God Wants You Well: Week 1, Day 3

Have you or someone you love ever experienced sickness or pain and believed that God has caused it, or perhaps that He is inflicting or allowing it in order to teach a lesson? This is a common misconception of God that the Bible reveals is simply not true. ♪ MUSIC ♪ >> WELCOME TO GOSPEL […]


The Faith of God: Week 1, Day 1

All believers recognize the importance of faith. Faith is critical to our relationship with the Lord. Without faith, it’s impossible to please Him (Heb. 11:6). The question isn’t “Do we need faith?” The question is “Do we have faith?” and is it enough? ♪ MUSIC ♪ >> WELCOME TO GOSPEL TRUTH WITH ANDREW WOMMACK, A […]


The Old Man is Dead: Week 1, Day 1

Did you know that you can say “goodbye and good riddance” to your sin nature? In fact, when you were born again, that’s exactly what you did. Each of us was once a sinner, but salvation changed that. God no longer looks at you and sees sin; He only sees the new nature that Jesus […]


How to Hear God’s Voice: Week 3

The world we live in is noisy and full of sin that drowns out the still, small voice of God. But He desires to be involved in our everyday lives, providing us with knowledge on everything that pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:2–4). By taking the time to listen, you will find that […]


How to Prepare Your Heart: Week 1, Day 1

Do you ever wonder how Christians who love the Lord can end up failing when temptation comes along? One of the main reasons is that they haven’t prepared their hearts. Most people don’t intentionally decide they’re not going to serve God anymore and just walk away from Him. They have good intentions. They want to […]

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