In this unique Sunday morning service at Bethel Church, Bill Johnson and Brian Johnson from Bethel Music discuss the importance of worship and its connection to revival.

well hello hello hello Bethel family so

good to to join with you again I want to

encourage I know that there are people

watch on a weekly basis that don’t have

a personal relationship with Jesus you

know what this is a time just to wake up

to the fact we all need a Savior we do

and Jesus is the only one the son of God

who died in our place that we would know

salvation we would know what it meant to

be part of the family of God that we

would know what it meant to be forgiven

of sin and then to live representing him

in this world loving and caring for

people anyway I just want to encourage

you whether you’re on YouTube or Bethel

TV there are pastors there ready to talk

with you pray for you

if you need a miracle in your body

whatever it is they’re there and ready

to go so welcome welcome listen

yesterday I had I am supposed to be

speaking today I’m going to postpone

what I was going to do for next week but

I had this impression when I woke up

that I should have Brian speak into

what’s happening with this this virus

and all the stuff that we that we’ve got

going on but I also in talking with him

knowing it’s unfair for him to have to

prepare a message was such short notice

so the thought was is to take this time

just to have a conversation on the roll

of worship in crisis because we’ve all

gone through it we’ve all gone through

hellish situations and we we’ve learned

the beauty the wonder of coming before

the Lord in the most challenging

circumstances and giving him praise so

this is what I want to do I believe that

today the Lord is going to give an

impartation for worship now we love to

worship here and our corporate

gatherings are just is I’d rather be

here than anywhere in the world is I’m

biased of course but it’s true but the

corporate worship is built upon what

happens at home and it’s not that we

have big sound systems it’s that we have

a heart that is yielded and surrendered

so Brian my first question to you just

just give me tell me why you think

worship or is worship important in the

middle of crisis and if so why

of course I think it’s I mean my own

story is different seasons of crisis and

and I think it’s like a blessing in

disguise because when you’re brought to

your end you know and everyone

experiences that in life where they’re

especially right now where there’s this

like so many questions and everyone has

opinions but no one really knows what’s

real was truth anymore and he just and

it brings you to this point in life

where it’s like you know I know God’s

good I know God’s faithful he knows the

answers and when you actually identify

with that and step into that and go oh

my role now because I’ve had this

revelation that I actually don’t know

what the heck I’m doing which is just so

it’s so simple is to worship is to

praise and so I mean I think it’s it’s

everything and a lot of times these

these crisis or whatever you know not

that God causes them but it brings us to

a place of maybe maybe a real worships

not the right word but but it feels like

a bit a bit more messy and raw and you

don’t care as much about all the the

peripherals all the x-ray you just care

about connecting with God and so to me

it’s it’s worship is super important

because also like and we know that when

we step into and actually start that

process of surrender in worship and

bowing before him bowing our hearts

before him doing what he wants us to do

doing what he says becoming a friend of

God spending time with him and then

lifting up a song of praise it’s like

the heavens are opened over us

it’s like gods like oh there’s one right

there that’s you know what I mean and um

and then I think that revelation starts

to pour in for the conflict for the

crisis that we’re in so we don’t worship

to get the answer but in that place of

worship and and I think that like

there’s different um thoughts on what is

worship what’s praise how do i praise do

a shout do I dance you know what you

know when you’re in crisis none of that

kind of goes back here and you like do

whatever right and so I think that it’s

– parted I think revelation comes

forward the crisis that you’re in the

answers come the blessing comes the


ever comes but you got a step through

that oh wait I don’t know what I’m doing

I’m just gonna sing sing yourself into

freedom I’m really really like seeing

yourself and a freedom even if you don’t

feel like it thank you you just start

singing or start the start you know I do

this thing where I am if I am anxiety or

whatever and a lot of my stuff is just

post you know post from what I dealt

with you know if I have a hard time

breathing whatever I’ll start a run now

and have my iPods and I put my worship

lay this on and I’m noticed just by

playing worship music not even singing

just playing worship music and by the

end of my runs I’m like the it’s

interesting there’s something something

happens you know so that’s that’s

impossible to explain you can put

something out yesterday mahabad i put on

god of revival yeah and we thank you for

the cross and put one on my ipad we

thank you for the cross now we thought

let’s just put God of revival on our

big-screen TV the surround sound and the

the Bethlem music channel on YouTube I’m

telling you it just wrecked me I just I

just was a mess just just looking you

know because what happens is it’s not

only the moment that that you have with

the Lord but it triggers your history

with God you know yeah the times we’ve

sung that here with a crowd of people or

elsewhere and how God has moved through

that song and what he’s been doing in

our lives for these years when you sing

that song it’s all it’s like you’re

singing it’s like you’re singing from

your history with his faithfulness oh

man it just it messes me up you

mentioned something you used a word you

said when you come to that place of

surrender in worship connect the dots

for me on that one because I really feel

like that’s that’s it right there

well I mean it’s so everyone’s different

everyone has these things it’s like like

for me it’s like they’re the surrender

and worship like I was saying you I

think you get to a point where you’re

like there’s like a phrase that we we’ve

used a bunch where when God becomes your

only option considered a gift

my option it’s like society considered a

gift when um God becomes your only

option so there’s all these things in

life that happen where nothing else is

working or has worked in your at your

and a lot of people are there right now

like they’re there it’s business the

economy that the the fear the terror

some of that stuff’s just unexplainable

I know what it feels like to be in that

like frozen state of like panic I either

want to die or God you have to step in

you know that that type of thing and

there’s a mom a special moment right

where okay you surrender in whatever

that looks like right it’s and sometimes

it’s not even surrendering a thing or

it’s just I don’t even know what that is

right now I just surrender and I’m gonna

start worshipping basically giving the

adoration giving the worship back to him

that maybe you’ve been giving to

something else and I think in that

surrender all sorts of stuff happens I

mean like David’s life when he

surrendered even when he messed up and

he’s sorry surrendered you know it’s

like God is waiting with the blessing

and the favor and the revelation and we

don’t surrender for that but it’s just a

part of it so yep I was reading a verse

before the meeting today and it says why

are you in despair oh my soul and why

have you become disturbed within me hope

in God for I shall yet praise Him the

help of my countenance oh my god what I

found interesting is this word disturbed

means one of the ways this translates to

murmur why are you murmuring all my soul

and that that kind of inner language

thing really causes us problems when

we’re in stress I mean it’s the

complaining sometimes to God sometimes

about people sometimes about

circumstances sometimes about you know

politics or whatever about me but that

murmuring thing here really infects our

worship how have you dealt with that

like I meant for me lately honestly it’s

it’s it every season different but like

I like I was saying when I weather

anxiety creeps upon me or I just feel

like you know like mom

why she knows like if I go for a run

that’s a good idea

you can tell like I think I’m gonna run

that’s a good idea not well it’s to

party cause she wants me to be in shape

and the other part is she knows that

when that happens something happens

Heather you know so well for me it’s

it’s you know there’s a lot of times I

don’t think there’s a lot of people that

feel like they maybe they don’t have the

strength or even the willpower to lift

up a song appraised or do whatever but

for me and when I push put worship is it

going to start singing I almost I’m sung

into a position where I can just start

and then I’ll start it’s funny I’ll just

start like from going from I’m on a

defense you know murmuring in a

defensive posture to what like I’m off

social media now you know there’s I’m

just I’m over it the defensive position

but one app by the end of my run I found

myself in an offensive position and I’m

starting to pray for different things

and I’m like declaring things and I’m

like I’m like oh wait a second so I went

and I started this run in this position

and I’m ending the run in like I’m like

praying for things think the Holy Spirit

is now revealing things and so for me in

this specific season it’s really simply

just having my worship playlist that’s

my like start I just turn it on so I

would encourage people that’s good you

know like like it’s kind of like when

they were gonna be facing the the other

army and and they got the word to send

their praises out you know it’s like

really like that doesn’t seem like a and

for me it’s like the simple little steps

of like okay I’m just going to turn the

worst music on and I know through that

so that’s what I’ve been doing yeah I

mean it has I do have my guitar out and

I’ve got a little studio and problem

with me is whenever I get my guitar out

I start writing a song so like for me

it’s like I’ll just put works music on

it and you know so I would encourage

people just to play worship music and

you’ll find that it really makes a

difference so you you mentioned at the

beginning of the run it’s kind of

defensive by the end you’re praying for

other stuff

I was thinking of phrases this morning

when we Eric and I were here early to

pray intercessory worship intercessory

worship I’m not sure if that’s a

legitimate phrase but I think you know

what I mean I think it’s I think it’s

what I hop has done so well with the

harp and Bowl it’s the ministry to the

Lord but it’s also the intercessor what

do you find happening in your own your

own ability to pray into things maybe

that aren’t even concerning you you know

where you start remembering a friend

that’s in trouble or you you start

thinking about our government or

whatever it might be you start praying

into that in a influential way how does

that happen what what what transpires in

your heart to go from encountering God

in worship to making a difference I

think this I’ll just read this I was

thinking about this well I think what

happens is so there’s but the moment and

this is about salvation I think in the

Holy Spirit revealing things but the

moment one turns to the Lord with an

open heart

it says the veil is lifted and they see

so I think it’s connected to a surrett I

think it’s connected to that moment of

surrender that that that thing were you

like you know what Lord like whether

it’s finances whether it’s whatever all

right God you know like I’m just I just

you know I mean this is yours

yeah it’s it says in you know you know

how people oh that’s out of conduct well

okay the the context is when we turn our

hearts to God with an open heart

the veil is lifted and we see and now

the Holy Spirit brings freedom and so I

think it’s in that moment of surrender

that we turn from the defense into the

offensive and it’s that Harper bullets

like you said if I have 10 minutes to

spend time with God’s been 8 you know

lost people so this 8 in worship and 2

in in that offensive foster’s because I

get I feel like I get for me I get into

a head space or a heart space where I

have faith I actually am excited and

have belief and faith again to go you

know I’m gonna I feel like the Holy

Spirit brought this up mom

go after this thing and so I think it’s

faith to you that that rises up but I

think it’s just connected to that what’s

give the reference on it is it’s second

Corinthians I’m reading the passion

translation it’s second Corinthians 3

verse 16 through 17 read it again

it says but the moment one turns to the

Lord with an open heart the veil is

lifted and they see now the Lord I’m

referring to is the Holy Spirit and

wherever he is Lord wherever he’s Lord

over us there is freedom and when

there’s freedom I think it’s like the

domino effect of all the beautiful it’s


one of the things that I’ve not thought

through before but I think you hit

exactly right

is that in worship you find yourself

believing God I mean it shouldn’t

surprise us but specifically said faith

faith becomes activated in this place I

think it’s partly because of surrender

faith is not the product of striving

which gets us into trouble

faith is the result of surrender and so

here we are in this place of worship

where we just we just choose not to

worry and fret and complain and murmur

and do all that stuff but turn our

attention towards him we find ourselves

believing what how does that happen for

you do you recognize it happening or

does it just happen well I think some a

lot of times it that the belief and the

faith comes right after I feel like the

Holy Spirit spoke okay or revealing

something go cuz for me it’s like you

said it lightly but God is real thing

and I’m like I mean let’s be real like

sometimes when when things are so crazy

it’s like every we question everything

and I’m not talking about like we all

you know some people question if God is

real or not even in this pandemic but um

it’s it’s really interesting when I’m

trying to member the question because I

started going off in a rabbit trail

thinking about that connection of faith

as a result of worship and how do you

how do you how do you recognize when

that happens

okay the pre Curt have after I feel like

the holy spirit yes because then it

reminds me that he’s for me he’s close

he’s on my side oh okay he’s when the

Holy Spirit is speaking

it’s like God is good but when he’s

speaking everything’s gonna be okay it’s

just when God is speaking and he’s

always speaking and then that thing

rises up and it’s like okay that’s all

that’s right that’s all okay

everything’s gonna be okay and when I

know everything’s gonna be okay inside

all that other stuff goes away and I can

actually move a know position of faith

and believe again it’s and I will say

this and I said earlier but I’ve gotten

off social media I post but for three

weeks I’ve been off and and it’s kind of

crazy like I don’t usually just tell

people you should do this to you but but

I was getting so bombarded for a long

season when I got off that it’s it feels

like cuz I don’t even know what’s going

on with a lot of things I find myself

being able to hear God but more Wow

and it not be convoluted by it and I

believe this it’s like every day the

media is throwing out agenda every day

five times a day it’s like here now all

of you there they’re controlling what we

talk about and what we think about

whether good or bad or whether we

believe it or not they’re controlling us

like little guinea pigs and when we step

out of that it’s literally like the the

air over me

Wow went to it kind of feel like it used

to feel and so what that tells me is and

I’m not talking about ignore sometimes

it’s good to ignore things but I’m

talking about what God is saying and

what he has in store first in the future

is good yes yes and when we remove

ourselves from all that chaos and we can

actually feel and hear that it’s like

okay then now that I can actually do

something with my faith and so I’ve been

have I’ve been on that journeys for

really interesting Cecily I don’t know

what – what if what to do with that but

just don’t stop yeah I like what you

read and this is a fascinating concept

in Scripture that when they turn to the

Lord their eyes were opened

it doesn’t say their eyes were open

and then they turn to the Lord they have

to have enough conviction in their heart

without clarity of sight to just abandon

themselves to God then things opened

it’s a it’s an unusual sequence of

events that is essential it’s the

surrender and then you see he doesn’t

work to persuade us why do we forget the

guts for us how come what happened what

happens it makes us forget well I think

you know and we don’t have to I think I

think for me for me lazy spiritual

laziness you know you know how it is

when you’re like I’m gonna get up every

day and I’m gonna just pursue God and

I’ve got this whole thing and it’s like

ah and then and then it gets easy again

and it’s like ah Wow and then we get

kind of spiritual easy because the the

pressures not as much and then right now

it’s like we can’t avoid the pressure it

is everywhere

you know it’s a chaotic yes chaos is so

we kind of have one option you know and

the church has always thrived in chaos

when the world’s in chaos because partly

it’s like foreign countries it’s like

they have one option it’s faith you know

you know and I think part of it is that

but um I forget the question but yeah

you answered it okay you did a good job

we’ve talked about this before all of us

as a team the mental battle the battle

is always in the mind in every season

it’s it’s never never changes but when

things are going on like they are right

now and partly stirred up through social

media but just the circumstances forget

all that just just the pandemic just the

conflict and I don’t mean even political

conflict I mean the decisions that our

leaders are having to make and and how

to go about life and how to restore

business all that so we got stuff

swirling all around us why is why is the

mental battle such a challenge and how

does worship fix that well I think like

I think it’s spiritual if there’s real

things that are natural and then there’s

spiritual it’s all bombarding and it’s

hard to even know what

spiritual what’s warfare what’s whatever

right now and so I think worship is it

elevates its it surpasses our mind it it

I don’t does this magical thing where it

resets our mind either

you know or our minds are or it can be

scary but there’s a Reese there’s a

thing that happens where it’s like a

surge of like a reset where when we

worship God promises his peace when we

worship he promises to come you know

when we went when there when he comes

all of those things fall into place our

mind our spirit our body you know

sometimes our bodies are so out of whack

for a lack of presence of God you know

you know and I’m all of those things

fall into place when we are in a

position or a place of worship whether

in our hearts or and but I’ll never you

know some for me like music worship

music music and worship connected you

know it just does something it’s I’m not

talking about just even a heart of

worship without music but God decides

has decided to connect like his presence

you know that revelatory thing in music

yeah and you know you can find it

throughout the or throughout the Bible

but he’s decided to do that and give us

that gift and so for me obviously person

I’ve given my life to it I use music a

lot like David played over Saul he

didn’t even sing he played oversaw and

it drove the demon way there’s something

powerful when we use music in worship

and so for me I use music in worship to

get me out of that you know that’s stuff

yep you know I think it’s probably a

favorite song for both of us

Psalm 73 talks about all these pain Oh

pangs in her birth and just ongoing

moaning and groaning because the sinners

get away with everything and the

righteous don’t and he’s moaning for

like sixteen verses

and then verse 17 he says until I went

into the sanctuary of God then I

understood therein then I saw the

outcome of all their decisions there’s

something about being in that encounter

with the Lord that brings clarity to

everything else everything else I had an

encounter with the Lord towards the end

of last year end of November 1st of

December that I’ve spoken about here but

in this encounter several things happen

but two of the things that I came out

with is that I felt like the Lord

strongly impressed on my heart that a

key to mental health was giving thanks

in everything a key to emotional health

was to rejoice always both giving thanks

and rejoicing before the Lord our

expressions that we have in our worship

ministry in our worship encounter with


so there’s something that happens in our

own minds in our own brains a reset that

he talks about here in Psalm 73 a reset

and I think the phrase that I’ve heard

maybe the most often concerning this in

this pandemic is that there is a global

reset going on and so as a church as the

people of God we need to cooperate with

God’s intent to give us a reset to see

things from his from his presence to see

everything differently talk to me about

the importance of Thanksgiving and what

do you do do you do things just

intentionally to think meditating on

things to be thankful for what what do

you do in that work

everything everything in worship and

praise everything it’s faith the root of

its faith its belief is believing God no

matter what and so Thanksgiving is just

another way of going and III

Thanksgiving is it seems so I think to a

lot of people it seems so dumb it seems

so like oh yeah when I’m five I learned

about that but if if we are thankful in

every circumstance find something to be

thankful of

it’s crazy in it’s a real thing that

that it it like you said talking about

the reset it like the mental illness

they oh yeah there’s there’s some

there’s been moments recently where I’ve

just went down the road of oh my

goodness sort of thing I’m thankful for

this and you start going oh that in that

in the oh wait a second why am I so so

it’s almost like you start down the road

of thankfulness and you’ll find yourself

again it’s just like worship you find

yourself again in a position where you

have perspective his perspective again

yeah and like Jen and I we do that well

like we’re you know we’ve had it’s hard

to explain we’ve had a an eight year

process of building the house and

property and a lot of times you know you

get what you pay for when you jump into

something like that congratulations you

decided to do something that was kind of

impossible you’re gonna have get a stuff

that’s gonna come against you but um we

you know all out days we’re like both

washing machines go out all that all the

sand from the filtering system ruined

every appliance in the house every

faucet everything and it’s a two-day

they come in and then and then this over

here happens you know it’s like it’s

like humorous that it has happened a

million times and you’re just like but

we always do that I mean Jen and I but

you know what she goes there’s people

over here in the world that are dealing

with this and you’re like oh okay and

then we start going down the road of

thankful you know it’s amazing I’m so

thankful for our kids our kids are doing

really well right now you know this and

that and that and I’m so thankful that

we’ve got this thing over here that God

is putting favor on you and when we find

ourselves in a different headspace by

just folk and it’s it sounds so stupid

but we just vocalizing it letting it

come out of your mouth something happens

I think mental illness I think you know

I think the the the name it and claim of

the faith they’re on to something when

do you say it yeah you kind of start to

believe it it’s an incidence is

interesting thing that happens yeah you

know the scripture says let the weak say

I am strong there’s something about

making the proclamation

that is contrary to your natural train

of thought it’s not it’s not magical

it’s not mind over matter kind of a

thing it’s it’s coming into alignment

with the heart of God coming into

alignment with heart of God he says

you’re strong you know he shows up to

Gideon you know and he calls them a

strong man a mighty warrior and Gideon’s

gone yeah yeah

have you seen me yeah I’m 12 no yeah

exactly so let’s move to the second part

emotional health is connected to

rejoicing in all things and some things

are I mean let’s be honest we have

people watching that have lost loved

ones to this virus we have people

watching that spent 30 years building a

business that has now it’s now gone

really tough situations out here rejoice

in all things it still says to rejoice

in all things you don’t get to choose

the circumstances you get to choose how

you’re going to respond in what way has

rejoicing change things for you in tough

things well I think we all have had

moments in our lives where we’ve had the

option to sink into whatever it is and

then God knows what the outcome would be

yeah you know and we’ve seen it in

people that have chosen that it’s or to

rejoice so for me I think it’s saved

probably my marriage it’s saved my life

it’s probably saved multiple flow

because you know there’s those moments

where you’re in that you know that

moment of just like I’m gonna give in to

it or I’m gonna choose to rejoice so for

me I would believe it’s life and death I

think you know and I can think of

moments that that happened and I’m sure

everyone else can but but I do think the

the the continuing of rejoicing always

always that always word that’s the hard

part because even though you overcome

one thing and because you’ve rejoiced

and you got through it things are gonna

come there’s more stuff that’s gonna be

coming down the road that are out of our


and um I mean I can even I can even

think of

there’s been some moments where even

with the the house stuff that we’ve

doing that that I believe that because

you know we’ve chosen to take the low

road in a couple circumstances and still

believe and rejoice I think God’s

brought favor to us so I think favor is

a big part of it the we a lot of us want

favor you know we want like the business

that’s failed you know well I think that

God has the second chapter for those

people in life that possibly might have

interest involved like a bigger and

better I think God is always into growth

and it with interest and it’s going to

be you know seven times more but I think

that walking through that with rejoice

always gets us to his promise which is

better than what we’re even in now

that’s you so I think a lot of people

right now could succumb to that reality

that they lost everything or this this

is real what happened but they can hang

on to that word and rejoice through it I

think that God’s favor is waiting for

them you know at the other end of that

yeah I some years ago started learning

this this concept this phrase faith does

not deny the existence of a problem it

denies the problem a place of influence

and so if somehow we could learn to turn

the rejoice button on and never turn it

off in other words let that learn to let

that be our initial reaction to a

difficulty that I’m going to celebrate

the goodness of God in us never forget

the goodness of God for me it’s the

goodness of God is the cornerstone of

everything it’s the non-negotiable and

if I can keep that in focus then it will

define how I respond to situations so

our devotional life our rejoicing our

giving thanks or times of worship the

decisions we make to turn to the word in

crisis all those things come out of a

burning conviction that God is

he’s absolutely good always and it’s not

negotiable it’s not negotiable I have to

have to somehow learn to live from that

one thing I have felt during this effect

I was just telling Eric this morning the

valley of dry bones you know in Ezekiel

that the the Prophet was to prophesy to

the four winds and there would be life


I just wanted to Clarence aving there

are certain marriages that look beyond

the ability to reconcile there are

certain lost conditions children who

have walked away with the Lord from the

Lord that are so far gone maybe some

even in a vegetative state because of a

drug overdose or whatever none of those

things are outside of God’s reach and I

feel like we are supposed to prophesy

and declare to the four winds bring the

restoration of God bring the healing of

God to these impossible situations I

want to move towards closing this and I

want to I want to run off that because

at the beginning you talked about

worshiping and coming into this place

where you’re not now just in a defensive

posture but you’re now in the aggressive

posture do you find yourself making

decrees and declarations I mean not just

petitions but actually declaring stuff

how does that what does that look like

for you well I think it’s connected to a

belief and a feeling the Holy Spirit

speaking something into something

bringing someone to my mind so that I

would turn into you know turn it to

prophesy I just speak this over this

thing I speak you know say it say it one

more time was just you come to this

place from defense to offense and you

move into an intercessory thing where

you’re praying but do you find yourself

declaring oh you prophesy knows any

people yeah and that well that to me

that’s the final exactly that’s the

finish let’s that’s the right answer


know right in in a in a position of it’s

almost like a gift or you’re like an

hour ago I was totally

close to there exactly questioning

everything and now I’m in this like

Superman posture how did that happen

you know if you connect the dots it’s

like oh my goodness it’s all the things

we’ve been talking about and I think

God’s desire for us to live in this

posture so a hundred percent that’s

exactly right

well I want to ask if you would pray

over the watching audience Bethel TV

YouTube and I want specifically I want

you to pray for that you know the Lord’s

you know when you when you go through

pain you go through difficulty and you

come out on the other side through

yielding a surrender you actually have

an authority you may not feel powerful

sometimes but you have an authority and

you you have an authority in this area

I’ve watched our different members of

our team who have gone through hell and

high water and but they’ve come out

celebrating the goodness and the

kindness of God they’ve come out with

authority and you have that and I want

you to pray just a real mantle of

anointing for worship in houses in homes

that our homes would be filled with the

light the fire the presence of God yeah

I do that would you please well we just

speak over everyone that’s listening

right now for the authority from God yes

go with worship and song and music and

surrender and all those things praise

the high praises God in the household

and I just see even right now like

there’s children that God is putting

this mantle on you know in this in this

pause season in this reset season that

um and and maybe it might even be

through the parents taking on this

posture putting on worship music for the

first time and God using that to anoint

and put a mantle on children for praise

to all the Judah’s in the world and I’m

I just speak up I speak that authority

they even if it’s a simple song an

out-of-tune song doesn’t none of that

matters in this in regard to what we’re

talking about

but an authority for praise that moves

mountains that shakes the heavens that

actually causes change whether it’s for

your business for your family dynamic

for stress anxiety for all the different

things sickness that music and worship

those connected things would cause such

change and drastic measures that you

would be surprised that God used that

and so we just release and and I do

really just pray over all the Judas all

the all the praisers right now all the

young people and old that you’re that

you’re putting your hand of anointing on

like you did David you know David was

out with the sheep and you put your hand

of anointing on his life and I pray that

right now in this reset and this pause

at this incubation period where you

would be anointing and calling people

out people that were going one direction

now we’re going to be going a different

direction almost because they had to

stop and you’re doing a reset and we

just speak that over everyone watching

Amen that’s as a very powerful prophetic

decree over our children and young

people all of us actually but I I I

think you hit something there but the

Lord is doing a reset as it pertains to

recognizing and living from the actual

presence of God so we bless you in Jesus

they were so glad you joined us and I

want to encourage you once again we have

pastors on call online both Bethel TV

YouTube come to Jesus come to Jesus come

dim with whatever issues you have and

let’s watch the love of God touch and

transform your life we bless you in

Jesus name thanks for joining us