shortage. It’s shorting out

power. Pretty soon, the light’s
going to start flickering. And

if it keeps going, it’s going to
go out. So, it’s amazing when I

don’t see anything or I don’t
hear anything, it’s flowing like

it’s supposed to. Boy, that…
See, people have identified

noise with power. That’s a human
fallen man consciousness. No,

no, no, no. The power came with
the storm. Pow. And Jesus said

to the storm, “Peace. Be
still.” Immediately, no storm.

Because words have more power

than anything you can hear.

got to help me with this. Here’s
something else. Not only do

certain songs give and
keep people with a sense of

unrighteousness, they also
release a spirit of poverty.

Poverty is a begging spirit.
CONGREGATION: Come on now. Amen.

Teach it pastor. BILL: It’s
designed to do it. CONGREGATION:

Yes it is. BILL: My point is
I’m taking you into Canaan.

CONGREGATION: That’s right.
BILL: Your flesh has done all

the leading it’s going to do.

step in here with these giants
and try to detect it with the

flesh, you have just been had.
The only way you going to get it

is through the holy ghost.
Because nobody can in a natural

catch Satan’s deception. Nobody.
This is the right group I’m

talking to. So, if I’m going in
here and I’m going to take these

giants, I got to understand,
wait a minute, I can’t be moved

by what I see. CONGREGATION:
That’s right. BILL: I’m going to

have to be moved by what I say.

telling you when somebody starts
pulling you off that flesh, that

faith, that flesh begins to
fight. Why? Because it wants

control. And Satan wants to
keep it with control because he

controls it. Now, you can sit
up here and get mad at me if you

want to. Put the verse up. Luke
chapter 17 verse 1. “Then said

he unto the disciples, ‘It is
impossible but that offenses

will come’.” CONGREGATION:
Jesus. BILL: Do you know that?

Because Satan knew how he
controls humanity. 1 John

chapter 5 and verse 19, please.
“And we know that we are of God

and the whole world lieth in
wickedness.” Let me give you a

translation, put it in your
bible. The whole world is under

control of the evil one.
Let’s back it up with another

scripture. Look over Revelation
chapter 12 and verse 9. Now we

talk about occupy till I
come, and that’s why you see the

church on Sunday is the most
segregated day in Chicago,

because of the flesh. I’m
going to help you get over this,

because if you can’t get over
your flesh, you can’t get over

those giants. He’s going to keep
your self, even though God has

promised you a hotel, he’s
promised you a big … He’s

promised you this or promised
you … Doesn’t make any

difference what he’s promised
you. You’re going to have to get

it by faith. CONGREGATION: Yes.
Amen. Hallelujah. BILL: And the

great dragon was cast out. That
old serpent called the devil and

Satan. He’s given you every name
that you could possible call

him. Only thing I don’t see up
there is Slue Foot. But which

decieveth how much of the world?
CONGREGATION: The whole world.

BILL: Because they all walking
by the flesh and not by

by faith. Jesus walked
by faith. Put it up

there, John Chapter 8 please.
And he that sent me is with me.

The Father has not let me alone,
for I always do things that

what? Please him. Is that
the case? Well, let’s look at

Hebrews Chapter 11 verse 6.
But without faith it is as what?

Impossible to please God. Look
what Enoch, Genesis Chapter 5.

Look what happened to Enoch.
Enoch, as you know, was just out

walking one day and weren’t.
Y’all know what I mean by

weren’t? It means he just left.
God took him. Look what it says,

“And Enoch walked with God.”
You can’t walk with God without

walking by faith. CONGREGATION:
Amen. BILL: You can’t walk by

what you see if you walking
by faith. CONGREGATION: That’s

right. BILL: Say amen.

going into the land of
deception. CONGREGATION: Yes.

Yes. My goodness. BILL: You just
look at that man and he’s 6, 6,

6. Six pack, six figures, and
six feet. And you think oooh.

Let me try that again. Oooh.
And he’s the worst thing for you

that you could ever get your
hands on. You marry him and

he’ll ring you out. Can’t do it.
It’s got to be by the spirit.

CONGREGATION: Yes. Amen. Glory
to God. BILL: All right. Now, so

righteousness and me to
understand that I am the

righteousness of God. Now, the
righteousness makes it so that I

don’t need to feel anything
because it gives me a sense of

right standing. First John
Chapter 5 verse 14 says, “This

is the confidence that we have
in Him, that if we ask anything

according to His word, He
heareth us. And if we know that

He hears us, whatever we ask,
we know that we” what? “Have the

petition that we desire of him.”
Now how do we know we have it?

When we make a petition, how do
we know we have it? Because of

what? Because He heard us. And
how do we know He heard us? We

prayed His word. Don’t be trying
to feel anything because you

can’t feel His word. The only
thing you can do is say His

word. Release it. Once you
release it, you get your faith

on what you just said. Say I
release it and I believe He

heard it, because He said it.

He didn’t mean it, he shouldn’t
have put it in His book. So I’m

about to act on
what I just prayed.

BILL: Well, I trust
that you were blessed

by today’s message. Now
this message called

Possessing Your Inheritance,
I think is one of the most

important messages to the body
of Christ. Why? Because this

teaching tells you how to occupy
till Jesus comes. Praise God.

And occupies, take it from Luke
Chapter 19 verse 13, it means to

advance and hold, to advance
and hold. See it just like a

military operation, praise God.
We are the soldiers of the army

of the Lord. So here’s a point
I want you to remember. Your

inheritance in the Kingdom of
God comes only in proportion to

your new identity. Now I’ll say
that again. Your inheritance in

the Kingdom of God comes only in
proportion to your new identity.

In other words, how do you see
yourself? You can’t see yourself

as a grasshopper and go in and
possess land that giants are on.

You follow what I’m saying? As
long as they saw themselves as

grasshoppers, they stayed in
the wilderness. Now what is the

wilderness? Owing all kinds of
money, can’t pay your debts,

sick all the time, so forth and
so on. I’m not saying, I’m not

putting anybody down. I’m saying
there’s a better life we can

live and a lot of that comes
with how you see yourself. You

are a giant slayer. Praise God.
You overcome everything that

might be thrown at you from the
world. You overcome it. Praise

God. Now, here’s a couple of
products that might help you in

building your faith so that
you can really be that overcomer

that God’s called you to be.
Now here’s one, it’s called

Possessing Your Inheritance
or Occupy Till I Come. Talking

about how to get that
inheritance going in your life.

How to get yourself out of debt,
how to get this sickness out of

your family line. Praise God.
Cut this curse off. That’s what

we want to do. Another product I
have here is Imitate God and Get

Results. Now what this is
doing is giving you a real good

understanding of who you
are in Christ. Remember, your

inheritance comes only in
proportion to your new identity.

You’ve got to see yourself as
God sees you. Well, that’s

all we have for this week.
We’ll see you all next

time. Until then, keep
walking by faith.

series, Occupy Till

I Come, is available in its
entirety on CD or MP3, on DVD

or MP4. To order in the US,
call 1 (800) 711-9327 or contact

us online at billwinston.org.
In Canada, call us at

(844) 298-2900, or contact us
online at billwinston.Ca.

Want additional
resources to help

you grow?
Order Image of Truth

special bundle which
includes Occupy Till I Come four

part series and Dr. Winston’s
mini book, Imitate God and Get

Results. This powerful teaching
bundle will awaken you to

present day truths of God’s plan
for you to think, talk, walk,

and believe like him, even
amid perilous times. Get this

enlightening series
Occupy Till I Come today.

countdown starts now.

From the most profound
global transformational

event of this
year, it’s time to dominate the

International Faith Conference
hosted by Doctors Bill and

Veronica Winston, the faith
commanders are here. Dr. Paul

Enenche, anointed. Reverend
Samuel Rodriguez, dynamic. Dr.

Creflo Dollar, transformative.
Bishop Tudor Bismark, explosive.

Dr. Jesse Duplantis,
captivating. Apostle Cynthia

Brazelton, powering. And our
very own conference host, Dr.

Bill Winston, prophetic. Along
with this year’s prayer, praise,

and pampering women’s event
speakers, Michelle McKinley

Hammond, phenomenal, and Pastor
Tamera Bennet. Be uplifted with

music by award winning musical
artists. Sunday, September

8th through Friday,
September 13th at Living Word

Christian Center.

Bill and Veronica Winston

are dedicated to
seeing lives changed

through the power
of prayer. Our loving and highly

trained prayer ministers are
ready to pray and agree with

you. We know that prayer can
turn around any situation in

your life. We want to thank
our partners who have made this

prayer call center possible.
If you are not a partner, we

encourage you to pray about
joining us in partnership

and be a part of the
wonderful work that

God is doing through
this ministry.