In this life-transforming series Faith & Corresponding Action, Dr. Winston teaches that when you believe God for something, your actions must correspond with what you believe for manifestation to take place. Faith cooperates with your actions and with your actions faith is perfected, but sometimes it takes violent faith to get your answers. In this series you will learn that faith works in the spirit realm before it works in the natural realm. Faith is sharing spiritual responsibility with God. When you begin to move out in faith, God moves on your behalf. Release Year: 2019

the believers walk of faith is paid for

by bill Winston ministries partners and

viewers up next on the believers walk of

faith come on oh come on

business was so if

condemnation is a yes thank you see


faith works on Revelation if you

remember when Jeter Jesus told Peter to

launch on to the deep and let down is

not the net for a draw

Peter said something he said in verse 5

something Peter answered and said to him

master we have toiled all night and

taken nothing nevertheless at thy word

and right there that word is Rhema you

have two Greek descriptions for word

logos and Rhema and lo vas is a whole

word meaning just as you have it in the

Bible here and Rhema is a spoken word

it’s when the word speaks to you it

becomes personal this is this is God

speaking to you I was when I was just

got saved and I went in this this the

Holy Name Cathedral downtown I was

living down in downtown’s at that time

working at IBM and I was walking to work

from Oak Street in the mornings and it

was my exercise also it was a time that

I’ve gotten saved I want to stop by

between services at this Catholic Church

and just use the church environment to

pray and that’s when I went in there of

the to this one morning and it was just

a lot of things and I needed this help

on on sales and computers and so forth

and so I went in there and really got

down began to worship God and praise God

thank him and go forth and all

sudden he said don’t worry William

you’ll be all right

just like that Jess I could hear it

right now just like that when he said

that everything change look like every

struggle I was under he just disappeared

I went all the way up to the top of the

ladder and says so far the Sun so my

point to you is is that when you that

Rama comes that’s when faith is

developed and when that faith it works

on revelation knowledge and when you get

that revelation knowledge it’s time to

move out God will speak to you and you

you all the strength and everything

comes inside of you let’s go to Roman’s

now chapter 3 verse 3

well what if some did not believe so

their unbelief make the faith of God

without effect god forbid

yay let God be what true come on

and every man be alive you may have

proof in your life that God is a healer

but remember if you never have proof and

the Bible says he’s a dealer he is a

hill I’m saying that because sometimes

people put their faith in people see and

they don’t see any evidence in the

people and so forth all of a sudden they

lose faith in the book no you read the

book let God be what true and every man

be alive alright let’s go all the way

back now to James chapter 2 verse 14

what does it profit my brother in though

a man say he has faith and have not

works can faith save him

let’s come all the way down to verse 17

even so faith if it has not works is

dead being alone yay a man may say thou

has faith and I have worked show me your

faith without thy works and I’ll show

you my faith by my works that drugs now

believe it that there is one God who

hell without do as well the devil also

believes that in trembles but wilt thou

know o vain man that faith without works

is dead and that’s what we were doing

tonight this is a faith group and we

will put in some feet to our favor as

it’s amazing how many people can talk

faith same thing about faith pray about

faith won’t hands laid on them for faith

but when it comes time to really

manifest into something that’s happened

last time we talked about loose looks

however you wear view from roots and we

talked about roots of righteousness

it says the wicked desirous the net of

evil men but the root of the righteous

yielded fruit proverbs 12 12 the root of

the righteous yielded food oh I’ve said

something they really really got my

attention she said righteousness is

positional I said man go head

you know how sometimes your wife sound

like God leave this position yeah that’s

deep but what she says is this

righteousness puts you in right standing

with the Father all unrighteousness we

read last time in 1st John chapter 5 is

Sam all unrighteousness is sin and sin

cannot develop faith so I lead

righteousness and when I get this

righteousness going inside of me didn’t

this righteousness puts me in right

standing now let me let me just give you

what I’m talking about

what we said with righteousness is that

the problem is not trying to develop

faith the problem is receiving a

revelation of righteousness that I am

right with God if you found what I’m

saying see the tendency is the enemy all

right what does he use enemies of faith

fear doubt unbelief ignorance and one of

the biggest ones is condemnation see

condemnation you what somebody did

before and and when you get born again

God doesn’t visit your past

now people might but God does it because

what happens is the person who did that

that see and the new person is there any

man that is where in Christ come on is a

new creature now what am I saying I’m

saying inside of people be surprised how

alarms are still going on about what

happened years ago and result of that

condemnation is then condemnation won’t

let them develop righteousness and

because they can’t develop righteousness

they can’t be developed I mean I admire

Minister luck at one time a guy who came

to testify but he was talking about how

he was in prison came out and boom boom

boom next thing you know he was he was

got one job and then he heard me keep

teaching on you know confession and all

of us and next thing you know he’s got

another job and then next thing you know

he said have got a seven-bedroom home

and two Mercedes and a Rolls Royce on

order or something like that and out of

his businesses and and and a jacuzzi and

he might not be they pronounced it at

that time but but come on come on help

me with happy with that but notice he he

didn’t look back because if he had

looked back he had gone back

see he looked back pop he told he Jesus

preached on it who was the woman that

came out of out of Sodom and looked back

that’s why Jesus breaks on it he turned

back and turn and turn into a wife a

pillar of salt

his little boy was in Sunday school they

tell me and he said good teacher talk

well Lot’s wife looked back and turned

to a pillar of salt

the boy raised his hand she said yes

Johnny she said on the way over here my

aunty looked back and turned into a

telephone pole okay but anyway now in in

this thing the key is don’t look back

the enemy’s job it’s fight good fight of


it’s a happier to look at the what

happened back there and things didn’t

work out and so far the joint I

understand that but it’s a new start now

you got a brand-new start now you got to

keep that in mind to develop strong

faith Paul the Apostle Paul put it up

2nd Corinthians chapter them captive 7

and verse 2 please here’s Apostle Paul

look what he said now he was hauling

people off to jail they should

questioned and Gillett get him killed

he said we receive us we have what wrong

no man keep going

we have corrupted no man come on we have

the fraud of no man

this is Paul well is it wait a minute

hold on no no no he said that man died

on the road to Damascus see he got a

revelation of righteousness and once he

did houses isn’t that something today

and and some of the tapes that we got of

people testifying of what has happened

to her this one person who’s gone up now

I mean they his company now probably

controls a couple of billion dollars but

he he was saying that he’s got

revelation he heard my teaching on

revelation of royalty and he said that

thing pulled him out and gave him a new

understanding of who’s what my job is to

prosper you that’s this is this is one

of the main reasons I’m here is to grow

you it to get to your inheritance praise


okay so we talked about righteousness I

want I don’t want to dwell on it but we

talked about Rachel just because she

said it’s positional it puts you in

right standing with God is nothing

between you and God

here here I was one night I gave you the

story I’m praying and trying to get

God’s attention because I needed a

message for the next day which is Sunday

and I was in Minnesota and and just

nothing coming through and I’ve started

to cry my home say well Lord you know

Lord I’ve been faithful or he said what

are you doing and I knew I was in

trouble and he said I said well now I’m

trying to get something from you know a

message for tomorrow he said that the

way you asked for it I said well no he

said what is what do I say how do I say

you come I said you come bow see I’m

trying to violate the book I’m moving

out of position and because of it you

can’t get revelation you can’t get to

healing you can’t get so forth one and

that condemnation is a big innovator

say Amen when I say you can’t get the

inheritance you remember the prodigal

son he went out that mean he’d spent

everything he had then and he ended up

feeding hogs and so forth this one and

then he said I’m going home to be a

servant of Daddy’s house of better than

is he come back home and the father sees

him hug him kitchen welcome them back

put their best robe on him shoes on its

ring on his finger and everything well I

had our celebration but next they went

out to get elder brother or the other

brother and to bring him in but he would

field to come he said no no no I worked

here I didn’t leave I stayed here all

these years and you never gave me a


fathers a winner amendment all that I

have was always yours God can have new

cars for you big homes for you come on

now come on business is so fun

if condemnation is there you just can’t

receive it because faith won’t work so

I’m saying whatever it is get over the

how do you probably say that I’m saying

let God take it where you don’t know I

dream may God take care me right now you

need your stuff when you look back you

go back let’s look here at corresponding

action know when I’m believing something

from God my actions must correspond with

what I believe faith cooperates with

actions with my actions faith was


so make sure you act in corresponding

actions to your profession or confession

all right let’s just take one I’ll put

one here my wife’s job here she is down

in Tulsa I’m full-time seminary she’s

looking for employment she goes

that they said hey we’re laying out

everybody off because the jobs are

drying up everything’s down and economy

is down there are no jobs he comes home

we believe God what did we do we come

into word of God and find out my God

shall supply all your need

bla bla bla we found about several

scriptures that agreed with the fact

that God was going to give her provide

for her the job so what did we do we

held hands and agreed to on earth she’ll

agree and believe she received it

according to mark 11:24 let’s go over to

mark 11:24 plea he said therefore I say

to you what thing soever you desire when

you pray believe you’ve received them

and you shall have them now I want to

put something down here

that Jesus commanded us to receive the

things we prayed for at the time we pray

without waiting to see it or feel it and

on this condition he promises you shall

have them do you see that Scripture do

you know how long brother Hagin taught

that scripture over 50 years and the

reason why because it’s key to

everything else working that’s it

so what do I do

I said okay let me get a couple examples

of that let’s go to Genesis chapter 27

and verse 28 please and I’m going to

just read on down the King James here

this is when Jacob comes into his father

Isaac to get the blessing so he comes in

brings some porridge he brings it a seed

and he said now Isaac is beginning to

bless him now that God gives thee the

dew of heaven and the fatness of the

earth and play of corn and wine let

people serve thee and nations bow down

to thee be Lorna with I brethren and let

thy mother’s sons bow down to the acres

be everyone that curses thee and blessed

be everyone that blesses thee and it

came to pass as soon as Isaac had made

an end of blessing Jacob that Jacob was

yet scarce gone out from the presence of

Isaac his father and that Esau his

brother came in from the puncta hunting

and he also had made saber or savory

meat some kind of porridge or something

like that and brought it to his father

and he said to his father

let my father arise and eat of his son’s

venison that thy soul may bless me glory

to God

all right and Isaac his father said unto

Him who art thou and he said I am your

son your first boy Esau and Isaac

Trimble very exceedingly and said who

where he that has taken venison and

brought it to me

and I have eaten of all before thou

camest and have blessed him yet and he

shall be blessed and when he saw heard

the word of his father he cried with a

great and exceeding bitter cry now why

did he cry

he cried because of words that his dad

spoke over his brother now I want you to

see that this is how much they believe

what they pray now I wanted this is very

important to you when he spoke that

blessing over jacob jacob grabbed his

vision his his bag and he was out the

door I’m good why cuz I just got words

spoken over my life

do you Abel him say and when he did that

because he believed when Isaac pray not

after I’m out now cuz I don’t feel

anything but I got words do you hear

what I’m saying

and what I’m telling you is that words

of what made Europe words I listen you I

guarantee you are a a a a summary of the

words that have been spoken either by

you of for you are in you or through me

through somebody else who’s close to you

they’re usually it’s words it if nothing

else is more powerful than words words

of what creating you got words in that

Bible he just giving you the word in the

beginning was what the

he’s spoken and what he’s focused that

was it and what has happened is the

church has got to come back to believing

that what they pray come on now if they

prayer it’s a done deal

you can’t even think big enough to get

to go your vocabulary around how big a

blessings that he’s got for you the one

thing he’s got to do it is people to get

them to talk big think big and I’m

saying its words that’s doing this

whatsoever things you desire when you

pray believe what you receive them come

on and you shall happen did Jacob

believe it he got his bags together he

was out exit stage right

and here comes Esau stage left he’s

bringing the porridge there and so forth

okay dad I’m ready for the blessing whoa

whoa whoa watch that watch the action

reaction or dad why did he react that

way because he believed what he said he

knew he couldn’t take it back I said I

said come on let’s pray I got it in the

book it says he was a plough on me it

didn’t say if the jobs are plentiful

didn’t say that said he was to fall I’d

put your head in my hand and let her


Matassa – oh that’s a great Rumble oh my


I’ve blessed the wrong one he’s awesome

do you have another one no he got it

he’s gonna be you are messed up just

through now who is backing up the words

that’s what Jesus taught you that’s what

he did

taught us the songs

whatsoever reduce when you play

just believe

but you received

and people have them

well I trust that you were blessed by

today’s seating now let me share one

point you want to meditate on in mark

11:24 Jesus commanded us to receive

things we pray for at the time we pray

without waiting to feel it or to see it

now this he promised that if you do it

you shall have them I want to go through

that again

that if we are praying for something and

believe we’ve received it at the time we

pray without feeling it or seeing it or

hearing it or anything like that then we

will have whatever we pray for now

that’s Jesus words know a lot of that

I’ve taught this is a teaching called

faith and corresponding action now this

is powerful because some people say they

have faith but they don’t have

corresponding action and it takes

corresponding action to release faith

for God to work for you so it tells you

here how to do it it’s a four CDs series

powerful it’s worth getting in your

library believe me this right here will

get a lot of impossibilities done in

your life now also I’ve got here the god

kind of faith that’s the expanded

edition now I added a chapter to it I

added a little more faith to it it’s God

remember the little boy that gave Jesus

to two fish and five loaves yep that

little boy used his faith to help feed

20,000 people there so tell little kids

you know going outside and play

hey 12 years old they can use faith to

feed the family it’s God that’s what

this will take you in to remember to

corresponding action god kind of faith

you’ll see it online or you can see it

and they’ll give more information in the

broadcast you need to get it today well

this is bill Winston saying we love you

and keep walking by faith to order

today’s series faint and corresponding

action on

or mp3 on DVD or mp4 Carla said one

eight hundred seven one one nine three

two seven you can also contact us online

at or ordered today’s

acts of faith bundle which includes

faith and corresponding action series

and dr. Winston’s best-selling book the

god-kind of faith the expanded edition

in this book you’ll receive clarity and

a deeper understanding of how to truly

live by faith in this special bundle dr.

Winston teaches that when you believe

God for something your actions must

correspond with what you believe

for manifestation to take place order

this revelation rich bundle today

doctors bill and Veronica Winston are

dedicated to seeing lives changed

through the power of prayer our loving

and highly trained prayer ministers are

ready to pray and agree with you we know

that prayer can turn around any

situation in your life contact us by

phone at 187 seven five four three nine

four four three or submit your prayer

request online and

/prayer follow us on periscope and

facebook to join us for our regular live

prayer sessions we want to thank our

partners who have made this prayer

call-center possible together we are

transforming lives throughout the world

if you are not a partner we encourage

you to pray about joining us and

partnership and be a part of the

wonderful work that God is doing through

this ministry we love you and look

forward to praying and partnering with

