# tactiq.io free youtube transcript
# Busy Outside Restful Inside (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode
# https://www.youtube.com/watch/sXUnQ41LRXU

00:00:00.520 Everywhere I see inthe Word of God
00:00:02.560 is always position before blessing.
00:00:04.880 I’ll tell you this.
00:00:05.760 Worry, busyness, anxieties,they are all but symptoms.
00:00:10.360 We are trying to battle,we are cutting off the leaves,
00:00:12.440 but after a few days,it comes back again.
00:00:14.280 When you’re busy, your enemy wins.
00:00:17.560 Get back in the realm of faith!Fight the good fight of faith.
00:00:20.240 That means stay in faith
00:00:22.680 because when you stay in faith,a good fight means
00:00:25.240 it ends in victory for you.
00:00:26.920 We feel like God is givingus a cold shoulder. We pray.
00:00:30.040 We don’t see immediate answers.We feel like we feel.
00:00:32.920 We feel, we feel. We feel.
00:00:34.800 That’s the problem, in the senses.
00:00:36.840 There’s the time theHoly Spirit rises up and says:
00:00:39.560 “You’re still the righteousnessof God in Christ.”
00:00:43.440 When you are at peace,good will come to you!
00:00:48.400 The Lord has been good to us today.
00:00:50.880 I see him like He’s justbeing a shepherd over us,
00:00:55.080 pouring the oil and the wineand hopefully the day comes
00:01:00.120 that those who will get healed arepeople who are not safe yet coming in the
00:01:05.580 house. Alright? I want a church that
00:01:10.360 are praying for the sick. Theythemselves are healthy and strong.
00:01:14.880 Pastor, it’s impossible. Youare just dreaming pastor. Well,
00:01:18.280 there was a time in the earlychurch the Bible says everyone was
00:01:23.000 healed. Everyone was healed.
00:01:26.360 And it was a time when great gracewas upon them, all upon them all.
00:01:30.800 And in the same verse way it says,great grace was upon them all.
00:01:34.080 It says with great powergave the apostles witness
00:01:39.080 of the Lord’s resurrection.So if we come to a place,
00:01:43.880 even in the Old Testament,
00:01:45.240 God’s desire for us was thatwe come to a place where
00:01:50.520 God says,
00:01:51.320 there’ll be none poor among you.This isn’t in the panther,
00:01:56.280 in the Torah. God said the day will come.
00:01:59.680 Well there’ll be no poor among you.Now that was God’s dream for them.
00:02:03.400 But they rebelled againstGod and God’s plan for them.
00:02:06.400 They fell into bondage right intoBabylon captivity. You know that.
00:02:11.080 But God’s word for them was that Godwants to prosper them in a way that
00:02:14.800 there’ll be none poor among you.
00:02:17.240 So I believe that’s truefor the church as well,
00:02:20.200 that we have all our needs providedfor we have more than enough to be a
00:02:25.120 blessing and to be a channel tobless others. So I believe not only
00:02:33.360 now, I know that I’ll expose myself topeople who are anyway going to criticize
00:02:37.520 anyway and they’ll say this is ahealth and wealth gospel and all that.
00:02:41.400 Well you know what? We gotno time to address all that.
00:02:44.240 We are busy blessing you. Amen.Then to answer the critics,
00:02:48.960 I know that these people when theyget sick or their children get sick,
00:02:51.320 they bring them to the doctor.
00:02:53.600 I dunno who they pray to because theyshould be praying to God to heal their
00:02:58.400 son. So they want healing, right?
00:03:03.960 And when their son grows up, they wanta good career for their son. Yeah,
00:03:08.360 fulfill God’s will, but probably not inministry, maybe in a career somewhere.
00:03:12.640 They want their son to prosper, right?
00:03:16.280 It’s only when we comethrough this side of things.
00:03:20.160 So don’t worry about all this, I’msure you hear all this. Don’t worry.
00:03:25.400 Just prosper in every area of your life.
00:03:30.280 And I’ve said it before, that the gospelis not health and wealth gospel. No,
00:03:33.960 no, no. A thousand times no isthe gospel of grace and peace.
00:03:37.680 But I’ll be lying if I say it doesnot produce wellbeing for you, spirit,
00:03:41.480 soul and body. Peace for yourmind, hell for your body. Amen.
00:03:46.400 That’s God’s dream. Justlike God’s dream for Israel.
00:03:49.640 But they never achieved it.They never achieved it, right?
00:03:52.760 But through God’s gracein the new covenant,
00:03:54.720 we have established upon better promises.
00:03:57.720 We have that dream before us. Amen. Amen.
00:04:03.880 You want to look youngerin your advanced years,
00:04:08.040 not look important to beyounger, renewed in your youth.
00:04:12.840 I have a friend who recently,
00:04:16.360 he’s a well-known pastor in Americaand I’ve preached in his church also
00:04:21.680 probably the most well-known.
00:04:23.440 And he said recently he went for acheckup for his eyes and the doctor says,
00:04:27.560 he said that he’s havingproblems, his eyes getting blur,
00:04:30.240 all that the doctor says,because you are wearing contact,
00:04:33.120 your eye is actually gettingbetter and he’s the same age as me.
00:04:40.040 What’s your age pastor? 25.Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Amen.
00:04:45.800 Yeah. I’m just five years youngerthan Pastor Lawrence. Okay,
00:04:50.120 ready for the word. And let’s goright to the word. Praise God.
00:04:53.760 We are living in the upper room
00:04:56.960 and everywhere I see in the word of Godis always positioned before blessing.
00:05:02.960 And the Lord says, even in Deuteron28 under the law, God says,
00:05:07.440 and this blessing shall comeon you and overtake you.
00:05:12.920 Right? You all know that, right?But what are the verses before that?
00:05:17.160 This is in de 2028. God says, we’renot going to show you up here, okay?
00:05:20.840 Just want to challenge you to see,to see whether you know that portion.
00:05:23.760 It says what?
00:05:25.040 And the Lord your God willset you on high above all the
00:05:29.720 nations of the earth.
00:05:32.080 Position the Lord your Godwill set you on high. Now,
00:05:35.880 has that happened to usin the Old Testament?
00:05:38.680 God told them if they keep all thecommandments, in fact God commanded them.
00:05:43.840 God says, if you keep all thecommandments, I’ll set you on high.
00:05:47.120 So the position was contentionupon their obedience to the
00:05:51.920 law.
00:05:53.760 But now Christ has comeand all that we are
00:05:58.440 enjoying today is a result of his work.
00:06:02.800 God made Jesus who knew nosin, he never sin in thought,
00:06:07.640 word or deed. God made Jesus.
00:06:10.080 God made Jesus on the cross to be sin with
00:06:14.760 your sin.
00:06:15.400 With my sin that we might be made
00:06:20.160 say made the righteousness of God in Him.
00:06:25.480 Okay? So there is a divine exchange.
00:06:27.520 That’s the purpose for whichGod sent his son. Okay? Now,
00:06:32.640 not just that, the Bible saysour old man as sons of Adam,
00:06:37.280 we died with Christ atthe cross. The old man,
00:06:40.520 the old identity is finishedat the cross. Amen. Okay?
00:06:45.040 Now what has happened is that whenChrist died and he was buried,
00:06:48.240 we were in him, our historyin Christ began at the cross.
00:06:55.800 It wasn’t just Jesus dying on the cross.
00:06:57.560 God took that part of you thatyou don’t like that part of you,
00:07:00.080 that you try your best not to thinkthose evil imaginations or not to be
00:07:04.000 depressed or not to be addicted andall that. But you still find yourself,
00:07:07.400 you are helpless because inthe flesh dwells no good thing.
00:07:12.320 Well that whole person iscrucified at the cross.
00:07:16.520 And now you’re born again becauseyour history happened with Christ at
00:07:21.400 the cross,
00:07:22.520 where at the cross your old man was doneaway with and you are still in Christ,
00:07:26.560 right? And when God raised Christ fromthe date you were raised with him, amen.
00:07:32.200 And not only that,
00:07:33.160 when God raised Jesusfar above say far above,
00:07:37.760 far above all principality,
00:07:39.520 you need to know this because thosethings that are attacking you and bullying
00:07:42.600 you, those things areactually way, way, way,
00:07:46.880 way below you. Hallelujah.
00:07:49.920 That’s why it’s so vital for us to alwaysbe reminded of this place in the upper
00:07:54.360 room. So God raised you far above.
00:07:59.080 Listen, he could have said, far is enough.
00:08:02.640 It is far above all principality
00:08:07.680 and power and might and dominion and every
00:08:12.480 name that is named you can nameany disease. Alright? Covid,
00:08:17.480 whatever new disease willcome in the future, right?
00:08:20.680 God says He has raisedChrist far above every
00:08:25.400 name that is named not only in this world,
00:08:29.160 but also in the world to come.
00:08:32.480 But then the very nextchapter in efficiency tells us
00:08:37.200 that. And God raised Christ together.
00:08:41.000 God raised you together with Christ.
00:08:45.080 He quickened you in the grave.Amen. At the cross you died.
00:08:50.760 Right?
00:08:50.960 The old you died and thenew you was born again when
00:08:55.800 God raised you. When God raised Christfrom the day God raised you with Christ.
00:09:01.600 So the Bible says, andthis is a key by the way,
00:09:04.840 you’re going to overcome sinfulhabits or addictions in your life.
00:09:07.840 God says just like Christ, whenhe died to sin, he died to sin.
00:09:11.360 Not gradually he died to sin.One sin for all at the cross,
00:09:16.120 right in heaven. Now he’snot going to die to sin.
00:09:19.320 This idea of dying to sin graduallyis not Christianity. It’s not Bible.
00:09:25.880 When Paul says I die daily,
00:09:27.520 he’s using and hebrewism to talkabout all the dangers that he face,
00:09:32.400 fighting with wild beastpersecution and being lied about
00:09:37.880 being stoned and all that. He says, Idie daily in the expression of Hebrewism.
00:09:41.840 Not saying that I died to sin daily.He says that when Christ died,
00:09:46.160 he died to sin once and forall. When he rose from the dead,
00:09:50.400 he now lives unto God. He’sin his resurrected being.
00:09:57.160 Amen. As a man, though he’s fully God,
00:09:59.880 he came as a man andhe’s resurrected as a man
00:10:06.040 still God.
00:10:07.920 But the part that God wants us to focuson is the fact that he came as a man
00:10:12.680 and glorified as a man so thatyou know that you are in him.
00:10:15.600 You are the new man in him. Hallelujah.
00:10:21.160 Hallelujah. When God made Jesusto sit down, the Bible says,
00:10:25.000 God made us to sit together. Say together.
00:10:30.680 He made us fit together with Christ.
00:10:33.160 Listen in heavenly places,
00:10:36.400 that’s a center of the universe. I dunno,
00:10:39.000 where is it? But it’s a center of thecenter like the Holy of Holies is a very
00:10:43.600 core where the way all poweremanate from where all creation,
00:10:48.080 all supply, all source,
00:10:49.680 all life emanate from where Godhimself is. No one could enter there.
00:10:54.160 The holy of Holies. Backin the Old Testament,
00:10:56.360 it meant the Old Testament is just apicture of the holy of Holies is just a
00:11:00.600 replica of the heaventhat God is talking about.
00:11:03.480 Now you know where God put you today,
00:11:06.160 right in the center because God’sright hand is definitely the
00:11:10.600 center of the universe.
00:11:13.320 Far above all theprincipalities and powers.
00:11:16.320 All Satan and all his dominionsare all way below you.
00:11:20.000 You are far above them all.
00:11:23.360 So the only thing foryou to do is sit down,
00:11:29.840 rest with every newchallenge. The devil will say,
00:11:33.200 what are you going to do about it?You say, I’m going to in your mind,
00:11:37.480 sit down a new resting. The more you rest,
00:11:43.040 the more you rest, the moreyou’ll see it’s been accomplished.
00:11:47.360 So Jesus at the father’s righthand, one day he’ll stand up,
00:11:50.760 he’ll come back for us. Amen. Weknow that it’s going to be soon.
00:11:54.320 Praise the Lord. I say Praise the Lord.
00:11:57.360 Then all of us will look like PastorLawrence. Amen. Strong, healthy,
00:12:02.560 amen. We have smiles like PastorMark in a sense of humor like him
00:12:07.600 since none of you are laughing, pastor,
00:12:11.960 don’t you love Pastor Mark’s humor.
00:12:15.840 All of us will look good because we’llbe healthy and strong perpetually young
00:12:20.040 forever. Forever is a long timemy friend, and you can never die.
00:12:25.520 How fast do you think you will travel inyour chariot of fire when you know you
00:12:29.320 cannot die? Amen. You can never die.
00:12:33.640 Death is foreign. He was foreign. Thevery beginning when you God told Adam,
00:12:38.080 if not to sin, but now you cannotsin ever again in that new body
00:12:43.720 Forever.
00:12:46.240 Forever.
00:12:49.120 Until the 12th of never.
00:12:52.560 Let’s use Bible termeternity for all eternity.
00:12:58.080 Amen.
00:13:00.000 So all this that came becauseof man’s fall growing,
00:13:03.840 all becoming decrepit fullof sickness and disease and
00:13:08.920 finally you just wear out or just dieoff and all that was never God’s plan,
00:13:12.920 never God’s plan. It’s trueon this side of the earth,
00:13:15.720 but it’s not a father’s plan. Thefather from the beginning wanted family,
00:13:21.120 strong, healthy, prosperous,blessed. By the way,
00:13:23.760 talk about prosperity and all that.
00:13:25.320 I think there’s no placefor welfare in heaven.
00:13:31.240 I think everybody will do fine.I dunno. I dunno. Alright,
00:13:34.360 so I dunno what we are saying when weare saying thy will be done on earth,
00:13:38.800 thy kingdom come onearth as it is in heaven.
00:13:45.480 So what do you think you’re askingfor? What is in heaven? Poverty.
00:13:49.720 If poverty is holy, then thy kingdomcome on earth as it’s in heaven.
00:13:52.480 I understand then if not, don’t pray that
00:13:56.360 because you’re praying for your lifeon earth to be like heaven on earth.
00:14:03.480 Amen.
00:14:04.800 And that’s what Jesus came,
00:14:07.320 that the kingdom of heavenwill rule on the earth.
00:14:11.400 Of course the Jewish people rejectedit. We have it praised the Lord,
00:14:14.640 we accepted Jesus. Amen. So now we areseated with Christ. Listen carefully.
00:14:18.760 When you’re seated with Christ, you needto realize all your enemies are below.
00:14:23.400 Now in our experience in earth below,
00:14:27.080 we still experience sometimesreport of bad news or
00:14:32.480 prognosis from the doctor telling youthese things in your body and all that.
00:14:36.920 And you are wondering, butI’m sitting with Christ.
00:14:38.600 I’m far above all these things. Yes,
00:14:40.760 that’s why the Biblecalled the fight of faith.
00:14:45.960 The fight of faith.
00:14:48.520 The devil is trying to suggest toyou that it’s not true based on your
00:14:53.560 senses. The devil cannot dealwith you listening heavily.
00:14:56.340 He cannot deal with youin the realm of faith.
00:14:59.800 He cannot stay in the realm offaith. In the realm of faith.
00:15:02.760 He’s a total totally defeated fault.
00:15:07.440 He needs to bring you back to therealm of census. Listen carefully.
00:15:13.280 Look at your bank account.
00:15:15.640 Look at what the psychiatrysays about your condition.
00:15:18.800 You’re getting worse in your depression.
00:15:22.560 And look at what you just did.
00:15:26.160 You watch something youshouldn’t have watched.
00:15:29.320 Call yourself a believer and PastorPrince says, you’re born again. Wow.
00:15:33.200 Set on high. Look at what youjust did. It’s all senses.
00:15:38.280 You got to step out of itand say, that’s not me.
00:15:45.240 Are you listening? Getback in the realm of faith.
00:15:49.320 Fight the good fight of faith.
00:15:50.720 That means stay in faithand it’s called a good fight
00:15:55.600 because when you stay in faith, a goodfight means it ends in victory for you.
00:16:00.240 The manifestation willcome. Are you listening?
00:16:04.640 Whether it’s victory over a sinful habit,
00:16:06.800 whether it’s things to do withthe curse of the law that’s trying
00:16:11.720 to manifest in your life, in your family,
00:16:14.120 stay rested in the father’s
00:16:18.920 bosom at his right hand.So the challenge will come.
00:16:23.640 Whatcha going to do aboutthis? I’m going to rest.
00:16:26.560 It’s a new resting if you would.Every challenge becomes a new resting.
00:16:31.440 The more you rest, themore you see the victory.
00:16:33.480 So what the Father said to the son isthis, and this must be our attitude.
00:16:36.520 I call it theron attitude.The Father said to the son,
00:16:40.000 sit on my right hand until I make you.
00:16:45.560 Don’t make for yourself thevictory. God. It’s the sun.
00:16:49.120 Sit down on my right hand until Imake your enemies your footstool.
00:16:55.760 Okay, so what are theenemies for all of us?
00:16:59.280 I mean we always sin for sure, right?
00:17:02.560 But all this powers of darknessthat bring depression, bad thoughts,
00:17:07.880 evil thoughts, evilimaginations. This sinful habits,
00:17:12.040 sinful addictions. Amen.
00:17:15.400 All this kind of foolishness that’sgoing on in the world because of the
00:17:19.680 darkness in your hearts andminds calling white, black,
00:17:24.359 black, white, good, evil, evil,
00:17:26.599 good and not knowing they’re confusedand they want you to be confused with
00:17:30.880 them. Don’t be. You areout of the confu realm.
00:17:35.880 Amen.
00:17:37.320 There’s one time God’s people went to.
00:17:38.840 Babylon is a picture of Babylon isconfusion the word Babylon is the word
00:17:43.480 Confucian. So it’s only in captivity.
00:17:46.640 You get into confusion because theybroke the law. We are not under the law.
00:17:51.400 Listen, we are in Christ undergrace and you’re listening.
00:17:55.760 So the father said to the Son,you can name any enemy right now.
00:17:59.040 What the doctor said to youabout your case. It’s an enemy,
00:18:03.200 not the doctor your condition.
00:18:08.000 Amen. What your bankersaid to you, alright?
00:18:12.080 Or whatever your so-called financialadvice that you’ve got that is
00:18:16.840 now bleak. It looks very bleak for you
00:18:21.920 all. That is your enemy.Are you listening?
00:18:28.960 What do the father say to theson? Sit on my right hand,
00:18:32.080 keep on resting until Imake your enemies your
00:18:36.960 footstool. If you are inChrist seated with him,
00:18:41.720 can I sit down? I’m going to. Whetheryou tell me or not, I’m just being nice.
00:18:47.200 So if I sit down, this is agood way to preach. In fact,
00:18:49.160 Jesus sat on the mountain andpreached the sermon on the mount.
00:18:53.880 Read your Bible. He sat down. This is avery good. We are not being scriptural.
00:19:00.200 Amen. Jesus sat down, satdown, and then he taught.
00:19:04.000 Rabbis will sit down and teach. Amen.
00:19:07.280 I think a lot more olderpastors will live long if they
00:19:12.160 do this.
00:19:17.080 I’ll tell you something. The Biblesays in the book of Acts, look up here,
00:19:21.920 acts two, whatever I’m preachingis often a Bible. Anyway,
00:19:25.120 but just so that you feel like you’rein church, I just show you the verse.
00:19:28.280 When the day of Pentecosthad fully come, right?
00:19:31.280 They were all be one accord in oneplace and suddenly say suddenly
00:19:36.760 your blessing can comesuddenly. All right?
00:19:40.440 It may happen this week.
00:19:42.440 Suddenly the manifestation happenedthat came a sound from heaven as of a
00:19:47.240 rushing mighty wind. Godcan’t wait to bless you.
00:19:51.320 And it filled the whole housewhere they were sitting.
00:19:54.920 Recently I was reading this andnot recently, quite some time back,
00:19:58.920 but it’s a more recentrevelation compared to the rest.
00:20:02.200 I noticed that it filled the wholehouse where they were sitting.
00:20:10.160 Sounds very non-religious,
00:20:14.800 not traditional. They were sittingdown waiting on God. No respect,
00:20:22.240 right? We will say that.Or do they know something?
00:20:27.240 They were sitting becauseit’s a posture of rest.
00:20:32.120 Now this is interesting because the samephrase, if you look at the same phrase,
00:20:34.880 it filled the whole house where theywere sitting. It filled the whole house.
00:20:37.960 The Holy Spirit filled the whole house.
00:20:39.560 If you look at a referencein the Old Testament,
00:20:42.360 one time that the whole templeof Solomon was filled. In fact,
00:20:46.920 the phrase is it filled the whole house.
00:20:49.560 The glory of the Lord filled the wholehouse. But the priests were standing
00:20:56.280 because you know whyit’s not finished yet.
00:21:00.280 They’re standing because it’s notfinished yet. So we are seated.
00:21:03.320 So our victory and every blessingfor your sake, I stand up man,
00:21:07.640 because you think that when youstand up you respect. So here we go.
00:21:13.280 But I respect you. You see yousit down in front of me. See?
00:21:19.400 So it’s a posture ofrest when you sit down.
00:21:23.280 So with every challenge, if youcan’t tell yourself no, sit down.
00:21:28.120 Amen.
00:21:29.080 Now that’s an amazing thingbecause doctors tell us 
00:21:32.440 naturally what they can find
00:21:33.520 is that people who are very nervoustype, those who are very anxious,
00:21:37.840 those who are type A temperament becausethey’re hurry hurried because they’re
00:21:42.080 very anxious. If we don’t hurry,we won’t get it. We don’t hurry.
00:21:46.800 Rush, rush, rush. The type A temperament.
00:21:51.440 These are the ones thatare prone to get strokes.
00:21:55.080 They have hypertension and they haveheart attacks and all that. That’s a fact.
00:22:00.040 That’s medically ary, right?
00:22:04.880 But what we are dealing withsymptoms here, anxiousness.
00:22:10.360 Busyness. There’s a versein the Bible that says,
00:22:13.400 as your servant was here andthere, busy, busy here and there,
00:22:17.160 literally in the king dream as yourservant was busy here and there,
00:22:20.400 the enemy escape. Alright?
00:22:23.960 Now you’re wondering where the verseis from. Study your Bible. It’s there.
00:22:28.360 Okay? He was supposed to got theenemy, but the let on the enemy escape.
00:22:32.480 And you know what his answer as yourservant was busy here and there,
00:22:35.640 the enemy escape. And that’salways the true. When you’re busy,
00:22:39.800 your enemy wins. Some are just busy.
00:22:44.800 Okay, pastor Prince, we go to work, wehave to go to work, we have to do, yes,
00:22:49.360 you can do it. Like the priest of all,
00:22:52.040 they were busy working outside the temple,
00:22:56.280 slaying the animals, arranging forthe pieces to be in the right place,
00:23:00.720 the peace offering,
00:23:01.520 the brass meat and the right tieand all that as an offering to God.
00:23:06.000 A picture of Jesus Christ.Amen. All that is true.
00:23:09.600 But in the holy of holiness whereGod’s presence dwells is perfect
00:23:14.840 peace. It no rushing. There’s no busyness.
00:23:20.280 So today, no you’re not.
00:23:21.960 You are the temple of God andthe Holy Spirit dwells in you.
00:23:26.120 So we can be busy like the priest outside,
00:23:28.760 but inside we have to be at peace.
00:23:32.760 Good things happen to people. In fact,
00:23:34.160 there’s a verse that comes to my mindright now that says this from the book of
00:23:38.920 Job. It says Equ now thyself with him.
00:23:42.640 We have all done that through Christ.
00:23:44.920 Equ now thyself with him and be at peace.
00:23:49.640 God says, be at peace now thatyou are justified by faith.
00:23:52.280 We have peace with God.
00:23:54.000 And this peace translatesas well in a peace of mind.
00:23:57.320 The peace of God garrisons our heartsand minds from fears, worries, and cares.
00:24:01.440 Am I right? So it says, equ now,
00:24:05.040 thyself with him and beat peace. What follows?
00:24:08.680 Thereby good shall come unto thee.
00:24:12.880 When you are at peace,good will come to you.
00:24:18.080 It’s coming this week whenyou are at peace. Amen.
00:24:22.280 Be at peace. You knowGod already, praise God.
00:24:26.840 Be at peace. Let the peace withGod. There’s no more warfare.
00:24:30.840 There’s no more conflict with God.Amen. God is now your Father. Amen.
00:24:34.880 So once you know that, be at peace,
00:24:38.640 thereby good shall cometo thee. You listening.
00:24:46.080 So
00:24:48.600 the posture of sittingdown is a posture of rest.
00:24:51.960 So the thing is that our mind arefilled with all kinds of things. Well,
00:24:56.080 back to 2028, we are thinking, what hasthat got to do with all these things?
00:25:01.000 I’ll tell you this, worry,busyness, rush, tension,
00:25:05.920 fierce anxieties, depression,
00:25:10.240 they’re all but symptomswe are trying to battle.
00:25:14.640 We are cutting off the leaves.After a few days it comes back again
00:25:19.800 and you say, pastor Prince, you say, beat peace. The Bible says, be at peace.
00:25:23.160 It’s not pastor, it’s the Bible. Be atpeace, thereby good shall coming to me.
00:25:27.040 But how do I be at peace? I’lltry my best to be at peace.
00:25:30.200 That’s not the way.God’s way is always this. No.
00:25:35.080 That right now what God has made you,he made Jesus to be seen with your sin,
00:25:39.120 that you might be made therighteousness of God in him.
00:25:44.600 You got to focus on whether yourrighteousness consciousness is strong.
00:25:50.440 If you face a challenge,doctors report or some bad news,
00:25:54.440 your wife tell you somethingabout your children and all that,
00:25:57.080 or there’s not good news and youhear that your first response is
00:26:01.960 not like my son, am I sickbecause I broke the lamb?
00:26:07.280 I wonder where he got it from. Right?
00:26:12.760 And this happened a few weeks ago.I wonder where it happened. I mean,
00:26:16.200 how did it happen?
00:26:18.040 Wendy and I teach him justlike what we teach you,
00:26:22.680 amen.
00:26:23.440 But with every challenge therecomes this instinctive from your
00:26:28.320 flesh or from the enemy who is the accuserof the brethren because of what you
00:26:32.680 did last time. You see therooster come home to roost.
00:26:37.640 Be sure your sin will find you out.
00:26:39.360 Or what you have heard last time ina sin centered message instead of
00:26:43.520 Christ-centered messagecomes back to haunt you.
00:26:47.480 It’s very hard to get rid ofyou. Have you noticed that?
00:26:53.240 So the Bible says,
00:26:56.080 and all these blessings shallcome upon you and overtake you,
00:27:01.880 but only after it says the Lord,
00:27:04.600 your God will set you on highabove all the nations of the earth.
00:27:08.760 And then all these blessings willcome on you and overtake you.
00:27:15.160 Amen? Which means overtake you means what?
00:27:19.280 It comes on you. You don’t have to runafter the blessings. It overtakes you.
00:27:23.160 You are seated with Christ.
00:27:25.720 Actually you are blessed withevery blessing in heaven.
00:27:30.120 The Bible says spiritual blessing,
00:27:31.360 which means the source is spiritualblessing in heavenly places in Christ.
00:27:37.480 How? Amen.
00:27:42.560 You understand what I’msaying so far? Okay?
00:27:45.440 Because this is vital because in theupper room, Jesus, Jesus fought them.
00:27:49.800 This about the Holy Spirit.
00:27:51.120 I’m still in the Holy Spirit andI’ve not gotten the release just yet.
00:27:55.240 And this is the part I wantyou to look at. Jesus says,
00:27:58.840 I still have many things to say toyou, but you cannot bear them now,
00:28:02.840 which means whatever he has taught themin the gospels before the upper room,
00:28:07.160 whatever he has taught them,plus the sermon on the mound,
00:28:10.360 you can call that meat, sorry, milk.
00:28:15.080 It’s still Godly teaching.It is still by his milk,
00:28:19.040 especially for the Jewish people. Now,some parts he talk about the church.
00:28:22.600 In fact, he only mentioned the churchone time in Matthew where he says
00:28:27.680 the gates of hell will not prevailagainst the church as well as where two or
00:28:31.560 three are gathered together, thechurch tell it to the church.
00:28:34.400 So the church was a mysterythat God revealed to the Apostle
00:28:38.960 Paul in its fullness. And anyway,Paul’s words are not Paul’s words.
00:28:43.680 Paul’s words are the wordsof the ascended Christ,
00:28:46.800 the glorified ascended Christ.So some people just say, well,
00:28:50.440 I only read the gospels because Jesuswords in red are there. Number one,
00:28:53.600 the Bible is not written in red.
00:28:57.480 The only red thing you need to know isthe blood of Jesus that Jesus shed on the
00:29:00.200 cross. Amen. So actually thisstage here before the upper room,
00:29:05.280 we preach more on the sermon on the mountthan the sermon on the other mount in
00:29:08.560 the upper room because theupper room is on Mount Zion.
00:29:14.760 So actually the sermon on mount,
00:29:15.960 the great part of it’s anew addition of the law.
00:29:19.240 He’s bringing the law back to the originalpristine standard that God ordained
00:29:24.000 to be. And if you look at itthat way, it’s not given to you.
00:29:28.440 The just justify you is given to showyour sins so no one can be justified by
00:29:32.320 the law. But in the upperroom for the first time,
00:29:35.840 Jesus shared truths thatare new covenant realities.
00:29:39.960 Amen.
00:29:43.360 And that’s why he startedby in the upper room,
00:29:45.480 washing their feet to showthem what he’s doing in heaven.
00:29:48.240 Today He’s washing us, notlisten, not with the blood there,
00:29:52.920 but with the water of the word.
00:29:56.560 Because.The blood has washed our sins. Amen.
00:30:03.080 Now we need the water of the word
00:30:06.880 Here that is washed all over,
00:30:08.680 which is born again andonly needs to wash his feet
00:30:13.400 with the water of the word. He starts offby that in the upper room. Am I right?
00:30:17.840 Am I right? Then he goes on to talkabout the rapture as well. He says,
00:30:22.280 in my father’s house are many mansions.
00:30:24.600 First time the rapture is mentionedbecause only in the upper room,
00:30:27.560 the Jews cannot understand that eventhe disciples were still having the old
00:30:31.360 Jewish mentality, old covenantmentality. They cannot understand that.
00:30:34.760 Jesus says, in my father’shouse are many mansions.
00:30:37.760 I go to prepare a place for you andif I go to prepare a place for you,
00:30:42.760 I will come again and receiveyou unto myself that where I am
00:30:47.720 there you may be also noticethere’s no in-between.
00:30:51.360 You will see first the antichrist appear.
00:30:53.960 You will see Israel under 
00:30:55.760 great persecution and youwill see all these things
00:30:58.440 and all that issue is always underpersecution. You understand that?
00:31:02.200 But the appearance ofantichrist, for example,
00:31:04.520 or the book of Revelation will appearfirst and then all those signs and PLAs
00:31:08.800 will happen. No, no such thing. Hesays that I go and I’ll come again.
00:31:15.760 No collect 200, no go to jail.Nothing. Just come straight.
00:31:18.680 I receive you unto myself that whereI am there you may be also. Whoa.
00:31:24.760 That’s what we arewaiting for. So when you,
00:31:29.000 with all the masses of teaching,
00:31:33.880 I mean the abundance ofend time teachings in
00:31:38.680 these days,
00:31:40.640 I’m just concerned for you that allof a sudden your mentality becomes Old
00:31:44.360 Testament mentality that those thingsthat God is dealing with Israel,
00:31:48.080 you’re putting on yourselfthat you say, wow,
00:31:52.080 we are in the book of Revelation.All the saints down there, Jesus,
00:31:54.840 you’re not the only saint Godalso have Israel on earth.
00:31:58.200 When the book of Revelationhappens, who are saints on earth?
00:32:02.920 God wanted all of them to be safebefore the seven years of tribulation.
00:32:08.400 Amen. We are not appointed Toro.It’s the day of God’s wrath.
00:32:12.360 We are not appointed to wrath.Jesus saved us from God’s.
00:32:15.720 Wrath.
00:32:18.440 Amen. So he’s going to come for us first.The rapture is a mystery.
00:32:22.160 So the he talk about the rapture. Hetalks about loving a new commandment.
00:32:25.840 Why is the new commandment? I meanit sounds like they’re all right.
00:32:28.920 Love one another is yourselfin the Old Testament, right?
00:32:32.280 Why is there a new covenant?
00:32:33.480 Because now you love oneanother as I have loved you.
00:32:36.560 So the little word down there, thatlittle phrase as I have, love you,
00:32:39.720 you need to focus on that becauseonce you know how much she loves you,
00:32:42.840 do you know how much she loves you?
00:32:44.600 You never know how to love your wife inthe right way because husband love your
00:32:48.520 wife as Christ loved the churchlike that on the cross. Amen.
00:32:53.640 Laying down his life,
00:32:55.840 giving her the better piece ofchicken when there’s only two left.
00:33:00.520 Amen. Knowing when she’s tired andshe’s not in the right mood. Amen.
00:33:05.800 Knowing it’s not hard.
00:33:07.720 It is not hard when you know that Jesusloves you in that way and your focus on
00:33:12.440 Jesus, not on your wife. That’s whydon’t make your wife or your husband
00:33:16.520 your happiness. I know your wifesometimes give your husband,
00:33:22.880 treat them like God. You givethem burn offering sometimes
00:33:27.040 It’s really burn.
00:33:28.640 Hey woman, what.
00:33:31.813 Is BBQ Dear BQ? No,
00:33:35.680 it’s a lot. Hey. So
00:33:41.160 don’t treat anyone, even yourchild. Don’t treat them as an idol.
00:33:47.440 They will disappoint you. You knowwhy you’re so angry with your spouse?
00:33:51.240 Because you look too much toyour spouse for your assurance,
00:33:55.800 for your peace, for yourfulfillment, for your happiness.
00:34:00.920 Don’t look to the Lord as good.Those things are happening.
00:34:05.560 Sometimes it wakes you up. Amen.
00:34:09.679 A woman likes a man to be strongin the Lord and then out of the
00:34:14.760 strength can minister to her. Rena,
00:34:19.960 a man is saying, amen.Women, where are you?
00:34:26.239 Oh, you want a soft man, A man whojust gives in, don’t care about,
00:34:30.880 you’re just angry. Just shout.
00:34:35.840 So new command as I have lovedyou. Are you with me so far?
00:34:40.239 And he talks about the Holy Spirit.
00:34:41.360 The Holy Spirit is a centralpart of the upper room teaching.
00:34:44.080 So these are all teachingsthat were not taught before.
00:34:49.840 Now you say that the Jewishpeople knew about the Holy Spirit.
00:34:53.800 They knew when the Holy Spirit cameon, Sam, even in the book of Judges,
00:34:57.720 upon O’Neill, upon David,
00:35:00.600 upon the prophets and all thatupon King Saul even, right?
00:35:05.520 Yeah. The Holy Spirit came on them,
00:35:07.000 but they didn’t know theHoly Spirit in his office.
00:35:10.040 And I’m here to tell you that theHoly Spirit now is free to express his
00:35:15.040 true nature because in the OldTestament, they were under law.
00:35:17.800 He can only show his hand, not his heart,
00:35:20.360 but the new covenant it gotmade with Israel. Say new.
00:35:23.960 It’s not based on the covenant that Imade when I brought them out of Egypt and
00:35:27.960 let them by the hand. See, allcovenant got leads by the hand.
00:35:31.320 New covenant got leads by the heart.There’s a difference.
00:35:36.200 Okay? You can lead by the hand,
00:35:38.280 but it’s better to lead bythe heart when they are young,
00:35:41.240 when Israel is in fact,
00:35:42.720 God looks at Israel in the OldTestament as napo in the Greek,
00:35:46.560 in the book Galatians. That meanswhat? They are babies. Amen.
00:35:51.080 It should not be coverthing for baby food.
00:35:54.800 The little cream that you’re sittingthere every day, something’s wrong.
00:35:59.840 You want beef man like Lawrence beef,
00:36:05.000 hallelujah, Salo steak, file mignon, amen.
00:36:11.120 PRAs, octopus, all that not kosher
00:36:17.120 talk, not kosher. No, no, no.All things you can eat. Okay?
00:36:21.160 You thank the Lord for it, go for it.Amen. I just don’t eat those things.
00:36:25.240 It is my own personalpreference. But beef man.
00:36:28.560 Amen.
00:36:32.560 If you don’t eat beef, you aresaying that the fall never happened.
00:36:37.600 People will say that. Go back toEden diet. Have you heard of that?
00:36:40.120 Go back to Eden diet.
00:36:41.320 They’re dishonoring God’s word in thesense like they’re saying you go back to
00:36:45.480 Eden diet. The original Godmade this originally what? Yeah,
00:36:48.480 God made all bad for mento eat. In the beginning,
00:36:50.760 no mean nothing because the earthwasn’t fallen. Man has not fallen.
00:36:54.680 But after the earth was stilted and thefloods and all that were condu to North
00:36:58.760 pole, south Pole become ice.
00:37:00.960 God saw that the conditions of the worldwas no more protected from all the UV
00:37:04.600 rail light and all that man was dying.
00:37:06.160 Look at the life of man was halved frombefore the flood and after the flood.
00:37:11.040 It’s a different condition now. Man’sbody need protein. It was after the flood.
00:37:15.000 God says, now I give you meatto eat. You shall eat it.
00:37:19.720 Which means you’re talkingabout going back to eating diet.
00:37:22.560 Your body is a fallen body and Ithink God knows you need protein.
00:37:29.120 That one. Now,
00:37:32.840 if the Lord leads you just toeat vegetables and all that,
00:37:35.960 or fruits and all that, helpyourself. Again, this is not a law,
00:37:40.640 but I think it’s anattack on eating beef and
00:37:45.600 meat in these last days. Ireally think it’s an attack.
00:37:49.880 I really think so. And it’ssaying like the fall, oh,
00:37:53.840 I can eat my protein fromvegetables. Hey, meat,
00:37:58.880 protein from meat, right? Andvegetables are different. No.
00:38:03.920 Anyway, this is not a talkabout food. Okay? Right.
00:38:07.720 So anyway, would you feelreleased brother? Amen.
00:38:13.000 Praise the Lord. So in the upper room,
00:38:17.800 Jesus says, I have manythings to say unto you,
00:38:19.640 but you’re not able to bear them. Now howbeat when the spirit of truth is come,
00:38:24.000 he will guide you into all truth.He will guide you into all truth.
00:38:27.280 So notice he calls the Holy Spirit,
00:38:29.120 the spirit of and he’llguide you into all. So right
00:38:34.040 now on social media and all over the world
00:38:39.520 lies half truths.
00:38:42.840 They are prolific in all the
00:38:47.880 social media. You can’teven tell what’s truth.
00:38:52.440 Even experts can be saying half truths.
00:38:56.160 They don’t tell you the other side. Sothe only way you get truth now listen,
00:39:00.480 is from the word of God. Jesus says,
00:39:02.920 thy word is truth in hishigh priestly prayer.
00:39:06.520 So notice Jesus knew about thisand he says it’s all about right.
00:39:11.240 Believing the new covenant andreality is all about right. Believing.
00:39:15.640 Now we are all concernedabout right behaving,
00:39:19.280 right living.
00:39:21.160 But God is more concerned about rightbelieving because truth has got to do with
00:39:24.800 believing. I said truth hasgot to do with believing.
00:39:29.520 Believing. That’s what the Bible,obedience to the truth in a new covenant,
00:39:34.560 obedience of faith,it’s got to do a truth.
00:39:37.600 The Holy Spirit here is presented asthe spirit of truth. He will guide you
00:39:42.560 into all truth and you will know thetruth and the truth will set you free.
00:39:49.160 Amen. It’s all about rightbelieving and see the context.
00:39:53.840 He says that He will glorifyme. We just go to the verse 14,
00:39:58.680 he’ll glorify me. So remember, the HolySpirit will always glorify one person.
00:40:02.840 Jesus. You want to know ateaching is from God or not?
00:40:06.760 See where is a teaching point it to?
00:40:09.920 Does it point to the person’sministry or to someone else?
00:40:14.040 Or it must always point to Jesus,Jesus and his finished work.
00:40:19.440 Then you know the person is anointedof the Holy Spirit speaking by the Holy
00:40:22.560 Spirit. He shall glorify me.
00:40:24.240 He will take what ismine and show it to you.
00:40:28.320 So there are teachings abouthealth and diet and all that.
00:40:32.760 No Christ,
00:40:34.120 it’s not the Holy Spirit’s teaching.There are teachings about how to
00:40:38.920 prosper in the world and all that inyour career and all that. No Christ,
00:40:43.800 I don’t think you’ll get complete truththere. Something will be inserted.
00:40:48.760 So only now we don’t go forthese things, like I said,
00:40:53.840 but in this life,
00:40:54.560 these two things are very importantand God has made provision for them.
00:40:59.040 They are not the gospel, the gospel,the gospel of grace and peace.
00:41:02.360 But these things will overtake you.
00:41:04.720 Health and provisionis there in the Bible.
00:41:09.080 And I’ll be lying if I say it’s not okay.
00:41:13.480 Are you with me so far? So, okay, nowlemme show the context. This is verse 12,
00:41:17.120 right? Look at the contextespecially what is your referring to?
00:41:19.760 Let’s go back at the context.Nevertheless, I tell you the truth,
00:41:22.160 it is to your advantage that Igo away. When I first read this,
00:41:24.240 I was thinking to myself yearsago, I said, no Jesus, stay.
00:41:29.800 I know what it means. You’re giving usthe Holy Spirit in place of you. Right?
00:41:34.040 But why do you say it’s your advantage?I go away. You think about it,
00:41:38.320 Jesus in Israel could onlybe in one place at one time,
00:41:42.440 whoever’s there. Some people willfollow him by boats and all that.
00:41:46.680 Some will climb mountains tobe where he is and all that.
00:41:49.960 But now he is everywhere in his
00:41:54.760 Holy Spirit. The HolySpirit is a real being,
00:41:58.880 a real person. The tribe.He’s a divine person
00:42:05.240 and he’s in us all.
00:42:09.000 And the same Jesus that walkedon earth with all the powers,
00:42:13.880 with all his love is in us.
00:42:17.160 And that’s why the Bible says if anyman have not the spirit of Christ,
00:42:21.520 he’s none of his. In fact,
00:42:23.600 Jesus started doing miracles after hewas anointed because he came as a man.
00:42:26.760 Don’t forget he had to function andlive as a man. Although he’s God,
00:42:31.960 he came and took on human flesh. Onlyafter he was anointed of the Holy Spirit,
00:42:37.200 he started doing miracles. The firstmiracle of turning the water into wine.
00:42:41.400 Remember that? Or after he wasbaptized in the Holy Spirit.
00:42:45.000 So you and I need to bebaptized in the Holy Spirit,
00:42:47.000 hence the teaching in the upperroom. Okay, let’s go on. He says,
00:42:52.640 drop down to verse eight. And whenhe has come the Holy Spirit come,
00:42:56.760 he’ll convict the worldof sin. Say sin. Sin.
00:43:01.960 Now here is don’t do the arrow ofPastor Mark. Okay, this is singular sin.
00:43:06.760 Alright? Don’t say sins.Yeah, I told him before, yeah,
00:43:11.400 you get your plural and your singularall mixed up sometimes. Alright?
00:43:14.960 Don’t you just love him? Amen. Everytime you laugh, you’re getting healthier.
00:43:20.760 A me heart does good leg medicine.That’s why I release him on you all.
00:43:25.600 Once a while I see you all get abit more rose and set. I let him go.
00:43:30.480 Amen. I’ll sacrifice is not sacrifice.
00:43:33.800 I’ll give the pulpit to him so thaty’all can laugh. You just look at him,
00:43:38.200 you laugh.
00:43:40.360 Imagine I go with him a livewith him a lot and I even travel
00:43:45.560 with my family with him.Imagine all the laughs we have.
00:43:49.440 I won’t tell you the otherside love, but just the laughs.
00:43:52.800 He tell me we got tempered and all that.I say, oh, all my pasta got tempered.
00:43:56.000 And I was telling someone just now,oh, my pasta got tempered on the road.
00:43:59.200 I cannot add it. Really? Amen.
00:44:04.040 So okay, you got enough of that really?
00:44:06.880 But these pastors that go up here andbear out their soul at you, right?
00:44:12.560 Don’t make fun of them.Don’t criticize them.
00:44:14.640 They’re some of the bestbelievers I’ve ever seen and I’m
00:44:19.480 privilege to live with.
00:44:22.240 It takes a secure person tounveil their weakness. Amen?
00:44:29.680 Amen. Pastor Prince, praise the Lord
00:44:37.640 Of sin singular.
00:44:41.960 The Holy Spirit will come and convictthe world off sin because they
00:44:46.680 believe not on me.
00:44:48.200 He will convict righteousness because Igo to my father and you see me no more,
00:44:53.040 he will convict judgment becausethe ruler of this world is judge.
00:44:58.560 Okay,
00:45:00.240 let’s go real slow because here is wherethere’s a lot of teachings that there’s
00:45:04.840 not the upper room teachings. Let’s goback to the original. What did you say?
00:45:09.080 Holy, the Holy Spirit will cometo do pastor to convict us of sin.
00:45:13.600 No us is not there. Read carefully.
00:45:17.560 You’ll convict the world ofsin talking about the world,
00:45:22.560 right? Because they do not believein me. What’s they this pronounced?
00:45:26.640 When is it the first person or secondperson? If I am talking to you,
00:45:32.600 it’s the second person. Theyis third party. Third person.
00:45:37.480 So he’s talking to his disciples inthe upper room, right? Am I right?
00:45:43.320 And he says the Holy Spiritwill convict the world of sin.
00:45:48.160 The Holy Spirit convict the world ofsin because they do not believe in me.
00:45:52.000 He’s not saying because you don’tbelieve in me. He’ll convict you of sin.
00:45:56.680 Pastor Prince, can the Holy Spiritconvict you of sin? Of course he can,
00:46:00.360 but that’s not the context herein the upper room teaching,
00:46:05.440 He’s saying the Holy Spiritwill convict the world of their
00:46:10.480 unbelief in me because they do notbelieve in me. In other words, honestly,
00:46:14.880 church, Jesus did everythingon the cross for all our sins.
00:46:19.120 He bo all our sins and the world’ssins in his own body on the cross.
00:46:24.000 Are you listening? Now listen, everything,
00:46:29.320 every sin, some people descend.It’s a big sin, small sin.
00:46:32.560 Every sin was born by Jesus.So the world will end up,
00:46:37.600 if anyone end up in hell like theyalways say, if you end up in heaven,
00:46:41.680 you have Jesus to thank.If you end up in hell,
00:46:44.760 you got yourself to thankbecause Jesus did everything.
00:46:48.800 It is rejection is like the gift offorgiveness of sins. Eternal life, right?
00:46:53.840 God gives to you. Slap hishand away. That’s unbelief.
00:46:57.600 Right?
00:46:58.520 Are you listening?
00:47:01.960 And hell is not prepared for you. He wasprepared for the devil and his angels.
00:47:06.840 But Jesus did say, if you follow andbelieve the devil, you have to follow him.
00:47:12.800 That’s in the Bible. So.
00:47:19.200 The.
00:47:19.400 World is under condemnationbecause of only one sin.
00:47:24.600 What is it? Unbelief in Christ.
00:47:28.360 So stop looking at the internet and onYouTube and your TikTok and whatever it
00:47:33.080 is, and seeing, oh, the world isgetting very messed up as a Christian.
00:47:36.080 When you see, oh, the world is there.You know what? The world is the world.
00:47:39.760 The world is, I think like theworld. The world is the world.
00:47:42.760 But what God has said to us is thatwe have a ministry of the word of
00:47:47.680 reconciliation to give the world thatGod is not counting their sins against
00:47:52.160 them. Second Corinthians five,
00:47:55.440 God has given us theministry of reconciliation,
00:47:57.800 telling them that God was in Christ,reconciling the world to himself,
00:48:01.000 not imputing their trespassesunto them as long as they
00:48:05.920 accept it. If they don’t acceptit, this is a sin of unbelief.
00:48:10.520 Just one sin day.
00:48:14.000 So the party there is you,
00:48:18.000 is not speaking to the believer.Second one of righteousness,
00:48:22.200 the Holy Spirit convict who you now of
00:48:27.000 righteousness, not sin. Righteousness.
00:48:29.240 Because I go to my fatherand you see me no more.
00:48:35.560 So he’s saying the Holy Spirit will bethere to convict you of righteousness.
00:48:40.280 Now, when do you think we needto be convicted of righteousness?
00:48:43.800 When we blow it, whenwe have made a mistake,
00:48:47.240 we feel like we’re no morein the same place with God.
00:48:49.840 We feel like God is giving usa cold shoulder. We pray. We.
00:48:53.120 Don’t see immediate answers.
00:48:54.760 We feel like we feel, wefeel, we feel. We feel.
00:48:57.800 That’s the problem in the sense.
00:49:00.480 And here’s the time the HolySpirit rise up and says.
00:49:03.360 You are still therighteousness of God in Christ.
00:49:08.480 You are still therighteousness of God in Christ.
00:49:16.880 And this is for us. This is theconviction of the Holy Spirit for us.
00:49:20.360 How often do you hear this? WhenI grew up in churches, right?
00:49:23.560 It’s always listen to the Holy Spirit.He’ll tell you when it’s wrong.
00:49:28.040 He’ll tell you when you have sin,he’ll tell you. I say He’s in me.
00:49:32.960 Is it and he’ll never leave me? Is it?
00:49:38.040 So wherever I go, I bringhim. Is it? So as a young man,
00:49:41.960 you start thinking somethings that you do.
00:49:43.720 You don’t want the HolySpirit to participate.
00:49:47.040 You’re your friends and you watch amovie, you’re not too sure that what he,
00:49:50.880 so we are presenting the HolySpirit. He’s out to find your fault.
00:49:56.000 And parents be quick to find goodthings about your children once in
00:50:00.600 while, in a while to improve,
00:50:02.320 just to have a special dose ofcloseness with your children.
00:50:06.320 Just like sometimes you want tofast certain things and all that,
00:50:09.000 or even food to draw closerto God, not for righteousness,
00:50:13.280 but to draw closer to God interms of your relationship. Amen.
00:50:16.720 You’re always in right standingwith God because of the gift,
00:50:20.000 but you’re going to draw closer toGod. Amen. You can faster than things.
00:50:22.680 So I tell you what parents, you wantto draw closer to your children.
00:50:25.880 You find that that season they’redrawing closer to you just for that weak,
00:50:29.640 fast fault finding. Just fast for a while.
00:50:34.280 See if I don’t, then he will.If I don’t, maybe if you don’t,
00:50:38.680 God works.
00:50:43.640 Amen. If you surprised, first ofall, your child will be like, huh,
00:50:47.720 is this my mama? Is this my Abba?
00:50:54.280 Lemme test your test.
00:50:57.200 All you do is then you seeevery little improvement,
00:51:00.040 every little good point thatyou see, you praise them,
00:51:04.840 you love them. Amen. Just fast.
00:51:09.520 I think for a season I didn’tsay all the time, right?
00:51:12.960 See what it does to your relationship.
00:51:14.920 Then perhaps you can evencorrect in a loving way.
00:51:17.440 You start learning from thatperiod before this service is over.
00:51:22.280 The more you infe them or you enfetch them already starts. Really?
00:51:25.880 How come I’m so dirty? How come? Howcome I’m properly? Try fast, fast,
00:51:33.160 fast. I don’t mean you do itfast, just fast from that.
00:51:38.560 Amen. Amen. Are you with me sofar? Then you is the person,
00:51:43.440 right? He’s talking to his disciples.This is a conviction for all believers.
00:51:47.600 We welcome that conviction.The Holy Spirit is a warm,
00:51:51.240 friendly voice that witness in yourheart. There are two witnesses,
00:51:56.720 only two witnesses. The of the HolySpirit in the New Testament, only two,
00:52:00.600 we talk about the Holy Spirit.Witness me on this, on this, on that.
00:52:03.600 But in the Bible New Testament,there are only two witnesses.
00:52:08.400 Number one, the spirit himselfbears witness. Romans eight 16,
00:52:12.120 the Spirit bears witness with ourspirit that we are children of God.
00:52:16.280 Not about sin, not about how badwe are that we are children of God.
00:52:20.880 Second witness this one, youmust see this is a Hebrew stand.
00:52:24.840 The Holy Spirit also bears witnessto us for after saying the new
00:52:29.640 covenant, after he saythe first part, this,
00:52:31.320 the covenant that I’ll make with themafter those days declares the Lord put my
00:52:34.320 laws on their hearts and writethem on their minds. Then he adds,
00:52:38.400 which means this. The focus,I’ll remember because he said,
00:52:41.360 after saying this first partof the clause, then he adds,
00:52:44.640 I’ll remember their sins andtheir lawless deeds no more.
00:52:48.960 Verse 18 says, wherethere’s forgiveness of this,
00:52:53.360 there’s no longer any offering for sin.
00:52:56.800 Why are you trying to offer for sin
00:53:01.640 still? Some people say, God,
00:53:05.560 I know I’ve done so many wrongthings. I give you my life.
00:53:11.000 I will go full-time.
00:53:13.040 God doesn’t want people to go full-timebecause they’re giving God an offering
00:53:16.840 for sin. The offering hasbeen accomplished and you 
00:53:20.720 don’t make a good offering.
00:53:23.160 Yours is a blemish. There’s spots,
00:53:26.680 there’s blemishes in your only one.
00:53:28.680 Perfect offering has been offeredwhere there’s forgiveness.
00:53:31.520 There’s no longer any offeringfor sin. Now, some people,
00:53:35.000 they do confession of sin likean offering for sin. Alright?
00:53:39.480 I have a whole nother teaching forthat. But let me just tell you this.
00:53:42.880 That can become a form ofoffering for sin. Okay?
00:53:47.720 We have to confess, which meanshomolog. Here we’ve got say we’ve God,
00:53:51.440 that all our sins are forgiven.What happened when you sin pastor?
00:53:56.640 If I sin,
00:53:57.200 I just thank God that I’m forgiven and Ideclare I’m the righteousness of God in
00:54:02.200 Christ. That’s the time the Holy Spiritconvicts me against all my senses,
00:54:06.360 against all that I feel I must declare.I’m the righteousness of God in Christ.
00:54:09.440 I have so many testimonies ofpeople as be men who are bound in
00:54:14.040 pornography, especi this area whilethey are watching, they even confess,
00:54:18.760 I’m the righteousness of God in Christ.While they are addicted to smoking,
00:54:22.040 while they’re smoking, they say,I’m the right of God in Christ.
00:54:25.480 Now for the traditional church,they’ll say, this is heresy.
00:54:28.240 This is blessed for me. Amen. But lemmetell you this, they will still do it.
00:54:32.400 Pastor behind your back.
00:54:36.120 It’s better to declare the truth.And all of them say the same thing,
00:54:39.080 whether it’s smoking or any otheraddiction to drugs or whether it’s
00:54:42.360 pornography. They’ll saythat the more I confess,
00:54:45.280 I’m the righteousness of God in Christ.
00:54:47.400 One day the desire for it just fellaway. That’s the work of the Holy Spirit.
00:54:53.640 What do you want? You want themto put it away in front of you.
00:54:57.880 But the desire is still there.They still crave for that cannabis,
00:55:01.680 they still crave for the drugs.
00:55:03.920 They still crave for pornography, butthere’s no transformation inside. Oh,
00:55:08.880 you want them to betransformed inside out.
00:55:13.600 Boy,This is good. I love it.
00:55:18.760 I love it. I love the wayGod does things. Amen.
00:55:22.560 In other words, if I have even a sinfulchallenge, I’m going to try to struggle.
00:55:27.880 The more I struggleagainst that temptation,
00:55:30.120 the more strong it becomes fulllife and in color. So I sit down,
00:55:35.120 I have a new rest. I say, Lord, I’mthe righteousness of God in Christ.
00:55:39.760 Or you feel angry down the road. Youfeel like jumping up on your car.
00:55:42.760 You’re about to smash the guy, andyou say in the midst of it, you say,
00:55:45.720 I’m the righteousness ofGod in Christ. Amen. Amen.
00:55:49.120 I’m the righteousness of God in Christ.You hear bad reports from the doctor,
00:55:52.200 or I show you your first response.
00:55:53.560 I’m the righteousness of God in Christor else all these thoughts will come.
00:55:56.440 What did I do? How comethis happened to me?
00:56:01.600 But by the way,
00:56:02.120 the question why it happensto me is an indicator that
00:56:07.440 in some form you’re still under law.
00:56:13.640 No, you have to straightly, declare,let the Holy Spirit convict you.
00:56:16.960 I’m the righteousness of God inChrist, and by his stripes I am healed.
00:56:21.160 God will get a greattestimony out this. Amen.
00:56:24.840 My days I here are great, God got agreat testimony out of this. Amen.
00:56:30.520 Amen. A new sitting if youwould, are you with me so far?
00:56:39.200 The cloth of the new covenant is this.If you look at the new covenant, God made
00:56:44.320 you see, I put it like anew covenant in back then.
00:56:48.600 Covenant is done like this, right?
00:56:50.800 They have a ritual where the blood isexchanged between the one you’re doing the
00:56:55.320 covenant with, and then theywrite it on. Scroll back then,
00:57:00.120 and this is God’s new covenant.
00:57:01.520 So the Bible says that when God says newcovenant, that means what? There’s an O
00:57:06.160 and the O is decaying. If youfollow and you’re still under the O,
00:57:10.640 you are decay. Right?
00:57:14.560 So we are under the new covenant.What’s the new covenant? Okay, behold,
00:57:17.600 days are coming, says the Lord, whenI’ll make a new covenant, you can’t see,
00:57:21.000 by the way, your eyesneed to be renewed. Okay?
00:57:25.320 Can see now. Can see. See again,
00:57:27.840 those who can see a blessed of thepure in heart, for they shall see,
00:57:31.200 they shall see God. Okay,
00:57:36.000 I’ll make a new covenant with thehouse of Israel, the house of Judah,
00:57:38.640 not according to the covenantthat I made with their fathers.
00:57:41.400 This is referring to the 10th Acommandments, Mount Sinai. God,
00:57:44.640 it’s not according, it’snot all covenant is added.
00:57:49.560 No, no, no, no.
00:57:50.320 Not according to the covenant that Imade with their fathers in the day when I
00:57:54.400 took them by the hand, not theheart, as in the new covenant.
00:57:57.720 I put them by the hand to lead them outof the land of Egypt because they did
00:58:01.640 not continue in my covenant. AndI disregarded them, says the Lord.
00:58:05.320 For this is the covenant that I’ll makewith the house of Israel after those
00:58:09.080 days, says the Lord.
00:58:10.160 I’ll put my laws in their mindand write them on their hearts.
00:58:13.000 That’s what we refer to. We justknow things in our hearts. Amen.
00:58:17.840 We pray and God gives usguidance. We’re here usually,
00:58:21.480 and this is referring to the laws andwhat God writes on our hearts and minds.
00:58:27.720 Amen. Alright, but how do you get that?How come people don’t pass? Principle.
00:58:32.360 It doesn’t seem to be strong in myheart. Well, I’m coming to the reason.
00:58:36.560 The next thing is this.
00:58:37.840 I’ll put my laws in their hearts andminds and then it says that I’ll be their
00:58:40.560 God and they shall be mypeople. Remember this,
00:58:42.600 when God says in the Old Testament,whenever he used this phrase,
00:58:45.680 I’ll be their God and theyshall be my people. Lemme what?
00:58:49.320 Something spectacular.Something miraculous.
00:58:51.400 Something showing God’s powerand majesty is about to happen.
00:58:56.280 If there are sick people, I’ll be theirGod. That means what? They’ll be healed.
00:59:01.480 There are healthy people. I’ll be theirGod. Amen. If they are poor people,
00:59:06.400 I’ll be their God means whatThey’re fully provided for. Amen.
00:59:10.680 I’ll be their God and they shall be mypeople. People look at them and say,
00:59:14.000 and they shall see that you’re caught bymy name Christ 10. And they’ll fear you
00:59:21.120 Today. The world has lostrespect for Christians.
00:59:24.200 It’s about time to get it back.
00:59:27.080 And the only way it can happen is letthe blessings manifest in such a way.
00:59:30.040 They say that there’s no way this person,I know him. There’s no way he can be.
00:59:33.960 So things happen aroundhim. Good things happen.
00:59:37.880 So that’s what we want thetestimony to be. Let’s go on.
00:59:41.880 Let’s finish because of time.Then he says, and he says,
00:59:45.440 none shall teach his neighbor, none.His brother saying, know the Lord.
00:59:49.400 Know the Lord. Know theLord. For all shall know me.
00:59:52.720 And yet we have teachings onknowing the Lord. Knowing Lord.
00:59:54.760 The Bible says in new covenant,if you live in the new covenant,
00:59:57.320 all will know me. All will knowme. I say, all will know me.
01:00:02.320 Now what’s the difference? Know the Lord.
01:00:03.600 What’s wrong with teaching? Know theLord. Now in the Greek, in Hebrews eight,
01:00:08.560 it declares this new covenant which istaken from Jeremiah 31. But in the book,
01:00:13.520 in the Greek, know the Lord is genco,
01:00:18.160 which means to know the Lord.By effort, by experience,
01:00:22.760 God says none willteach his neighbor. Hey,
01:00:24.920 you got to know the Lord by yourexperience. You got to know the Lord.
01:00:27.240 By your effort, you gotto know the Lord by doing.
01:00:31.560 For all shall know me this, no allshall know me. It’s not genco it,
01:00:37.075 it’s Oida. All will know me from theinside. I just know God is not like that.
01:00:42.560 I just know my God. I know God wasbehind that. I know God did that for me.
01:00:46.640 I’m learning about God. Ifeel like God is teaching me.
01:00:49.560 The Holy Spirit is teaching meabout God. So all that is inside.
01:00:52.360 You know what the Bible says all,not just Pastor Lawrence, I’m sorry,
01:00:56.840 pastor Lawrence. Today you get a lot of,
01:00:58.960 because his name starts withthe first three letters.
01:01:08.800 So if your name is Grace in the House,welcome. No, I’m just kidding. Very bad.
01:01:13.480 He had his own after he got achance to preach next time. Alright,
01:01:17.040 so none will teach. In other words, allwill know me intuitively from the least.
01:01:21.840 From it says from the least.
01:01:23.680 Aren’t you glad that Godalways starts from the least,
01:01:26.240 not from the greatest men Startfrom the greatest to the lowest.
01:01:30.520 God start from the least tothe greatest. All will know me.
01:01:37.960 How can that be? How canpeople know the Lord?
01:01:41.160 And why is it that we don’t see amanifestation of that more than we should
01:01:46.480 in a general Christian world,in the world today? Why?
01:01:49.720 Because of the last clause. Because thelast clause starts with this word God,
01:01:54.160 in Greek, in Hebrew, in Jeremiah,
01:01:57.160 this covenant was given is theword key, which means because,
01:02:00.480 because I’m able to lead them from inside.
01:02:04.240 They all know me from theinside because I’ll be
01:02:09.440 merciful or prop to theirunrighteousness and their sins
01:02:14.480 and their lawless deeds.I will remember normal.
01:02:20.960 You know.Why.
01:02:21.920 We don’t have people stronger.
01:02:23.720 In the guidance? Oh my goodness, my timeis up. Okay. Anyway, we’ll end here.
01:02:29.360 Lemme finish. Okay? Yes. Onlyfinish, not Yes, last part. Okay.
01:02:34.280 So it says, you know why it’snot strong enough? You know why?
01:02:37.720 Because you don’t believe the last clause.
01:02:39.720 You are still thinking God isholding your sins against you.
01:02:42.520 You are acting like it. Maybe you say,I know this teaching pastor Prince,
01:02:45.560 I hurt you for years. No,no, no. Do you believe it?
01:02:49.080 Are you experiencing andbelieving a wrong thing?
01:02:52.400 If you don’t believe thatall your sins are forgiven?
01:02:55.280 You had a bad thought justnow. Just now. You had a bad.
01:02:57.560 Thought about me when I came up here.
01:02:59.080 Right? Hey, listen, it’s forgive.
01:03:03.520 So once you realize it’s forgive.
01:03:05.720 Now you love me.
01:03:08.760 Love me more.
01:03:11.000 Amen. Just now you had a badthought or you had a quarrel.
01:03:15.080 On your way here withyour spouse, mother’s day.
01:03:19.200 Let’s see what happened today, right.
01:03:22.200 Now only to know you feel tensionand then you project back to God.
01:03:25.760 And God is not too pleased.
01:03:26.560 With us because we come to God and wefeel like he forgives and all that. Hey.
01:03:29.680 Listen, know this. You areforgiven. It’s forgiven.
01:03:37.080 Now, does that make youwant to sin more? No.
01:03:40.520 Whoever’s forgiven much love him much.It just makes you realize, in fact,
01:03:44.960 you can reconcile with your spouse really.
01:03:47.240 Because God is not holding.
01:03:48.280 Against you. It’s forgiven and you can.
01:03:49.560 Forgive the person.
01:03:53.520 It is because we are not strong onthis, and this has not been preached.
01:03:56.440 We don’t even know our covenant.
01:03:58.360 They should be put on every posterin every church instead of behind the
01:04:03.160 church. The 10 Commandments.
01:04:06.520 People are fighting to put 10commandments in schools, public schools,
01:04:09.680 they should be fighting to put this.
01:04:11.560 So I purposely put thelast one big because.
01:04:14.920 All this will happen. Actually,all the preceding clauses happen.
01:04:18.560 Because of this. This isthe cost and the rest,
01:04:23.120 the clauses are all the effects becauseI know I’m forgiven. I know him.
01:04:30.240 And because I know I’m.
01:04:31.280 Forgiven, he can do great thingsin my life. He’ll be my God.
01:04:35.960 Because I know I’m forgiven.
01:04:37.520 When he speaks and all that,
01:04:38.840 I’m confident because it is not mysinful conscience speaking to me.
01:04:43.480 I’m done. Praise the Lord. Give Jesus thepraise, the glory and the honor. Amen.
01:04:47.840 Listen.
01:04:49.720 Actually, I want to share somethingthat I didn’t get to share, alright?
01:04:54.720 Because this will lead to something elsethat probably that you are still doing
01:04:59.000 in your life, but for now, okay?Probably we’ll cover next week,
01:05:01.520 but we’ll see how if Ipreach next week. Alright?
01:05:03.880 So I just want you to ask yourself,
01:05:07.480 are you conscious of this? Because theonly way to live in the new covenant,
01:05:12.000 there’s nothing for us.
01:05:12.720 To do. God says, I will.
01:05:15.960 Put my loss. I will be their God.They all will know me, right?
01:05:20.800 I will be merciful their sins. I willremember, it’s all I will. I will.
01:05:25.720 For us. What is our part belief.
01:05:28.380 Amen.
01:05:29.360 Amen. But do you reallybelieve that or lately,
01:05:32.160 has it been coming more and more weak?
01:05:36.120 Someone has said something to you orbrought some pseudo teachings that
01:05:40.920 make you feel like maybe we are notso completely forgiven after all,
01:05:44.480 maybe we are forgiven as we go. And everytime something happens, you get angry.
01:05:48.640 You forget to refer to the fact thatyour sins are forgiven and you are the
01:05:51.960 righteousness, still therighteousness of God in Christ.
01:05:54.720 That’s how you overcome myfriend. Amen. Every head bow,
01:05:59.440 every eye close, all cross this place.
01:06:01.520 If you have never put your trust in theLord Jesus Christ, listen my friend,
01:06:05.720 you just heard the gospel. In essence,
01:06:10.000 this is the gospel.
01:06:11.240 Christ died for our sins and was raisedfrom the date when God declared all
01:06:16.200 of us righteous. It’s allbecause of what Christ has done.
01:06:21.520 The Bible says,
01:06:22.160 if you receive this abundance of graceand the gift of righteousness through
01:06:25.840 Jesus Christ, you will reignin life. If that’s you,
01:06:30.000 wherever you are right now,pray this prayer with me,
01:06:32.360 and the moment you pray this prayerfrom your heart, that very instant,
01:06:36.960 you are now a child of God seatedwith Christ In heavenly places,
01:06:43.920 your new life begins and will neverend. So say this after me, heavenly.
01:06:48.360 Fatherly.
01:06:51.080 I thank you for the gift of your son.
01:06:55.240 Christ died on the cross for all my sins,
01:07:00.960 and I thank you that youraised him from the dead
01:07:04.960 and the reason for his resurrectionis that you declared me
01:07:10.640 righteous. Thank you,
01:07:13.920 father for this wonderful sacrifice.
01:07:18.720 Thank you, father for this love.
01:07:22.080 Jesus Christ is my Lord and my savior
01:07:27.000 now and forever. Thank youthat right now I’m born again.
01:07:32.440 I’m a new creation in Christ and I’mthe righteousness of God in Christ,
01:07:37.080 in Jesus’ name. And all the peoplesaid, amen. Stand to your feet.
01:07:41.920 Lift your hands all acrossthis place this coming week.
01:07:44.960 The Lord bless you with theblessings of Father Abraham,
01:07:48.840 the blessings of Deuteronomy 28.
01:07:51.160 For all the promises of God as yesand amen in Christ so be in your
01:07:56.120 life this coming week.
01:07:59.040 May there be great manifestationsof your healing and wholeness.
01:08:04.120 Testify for all to seeto the glory of God.
01:08:07.120 May this coming week causeyou to see the favor of God
01:08:11.840 everywhere you go, the beautiful,
01:08:14.880 wonderful favor of Godthat is undeserved by us.
01:08:18.720 May you enjoy his goodnessand his love for you.
01:08:21.600 May you always be remindedand be convicted by the 
01:08:24.319 Holy Spirit throughout this
01:08:25.840 week. You are the righteousnessof God in Christ, in Jesus’ name,
01:08:30.319 and all the people said,amen. God bless you.
01:08:36.240 Introducing the new Joseph Prince app.
01:08:40.680 We’ve designed the new appwith one thought in mind 
01:08:43.560 to make connecting with the
01:08:44.600 Lord daily, simple and easy for you
01:08:52.120 through the guided daily experience.
01:08:54.080 Spend time in his presence and build ahabit of starting your day right with the
01:08:58.600 word of God.
01:09:05.560 Let’s pray this short prayertogether. Heavenly Father,
01:09:12.120 thank you for your deep loveand detailed care for me.
01:09:18.000 I’m grateful that you value me so much
01:09:22.479 and that even before Iask what I really need,
01:09:29.600 help me to remember that noproblem or need is too small
01:09:34.520 for you to handle.
01:09:36.840 I bring all my cares toyou knowing that you are
01:09:41.160 attentive to everylittle detail of my life.
01:09:46.680 In Jesus’ name, amen.
01:09:51.040 Today everyone is lookingto amuse themselves.
01:09:53.840 They are engaged in social mediabecause there’s a constant craving to be
01:09:57.560 amused. Musing is opposite from amusement.
01:10:01.960 Amuse means you are silentlycontemplating meditating,
01:10:07.080 so shut down everything else thatwill distract you. Spend time,
01:10:10.640 bring up the word ofscripture, meditate on it,
01:10:13.680 and the word of God will release health,
01:10:15.760 life prosperity into your life.
01:10:30.760 Thanks to the supportof our gospel partners,
01:10:32.960 the Daily experience isnow free for everyone.
01:10:36.480 Try it now on the brandnew Joseph Prince app.
01:10:40.320 Download the new app today.
01:10:45.880 I hope you enjoyed today’sepisode, but don’t go just yet.
01:10:49.560 If you’d like to receive prayer,
01:10:51.160 share your testimony or findout more about Gospel partner,
01:10:54.880 just click the link onthis screen. If not,
01:10:58.360 I’ll see you in the next episode.