In this video, Bill Johnson discusses saying yes to Jesus with complete abandonment and learning to steward revival.

what are the milestones or keys that got

you to the place that you are today I

mean if you could just run through those

and there’s so many you know the the

first one was just saying obviously just

saying yes to Jesus it was an absolute

complete total abandonment I have you

know it was you know I described though

the interest of the kingdom is the

straight never a road you know the only

way you get in is that’s not my will but

yours I give you my life I have nothing

left I give you everything and that was

it and it was absolute abandonment and

everything and I was afraid to pick up

anything for oh wow you know I wouldn’t

fish I wouldn’t do anything I mean I

just all I wanted was just about 20 20

yeah Yeah right 19 and 20 right in that

period of time so you were believer all

you were raised in a Christian home and

yeah Church and all the things but

they’re just there came there came a

milestone like this is a claim a moment

it’s a Saturday night you know everyone

is in bed I got out of bed and just felt

God dealing with me had been for quite a

while yeah and I just said all right

you’ve got the rest of my life and so

that was them that was the abandon the

abandonment my dad taught in worship

year to later for several weeks and I

remember after one of the messages I

just I just bowed my head you know he

didn’t have an altar call or anything he

was teaching on the priority of

administer to the Lord a common subject

now but extremely rare of them yeah

diminished the difference between

ministry in the inner court to God in

ministry in the outer court to people

and he used that Ezekiel passage and

it’s bowed my head at the end of it I

said I give you the rest of my life I

know that I’ve heard a lifetime where

they give you the rest of my life for me

to learn that and that was that was huge

you know when I when I went to we’ve

revealed the pastor was a huge milestone

as such a great group of people and they

really gave me a lot of grace and a lot

of room to grow and and you know a lot

of unique or different ideas or approach

to life and ministry I had this I picked

up from my dad the worship thing came

out of the everybody was a priest so I

had I went with this concept

goes on in church is supposed to happen

in culture supposed to happen in society

it’s supposed to happen in your business

and homes and stuff like that so we

would push the envelope there and we’d

have we had a measure breakthrough you

know mm-hmm when I went to Weber’s

conference in Anaheim in 87 I saw what I

believed work but I could never produce

and that really provoked me into taking

a risk that they took I was waiting for

my theology to make away and they had to

put they put their theology into an

action that brought her breakthrough

yeah and it was a huge lesson for me

Toronto and 95 February of 1952 so many

people have major encounters that I

didn’t yeah I mean I got prayed for

every time I could you know they could I

jokingly tell people they could have an

altar call for african-american pregnant

pastors lives and I probably would have

gone forward but but I mean I I got

prayer every time I mean it was

wonderful I sense the presence of the

Lord you know I sense that same but it

wasn’t dramatic or as kneel there’s

nothing dramatic at all the night it was

another one of those live life time

moments where I again prayed on my way

home I said all right I’ve seen it I

give her the rest of my life for this

mmm now what happened is in 87 when we

started to have a breakthrough from the

wimbur conferences we could there’s no

leg out of hand so there’s none of that

we just came home and to pray for

somebody and then we’d have to catch him

or they’d fall over you know and and

this has never happened before nobody

pray for us we were just in an

environment and somehow it got on us

yeah you know and people started getting

healed and you know things of that

nature so but I didn’t know how to

sustain it I just thought it was all

sovereign I thought well when something

wonderful happens just God’s sovereign

intent and when it doesn’t we just suck

it up and works the work through in life

Kelly shows up again you know our

worship was good the prophetic was good

but we didn’t really have those shaking

visitations you know and and so when I

went to Toronto I said if you’ll touch

me again because I had picked up

somewhere that it was up to me to

sustain it I had a responsibility to

keep the fire burning you know that’s

you or you got it from the Lord or just

you know

I’ve thought about it since I’ve tried

to forget I just knew it I don’t know

how I knew it I don’t remember I just I

had that conviction inside that he

entrusted me something in the 87 yes now

95 and then I’ve watched it come and go

for these seven or eight years it would

come for a season of three months the

first is like six months and it would

left we wouldn’t see that anointing

again for another three or four months

yeah and I just thought it was

sovereignty and I started burning with a

passion for more for breakthrough so

much that I kind of came to the

conclusion I thought all right I think I

get it if you’ll touch me again I’ll

never change the subject which meant

yeah I will make I won’t add what you’re

doing to what we’re doing

we had good worship we had strong

prophetic we had certain operation any

gifts with certain things that were

functioning pretty well but I said I

won’t add what you’re doing to what

we’re doing I will make what you’re

doing the only thing we do and so it

wasn’t dramatic yeah it was about eight

or nine month long process for

everywhere until October end of October

that same year it’s not dramatic it’s

interesting almost all your milestones

aren’t very dramatic like if you were on

the outside looking in a movie of bills

life it’d be like and then another

milestone I didn’t throw in it was just

the Lord spoke to me out of Isaiah 60

and it’s changed my life ever since then

and it was not dramatic mm-hmm but it

was it was a revelation he gave me out

of that chapter that changed my life

so anyway up till this point that’s

that’s been connecting with Randy Clark

yeah you know increasing he has such a

grace for importation anyway increasing

that anointing for healing you know we

were having when they wouldn’t he before

he came we were seeing healing every

week but when he came it turned everyday

it was just that multiplication factor

and and that’s impacted my life


you sense it that there was an

impartation at that wimbur conference

but you didn’t have a theology of it

yeah oh yeah I mean cuz we picked it up

yeah that’s why I encourage our students

and others say listen you know you

always want to weigh in of hands and I

understand the desire for it

but I’ve got it by being in the room


you know I can feel it when Bobby

Connors here there’s certain stuff just

being released in the room you just have

to learn how to honor from the heart the

individual the gift they carry and the

Spirit of God that’s on them and if you

can learn how to recognize the Spirit of

God on a person give honor their but I

learned that my experience is is that’s

exactly what happened as we came home

stuff was happening we had no grid for

yeah I mean we had we had I remember a

meeting with children you know they

wanted me to talk to the kids so I

talked to the kids they stand up invite

the Holy Spirit to come my son Eric was

about 12 at the time he went late hands

up he stood ERISA’s at the end of the 90

see daddy since I was gonna pray for

this person he’s 12 so I was gonna pray

for this person I felt God say no don’t

pray for their purse so he backed away

and then he saw another kid he was like

eight years old he said felt like the

Lord said to pray for him so pray for


they can’t lost the ability to speak hmm

I mean at home the mother calls me and

nice as Donnie’s not talking hmm but he

weeps every time we mentioned her name

Jesus mm-hmm I mean encounters like that

I know so my 12 year old gets on the

phone to counsel him this is what you do

we had no greed for that she’s just such

a such a presence would come to changes

everything you know so it it you you

just adjust you just adjust that with

and we got that somehow down there yeah

but there was never any prayer for


ah which I like I mean I like the prayer

but yeah I’m so thrilled that you can

get it by being in the room absolutely