Be That Woman | Walk in Wisdom

Be That Woman | Walk in Wisdom when the book launched without rival and we sent little like video vignettes out and we talked to people about perhaps perhaps the reason you don’t know what you’re called to do is because you are called to do something no one’s ever done before people are like […]


Dare to Dream Again—Lisa Bevere

Being a son or daughter of God is what QUALIFIES you—not your experience, degrees, or connections. Dare to DREAM, and watch what unfolds as God proves Himself FAITHFUL and TRUSTWORTHY. really believe that we can write our way into our future you know when I was 21 years of age I first started a job […]


How to Break Up with Comparison

It’s been said that comparison is the thief of joy…but how do you escape this deadly trap? I preached this message from my book Without Rival at 7 Hills Church back in 2017. May it help you get a bigger vision of God’s immeasurable love for you and to discover how there is room for […]

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