In this Q & A with Dann Farrelly, Pastor Bill shares his devotional routine and how he stewards affection for the Lord in everyday life.

well bill not to get too personal but

what is your morning routine look like

with the Lord just starting your day

with him and maybe to speak to the

evening as well well my my schedule is

weird as you know because of the travel

there’s not a routine which is tragic

when I’m home there’s more of a routine

but but you know sometimes I’m up at 3

in the morning to catch flight going yes

yes seeking the Lord on my way to the

king in airplane yeah yeah so sometimes

my prayer time is on a plane I mean it’s

pitiful but sometimes that to be

practically to be practical that’s what

it looks like but routinely normally if

i if I’m able to work a routine cos I’m

home for a week or five days or whatever

I just like to get up early enough to go

in and get some coffee and sit in a

chair and and read and pray and that’s

just what I do I keep it real simple

big part of my of my life is just

affection for God and so if I’m gonna

pray for example if I’m gonna pray for

an hour probably 45 minutes of it’s

gonna be worship you know I that’s what

I emphasize I emphasize just the

adoration the affection the the ministry

to him and then and then I’ll obviously

pray for things and but it’s it’s it’s

not you know it’s it’s not impressive in

the sense of all the warfare and the

things that takes place I really for the

most part my life is pretty simple when

crisis comes up then of course you you

amp it up and and I’ll be much more

focused in in the prayer if I see

something that needs attention then then

I’ll oftentimes at the office I just I

to leave the office I’ll go out and go

to the back side of our property and

just cry out to the Lord there and begin

to pray and find some place where I can

get some solitude and and do that so

that’s that’s kind of how my left form

what role the psyche reading the

scripture have in are you reading for

quality or quantity or are you working

through the Bible here or you I read for

me yeah I mean I do I read I read for so

that I learned so that I stay healthy

and then I teach out of that but I

changed my routine some

times I will read like right now I’m

reading Kenneth we strands Latian which

is very expanded and very unusual in the

way he translated things but I’m

enjoying reading I went through the

Gospel of John I’m now in the book of

Acts and I’ll take sections usually of

the Bible it’s how I generally how it

works I’ll take the four Gospels maybe

I’ll take the Gospels and acts I’ll just

reread and reread sometimes I’ll take

the books of law or I’ll take I always

have the Psalms going that’s a

continuous I’ve had that going nonstop

for you know probably 20 years or 25

years so there’s never a break there I’m

always in the salt but but I’ll take

sections sometimes I’ll just do all New

Testaments sometimes all Old Testament

and I just just plod through great so at

night anything special or night I read

at night always always very rarely do I

not even if I land somewhere at 3:00 in

the morning and I go to the to my hotel

room even if I have to stand up I’m

going to read you’re standing up to stay

awake as I stay away yeah seriously even

if that’s what I have to do or if just

sit on the edge of my chair or something

I’m gonna read something this I want to

get the mind of Christ just I want to go

to sleep with that so I go to sleep with

this affection for God but I like to go

to sleep with this word in my mind

not so that I ask questions and pray all

night because I want to sleep so I

generally a general almost always

worried the songs because they just

ignites the affection the love love for

God so that’s beautiful yes yeah I’d

love to take spots during the day too I

absolutely love to and sometimes it

works like if I’m traveling it works

because they’ll generally be a break-in

in a conference where maybe I have an

afternoon session worm free go to the

room and just rest and get before the

Lord and you know that’s that’s what I
