Did you know that there’s a purpose in your position? It may seem arduous, but God is intentional. To realize the next destination, you must surrender your perspective for Jesus’ mindset. The enemy intends to have you renounce your faith. However, you must trust God, for the process will inevitably work in your favor. If you stumble in this process, don’t fret, for God will reroute you. Your “Next” is coming extraordinarily! God is strategically placing people in your life to elevate you into your destiny. Therefore, it behooves you to acknowledge the relationships that He introduces into your life because it will be the preeminent means to your elevation. Stay close to Him, for He is routing you toward your purpose.



mark chapter 16 verse 4 through 8 when

you have it’s a man and when they looked

they saw that the stone was rolled away

for it was very great and entering into

the sepulchre they saw a young man

sitting on the right side clothed in a

long white garment and they were

affrighted or scared to death and he

saith unto them be not afraid it ye seek

Jesus of Nazareth which was crucified he

is risen he is not here behold the place

where they laid him but go your way tell

his disciples and Peter

that he goes before you into Galilee

there ye shall see him as he said unto

you and they went out quickly and fled

from the sepulchre for they trembled and

were amazed leaders said they anything

to any man for they were afraid the real

thing I want you to see is in verse 7

but go your way and tell his disciples

and Peter that’s all I really want is

and Peter look at your neighbor and say

you can still get there

you can still get there

you can still get there less Freight

spirit of the Living God fall fresh on

the word as it is being preached today

unknowing it in sanctified in my lips oh

god I do declare I trust you to preach

and flow through me until it is no more

mean with you had my flesh behind the

cross that it will not glory in that

side and speak to this star people Oh

God in the name of Jesus we pray amen

you may be seated

let’s go to work I have always been Bob

vocational I have not always had to be

by vocational but I have always chosen

to be by vocational in the beginning it

was the necessity I passed through the

church they couldn’t feed me I passed

through the church he couldn’t feed


they couldn’t keep its lights on that

couldn’t keep these utilities over the

only way I could pass through the church

was go to work and take most of my

salary and throw it in the church to

keep it going when I ran out of money my

mother started putting her money in it

my mother’s sister told her I they call

a tube they said to don’t put all your

money in that boy’s church you got to be

wise you getting old ain’t gonna be

nothing don’t put all your money in that

you and my mother kept right on sewing

as usual mama was right I come to learn

that from those days to now that there

are things that you learn outside of the

household of faith that strengthen your

understanding of faith that keeps you in

touch with ordinary people that keeps

you tied into the culture I like to

interact with people I don’t like to be

isolated I don’t like to be put in a

cage I don’t live in my house and not

come out I still go to Krogers

pick out my chicken wings see what’s

going on in the world now I’m by

vocational I have I have a ministry but

I also have a business my business

centers around entertainment and real

estate and we’ve been doing some amazing

things in entertainment I learned a lot

about entertainment

I get scripts from all over the world I

look at scripts I look at stories all

the time and I have learned that the

worst stories are stories that do not

depict realistic characters realistic

characters are different from idealistic

characters it’s interesting we spend all

of our lives trying to act like ideal

people but we don’t want to watch our

deal people because ideal people are


and because ideal people are not

realistic because ideal people are

fictitious we want reality realistic

characters demands that the character

has an arc and that they have a conflict

that they have an arc in their life that

we can watch them go through ups and

downs and ends and outs and back and

forth and that they have a conflict that

is just say that if you’ve lived long

enough you’ve learned that there’s a

little bit of bad in the best person and

there’s a little bit of good in the

worst person and you cannot really judge

a person just by one moment of one’s

seen out of their lives I know what we

say in public but down in our hearts we

realize that you can catch a person at a

bad season in their life and did not be

as effective as there are in other

seasons this is why this is why David

would rather be judged by God than to be

judged by man because you can do a

hundred things right and do one thing

wrong and man will always talk about

what you did wrong and never remember

what you did right God uses ordinary

people he does in the Old Testament

in the Old Testament he lets us see all

into the personal lives of the people

that he called thank God for the Old

Testament because it gives us a

realistic view of people who were good

and bad who were strong and weak who

were right and wrong who were victorious

and victimized it helps us to assess our

old life that your life is not going to

be a straight line it’s not going to be

a straight horizontal there’s gonna be

peaks and valleys and uprisings and down

setting such as life somebody was

talking to me the other day about

something they were going through and I

told him life is going what life does

life is just doing what life it’s not a

demonic attack it’s not spiritual

warfare life is just doing what life

does it gives and it takes it makes you

laugh it makes you cry it has moments of

victory and a has moments of defeat such

as the case with the character before us

today he’s an interesting character I

must admit that if I were Jesus I

probably would not knowingly have gotten

involved with this guy there are certain

people if you get involved with them

there gonna be a lot of work all of us

gonna be some work but there are certain

people there’s gonna be a lot of work

this guy this guy was a lot of work I

would have tried to if I only had 12

guys in three years to get it all done I

try to pick 12 of the best to make it

easy so that I didn’t have to waste time

ministering inwardly

while I’m trying to reach outwardly but

such his life such as life you’re always

ministering outwardly and inwardly

simultaneously you’re always trying to

be a message to the world and not lose

your house

you’re always trying to encourage

somebody and wrestling with

discouragement inside of yourself where

my real people had but Jesus had to get

ahold of this guy because this guy did

not know who he was when Jesus first met

him he is one of the first disciples

Jesus picked this guy thought he was

just a businessman he thought he was a

business owner he had a fishing company

and efficiently

he went out every day to fish with Jesus

with Jesus first reading that’s how he

saw himself as a fisherman and Jesus had

a higher vision of him and said I will

make you fishers of men right now your

fishers of fish you’re doing what you’re

going to do on a lower level your

history is always a glimpse of what

you’re going to do in your destiny God’s

gonna take something that you already

did and take it to the next level and

use it to bless you you’re going to the

next dimension you still gonna be

fishing but you’re gonna fish in another

kind of way and any gifts or hope to

Pete Peter and he comes along on Peter

at the time that Peters washing his nets

he’s washing his Nancy thought he was

through for the day and Jesus walks down

to the seashore

and Peter and Andrew are washing their

nets and Jesus says to him can I use

your boat suppose Peter had said no

that’s my boat I don’t know you

I might have said no don’t hit me all

funny can I use your car

that’s the equivalent of somebody

strange you don’t know just walking up

to you saying can I borrow your car

Peter’s boat was his livelihood but he

freely he had a giving spirit

that might be why God chose him he had a

giving generous spirit the very thing

that all your friends tell you to stop

being that might be the very thing that

got him got his whole life chain he had

not become cynical yet he had not become

so suspicious yet Peter let a stranger

borrow his car

I mean his boat I got to bring it down

where you can see the level of sacrifice

somebody just walk up to you and said

they left it said let me use your car

for a No

and all of a sudden something happens

because what people what Jesus is really

teaching Peter is listen to this his

business is his platform Peters business

becomes Christ’s platform

I put you in business so you could have

this moment I didn’t put you in this

business about the fish I started you

out of the fishermen because I knew I

was coming

and I was gonna need some I could trust

to take me across the waters I’m

positioning you for purpose not for




oh my god i preaching already God didn’t

put you on that job to make money

God can let money rain down in your

backyard if he wanted to God could let

you let somebody just give you some

money win some money walk away with some

money God puts you on that job for

purpose and a relationship ensue when

Jesus got through preaching on Peters

boat there was a connection there was a

tie almost like a Elijah Elijah woman it

was a tie where Jesus says to Peter

follow me and I’ll make you fishers of


in order to follow Jesus he had to walk

away from what he had in mind the

hardest thing in the world is to walk

away from what you had in mind he had

never got up that morning thinking I’m

gonna stop fishing and start driving

this guy around that was not what he was

planning to do for the next three years

of his life but for the next three years

of his life he becomes the uber driver

moving Jesus from place to place having

an encounter with Jesus that was life

chain and and it we and his life would

never be the same again he not only does

he become Jesus driver on the water

he has encounters because of his

connection with Jesus that he would have

never had any other way Peter got he

Peter got to walk on the water just

because he was connected to Jesus it

doesn’t matter who you’re connected to

there are certain perks and certain

benefits and certain favors that come

not because of who you are but because

of who you’re connected to you get to

have some experiences just because

you’re connected to the right people

that’s one of the enemies trying to

isolate you because many times your

blessing is in your relationship with

the very person he’s trying to cut you

off from I don’t know who I’m preaching

to you’re you’re next is in your

connections you’re next is in your

connection and peter has earnest and all

of a sudden he becomes a part of Jesus

inner circle inner circle in a circle

with Jesus the Messiah the son of David

the seed of Abraham the root of Jesse I

am the mighty God the Prince of Peace

the everlasting father the kids when

redeemer the Daystar the lily of the


the Son of God Emmanuel Jehovah sick a

new jehova rohi jehova manna he becomes

in the inner circle with hell should die

oh god can you imagine what is life to

be just kickin it with Jesus is one

thing to come worship him is another

thing to be a Starbucks with Jesus

hey Jesus has stopped at McDonald’s and

get a Big Mac and fry just kickin it

with Jesus he was in the inner circle

and he got to do things he would have

never done he would have never got to

walk on the water had he not been

connected with Jesus he never would have

gotten to see the woman with the issue

of blood get me get healed if he wasn’t

connected with Jesus he never would have

seen blind Bartimaeus eyes open up but

he got it because he was connected to

Jesus is anybody connected to Jesus

there’s a blessings you’re gonna get

just because you’re connected with Jesus

there’s some blessings you don’t get

because you’re connected with Jesus he

was part of the inner circle and he

probably had less reason to be in the

inner circle if God would judge like men

Peter would have never made the cut to

be in the inner circle he was the most

unlearned of all the disciples he was

not there because he wasn’t intellectual

he was not there because he was educated

but he had something about him

they said the thing that God puts inside

of people that transcends your

background your intellect your IQ if

you’ve got education and don’t have that

thing you still might not be successful

in life there’s a thing God gives you I

don’t even know what to call it it’s

lived unless it’s in the script

it’s hard to find you can’t manufacture

it and you can’t Willet anybody you

either got it or you know there’s that

glory to God Peter had that thing about

it he was rough around the edges but he

had that thing about him and Jesus took

him everywhere took him up from the

Mount of Transfiguration and showed him

the glory that should be showed him in

the future

allowed him to see amazing things of

which Peter didn’t even know how to

respond to Peter got excited because

Peter was a man action and whenever he’s

in showed Peter something he’s gonna do

something said let’s build three

Tabernacles one for Moses and one for

Elijah had one for you

let’s build three of them he said calm

down Peter was excited when he said

Jesus was gonna wanna high if that she

leave me to come I’m going out there

where you are Peter was excited he was

excited he was rambunctious he was so

real buster

when they came to get Jesus he cut out

his sword and said the devil is alive

I got it sometimes it’s nice to have a

few Peters in the crowd just you know

it’s a good feeling you know I get tired

of people who say they with you but when

you’re in a fight they won’t say nothing

then people make me nervous those people

who come back and telling you what

everybody’s saying about you and you

know that that means that they didn’t

say that then Peter it was clear whose

side he was over there was no ambiguity

about where he stood in a fight Peter

pulled his sword and said I take you out

right now cut the man’s here right off

his head so you know he was aiming too


he wasn’t a guy who pulled out his sword

and stabbed the guy in the foot he cut

his ear off said don’t come over here no

more it’s gonna get worse


Peter had an understanding of who Jesus


he had an understanding without

intellect he had an understanding

without intellect he had an instinct he

had a revelation Jesus is walking down

the street and said who do men say that

I am and they were quick to say what the

gossip was some saying you are Elias and

something you are Jeremiah and something

you are a science real loud on the

gossip reacquired on the revelation

everybody’s talked about what some say

out of the abundance of the heart the

mouth speaketh their hearts were more

filled with what men said about their

leader then it was filled with what God

said about their leader so they could

quickly tell him what was on the blog

site but they did not have a cause he

turned around and who do you say that I

am and it is not the answer that I want

you to see first it is not the answer of

the one it is the silence of the 11

how could you walk that wrong with me

three years you’ve been walking with me

and you still have no revelation of Who

I am

how could you see me raise the dead and

heal the sick and turn water into wine

and not draw conclusion about Who I am

how could you go to a great church and

still be biblically illiterate how can

you hear great preaching had not become

a great preacher how can you be exposed

to deliverance and never be delivered


eleven of them couldn’t make up their

mind who Jesus what they were following

him who do you say that I

they got quiet maybe they were

intimidated by what some say I don’t

want to be wrong so I’m not gonna say

nothing but Peter spoke up I’m sorry to

see why Jesus called him Peter spoke up

Peter said thou art the Christ the Son

of the true and living God there was no

there was no variableness there were no

shakiness there was no insecurity he was

clear about who he was following thou

art the Christ the Son of the true and

living God are you clear about who you

follow or did you just come to church

are you clear about who you power are

you clear

thou art the Christ the Son of the true

and living God it was one thing for him

to say that Jesus was the son of God

because there had been some discussions

about that but when he said thou art the

Christ Christ is not Jesus last name

it’s the title as in description he said

here the Messiah you’re the Anointed One

that should come thou art the Christ and

Jesus had not yet taught them that he

was the Christ so Jesus goes

Peter’s answer shop Jesus you know you

bear when you get shot Jesus and Jesus

said something that shocked me

he says flesh and blood have not

revealed this I leave but my father

which is in heaven what shocked me about

that is Jesus has not yet gone to the

cross and yet Peter has tapped into

divine information from the Father did

you hear what I just said Jesus has not

gone to the cross it’s not even time for

you to give direct revelation from the

Father but some kind of way Peter with

his crazy self had tapped in to the

supernatural immutable everlasting power

of God and he was getting messages from

heaven before the blood ever hit the


flesh and blood have not revealed this

under you but my father which is in

heaven and upon this rock upon this rock

not so much upon peter but upon this

rock this rock of revelation this rock

of people who can hear from God this

rock of people who can perceive the in

perceivable this rock of people who have

been touched by the father was divine I

will build my church or the backs of men

who have heard from God and the gates of

Hell shall not prevail against it

it was mountains all the way mountain

after Mountain mountain a

Transfiguration mountain of revelation

mountain of understanding it was

mountains all the way mountains of the

presence of God mountains of experiences

walking on the water mountains all the

way and while he was having mountaintop

experiences Jesus tells him something

Satan has desired to have you that he

might sift you as sweet now you have to

understand the circumstances around the

conversation this is after that they

have had the Passover meal where Jesus

has said around the table said one of

you is a devil and every guy around the

passel of the Board of Directors

of the first Prime baptized Church of

the Living God incorporated was having a

Board of Directors meeting and the CEO

said one of you is the devil and all of

the board responded which means there’s

some friction because these guys were

perfect if they were pure if they were

holy if they were glorified there’d be

no question he couldn’t be talking about

me but every man around that table knew

something about himself that made him

question is Jesus talking about me Lord

imagine if Jesus appeared in here and

said one of you is a devil


don’t it make you think and Jesus has

identified the devil as the one who dips

with him and Peter got away he talked

about you know talking about me you know

you’d be dancing a little bit I mean I’m

not hating on Judas I’m just rejoicing

in the fact that it ain’t me that

whatever it is that made me say Lord is

that I does not rise to the level of

being a devil

I got conflict but I haven’t crossed


and it’s right after this that he turns

to Peter and he says Satan has desired

to have you that he might sift you as


saving gets his hands on you he’s gonna

tear you apart

he’s gonna ripping me you in the most

savage way he’s gonna break you into

little bitty pieces and throw you in the

wind because that’s how they sit at

wheat by breaking it into pieces and

throwing it in the wind he’s gonna break

you into pieces and throw you in the


that’s not the kind of prophecy you want

you don’t get a prophecy like Adam

raised a good offer

that kind of prophecy you say I rebuke

you Satan has desired to have you that

he might see fear sweet but I prayed for

you I prayed for you I prayed for you

watch this not that you wouldn’t fail

but that your faith fail deem huh yeah

yeah yeah I’m not praying that you won’t

fail I’m praying that your faith fail

Bilan and when thou art converted

when you come out of this

not if you come out of this when you

when you come out of this touching

neighbors say when I come out of this


you should come forth is to go and Peter

vehemently argued with Jesus and Jesus

prophesied he said before the crows

three times you will have denied me fast

for Peter who had been all up on top of

the mountains Peter who had walked on

water Peter who wanted to build three

Tabernacles Peter who had seen the woman

with the issue of blood heal Peter who

had seen Lazarus raised from the dead

right after he got to cutting off

people’s ears and saying he would die

for Jesus when he saw them beat Jesus

when he saw them stripped Jesus out of

his clothes and beat him like a slave


Peter got nervous it’s good – it’s good

that’s easy to talk faith in church

the choirs are all the singing their

song and the music is going and

everybody’s clapping and Oh glory to God

hallelujah brother glory to God we who

are whatever God would we call Lord

hallelujah but if your faith doesn’t

make it to your private life if your

faith didn’t affect your business and

your character and how you interact with

people and the choices you make and the

decisions that are made in your life

if your faith don’t make you apologize

sometime if your faith don’t make you

call people back and say I’m sorry if

your faith and conviction of your

private life I’d give you a hill of

beans for how you run all over the

church if it doesn’t affect how you

treat your wife how you raise your

children how you talk to your mama if

your faith don’t make you shut your

mouth and say yes ma’am to your mama

don’t you dance all over this church

like you are all covered with power sit

yourself down and say Lord is it I


they took Jesus they took him they took

him they took him captive

they took him captive the Jesus who had

disappeared and slipped through crowds

undetected they caught him the Jesus

would walk to water they caught it

the Jesus had either speak of he and the

ground open up they caught him and it

looked like he was fresh out of miracles

and what do you do when the one you

serve is fresh out of vehicles and they

has Peter

they said Peter at the dinner aren’t you

one of them a dabbler son said it aren’t

you one of them Peter said

what had happened was


and Peter did one of the worst things a

person could ever do

the epitome of relationship is

acknowledgement anybody who’s ever been

in any kind of relationship understands

that the strength of a relationship lies

on your ability to acknowledge me to

acknowledge me is everything it is

everything to acknowledge me

to recognize that I am your move let all

them know let them know when we come in

the world that you taken don’t go be one

waiting at the corner your I must be

clear about


let let them know who you is that’s why

I put a ring on your finger so all the

sisters would know if you’re shopping

shop elsewhere this is reserved for

customer acknowledgement is everything

if I am your son acknowledge me don’t

acknowledge all other kids that never

acknowledge me

let me know that I’m your son Pat me on

the head say something about me

acknowledge that I am your son because

when you don’t acknowledge me it says

you’re ashamed of me if you’re ashamed

of me you don’t want me and Who am I my

daddy won’t acknowledge mama you can’t

kiss my forehead enough to take the

place of the fact

and my daddy act like I mean here’s

acknowledgement defines relationship

thank acknowledgment defines

relationship I called my sister on the

phone one day I said I give Sarita roses

like everybody else give their wife

roses and I won’t get the reaction that

I’m supposed to get

it’s how I call my sister I said what’s

up with this rose and stuff I could give

roses she’s supposed to like green a cry

faintness I’m she say oh that’s nice and

put them over the corner somewhere and I

spend like $300 worth of roses

I want to see a TIA

and my sister said one thing to me

change mama

she said you’re doing it wrong I said

what do you mean I’m doing it wrong I

got three dudes in the rows we did that

weird rose they went yellow nothing they

wasn’t thrown out in the bag got ground

on the quantity the fresh roses but it

in her face she said give him on her job

she said let the delivery man come to

the office and let all the women stop

typing and want to see who got roses

won’t pass all them other women and put

the roses on her desk and all of a

sudden the roses have all kind of value

because acknowledgement

acknowledgement defines relationship so

I did it I sent him on the jobs because

we yearn to be acknowledged we yearn to

be acknowledged to be recognized to say

that to acknowledge me says that I


bigger than here some of the churches

are always upset about moral failure but

what Peter did is worsen moral failure

because moral failure is weakness to not

acknowledge me is wicked it is wicked

for you to walk in that room and act

like he’s not my wife

it’s wicked I walked with you I love you

I clothed you I paid the rent every

month I bought the stockings on your

legs and you walk in that room and you

act like you do not mind

give me them stockings back didn’t she

give me that brat out but raining on you

tonight and you get something with


praise God

praise God hallelujah

because acknowledgement determines

relationship jesus said if you deny me

before me I’ll deny you before my father

which is in heaven

you know acknowledge me I know

acknowledge you and let’s see who needs

the other the quickest I bet you I can

get by without you better than you to

get by without me he says okay you want

to water Peter who was ready to build

three Tabernacles upper depression upon


sin Jesus blood spatter watching him

weird around the tree as a pain

lacerated his flesh and his neurological

impulses kept sending messages to his

brain so strong he should have passed

out Peter who saw his Jesus transform

from a lion into a trembling bleeding

lamb who saw his Jesus who commanded

angels rear the jerk and scratched like

a child and they looked at him and asked

him were you with him is that who you

call Messiah

is that your lord up there naked naked

that’s your Lord butt-naked bleeding

squirming flipping is that who you

worship now you must understand that

Peter lived in a world of crosses

Christians like to think that Jesus was

only one to be crucified but history

proves it to be a myth

the Romans controlled the Jews with

crucifixes that means that they grew up

seeing people hung Huynh stretched wide

dying in the Sun bulges picking at the

flesh it was a way that power

intimidates the oppressed I’ll kill you

if you disobey me I’ll kill you it’s a

it’s like lynchings

I knew if I said that you would get it

it’s like lynchings you know you know

the lynchings were always public come

out and watch the lynching because it’s

intimidation is terrorism unless you

rise up you don’t run to come out and

watch me cut his foot off and let me see

how much running you do you bear

I think full-time is a good thing I was

born I was boy hit let me tell you

something I would have shut up shut your


you ain’t seen nothing it’s a difference

between hip-hop and hip-hop it

somebody cut off your foot you shut your

mouth as you drag them back in the tent

and pray the gangrene don’t take the

whole lid and without any anesthesia you

try to sew up the damages and stop the

bleeding and you watch grandma wrap her

sheets around somebody’s foot Peter grew

up in a world of intimidation there was

no question in his mind that kill you

too were you with him and the Peter who

argued with Jesus said he would never

deny you and the Peter who cut off ears

and the Peter who performed miracles in

the Peter who had insight as to Christ

being the Messiah now says Oh

and I would have thought it was a

one-time thing but again they came up

and another one pointing and I said I

saw him I recognized him he’s one of

them Jake heights I saw him over did yo

that’s him miss me he go he go – Jake

Church and yet again failing him and

failing him and failing him have you

ever done something that you said you

would never do

you taught against said you spoke

against you you laughed at other people

who did it you ran your mouth and then

you got yourself in a situation and even

to this day you don’t tell nobody that

you did what you did but you did it and

you know you did it and you talk about

people who’ll do it and it’s not just

and he did it one time he did it again

and again and the third time he did it

he said I don’t know Jesus I don’t know

Jesus it’s worse than I know Jesus but

I’m having a weak moment

I know Jesus but my flesh is taken over

I know Jesus when I got a weakness I

know Jesus but I got a problem this is

this is on one hand I feel from Peter

cuz I know he must have been scared out

of his mind

I know he’s normally courageous he’s

known to be Cory ain’t scared of nobody

of God Julia right now I know he’s Tom

and I won had my heart beats for him

because I know he’s afraid but if he

knew that Jesus was the Messiah if he

knew that Jesus was a resurrection in

the life if he saw Jesus raised Lazarus

from the dead then why does death still

terrify him to the point that he will

not believer if he if he knew that Jesus

was the I am and the bodyguard and

everlasting father the Prince of Peace

then why did he deny him and I have

learned as a leader that people will

love you and support you as long as

other people do but when it no longer

comes popular to be associated with you

you have to always you you have to

always keep your heart prepared for

rejection never get so comfortable in

the lap of the applauds of men that you

actually believe it because all you’re

doing is setting yourself up for failure

because it is easy to love people when

other people love it

the hardest time to love people is when

everybody turns against stuff and

they’re writing about it and they’re

talking about it and they’re in the news

and they’re in the paper and they’re

everywhere and that’s why I got multi

above everything else because I

appreciate most not the people who are

with me when people are with me I

appreciate people who are with me when

everybody turns against me and you knock

on my door and say I still love you now

you got clout with me and Peter who had

been a nobody and a nothing and a

failure Peter who hadn’t been nothing

who had risen for power only because he

was connected to Jesus now denies the

one who raised him who raised you

who raised when I was is denied you and

through your way they said you’d never

be nothing who was there for you when

mother and father for Sookie who who

brought you to storms and valleys and

ridges and Hallows at low places if

there’s anybody you ought to be loyal to

it ought to be Jesus it ought to be

Jesus said the least you can do is not

deny him your struggles are your

struggles and your problems are your

problems and you grow in grace is God

didn’t steal but you could at least say

I know him Peter denied him and then the

crowed and when the crowed his

heart fell cuz he realize that said

Jesus was right about him Jesus was

right about me and he started crying

he’s done cried he didn’t want Jesus to

be right

it’s the only time he didn’t want to use

this to be right he didn’t want to be he

didn’t want him to be right about it

that he would deny Jesus publicly from


he started the Bible said he wept solely

and walked away he was ashamed he was

ashamed because not his left is

definitely at least but before he was a

disciple he was a disciple he gave him

identity gave him a people look at you

when you ain’t laughing


with no community embraces you and

nobody except you you know and it’s not

good for man to be alone with metal

Peter is alone after all and if years

and all of that experience and all of

their love Peter is absolutely alone and

he denied him in front of everybody it’s

one thing to have a secret set

but when your sin goes public

when your same goals public people act

like they have none


it’s not that you can’t still come

around them but you can feel you know

what I mean that feeling that they give

you that



god bless you that low set of signals

that we send out to people when they are

excommunicated out of our circles and

it’s one thing to deny a guy who died

that was that was bad that was terrible

that was humiliating

but if he died and he stayed dead didn’t

maybe it was right

the problem with denying Jesus is not

just denying Jesus it’s not just denying

of Jesus that got crucified it’s not

just a line or Jesus that died it’s not

just denying Jesus who had a funeral and

the cemetery service he died off

whispering to three people let’s say he

got up


he got her he got her he got up he got

up he got up he got up he got up he got

a I tell you what is kind of like it’s

like the more he rejected in high school

becomes the President of the United

States and you look and you say I made a

mistake I apologize see it’s one thing

to reject somebody who never goes up but

when you reject somebody and they come

into their power and they’re throwing a

party and you know you all have been

there and you should have been invited

and you should have been included and

you were earmarked to be at the

celebration but now you

I was over in Fort Worth and they’re

doing a lot of construction over in Fort

Worth and they haven’t popped my GPS

that you can’t turn left here because I

got this concrete temporary wall built

up here and so you can’t turn left and

the GPS is spinning and people are

behind me blowing and I’m fussing and

it’s embarrassing and I’m irritated and

I’m not feeling real Bishop II and the

moment you answer it’s just one of the

moments that I have every nightmare that

I just if I don’t take my medication I

tell you there’s somebody else I was

never one of them good moments

it was a detour things weren’t laid out

like they used to be and I couldn’t get

there like I used to and so I had to

drive in confusion and forlorn man and I

didn’t know exactly where I was and I

didn’t know what I needed to do to get

straightened back out but I always told

my sister as long as you got gas you’d

be all right I had guests I kept on

driving and kept on drivers lost but I

kept on Drive and I was confused but I

kept on driving see you can hit here

y’all don’t hear me you can be lost and

still keep going you can be lost still

go through the motions you can be lost

and still laugh at jokes and still go to

the movies and still do stuff and to the

other drivers they can’t see that she

lost cuz he still driving but down on me

inside was this nagging feeling that

some kind of way I got my life all tried

and I should have been there by now I

should have been there by now I should

have been there by now


but I got away I expected to get there

because it was under construction and it

was shut down and it was messed up then

Jesus had risen from the dead and he was

getting ready to throw this massive

party for all the people been faithful

and it used to be me but I got I got

lost I would have been helping plan the

meeting and Galilee

I can tell by the way the disciples act

when I come around that I’m not really

one of them anymore

and the only thing bad about being the

ex is that when you aren’t that who are


first lady Obama is first lady Obama

first lady Trump his first lady Trump

and that comes with all kinds of stuff

that goes along with being that I’m not

saying she’s not gifted in her own right

both I’m not strong at all right but

there’s some perks that come through who

you’re connected to there were parts for

being a disciple but not an egg’s people

love the personal ad to the pastor that

no no no no you don’t like it but that’s

the tie there’s some first ladies in

this room that I tell you he was given

the flowers and the roses and the cakes

and everything your husband bad and they

said we got we we have to take the

person he’s back


that’s how it works see Peter has not

spent his life building up him he spent

his life building up Jesus he’s putting

his business on hold for three years

he’s lost his client base

he’s lost his contacts a lot can happen

in three years Peter is lost and even

though he got call with Andrew and you

can’t call him back and that’s why this

text is important to me because when

Jesus rose up from the dead and showed

himself alive he told the woman he said

go tell the disciples


and Peter not my back my car it started

spinning this little thing starts

spinning on my on my GPS system and then

after a while it said rerouting I came

to tell you about a god we can reroute


I’m telling to tell you about a God who

can reroute a mess and a messy situation

and you’ve been downed of nothing and

everybody’s looking at you funny and

you’ll embarrass your family and you

embarrass yourself and you’re a bear

your name and everything I came to tell

you that God is spinning and when he

gets to spin it he’s gonna leave ouch

him it was something that she’s never

had before so Jesus says go tell the

disciples and Peter I don’t know whether

he’s even considered a disciple anymore

but I have not given up on him I don’t

know whether he’ll be in the circle or

not but I still got a plan for him I

don’t know whether they like him or not

but I still got a plan for his life I

don’t know whether they accept him or

not but I called him by his name like I

called him the first time like I called

him a rock like I called him to walk

with the water like I called him to the

Mount of Transfiguration all of other

times I called him he looked like a tear

said but I call you in spite of data

reliability I called you when your backs

up against the wall I call you when you

messed up your pants I call you when

you’ve been locked up in jail I call you

when you’ve been in a scandal I call you

what everybody’s talking about you like

a dog

I call you though you had a baby out of


call you billion struck out of run I

call you I call you I call you like

homeless for you I call you by your name

that’s your title not your degree not

your pedigree not how much money you got

not how talented you are

and Peter I want you back


and so with my car got to reroute it

worked it out another way and it said

you’re only five minutes away


and suddenly I realize what I want you

to realize today


I said all of that to you this morning

because there’s somebody in this room

who got lost and got off track and made

a wrong turn and got yourself in a mess

and I don’t know I thought recognized if

you come about although if you

recognizable to me but you’re

recognizable to God because God gave me

this message for you


he told me to tell you

you’ve been driving and going on like

you doing something but you know you


you’ve been busy

with all kind of busyness but you know

that you are not living your life’s


you just going with the traffic just

driving with the crowd but you’ve been

off course for a minute cut that music

out you get off course for a minute late

at night and nobody is listening your

heart aches because being in the traffic

is not what you were born for you were

supposed to be gone somewhere you were

supposed to be somebody God was gonna

use your life in a spectacular way

something got you off track

and you know it because even in your

failure your instinctive enough to know

when you’re off track if you were

instinctive enough to know that Jesus

was the Messiah you are instinctive

enough to know that you are off track I

don’t care what you make I don’t care

what you drive I don’t care where you

live I don’t care who you’re married to

I have one simple thing to say

you can still get

no no no you gotta hear this you gotta

hear this because the enemy wants you to

think that you are no longer eligible

then it is too late that you have messed

up too bad that your destiny has been

aborted that God doesn’t love you that

God doesn’t care that God is ashamed and

embarrassed by you the enemy wants you

to forget that God knew you were gonna

mess up before you messed up you know

what the Bible says the Bible says gifts

and callings are without the repentance

of God then when he called you the first

half he already knew this was gonna

happen to you and he has not changed his

mind and you can still get