God loves you and wants everyone to be healed! In this anointed teaching series taken from Living Word Christian Center’s Miracle Healing Services on how to have Faith for Healing, Dr. Bill Winston reveals how the miracle-working power of the Holy Spirit confirms the Word preached with signs, wonders, and miracles. Your faith will increase, as you learn: • Why God wants you healed • How to override time through the law of faith • The importance of speaking the Word only. The Word of God brings restoration, if you believe and receive it. Take hold of these spiritual truths and start walking in heaven’s atmosphere here on earth! Order your copy today by calling 1-800-711-9327 or visit billwinston.org/bwof #FaithforHealing

the believers walk of faith is paid for

by bill Winston ministries partners and

viewers the reason why is called your

healing was wrought 2,000 years ago so

you don’t need the waited to happen so

faith is a higher law than time see time

is substance time it’s like the tree or

it’s like the plant or it’s like the

Stars it’s something that God created

and he threw it into the earth to keep

order but you and I can override time


though have mercy stay with me now faith

is the dominant force that was given to

man to govern time he can manipulate it

he can he can have have dominion over it

I’m talking about time now now why am I

giving you this because miracles are an

interruption of time you see come on now

I’m just saying you could be treated by

physician and that will over time you

can get healed same into that and that’s

true but tonight we gonna be treated by

the great physician directly and the

great physician is gonna override time

we don’t believe God that time is going

to be overwritten tonight that whatever

is wrong with you is gonna be healed


let’s go back to John chapter 5 again

here’s the man he’s by the Pool of

Bethesda now let’s see what time plays a

part it says here that in verse 3 there

lay a great multitude of impotent folk

blind halt withered waiting for the

moving of the water what were they doing

waiting say waiting and some people get

mixed up they see that with faith and


we’re inherit the promise or they see

scriptures like wait on the Lord you

know so forth and so on but you need to

find out what context that’s in I need

to find out exactly how that’s being

used right there you don’t have to wait

on your healing the reason why it’s

called your healing was wrong 2,000

years ago so you don’t need the weight

on it to happen see it’s already

happened you’re not waiting on God

Lakeisha caliber honda let me go on down

to verse 4 and the angel went down to a

certain season into the pool he troubled

the water and whosoever first after the

troubling of the water stepped in was

made whole of whatsoever disease he had

so anything they had got healed but wait

a minute

he said and a certain man was there with

an infirmity how many years say a long

time and when Jesus saw him lying knew

that he had been a long time in that

case he said to him will you be made

whole in other words are you ready to be


he’s not talking about over time are you

ready to be healed right now watch says

the impotent man answered sir I have no

man when the waters trouble to put me in

the pool but while I’m coming somebody

step down before me

blah-blah-blah-blah-blah jesus said man


take up your bed and walk

faith demands work if you the works that

you do are not the works of the flesh

its the works of the Spirit in other

words do what you couldn’t do before now

a lot of people look at themselves and

say wait a minute hold on how can I do

what I couldn’t do before because if you

have believing in your heart and faith

in your mouth then God will work with

you because once you apply faith to it

it brings the power of God in on your

situation and delivers you from whatever

held you back save me now let’s look at

another one look at Luke’s Gospel

chapter 17 verse 11 and it came to pass

as they went to Jerusalem that he passed

through the midst of Samaria of Galilee

and as he entered into a certain village

there met him a men ten men that were

lepers which stood afar off and they

lifted up their voices and said Jesus

master come on have mercy on us did

mercy is still there see it’s because

it’s a love of God see he he loves you

watch this he wants to heal you let me

just use my word batter then you want to

be healed all that person you’d get out

of him and said he wants to take care of

your need worse than you want him to do

it it’s right over you right now saying

come on come on there you can get in

there come on get give me a chance let

me get in there and so forth folks he’s

not holding it back home Jesus paid for

it ain’t trying to get it to the whole

body of Christ

and I’d want you to be believing for

healing every week he wants you to stay

perfectly home and verse 14 and when he

saw them he said to them go show

yourselves to the priests and then came

to pass as they went they were healed

now what’s wrong with that

that weren’t supposed to show themselves

to the priests why weren’t they supposed

to show themselves to the priests

because they had leprosy and when you

have leprosy and it’s noted on your body

then you’re not supposed to go to the

priests because it’s obvious you had

leprosy the priests only chose to see

you when the leprosy looked like he’d

cleared up and then the priest

pronounces some things and pour some oil

or whatever ceremonial thing they do and

then let you go back with it rest of the

people but now in this particular case

they called on Jesus what when they

called on Jesus he knew that he had paid

the price for all of their sins and what

he was doing he wasn’t trying to deal

with it from the perspective of him

going to the cross he was dealing with

them on the perspective that before the

foundation of the world he went to the

cross say Amen well y’all got to see

this here and so what happened was he

said go show yourself to the priest

notice what they didn’t say we can’t we

got the leprosy they didn’t say that the

Bible says as they come on and they got

up and did something that they couldn’t

do in the natural say Amen and they went

what happened they were healed I’m

talking about crazy faith I’m talking

about when you hear the word of God it’s

gonna do something to you that’s gonna

make you press your way to the crowd

make you take your bed and walk let’s go

make you tear open a roof and let a man

down in there it’s gonna make you press

through and touch the hem of his garment

because you can tell people that’s got

safe they ain’t looking at nobody then

looking at no system they’re not looking

at what people think about him

they just headed toward Jesus and I’m

telling you tonight

somebody’s got faith to be made whole

you’ve been sick long enough you’ve been

in that long enough and some of you been

in that because you’re too embarrassed

because what sickness is in your body is

something that you don’t want nobody to

know about gods go heal that you don’t

need to tell another person you gods go

heal you tonight I’m talking about God’s

will heal you tonight I’m saying he’s

gonna heal a disease that’s in your

abdomen he’s go he’ll come on I said

tonight you shall be made

now the Holy Ghost is working right now

the Holy Ghost is working right

now waiting for the moving of the water

what were they waiting for it waiting

for something they could see a feel

touch taste you don’t need to wait for

that the only thing you waiting on is a

word and tonight you got it

and watch this and watch this and Jesus

gave it to him he said rise come on take

up your bed and walk when no no folks in

the natural it was impossible yes if you

had to ask a physician or professional

about it you’re saying you can’t do it

but you’re not asking them about it you

go into one source right now and that’s

the Word of God and that’s all right I’m

just saying all of its healing but I’m

saying tonight we go get the miracle

John chapter 22 and verse 28

thou shalt decree a thing and it shall

be established when you get to operating

in this like God wants you to you tell

time what time it’s going to happen

you better hear what I’m saying you tell

didn’t David said this day shall the

Lord deliver you come on into my am I

right about it since knowledge preaching

makes no faith but faith preaching makes

no sense let’s make no sense you preach

to a bunch of people who are so natural

minded and you preach to them something

about faith they’ll almost get insulted

you know why because they’re secure and

what they can feel touch taste smell but

you’re gonna be secure in God if God’s

Word said it you’re gonna anchor

yourself up now there’s some things we

got to do you got to eat right and can’t

pull chop every day and so forth before

you know that and if you really connect

to God he’s gonna tell you when your

diet is not right you gonna tell you lay

off them pancakes honey they eat more

vegetables come on now are you with me

so I’m not saying that things can’t help

you some supplements offal that can help

but tonight we’re talking about miracles

can we talk about miracles you’d be

surprised how many people don’t want you

to talk about that because you’re

cutting man out they don’t want to be

cut out because they’re making money

they don’t want to be cut out because

people got control they don’t want to be

cut out and I’m telling you and all

that’s will have to pay in the end

that’s gonna be judged because Jesus is

gonna be lord over everything he said in

the end every need is gonna have to bow

blatant chapter three and verse five he

says he therefore that ministereth to

you the spirit and worketh miracles

among you doeth he it by the one works

of the law by the one here

all right here’s your faith you ready

Isaiah chapter 53 for surely he had

borne your griefs and carried your

sorrows now could you take that verse

and put it up there in the amplified

translation plate surely he has borne

your griefs sicknesses weaknesses come


and de-stresses and carried your what

solace ki boy

pains of punishments yet we ignorantly

considered him stricken smitten of an

afflicted of God as if with leprosy but

he was wounded for our transgressions he

was bruised come on

for our guilt and iniquities the

chastisement needful to obtain peace and

well-being for us was upon him and with

His stripes that wounded him we are

healed and made hope do you what I’m

saying and what you have to do if you

don’t sense something manifesting right

away then you need to focus in on that

word you need to take it say it seven

times in the morning seven times at

night for seven day Chloe to God for

seven days now focus right in on it now

notice what he said to him up in numbers

he said now those who are bitten by

snakes put a brass Serpent on this pole

and everybody that looks on it is gonna

be healed see that’s what he’s saying

everyone that looks on this promise go

be healed

do you would have say sip when you look

on it glory to God you make the exchange

let’s look at Romans chapter 8 and verse

11 please do I have some believers in

the house I said do I have some

believers in their folks that this will

heal your mind – look what it says but

if the spirit of him that raised up

Jesus from the dead dwells in you he

that raised of Christ from the dead

shall also come on quicken what your

mortal body by his Spirit that dwelleth

in you Wow

now give me that an amplified let’s see

can we make another degree of glory to

God if the spirit of him who raised up

Jesus from the dead dwells in you then

he who raised their prize jesus from the

dead will also restore to life you’re

mortal short-lived perishable bodies

through his spirit which dwells in you

give me the NIV translation please and

if the spirit of him who raised Jesus

from the dead is living in you he who

raised Christ from the dead will also

give you give life to your mortal body

because of his spirit who lives in you

God raised Jesus from the dead

notice he had all these whiplashes and

everything on it look at the book of Job

job chapter 2 and look at job chapter do

what happened to a verse 7 so when Satan

went forth and from the president of the

Lord and smote job with what sore boils

from the sole of his foot to the crown

all right now that’s kind of interesting

because there’s another scripture in the

book of Joel Joel chapter 33 over in

Joel chapter 33 and verse 25 his flesh

shall be fresher than a child and he

shall return to the days come on of his

youth see if you find it in here it

belongs to you praise God look at 2nd

Kings chapter 5 and over in 2nd Kings

chapter 5 this Syrian came to the

Prophet his name was neoman he was a

captain in their Syrian army but he was

a leper and he wanted to get healed

because that was embarrassing for him so

he went down to the Prophet the Prophet

told him something he said in verse 10

and Elisha sent the messenger to him

saying now go wash in Jordan seven times

and I flesh shall come again to thee and

thou shalt be clean so notice the

Prophet didn’t touch him he told him to

go do something is it the right

congregation I’m talking now what man

did he turned and walked away why

because he’s full of pride and pride

will block the door to God’s healing

power what his servant told him said if

he told you to do something great would

you have done it he said well yeah so

what did he do he went in verse 14 and

he went down and dipped himself seven

times in Jordan watch says according to

the saying of the man of God and his

flesh came again likened to the flow

of a what liked in the flesh of a who

and he was what the dog didn’t just put

it back like it’s supposed to be God

gave him an extra kicker in there come

on now now if he did it for a Syrian

won’t he do it for one of his kid so

what am I telling you now cuz this is

what I want to talk about that’s it’s a

time of miracles and the time is right

now that we’ve been putting it off and

so forth and it’s putting up with stuff

and living with something it’s time to

get it all wiped out it’s time to have

your body so in the for the first time

in your life there’s nothing broken

there is nothing missing and there’s

nothing sick diseased or infrared for

the first time in your life we don’t get

you there

because we all go in that you know where

we’re going back to Eden

we’re going back to eat look what it

said in Deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 21

that your days may be multiplied and the

days of your children in the land which

the Lord swear to your fathers to give

them as the day’s come on of heaven upon

the earth

you see God plan for you to walk in

heavens atmosphere right on this planet

and produce the Garden of Eden

everywhere you go

so this is time now this is time to rule

over time the man was 38 years with that

illness sickness but Jesus made him


now come back there one more time and

we’ll finish up there and Jesus saw him

lying knew that he had long been a long

time in this case and he said unto Him

will thou be made whole in other words

get your desire up some people don’t

desire enough to be made whole verse 7

and the impotent man answers sir I have

no man when the waters trouble to put me

in the pool but while I’m coming another

step it down before me 1 get rid of all

your bitterness if there’s some

bitterness in your heart against your

neighbor and ought against them and let

them go let them go tonight is your

night for miracles the other things stop

making excuses stop making excuses just

just be prepared that you’re not gonna

take no for an answer tonight you’re

gonna be saying amen to that verse 8 and

Jesus said to him rise take up thy bed

and walk then here’s what I want to say

about that before you get up on the

outside you don’t have to get up on the

inside folks when you feel condemned

when you feel inferior and all of that

that’s Satan trying to keep you from

receiving the kind of faith that it

takes to stand up I’m here to tell you

you are royalty I said you are the

king’s kids say amen to that I don’t

care what you’ve been through God says

you are his you are his offspring and

he’s got an inheritance for you and

healing as part of it watch this and

immediately somebody say immediately

that means win now the man was made

whole he took up his bed and walked and

tonight is your night for a miracle you

don’t have to put it off for another

year another month another week you put

it off right now tonight is your night

this night will your infirmity be made

whole this night

well whatever’s been troubling you be

removed this night Goren’s have got this

night this night this night this night

from the sole of your foot to the crown

of your head be may help well that’s it

right there that that’s it that’s it we

got the devil what we want him now

then don’t go behind your field start

doing something you couldn’t do pray

it’s God God God God is a healer Jesus

is in the house say amen to that

I said he is in the house and don’t let

anything come in on you and tell you

something didn’t work it did work see

it’s not of us to do it it’s up to us to

receive Jesus already did it now we got

to receive it

well I trusted you were blessed by that

powerful message now here a couple of

points you want to remember number one

we have to get our desire up to get

things from God now desire means you

know I gotta have this this is mine uh

there was a man in John chapter 5 that

Jesus came to he was along with a lot of

other people who were sick and blind and

so forth and they were all lying by the

pool of bethesda and Jesus crossed over

I’m sure all those folks in came to this

one man and he asked him a question do

you desire to be made whole and putting

that word in there do you desire to be

made whole see if you don’t desire it’s

just not enough to draw that that that

power that you need by faith to make

this thing happen you got a desire and

that means that you know well I could

take it or leave it that is not desire

desire is it’s mine it’s a craving I

gotta have it

so get your desire up because once he

challenged this man’s desire the man

said well I have no man when the waters

trouble to put me in the pool but when

I’m coming somebody jumps in front of me

and and see he’s blaming other people

stop blaming get to desire up and number

two before you can rise up on the

outside you must get up on the inside

you see the only way that man could be

healed is something had to rise up on

the Indus in the inside and that’s with

anybody how about the woman with the

issue of blood notice one day she said

hey if I can just touch his clothes I

shall be old and look it she pressed her

way through the crowd

see that’s desire see something rose up

on the inside and she touched His

garment pal virtue flowed she got

totally healed right away

so I think in a lot of people’s cases

they haven’t gotten that desire together

yet and sometimes you know down we’re

down just doesn’t bother me anymore

you know though get fed up with being

down and let’s rise up it’s God and

you’ll see you’re healing well that’s

all we have for this time this is bill

Winston and I want to let you know right

now that God is a healing that Jesus

came so that the healing power of God

would be in your life and I’m just gonna

say one word be healed in the name of

Jesus praise God we love you god bless

you and keep walking by faith God loves


and once you healed in body mind and

spirit the key to your restoration is in

his word are you ready to receive it are

you ready to claim power over your

situation and obtain wholeness call

right now one eight hundred seven eleven

ninety three twenty seven or online to

bill Winston dot org

to receive your very own copy of the

message series faith for healing this

anointed three distinct our you to

receive the miracle working power of the

Holy Spirit your faith will increase as

you learn how to manifest the signs

wonders and miracles in your own life

when you call today you’ll receive this

collection as your choice of CD or mp3

DVD or mp4 which is designed to bring

you restoration healing and blessings

take hold of these spiritual truths and

start walking in heavens atmosphere here

on earth but wait when you order right

now you’ll also get a copy of the divine

health book this 30-day devotional

written by doctors bill and Veronica

Winston was created to provide you a

daily dose of faith filled teachings on

health and healing follow along

see your quality of life change as a

child of God Christ was wounded for our

transgressions he was bruised for your

iniquities and by His stripes you are


call right now 1 800 7 1193 27 or online

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to manifest

dr. bill Winston for the 2018 economic

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discover your full potential to harness

the power already in you to propel to

the next dimension this is your time

your years ride a March 23rd and

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meets destiny at the career fair and

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for one of the most profound events to

take place in 2018 held on the campus of

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Park Illinois register right now
