Priscilla Shirer speaks directly to the fear that you may be feeling surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. Don’t let the fear determine how you you will follow God!

– I love how Chris has so clearly,

set up for us this difference between,

feeling fear, is really what
she was saying you can feel it,

without allowing it to
actually control you.

There’s a difference between the feeling,

and the spirit of fear being on your life,

and allowing it to govern the
choices that you are making.

Those are two different things.

All of us feel fear.

Every single one of my friends
that are on this television

program right now, we all feel fear.

But we have to choose
just like everyone else,

whether or not we’re gonna
allow that now to determine,

whether or not I follow God,

whether or not I do the next thing,

whether or not I keep on
honoring God with my choices

and with my attitudes and my actions.

And the perfect love,

is that light that
Chrystal was talking about.

When you bring fear in alignment

with the love of God for you,

which means he has your back,

it means he is for you,

it means he is in sovereign control

over all the circumstances.

– Yeah.
– It means that

the Spirit of God,

the same one that raised
Jesus Christ from the dead,

is the same Spirit that’s
living on the inside of you.

Which means, that fear doesn’t
have the right to govern me

because God’s power is
overruling every single nuance

of that enemy’s device in my life.

And here’s the thing I
really wanna say about fear,

because my sister,

I don’t know if everybody knows this,

but, the young lady that is in the block

right underneath me,

the other chocolate sister
(Christine laughing)

that is on this broadcast today.

(Laurie laughing)
She’s my actual

biological sister,

so she can tell you all this about me.

That fear,

the concept of fear as a spirit,

makes me almost, angry.

Because the enemy uses the
spirit of fear as a device,

to keep me,

to keep my siblings,

to keep my sons,

to keep my husband,

to keep my friends,

from actually walking in all
of the fullness and the joy

and the peace and the purpose
that he’s created us for.

He does not want us to
reach our full potential,

and one of the major devices

and schemes that he uses to cripple us,

is the spirit of fear.

So oftentimes,

– Yeah.
– In my life,

one of the ways I begin to
discern the leading of God’s,

God for my life,

is if there are two
options in front of me,

Lord, would you have me
do option a or option b.

And I consider which
one I really don’t want,

for whatever the reasons are.

If I watered down the reasons why

I don’t wanna choose one of them,

and the underlying base of
my reason when I’m honest,

is that I’m intimidated,

or I’m insecure,

or I’m afraid that I won’t be enough,

or I won’t be able to follow it through,

or I’m not talented enough,
or whatever my fears are.

If I water it down and find
fear at the base of it,

then I know, that if the
enemy is going over time,

to stamp a spirit of fear on that thing,

that must mean,

that there’s something in that thing

he does not want me to have.

And let me,

– Right.
– Tell you something,

if the enemy doesn’t want
me to have something,

it causes a holy indignation
to rise up on the inside of me,

because I want everything
that God has for me.

So I’m just saying,

ask God, to heighten
your spiritual senses,

not just so that when you feel fear,

it becomes this overwhelming problem,

but when
– Yeah.

– That feeling begins to be
used by the enemy as a scheme,

to stamp a spirit of fear in your life,

and keep you from moving forward,

that’s when you put a stake
in the ground and say,

uh uh, not today Satan,

you came for the wrong one.

I am walking forward
in the purposes of God.

(soft bright music)

– Hi, everybody.

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