Where have you set your hope? If you set your hope on God, you can make it through even the most trying situations.

I set my own boss I tried to put my hope

on how I felt and I felt like I was

gonna die I tried to put my hope on what

other people would do for me and they

got other people that’s like me asking

you to hold this pulpit while I preached

that thing is too heavy for you and some

of the stuff that you’ve been putting on

people platforms even the economy it’s

too heavy so Paul

man I feel anointed today do I look

anointed I just want to get this message

out to you I know I’ll see you in

Babylonian captivity but I know Jeremiah

29:11 I know somebody say I know now

this is God speaking so the inference is

you don’t know but I know the plans I

have for you and we know that in all


this is Romans 8:28 god works together

the good and the bad

for the good of those who love him and

are called according to his purpose

I got purpose I’m not nervous

he’s got a plan I’m not nervous I’ve got

a purpose I’m not nervous

he has a plan I’m not nervous I have a


I’m here to glorify God I’ll glorify Him

in the lion’s den and a fire on on a

ship with a storm or even in a borrowed

grave jesus said I’m not nervous I came

for this I’m God of the storm I’m God of

the brave and beside me there is no

other so I set my hope when it got real

bad when it seemed like it was gonna be

the bottom I set my home on the one who

is higher

am i nervous

I tried nervous I didn’t like it

I tried nervous it made me irritable I

tried nervous

it made me eat more I gained 35 pounds

being nervous

I tried nervous it didn’t make me a part

of the solution I tried nervous it made

me a critic rather than a contributor I

tried nervous didn’t change anything

I tried nervous gonna show up at my job

do what I can cast my vote be the dad

dots called me to be I’ll be the

preacher God’s calling me to be I’ll be

the mom God’s call me to be I’m gonna do

my part I’m not nervous

I’m gonna do my part but I will not

panic cuz I lift my eyes and I set my

hope I lift my eyes we used to listen to

that song all the time it was a Brooklyn

Tabernacle Choir I memorized all of

Psalm 121 just listening to that song in

the King James that lady who sang it she

I can’t sing it like she sang it but she

say I will lift up my eyes to the hills

from whence cometh my help my help

cometh from the Lord the Lord which made

heaven and

he said he will not suffer thy foot thy

foot to be moon

the Lord would keep me he will not

slumber nor sleep

Oh the Lord is thy keeper the Lord is

that shame upon that right hand upon thy

right hand whoa the Sun shall not smite

thee by day nor the moon by night

he shall preserve thy soul

even forevermore


cuz my head

my head



pulled up my help call me bro




oh my hair

all of my comments around you are the

source of my strength


you are the strength of my line I lift

my hands



everyone stand

everyone standing I have a hope I lift

my eyes Psalm 121 is called a song of

assent there were 15 of them recorded in

our Canon of Scripture for us to read

but they were originally intended for

the pilgrims who would make their way to

Jerusalem so they would have a song to

sing on the way how many know you need a

song to sing on the way to where you’re

going because Jerusalem city of peace

was set in the hills and the hills

represent hope but the hills also

represent hidden enemies and when the

psalmist is saying watch this I lift my

eyes to the hills he might have felt

like a 10th grader in a new school or he

might have felt like a nervous father on

election day in America or he might have

felt like a refugee in another part of

the world that would love to be a part

of our democratic process but he’s on

his way somewhere he’s on a journey and

as he progresses he lifts his eyes to

the hills

the place where his destination is the

place where his piece is the place where

his hope is he’s going to Jerusalem and

on his way he lifts his eyes to the

hills and he asked a question from where

does my help come where is it coming

from not looking over here over there

I’m not looking to the Hills or the

Donald you get it by two things I’m

looking above all of that and I always

always read the verse like this the

Spirit of the Lord is in this place I

always look at it like he was saying my

help comes from the hills you know

because God is above and he’s a great

king and when Isaiah saw the Lord and

the kicker King Uzziah died he was

seated on a throne high and lifted up in

it funny he was seated on the year the

king died and the year where the nation

was wondering what to do God wasn’t

pacing the marble floors of heaven

wondering what he was gonna do next he

was still seated

I came with an announcement today he’s

still seated he’s still seated at a

vision the throne wasn’t vacant and the

one who sat on that was seated so I

always thought he was looking up and

that’s that’s true you know our hope is

God reigns above

did you know that the same God who

reigns above sustains beneath


and that’s why I’m not nervous he said I

lift my eyes to the hills where does my

help come from

I have hope in the hills hardship in the


Paul said I despaired of life but I set

my hope both were happening at the same

time my hope came from my hardship watch

this this is so powerful this is so

powerful my help comes from the Lord

maker of heaven and earth he will not

let your foot be moved who are you

talking to

he’s talking to himself he’s having a

conversation with himself telling

himself don’t be nervous

I know you see what’s in those hills and

you imagine what might be in those hills

and there’s boogie men in those hills

and there might be real danger in those

hills but the Lord is your keeper and

watch this he’s not sleeping he’s not

asleep he knows he sees he knows not one

hair of your head falls to the ground

that he doesn’t count it

not one sparrow falls from the sky that

he doesn’t have a funeral he knows next

verse behold

it’s all about what you focus on he who

keeps the people of God will neither

slumber nor sleep for the Lord is your

keeper the Lord is your shape for there

to be shade there must be heat for there

to be hope there must be hardship or

else it won’t really be hope how can you

know he will deliver you if you don’t

know that he can and how can you know

that he can’t if there isn’t an enemy in

the hills for you to run to him seeking

refuge from I know I know you’re worried

about your teenager I know you’re

worried about the state of things I know

you’re worried I know you’re worried I

know I know but the Lord is on your

right hand and this is what spoke to me

I lift my eyes to the hills that means

he’s above it and God is keeping me in

sustaining me that means he’s beneath it

and he’s on my right hand that means

he’s beside me no matter which way it

goes so I’m not nervous he’s great and

he’s good he’s big and he’s near he’s

omnipotent and he’s eminent he is God

and I’m not nervous hey thank you for

watching make sure you subscribe to this

channel so you don’t miss a single video

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