00:00:00.160 The new covenantis not about right doing.
00:00:02.760 It’s about right believing.
00:00:04.920 Right believing will alwaysproduce right living.
00:00:08.260 If you want to see the miraculous,
00:00:10.920 you got to believe thatyour sins are forgiven.
00:00:12.880 The new covenant is notlike the old covenant.
00:00:14.920 God himself is the active one.
00:00:17.000 “I’ll be their God, theyshall be my people.”
00:00:18.600 “If they are poor andthey’re lacking,”
00:00:20.760 “I’ll be their supply and they shallbe truly enriched.”
00:00:24.480 “If they’re sick, I’ll be their God.”
00:00:26.480 “That means I’ll be their healingGod and they shall be a healed people.”
00:00:31.800 And then finally,what’s your part?
00:00:33.360 Your part is to believeall His “I wills.”
00:00:38.280 Good morning, church. Are you ready tohear some good news? Praise Lord. Good.
00:00:42.680 Start a Sunday morningwith some good news.
00:00:44.680 Some praise reports from our brothersand sisters in church and around the
00:00:48.520 world. Right? The first testimony, Ihave two testimonies to share with you.
00:00:51.000 The first testimony comes to us from asister from South Korea and she writes
00:00:55.760 that I have been suffering from atopicdermatitis, also known as eczema.
00:00:59.640 For a long time, almost my entire life.
00:01:03.160 I couldn’t sleep well atnight because of the itch.
00:01:06.320 My skin would get swollenand red, and as a result,
00:01:08.920 I often avoided new social networksas I didn’t have confidence to go out.
00:01:13.600 That means you didn’t have confidenceto make friends. On one day,
00:01:17.080 God led me to learn about
00:01:18.200 the holy communion throughPastor Princess ministry.
00:01:21.440 So I started to partake of the holycommunion regularly for a period of more
00:01:25.840 than three years. After some timeI got frustrated and angry at God.
00:01:30.680 I complained to him asking,why is my healing not coming?
00:01:34.360 And why do you heal everyone except me?
00:01:36.960 It reached a point whereI was disappointed and
00:01:39.320 decided to give up hope all
00:01:40.920 together and stop partaking ofthe holy communion. However,
00:01:45.040 the Sunday that followed,
00:01:46.920 pastor Prince preached aboutNeiman the leper and said,
00:01:49.760 what if Neiman had stopped dipping tothe pool at the fourth or fifth time?
00:01:53.200 Instead of completing it seventimes as instructed by Isha,
00:01:56.880 he might not see theresult. So don’t give up.
00:02:00.360 I knew God was speaking to me throughPastor Prince and it restored my
00:02:05.240 faith. I started to partakeof the holy communion again.
00:02:10.520 About a year later, I felt the Lordtelling me that my healing was coming.
00:02:15.360 Then one day miraculously,all the symptoms of
00:02:20.320 atopic dermatitis is a breakout,but it’s not that serious.
00:02:24.600 Atopic dermatitis, includingredness, itchiness, burning,
00:02:29.080 sauna, crusting, and oozingon my skin were gone.
00:02:33.200 Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.Let’s give Jesus a praise.
00:02:38.480 And she ends all by saying, praise theLord Jesus. He never gave up on me.
00:02:42.920 Now even people are amazed and theycompliment me that and saying that my skin
00:02:47.200 looks like a baby skin. Godhas made my skin even better.
00:02:51.760 Praise the Lord.Hallelujah. Right. Church,
00:02:56.040 before I share the second testimony,
00:02:57.400 for those of us who have been regularlyattending church for some time,
00:03:01.200 you would know that Pastor Princehas often mentioned, therefore,
00:03:04.080 certain conditions,
00:03:04.880 we need to go back to the doctor to getit checked and for the doctor to verify
00:03:09.480 the healing. And then after thedoctor has verified the healing,
00:03:13.840 you can write into us andshare reverse your testimony.
00:03:16.000 So this is one such testimonyfrom a brother from Singapore.
00:03:19.320 He writes that oneSaturday, a few months ago,
00:03:21.800 I had arranged to meet my wifeafter her seminar while waiting,
00:03:25.720 I worshiped and prayed in the Holy Spiritand then suddenly my mind went blank.
00:03:29.760 So just to clarify,
00:03:31.040 it’s not because yours worshipingand praying the Holy Spirit,
00:03:33.000 his mind went blank. It’s justsuddenly went blank. All right.
00:03:35.280 The next thing I knew,
00:03:36.800 I was at a bus interchange with norecollection of how I got there. Somehow I
00:03:41.720 had managed to call my wife and tellher my location. When she arrived,
00:03:45.600 I was still in a daze.
00:03:47.320 Jesus brought to mind my wife’s nameand face so that I could recognize her.
00:03:51.200 Imagine you can’t recognize your wife.
00:03:52.720 So he was able to recognizethe wife and her name as well.
00:03:55.480 But I couldn’t recall anyoneelse, not even my children.
00:03:59.960 When we got home,
00:04:01.440 my wife and daughter prayed forrestoration and healing of my memory.
00:04:06.280 I started to recall thingsbit by bit. During this time,
00:04:10.480 only the Lord Jesus remained clear inmy mind and I continued praying the Holy
00:04:14.280 Spirit. That evening I visited the doctor.
00:04:17.279 By then my memory had returned to normal.
00:04:20.120 Although the doctor suspected a mildstroke or early dementia by God’s grace,
00:04:24.280 the initial diagnosis was inconclusiveand there were no more incidents
00:04:29.680 During the week. The following week,
00:04:31.280 some church leaders also prayedfor me and as Sunday service,
00:04:34.200 the following week, pastor Princecalled out for memory loss conditions.
00:04:37.880 During a time of ministering,he prayed and declared healing,
00:04:41.240 which my family and I claimedin Jesus’ name. Subsequently,
00:04:46.120 I underwent a series of medical tests.
00:04:48.520 The initial result showedhigh blood pressure
00:04:53.440 And an electrocardiogramsuggested a heart attack.
00:04:57.400 The doctor couldn’t give a conclusivediagnosis about the memory loss.
00:05:00.960 We rejected the negative reports,
00:05:02.600 prayed and believed thatJesus had already healed me.
00:05:05.720 I sought a second opinion froma cardiologist. By Jesus grace,
00:05:09.240 he found the cardiologist found noproblems with my heart. Hallelujah.
00:05:13.440 What could have been a devastatingdiagnosis turned into a testimony of Jesus
00:05:17.800 protection and healing. Throughout thisjourney, two things remain constant.
00:05:22.680 Putting Jesus first and the importanceof praying the Holy Spirit through his
00:05:26.800 grace, his hand guided andprotected me every step of the way.
00:05:31.200 Praise Lord for these wonderfultestimonies. Hallelujah.
00:05:36.160 Just yesterday when I came across thisverse, during my time of preparation,
00:05:41.200 the Lord gave me this verse. Ajoyful heart is good medicine,
00:05:46.920 but a broken spirit dries the bones. Now,
00:05:52.000 we are familiar with the old King Jamesbecause we are always sing the song Mary
00:05:56.600 High Do of good, like a mad,
00:06:02.400 like a mad is a merry heart,
00:06:07.320 a broken spirit, dry of the bones.
00:06:12.400 But a mer high is the joy of the Lord.
00:06:17.640 So the Bible says clearly, amerry heart is good medicine.
00:06:23.120 I look at the word medicine inHebrew is the word for heal is
00:06:28.240 healing. It is medicinethat brings a heal.
00:06:33.120 Okay, so when you look at that verse,I was looking at the verse yesterday,
00:06:37.240 and the Lord said to me, many peopletake this verse as a psychological
00:06:42.080 soothing idea of a mery heart,
00:06:46.840 but it doesn’t do anythingfor you physically in terms
00:06:50.200 of healing your body and
00:06:51.360 all that. But that’s not whatthe verse is. The verse says,
00:06:53.920 A merry heart does good likemedicine. So keep yourself always.
00:06:58.240 And that’s the reason why the ApostlePaul in the book of Ephesians says,
00:07:02.240 keep yourself filled with the spiritby speaking to yourself in Psalms,
00:07:06.200 hymns and spiritual songs. Keepa happy heart, keep attuned.
00:07:10.840 Amen. Wherever you go, sing to yourself.
00:07:13.400 And that’s what I did also when I wouldbe on my holiday or whatever here and
00:07:17.720 there. When I’m alone,
00:07:18.760 I would just be singing in thespirit and I find myself just in a
00:07:24.400 higher realm than beforeI started singing.
00:07:28.200 When you are joyful,
00:07:29.240 you find yourself rising uplike an eagle with wings like an
00:07:34.240 eagle. Amen. And you’re not so prone to
00:07:39.720 the precious and the enticements
00:07:45.600 and temptations to be angry,
00:07:49.440 to be shot fuse and to be impatient,
00:07:52.880 just that. But when the song stops,it’s not just the song stops.
00:07:57.640 The spirit in filling starts to cease.
00:08:02.200 That’s when you get into all these earthy.
00:08:03.840 Do you find that true when you’re singingand you are just keeping a mery heart?
00:08:08.480 And not only that, but whatGod is saying to me was this,
00:08:12.040 that a lot of people think it’s asoothing thing like a soothing ointment,
00:08:15.680 emotional therapy. Butit’s more than that.
00:08:19.080 If you have heart disease or you have acondition, I know of a man who actually,
00:08:24.560 I forgot his name now,
00:08:25.440 but actually he was diagnosed witha physical condition and it is
00:08:30.480 verifiable medically and itjust can get worse and worse.
00:08:34.240 So what happened is thatthe doctor says, not here,
00:08:36.799 and I think it’s a heartcondition as well. One of them,
00:08:39.799 he took a bunch of funny videos back then.They watched
00:08:44.360 VHS and he locked himself upand just watch it all day.
00:08:49.120 When he went back to the doctor,
00:08:50.240 the doctor says the condition thatused to be there is no longer there.
00:08:54.920 So a merry heart does good like medicine,
00:08:58.040 but a broken spirit dries thebones. That’s osteoporosis, right?
00:09:02.560 Your bones become brittle and dry. Amen.
00:09:06.000 So it is because of aging or becausenot enough calcium or things like that.
00:09:09.800 But the Bible says is a broken spirit.
00:09:12.360 And the same book of wisdom tells uswhat causes a broken spirit that dries up
00:09:16.720 the bones. It says by sorrow of the heart.
00:09:20.960 In another verse, by sorrow of the heart,
00:09:25.280 the bones or your spiritis dried up by sorrow
00:09:30.040 of the heart is the spirit dried.So don’t have sorrow of heart.
00:09:34.600 It’s the opposite of beinghappy, being joyful. Amen.
00:09:40.000 And when you’re happy in yourheart, you must notify your face
00:09:44.760 because joy is a flag flown high inthe castle of my heart when Jesus,
00:09:48.440 the king is in residence there, amen.
00:09:50.520 Smile neighbor and smilebig and tell your neighbor,
00:09:55.320 I’ve got joy. Amen. You’re marriedto one. You can even say louder.
00:10:00.360 I’ve got joy. Praise the Lord.
00:10:04.920 There is a verse in the New Testamentthat actually says the sorrow of the world
00:10:09.960 works. Death. Have you read that before?
00:10:12.600 The sorrow of the world works death.It works death in your emotions,
00:10:17.480 it works death in your mind.
00:10:19.960 That’s when you are more proneto forgetfulness and diseases of
00:10:24.840 such nature.
00:10:26.360 Death in your body of course canmanifest in disease and all that,
00:10:30.360 but it’s the worldly sorrow.Godly sorrow is okay.
00:10:34.640 Godly sorrow is when you realize that, oh,
00:10:37.160 I miss God on that and I’mso sad that I miss God.
00:10:42.200 Right? And then you endeavor by thegrace of God not to do that again.
00:10:46.040 That’s okay. In fact, the verse is Godlysorrow is working out a repentance,
00:10:51.000 but the worldly sorrow works death.
00:10:55.240 So endeavor, by the grace of God tobe joyful, have a song in your heart,
00:10:59.800 have a tune in your heart. Amen.Simple tune. Praise the Lord. Alright,
00:11:04.080 so last week we talk abouthow living in the upper room,
00:11:07.440 Jesus actually in theupper room the last night
00:11:12.160 before he was arrested and brought totrial and then was crucified the next
00:11:17.160 day.
00:11:17.920 You know that some of the statementsthat a person would make before he knows
00:11:22.080 that he’s going to die the next daywill be the most important statements,
00:11:25.320 right? And unfortunately,
00:11:28.040 the church world has emphasizedmore on the Sermon on the Mount.
00:11:33.280 It was also on a mount than the Sermonon Mount Zion, which is the upper room.
00:11:38.400 And we saw them here about thesermon in the upper room. Now,
00:11:41.160 by all means we should study andread on the sermon on the mound.
00:11:45.120 But what I’m saying is that there’s a lotof teaching on the sermon on the mound
00:11:48.240 instead of the sermon on Mount Zion,
00:11:50.400 which is actually the highestpinnacle of the mountain in the
00:11:55.040 mountains of Jerusalem,
00:11:57.200 right? Jesus brought them up to MountZion where the Holy Spirit came on the day
00:12:02.080 of Pentecost, right? MountZion in the same room.
00:12:04.880 It was dead that Jesus unveiledto them. New creation realities,
00:12:09.480 church truths. Amen. The new covenant,
00:12:13.440 how we are no longer under the oldCovenant, but under the new covenant,
00:12:16.600 the sermon,
00:12:17.640 a lot of it is preached to also Jewishpeople where Jewish context is a new
00:12:22.040 edition of the commandments and the law.
00:12:25.720 So actually when Jesustouched Onnon Mount,
00:12:30.200 there are some things weextract that into Christianity,
00:12:32.560 into a Christian life also. We findthat in the episodes and all that.
00:12:36.760 But the whole thing is actually theConstitution of the kingdom of heaven
00:12:42.000 that he’s supposed to bring when theJewish people would accept him as the mask
00:12:45.680 Messiah. But unfortunatelythey didn’t. They rejected him.
00:12:49.120 But as many as receive him,
00:12:52.120 that’s all of you. The damn gaveHe power to become sons of God.
00:12:57.320 So we can leave the life of theupper room, praise the Lord.
00:13:02.120 And we’ve come to the placewhere in the upper room,
00:13:04.160 he’s such teaching on the Holy Spirit.
00:13:05.880 But the Holy Spirit isnot a foreign subject.
00:13:08.480 It is not something that theJewish people did not know about.
00:13:11.120 In the Old Testament, they experienceeven their heroes of faith,
00:13:15.720 the power of the Holy Spirit.
00:13:17.200 But the Holy Spirit only came onthree groups of people, the prophet,
00:13:21.320 the priest, and the king.But in the New Testament,
00:13:26.080 it comes on all of us. Hallelujahand indwells us. In fact,
00:13:30.960 in the upper room, Jesus says, hewill be with you. No, he’s with you.
00:13:35.880 He was with them all the time doing allthe miracles that the disciples even did
00:13:39.600 with Jesus. Amen. Castingout demons, healing the sick.
00:13:43.120 And they went two by two commissionedby Jesus and they did all kinds of
00:13:47.240 miracles. But the Holy Spiritat that time was only on them,
00:13:51.480 not in them.
00:13:52.320 So Jesus says He who iswith you will be in you.
00:13:58.720 That’s a first. That is a new altogether,a new thing. He was never in them.
00:14:03.720 Why?
00:14:04.520 That tells us that the bloodof Jesus has washed us all so
00:14:08.880 clean that God’s holySpirit can indwell you.
00:14:12.760 And how long does he indwellyou? If you read that verse,
00:14:15.120 he says He’s with youand he will be in you for
00:14:21.960 now until your next sin,until your next stumble,
00:14:26.640 until your next whatever.No, he’s with you forever.
00:14:29.880 So that tells us when the disciples,
00:14:32.240 the 12 apostles were withJesus by the shores of Galilee
00:14:37.200 in Jerusalem,
00:14:38.680 as they were doing themiracles of Jesus through them,
00:14:43.240 through the power of the Holy Spirit,there was only the Holy Spirit on them.
00:14:47.040 Just like the Holy Spirit came on. Sorry,
00:14:50.120 I was going to say Samson and onDavid and all the rest, alright?
00:14:54.360 And on the prophet, priestand king in the Old Testament,
00:14:56.920 he was only on them.It’s not in them. Amen?
00:15:00.840 So the insight is not dealt withand the real man is not dealt with.
00:15:04.920 So that tells us that during the threeand a half years ministry of Jesus on
00:15:08.600 earth, the discipleswere followers of Jesus.
00:15:13.320 But they were not new creation people.
00:15:17.600 They were not believers. Do youunderstand? They believe on Jesus,
00:15:21.840 but not the believers in the sensethat you and I today we are born again.
00:15:25.200 If any man be in Christ, he’s a newcreation. All things that passed away,
00:15:28.640 all things have become new. Andthe Holy Spirit indwells you.
00:15:32.000 Do you know the Holy Spirit inyou? Do you know how clean you are?
00:15:35.400 Not for God’s Holy Spirit will indwellyou. You are the temple of God.
00:15:41.320 Amen. And the temple of God isalways clean, is always glorious,
00:15:46.387 is always healthy. Amen? Always.
00:15:49.440 It’s only when they start worshipingidols and worshiping out the God and all
00:15:52.440 that, that God calls thetemple to come into ruin. Amen.
00:15:55.640 That tells us when ourbodies, no, you’re not.
00:15:58.080 Your bodies at the temple of the HolySpirit comes in the ruin is because we
00:16:00.760 have lost our focus. We have lost ourcentrality of Christ in our lives.
00:16:05.520 We are probably worshiping somethingelse in our hearts and minds.
00:16:11.720 So that tells us, and by the way,
00:16:13.960 everything the temple is alsoprosperous and healthy stuff.
00:16:19.280 No cheap stuff. Amen. So God says,your temple of the Holy Spirit,
00:16:23.840 don’t think for one moment, oh mygoodness, can I contain God or not? No.
00:16:29.160 That means you’re goingto live the best life.
00:16:32.560 There’s a verse in the Old Testament,which is a reality for all of us.
00:16:35.760 If you are willing and obedient, youshall eat the good of the land. Amen.
00:16:40.680 It’s God’s the prophet dream of that.They dream to become like one of you.
00:16:45.520 Do you know that even David,the Bible says like this,
00:16:49.600 I’m quoting from Romans chapter four.
00:16:51.480 David described the blessednessof the man in the future.
00:16:55.400 David is the king and the prophet,
00:16:56.800 and he has the Holy Spirit on him and bythe Holy Spirit on him. He wrote many,
00:16:59.840 many Psalms, many songs,
00:17:01.240 but he looked into the future andhe saw a group of people that he
00:17:06.000 describes.I’m recording now from Romans four,
00:17:08.440 even as David describes theblessedness, and it’s plural by the way,
00:17:13.200 the blessedness of theman unto whom God imputes
00:17:18.119 righteousness without works.
00:17:21.440 All of you saying Ade,
00:17:25.280 whose sins are forgiven?Whose iniquity is covered.
00:17:29.560 And then blessed is the man towhom the Lord will not impute sin.
00:17:34.400 So he’s describing the blessedness ofthe man to whom God imputes righteousness
00:17:38.400 without works. And now he’s saying
00:17:41.320 God will never, ever impute sin to you.
00:17:44.760 Does that mean that there’s no sin inyour life? No. This side of heaven,
00:17:48.320 there’s no such thingsinless perfection. Amen.
00:17:51.840 But God will not imputeyour sin to you. Amen. Now,
00:17:56.720 straight away the flesh response is this.
00:17:59.560 And that’s where a lot ofpeople misunderstand the
00:18:02.800 gospel and they misunderstand
00:18:04.560 me as well because the flesh always wantsto steady the arc of God. Do you want
00:18:08.920 to put up the arm offlesh to study the arc?
00:18:11.680 God does not need your arm offlesh to study the arc. Amen.
00:18:17.000 The gospel itself is foolproof,
00:18:20.360 which I’m going to show you rightnow presently I’m going to show you.
00:18:24.000 But the thing is this, you need to knowthat God will never give you something
00:18:30.040 that will cause harm to you orcause his name to be tarnished
00:18:35.000 or blaspheme. No way.
00:18:38.320 But the first thing Godwants you to know is this,
00:18:40.280 that all your sins are forgiven.David described, you see David,
00:18:45.000 his sin was forgiven, but his sinwas forgiven on a piecemeal basis.
00:18:49.560 When he’s sin,
00:18:50.280 he has to bring an offering andthen he has to wait on the Lord
00:18:55.600 to accept the offering, which is a pictureof Jesus, the lamb without blemish.
00:18:59.480 And then God pronounce the forgiveness.And not only that, under all covenant,
00:19:03.240 their sins were covered, nottaken away. But when Jesus came,
00:19:07.480 John the Baptist saw Jesus by thebanks of the river Jordan and he said,
00:19:12.160 behold the lamb of God whotakes away the sin of the world.
00:19:17.280 So in other words,
00:19:18.600 all the forgiveness of sins in the OldTestament is like your visa card payment.
00:19:23.600 Amen. It’s not the real payment bythe way. It’s not the real payment.
00:19:27.320 I just let you know it’sactually like those sins in the
00:19:32.160 past.
00:19:33.680 It is pushed forward to the payment day.
00:19:38.360 You still have to pay. Amen.
00:19:40.760 So Jesus came and he’s the lamb of God,
00:19:43.680 the true lamb of which all the otherlambs are only shadows and pictures of
00:19:48.680 figures of He’s the true lamb thattakes away the sin of the world.
00:19:53.760 Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord.
00:19:57.280 So when you look at this perspective,
00:20:00.000 you realize that it’s so muchbetter to live where we are now
00:20:04.760 after the cross because weare the fulfillment. The
00:20:09.720 reality of David’s dream, whenhe prophesied, he saw all of us.
00:20:14.440 I see a bunch of people, God gives themrighteousness without their efforts,
00:20:17.960 without their works. Wow. Their sinsare all forgiven. You know something,
00:20:22.560 even when they blow it, Godwill never impute sin to them.
00:20:25.800 And now God does not treatthem as if they’re sinners.
00:20:28.680 God doesn’t deal withthem based on their sin.
00:20:31.360 God deals with them based on his son’srighteousness. Jesus righteousness.
00:20:36.400 God does not deal with thembased on sin, but on the sun.
00:20:41.200 Wow, I wish I was that kind of personbecause when I sin I have to bring a lamb.
00:20:45.040 Every time I sing I got to bring alamb. And sometimes God still punish me,
00:20:48.640 but is tempered with mercy becauseOld Testament is not a fool.
00:20:51.800 It’s not a completeness like whatwe have today. When David’s sin,
00:20:55.440 God dealt with him. Amen. He lostone son. So some people say, look,
00:21:01.400 God can forgive your sins,but you might lose something.
00:21:04.680 You ever had that thought?
00:21:06.160 I had that thought when I was growingup and it caused fear in my heart.
00:21:10.680 They forget that David wasn’t describinghimself when he says that God impeded
00:21:14.640 righteousness without works. David wasstill under the law. And under the law.
00:21:18.480 David was under two deathsentence. He committed adultery.
00:21:22.000 There was a death sentence under thelaw and nothing he committed murder.
00:21:26.120 So there were two deathsentence over his head.
00:21:28.120 But one thing about David is Davidis I described him like this.
00:21:31.520 He’s an old covenant manwith a new covenant mindset.
00:21:36.080 He saw the future. So hereached out to God and said,
00:21:39.280 God have mercy upon me. Oh God,
00:21:42.400 according to the multitudeof your loving kindness,
00:21:45.200 have mercy upon me.Psalms 51,
00:21:47.800 the prayer he prayed after he committhose sins and God was mercyful,
00:21:51.880 God says in the sense that God saidthrough the prophet Nathan to him,
00:21:55.280 you will not die, but this will happen.This will happen to your family,
00:21:59.000 this will happen to your family.
00:22:00.280 So people think when they read that storythat that is true for all of us. Also,
00:22:04.320 no, listen carefully.
00:22:06.800 That is how God deals withsin under the old covenant.
00:22:11.400 He forgives, but there are consequences.
00:22:14.160 Now today there are some thingsthat are a consequence. For example,
00:22:17.680 you got to bat lung because of yourconstant smoking down to the years.
00:22:20.960 Once you’re safe, Godforgives you all your sins,
00:22:23.800 your lungs still have the problem.That’s only what consequence.
00:22:29.680 But punishment directfrom God, never again.
00:22:34.160 You understand David?Even David’s you call it,
00:22:38.480 some people call it chastisement.Actually it’s punishment,
00:22:40.720 but it was tampered with mercy. This partof heaven, yes we have chastises men,
00:22:45.280 but is the way a fatherwould chastise a child.
00:22:49.040 A father doesn’t go to a child and say,sit out there in the driveway. Okay,
00:22:53.480 I’m going to teach you how dangerousit is to play by the roadside.
00:22:56.040 I told you many times don’t play bythe roadside right now. Lie down there.
00:22:59.240 Then he reversed in hisdriveway over his son’s legs.
00:23:03.800 You hear the sound or something breakingand the child is crying. No, come here,
00:23:07.840 come here.
00:23:08.840 I was chastising you to teach you alesson not to play by the roadside.
00:23:14.000 What do you think about suchfathers? We’ll put them in prison.
00:23:17.880 And yet some Christians say their boneswere broken because God was teaching
00:23:21.840 them a lesson. Nobody wants your God.
00:23:27.080 No my friend. But is the wordchastisement there? Yes. In Hebrews 12,
00:23:30.440 but the word there ispa deal is the word pa.
00:23:34.630 Deal pail is where you getthe English word pediatrician.
00:23:38.760 It’s got a word child there.It’s the word child training.
00:23:44.760 Amen. And how do you train yourchild? Most of the time with words.
00:23:48.920 But then there’s correction goingon. Why? Because you love the person.
00:23:52.120 So is that correction innew covenant? Yes there is,
00:23:55.520 but all our sins are forgiven.
00:23:58.880 And when that is weak we findthat we get into problems.
00:24:03.240 And that’s where I want to
00:24:04.240 call your attention becausemany of you know what I’m
00:24:05.880 preaching. Many of you haveheard me share all this before.
00:24:09.800 But the problem is that webelieve it. We know it well.
00:24:13.480 When push comes to shove in our heartof hearts, we don’t really believe it.
00:24:17.120 Plus there are also voices fromoutside that don’t believe the
00:24:21.800 gospel of grace in his puritythat are saying things that
00:24:26.720 no way God is that good. No wayare you forgiven of all your sins.
00:24:30.520 Lemme tell you this, your sinsare all forgiven, past, present,
00:24:33.960 and future until the day you seeJesus face to face or you passed on
00:24:39.520 whichever comes first. Amen.
00:24:41.640 All your lifetime ofsins has been forgiven.
00:24:46.520 When the Bible says in home wehave say we have not trying to
00:24:51.480 get it, not hoping for it in the futurethat will possess it. No, we have it.
00:24:56.680 And the word there is a present tensein the great we have redemption through
00:25:00.600 his blood, the forgiveness of sins,
00:25:03.800 plural according to the richesof his grace. We have it,
00:25:10.400 but we don’t believe itlasted. Last week, my son,
00:25:15.720 a few weeks ago, he came down with aviral fever that lasted for eight days.
00:25:20.920 And in the initial part of the firstpart, when he was having the problem,
00:25:25.560 I prayed with him. I did allkinds of, but he turned to me,
00:25:29.160 I think it was the second day orfirst day, he said to me, Abba,
00:25:32.120 did this happen to mebecause I broke the lamb.
00:25:35.640 So earlier that week before he fell sick,
00:25:39.320 he was kicking the ball in hisroom and he hit the ball too high
00:25:44.080 and he hit the lamb. Thelamb broke into smothering.
00:25:48.760 He was referring to that.Did this happen?
00:25:50.760 Now he’s brought up in a housefull of grace. We don’t anyhow,
00:25:55.120 just go around saying,
00:25:55.960 God will get you for that or yoursin will find you out something.
00:25:59.760 But yet there’s something inhim. What is it? The flesh.
00:26:02.520 It’s either the flesh or the enemy.The flesh is from within. Right?
00:26:06.920 From your flesh. Deep down is the HolySpirit always The flesh is still you.
00:26:11.600 They’re part of you. Lemme explain aboutthe flesh. Okay? When I say the flesh,
00:26:14.760 I don’t mean the body,
00:26:16.040 the flesh in the book of Romans andalso impulse writings usually refer to
00:26:20.960 the part of you that wants to sin.
00:26:23.320 Do you realize that after you’re bornagain you are a new creation in Christ,
00:26:27.200 you are the righteousness of God inChrist created in righteousness and true
00:26:30.280 holiness. But your flesh is stillthere. You still want to do wrong.
00:26:36.760 You want to think wrong. You wantto feel wrong. I know I don’t.
00:26:41.280 I should not be angry at this person,but I just to It cannot. Alright?
00:26:45.840 Never. Yeah, yeah. Never. Okay,but you are not the flesh.
00:26:50.120 Please understand you havethe flesh. For example,
00:26:51.880 if I have a piece of splinterin my finger, it’s in my finger.
00:26:56.760 It’s literally in my flesh.But I’m not Mr. Wooden.
00:27:02.800 I’m not a block of wood. Amen. Alright.
00:27:07.080 But I do have a piece of wood in my flesh.
00:27:11.480 So when Adam’s sin,
00:27:13.400 that flesh has that sinhas stained our flesh.
00:27:16.800 But Jesus made provision forthat as well at the cross.
00:27:20.760 Not only he bo our sins,that means what we do.
00:27:24.120 The sinful actions and deedsplural, he bo our sins.
00:27:28.200 The Bible says he also died to
00:27:32.520 our sin in the flesh.
00:27:34.320 And that’s found in Romans chapter eightverse four and five. If you read that,
00:27:38.720 it says that God standing his ownson in the lightness of sinful
00:27:43.440 flesh, he never had sinful flesh,
00:27:45.920 but he came in the lightness of you andI in the lightness of sinful flesh and
00:27:50.840 for sin that sin in theflesh, that splinter,
00:27:54.600 that sin in the flesh for sin.
00:27:56.640 God condemned sin in the fleshat the cross in his body.
00:28:01.520 He dealt not just with sins,
00:28:03.400 what are the productsof our sinful nature,
00:28:07.160 but he also dealt with afactory. The source sin itself.
00:28:12.080 Now when he God condemned something,listen, when he God condemned something,
00:28:16.760 it doesn’t exist anymore in his eyes.
00:28:21.400 But the problem is that to our sense,
00:28:23.360 experience our senses to our experience,
00:28:28.360 it’s so real. But in God’seyes it has been condemned.
00:28:33.520 It’s normal in existence. Areyou listening to what I’m saying?
00:28:38.440 On we are to walk by faith. Amen.
00:28:42.400 In agreement with God.
00:28:44.840 So whenever sinful natures arise inus, we just have to agree with God,
00:28:50.040 there’s not me. I’m actually dead to it.
00:28:54.720 Are you with me so far?
00:28:56.600 And that can only come when you havean understanding of your sins are all
00:29:00.640 completely forgiven becauseChristian still deal with this.
00:29:03.840 They’re so sin conscious,they end up singing. Amen.
00:29:09.880 And you don’t have to teacha child to be seen conscious.
00:29:13.560 They are naturally sin conscious.
00:29:15.960 No one is naturallyrighteousness conscious.
00:29:21.240 Amen. Look at Jesus how he livedhis life. He never had sin.
00:29:26.080 Consciousness. Of course you cansee he’d never sin. Yeah, correct.
00:29:29.000 But look at the way he walked. There’sa sureness in everything that he does.
00:29:33.640 There is a definiteness in all his steps.
00:29:37.480 He never have to recall a word.He never have to apologize,
00:29:42.120 never have to. There’sno sin, there’s no fault.
00:29:45.200 He never have to retrace a step.
00:29:49.000 When he stood before Lazarustomb, there is no hesitancy.
00:29:53.360 There is no one dream if Godwill answer or not. Amen.
00:29:57.800 When he prayed, he says like this, father,
00:29:59.800 I thank you that you’ll hear me alwaysand it’s for the sake of the people
00:30:03.000 around that I say out loud that I sayout that they may know you have sent
00:30:07.880 me Lazarus
00:30:11.280 in Hebrew kumi and the date cameforth like that elevated. Because
00:30:16.720 in those days they bindthe date body, the cops,
00:30:20.200 they wrap him up completely likea mommy right in the linen cloth.
00:30:24.080 There’s no way if hejust fainted after that,
00:30:27.720 he should die on after being keptthere for four days. Sure. Alright.
00:30:32.320 Down there, no movement.So when Jesus come forth,
00:30:37.200 literally his body was elevated. That’swhat’s going to happen. The rapture,
00:30:40.000 when Jesus calls on us, comehere, we’ll be elevated.
00:30:46.400 After all, he put the law of gravityand the force of gravity in place,
00:30:51.360 he can reverse it.
00:30:53.360 A miracle is nothing more than a reversalof natural laws and God can do it
00:30:58.360 because he put the loss inthere in the first place.
00:31:01.280 Amen are with me so far.
00:31:04.240 But where all the crux of the wholething is forgiveness of sin. You say,
00:31:07.120 pastor, I’m struggling. Don’t understand.I’m struggling with fear, pastor,
00:31:10.440 I’m struggling with worry,I’m struggling with stress.
00:31:13.840 Don’t you read the papers?
00:31:16.840 Have you not seen what they’reputting out there in social media?
00:31:19.520 It’s cost me a lot of stress. What’sgoing to happen? You see, stress, fear,
00:31:22.440 and worry has got to do with thefuture. What if this happens?
00:31:27.360 What if I fall sick?
00:31:29.440 What if this pain I feel isworse than what I really think?
00:31:34.200 What if then regret andguilt is always got to do
00:31:38.200 with the past. If only if only thishappened, if only I didn’t do that.
00:31:43.200 If only I invested in thisbattle. If only I don’t do that.
00:31:46.560 If I only only it’sgone. Hello, it’s gone.
00:31:52.040 Let it go.
00:31:52.600 You are now here and Godis never known as the God
00:31:57.360 of the future or the God of the past.
00:32:02.000 He says I am that I am.
00:32:07.760 So those who say that God doesn’tdo miracles today anymore, alright?
00:32:10.680 Healing is all in the past.
00:32:12.080 They do not know the I am that I amwhen tomorrow comes he’s going to
00:32:17.000 be I am that I am.
00:32:19.400 And you know what his son told all of uson the sermon amount. He told all of us
00:32:24.120 leave one day at a time.Don’t worry about tomorrow.
00:32:29.840 Don’t worry about tomorrow.Well Pastor Prince,
00:32:31.720 don’t you know those whofailed to plan, plan to fail?
00:32:36.120 God did not say don’t plan.Right? He did not say don’t plan.
00:32:39.160 You go for holidays.
00:32:40.280 Some of you’re going for holidays soonand you probably finished planning your
00:32:44.040 planning. Now, nothingwrong with planning,
00:32:46.080 but the anxiety and the fearand the busyness and the
00:32:50.600 hurry. I think it was Hal Young,
00:32:53.520 the famous psychiatrist who saidthat Harry is not of the devil.
00:32:58.280 Harry is the devil.
00:33:04.640 If Harry is the deviland Harry and dizzy is of
00:33:09.600 the devil, then slow is of Jesus
00:33:16.040 rhythm of grace. Jesus movein the rhythm of grace.
00:33:20.200 It takes someone that God isworking with in the area of fear,
00:33:23.880 worry and care to teachyou something like this.
00:33:28.720 Amen. I don’t have it all together.
00:33:30.680 I’m telling you I have tolearn this from the Lord.
00:33:33.160 I’m still learning this from the Lord.
00:33:38.600 One of the worst things about writinga book called Live the Let Go Life
00:33:44.600 is that your family members remind you.
00:33:52.440 My son tells me live the let go life.
00:33:54.720 Man.
00:33:57.200 My wife tells me timeto read your book again
00:34:03.120 and we are not just Superman,none of the pastors are.
00:34:06.680 We have to learn and sometimeswe also lose the revelation.
00:34:11.239 That’s why I’m teaching you all this.
00:34:12.280 I’m not asking you whether you heard mepreach on this, whether you know this,
00:34:15.400 but whether you still believe it today,
00:34:18.679 perhaps you have heard other voices andthis is crucial because if you tell me
00:34:22.639 things like Pastor, Idon’t really know God,
00:34:25.120 then I can just tell you straight awaythat you don’t really believe your sins
00:34:28.639 are all forgiven, past,present, and future.
00:34:31.639 If you tell me that pastorGod speaks to people,
00:34:34.480 I see them being led by theLord, but God never speaks to me.
00:34:36.920 I don’t feel the intuition in me.
00:34:39.960 Well it’s not because youdon’t have the capacity here,
00:34:44.280 but because you don’t believeyour sins are forgiven.
00:34:47.800 That’s where your problemsstart. That’s the root problem.
00:34:50.880 You say that I don’t see Goddoing miracles in my life.
00:34:55.199 God said I’ll be your Godand you shall be my people.
00:34:57.760 It’s because you don’t believeyour sins are forgiven.
00:35:00.600 So we come back again to the new covenant.We don’t understand the new covenant.
00:35:03.560 We understand the old covenant peopleunderstand the 10 Commandments very well.
00:35:07.360 Plus we have a movie on
00:35:08.600 the 10 Commandments but nomovie on the new covenant.
00:35:12.560 So maybe new creation.
00:35:13.440 Check be the first one to have amovie on the new covenant. Amen.
00:35:19.480 We are already actors, right?
00:35:24.240 So let’s go back to the new covenantand let’s do a scroll again.
00:35:28.040 We end off with this last week. Beholdthe days are coming says the Lord,
00:35:31.520 when I will make a new covenant with thehouse of Israel and with the house of
00:35:36.440 Judah, God says a new covenant.Then in the book of Hebrews,
00:35:40.360 you find this new covenantmentioned first in Jeremiah 31 by
00:35:45.120 prophet Jeremiah andthen in Hebrews chapter
00:35:49.680 eight, the book of Hebrews. So youhave it both in Hebrew and in Greek.
00:35:55.000 So in the book of Hebrews he says,whenever God says something is new,
00:35:58.960 that means the previous has become old.
00:36:01.560 If your husband brings back a ladyand tells you, this is my new wife,
00:36:05.200 you have become old. It’s a badillustration, but he gets the point home.
00:36:09.440 He wakes people up. Whenyou say something is new,
00:36:13.080 that means the previous has become old.So the Bible says that which is
00:36:18.080 decaying is becoming old God.When God says new covenant,
00:36:21.920 the old covenant is now decayingand becoming old. That’s in the,
00:36:25.960 I’m using the phrase that’s found inthe book of Hebrews in talking about new
00:36:29.320 covenant, nothing Bible says aboutnew covenant. It goes on to say,
00:36:33.520 I’ll make a new covenant right withthe house of Israel, house jail.
00:36:36.120 Not according say, not accordingup there. Say not according.
00:36:40.180 According those watching online saynot according. It’s not according yet.
00:36:44.440 We act like it is an addendum to the oldcovenant of the law. It is an addition.
00:36:49.600 It is. We act like they’re both aresupposed to going together. No God,
00:36:54.840 this new covenant is not accordingto the covenant that I made with
00:36:59.560 Moses,
00:37:00.480 with Charles Heston when Ibrought them out of Egypt on Mount
00:37:04.920 Sinai and the fire came onMount Sinai and God’s voice was
00:37:09.360 heard, do shall not kill.
00:37:15.160 Remember that I feel like acting also
00:37:21.960 right. Thou shall not commit adultery.
00:37:24.520 Thou shall not bear false witness. Amen.
00:37:29.000 And by the way, you cannot keep just oneand then say that you’ve kept the best.
00:37:34.480 No, you must keep all you fill in one.James says you fill in one commandment,
00:37:39.280 you fill in all and he says,remember the Sabbath day
00:37:44.520 to keep it holy. It’s partof the tan moments. Okay?
00:37:49.080 So anyway, what we are saying isnot we go break the tan moment.
00:37:52.640 That’s what the flesh issaying. They’re so afraid.
00:37:54.600 If you teach people forgiveness ofsins, their sins are all forgiven, past,
00:37:57.760 present, and future. Right?
00:37:59.760 Then you are saying essentially you’resaying we can go and sin go ahead and
00:38:04.360 sin. But the thing is this,who wants to say that?
00:38:07.960 Who wants even to do that?
00:38:09.720 When you know that God hasforgiven you of all your sins,
00:38:12.600 you fall in love withJesus, you fall in love,
00:38:15.120 the one that has forgiven you soul.And when you fall in love with him,
00:38:19.240 you fall out of love with sin. If yourwife tells you before you go on a trip,
00:38:23.040 your wife says, listen,I will always love you
00:38:28.320 when I miss you. You always, I loveyou when you come back. I love you.
00:38:31.400 I’ll always love you. Do youturn around and say, yip,
00:38:35.640 I can commit adultery. You are sick
00:38:42.280 and honestly this is the rarity. Amen.
00:38:45.880 That’s the rarity to even suggestthat. But the fact remains,
00:38:50.440 your sins are all forgiven. Hey, yoursins better be forgiven past, present,
00:38:54.080 and future. Because you know somethingelse people talk about Christians,
00:38:58.600 pastors, teachers, our future sins areforgiven. That’s heresy. That’s not,
00:39:03.400 Hey, your entire life,
00:39:04.960 if you are born afterJesus died and rose again,
00:39:08.880 all your sins were future when Jesus died,
00:39:13.560 think about it. Unlessyou are 2000 years old.
00:39:18.880 Because when Jesus diedon the cross, listen,
00:39:21.280 the cross like Godhimself is outside time.
00:39:25.400 God took all the sins of the people inthe Old Testament all the way from Adam,
00:39:30.280 his entire life of sins,
00:39:32.160 God through all their sins that theyused the lamb as a picture of Jesus
00:39:36.840 sacrifice only to cover like your visacard under the PA came and then when
00:39:41.360 Jesus came,
00:39:42.240 God put all their sins on Jesus Christand then God reached out into the future
00:39:46.520 because God is outside time.
00:39:49.040 We cannot understandbecause we are time bound.
00:39:52.280 We are focused on time and space,
00:39:57.040 but God is not is a lot of timeand space. He goes beyond it. Amen.
00:40:01.560 He created time, his outside time,
00:40:04.240 God looked into the futureof people not born yet.
00:40:07.480 When Jesus was on the cross,you were not even an idea.
00:40:13.520 You better thank God your futuresins are all forgiven. So you God,
00:40:18.480 reach out to all those who were bornafter Jesus died and rose again.
00:40:22.600 There’s all of us all the wayuntil our time, 2000 years.
00:40:26.560 So when God looks at you, God doesn’tsay from the time you accept Jesus,
00:40:30.520 when you are 17 years old until you are45, now all your past sins are forgiven.
00:40:35.000 From now on, you are forgiven as yougo. There’s no such God forgave you.
00:40:39.400 One sin for all God put your life ofsins just like he took entire lifetime of
00:40:42.960 sin.
00:40:43.200 And God put your entire life of sins onJesus Christ and every last one of them
00:40:48.280 is judge paid for.
00:40:54.480 That means you know have been forgivenmuch. Does that produce holiness?
00:40:59.720 It does. Amen.
00:41:03.880 Those who are forgivenmuch, we love him much.
00:41:08.800 Who said this? Not Carl Young.
00:41:13.920 Not any famous person today.
00:41:16.760 Not any famous person in yourhistorical books. Jesus himself.
00:41:22.320 Jesus doesn’t believe all these antigrace preachers who come against this
00:41:26.280 teaching and say, yeah, they’re justhelping people to steady the arc.
00:41:31.680 God does not need your arm of flesh.God wants to preach the truth.
00:41:37.440 Our flesh wants to study it. Youpreach like that and people say,
00:41:40.720 I can go and sing just like a sickman after the wife says, I love you,
00:41:43.560 I can commit adultery. No,
00:41:47.600 but if the wife comes to him like thatwith restrictions and loss, listen,
00:41:51.880 I tell you, don’t think I’m not watching.I’m not there, but I’m watching.
00:41:55.680 I got my saucers. Okay, all right. Okay.
00:41:58.520 I’ll watch you in every move you make,
00:42:03.680 every breath you take
00:42:07.080 just to let you know I’ll be watchingyou. Right? How does a husband feel?
00:42:12.600 Not that he wants tocommit adultery, not that,
00:42:14.680 but which one do you think has achance of making him more faithful?
00:42:19.720 You don’t have the answer
00:42:24.480 when you think about it. All yoursins are forgiven, past, present,
00:42:29.400 and future. Look that bad thoughtyou had when I came up here just now,
00:42:34.840 right? It’s forgiven. Praise God. Yes.
00:42:40.920 Now you can love me because whenyou know you’re forgiven, you love,
00:42:46.400 it’s just a response. Amen. Soin the new covenant, watch this,
00:42:50.640 God gives three clausesbefore he tells you the
00:42:55.200 final costs. That produces the effects.
00:42:59.160 So the three C clausesare this. First of all,
00:43:00.760 I’ll put my laws in their hearts andwrite them on their minds. Am I right?
00:43:06.640 Correct.
00:43:07.600 After not according to the covenant ofthe law because they did not continue my
00:43:12.120 covenant and I disregarded them.
00:43:13.920 Notice they are cont contingent on God’sresponse and in the old covenant law
00:43:19.600 because they did not continue.
00:43:21.480 I did not regard notice that they were
00:43:24.800 the determinant upon God’s response.
00:43:32.080 Okay, now watch, this is not according,
00:43:34.000 the new covenant is not according tothe covenant. It’s like this. God says,
00:43:36.680 I will say I will. This is thecovenant I’ll make with them. God says,
00:43:40.800 I’ll put my loss in their mindand write them on their hearts.
00:43:44.080 Can you say that I’ll put my loss intheir minds and write them in their
00:43:48.960 hearts. So who willwrite? Who will put God
00:43:55.160 right? Am I right? So whereis it going to put it?
00:43:59.080 Your most intimate partwhere your heart and mind.
00:44:03.120 Your heart is the core of you, your heartand mind. You’ll know what God wants.
00:44:08.240 You know how God leads you.
00:44:10.960 So if you don’t find that happening toyou that God doesn’t lead you and he does
00:44:15.440 it every day, you find that’s notstrong, don’t worry, hold your horses.
00:44:20.000 There’s a reason for it. So the nextthing, next clause is this. After he says,
00:44:24.200 I’ll put my laws in their he andwrite them on their minds. God says,
00:44:26.640 the next one is that I’ll be the God
00:44:30.600 and they shall be my people.
00:44:32.160 Notice again the people Godand say they’ll be my people.
00:44:36.040 That means they must behave and actlike my people then I’ll be their God.
00:44:39.160 It is not like the oldcovenant. Come on people.
00:44:42.360 I’ll be their God and they shallbe my people. If they are sick,
00:44:45.760 I’ll be the God.
00:44:46.760 That means I’ll be the healingGod and they shall be a healed
00:44:51.560 people, a healthy people, astrong people, young people.
00:44:57.400 Amen. Vigorous people
00:45:01.880 see that this term is used frequentlyin the Old Testament and the context
00:45:06.800 is always something miraculous.
00:45:08.920 I’ll be their God and they shall bemy people God. God say, I’ll do this,
00:45:11.760 I’ll do this, I’ll do this for them,
00:45:13.160 not they do it and then I’ll be theirGod and they shall be my people.
00:45:16.440 If they are poor andthey’re lacking, amen.
00:45:20.560 And they’re dispossessed of theirinheritance, I’ll be their God,
00:45:23.640 I’ll be their God redeemer, I’ll betheir God and they shall be my people.
00:45:27.800 I’ll be their supply and theyshall be truly and rich. Amen.
00:45:36.560 I’ll be their God and theyshall be a peaceful people.
00:45:41.160 That means I’m the Jehovah Shalom,I’m the God of peace. Amen.
00:45:46.840 You see that? So the second clause, right?
00:45:49.480 So the first one is that he’ll put hisguidance, his teaching, his instruction,
00:45:54.360 his loss in your heart and mind.Number two, he will be your God.
00:45:58.760 That’s a supernaturalelement. Number three,
00:46:01.520 none shall teach hisneighbor and none his brother
00:46:06.440 saying,
00:46:07.080 know the Lord for all shall know mefrom the list of them to the creators of
00:46:12.040 them. When I was young,
00:46:13.480 I remember that there were seminarsand teachings on knowing God.
00:46:16.960 So I want to know God. Right?
00:46:18.960 When I went down there I realized thatthe person teaching doesn’t really know
00:46:21.400 God.
00:46:22.880 So this knowing God is by books and
00:46:27.200 by hearing other people shareabout God and no, no, no.
00:46:31.040 This one is telling you there are twowords. Know the Lord for all shall know
00:46:35.800 me. The first one is that you don’thave to teach people to know the Lord.
00:46:39.560 The Greek word here because from Hebrewsin Greek New Testament it says gen
00:46:45.120 say genal.
00:46:46.960 Now geno is knowing someone by effort,
00:46:50.760 by taking time to go for coffee with them,
00:46:53.880 getting to know them by effort and byexperience by the way it says because
00:46:58.840 it says in the Sep gen Old Testamentthat Adam knew his wife in an
00:47:03.740 intimate way and in the Greekthere he says, Adam Genco his wife.
00:47:08.040 Then people say this is a veryintimate knowledge on the inside.
00:47:10.480 It’s not you study all the Greek scholarson geno school. It’s always geno.
00:47:14.380 School is outside. It’s abouteffort, it’s about experience,
00:47:17.600 it’s about learning frombooks even. And anyway,
00:47:21.360 that marriage act can be done by anyone.Doesn’t mean they have to be intimate,
00:47:26.240 but in marriage God wants it tobe a reflection of the intimacy.
00:47:33.920 But what is the trueword in the Greek for no,
00:47:37.200 which is very intimate is this one. Soin that words, nacho teach his neighbor,
00:47:41.880 none will teach his brother no God byexperience. No God by reading books.
00:47:45.760 No God, by your own experiments,even your own experience.
00:47:50.640 No, no, no, no, no.
00:47:51.360 Now we teach neighbor that you know whyall will know me from the least of the
00:47:55.760 greatest all will Oda.
00:47:58.320 Now we come to the wordso pronounced this right?
00:48:01.400 But oda is another word for knowledge.
00:48:05.000 The Greek has differentwords for knowledge.
00:48:06.760 This order is a knowledge ofjust knowing on the inside.
00:48:12.840 The Bible says from the least,
00:48:15.120 if you think I’m just the least in thechurch where God says I’ll start with
00:48:18.520 you, you’re the first one that willknow me from the least to the greatest.
00:48:22.920 It isn’t like you have to startfrom the lost. Last and least
00:48:28.400 all will know me intuitively,
00:48:30.880 all will know me intuitivelyon the inside. See,
00:48:35.400 many of you may come to this church,
00:48:36.800 listen and you hear mepreach and share about grace.
00:48:40.080 That’s not the firsttime you heard grace. No,
00:48:43.320 you heard it inside you already.
00:48:45.440 What I did was put into wordswhat you already knew in your
00:48:50.240 spirit and then you saythat this resonates with me.
00:48:55.080 I knew God was like that andnow I find someone who is able
00:48:59.880 to put words that I cannot put words to,
00:49:02.960 but I know this is theGod I see on the inside of
00:49:07.720 me.
00:49:14.200 I do not preach to you becauseyou know not the truth.
00:49:17.280 I preach to you becauseyou know the truth. Wow.
00:49:20.280 What a statement to saythis is from one John,
00:49:22.760 I write to you not because not the truth.
00:49:25.840 I write to you because youknow the truth. In other words,
00:49:30.240 I’m speaking something that resonateswith something in your spirit.
00:49:35.600 Your spirit on the insideis faster than your mind.
00:49:40.640 You ladies, many of youGod make you intuitive.
00:49:43.680 I believe more intuitive than most men.
00:49:46.360 That’s why God had to make Eve becauseAdam, God says E from the tree of life.
00:49:49.480 Now God did forbid the treeof the knowledge good in evil,
00:49:51.960 but God did not forbid the tree of life.
00:49:55.480 But for some reason he neverate from the tree of life.
00:49:59.080 So God created a woman topoint him the right way,
00:50:02.640 but she listened to snake talk insteadof God talk and point him to the wrong
00:50:06.960 tree.
00:50:09.000 But he’s one to be blamed because heheard what God said and didn’t tell her
00:50:12.280 what God said. Amen. Women was createdbecause they’re more intuitive.
00:50:16.920 So women can look at a person justmet only for a while, the husband,
00:50:21.320 well I met this guy the other day in aconvention and he has this great business
00:50:25.480 plan and all that, and your wife bringyou one. Say, I am sorry darling,
00:50:29.520 I just don’t feel good about this person.What do you mean you don’t feel good?
00:50:33.840 What’s wrong with you woman? You havejust forgotten a very important rule.
00:50:38.480 If you’ve been in new creation church,
00:50:40.200 you have forgotten the teachings thatcame from the appropriate a few Sundays
00:50:43.240 ago. When you are wrongand your wife is right,
00:50:47.760 you are wrong and she’s right.
00:50:52.840 Okay. Amen. I don’t feelgood. And she has no evidence.
00:50:57.360 She has no proof. She just,
00:50:59.880 children are very alive,
00:51:02.880 wily children. They don’t like you.They don’t like you. Stop telling them,
00:51:08.960 Hey, be good to uncle. Smile to uncle. No.
00:51:12.680 You don’t want him tosmile to every uncle.
00:51:15.440 Not every uncle that comesto them is an uncle. Uncle,
00:51:20.360 okay?
00:51:21.680 It is good that they have thisconcern about they can smell a rat.
00:51:27.160 You see someone coming, oozing charm.
00:51:29.360 Ladies can war musicplaying in the background,
00:51:34.000 sponsors flashing everywhere. Amen.
00:51:37.840 His name is park
00:51:42.240 and it overwhelms you. Andafter you fall in love,
00:51:46.080 it’s easy to get anything from you.Borrow money also can anything.
00:51:50.920 Alright? But deep down inyour heart, if you are honest,
00:51:53.680 deep down there’s something was scratchy,
00:51:55.920 something was telling youred light you, you know that
00:52:01.800 if you are born again, you area child of the new covenant,
00:52:04.640 you have this on the inside. Amen.
00:52:10.440 Right guys,
00:52:12.480 what we would give if we had justlistened to our wive’s advice,
00:52:16.960 we pay $200 to attend a seminar by afamous person to hear the very same
00:52:21.800 advice we can get at home for free.
00:52:24.760 But because we pay $200 more valuable.You understand? Then the wife says,
00:52:28.840 actually what he said is nothingnew. I told you before, hush woman,
00:52:34.080 this is Mr. So-and-so professor,so-and-so in it and all PhD,
00:52:38.000 whatever and all the what Godwas trying to save you, man,
00:52:44.760 I dunno how many times that’strue. You find that’s true,
00:52:48.000 but we don’t like it because it’strue when they say something right,
00:52:51.480 they tell us. Right? It’s true, right?We don’t like it because it’s true.
00:52:57.880 I know, I know, I know. We are lost.We are driving the foreign land,
00:53:01.640 we are lost. And the last thing we wantto do is ask for the I know, I know.
00:53:09.440 Know
00:53:09.960 one of the programs that my family and Ilike to watch is amazing race. Alright?
00:53:13.840 I think they couple thatfrom Amazing Grace anyway.
00:53:19.600 Yeah, you see the samething, they’re lost.
00:53:21.840 They could have a headstart but don’t to us. Amen.
00:53:29.320 You see how much God has lovedyou by giving you your wife,
00:53:34.160 Pastor, keep on preaching. Okay?
00:53:38.520 So it all will know me. Why
00:53:44.080 is it that God is able to lead youfrom within the most inner most part of
00:53:48.920 you, your inner sanctum?
00:53:51.480 Why is it God is able to lead you fromthe inside out where the devil cannot
00:53:55.400 wire trip the devil’s voice, his visions,
00:53:58.960 his giving you feelings,his sign in the sky.
00:54:02.120 I remember one lady who wrote avery set letter I read many years
00:54:07.120 ago. She fell in love with a guy and no,
00:54:11.960 a guy was pursuing her and before shefell in love and then the guy was trying
00:54:15.240 his best to winan her over and finallyshe asked God for a sign. Never do that.
00:54:19.000 She asked God for a sign. Then one daywhen she was asking God for a sign,
00:54:21.480 she was walking at night,she saw a shooting star
00:54:25.800 then decide to marry the guy. Hermarriage was like a shooting star.
00:54:31.560 Alright? Please understand God will guideyou in the new covenant from within.
00:54:36.240 But Pastor God did that. What? Gidesflee. Gideon was not in the new covenant.
00:54:41.240 God was outside them. Today,God is inside you. Alright?
00:54:45.840 Listen. The devil can imitate visions.
00:54:48.600 Even you have an angel appearbefore you and an angel tells you
00:54:53.400 things. That’s not according tothe Bible, okay? It’s not an angel.
00:54:58.800 So you foul spirit,
00:55:00.160 Tiana go from me in Jesus’name or nowadays it is zombie
00:55:03.680 you foul spirit zombie,
00:55:04.960 go from me in Jesus’ name. Now,
00:55:06.680 the Korean zombies thatyou can fall in love with,
00:55:11.920 no, no anything outside issubject to the devils, right?
00:55:16.800 He can do a lot of the razzle,even arranging circumstances,
00:55:20.560 even that’s why your firstprimary thing is inside here.
00:55:24.680 You know what’s right. If it’s not strong,that’s why I’m teaching this today.
00:55:30.240 Are you with me? Sofa?
00:55:31.840 So if that is not strongand then your knowing God,
00:55:35.680 you find that I don’t even knowhim intimately and God is saying,
00:55:39.840 this is the reason allthese three clauses happen.
00:55:44.040 Even the miraculous, I’ll be their God.
00:55:45.920 All this happen because four,
00:55:51.400 Four means because I’m going to dothis, I will do this, I will do this,
00:55:56.440 I will do this. Notice I will,I will, I will. It’s all God.
00:55:59.320 In the old covenant of law, youshall, you shall God command man.
00:56:02.840 If man is contingent, man isthe main player in the covenant,
00:56:06.720 you will not do this. You will not dothat. You will not. Then I will bless you,
00:56:10.000 then I you will will. But the newcovenant is not like the old covenant.
00:56:14.080 God himself is the active one. I will dothis. I will put my Lord. I’ll do this,
00:56:18.720 I’ll do that. I’ll be there, God.And then finally, what’s your part?
00:56:23.920 You’d be hard pressedto find your part here.
00:56:26.440 Your part is to believe all his eye wills.
00:56:32.760 So if you find that theleading is not strong,
00:56:36.040 I don’t care how many timesyou hear Pastor Prince sermon,
00:56:39.680 I don’t care how much or evenyou may have taught on it,
00:56:45.480 God is saying,
00:56:46.000 your problem is that you don’t believethe last clause because the last clause
00:56:48.720 is because all this will happen. I willdo this, I will do that. I will do this.
00:56:52.600 All will know me because I’ll bemerciful to the unrighteousness and
00:56:57.480 there are sins and thelawless. This I remember
00:57:02.400 no more and the no more. There
00:57:07.560 is a double negative. Not always used inthe New Testament or May in the Greek,
00:57:12.360 all itself is powerful enough. Mayis also very powerful. Negative.
00:57:16.640 Put them together isa strong negative. No,
00:57:21.120 never, ever, ever be. God issaying, I will never ever,
00:57:25.840 ever remember your sins. Hallelujah.
00:57:31.360 And it’s not just remember, you knowwhat he’s saying in the new covenant,
00:57:35.080 God is saying that, listen carefully.
00:57:38.360 In the Hebrew Jeremiah’s prophecy,
00:57:40.720 where this first appears is the word kar.
00:57:43.760 Kar means like your name is zacharia.Zacharia. It means ya is God’s name.
00:57:48.680 Y remembers that’s what your namemeans. Zachary is from Zacharia.
00:57:54.000 So zakar means not justremember also to be mindful of
00:57:59.320 God is saying, I’ll no longerever be mindful of your
00:58:05.120 sins.
00:58:07.160 Can you imagine walking with afriend who is never mindful of your
00:58:11.720 sins? I’m telling you,
00:58:14.080 even the best husbandand wife in this house
00:58:20.400 doesn’t come close tothem. Even your best.
00:58:24.664 Imagine we have someone who willnever be mindful of your shortcomings,
00:58:28.600 of when you filled him thelast time or your sins.
00:58:33.240 And this is what God is saying,
00:58:36.360 I’ll never remember your sins.I’ll never be mindful of your sins.
00:58:40.120 So in other words, I’m no moredealing with you based on sins.
00:58:42.400 I’m now dealing with you based onthe son and what he has done for you.
00:58:46.600 Because Jesus threw allyour sins at the cross.
00:58:49.120 And God who is righteous and holy to
00:58:53.520 punish his son because hewas carrying your sins,
00:58:58.240 cannot punish you today for thesame sins twice because it’ll be a
00:59:03.280 miscarriage of his righteousness,
00:59:07.440 his justice, it’s a travesty of justice.
00:59:12.400 And the course of law iscalled the law double jeopardy.
00:59:16.080 That’s the reason why we
00:59:17.240 have this promise. It’s notbecause God has gone soft.
00:59:19.640 Oh pastor,
00:59:19.960 you mean today God is not of sins becauseyou don’t care about sins anymore. No,
00:59:23.640 no, no, no, no. He’srighteous to what his son did.
00:59:29.080 That if he’s mindful of your sins,he’s saying his son didn’t carry it.
00:59:32.560 God cannot see two placesrighteously at one time.
00:59:37.520 If he sees your sins on Jesus,God cannot see the sin on you.
00:59:43.120 The problem is that yousee your sins on you.
00:59:46.280 The devil tells you your sins are on.
00:59:49.040 You cast the final toss of the dice.
00:59:52.360 You decide.
00:59:58.320 So I tell you this, I submit to you,
01:00:01.600 and this is what God said to me totell you if the effect what makes it
01:00:06.680 happen is because I’ll be mercifulDid the unrighteous your sins are.
01:00:10.800 Remember normal. If you are consciousof that every day of your life,
01:00:15.840 you don’t have to try to make therest happen. You will know God
01:00:21.880 none.
01:00:22.240 Know him so well as a sinner who hasjust been forgiven of all his sins.
01:00:28.280 Just like the man whoseeyes was open by Jesus.
01:00:33.040 Remember he went to the poolof salam and washed his eyes.
01:00:36.440 He realized he’s been forgiven of allhis sins. Not just healed, but forgiven.
01:00:39.520 Jesus is the Messiah and thePharisees who knows the Bible so well.
01:00:43.880 The Pharisees saw him and tell us whoopened your eyes? He says Jesus and said,
01:00:48.720 he’s a sinner. He said, whetherhe’s a sinner or not, I don’t know.
01:00:53.160 One thing I know onceI was blind. Now I see.
01:00:59.320 Then he says, you try to teach us.
01:01:00.560 You’re trying to teach us to kick himout of the synagogue and outside the
01:01:03.720 synagogue. Jesus was waiting for him.
01:01:09.960 Sometimes get out of this religious peopleand all that to get the true gospel.
01:01:14.920 Man, Jesus outside, not inthe synagogue. Jesus says,
01:01:19.880 okay, this fight isadded by me. Jesus says,
01:01:25.520 who do you reckon they’re worshipinginside the guy that I dunno,
01:01:31.640 but between you and me, you’vegot the real sanctuary here.
01:01:37.280 Amen. Would you like to know? Wouldyou to see the Messiah? He ask him,
01:01:41.360 are these in the Bible now? He says, yes,
01:01:46.720 I am He.
01:01:49.720 All those in the synagogue withall the a realite learning,
01:01:54.440 all the advancement of all
01:01:56.200 the rabbinic hole literaturethat they have advanced in,
01:02:00.240 and they’re the who iswho in the Jerusalem, who
01:02:06.840 this man knew more of Jesus.
01:02:10.240 None.
01:02:10.480 Of them knew. He’s the Messiahand they’ve been waiting for him,
01:02:16.320 but this blind man knew from the least.
01:02:24.200 It’s because we don’t believethat our sins are forgiven,
01:02:28.680 that we don’t love himmuch. And people say, well,
01:02:30.760 you tell people their sins areforgiven, forgiven, forgiven.
01:02:33.880 They all want a sin. You don’ttell them they’re still sin.
01:02:40.160 Some of them, they’re stillsin. Just you. Not telling them.
01:02:43.120 Don’t give them the power. But I’lltell you something. I’ll tell you this.
01:02:47.400 Don’t forget, holiness is found also in,
01:02:49.360 I’ll put my loss in their hearts and ontheir minds. It’s from the inside out,
01:02:53.920 not outside in. It is notbehavior modification.
01:02:58.080 God is not one thing. Yourbehavior modification.
01:03:00.440 He’s looking for inwardtransformation, heart transformation.
01:03:06.720 So what is it that gives usa true holiness from inside?
01:03:12.280 Your problem is not pornography.Your problem is loneliness.
01:03:16.160 Even you are married,
01:03:17.240 you still carry the spirit ofloneliness from your teenage years.
01:03:21.280 Your father never treat you well.Your father had a better example.
01:03:24.280 You’re suffer for loneliness. I’mnot saying this for everybody.
01:03:26.160 I’m just speaking prophetically righthere. So God is saying your problem,
01:03:29.680 so that he write the law inthis person’s heart different.
01:03:32.800 That person’s heart’s different.That person’s heart different.
01:03:35.280 He’s going to write,someone’s viewing right now.
01:03:37.040 He’s going to lead youdifferently. But the same problem,
01:03:40.000 pornographic addiction,
01:03:43.880 Your problem is not thishypertension you’re dealing with.
01:03:47.800 Your problem is this thing that’s causingstress. No, I’m not stressed by this.
01:03:51.640 It’s this thing. How do you knowthis? He will lead you from with him.
01:03:59.080 Amen. Everything that I do, even today,
01:04:03.520 why do I preach this? Hewrote this on my heart.
01:04:06.840 I got a lot of things I tell my pastorsand I got a lot of things to preach.
01:04:10.440 I got something from the book ofjudges for I’m waiting to preach it,
01:04:13.200 but everyth time, I want to preach it.God says, no, preach on this. Please God,
01:04:16.200 I preach on this before. Preachon this. Where do I get it here
01:04:24.040 where I cannot miss itwhen God writes, you know?
01:04:29.000 Amen. So you want to see the miraculous?
01:04:34.520 You got to believe your sins areforgiven somehow when you come to God
01:04:39.600 in prayer, wow.
01:04:40.840 It’s just like whether it’s from yourflesh, There’s always accusing and
01:04:45.600 condemning or from the voice of theaccuser of the Bren, the devil himself.
01:04:50.040 When you come to God, your floodedwith, yeah. This morning I did.
01:04:55.320 Was it was that sin? Maybe Ilooked at that man for too long.
01:04:58.160 Maybe I looked at the ladyfor too long. Maybe I did.
01:05:00.280 Was that sin that I crossed my line,
01:05:03.200 I think jam on his heartlight,pastor Lawrence, but was thinking,
01:05:07.440 have I really got angry? So somethingyou do, you can’t even tell.
01:05:11.280 But if you have the right believingmatter, whether it’s sin or not,
01:05:14.480 your sins are forgiven. Canyou bully to God? You can.
01:05:20.400 But the thing is this, a lot of peopletry to stop you. No, no, no, no.
01:05:23.040 You can’t believe your sinsare forgiven. No, no, no.
01:05:25.360 From the day you are born again,
01:05:26.520 until the day you accept Jesus.From the day you accept Jesus,
01:05:29.360 you are forgiven of all your pastsins. From now on, you are forgiven,
01:05:33.440 piecemeal, and this nearly killed mewhen I was about 16, 17 years old.
01:05:40.160 I was very zealous about the Lord.
01:05:43.000 I got baptized in the HolySpirit at 17 years old.
01:05:46.960 On the day I got baptized,I wrote a beautiful song.
01:05:49.520 Maybe one day I’ll sing toyou. I complete song and then
01:05:54.840 I read books.
01:05:56.760 I devoured ratherdevoured Christian books.
01:06:00.880 And then I read one book that says thatyou are not forgiven until you confess
01:06:05.760 every sin. Because one sin will keepyou out of fellowship. So I did my best.
01:06:10.240 I can confess as much as I canall the way into national service.
01:06:13.520 I remember my BMT and I’llbe running, running, running,
01:06:17.160 and the physical instructor beyelling all kinds of, you all know,
01:06:22.280 right? And then I get angry with him.Then I stopped. I had to think, well,
01:06:26.040 how can I hit him? I’m a child of God.
01:06:28.200 Hate what cause me to be cut off fromGod and I kind of thought to be cut off
01:06:31.720 from God as P in national service,doing training and all that.
01:06:34.200 You need God’s intervention. You needGod’s favor. You need God’s protection.
01:06:38.040 I need God to help me not to getconfined in camp. I need God,
01:06:42.600 but did I get angry? Did I cross theline? I hate him. Yes, I do hate him,
01:06:46.200 but I don’t want to hatehim, but I do hate him.
01:06:48.560 I got to stop for a while and Igot to pray. Lord, whatcha doing?
01:06:54.520 I played football with my friends. I’llbe the goalkeeper. I shouted someone.
01:06:59.200 Then I shouted something that after.Was that really a bad thing I said,
01:07:03.000 or was it maybe border line? I’m nottoo sure I need to confess my sin.
01:07:07.200 I confessed my sin. Then I hearda sound. What are you doing?
01:07:11.200 The ball went in. I was confessing my sin
01:07:15.240 honestly before God. I’ll tell you,I can be talking to you and I also,
01:07:18.720 I do this because I dunno ifthese people will say right,
01:07:23.400 that unless you confess your sins,you’re not forgiven of that sin.
01:07:26.720 I can’t imagine thembecause they don’t do this.
01:07:29.720 If you really believe that allbaby, even fear and unbelief,
01:07:33.520 you’ll be because fearand unbelief is sin.
01:07:36.240 Whatever is of not offaith is sin our the whole
01:07:40.840 day.
01:07:46.080 Now laugh. It was nolaughing method at that time.
01:07:50.680 I remember asking for deliverance andsomeone told me, it’s your problem.
01:07:53.320 I said, what’s myproblem? You have demons.
01:07:57.400 There are demons in you,right? So I say, okay,
01:08:00.080 how do I get rid of these demons?I say, that’s we guy down there.
01:08:03.040 He’s preaching somewhere. His nameis go to him and he’ll pray for you.
01:08:06.240 He pray for people with demon Jesus.That’s why carry my big Bible.
01:08:09.320 He was bigger than this. Hewas so big and choke a donkey.
01:08:14.120 It was a black Bible. I rememberthen I was looking for the,
01:08:16.640 it was a landed property.
01:08:17.560 So I walk around trying to find a placewhere this guy was to cast the devil out
01:08:21.240 of me, and now I can’t find theroom. I can’t find the number.
01:08:24.479 And I was walking, walking.I can’t find the number.
01:08:26.439 Then the cloud started getting very darkand all of a sudden I hear the rumbling
01:08:30.960 of the tender and then all ofa sudden the heavens opened
01:08:36.000 and it rained on me.
01:08:41.040 I remember looking up, okay,even God has given up on me.
01:08:46.040 I’m looking for help. It’s likeyou open up and say that’s it.
01:08:51.279 You have committed theunpardonable sin. Oh, by the way,
01:08:53.600 I really believe I committedthe unpardonable sin.
01:08:55.640 So I went down to Orchard Road,
01:08:58.080 orchard Road where I had tracks inmy hand passing it to everyone that
01:09:03.040 passed by and all the whiletelling them about Jesus.
01:09:06.279 For those who are willing to listen,
01:09:07.520 some just throw it in the floor andall that, and they just walk away.
01:09:10.920 But I did my best all the whilebelieving that I’ll help send them to
01:09:15.560 heaven, get them safe,
01:09:18.760 and then I’m going to hell anyway becauseI have committed the unpardonable sin
01:09:23.800 against the Holy Spirit,
01:09:25.640 but I’ll get them safe so that whenGod sees them in heaven, right,
01:09:29.880 and I’m in hell, right, God, it’s howdo you get safe? And then they say, oh,
01:09:34.560 Joseph Prince was in OrchardRoad passing around for a while.
01:09:38.160 God would look down
01:09:42.200 and God remember me inhell. I really believe that.
01:09:46.720 I believe I lost it. That waslater on. But I did my best.
01:09:51.359 You tell me He’s the devil insideme. Cast it out. Cast it out, man.
01:09:54.400 Then the more I didn’t believe my sinswere forgiven, the more I didn’t believe,
01:09:58.920 the more my thoughts became depressed,
01:10:01.400 the more I had badthoughts about God. I had
01:10:05.000 hard thoughts about God. Ihad famous thoughts about God.
01:10:10.800 That’s when finally I thoughtI blessed him, the Holy Spirit.
01:10:14.680 It was like at night I cannot sleep.I feel like the demons crawling on me,
01:10:19.360 my skin, I felt it. I feltlike the darkness was all.
01:10:23.040 I cannot dunno how many nightsI didn’t sleep. 17 years old
01:10:31.040 believing I had lost my salvation. Iwasn’t able to keep up my confession.
01:10:37.400 I was wondering how come peopledon’t confess their sins more?
01:10:40.320 I say people around me inchurch, the church I was in,
01:10:44.960 and they’ll say something andthen I never see them confess.
01:10:52.280 There’s the mercy of God.I opened the Bible one day
01:10:58.200 and I saw this verse. David says, God,
01:11:02.520 if you mock iniquities, who can stand?
01:11:06.840 But the next verse is, butthere is forgiveness with
01:11:09.400 you that you may be feared.
01:11:14.280 I thought it’s more logicalfor my flesh to hear.
01:11:17.200 There is judgment with youthat you may be feared,
01:11:19.960 but instead there is forgivenesswith you that you may be feared
01:11:25.520 and we know that fear. Thereis not like you fierce snake.
01:11:28.520 It’s the worship of God. I’m bringingthis to a close, but can I ask you all,
01:11:33.720 are you getting what I’msaying so far? Yes. So maybe
01:11:41.360 some of our diseases that we have inour body that refuses to be healed,
01:11:45.480 it’s a reflection of the belief we havethat we refuse to believe in a certain
01:11:48.920 area in our life because the newcovenant is not about right doing. It’s
01:11:53.880 about right. Believing, rightbelieving will always produce right?
01:11:58.760 Living. Now the old covenantof law is right doing,
01:12:03.840 producing right, living, butnew covenant is right. Believing
01:12:09.680 the righteous by faith shalllift that produces right living.
01:12:13.840 So maybe you don’t see the results because
01:12:19.040 there’s an area in your life you believe,
01:12:21.440 but you believe wrong in this areaand it’s showing up because David
01:12:25.920 said forget not
01:12:29.800 how many benefits. All hisbenefits. Let’s list them.
01:12:34.600 The first two, who forgives allyour sins, all your inequities.
01:12:39.880 The next one who forgives,
01:12:42.320 who heals all how many, all your diseases?
01:12:46.400 Notice the two all back to back. If youdon’t believe he forgives all your sins,
01:12:51.440 maybe all your diseases may notbe healed, some will be healed.
01:12:56.880 Some I’m forgiven, someI got to go. As I go,
01:13:00.440 then I get forgiven piecemeal basis.
01:13:03.840 It reflects in your healing.
01:13:08.200 Maybe that’s the reason why Jesus,
01:13:10.360 when they lowered the man fromthe rooftop and the Son of God,
01:13:14.320 look at the man regardlessof the Pharisees all around.
01:13:17.440 The easiest thing to do is not to sayat that time in front of the Pharisees
01:13:21.720 because they’re looking to him whetherhe forgive sins or not saying that he’s
01:13:25.640 God. But there’s a verything Jesus did first,
01:13:28.200 he looked at the man who wasparalyzed, and Jesus’ son,
01:13:31.920 your sins are forgiven.You. The Pharisees say,
01:13:35.720 who is this man who speaks blasphemous?
01:13:38.440 Who can forgive sins butGod only it was easier.
01:13:42.480 They believe Jesus canheal. They have seen that,
01:13:46.560 but it was that part that got them.
01:13:47.880 And yet there’s a very thingJesus started with why?
01:13:51.520 And he’s not addressing them.He’s addressing the poor victim.
01:13:56.680 The poor man in a stretcher. Son,
01:13:59.800 your sins have forgiven you.Then he said, rise,
01:14:04.080 take up your bed and walk.
01:14:07.600 Maybe the physical healing canonly come when you believe your
01:14:12.480 sins are forgiven. We do notknow about this guy’s story,
01:14:15.480 but maybe for years and years he’sa flat on his back because he said,
01:14:19.760 I wish I didn’t do that. That’sthe reason why I’m like this.
01:14:22.680 That’s the reason why my sins,
01:14:25.440 I cannot be forgiven or even thethings be forgiven in their heart.
01:14:28.520 They don’t feel forgiven and they needa voice. They’ll tell them, your son,
01:14:34.480 your sins are forgiven you.
01:14:36.360 And he knew what Jesuswas referring to when he
01:14:41.160 heard that and believe it. Healing flow.
01:14:48.520 That’s why we have the communion, notjust the bread. We have the blood,
01:14:53.760 the cup, and it’s nottrying to be forgiven.
01:14:57.440 Then if you do it that way,
01:14:59.760 you are making the Lordssupper into something that
01:15:07.040 something close to heresy. Nope.
01:15:11.280 The blood there is not toforgive you of your sins.
01:15:13.200 The blood there is to remindyou, you have been forgiven.
01:15:19.000 You’re not forgiven, thenyou’re forgiven. Jesus.
01:15:22.520 This hub is the new covenant in my blood.
01:15:24.520 Father remission of sins.Amen.
01:15:30.160 You don’t get forgivenessby drinking the blood.
01:15:33.360 You drink the blood because you areforgiven and you demonstrate that
01:15:38.880 I buy flowers for my wife.
01:15:41.000 I bring her and give her a treat forsomething because I love her not to create
01:15:45.640 love in me. She asked me, why are youdoing this? I got no love for you.
01:15:48.160 I’m trying to create it,
01:15:58.200 and then all these clauseswill happen. You need healing.
01:16:01.640 I’ll be their God andthey shall be my people.
01:16:06.160 You need strength, you need peace.
01:16:12.400 I’ll be their God and all the names ofGod. Now come into play Jehovah Rafa,
01:16:17.360 Jehovah Shalom, I’ll betheir God. They have peace.
01:16:22.280 I’ll be their God. They’re strong.
01:16:24.160 They shall still bringforth fruit in all age.
01:16:27.000 They shall be full of fatand green, always green.
01:16:32.080 Amen.
01:16:34.400 Last week I had a visitorcome all the way from Brazil.
01:16:39.960 He’s a pastor,
01:16:41.560 a well-known pastor inBrazil and he pastors
01:16:46.120 1,300 churches,
01:16:50.680 not just in most of them in Brazil,but also all over the world. In fact,
01:16:53.760 he wanted to see me because hewas just fresh from a church.
01:16:58.160 He started over in Japan. No exaggeration,
01:17:03.040 1,300 churches, not people,
01:17:06.920 but he said that hisministry grew and grew,
01:17:09.080 but then there was somethinglacking. He knew it. He felt that
01:17:14.720 he could not go on to the next phraseof his life and cry out to God.
01:17:19.400 God brought into his handmy book, destined to Rain.
01:17:24.120 He said he read the bookand just cried and cried.
01:17:27.680 His ministry was growing alreadyand he just cried and he said,
01:17:31.960 pastor Prince last week, he said,
01:17:35.960 do you remember the illustrationyou used of the parade?
01:17:39.720 Are those of you who read my book,those of you who have my book,
01:17:45.240 But also read my book? Thereis an illustration there.
01:17:50.160 There’s an illustrationthere of the parade.
01:17:52.320 How God man will see the paradestep by step, right? Amen.
01:17:57.360 Hey, we need the pool. We see oneby one, right? The parade goes by,
01:18:02.080 but God sees from thehelicopter point of view,
01:18:04.560 God sees the beginning from theend and the end from the beginning.
01:18:07.720 God says the beginning, everythingright? So when God took your sins,
01:18:12.360 I shared God took your sins.What I’m sharing even today,
01:18:16.440 God took your entire life of sinsbecause God says the whole parade,
01:18:20.200 we think that Godforgives us. When we sin,
01:18:22.320 we go to God and then God forgivesus, then we go to God. No,
01:18:25.320 God sees your entire life of sinand God put on Jesus. He said,
01:18:29.040 that changed my life becausehe said that my ministry grew,
01:18:33.120 but there was still this perpetualsense of sin consciousness.
01:18:36.480 Now he’s a minister, he’s apastor, a successful pastor,
01:18:39.160 but he says that this pastoryears after knowing the truth,
01:18:44.000 his ministry grew even more andhis ministry attracting a lot
01:18:48.880 of young people, a lot of young.
01:18:51.800 He showed me some videos thatthe young people, they’re amazed.
01:18:55.120 They come to the front and they’reall full of Jesus loving him.
01:18:59.880 You tell me that thisproduces life consciousness.
01:19:04.400 You ain’t seeing nothing. Yetthe old covenant had glory.
01:19:07.760 The new covenant were seat in glory
01:19:12.200 all over the world.
01:19:15.600 Amen.
01:19:17.880 And my son came in and hewant to talk about football,
01:19:22.200 Brazilian footballers, and he said,
01:19:25.520 you know there the pastor say a lot ofBrazilian footballers and they all love
01:19:29.720 Jesus.
01:19:31.760 Amen.
01:19:34.240 So there is a movement all over theworld, a rediscovery of the gospel and me.
01:19:38.600 He’s not the only pastor. He camelast week. So he’s fresh in my mind.
01:19:41.360 But many pastors around the worldwhose lives are transformed. Amen?
01:19:48.680 So I’m here to tell you, if youdon’t feel at home deep down here,
01:19:52.960 this is not my church. There’s agood church out there for you there.
01:19:57.320 There are many good churches inSingapore, many good churches,
01:19:59.800 but there’s one heaven hoodof a church. I’m telling you,
01:20:04.880 There’s one heaven of a church.
01:20:10.080 I come here every week,
01:20:14.760 found a girl here also, and gotmarried. My son also attends the church.
01:20:19.000 So I’m here to tell you,alright, it starts here.
01:20:21.520 How do you know you feel at home inthe church? Deep down, you feel it.
01:20:24.680 This is home truly.
01:20:29.800 Amen. Praise the Lord. Alright,
01:20:34.320 every head bow, every eyeclosed, all across this place.
01:20:38.680 Now you tell the Lord, God, whatdo I really believe on the inside?
01:20:43.600 Lord, please, Lord, lemme not foolmyself. Do I really enjoy your love?
01:20:48.720 Am I conscious of yourcloseness without fear?
01:20:53.240 Can I see you so close,loving me, embracing me,
01:20:56.880 and yet all my sins are forgiven?Or do I see you far away?
01:21:02.640 And for the rest of you who have neverput your trust in Jesus, pray this,
01:21:05.880 pray with me.
01:21:07.240 Christ died for our sins on the cross.And when God laid your
01:21:11.840 sins on him and punish him, he cried,
01:21:16.960 finish, which means everythingneeded to forgive you of your sins
01:21:22.160 and to remit them from your life hasbeen accomplished. And then he died.
01:21:26.000 They buried him, and theBible says on the third day,
01:21:28.560 God raised him from the date.
01:21:30.120 But the reason the Bible says God raisedhim from the date is to declare that
01:21:34.920 what he did for you on thecross is accepted by God.
01:21:39.960 That means you have been justified. Godwill never hold your sins against you.
01:21:44.800 If you fail, you stumble. Therewill be a family correction,
01:21:48.720 but it will not be withsickness, accidents,
01:21:52.480 tragedies harm, but God willcorrect because he loves you,
01:21:58.040 but not to worry about that.
01:22:00.080 Today’s Rema word to you is deep down.
01:22:04.440 I didn’t ask you whether you know thisteaching, but do you believe it still?
01:22:09.520 Are you right now present tense,
01:22:11.080 believing this truth that your sins areforgiven? What are you conscious of?
01:22:14.640 Your failures task file today or Jesus,
01:22:19.360 God’s love for you andthe wonder of his person
01:22:26.120 if that is you, pray thisprayer with me right now.
01:22:28.000 If you want to be safe to be achild of God, say, heavenly Father,
01:22:31.720 I thank you for Jesus Christ,your son. I thank you.
01:22:35.520 He died on the cross for all my sins,
01:22:39.240 and you raised him fromthe dead as a testimony
01:22:44.360 that all my sins arepaid for, paid in full,
01:22:49.720 and that I’ve been justified,
01:22:52.080 made righteous by blood. Thank you,
01:22:56.000 father Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior,
01:23:00.280 and fill me now with your HolySpirit in the name of Jesus, A
01:23:06.840 thank you Father. Amen. Praise the Lord.
01:23:10.000 Stand to your feet and lift yourhands all across this place.
01:23:16.080 I don’t believe for one moment that whenI pronounce a blessing or any pastor
01:23:19.200 pronounce a blessing that it doesn’tgo into effect. Throughout the week,
01:23:23.120 God will make all the enemiesdevices to fail. Amen.
01:23:27.880 God will make the crooked placesstraight. I really believe that. Amen.
01:23:31.720 The Lord bless you and yourloved ones throughout this week.
01:23:34.760 The Lord bless you with theblessings of Father Abraham,
01:23:37.640 the blessings of Deuteronomy 28.
01:23:39.600 Even as you are blessed in heavenlyplaces with every spiritual blessing,
01:23:43.960 the Lord make his face to shine on you.Even because of Jesus work at the cross.
01:23:48.880 His favor is all upon.
01:23:50.320 You may encounter the favor of Godin a fresh way throughout this week,
01:23:55.200 you and your loved ones andthe Lord grant you that peace
01:24:00.120 that he has already given you for you toexperience it all over again throughout
01:24:05.000 this week.
01:24:05.840 The peace of knowing you are rightwith God and translating that to the
01:24:10.400 cares and troubles of life andthe trials of life as the peace of
01:24:15.240 God that protects your heart andmind from anxieties and fears
01:24:20.000 in Jesus’ name, it will be agreat week for you. God bless you.
01:24:24.920 I’ll see you again. God bless.
01:24:30.880 Introducing the newJoseph Prince app!
01:24:35.360 We’ve designedthe new app
01:24:36.560 with one thought in mind:
01:24:38.200 To make connectingwith the Lord daily
01:24:40.360 simple and easy for you.
01:24:46.760 Through the guideddaily experience,
01:24:48.760 spend time in His presenceand build a habit of
01:24:51.400 starting your day rightwith the word of God.
01:25:00.200 Let’s pray this short prayer together.
01:25:04.200 Heavenly Father, thank youfor your deep love
01:25:09.280 and detailed care for me.
01:25:12.680 I’m grateful that youvalue me so much
01:25:17.160 and that you knoweven before I ask
01:25:20.520 what I really need.
01:25:24.360 Help me to rememberthat no problem or need
01:25:27.960 is too small for youto handle.
01:25:31.520 I bring all my cares to you,knowing that you are
01:25:35.920 attentive to every littledetail of my life.
01:25:41.360 In Jesus’ name, amen.
01:25:45.760 Today, everyone islooking to amuse themselves.
01:25:48.520 They are engaged insocial media because
01:25:50.720 there’s a constant cravingto be amused.
01:25:53.040 Musing is oppositefrom amusement.
01:25:55.860 To amuse means you aresilently contemplating,
01:26:00.720 meditating, so shut downeverything else that
01:26:03.600 will distract you.
01:26:04.640 Spend time, bring upthe Word of Scripture.
01:26:07.480 Meditate on it andthe Word of God
01:26:09.040 will release health,life, prosperity into your life.
01:26:25.440 Thanks to the supportof our Gospel Partners,
01:26:27.680 the daily experience isnow free for everyone!
01:26:31.200 Try it now on the brand-newJoseph Prince App.
01:26:35.040 Download the new app today!
01:26:40.680 I hope you enjoyed today’s episode!
01:26:42.960 But don’t go just yet.
01:26:44.360 If you’d like to receive prayer,
01:26:45.960 share your testimony,
01:26:47.280 or find out more
01:26:48.000 about Gospel Partner,
01:26:49.720 just click the link on this screen.
01:26:52.240 If not, I’ll see you
01:26:53.880 in the next episode!