best sermons, Christ Jesus, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Christmas message, Christmas sermon, Christmas story, Christmas teaching, cross, encouraging sermons, faith, family, forgiveness, God, gospel, heaven, hell, HolySpirit, hope, inspirational sermons, Jesus, love, marriage, messages, powerful sermon, prayer, preaching, reason for the season, relationships, sermons, teaching, Tony Evans, Tony Evans sermons, trusting, victory, youth


where are you from

canada all right where else

where czech republic taiwan

sweden england


wales china

china taiwan netherlands



denmark welcome

australia come on

albe romania romania beautiful

israel israel

come on all right well we’re glad all of

you here all of our international guests


and uh the rest of you i want you to lay

hands on them i want you to pray for


and i want you to pray that they get so


that they impact their entire nation

honestly pray that they would go home

with more than they thought possible

pray great prayers of faith that god

would impart to them

he would work out circumstances in their


there would be a spirit of breakthrough

resting upon them

they would carry presence and power a

whole new dimension

if you can’t reach somebody at least

extend your faith extend your hands

and just pray pray that the lord would

so honor and bless these that have come

so far

yeah just declare the word of the lord

over them as you pray

dude just declare just declare the word

of the lord over them as you pray take

just a moment longer

i know we’ve got guests from around the

world that are watching and we

honor and bless you and we pray the same

thing for you that it would be as though

you were here

in the house receiving from from our

family as they pray for you

thank you lord thank you lord

okay i want you to do this i want you to

pray for the church they’re a part of

that there would be a mighty outpouring

of the spirit

if they’re not a part of one that god

would lead them to a place

that would become home

that their local church would truly be a

revival center in their city

we declare that jesus mighty name

thank you lord amen all right you did

good give him a hug

do something nice and be seated

eric’s been reading testimonies of late

it’s been really fascinating to watch

as he’s been reading testimonies of


autism dyspraxia different

brain disorders dysfunctions that have

been healed

and he reads testimonies and every time

he does

we’ll have people in the room who have a

relative or a friend with that condition

stand and pray and

and then we do give you permission in

that moment to use your phone

and text that family member or friend

and just let them know

that we prayed specifically for them and

then to let you know within 24 hours or


if there was any change and we have seen

so many

many dramatic changes absolute miracles

um in the area of autism i’ve only seen

one that was instantly healed

generally it’s over a period of at least

a few hours if not

even a couple days but absolute complete

miraculous turnaround

and we celebrate every one of those the

stories it’s just getting longer and

longer every time

he does this anyplace in the world there

is incredible reports of miracles

well two weeks ago yesterday i was at an

event called the send which is

one of the most how many of you were at

that put your hands up high yes come on

it was

how many of you watched on bethel tv we

had like we had i guess over 200

000 people watch on bethel tv which is

is extraordinary

and um

towards the end of the evening i was

backstage and one of the

gentlemen involved with the circuit

writers ministry

which is andy byrd and his entire team

asked if i pray for one of their staff


who has had lyme’s disease

38 years of affliction the last 10 years

has been mostly in bed

and just horribly horribly afflicted

and asked if i would pray for us so a

group of us gathered around us we began

to pray prayed i don’t know maybe 10

minutes or so we just prayed for

and we just watched the holy spirit

literally just flush it out of her


and in about 10 minutes or whatever she

was completely completely healed

yeah yeah glory to god for that

they uh they even sent a video of her

running around her pool and

counting it was five days after the

miracle and just if you can imagine

their adult children are there

uh they were able to witness the miracle

themselves and if

if you can imagine being you know in


late 20s early 30s never having seen

your mom

ever healthy in her life and all of a


all of that changes and now gives you

permission as a family

to live in a way you’ve never lived

before and

so we just been beside yourself with joy

for them and after

uh i don’t remember now it was either

last sunday or the sunday before

no it had to be last sunday so i

wouldn’t hear the sunday before

i mentioned that lyme’s disease was

healed and we prayed i don’t remember if

we prayed for people in the room i think

we did

and um and a friend of mine from

nashville was here

rebecca williams and she

sent me this text after she got home

she writes me she says my friend just

texted me this morning

she was watching bethel tv last sunday


when you got the word about god healing

lyme disease

that’s what it was i gave the testimony

and the testimony of jesus

is the spirit of prophecy anytime you

hear a testimony

there is a covenant from god to

duplicate the miracle

and it’s important for us to adjust our

thinking to step

in line with what god is doing and so

when i got the word about healing lyme’s

disease she was in the

rebecca was in the room she text her

friend and said she would stand

in for her and who and her two girls

both her daughters age 8 and 11

of debilitating lyme’s disease she

herself has almost

died from the disease her girls have

been bedridden for days

could not move she was watching on tv

when rebecca stood up in proxy for them

i recorded the prayers of everyone

around me for her and her two daughters

she said her 11 year old daughter


bawling because she said she felt god

saw her

when she heard the prayers she started

to move her hands

and said it hurt less and less every

time she moved

by the end of the service the pain in

both little girls

was completely gone

yeah the next

the next morning uh they were doing

jumping jacks with their mother

and uh they uh this gal sarah

text rebecca that morning and announced

that her girls are fully recovered

they’re going to send us a video clip of

of their healing so i read this to you

because it’s good news

but also there’s somebody watching

online on bethel tv that needs this


we’re just going to open up the

floodgates right now if you have lyme’s

disease or you have a relative or close


with that disease stand right now

because we’re going to pray over you i

believe the lord is going to release

the power of the testimony literally two

young girls eight and 11 were healed

simply because the testimony

was declared and they stood in line of

that decree

and so what i’m going to ask you to do

is we’re going to pray over you but as

soon as we’re done i want to give you a

moment i want you to text them

now how many of you have the disease in

the room let me see because i want to

make sure we

okay those who have their hands up

i want you you that are around them


notice that these need uh specific

attention themselves

all right somebody way in the back as

well all right and then the rest of

these are standing for friends

uh family members and we’re going to

pray i believe we’re going to see

this spirit of infirmity broken off of

people’s lives

it is an illegal assault on government


it is it is vandalism

it is no trespassing and they are


and so we’re going to pray how many of

you are ready to join your faith with

things that are standing

that a miracle be released we have seen


just people standing in proxy this is a

new on a new level

for us in the last i would say year

of god releasing that miracle anointing

through somebody standing in proxy we’re

going to do that right now

so all of you who are standing if you’re

sitting by somebody please stand

and uh and just maybe get the name of

the person

and then i want you just to join with

him join your faith

i want you to rebuke those of you that

are praying for those with lyme’s

disease in the room

i want you to pray that the presence of


flushes that out of their system

completely entirely flashes out of their


who is standing in proxy for someone and

nobody is standing with you

wave your hand because i want to make

sure we get somebody to you

everybody has somebody okay church pray

up a storm come on let’s go after this


break it off

psalms 107 verse 20 says he

sent his word and healed them

those of you that are standing in proxy

i want you right now

declare the word of the lord that heals

that person you’re standing in for

just declare their name gracie is

delivered and released from lyme’s


in the name of jesus make that decree

roger freed and delivered

from that affliction that tormenting


we declare an end to lyme’s disease

in these people’s bodies right now in

jesus mighty name

those of you that are praying for those

that have the lyme disease in a room

specifically i want you to pray holy

spirit come

in mighty presence and flush it out of

their system

really i it’s like a flood would just

flood it and carry

the floodwaters would carry it out

it’s it’s a strange picture but i

believe it’s it’s a god picture

thank you lord

yep thank you thank you lord

all right just give a moment of thanks

for the testimonies we are about to hear

lord we give you thanks

leoni that your word is true

your word is true amen go ahead and

find your places

uh those of you that stood in for

someone else

uh grab your phone send them a text and

uh just let them know

that we specifically prayed we’ve had

four people

healed in the last 15 days

of lyme’s disease we had another one


another one yesterday

somebody who came in great distance and


found out we were having our in-house


time together and uh some of our healing


attacked him and after

an hour or so all all symptoms

everything was gone so

thank you lord jesus yeah we thank you

we thank you

the key for everything that jesus

did was that he

he did what he saw his father do

living aware of a heavenly plan

a heavenly presence heavenly voice

jesus said when he heard his father say

did what he saw his father do the point


is he chose to live as a

man surrendered to god

even though he’s the eternal son of god

never stopped

being god he didn’t live from that that


scripture says he didn’t count equality

with god a thing to be grasped he didn’t

he didn’t grab hold of what was

available for him he chose to live

instead as a man surrendered

and we see examples through his life


have never been repeated or rarely


throughout any time in history where

there was

such well let’s be honest everyone he

prayed for was healed

that’s unique right there everyone he

ministered to

was always left in a place where they

could make a decision that would affect


it was that significant he knew how much

to say to one person for example

somebody would come and say what is


and they say what is it to you

it was a great time to preach his great

sermon but he chose not to

because he knew when to speak and when

not to a person says what is truth jesus

says what is it to you

he quotes a few commands jesus says do

that and you’ll be fine

what was he doing turning his attention

back to what he already knew but wasn’t


he didn’t need new information he needed

to return to what he knew

and jesus discerned that by knowing the

voice of the father

every one of us in this room were are

designed by god to recognize

the presence of god and the voice of god

i consider them

two different manifestations of the same


the voice and the presence i hear people


i don’t hear what god is saying but i

feel his peace

that’s what he’s saying

because his pr he is the word so his


speaks but he doesn’t always speak here

he speaks here what we have to learn to

do is adjust and accommodate that

presence that comes to bring peace

because it’s in that presence

that we find the heart for what we need

the courage to do

i i’ve told you before i i get jealous

of jesus when i see what he did is his

tenderness towards the father

the the fact that he could know in a

situation a woman comes to him and says

uh would you heal my daughter and she’s

a sorrowfinished woman

he was sent by the father to the jew

first not the gentile

he already instructed his disciples you

know our assignments to the jew first

there’s a long biblical reason for that

i’m not going to go into it now

it wasn’t jesus rejecting the gentile it


timing and the this syrophenician woman

is before jesus and

she says would you please heal my

daughter and he says i can’t give the

children’s bread to dogs

i mean churches have split over less

than that i mean that was that was you

know to

refer to you are a dog is not the most

kind thing ever spoken but

please don’t be offended by that because

jesus will often put

a barrier of offense between you and the

miracle you want

because the strength needed to overcome

the offense

is the strength necessary to maintain

the miracle

the strength needed to overcome the


is the actual strength that is needed to

hold on to the miracle and not lose it

in the mercy of god it’s not because he

hates despises or punishes

none of that is true but he knows what’s


and he’s willing to take that position

and offend my mind as paul kane i think

was the one who quoted

god will offend your mind to reveal your


and he’s done that to probably most of

us i know he’s done it to me

more times than i care to talk about

so he says to the woman i can’t give the

children’s bread to dogs

and the woman says but even the dogs

eat the crumbs from the table that the


drop and jesus

saw faith in her now she can’t get faith

anywhere but from the father

so how does he know what the father is


he saw faith in her

you need to see this because sometimes

we’re waiting for an external

voice an external impression instead of

seeing something

on the countenance of the person you’re

talking to

i just read a story either this morning

or last night i forget which by dr

about dr charles price he was an

extraordinary man he uh

he was actually a pastor down in lodi


and he was a great orator um

he was uh he would he he wanted to

he he would preach against miracles and

all the stuff that was going on

he would preach against amy simple


and uh and he snuck into one of her

meetings once because he wanted to get


information to expose her as a fraud

and somebody recognized him i don’t know

if he had one of the big rubber noses

and mustaches and glasses but

he was trying to hide in the back you

know and somebody recognized him

came and told her and she stood up she

says we are so

honored today i understand that dr

charles price is in the room now here’s

here’s this guy who preaches against her

she just wants to celebrate the guy you


and and he’s just embarrassed to tears

and somebody spots him they lead him up

put him up on the platform he ends up

getting whacked by god

he’s laid out as i understand under the

piano forever

and he gets up this mighty man of faith

perhaps the great if you can find the

book it’s an old classic called the real


i think the new one uh they retitled it

but that’s the original name the real


it’s probably the greatest book about

faith you’ll you’ll ever read

and but anyway dr charles price was uh

i read this little note about him he was


a healing crusade and the miracles that

would happen were just

absolutely extraordinary astounding

and if you’ve ever been in these

meetings you

you you pour out your life and then you

end up praying for a couple hours

and there’s just there’s an exhaustion


if you’ve not done it you don’t

comprehend and he’s at that point

when a woman comes up to him and says i

forget who it was a relative or friend

was dying in the hospital could he come

and pray for her well typically that’s

not something you can do just to be

honest with you just can’t do this not a

slot in the day

because the days are usually filled with

everything for this crusader conference

or whatever

and the this story says he stopped for a


and he said yes i’ll come and when he


he told them she will be healed we’re

not going just to pray we’re going

because she will be healed

and then he said why so i’ve come to

recognize when i stopped for a moment

the spirit of god

his presence his power came upon me and

i knew that was the witness he’s done

that before

and that was the witness to me i am

being sent because she will be healed

and she was the point was is you have to


how he manifests to you you have to know

william branham had a certain thing that

would happen to him oral roberts

i forget what hand it was i think it was

his right hand

demonized people wouldn’t come to the

right side of his body

because if they touch the right hand the

demons would manifest

why i don’t know you just work with him


he’s the mysterious one you know you

don’t you don’t try to control him you


and that just happens to be the way that

god used

him so the point really is that

everybody in this room you were designed

by god

to recognize his voice you are designed

by god to recognize his presence

everything about you sometimes i can

feel physically

when he’s come upon me but there are

other times

where i can recognize his presence

because of inspired thought

i was in a meeting a couple weeks ago

where during the worship i was getting

so much download i haven’t been in that

zone if you will of revelation uh

knowledge at that level in a long time

and it happened during the worship i i

had to

i was i was stunned i was overwhelmed by

his presence

but it was because of inspired thought

i’m just trying to mention a few of the

kinds of ways that he shows up to let us

know that he

is present that he’s about to do


for a number of years i would have um

i would have this this like a fire this

is feeling strange now i’m starting to

feel a little self-conscious

so i i have something else i’m gonna i

was gonna teach

right now i don’t know what i’m gonna do

except just feel

self-conscious and just tell you some of

my personal journey

so i think that’ll have to be good

enough for tonight

um i would have this thing happen

where i would feel this fire it’s like a

fire rest on my right shoulder

and i would i wouldn’t tell anybody

about it that’s not true

i told my personal staff i had three or

four people that worked for me and

and i would be sitting there in a car

i’d say put your hand right here and

they would and it would just be

hot this could be and and uh because

this presence in fact is

coming there right now this presence

would come and just rest there

and i thought well this is weird in fact

i was in a i was in a banquet once

and i’m sitting up at a front table and

i kept moving my face into the fire

because i was trying to

i’m i’m sorry i was just trying to

figure this out you know

because my right ear is burning my

shoulders burning so i put my face into


then i put back after the banquet was


somebody at the table behind me said do

you have problems with your neck

we’re happy to pray for you i started

laughing though

no i’m sorry this one’s rough to explain

but then it helped me so much bob jones

explained to me what that is he said

that’s the dove that remains

if you remember in jesus baptism it says

when that when he begins to manifest in

that way

it’s because he’s positioned you with

confidence in your authority to do


so what do you do when you hear a

veteran talk to you in that way you make

a mental note

i’m not going to try to imagine it

because i don’t want to try to make

something up

but i do want to cooperate if he speaks

in a certain way

he speaks in riddles often i’ve had

i’ve had great fun trying to trying to

decipher interpret the riddles of god

i i have it’s been it’s been just

fascinating to me

how he speaks sometimes it’s very clear

i’ve had twice he’s woken me up with his


there was a season where i was praying a

lot about writing i didn’t have the

education to write

didn’t have the training but i had a

desire in my heart

and i and at that time i didn’t have the

confidence to even try

uh unless he told me it was he was in it

and uh i would approach it differently

today but at that time that’s that was

my understanding

and i remember praying for an extended

period of time i just

if god do you want me to write it’s in

my heart to write

and one night middle of the night he

spoke and he woke me up with his voice

and i’ll tell you exactly what he said

he said isaiah

30 verse 8. that was it

i woke up and i thought that was clear

and i waited and nothing else came

so when i opened my bible to isaiah 30

verse 8 it says

now go and write


all right no more excuses no more


but he speaks that way and

i had written my first book i got

buried into conference life and what’s

going on here

thrilled to pieces with what god’s doing

but just a crazy schedule

i got up to where i was traveling 185

days a year and

plus pastoring and the school and all

the stuff we do

and uh and i checked into a i took a

team from here to

texas you’re all right with just

rambling right all right because

because this is weird so i check into a

hotel room in texas

i’ve got maybe 15 20 students with me

and i check into the hotel room and the

gal behind the counter says oh you’ve

got a room your room is 308

and i thought that’s a good caliber of a


my most accurate rifle is a 308

for those of you that are into this 90

of you won’t even know the language

i’m talking but the ten percent of you

will about to be blessed

that gun will shoot under quarter inch

groups at a hundred yards

three shots center to center under a

quarter inch that is accurate

glory to jesus so when

when uh when she gave me room 308 i


yep it’s a good caliber of a rifle and i

just laughed it off went to my room went

to the next city

308 i went this is confirmation i need

to go hunting

you know and then

that morning i woke up at 308

and i went all right uh what’s what’s up

i’ve had these things happen before and

i just simply ask him a question and he


but this time he was silent he was


several days later i’m home i’m in my


and i remember i asked him if i should


and he said isaiah 30 verse 8 and i have

just filled my calendar

and there is no time to write

why does he speak in mystery because

then you’ll linger

longer in his presence

why does he speak in mystery because

he’s wanting you to engage

in dialogue what did you mean by this

what do you want with me because of this

he’s wanting the exchange he’s wanting

the sense of

purpose embracing journey

we are not robots commanded to fulfill a


we are people in a relational journey

and it requires

exchange it requires dialogue some

things he’s made clear to me

other things they just remain mystery

but they’ve lingered

we had a situation

how many of you have heard the story of

the road runner

put your hands up how many have never

heard the story of the roadrunner

uh my story of the roadrunner i’m not

talking about the cartoon

how many of you have never okay all


all right i’m going to i’m going to this

is very strange for me i want you to


just watch me squirm and enjoy it as

much as you can i uh

back at the beginning of the outpouring

here we back where the dining room is

here that’s where our prayer room was

we didn’t have this wing over here at


and we’d go in there the dining area

we’d pray before services

and i remember one sunday night i i

would like to get their

starts at uh prayer meeting starts at

five but i like to get there a little


i got to i think about 20 to five or


and wanted to pray so i was walking

through praying

and it has glass doors and glass windows

kind of a wall of glass windows

and a road runner came up to the window

with a big old lizard in its mouth and

would just dance

up against the glass it hit the glass

and come back hit the glass

and i’m standing like this far away i’ve

never seen a road run in my life

now those of you that are from parts of

the country that’s normal

you know i’ve seen them since since i’ve

been in arizona and

phoenix uh some of these places uh down

in texas in dallas i saw some

but i’m standing this far away he’s

jumping towards the glass

he’s got a lizard in his mouth

and i’m thinking this is too weird to

not be prophetic

this is so strange i humped i spend

a lot of time outdoors i hunt i fish i’m

in this country i’ve never seen one i’ve

never heard of one

seen one and there’s a roadrunner in

redding and it’s not a cartoon

and i look at him eventually he goes


and then other people start coming to

the prayer meeting so we’re walking

around praying

and and uh i’m walking around

and don mayer uh walks in and goes oh

the roadrunner’s back and i look over

and there he is again i said what do you

mean back

he said he was here last week i went he

came to the prayer meeting yeah he was

here at the prayer meeting last week

you’re kidding he he came last sunday

now he comes tonight yep

came to the prayer meeting all right so

i could hardly wait till the next week

next prayer meeting same thing he showed

up again

he didn’t come to any of my sermons but

he came to prayer meetings

and he would come to the permit and he

would almost always have a big lizard in

his mouth

or a big night crawler or something and

he would dance at the window trying to

get in

so i would call all my prophetic friends

saying you know i don’t want to spread


you know i don’t want any people already

think we’re weird

they accused me of all kinds of things

talking to the dad who knows what else

which i don’t do

we’ve got this road runner that’s been

coming to our prayer meetings

and they would give me you know some

stories about road runners and stuff but

nothing ever clicked

and finally i found that roadrunners are

one of the only animals

that will kill a rattlesnake

and i thought all right you’re now my

best friend because i’m not a real fan

of snakes

especially the kind that can kill you i

we don’t get along

and uh and so a road runner will

actually dance around the snake will

strike it’ll move out of the way

use its peck to hit the back his pecker

hit the back of his head and and then

kill it and then eat it

he’ll walk around for days with this

long snake out of it out of its mouth

until they just slowly digest the snake

i thought well it’s weird but it works

for me

so i thought well snake is devil you

know roadrunner

you know is is good and then i found

he’s related to the eagle

who knew that we started having our

interceptions start praying into it

and doing research for me so they would

quietly send me emails with

information because this went on for


and banning came to be one one uh one

day he said

he said bill last night wednesday night

the youth pre-service prayer the

roadrunner came

so he would come to their prayer he

added their prayer meeting to his


as well

i thought this is so strange i kept

asking god what are you trying to say

because they had always tried again he’s

all tried again he could never get in

what are you trying to say and i had all

kinds of interpretations but none of


satisfied to be honest with you after

this went on for a long time we started

building the prayer house over here

and if you’ve ever seen out of one of

the windows looking

east there’s a rock that

that if you look at it from a certain

angle it almost looks like a

the beak of an eagle and while they were

building the roadrunner would go over

there and watch them build

the prayer house

i’m just reporting i’m not making this

stuff up i’m not embellishing he would


he would just stand there and watch them

build the prayer house

so this went on for quite a while and


he’s almost become like a mascot you


and one day one of our janitors came to


crying just really broken and he said


i said what’s up he said i killed the

roadrunner i said what

and he said this is what happens i was


the roadrunner got in he was in the


and he was up up cleaning the upstairs

room up there

and uh he said the roadrunner is there


and uh so i turn on worship music go sit

in the middle of the floor the

roadrunner would come right in front of


and they they would worship together uh

i don’t know i’m not saying

i’m not saying he took his wings and i’m

not saying that


is this story weird it is don’t repeat

this because you won’t be accurate

just don’t but yeah no he i’m not saying

he did that

but he would honestly come right in

front of the guy

and in worship for a while then he’d

start feeling bad about not working

so he’d get up and vacuum some more and

then he would just be curious i wonder

if he’d do it again he’d turn the music

on sit in the middle of the floor of the

roadrunner come sit right in front of


and worship some more

strange and he said i needed to clean

the rest of the building so i went down

the hallway and the roadrunner followed

came down the stairs roadrunner came

down the stairs came down this hallway

out here this wide hallway

was walking along and somebody was in a


and opened the classroom door behind

them it spooked the roadrunner

he flew to the end of the hallway into

the plate glass window

and died

that’s just that that can’t be the will

of god that’s what i figured

so he told me i said where did you put

him he says i’ll show you he’s out back

i said well you know let’s go raise him

from the deck because we

this this

this can’t possibly be the will of god

right there’s no dead road runners in


it was it was a weird experience

i know what anointing and presence is

and i would have all this confidence

as we had walked towards and i actually

experimented i would get about eight

feet away and it would lift

it was on me that would lift

i prayed anyway because i don’t i don’t

want to just reduce things to what i

discern because i know that i see in


so i put my two fingers on his head

spoke life the best i knew how and

nothing happened

i went to my office i went

you’ve been trying to talk to us for

months and i still don’t get it

what’s what’s up with this and he spoke

to me

he said what i am bringing into the


has to have a way of being released from

the house or it will die in the house

what i am bringing into the house that

which god is pouring out upon us

has to be taken out of the house to

people or it will be

inbred and die in the house

he talks in strange ways

but he had my attention for six months

because it was a bird that would show up

and it

just confused me but he enjoyed the


he doesn’t mind confusing you if you’ll

come to him with questions

see the scripture says in psalm proverbs

25 verse 2

it’s the glory of god to conceal a

matter but it’s the glory of kings

to search out a matter do you understand

that you are according to

both peter and the book of revelation

you are a

royal priesthood you are royalty

our royalty is never more clearly

seen than when we know we have


to ask for the mysteries to ask for the


to ask for the hidden things he has

hidden them

for us not from us

so everything i was going to talk about

just got dumped

and i’m just going to invite you to be a


of god in new ways

he talks uniquely he talks

sometimes i see this happen a lot now

uh unusual coincidences

there are times where i’ll call out a

disease and i’ll see three or four of

them sitting right together

that tells me they’re going to be healed

because it’s an unusual coincidence

learn to recognize the unique things

that he speaks through

he speaks through riddles

unusual coincidences strange experiences

a burning bush

he turned aside then he heard and got


the lord puts these things all through

our life it doesn’t mean

every leaf on the ground has a prophetic


but if you see the same unique thing

happening over and over again

just ask the question are you trying to

talk to me

i’ll mention one more thing and then

we’re gonna we’ll pray together once

we’ll end this we’ve

we’ve been here for three or four days

already so

some people who think everything is


they make me nervous because they just

get weird i mean

somebody’s holding a broom and it’s

prophetic you know somebody’s

somebody drives a chevy and it’s

prophetic and it’s just

it just it hurts my brain i don’t want

to think that much just leave me alone

i want to drive to the store without

interpreting the road i’m on you know

and and so i’m i am about to step into

their world

that’s my disclaimer there are times

where the lord just put something in

front of me

over and over and over again and i tend

to be a little bit on the slow side

and i just had one of those situations

in october

of 2003 i have it written in one of my


this will sound rather simple to you but

i for

an extended period of time had

constantly run

into the number 555 it’d be an address

it’d be a license plate it would be

you know i don’t know maybe a room

number of a hotel it’s just always

something it’s just for

a period of time it was day after day

after day

and finally i’m at this international

healing conference in minneapolis and i

go to bed well i always go to bed late

in those things and

hopefully get a chance to sleep a little

longer in the morning and i wake up and

i look at the clock and it’s 5

5 5. thankfully benny stayed home on

that trip so i could be out loud

and and not wake her so i woke up i

looked at the clock

it’s 5 5 5 and i said out loud

what are you trying to tell me

i want the explanation but that’s what

he wanted from me

he wanted dialogue he wants me to draw


he wants me to to enter conversation

he wants me to put on my royalty hat

and ask for ask for explanation of


the things that were hidden for me

because they weren’t hidden from me

and i said what are you trying to tell


it’s a hard experience to explain but it

was though i was instantly asleep and he

spoke audible

i don’t know how that works i just know

what happened

he said the anointing for the day of the

cancellation of debt

is upon you

and then i woke up the anointing

for the is as clear as my voice the

anointing for the day

of the cancellation of death is upon you

i know that whenever anyone

talks about strange things like this

different ways of hearing from god

it gives the weirdest people among us

permission to get weirder

i have to take that risk because it also

gives some people that would never stop

and ask the question

what does this mean i’ll take the risk

because you may have him speak audible

you may

have him open an opportunity you may

have him give you

a faith for something there are times

where i know what i’m supposed to do

because i’m looking at three options and

i look at one of the options

and out of nowhere i believe god

i have a faith for this faith is a gift

from god

it’s the product of his hand

i’m convinced there were times where

jesus knew what the father was doing

because he he had a faith for something

and he looked at the sorrowfinished

woman and he saw

an unusual dimension of faith that he’s

never seen

even among all the jews

and when he sought he knew that was his


that’s what the father is doing

i want to be good enough in my

perception that i can see

faith in somebody else’s eyes

i don’t mean what they say because we

know enough to say the right thing

a lady came up to me years ago she said

tonight’s my night

she’s hooked up to some kind of a pump

pumps directly into her heart i forget

now it’s been so long but i think it was

she could go seven minutes without

medication and then she would die

it literally kept her alive and she

walked up to me and she said i believe

that tonight’s by night

and i i did i’ve never done this before

in my before or since

but she’s standing right here she said i

believe that tonight’s my night

i could feel faith on her so strong that

it was visible

i actually did this i was a little

embarrassed afterwards i stepped back

and i looked at her head to toe and toed


the reason is i wanted every cell of my


to never forget what i was now seeing

because i was seeing something

i had never witnessed before and that


faith on her was tangible

and i stood back and i looked and i

wanted to take a moment to let

literally every part of me to become


of what was on her because i never

wanted to forget it

i walked up and prayed for her she went

on the ground

she was there for 20 minutes or so

when she got up i talked to her i said

what’s happening she said there’s a

something to do with with her heart and


she said there’s this heat in my in my

chest or in the lungs and as she walked

away i said your faith got you that one

she came back the next night every

morning at seven o’clock she would

change the bag of

medication it was had electrical pump

that would pump into her heart

and change the bag and she went to

change it and the lord spoke to her and


you don’t need that anymore

i’m you know you got just a few minutes

to find out if you heard from god

i’m i mean it’s it’s either it’s either

i’m healed or

oops i’m here i’m here a little early

you know so she came that sunday night

and she’s there i said howard she said

she said i took off the bag of


i haven’t had it all day i’m i’m totally

i brought her up

had her give testimony everyone it was

you learn to see and to feel and to

perceive and

i don’t consider myself a very good seer

at all

i hear better than i see but i’m


i’m facing the right direction right i

mean i may need

the remedial reading kind of vision

but i’m good just do whatever you need

to do to help me to see

but that’s the journey we’re on and i

want to invite you into another level

of hearing and seeing because he’s

invited us

to do what the father is doing and to

say what the father is saying

why don’t you stand

that was weird but it was it was good

that was fun

i love hearing the stories of people who

hear from god differently

like the story i told you about charles

price he felt the holy spirit coming

across his shoulders

i read i took a photo of the story on my

my ipad put it in my file because i i

want to come back to that

because i want to i want to recognize

how others perceive him

so fire across the shoulders i’m ready

thundering voice is easy

now go and write

there’s not much follow-up conversation

you’re just going right

but when he says there’s another


he’s got something in his mouth i’m

bringing a harvest into the house

that you have to be ready to release to

impact the city in the nation

or whatever you gather will die

he spoke once it took six months of


to find out what he was saying

how many are ready for that

let’s put your hands out let’s pray

the bottom line father is we just love

your voice we love your will

everything about your will is just

it is overwhelmingly wonderful

overwhelmingly wonderful

you’ve declared of yourself you only do

wondrous things it’s all you’ve ever

done is wonderous things

we’re so deeply impacted by the wondrous


and we want to be more connected

to what you’re saying and what you’re


i ask that you’d open the eyes of our

heart to see

in ways we’ve never seen open our ears

to hear in ways we’ve never

heard that we would perceive

more of your heartbeat in every

situation around us

help us to be more courageous in hearing

from you

than we are fearful of being wrong

help us to be more courageous in

responding to you

than we are afraid of being wrong

help us to demonstrate your kindness

your wonder your beauty

your peace your joy your love your

spirit of breakthrough

to person after person around us i ask


all of this that jesus would be exalted

now here’s what i want you to do i want

you to take just

maybe two minutes i want you to pray for


for the next 30 day period if you know

you’re going to a city

you’re going to be with family you’re

going to be at work whatever it might be

recall it to mine

bring it before the lord and just say

god i want you to speak to me here

i want you to prepare me for this i’ll

be at work this week i would like to be

a fountain of life to people around me

i’m going to be with relatives that

are difficult to get along with lord i’d

like to come to them with compassion

i’ve never had before

just put it on your lips pray it out

loud you don’t have to be loud but pray

it’ll have the courage to pray out loud

and uh and then we will

open you up up the front here

in our own homes lord

in our own homes

expand our capacity expand our capacity

in fact put your hand on your head again

i know we already did it once but god

release the dreams

teach us with the dreams you know why he

gives us strange dreams

and so we’ll stop and have dialogue he

wants us just to draw near with our


so lord i pray for that i pray that you

would you would you would speak to us

in the night in the night in the night

so that we can draw near yet again to

find your heart

and that that you’ve spoken to us i ask

all of this in the name of jesus

amen amen amen