You were made for impossible assignments. God’s design is that His power would be seen in you as you lean into Him for the answers to the impossible situations in your life. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson teaches from Mary’s incredible example of surrender and trust in God when facing the impossible assignment of carrying and birthing the Son of God. If your assignment seems impossible or you feel unqualified for what the Lord is calling you to, you are in good company with every Bible hero and countless other great men and women of faith! Whatever you are facing today, God has a solution.

and everything that God has intended to

do in and through you is absolutely

impossible if you’re not overwhelmed by

your assignment you don’t see your


what he intends to do is absolutely

impossible it’s to put us into the place

of absolute dependency so that he can

work in and through us to display

himself as the god of the impossible


today I want to look at one part of the

Christmas story that always impacts me

the only thing I don’t like about

Christmas is that we we tend to look at

scriptures or sing songs that we only do

like one time a year and these are for

the believer these themes are continuous

throughout the year and Mary is one of

the great Heroes of scripture uh

we’re going to talk a little bit about

her and I’m because I’ve been I’m

inspired by her her

um her example the way she responded to

an impossible uh challenge in front of

her so we’ll look at that in a moment

the Holy Spirit came upon Mary

natural spiritual Holy Spirit came upon


and she revealed Jesus

the Holy Spirit comes upon the written


and Jesus is revealed

the Holy Spirit comes Upon A surrendered


and Jesus is revealed

I don’t at all want to lessen the

significance of the role that Mary plays

she’s called highly favored of the Lord

so please don’t misunderstand that

however the miracle of Jesus being

manifest in and through you me you and

me is the same miracle

it’s the spirit of God coming upon the

natural to manifest the eternal

eternity is the Cornerstone of all logic

and reason

anytime we lose sight of Eternity we are

bound to come to temporary

and false conclusions

it’s seeing things from an eternal

perspective that changes everything for


Mary is called highly favored of the


if you lose sight of Eternal perspective

you look at her circumstances Joseph

wants to divorce her not follow through

with the wedding

Herod wants to kill her

kid her son

these the scandal of her being a mother

of an illegitimate child looks like

anything but favor

on your life will reveal issues in the

people around you

and our ability to carry favor well

is key to the increase of favor

we never owe anyone an explanation nor

should you ever apologize for favor

apology of favor is an expression of

unbelief that basically says God made a

bad decision by giving me favor

you never want to dishonor god with

with how unqualified you may feel with

foreign assignment I hope everybody in

the room feels unqualified

if you feel qualified you haven’t seen

your assignment

if you feel qualified you don’t see it

clearly because the only the only

possible response from seeing what God

expects from our life is the

overwhelming sense I could never pull

this off

and that’s the position that the Lord

puts every one of us in so that he can

demonstrate who he is

good works

are a critical part of the Christian


feeding the poor serving those with out

clothes or housing or whatever it might

be fill in the blanks the the overall

gamut of meeting uh the demand of human

need is a huge part of the Christian


but if we’re honest we’ll realize

they’re feeding the poor and all these

other amazing and wonderful things can

be done by people who don’t know the


there has to be an aspect of our service

before the Lord that only he can do in

and through us it has to cross the line

into the realm of impossibility or it

has not adequately given witness to the

resurrection of Jesus

there is in every one of us an inbuilt

appetite for the impossible that it

would bend its need to the name Jesus

through our lips it’s critical it’s a

vital that that is a regular part of our


if it is not we have to come back before

the Lord and find out why not

introspection but to learn where do I

take risk where do I partner

the Lord is looking for people who will

come into agreement with what he has


there’s an alignment I

I almost hate to use the word alignment


Cults use it but

we’re called a cult so maybe it’s all



there’s this agreement there’s this

alignment we make with the Lord that God

declares a matter when people come into

proper alignment or agreement with what

he has said there is the display of what

God intends on the Earth

let’s take a look at these scriptures

and then what we’re going to do is we’re

going to take some time to talk through

it’s about 12 verses we’ll take probably

20 minutes or so and then we’re going to

spend the rest of the time sharing in

communion together and I it’s going to

be two completely separate parts but

they’ll both be good I hope all right

let’s go to verse 26 did I tell you

where Luke Luke chapter 1 did I not tell

you where oh well it’s in open your

Bible anywhere it’s all good let’s just

start start reading out loud wherever

you open to and we’ll just see how well

this works all right

uh Luke chapter 1 verse 26.

now in the sixth month that we’re going

to do about 12 verses for so just uh

follow heart

now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel

was sent by God to a city of Galilee

named Nazareth to a virgin betrothed to

a man whose name was Joseph of the House

of David

the virgin’s name was Mary

and having come in the angel said to her

Rejoice highly favored one the Lord is

with you blessed are you among women

but when she saw him she was troubled at

his saying and considered what manner of

greeting this was

then the angel said to her do not be

afraid Mary for you have found favor

with God

and behold you will conceive in your

womb and bring forth a son and shall

call his name Jesus

he will be great he will be called the

son of the highest and the Lord God will

give him the Throne of his father David

and he will reign over the house of

Jacob forever and of his kingdom there

will be no end

then Mary said to the angel how can this

be since I do not know a man

and the angel answered and said the holy

spirit will come upon you and the power

of the highest will overshadow you

therefore also the Holy One who is to be

born will be called the son of God

now indeed Elizabeth your relative has

also conceived a son in her old age and

this is now the sixth month for her who

was called Baron last two verses for

with God nothing will be impossible

then Mary said behold the maidservant of

the Lord let it be to me according to

your word and the angel departed from


I love this story

a lot I actually will return this is one

of the places that I will sometimes

return to just to be refreshed and

reading something that’s out of my

sequence I I like to read books of the

Bible and just go through them but every

once in a while I’ll just go right to

this and just plow read through this

because it’s it’s so encouraging to me


Mary has an angel show up and make this

announcement of God’s intention

and everything that God has intended to

do in and through you is absolutely

impossible as I’ve already stated if

you’re not overwhelmed by your

assignment you don’t see your assignment

what he intends to do is absolutely

impossible it’s to put us into the place

of absolute dependency so that he can

work in and through us to display

himself as the god of the impossible

that is his intention and he has

designed it so for every person who puts

their faith in Christ it is not for a

select few it is the design of God for

every person

so the angel shows up to Mary and he

says Rejoice highly favored one

typically you rejoice after the baby is


she was commanded rejoice

it’s coming

there’s not one situation that anybody

in this room faces that you wouldn’t

like to have a miracle for that Jesus

has not already settled the issue paid

the appropriate price so that that

Miracle could be accomplished in his

name there’s not one situation

he did not pay for the car so you and I

would leave it on the lot

everything in our life has already been

settled the cross that Jesus suffered on

was that complete in its effect and in

its work

there’s not one thing anybody in this

room could face that Jesus would look at

and say ah

wish I would have thought of that before

I died I would have put that on the

cross too you know there’s there’s none

of those things every single issue of

life in fact not just in this life but

all throughout all of eternity has

already been settled so when the angel

of the Lord comes to Mary and says

Rejoice highly favored one it is because

this thing has already been settled in


if we knew how much was already settled

in heaven Joy would be the natural

response celebration beforehand because

the reality is

eternity defines every situation we face

I may be in the middle of a conflict

here but I’m also in the middle of a

breakthrough here

I may be in the middle I hope in the

middle of a challenge here because it’s

necessary for Faith to grow but I’m also

experiencing great breakthrough here

every person in this room was designed

to invade this realm called

impossibility yeah I’m so glad that you

watched this video I do pray that it’s a

great great strength and encouragement

to you and I’ve got a verse that it

really is My Cry for all of us and it’s

uh Psalms 20 it’s verse 4. may he grant

you your heart’s desire and fulfill all

your plans

that’s my prayer that’s my prayers that

this would be the season of rich rich


thanks for joining us