We believe that the Church consists of all who put their faith in Jesus Christ. He gave His Church the ordinances of baptism and communion. The Church exists to carry on the ministry of Jesus Christ and further advance His kingdom by undoing the works of the enemy, preaching and living the good news of God’s love, and discipling the nations – baptizing and teaching them to love and obey God.

you know the whole the whole point that

i make i hope i make it well

is that the christian life technically

isn’t the cross it’s the it’s the


but you don’t get there without the

cross the cross is absolutely central

you take communion personally quite a

bit but

jesus taught us not don’t get too far

away from my sacrifice like you’re going

to come back to my broken body and my

blood pretty regularly exactly this is

important for you stay connected to this

so how does that function for you as far

as we don’t feel like we’re getting

close far from the gospel because we’re

regularly having communion it’s part of

the rhythm of our community so like what

it’s the lamb of god on the throne yeah

yeah so forever there’s that reference

point yeah you know yeah um

communion is a huge part of of church

life in general

uh for us for me it’s something i took

again this morning and

yesterday and i most every day i i take


come before the lord and honor him for

his absolute love for us as people his

self-giving yeah that he would sacrifice

himself i

i just i literally just go through this

before him and say god

you became empty so that i could be full

you were broken

so i could be whole

you were rejected

so i could be accepted

you were despised so i could be


you became poor that i could be rich you

became sin so that i could become

righteousness and just regularly just

rehearse these things that he became all

of that so that i could have life yeah i

didn’t earn any of it it’s all a gift

and so when i take that broken body i

just i remind myself

of the of the price that he paid so that

we could have life that we could receive

simple faith in what he did on my behalf

that gives me eternal life


it’s important for me

to rehearse that on a on a regular basis

and so i

i pray the broken body of course

represents many things but for once by

his stripes we’re healed so i i pray for

that healing grace to be released to

people that i know that are


and then i hold the cup before him and i

proclaim as for me in my house we will

serve the lord

and i i began to pray for

family members i pray for those who

who would aggressively oppose me in the

gospel and i and i honestly uh

with heartfelt affection pray for the

blessing of the lord on their lives as

well and it’s just a it’s an important

part of of my life

so the eucharist the communion is so

central uh this practice the lord’s

given us

for us it sits within this kingdom but

and the kingdom’s about his presence it

started in his presence in the garden

and then uh it’ll end in his presence

heaven is his presence yes it’s not so

much a place it’s a person to be

exactly the this relationship of the


but sometimes i think we the cross is a

component of the lord’s kingdom


in the way we talk about it and that

might be confusing sometimes it’s like

because it’s not all the cross and then

getting to heaven it’s actually the

cross heals humanity and then the

kingdom is born and more are invited to

become like god in relationship with the

lord so i sometimes wonder if

if it feels like the cross isn’t center

because we have this larger

story of the kingdom of god before and

in the kingdom of god to come that the

cross is the way into

do you want to speak about that real

quickly or yeah here’s another

challenging thing to understand and to

articulate well so that

so that we we represent him so we never

minimize the cross

discussion it’s central it’s central but

it doesn’t end at the cross

you know the whole the whole point that

i make i hope i make it well

is that the christian life technically

isn’t the cross it’s the it’s the

resurrection but you don’t get there

without the cross the cross is

absolutely central it’s

it’s you can’t ra you know jesus didn’t

raise himself from the dead you know you

don’t die and then raise yourself to

demonstrate something it’s the complete

abandonment to the will of god and it’s

the resurrection life and presence of

god that comes and enables us to live by

grace in a way that represents jesus

well so you can’t separate the two

and i okay i’m living in resurrection

power in this but tomorrow i’m still

gonna have to die again to this

situation or to that i’m gonna have to

deny my flesh and this or you know

whatever it might be it’s it’s the

continuous cycle

of truly bearing up our cross following

after jesus but knowing it leads to

something here’s my concern is as i was

raised in an environment that not with

my dad but in various teachers that they

would emphasize the cross

but it became morbid because there was

never a resurrection

it never led to anything

it only led to you can’t do that you

can’t become that you can’t dream that

all your dreams desires are of the flesh

and it it ended wow the expression

of human uh uniqueness that god actually

wanted to to bring out you know john

matthew mark luke and john each have the

fingerprints of those four men in those

four gospels god wasn’t afraid to have

their personalities demonstrated because

he values us he doesn’t want to do it

without us he wants to include us in the

journey and so here we are

i’ve i’ve just wanted to make sure that

yes we emphasize the cross the cross is

central but my goodness it’s got to lead

to something there’s got to be

that this experience of laying down my

life has led me into a place where i can

represent him better through purity

through power through my love for people

it’s there’s got to be resurrection we

don’t leave it in the rearview mirror

like we’re driving away from it it’s

actually we through the eucharist

through the singing of this through our

own devotional life we live connected to

his self-giving love on the cross every

day as we’re moving and advancing the

kingdom yeah that’s the best as we know

how that’s when you know how yeah we’ll

get to having to figure out well we

could have done that better

no doubt no doubt

i’ve enjoyed our time it’s been super

fun and let’s do it again all right

