Bill Johnson teaches from Psalm 67 on the responsibility of blessing. We have a responsibility to pray for and steward the blessing and favor of God in our lives, that His way may be known in the earth. God’s blessing on our lives is evidence of a good and perfect Father. Bill’s sermon is part of Bethel’s Vision Sunday, detailing the new building project.






i just i want to go on record i like

that shirt chris

i’m just telling you i like i like the


i’m not fond of the dance the dance can


but uh but the shirt is is nice in fact

the dance isn’t even a dance it’s

it’s a wounded parrot or something



peacock that’s a

a wounded peacock


i love what uh what’s going on i love it


i’m so thankful to see uh things start

to take shape

you gotta understand as as as

one of the team members here i i’m so

excited for what’s happening i’m so

excited what i see the lord doing

and in a sense the last thing in the

world i want to do is teach about a


i mean that’s what the slot is is aimed

for so what i felt the lord putting in

my heart

was something that would be useful and

applicable to every person but it also

fits in the context of what god’s called

us to

um i


let me hear

here let me figure something out

i was

hunting in texas

last november

let’s give thanks for texas let’s give


for hunting

i i forgot to do it this time but

usually when we do a conference i’ll

read off the names of the nations that

have visited

and then i will ask did i forget any

countries and

texans always yell out texas because

because you all texans actually think

you’re a separate country

and so when i go there i actually bring

my passport in case something happens

while i’m there so

i was uh i was there on a trip last

december with a friend of mine

and uh and i couldn’t sleep one night

and so i

rolled over grabbed my ipad

and opened to

i have a file of just a whole bunch of

prophetic words and i like to review

them i like to keep them before my eyes

my heart and so i opened that up and i

started reading

this prophetic word that i didn’t

remember receiving

in fact michael maiden who was here a

year ago and actually gave us a very

strong word about this new building he

said if you don’t build it now you won’t

be ready for what’s about to happen

and it was it was a there was a sense of

prophetic urgency uh in that word and

and we heard it and uh

and said amen together well that same

friend michael maden maiden

sent this to me and i had forgotten that

i had never received it and in this

prophetic word was this

i saw a large tech company

approach you wanting to partner in what

you’re doing and offering you a large

building for a training school for


so like this i’m in text i read this i

went wait a minute that’s what’s

starting to form right now

at home i don’t think anybody knows this

word was given

so it’s like two in the morning and i i

got my i had my ipad so i copied that

and i sent it to chris i said hey look

isn’t this what’s happening right now

because a large tech company wanted to

partner or give place for our tech

school and it was in detail what was in


in this word was actually what was

happening so obviously that brought

great encouragement to us

and uh

and so that’s what’s happening and i i i

love the connection if you ever study

like um

it’s throughout the psalms but it’s

especially in haggai

it’s in uh

ezra nehemiah these are all building

books they all talk about building

facilities and there’s this there’s this

not strange in a sense a weird or wrong

but unusual connection between building

and profits

it said they actually

they actually partnered with the

prophets and they succeeded

uh some things were actually built under

the guidance or direction of the


and so we believe very strongly in that

prophets do not take the place of our

responsibility to hear from god


but our responsibility to hear from god

personally doesn’t take the place of the

prophet either they work together in

tandem and so i’m very thankful when the

lord has been so kind and generous to us

through the years on bringing us

prophetic words and and we have a

boatload right now

so i figure i’m going to have to lift

about 180 to fill fulfill all of them so


yeah that’s just an ugly picture right

there so i uh let’s let’s turn in your

bibles how about that we’ve got 16

minutes left to

to talk to you i want you to open to

psalm 67 and i have a what i consider to

be very strange

unusual word to give on a sunday where

we’re talking about buildings as we are

and yet i think it’ll make hopefully

it’ll make sense to you once we get


because i believe uh and i will say this

i don’t i don’t use this phrase very

often but i believe prophetically

i’m i’ve come into an understanding of a


season if you will

a new way that god is going to release

himself to and upon

and through us as a people so hopefully

this will make a little bit more sense

in it in a moment let’s read

psalm 67 of the entire psalm we’re going

to go back to one verse i’ll expand on

it and share testimony and then i want

to read through it and give a little bit

of context okay

verse 1 of psalm 67

god be merciful to us and bless us

cause his face to shine upon us

that your way may be known on earth

and your salvation among the nations

let the peoples praise you o god let all

the peoples praise you

oh let the nations be glad and sing for

joy for you shall judge the people

righteously and govern the nations on


say hello

let the peoples praise you o god let all

the peoples praise you

then the earth

shall yield her increase

god our own god shall bless us

god shall bless us and all the ends of

the earth

shall fear him

this psalm



a change in perception

a change in perspective on the nature of

god the tools that he uses we already

know about his heart for the nations but

the tools that he has designed and

created to literally draw in the nations

in part are represented in this song

and what i want you to do is i want you

to look at verse six again let me talk

to you for just a few minutes on verse

six it says then the earth now this is

following the people of god coming in to

a measure of blessing a let me say a

mantle or breakthrough in the area of

blessing now i’m not talking about get

rich schemes i’m not talking about

building personal empires i’m talking


supernatural wealth

intellectually emotionally

relationally in every single part of

life is the design of the lord

it includes finances but that’s not the

focus the focus here

honestly is the overall well-being of a

person who lives well with the lord

doesn’t mean no problems or challenges

it just means he walks with us in those

difficulties and brings about his

redemptive solution so verse 6

then the earth shall yield her increase

god our own god shall bless us i love

that verse the earth shall yield or

increase because somehow in this

unusual invitation to live in the

blessing of the lord

and to see nations come to him a part of

that process is that the earth would say

all right

you can have it i’ve been holding it in

all this time but now you can have the

earth yields surrenders its increase

we have a wonderful prayer house over

here i remember the sunday we

presented a project to the church family

here years ago when people were you know

the church had had grown to a much

smaller size


and uh and it was during that time the

lord put in in my heart the vision for

that prayer house literally i i saw it

sitting on this front row

and that’s a long story not for now but

when we went to raise the money that one

sunday morning chris had just got here

and prophesied that all of that money

would come in and pledges or offering in

that in that one day

and uh

and and so as soon as he gave that word

i think he hid under the front row


we were going to take an offering and

actually find out if it happened so

that’s a quick way to test the prophetic

words real quick way yeah

either you have it or you don’t and uh

and i think we ended up with eight

dollars and fifty cents over the amount

that was needed and one of the kids in

the church gave ten dollars and i think

he’s he’s convinced he took us over the

over the edge into the into the land of


and that happened on that maybe that

prayer house my wife uh had a uh she

would manage the prayer ministry there

she had a little office as you walk in

there’s a little door to the left and

there’s a small little office that was

her office and and of course you pray

there as well as in the main part and

and work from that little office and she

had a plant in there

and this plant just if you can imagine

being in this place where this

continuous worship like 24 7 and prayer

and intercession for the nations and all

that goes on there


no weddings no bible studies no anything

else just prayer and worship

uh this little plant that would bloom

every like it would have flowers every

november and december

but something happened to that plant in

the time it spent in that prayer house

it finally got to where it just bloomed

12 months of the year

just continues 12 months of the year now

you have to understand

when when the more pronounced the

presence of god comes the more he messes

with our understanding of seasons

jesus said in john 4

he said you say it takes three months

and then there’s a harvest why did they

say it took three three months into

harvest because that’s what it takes

you plant the seed three months later

you get the harvest so jesus says you

say takes three months i say the fields

are ripe and ready for harvest of course

he’s talking about evangelism but he’s

using a natural parallel

i remind you the book of ezekiel says

and your trees will bear fruit 12 months

of the year

so here’s this plant over here that

would have blooms on it 12 months of the

year benny and i bought a new house a

few years ago three a little over three

years ago

and uh and the previous owner did a

masterful job of hiring and having

landscaping done and so there’s flowers

and trees in all the right places you

know and there’s this one place right up

front and uh right to the right of the

walkways you go towards the house this


section of just iris flowers i love

flowers i just i’m so impressed with god

who would create flowers that don’t do

anything except look beautiful i mean

they just look beautiful and the god

that that would be in his heart and mind

you know he’s he’s different than we

sometimes think he’s not just this the

industrious functional person he’s one

who loves beauty he his first miracle

took place at a wedding and this it’s

just this heart of a celebr celebratory

father who who does this stuff so here’s

these irises and we noticed a year or so

ago uh in fact it was a year ago these

irises they bloom every um

i think it’s march and april or april

may maybe

and and a a year ago they they had

blooms in november

that continued in december

and then of course they started again in


in may

but then we noticed in the heat of the

summer july

they had flowers again

and then in august in the smoky heat of

august flowers again and september and

they’ve got flowers in fact after this

noah’s flood that took place here just


competing with no exaggeration but only


after that it just threw up a whole

bunch more flowers and so we’ve got this

iris plant in front of our house that is

now giving us beautiful flowers

basically 12 months of the year

what is i i feel like little tiny things

like this are signs to catch our

attention that there’s a shift in season

in which he’s going to function outside

of that nature outside of the boundaries

it’s not that

nature and those responsibilities aren’t

fit they are but they are not limiting

they don’t limit him

and i i felt i was honestly to

prophetically declare a shift in seasons

where things would happen unusually so

in the area of harvest and personal


i have a friend i won’t mention his name

just to

to uh to keep

the focus away from me i’m not i’m not

sure he’d appreciate it

but he has thousands of orange trees

and these oranges uh we have a north

street at our house right now that our

previous owner made sure was planted

it’s gorgeous and it has oranges right

now i just ate a couple this week from

and so november december i think jane

where we have uh oranges

but my friends orange trees i think he’s

got like 12 000 of them

half of them

have oranges in like july

and june

the wrong season

and they’re worth like 10 times i think

it’s 10 times a huge significant

increase of the value of each orange

they’re also the best quality possible

and they

he harvests them in the wrong time of

year nobody has them that time of year

except for him

he does have a whole bunch of pastors

that walk through these orange streets

praying continuously it might have

something to do with the change of

season but then he told me almost in

house terms


that he has i forget enough it’s six

trees or twelve trees that actually bear

oranges twelve months of the year

i i feel like there’s some of these

things are starting to happen

it may be completely different for you

but it’ll be simply a lesson to increase

the awareness that god’s seasons are

different than ours and they are never

restrictive they are always avenues of

expression there are times for him to

reveal his heart and his abundance now

go back to this


psalm 67

verse 1

god be merciful to us boy it all starts

with mercy

mercy is when we don’t get what we

deserve grace is when we get what we

don’t deserve

god be merciful to us and bless us and

cause his face to shine on us that

phrase caused his face to shine upon us

is a prayer for the favor of a loving

father his countenance to actually be

seen on our countenance

that his delight over us would be

actually seen in evidence on our own

expression our own the way we do life

this prayer

what i believe is a very serious mandate

we are responsible to pray for the

blessing of god in our personal lives

it is a responsibility we owe the world

around us a blessed life

now again i’m not talking about

materialistic empires i’m talking about

pursuing the favor of god

manifested on our lives because the next

verse says that your way would be no one

on earth they won’t know what kind of

father you’re like unless you do

something unusually bountiful with my

life with my relationships with my

health with my finances with favor open

doors all these things are supposed to

be marked with an unusual sense of favor

and blessing and we owe we owe each

other that kind of personal prayer life

god bless me

let it come from your mercy god

bless me cause your face to shine on me

otherwise they won’t know what kind of a

father you are

but notice the next phrase it says and


to the nations goodness gracious is it


that a last day revival the harvest the

billion soul harvest at least in part


because the nature of a perfect father

was seen upon a people that hosted and

carried his favor and his blessings well

it’s the calling car it’s the invitation

if you will he i have a father he really

cares for you as much as he cares for me

i want you to know what his favor looks

like i want you to know what his

blessing looks like he made complete

difference in your home and your

marriage and your business

that’s what we live is we live in this

privileged opportunity to introduce a

perfect father to a world a planet of


to be frank

then verse 3 and 4 just talk about this

what happens when the nations come to

the lord they bless the lord they live

in joy the nations are healthy and then

we get down to verse five let the

peoples praise you all the peoples

praise you then the earth shall yield to

increase god our own god shall bless us

here’s what i want you to notice verse 1

says god please bless us

verse 6 says god shall bless us

there’s a point in your prayer life

where you stop asking and you start


there’s a point in our prayer life where

we stop asking

i can feel it there are times in my own

time with him

it feels as though if i ask again it

will be an offense

i i don’t mean he’s angry at me i mean

i’m i’m not tapping into the moment he

created for me because there’s a point


it’s fruitless to ask because it’s been

settled it now must be decreed and it’s

in the decree that things the purposes

of god actually begin to unfold in a in

a realized fashion

jesus did this before he ever healed


before he ever opened blind eyes or

caused the lame to walk or anything he

declared in luke 4

the spirit of the lord god is upon me

because he has anointed me to preach the

gospel to the poor open the blind eyes

recovery of sight to the blind the

healing of the lamb he made the decree

before anything happened because he was

acknowledging this is what’s happened to

me and this is the reason and i’m

telling you folks

decree over your own life

i am blessed by god as a testimony to

the nations because the billion soul

harvest i get to be involved in i have a

role i have a part to play because the

favor of god is on my life and there

there is someone that’s going to see it

i don’t mean we all get broadcast on the

news who would want that anyway

but somebody’s going to see it another

family another individual is going to

see there’s something unusual resting

upon that person and it’s the attractant

it’s the invitation if you will it’s on

your life and mine and here it is

god shall bless us

god our own god shall bless us god verse

7 god shall bless us and here’s a here’s

a prophetic decree and all the ends of

the earth shall fear him

don’t get messed up by that fear because

the the fear of god in a right sense

draws us to him

the fear of god in a perverted sense

repels people from him

so this that was worth the entire day

right there this right here is a decree

it’s a prophetic decree that says god

shall bless us

in fact say this with me god shall bless


god shall bless us

and all the ends of the earth shall fear


and all the ends of the earth shall fear


you know what this whole arise and build

this is the tip of the iceberg

it may look

huge to you and to me

but it’s the tip of the iceberg because

it represents something that’s not just

about bethel or about reading it is

about the global expansion of what god

is doing on the planet through

like-hearted like-minded people that

will give themselves for the

transformation of cities and nations

around the world that is what is in

process and that building will become

the testimony of god’s nature it will

become a tool that is used to facilitate

revivalists going throughout all the

world and it will be the canvas

the whole thing that we build there is a

canvas that illustrates our

understanding of who he is and how we

value people that is the nature of that

building i want you to stand for it


come on jesus

come on jesus god shall bless i say it

god shall bless us

and all the ends of the earth shall fear


i know we’ve got such a wonderful huge

online community and man we love and

bless you guys i love running into you

various places around the world i want

you to join with us we’re going to say

it again

god shall bless us

and all the ends of the earth shall fear


i want to give you permission to pray in

fact permission and an assignment

to pray for personal blessing

he would not direct us to pray for

something if it wasn’t his intention to


he also would not direct us to place

pray something

if it would happen without our praying

he doesn’t direct us in prayer

if he’s going to do it anyway without

our prayer

in other words he invites us into this

covenantal role

where we bring petition before him

because it’s his heart to do it but

without the prayer

it won’t happen

i’m not saying he won’t do anything i’m

just saying

the potential is never reached without

the full cooperation with what he has


just put a hand on somebody’s shoulder

next to you and i want you to pray

the abundance of the blessing and favor

of god to rest upon that life

and that household in this next season

in this next season the abundance of

god’s favor

the abundance of god’s favor on that

household this next season

i want you to declare over them god

shall bless you

god shall bless you

god is in the process of blessing you

and all the ends of the earth will fear


amen father i pray that this would just

increase you did so good look at you

you look like you actually like each


one more thing

one more one more thing real quickly

hold your place if you would any time we

gather together there’s always the

chance there are people here that do not

have a personal relationship with jesus

you don’t know what it is to be

born again as the term the bible uses

transformed from the inside out forgiven

of sin brought into god’s family and if

there’s anybody here that’s in that

place and and you would say bill i don’t

want to leave the building until i know

i am i am right with god i am until i

know what it is to have peace with god

then i want you to do that by just

putting a hand up and just saying bill

that’s me i don’t want to leave the

building until i know i’ve been forgiven

of sin i’ve been brought into the family

of god

anyone online that is in this

this moment with us and you would say i

want to give my life to jesus we have

pastors online and just put in the chat

room i want to know jesus i want his

forgiveness just put that in there and

when other pastors will join with you


bless you who’s who’s helping me

look the queen herself is coming up here

come on jesus