In this foundational message by Joseph Prince, discover how to uproot wrong beliefs that have stopped you from living with peace, joy, and every wonderful blessing that is rightfully yours in Christ. Discover how you can:

I’m going to share something that I feel like
you might—

when you first hear it, you might say:
“It’s very basic, Pastor Prince.

All of us know it.”

But do we?

For the lack of understanding this, it shows
us what we really believe and what we really

understand about the New Covenant.

We’ll start with a very beautiful story in
the life of our Lord Jesus

when He was on earth.

Look up Luke 7:36-50 right now.

“One of the Pharisees asked Jesus to have
dinner with him, so Jesus went to his home

and sat down to eat.”

Now, such a man invited Jesus to his house
for whatever reason, we are not told.

But Jesus went.

And during the dinner, along came a woman
and the Bible says she was a great sinner.

In the King James translation and in here,
it says she was an immoral woman.

And another translation says that she was
a prostitute.

And she came and she started weeping on the
feet of Jesus.

In those days, they would recline.

The Jewish custom was that they would recline
as they ate.

Jesus was probably looking at the Pharisee
and the woman came behind Him.

Both of them were reclining and facing each

So, she came behind and she wept on Jesus’

Her tears fell and she wiped His feet with
her hair.

And then she anointed His feet with very expensive

And so, Jesus looked at the Pharisee and the
Pharisee was probably looking at the woman.

And Jesus knew what was going on in his mind.

He was thinking: “If Jesus is such a prophet,
he would know that this woman that is touching

Him and anointing Him with a perfume is a

She’s a great sinner.

Then Jesus shared this illustration, this
story in Luke 7:41.

“A man loaned money to two people—500
pieces of silver to one and 50 pieces to the other.

But neither of them could repay him, so he
kindly forgave them both, canceling their debts.

Who do you suppose loved him more after that?”

“Simon answered, “I suppose the one for
whom he canceled the larger debt.”

“That’s right,” Jesus said.

“I tell you her sins—and they are many—have
been forgiven, so she has shown me much love.

But a person who is forgiven little shows
only little love.”

So, Jesus said: “This woman has loved Me

And the reason she loved Me much is because
she knows she’s forgiven much.”

So somewhere along the way, prior to this
incident in Simon, the Pharisee’s house, that

woman had already received forgiveness from

And she knew she was forgiven.

She didn’t come to be forgiven.

She came because she was forgiven.

She came to express her love to the Lord.

What would cause someone to have all these

Isn’t that what we, as leaders, want for
our people?


And the secret is something that’s found
in these words.

In the New Covenant in Hebrew 8:12, it says:
“I’ll be merciful to their unrighteousness

and their sins I’ll remember no more.”

It is in the forgiveness of sins.

Because we don’t fully comprehend forgiveness
of sins, we think it is a starting point.

And from then on, God is looking at our behavior.

God is looking at us and about to find fault
with us when we fall short.

You’re forgiven of all your sins from the
day you were born—when you receive Jesus,

forgiveness of sins for many Christians means
from the day you were born, alright, from

that day onwards until the day you receive

All your sins at this point of your life—your
past—we call it past sins, are forgiven.

So, when the Bible says God, having forgiven
you all your sins, our idea of “all” is

not the Bible “all”.

You know, we have an idea from our husbands’
“all” or our wives’ “all”.

When your wife says: “I forgive you”,
what she means is that: “I forgive you of

something that happened just now.”

She’s not going to forgive you for your future


Only someone who lives outside time can forgive
you of all your sins—past, present, and future.

And that’s the meaning of being forgiven much.

Let me show you this verse of scripture in
Colossians 2:13.


It says very clearly in in Colossians 2:13
“And you who were dead in your trespasses

and the uncircumcision of your flesh”
Don’t forget!

Jesus did not come—listen—Jesus did not
come to make bad people good.

He came to make dead people live.

And the Bible says we’re all “dead in our
trespasses and the uncircumcision of our flesh.”

But “God made alive (you who were dead)
together with him having forgiven us all our trespasses.”

“Having forgiven us all our trespasses.”

What do you reckon God means in His word,
when God says: “I forgive you of all your trespasses”?

Does that mean that God’s forgiveness is from
the day you were born until the day you receive Jesus?

Whether you received Jesus at 30 years old,
35, 50, 60 years old, 70 years old, or even

at the deathbed.

Is that God’s definition of “all”?

Or God’s “all”—because He is outside

God’s “all”, when God says: “I see your
entire life of sins, alright?

And I have put all your sins on My Son, Jesus,
at the cross.

And He paid the price for your forgiveness.

He paid the price of your redemption.

He suffered under the judgment for your sins.

He took it so that you will not be judged.”

So, the law of double jeopardy applies.

“The same sin, the same crime, cannot be
tried twice—once, in the body of My surety

and then in My body.”

God would be unjust to try the same sin or
crime twice.


That’s how God put it that way so that we’ll
never be condemned.

Romans 8:1 says: “There is therefore now
no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

So, God’s “all” is like if you take a
drone or you know, a helicopter and you see

a parade.

You see the beginning of the parade, alright?

And you see the end of the parade.


Like in Disneyland.

You know, one of the favorite things that
we like to do when I bring my children to

Disneyland is to join the parade and attend
a parade.

The atmosphere is solid.

But you know, we watch it earth-bound, where
we are sitting or kneeling in front with all

the crowd, who are doing the same.

We see the parade go sequentially.

We see it go one after another.

We see this character come in and now we see
Mickey Mouse and now we see different characters.

We see it one step at a time.

But God sees the whole parade.

From His perspective, heavenward, God looks
down and God sees the very first character

and the last wagon.

God sees everything.

When God says “all”, that’s His “all”.

So, when God forgives us of all our sins,
it really means our past, present and future.


God’s “all” is not men’s “all”.

So, the Bible says “having forgiven you
all trespasses”.

Do you believe this?

And immediately, our flesh acts up.

“Well, if you tell people that, they’ll
go out and sin.”

Is that really true?

Do we really believe that?

Do we really believe that if we teach people
that their sins are forgiven, instead of them

sighing a sigh of relief because all their
sins are forgiven, instead of them falling

in love with God, we think they’ll say: “Yippee!

I can go and sin some more.”

Do you really believe that people are out
there sinning because they understand this

and have a revelation that their sins are

And for those who have an idea of or some
sort of semblance or understanding about God,

alright, they shun Him out of their consciousness
when they are sinning.

What about Christians?

Well, Christians know God, don’t they?

But many of them have a theoretical understanding
of forgiveness of sins.

So, because of that, they are still sinning.


Because that revelation of forgiveness of
sins has not broken that bondage of sin.

And that’s what I’m saying, people.

If we understand the revelation, it’s not
just a beginning truth.

It is a truth that you live by every day.


Now, will that make you rise up and say: “Well,
now I am going to be even more bitter towards

my wife, towards my husband.

I can be more unforgiving.”

Or does that make you think: “What?

God forgave me of all those stupid things.

I feel like kicking myself when I said those

I feel ashamed to be a Christian.

Yet, I do not know how to get out of this

It will break the power of sin in your life!

It will cause you to feel the love of God.

And we love because He first loved us.


So, Jesus said: “You see this woman, just
like this story I told you, Simon.

The one who is forgiven more is the one who
will love the money lender more.

The one whose debt was canceled more will
love him more.”

You see, if the truth was known, all of us
have been forgiven much!

It is just that the truth has not been preached.

We have not judged rightly.


Our forgiveness.

We have not judged rightly of this topic.

So, when we fail, that’s the time you need
to realize that your sins are forgiven!

Imagine if you really believe that?

What courage, what boldness that will give
you to come into the presence of God?

Knowing that—many people come into the presence
of God—I would always like to illustrate

it like this.

You know, it’s like they can’t be at ease
and at rest in the presence of God.

So, their prayer life becomes—you know,
whether you pray long or short, it’s not the

criteria of a good prayer life and time spent
with God.

But it does indicate many times that we are
not at ease.

We’re not comfortable in God’s presence.

So, we come in but we still need God’s help.

We want His intervention, His divine intervention.

We want Him to be involved in our life.

We want Him to help us, to protect us and
to bless us.

So, we come in and because we’re not assured
of the forgiveness of our sins.

We might be assured that our past sins, before
we accepted Christ, was forgiven.

But right now.

“This morning, I had a bad thought.”

Or maybe: “Just now, I lost my cool with
my husband.”

or “Just now…”

These things will come back on us because
our flesh reminds us of it.

And you know, the enemy is called the accuser.

He reminds you of it.

Imagine if you don’t believe this truth?

You’ll come in and no wonder people come in
real fast and they throw their requests one

after another real fast.

And they are not really comfortable in God’s
presence and they want to get out.

But the moment they spend time with their
friends out there at a nearby café, before

you know it, two hours have passed.

Even finally after we say goodbye, we know
that it’s never enough.

Why do we feel that way about our friends?

Because we know our friends.

They are not looking at our sins.

They’re not looking at us.

They just love us.

They know that we’re not perfect, but they
just love us.


They’re not out to punish us or to fault find
with us.

And why is it that we can’t think of God that

“Pastor Prince, God is a Holy God.”

He is!

He is a thrice Holy God!

He’s a perfect God.

But you must know one thing.

Whatever God does, exactly, is Holy and true.

But today holiness is such that God has put
His holiness on your side.


When Jesus died on the cross, God put His
holiness on your side for you, not against you.

Because the holiness of God, at the cross,
put all your sins on the body of Jesus Christ.

And the holiness of God and the righteousness
of God had to punish Jesus because He became

liable with your sins and my sins that He
bore at the cross.

And because He’s been punished fully to the
fullest extent and Jesus cried out: “Finished!”,

it means that it is an act that is never to
be repeated.

It is in the perfect tense.

And the perfect tense in the Greek is like
the perfect tense in English.

It is an act that cannot be repeated.

It’s once and for all.



All our sins gone.

The judgment of God also exhausted in the
body of Jesus Christ.

So today, the holiness of God has been satisfied.

The blood of Jesus that He shed at the cross,
has fully met all the divine requirements

of God’s holiness and righteousness on our
lives because He died for us.

And God is more than satisfied!

God is glorified by what Christ has done.

All the attributes of God—His holiness,
His righteousness, His glory, His majesty,

His goodness—has all been glorified by the
death of Christ.

So today, God, to be righteous, cannot punish

If you believe on Jesus—that He bore your
sins at the cross and did a complete and clean

sweep of all your sins at the cross—if you
put your trust in Jesus Christ, God cannot

punish you for your sins.

Because He has punished your sins in the body
of Jesus Christ.

I want to pause here and just say this.

Here again, people will say: “Well, if you
preach like that, people will say…”

No, friend!

It is for the lack of preaching the truth,
that people are not living the truth and

because of that, it doesn’t result in much love for
Jesus and in expensive perfume service.

We have to preach the truth that when people
believe right, they will live right!

Now, friend, this is not: “just a basic
truth and then let us move on to deeper things.”

No, this is the source.


This is the foundation and this is the springboard
of all our blessings in our life.

It is the mother of all our blessings.

If we don’t believe this—in Psalms 103—the
first benefit commends with forgiveness of

all our sins.

If we don’t believe that, we’re not ready
for the healing of all our diseases.


Benefits like “redemption from destruction”
and “renewal of our youth like the eagles”.

All those benefits come later after we realize
the very first benefit—the forgiveness of

all our sins.

Stop living in the past!

You are forgiven of all your sins.


There are things that we do sometimes in our
lives that make us feel like kicking ourselves.

“I wish I had never done that.”

But it’s done!


You know, to be disappointed with ourselves
is actually to trust in ourselves.

And the Bible says to not trust ourselves.


Trust in the Lord!