Bill Johnson reminds us that the gospel was never meant to be demonstrated in word only, but it is the power of God for deliverance, healing, and forgiveness of sin. Jesus set the standard for us when He told the disciples to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cleanse the lepers. Miracles are for the purpose of confirming the Word of God, because the action always illustrates the Word.


nice to see you

glad you’re here

how many of you have ever been in an

accident of any kind

and you still have lingering effects

from that accident

stand up

is there anyone here

that has cancer please stand if you’re

physically able to please stand

i believe the lord is healing blood


blood disease

anyone who has any kind of blood

disease please stand

uh there’s someone here that

just struggles with ongoing tormenting


and i i believe that that is to end


that’s you stand up



there’s there’s somebody here who maybe

you’re already standing

uh but there was some sort of an

accident or something and you just

you’ve just suffered with headaches ever

since that accident to that injury

uh who is that because i i want to make


that down over here okay all right

all right



jesus christ

is the same today in this room

as he was when he walked the earth

his heart his commitment his love for

people is the same he hasn’t changed at


his power is the same his purpose his

will is the same

he never turned anyone away

he never gave an explanation

when the disciples tried to figure out

why a man was blind was it his sins or

his father’s sins jesus just healed him

religion looks for

explanations kingdom brings solutions

so we’ve got an opportunity here to

serve some people that jesus

is mad about

mad that’s probably not the best word

he’s not mad at you

but he sure does love you

and i’ll say here’s what we’re going to


um all of you that are standing put a

hand up if you would

i want you to keep it there until

somebody comes to you church family you

know what to do if you’re a guest with

us you’re welcome to join if you are a

believer in jesus

go to somebody who has their hand up

find out what the condition is

find out what the condition is

and pray if no one is is praying for you

wave a hand at me and i’ll get somebody


i need i need somebody over here

excellent thank you that was fast

if you’re watching online just do this

at home

if you have any of the conditions

mentioned just join uh just join with us

we will pray for a spirit of

breakthrough upon households

eric shared a series of testimonies

again today

on autism


a number of those

kinds of problems that jesus has been


dyspraxia i think is the name of one of

them so we just declare that as the

testimony of the lord he heals the same

today as he did then

now those of you that are praying for

anyone with head trauma

i want you to literally rebuke the

spirit of trauma



literally just break off that that

in infirmity

we just declare it ends tonight in jesus



cancer no more

we speak to you in the name of jesus be


from people’s bodies now

go to restore what was stolen

restore what was stolen lord

some injuries were very very simple and

they’ve just kind of been tolerated but

we don’t tolerate

simple injuries any longer we just say

this ends tonight in jesus name

a rebuked pain and torment at the root

the cause

of of this uh disorder this pain in

jesus name

in jesus mighty name

all right go ahead and end your prayer

but stay with the person don’t leave


go ahead end your prayer but stay with

the person everyone who just received


as best you know how right now

i want you to examine your own body try

to move in a way you couldn’t move

if there was an issue with the head with

sudden movements do something

don’t injure yourself but please examine


by kind of pushing the envelope so to


just check yourself out don’t wait to

feel anything

now anyone who is at least 80 percent

better already i want you to wave both

hands over your head like this

yeah we bless the lord for that

come on all around the room here it’s


yeah thank you lord

all right turn to pray again

turn and pray again unless you’re 100

then you might mess them up so leave

them alone

also just turn and pray again

use your authority to command this

to be gone


use the authority that jesus gave you

thank you lord

okay don’t let your faith sit down

thank you lord let there be increase of

a spirit of breakthrough

in this room right now for the glory of

the name jesus

the glory of the name jesus

now every one of you that are praying

for an accident victim

i want you just to rebuke affliction

command it gone from their body

we rebuke the spirit of affliction in

jesus name

thank you lord

we ask as well for creative miracles

that you would restore damaged destroyed

parts of the body the vertebra the nerve

damage uh down that right side there’s

somebody with nerve damage down the

right uh shoulder and uh down the right


back part of the hip here the lord is

bringing healing to that right now

jesus name the nerve damage

is being healed he’s restoring what’s

been stolen

in jesus name

in jesus name

there’s somebody who had a blow to the

head it’s affected your eyesight

we just speak a wholeness to vision to

your sight

jesus name

it’s affected hearing us someone

specifically the right ear we just

command that to be open to be healed now

in the name of the lord jesus


there’s a number of people that the lord

is healing the sciatica put your hand on

on it and your own body

if that’s you make sure you’re standing

stand put your hand right on the

that sciatica that part of your

your lower back there we just declare

absolute relief now in jesus name

absolute relief now in jesus name

yes lord

yes lord all right

you did wonderful now stay with the

person though again

everyone that received prayer do


do something please do not wait to feel

something only half the people we see

healed actually feel it

so move in a way even if it seems silly

to move just do it anyway

and in some way examine yourself to see

what the lord has done

everyone who’s at least 80 percent

better wave your hands over your head

like this

and look around the room everyone just

give thanks to the lord

yeah we give you thanks lord

thank you lord god we bless you for that

yeah now just i want you just to confess

blessing over them

the lord has given you authority to

release blessing

so just tell them i bless you in the

name of the lord

i declare over you that he will complete

what he started

he will finish what he started in you

in jesus wonderful name

amen amen

why don’t you hug him real good and be


bless the lord

how many of you just got healed just

stand up i just want to see who you are

just stand up

is that amazing


come on

keep keep standing

just keep standing what did you get

healed from where did you get healed


what’s that

sprained ankle thank you jesus

the sciatica thing yep yep

the headache thing the mic yeah migraine

stuff yeah

back pain excellent

torn muscle in the shoulder yeah yep

a headache due to accidents yeah yeah


knee pain yep thank you lord

so head injury from an accident and your

ear just opened up yeah thank you lord

so beautiful


back injury how long ago

seven years ago wow

seven years and three pregnancies

yeah that’s all yeah

bless you



thank you lord jesus yep

foot pain

beautiful thank you lord

knee pain


gone come on

from how long


depression and trauma a lifetime

come on

thank you lord yeah

chronic migraines for three years gone

bless the lord

yep yeah



neck trauma from car accident and your

knees thank you lord jesus beautiful

right here


how many of you were healed from an

accident of some sort

an old injury

come on let’s give a shout of thanks and


bless the lord

that’s all god be seated


amazing that’s amazing amen


you know um

i we stopped ca i stopped counting about


accident injuries that were healed


at least 12 years ago and maybe

maybe 15 and at that time it was like 2


people that we had seen healed from


and one of the things that i learned in

that in that process and we see them

heal just like almost every week

sometimes just piles them

um one of the things that i learned

is that sometimes when you have an


your body was designed to heal itself i

mean god created us that way

and sometimes you just learn to live

with pain

and learn to live with restriction

restraint various things

and sometimes unintentionally we

actually give place to a spirit of


that sustains the effects of that

accident past its normal course of


and when you realize

sometimes not always but sometimes

that’s at the root then it kind of

makes you angry and says no wait a

minute i’ve been i’ve been stolen from

for three years and this you know was


it’s not necessary

and uh somebody came three years ago and

gave us this phrase what you tolerate

will dominate

and uh and so we just we’re just saying

together we will not tolerate

we will not tolerate any longer

and uh so i look forward to hearing some


stories of god’s healing healing grace


every time i say no my kid’s here ask

again she didn’t quite understand the


i was in south africa and somebody left

me a gift

and they wrote a little note on it

all i can figure is this phrase must

mean something different there than it

does here

it says bill

small appreciation

for breaking the wind in the spirit for




i didn’t do it

if you ever hear me order decaf coffee

i’ve been kidnapped and i’m trying to

signal you

i just burned 2 000 calories

that’s the last time i leave brownies in

the oven while i take a nap


people are more violently opposed to fur

than leather because it’s easier to

harass which rich women than motorcycle

gang members


i just saw some idiot at the gym put a

water bottle in the pringles holder on

the treadmill



one more

going to bed early

not leaving my house

not going to a party

my childhood punishments have become my

adult goals


all right you guys have your bibles get

your bibles out i’m going to have you

look at a number of scriptures with me

and let’s see we’ll start in matthew

chapter 10.

we are going to look probably at a half

a dozen verses i suppose

so just be ready to kind of

move through the bible with me

my wife

is in spain

and i head off to australia tomorrow so

we’re going to be in the opposite sides

of the globe

and we will meet up in a couple weeks

she’s uh having some

treatments there but she posted this


out of romans


that is just so good she posted on her

instagram page

out of the passion translation so let me

just read it for you and then

we’ll end up in romans 15 in a few


now may god the inspiration and fountain

of hope

fill you to overflowing with

uncontainable joy

and perfect peace

as you trust in him

and may the power of the holy spirit

continually surround your life with his

super abundance until you radiate with


that was better this verse is better

than your response so let me read it


because i think some of you are

daydreaming and trying to wipe the smoke

out of your eyes and

just trying to help you here

now may god the inspiration and fountain

of hope fill you with overflowing to

overflowing with uncontainable joy and

perfect peace as you trust in him

and may the power of the holy spirit

continually surround your life with his

super abundance until you radiate with


thank you for that spontaneous response

matthew chapter 10 did i tell you where

to start in matthew 10


matthew chapter 10.

verse 1

when he had called his twelve disciples

to him

he gave them power over unclean spirits

to cast them out to heal all kinds of


all kinds of disease

in the sister passage to this one in

luke chapter 9

it says he gave them power and authority

it’s the combination of the two

sometimes you have to move in power

power is where we discern what god is

doing and move with him authority is

when we act out of who he’s made us to


none it’s never independent of him but

sometimes it’s initiated by our courage

out of our identity

so here’s the verse again verse 1 of

chapter 10

when he called his twelve disciples to

him he gave them power over unclean

spirits to cast them out and to heal all

kinds of sickness and all kinds of


jump to verse 7.

now as you go preach

saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand

heal the sick

cleanse the lepers

raise the dead

cast out demons

freely you have received

freely give

go to matthew 28.

verse 18.

and jesus came and he spoke to them


all authority has been given to me

in heaven

and on earth

so if jesus has all authority

there’s someone out there who talks a

lot who has no authority

all authority has been given to me in

heaven and on earth

go therefore the implication is i now

have the authority to commission you to

do what i would do

go therefore make disciples of all the


baptizing them in the name of the father

of the son

of the holy spirit

teaching them to observe the things i

have commanded you

lo i am with you always even to the end

of the age

one preacher was afraid of flying

this is the verse he’d quote

lo i am with you always

verse 20 says jesus commissions

the 11 remaining disciples

make disciples of nations listen


teach them what i taught you what did he

teach them

in chapter 10

to heal the sick

raise the dead cleanse lepers

there are some who have come to believe

that healing ended with the last apostle

but jesus told these 11

to train their disciples to do it and in

turn have their disciples do the same

and in turn have their disciples do the


the standard was never to be changed

i’ve shared an example

an illustration with you a number of

times through the years but i’ll do it

again just to give a context

years ago i hold heard a story from a


not a close friend but an acquaintance a

man that i admired greatly

he was uh

a great pastor an amazing bible teacher

and he they were building a new


and he they hired all the contractors

and did everything but he knew the

contractors he wanted to help he didn’t

have any building skills he wanted to do

something just to be involved as he was

excited with this new building that uh

that they were building and so he came

to the contractor over and over and over

again finally the contractor said all

right i’ll tell you what you do

when we leave tonight i need to have and

i forget the numbers now so forgive me i

don’t have the exact here but he said

something to the effect i need a hundred

two by fours cut to eight foot in length

will you do that for me and so he was

excited and finally had something to do

so he took a tape measure on the first

two by four measured eight feet and he

cut that board

but instead of using the tape measure

for the next board he used the board he

just cut

and he put it on top of the second board

and he drew a line with his pencil and

then he cut that second board

instead of using the first board as the

standard he used the second board that

he cut as the as the measurement for the

third one and he measured and then he

cut and then he in turn used the third

board for the fourth and the fourth for

the fifth

as you can imagine every time you use

that preceding board

you your line is actually about an

eighth of an inch longer

than the previous


is which isn’t a problem if you’re

cutting three or four boards but when

you’re cutting a hundred you actually

end up with some boards at the end of

the cut that are nine feet long or

longer instead of the eight foot


and for two thousand years we’ve been

measuring ourselves to the previous

generation instead of to the original

standard that was given to us


the standard is very exact very precise

no excuses seek god until there’s

breakthrough where we display what jesus

said we are supposed to dismiss


mark chapter 16.

keep keep reading we’re just going to

keep on reading so don’t get tired

mark 16.

verse 20.

and they went out and preached


the lord working with them

confirming the word

through the accompanying signs

confirming the word

through the accompanying signs

miracles through your hands are not to


are not to affirm your identity

they are to confirm the gospel

the gospel

must be preached

romans chapter 1 says the gospel the

good news of the kingdom of god is the

power of god unto salvation


back in the reformation days we give

great honor to what took place in the


but one of the mistakes that was made

is that the gospel of the kingdom was

reduced to the gospel of salvation

specifically to the gospel of

forgiveness of sin

the word salvation includes in its


deliverance and healing as well as

forgiveness so the gospel

of the kingdom the gospel of salvation

is the power of god the gospel of the

kingdom is the power of god for

deliverance for healing and for

forgiveness of sin it was never meant to

be separated

in the gospel of matthew

jesus said pray this prayer deliver us

from evil

the word evil of course refers to

sinful activities but it comes from a


that is the comes from a word that is

the word poor which comes from a word

that means pain

so it’s interesting there’s three levels

of this one word evil evil




poor poverty

the redemptive brushstroke of jesus was

to wipe out the power of all three

realms all through all three areas

the kingdom of god is not meat or drink

but it is what


peace and joy

righteousness deals with the sin issue

peace deals with what the torment issue

joy there’s laughter is good medicine

deals with the healing issue

the kingdom of god is about these triune

this triune gospel to impact the whole


spirit soul and body

it was never intended that we just got

forgiven so we could go to heaven

it was supposed to be that we become

transformed people that can model

illustrate and demonstrate the same

gospel that jesus walked the earth with

and preached

so here in math in mark 16 he says they

went out they preached everywhere the

lord working with them confirming the

word through the accompanying signs

the bolder the sermon

the stronger the signs

a cowardly message

brings timid breakthroughs

it is the power of god unto salvation

it’s all right you’re making me work but

i don’t mind i i had the morning off so

i just listened to eric today and it was


acts chapter 4

acts chapter 4.

still have your bibles open yes

how many of your bibles let me see your


all right how many of you have

electronic yeah i can see them the

screens are shining at me it’s all right

i i have many in here

all right acts chapter four

look at verse uh 29

i like it best in the new american


acts chapter 4 verse 29

and now lord take note of the threats

and grant that your bond servants can

speak your word with all boldness

while you extend your hand to heal

and signs and wonders take place through

the name of your holy servant jesus

think through this verse now

god take note of their threats

they were just in prison they just got

released and so they are now praying

they were threatened and told to never

preach this gospel again to never pray

for the sick again to never do any of

that stuff so they go right from jail to

a prayer meeting and they pray

god take note of their threats and grant

that your bond servants can speak your

word with all boldness they were already

credited last chapter with preaching

with boldness but they’re saying god you

know that boldness that got us into

trouble give us all boldness take us

above the snake line take us up above

where there’s no snakes give us all

boldness because the enemy runs out of

energy and strength but the kingdom of

god never runs out of out of energy or

strength the devil has limitation jesus

has no limitation

give us all boldness to proclaim your

word listen while he extends his hand to

heal and signs and wonders take place

through the name of your holy servant

jesus so again in this passage we have

god confirming the bold word that was

preached that was confessed that was


go with me to hebrews chapter 2.

yes amen

hebrews chapter 2




oh it’s on page 1873.

no okay

verse four of hebrews chapter two god

also bearing witness

both with signs and wonders with various

miracles and gifts of the holy spirit

according to his will

what do we have here again all i’m doing

is hitting line upon line layer after

layer after layer of god saying he

confirms his word he confirms the

preaching of the gospel with miracles

with signs with wonders with

demonstrations of the spirit and of


amen romans chapter 15.

i’m giving you a chance to learn where

the books of the bible are you’re


at different times in my life i’ve tried

to memorize

the books of the bible

i found it’s just a lot easier to become

so familiar with it

that you know what follows what

romans 15 verse 13

now may the god of hope fill you with

all joy and peace in believing

that you may abound in hope by the power

of the holy spirit verse 18.

for i will not dare to speak

of any of those things which christ has

not accomplished through me

in word

and indeed please notice word and deed

we don’t have time to establish it here

but uh action is always supposed to

illustrate word

the gospel was never meant to be in word


jesus would teach either to explain what

he just do did or to set up what he was

about to

do acts chapter 1

verse 1 says i’ll just quote it to you

this is an account of theophilus luke

writes this he says this is an account

of theophilus of all that jesus began to

do and teach

when jesus exhorted

nicodemus about being born again

nicodemus had just come to him and said

we know that you jesus our teacher that

came from god because no one can do

these signs that you do unless god is

with him

we know that you are a teacher word

because no one can do

the teaching gift from god’s perspective

was always supposed to be

a word gift that set up

for works for actions for miracles

it was never meant to be reduced to what

it’s reduced to in western culture

western culture the teacher is a source

of information

no one’s faulted for that it’s just the

culture we we grew up in

but the lord’s restoring us to the

original eight foot two by four

the original standard the teacher taught

and followed with demonstration

or would demonstrate and would follow

with teaching but they always went

together this is an account of

theophilus of all that jesus began to do

and teach

so paul says i will not speak of any of

those things which christ has not

accomplished through me in word and deed

so what is he talking about

to make the gentiles obedient

stop right there for a minute

you you won’t discover the strength of

the lord until you minister where you

are weak

we tend to think ministry is defined by

our gifts

and it’s just simply

only part of the story

if you and i were to sit down and plan

this thing

and we’ve got 11 remaining disciples

and we have a saul of tarsus about to be


who was a genius

among geniuses

he was the most highly skilled and

highly trained

priest if you will

a disciple of gamaliel

the intellect of the day

training in


the jewish religion

if we were to write out a script of how

this thing should be played out

i doubt there’s a person in the room

that would give peter the assignment to

minister to the educated jews

and send paul to the gentiles

right i mean i i don’t know about you

i’m sending paul to the jews because he

can debate his way into anything he can

he can absolutely lay it on the line and

let these guys know from the scripture

where they’re coming from and he would

minister to jews but he was sent to the

gentile and peter this rough fisherman

was sent to the jew

what is that what does that tell us it

it just

it just tells us there are times where

the resurrection power of jesus can only

be seen when you minister out of your


where you minister not where you have

great strength but out of raw obedience

you’ve done what he’s called you to do

anyone can do what they do well and call

it ministry

it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t

it just it just means learn how to obey

well i’m not good at that then you’re


then when it works nobody will give you

the praise

that was really a good point i was


i just i just want to encourage you that

is good

look at verse 18 again

for i will not dare to speak of any of

those things which christ has not

accomplished through me in word and deed

to make the gentiles obedient how

in mighty signs and wonders

by the power of the spirit of god

so that from jerusalem and round about

to eliquium i have fully preached the

gospel of christ

in mighty signs and wonders

i have fully preached the gospel of


in mighty signs and wonders

by the power of the spirit of god

i have fully preached the gospel


let me read one more verse and i’ll talk

for a few minutes we’ll wrap it up

acts 10 38.

for the last

10 or 15 years

anytime i see

10 38 on the clock

i stop and acknowledge this verse

if i’m in the middle of a conversation

with somebody

i just have a reflective pause in my


if i’m driving down the street

if benny and i are driving together or

i’m driving by myself i will begin to

quote the passage and declare

this verse

acts 10 38

god anointed jesus of nazareth with the

holy spirit and with power

went about doing good healing all who

were oppressed by the devil for god was

with him

let’s read it backwards

because god was with him

he healed all

when god is with you

certain things are expected to happen

when god is with you

a cooperation is necessary

so that he does

what is in his nature to do

he healed all who were oppressed of the


for god was with him you say what jesus

was god that’s absolutely right

eternally god

but this passage emphasizes his humanity

as dependent upon

the holy spirit

given to him by the father

and this picture

is the model for the normal christian


the temptation of the day

is to let the culture around us redefine

the gospel

the gospel is to redefine the culture

the temptation of the day

is to allow personal disappointment or

personal experiences to change the


the gospel is to change our experience

the gospel must be maintained for what

it is it is the power of god unto


i do not need an explanation

i just need the courage to obey

eric talked this morning

there’s a great message

and he had one part he said

there’s always the what about people

yeah but what about it’s the sabbath


what about the pigs that was somebody’s

economy that was their employment

or what about

the people around the pool that weren’t


don’t be a what about

don’t be a yeah but

just don’t be a butt

you can take that any way you want

jesus walks up to a man at a pool

history tells us

there could be as many as a thousand

people around that pool

the pool of bethesda

john chapter 5

the place that rocks me most when i’m in


is the pool of bethesda

not very many people go there it’s just

a little

pool at the bottom of the hill

there’s a nice little cathedral there

it’s not a famous tourist site by any


but when i go there i just i’m rocked

i’m rocked

i make sure the one place that i’ve got

to go to when i go to israel is i’ve got

to go there

not because i need to see the stirring

of the water he’s already stirred the

spirit of god is stirring the water of

my soul

and that’s enough but i need

i need the exposure to the historic site

where as many as a thousand people could

be gathered around

solomon’s porch this area

and they would wait for the angel to

stir the water

the first person in would be healed

jesus walks


900 and some people up to a man

and starts dialogue with him

guy says i’ve been here 38 years i have

nobody to put me in

jesus heals him

i know we’ve reviewed this so many times

but it gives me a context

for an exhorting word

if that miracle were to happen today

pastors theologians newspaper writers tv


would be talking to the 900 plus people

that jesus walked past

and asked them the question how did it

feel to have jesus walk past you

theologians would come to the conclusion

this only goes to prove it’s not always

god’s will to heal

the bible talks about what jesus did

not about what he didn’t do

he did what he what he did

he healed all

that the father sent him to

and all

who came to him

he did not heal all

on the planet

what he did

is the standard

what he didn’t do

you have no business trying to figure


if you care about the 900 people left

around the pool then get anointed by god

and go find them


because he set a standard

he set a standard

boldly proclaim

boldly confess this gospel of salvation

is for the healing of torment

is for the deliverance of torment it’s

for the healing of disease

it is for the saving of the soul it is

for the forgiveness of sin with the

absolute new nature

it’s not just a cute prayer that i pray

to ease my conscience it is the entrance

into eternal life now

god anointed jesus of nazareth

with the holy spirit

and with power

those aren’t two separate things

he’s adding emphasis

to one of the expressions of the holy


do you remember in a scripture where he

says seek first the kingdom of god and

his righteousness

he didn’t add righteousness

to the subject of the kingdom he was


because the kingdom of god is

righteousness peace and joy

so here he says

god anointed jesus of nazareth with the

holy spirit and with power

who went about doing good

healing all who were oppressed by the


for god was with him

those are my happy verses

let’s stand

i haven’t talked about this for a while

and ever once while

i don’t know if you need it but i know i

need to talk about it every once in a


i just need to look at the scriptures

again i do it on my own

but i like to do it in front of you

and say here it is

here’s the plumb line here’s the

standard here’s the two by four

this is what all of us have been called

to do in some measure

all of us every every single one

we have the privilege

to be bold and courageous

and watch him back up our declared word

with miracles signs wonders

it’s the privilege privilege of the


i want you to put a hand on the shoulder

of the person next to you

and i want you to pray for them

that god would give them

so much courage that it would scare them

more courage than they have ever ever

had before

let it surprise them

courage courage courage




now pray for open doors

open doors

open doors

open doors there’s to be a harvest of

souls in redding this week

this week a harvest of souls

people delivered from torment that

they’ve carried for years

run into the battle run into the fight

not from it

great courage great boldness

great favor open doors

open doors open doors

god i pray that you’d stir up the hung

of our city to ask questions of

believers all over this city

from various churches just to ask the


put your hand on your own heart

just pray my favorite prayer

help me jesus

help me jesus help me jesus

help me jesus help me to represent you


help me to represent you well

probably the most terrifying thought to


is to not have represented him well

oh it just gives me the shivers

to not represent him well

and so what i exhort you in tonight is

not to bring

any kind of guilt or awareness of lack

it’s to create hunger for the more the

breakthrough he’s already predetermined

breakthrough to be in your future


i know there’s always a chance when

there’s this many people here that there

could be someone here who’s never been

what the bible calls born again

you’ve never surrendered

your own personal life

to jesus jesus the only one

who has the absolute right

to rule our life

he’s the merciful god a wonderful

everlasting father

and if there’s anybody in the room that

would just say bill i don’t want to

leave till i norma i’m at peace with god

till i know i’ve been forgiven

until i know that

i’ve been brought into his family

then i want you just put a hand up right

where you are and i want us to pray

for you just put it up real real quick

real courageously real fast wave your

hand at me if i if i oh right down here

yeah wonderful


beautiful yep

good job

was was there another one in the back i

thought i saw

maybe it’s just somebody worshiping i

saw one here

all right is there any anyone else just

wave it at me


all right where’s my uh

it’s my team you can help me here go

right just go right back

uh i want the

the gentleman to raise your hand put

your hand up again there you go right


yeah go right back there i want you to

pray with him minister to him watch come

out in the aisle

and uh just come in the aisle it’s a



just bring bring him on down

just bring him on down enzo just bring

him on down bless him

yeah go ahead pray with him yep

all right

i know i just took angelo’s job away but

he likes leading people to jesus anyway


he’d pay me for that chance

so come on let’s lead people to jesus

this week

let’s leave people to jesus


people are the most open to the gospel

when they have faced things for which

there’s no answer

our city has been shaken


you don’t need an explanation

you just need good news

i’m going to pray let’s pray into this


father we pray for a rich harvest of

souls this week out of our city

transform lives

transform families

in jesus wonderful name

thank you lord god

thank you lord thank you lord thank you


thank you lord

all right

ministry team

ministry team why don’t you come on down

to the front here and hold on if you

would give some further instructions on

what to do but uh come on down ministry

team come quickly

help us out yeah if you would let’s give

bill a huge round of applause
