Comparison is a normal, human occurrence. It’s hard not to notice when someone has a nicer car than you, a bigger house than you, or seems more successful than you. We have all fallen into that temptation. But we can’t let comparison trap us. When it does, we begin to live outside of our calling and the life God has for us. In week 4 of our series Cuffing Season, Pastor Mike warns us about the dangers of comparison and teaches us how to kill it in our lives. If you know someone who needs this message, share the link with them!

all right today is week four

of a series we calling cuffing season if

you’re ready make some noise

all right here we go

all right


this whole series has been special to me

because this series

um like a few other series has the um

the the power i believe

to if somebody checks in from beginning

to end

literally transform your entire life in

week one

we started talking about the subtitle of

this series cuffing season the things

that you love that don’t love you back

how many people can name three things

right now that you love that you know

don’t love you back okay all right see

some of y’all are lying right now

because that cake you ate yesterday it

don’t love you back

and that person you keep dm dming they

don’t love you back they’re using you

okay can i already go for it

let me ask the question again how many

people have things in their life that

you love

that do not love you back hands please

i’ma start calling you out

all right

the reason we have to be that honest

about what we’re what we’re talking

about right now is because god can never

heal what you will not reveal

every sermon i’m trying to give you an

opportunity to say me too

it’s me

here i am

look that’s what i did like that’s all

i’m trying to get you to do because god

will never knock down a place where you

have the door locked

and i know you want him to because if

you god you would just he said but i’m a


and i’m not that’s why i gave you choice

i stand before you today giving you two

options life or death i’ma give you the

answer to the test choose


but you still have a choice

so today i want to go further in this

series but i i gotta beg you

please go back as we are at week four if

you have not watched dissect and

actually ruminated and meditated on the

past three messages it’s gonna be

imperative for you to be able to hang on

for the next how many ever messages this


i feel like we’re in a flow right now

so so week one we talked about the

things that we love that don’t love us


week two we got specific and said we’re

uncuffing from comfort

last week we got we got we got knocked

around and and and god told us that we

need to actually uncuff from convenience

and this week

i’m coming in even heavier

okay i just want to i want to warn you

but we’re going to start light so then

we can go deep okay so so i know it’s

been a little a little rough for

everybody so so i want to play a game

starting off okay

and we’re going to play this this game

um could you give me some cheesy game

show music please maestro go ahead and

do that and before you do that before

you do that i need a couple like who’s

the newest married couple in the room is

somebody been married for less than a

year can i see anybody’s hands less than

a year

uh i need a christian ain’t christian

christian and dash

where are they at are they here is both

of them here all right come on come on

we all give it up for christian and daz

coming to my

impromptu game show that they know

nothing about


it’s live

all right here we go

how long y’all been married


for four months

brother you gonna really need to know

these dates dog

you gonna get in real trouble


i’m gonna play a game cheesy music cue

now please

okay okay that’s good that’s good could

you put my game show um graphic up there

and i need you all to come up here for

me and i just need y’all to stand right

here come

this is comparison and compatible okay

so this is all i want y’all to do

i don’t want to mess up your marriage

but but but i want to just see where

y’all at right now okay so i’ma put two

things on the screen

and i want you to step to the side

that that you think that thing is the

thing you would want for the rest of

your life okay now i don’t need this to

be like a whole bunch of oh debating and

maybe no no i mean you got three seconds

okay and so i’m gonna put two things on

there and you go to each side which one

you think okay and then i want you all

to play at home okay so in the chat i

want you to do in the audience i want

you to yell out which one and we’re

gonna play this game together okay is

everybody ready i said studio audience

are you ready

okay okay

cheesy music you gotta play the whole

time okay there you go okay

which one

nike or adidas

okay they together on that one all right

here we go

which one

football or basketball

dang they just

y’all are in it together all right i’m

gonna step aside here we go which one

tesla or mercedes


all right here we go

come on i need you to put it in chat

which one

snow cones or ice cream

oh these are some snow cone people you

see them in the middle right there get

on get on the side christian okay

it’s cause they put chocolate ice cream

if they would have put cookies and cream

that would have been good

which one

instagram or tick tock

which one what’d y’all say

okay put it in the chat okay okay

everybody say which one


beach or mountains


what you call me

no i’m just flying this way i’ll just

well i’ll just flip this

everybody say which one

country mansion or city penthouse


oh she said uh

she walked over there with the quickness


which one

since we’re in oklahoma oh you or osu


she said i don’t care my hair is pink it

don’t even matter


that was level one now we’re going to

increase for level two

and see what’s gonna happen okay

everybody say which one

now this is somebody or something

that’s the only one you have forever

which one do you want okay all right

lebron james or max from the ymca


a gourmet meal

or dog food

y’all not playing no more


writing a book

or being booked in jail


who came up with these questions

a g wagon or a wagon

they haven’t moved

a laptop computer

or a typewriter


somebody said a typewriter

where you from 1814 what is



a couple more

your dream house

or a barbie dream house


y’all know y’all still not playing

okay dream house

a cassette tape

or streaming services like spotify


can we give it up for our contestants

today christian

and his beautiful wife dash thank you

your prize is nothing i love you

i love you i love you

give it up for caleb sean ladies and



the truth is in round one

there was actual things that were


in round two there was no difference

and most people would say there’s no


lebron james

or max from the ymca

my dream house or a barbecue they’re on

completely different


and and so so i have one more comparison

real quick

come here uh bella and come here uh g or

ava whichever one come here come come

yeah bring gigi get rid of my baby

tell me

that’s that baby look at daddy’s baby

this is the uh

who dressed you today

you look cute

a little baby heel zone did your mama

see you before you left the house okay

you look good

now now if i came up here as a loving

father hi daddy’s baby you did

and and look at daddy’s yay that’s

daddy’s baby okay

is that that he’s joy baby what you

looking at

you’re looking at your sister that’s


this is gia joy and bella monet

if i came up here as a loving father and

said i need everybody’s help

help me compare these two

which one


because some things

were not made

to be compared

there’s no way as a loving father

that both of these babies who i was the

first person that held them

that i watched them cut yeah what i

watched it i watch you get cut out of

your mama

i i’ve changed diapers and there’s no


that you could ask me

yes amen


this one’s gonna be a speaker y’all she

already she uh she love the lights you

you good hey what’s your sister name you

say bella

you say bella

say bella

see this week we’ve been hitting a lot

of milestones but there’s no

say bella



you’re gonna you’re gonna play me in

front of all of these people there’s

other people watching we have practiced

this a thousand times say


i love you too


there’s no way

i could be able to choose one

cause they’re both watch this

masterpieces okay

and i need you to look at yourself and

look at your neighbor and say i’m

a masterpiece

say it till you believe it say i’m

a masterpiece say it with faith say i’m

a masterpiece can y’all give it up to my

two little masterpieces


i brought them up here


today i got to talk to us about

something that’s killing our calling

something we’ve been cuffed to

we’ve been cuffed to comparison

it’s robbing you

of the life god is intending

for you

and this is that stuff that don’t nobody

want to talk about because it’s so

usual for you that you don’t even see it

as comparing

you say things like i’m just evaluating

just weighing my options

just looking so i can get an idea

of what they have

so i can know

what i need to desire

but under all of those weak words

there is something that is motivating

negatively many of our actions ideas and


and this literal

disease is called


and it’s gonna be quiet in here today


many of the people that are listening

are cuffed to it

some of y’all are watching the message

right now still scrolling on instagram

because you’re cuffed

to compare you follow people you don’t

even like

to make sure you’re doing better than


uh i’m gonna come straight for it

you always what they

what’s what they wearing

sen y’all some of y’all done sent your

friend to the party ahead of time

someone didn’t send what you wearing why

you i never want to be out of sync

to be in a place where i’m not up to a

certain level because i know somebody’s

always going to be comparing me

to something or someone else and many of

you are being robbed of your life

because you are more committed to

comparing than you are your calling

and today i’m coming to help you be set

free i want you to have your life back

i want you to enjoy today it might not

be everything that you want it to be but

it is what you got so god wants you to

enjoy it here

and that means you have to be uncuffed

from comparison

when i just brought my daughters up here

there’s no way

i could compare them

and literally choose one or the other

because they were made as masterpieces

and that’s why i need you to understand

how our god has formed us ephesians 2

10. i didn’t just make up those words i

need you to declare this over your life

no matter what way size you are no

matter what you live in today no matter

what job you have no matter what tax

bracket you’re in no matter how pretty

your kids are or how

great of personalities your kids have it

does not


for we are god’s


he has created us a new in who christ


and he does that so we can do something

so we can do

the good things

that he planned for us

a long time ago you can’t do the good

things not liking what god’s given you

you cannot do the good things he planned

for you and you are comparing yourself

to everything and everyone and every


and not looking at what god has placed

in your hands all you have

is all you need but yet you are

disgruntled about what god’s put in your

hand and you still not even using it


but you’re still using your sight

and your ears

and you’ve been cuffed

to comparison so i need to say it to you

today some of my points is like foul

just right there but but i need you to

hear me say this and i i’m saying it

because this is something i was cuffed

to for years

it wasn’t just until the last probably

four or five years that i’ve been

uncuffed from caring what anybody

thinks about what god is doing in my

life why

because looking at your lane makes me

stumble in mine

if i’m so focused on every step you’ve


and every step that you’re gaining and

how far you are behind me

then i will stumble

on the thing that god has called me the

lane he’s called me to run and today i

want to set you free that’s why this is

a point everybody needs to write down

and get in your mind nobody’s ever told

you this but compare products not people

i’m fine with you

deciding do you want cl uh clorox or or

or tide

figure out which one that compare those

try them i’m fine with you

deciding if you want chick-fil-a

or popeyes

compar you can compare those all day


me or you

your church or their church oh

compare products

not people

god never calls a product in the bible a


but he calls every human creation

i’m not somebody say i’m a masterpiece

and i’m gonna keep saying it this whole

time because some of you have been so

wore out by the world and your own

comparison that you don’t even feel it

no more

you don’t you don’t even like you


i see it

when when you’re sitting there

and there’s breath in your body

but you still will not come places

because you don’t want to be compared to

how you looked in a different season

you you won’t even show up

to do what god’s asked you to do yes

your first time stop comparing your seed

to somebody’s tree

why in the world

are you here

knowing this is your first time ever

public speaking and you want to sound

like me this is 12 years of failure

like like but you won’t start on your

first step

because you’re comparing yourself to

somebody who inspired you be careful how

much you listen and look to people who

are so great if your self-esteem is not

so solid

because what it will do is rob you of

the first steps that you need to make

and you’re being so critical that’s what

i need to do i need to do cuff to

critical as well because some of us are

so critical of ourselves

that we won’t even give ourselves the


to become

no baby comes out the womb walking

no matter how big the baby is

you can have a 14 pound baby

and that mug gonna still be honest just

lim limp


because growing takes


and if you don’t stop comparing your


and your idea and your family and your

pictures you can’t play for a

professional picture it’s all right set

up that polaroid and take a picture of

you and your family you might need a

stick to do it

but what i’m saying is

you may be missing out

on what is the greatest area

of your contentment uh oh

here’s a c word we don’t mess with a lot

in 2022


y’all know that scripture we always

quote i can do all things

through christ who does what shrinking

that is not

a scripture that is usually quoted in


paul is talking about i’ve been rich

i’ve been poor i’ve been beat i’ve been

in jail i’ve been praised i’ve been and

now i realize i’m content cause i can do

all things all of that crap

through christ who’s true that does not

mean go climb a wall and and and hang

from it with one hand i can do all

things i can that’s not that scripture

i can be content

i can do this

i can work a job where they don’t pay me

because i know i’m getting

the level of understanding and character

i need to run my own business so i can i

can do all things

see you don’t like the scripture in

context you like it as little quotes on

instagram but let me help you understand

what this really means i can serve a

family who doesn’t appreciate me the way

that i need to be appreciated because i

know that god is seeing every time i get

up and make these stinky kids and

lunches and cut off the crust and they

just run out and tell me they want

chick-fil-a anyway that sounds like a

personal problem

but i can do


but it’s hard to stay content

when you study

comparison when you’re when when you’re


and you’re you’re stuck i like that one

it’s hard to be content

when you’re stuck in comparison

so so today i’m going to let you know

we’re getting uncuffed from comparison


and and just in case because i hear some

people right now well i mean

i i need to know

i have to compare because that’s what

allows me to make educated decisions

i need metrics

i need the numbers i need to know the

facts i need to know the data

i understand that for your business and

all the things so so so so write this


god gave it to me on the way out here so

i don’t even think they got it as a

point but watch this um


if you have data

only use metrics to measure volume not


if you need numbers how many instagram

likes and huh how much money did we make

and how many people okay i’m fine use

the metrics for what they were used for

to measure the volume of what’s


but you can do something great that only

two people like

but it had amazing value

please do not confuse volume and value

some of the greatest albums ever made

only a thousand people have heard them

some of the greatest books ever written

they are not on the new york times

bestseller list they’re in somebody’s

binder and and what i’m telling you

they’re not even bound yet do not sum up

the value because of the volume

and i don’t know who i’m telling this to

but there’s too many people

who have in this instagram and facebook

and tick-tock and and linkedin age

have summed up their value because of

low volume

i’m coming to set you free you may not

preach to ten thousand but those five

youth group that you are pouring into

every week that has value to god i’m

about to preach this thing you may not

be raising up an army but you’re raising

two little kids by yourself and teaching

them the ways of god it has


tammy what god has placed in you has


project what god has said to you has


the movie may be shot on a camcorder

but i’m telling you

just because if it’s a low volume

does not mean that it’s not high value

that’s nice


and that’s why you have to unplug

from comparison


there’s a lot of trash

that gets


oh come on

there’s a there’s a lot of things that

have metrics

that don’t mean nothing

and somehow if we’re not

solidly attached to our identity in


we’ll start taking on the culture’s

identity for success

do you know what success is in the

kingdom of god


uh you missed it

it’s not how big it gets

it’s not how many people follow it

do you know

i was obedient when there were seven

youth in the youth group

pastor mike todd when did you become

pastor mike ty when i said yes to god


some do you think i need man’s


to be affirmed and verified by god

it was my yes when nobody was looking

that qualified me for the platforms i

stand on today if you want what i got

you say yes where i said yes and and

this is what i’m telling you right now

that’s why because we can’t go to those

places you have to be okay with your


and your lane and when god asks you

something you need to say yes

success is not about volume

it’s about obedience

oh i feel something happening to me

right now

and that’s that’s why that’s why i need

to tell you everybody say i’m uncuffing

from comparison

this whole section y’all mad at me

already y’all mad at me

somebody say i’m uncuffing

from comparison

so write this down people weren’t made

for comparison

yet we are consumed by it

parents stop comparing your kids

do you know how damaging it is

for you to say why won’t you be like

your big brother


you just took a wren wall

and compared it to a monet

those are two different masterpieces

created by a master creator

it would be it would be i’m not wise to

compare two things that were created and

fashioned for different purposes reasons

and at different times to have the same

standard and yet

you comparing your new husband to your

last husband

you didn’t think i was going to say it

he didn’t even get a fair chance

he didn’t even get a clean slate

because he came in and you said well i

ain’t never had to this is a new person

okay let me stop

i just feel there there’s a little

anxiety raising in the room rashina i

feel it

all i’m saying to you right now is

if we don’t unplug from this

this destructive engine of comparison

you will miss your calling doing

something you were never fashioned

informed to do

do you know how many people are working

in fields right now that god has not

given them any oil to be able to do that

and that’s why they’re burning out if

you’ve ever seen a car it needs oil to

be able to go through all of the

pressure the reason why you’re burning

out is ain’t no oil on what you’re doing

no oil

and you asking god and praying for god

to do something new in you he said you

need to change your engine

let me stop

because the only reason you started

doing that is because your best friend

was going into that field and you wanted

to go to the college with them and so

you said well i guess i could learn how

to do that too and so you went to a

place and y’all ain’t even gonna be

friends three years from when you start

this situation and so now you’re in a

whole field because you have a knack for

it and you actually got good and you’re

good at everything that you do so you

actually do it and then you actually

excel and then like you can make this

much money you can get six figures doing

it you spent 15 years of your life

being fashioned for something that god

is going to require you to give up

if you’re ever going to reach your

calling and some of us are so stubborn

that you wouldn’t leave that job if the

holy spirit came down like a dove

and said this is my child in whom i’m

well not pleased and i need you to leave

you still

because it’s the status


it’s the title

how i’m gonna leave being doctor doctor


you can be doctor whoever out of your


you can be professor whoever out of your

calling you can be ceo of now i ain’t

working for nobody


can i say something

i know this world has told you this

everybody’s not supposed to be an



you’re going to spend the rest of your


you will you have the ministry see y’all

don’t read your bible there’s such thing

called as the ministry of helps

there is the gift of administration the

gift you can’t grow it to nothing to

administrate so god needs to connect you

with somebody and you need to be okay

not comparing yourself to somebody else

stay in your spot

and do what god’s called you to do cause

that’s where you went at

and i know everybody not gonna tell you

that but everybody not made to be an

entrepreneur got all them t-shirts

sitting in your closet don’t nobody want

them t-shirts


got all them pens don’t nobody want them


we don’t want them

you give them away and they oh thank you

they said

who helped me jesus

but culture will have you fooled out


comparing yourself to people who made it

doing that

and you’re like well i can do that and

god’s saying i never called you to do


stop being consumed by it okay

second corinthians chapter 10 verse 12.

this one

whoop to my tail

for we dare not class ourselves or

compare ourselves with those

who commend themselves

but they

measuring themselves by themselves

and comparing themselves among






is not what this is god speaking through

his word

telling you should i be comparing myself

to them comparison

is not


what’s the opposite of wise

dumb i’m gonna use a good word ignorant

so let me put it in a point that’s very

in your face comparison is an act of


everything if the bible says it’s not

wise to do

yet we’re consuming our life comparing

ourselves to their house and to their

neighborhood and to their hairstyle and

to their length and to their curl

pattern and to their makeup and to their

jawline oh yeah i’m coming for you and

to their their booty and today and today

how how do they calves look like that

and to the way they play drums into the

way they play keyboard and we’re

comparing to the way that that their

kids act and and we’re comparing to the

way that that they eat and we’re

comparing all this stuff the bible says

this is not wise which makes it an act

of ignorance

next time you get on instagram and start

being mad cause they on vacation know

that you are committing an act of



y’all seeing the lord it’s where where i

am mentally right now you not there

you at work

where you need to be mentally is check

into this job and do everything that

you’ve been paid to do as unto the let

me stop see this is ceo talk right now

you’re making a tick tock and what god

is asking you to do is be fully




now you posting a picture of you at the

beach you about to lose your job you’re

not going to the beach

you’re going to be driving to gathering

place talking about you at the beach do

you hear what i’m saying because you

are so consumed in comparison and you’re

committing an act of ignorance

come this the bible y’all

and some of y’all have siblings you’ve

been comparing yourself to your whole


that’s why you get anxiety around all

the holidays

because you feel like you got to go

there with something new

that you gotta prove that you gotta

some of us make markers and goals set

around who we’re gonna be around

so that we can prove to them we’re


now by christmas i gotta don’t know i

ain’t messing with thanksgiving this

year cause by christmas i gotta go back

home and and

i gotta have a man

my sister was married at 22

my brother was married at 26 and i’m 35.

my wretched life

god what are you doing with me

if it’s not your will for me to get

married lord just tell me

and you’re doing all of this and god

said literally like

you you’re so much in comparison when i

send you the man or the woman



you wouldn’t even recognize them because

you have so many types

that you’re comparing the person i have

for you for

that you will dismiss what it’s supposed

to help you become

and it’s a part of your destiny because

you’re comparing to something you’ll

never have

but i just want to i mean i mean i know

i’m still working on my body but he got

to be i mean at least six four

and i mean he ain’t got to be ripped but

he got to be like toned

and you sitting over here looking like

never mind

but what i’m telling you

what if what if you measured you how you

measure other people


no for real

what if you measured you

they always late you was on time for


but but anything that’s outside of this


you don’t keep your commitments the

bible doesn’t say at your job yet yo yes

bs and you’re nobody no it says

everywhere you go let your yes vs your

no be no all i’m saying is there’s some

people that are listening to this and

they’re prideful right now and they’re

self-religious right now think i don’t

compare myself to anybody but you are

silently judging me you have that

pharisee sadducee swag


you don’t say nothing out loud but it’s

all in your heart

you think you better than me

you think you better than them you think

somehow that your sin don’t stink too

but what i came to tell you is that

everything that’s in you is in me and we

all on this journey trying to figure out

how to get sanctified


and to do that i can’t be looking at you

don’t let comparison kill your calling


yeah comparison is an act of ignorance

let’s just go to hebrews 12.

see we always read this scripture and i

think we

we don’t ever see it in light of us

comparing ourselves to other people we

see it in light of like oh when we get

to heaven because there’s going to be

such a great cloud of witnesses but

watch this

therefore since we are surrounded yeah

by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the


you need to do something

let us

strip off

every way oh comparison

no no it’s talking about sin no it’s

going to address sin in a minute

but every weight that you carry in

is not a sin

so some of y’all no no it’s not a sin

to to actually have relationship with

that person it’s a weight

and god’s saying strip off the

weight not just the same we’re going to

talk about the sin

but many times i can’t even address the


until i address the way oh god

and god’s literally saying to us

i need you to address comparison


comfort not because they’re sins yet

because they will turn into them

they’re not sins everybody say yeah

but they are weights now

and some of you are so bogged down that

god can’t put any burdens on you

you’re so weighed down with comparison

that if god told you to do something

nobody’s done

you don’t even have the faith

to be able to step out because you have

so much you actually have the strength

for it

you don’t have the space for it

somebody’s gonna catch what i just said

god’s literally saying you have so much

weight on you right now

comparison and convenience and he said

you would have to strip off that weight

to be able to handle the burden

that i will give you to change your

community to in-sex trafficking to be a

person that stands up for justice to be

able to love the people around you but

you don’t have

the space

but you still have the strength because

you’ve been carrying around comparison

since you were six

your spiritual calf muscles is huge

that means every time you get in front

of people you thinking what do they

think of me

it must be exhausting

to literally go everywhere do

can i tell you something that nobody’s

probably told you you look amazing

you’re doing good

you could be

way worse

but you’re still here

god has graced you with another day

he’s still standing with you

he wants you to succeed as long as

there’s breath in your body there is

purpose in your life you are valuable

but all that can be said

and if you still don’t believe it

have you ever tried to give somebody a

compliment who didn’t believe it

and it’s literally like how they say

water off a duck’s back

i don’t know if you ever seen water fall

off a dog’s back but they got on like a

next level swimsuit that god gave them

and like literally you can see that they

can go down and come up and go

and like all the beads of water they

will be completely dry that’s how some

it’s not that you don’t have people

around you that are encouraging you

we here

you just don’t know how to receive it


it’s because you’ve been cuffed

to comparison

oh my god that’s the whole reason you

got married

you were trying to create a picture you


instead of marry somebody for the

purpose that god showed you

okay let me let me step back cause i

felt that i felt the anger

says let us strip off every weight that

slows us down

and then it addresses sin




that so easily trips us up

and this is the thing about running in

your lane and let all of us

run with endurance

the race

god has set before


do not run

somebody else’s

race do



somebody else’s race why do i do that

with all of the things that are going on

it works for them god you’re not

speaking to me i don’t know how to do

this are there so many things to focus

on how how

did you keep reading in the bible

we do this

by keeping our eyes

on who


the champion he already win every race

you’re going to be in

he’s he’s the champion who initiates

he says ready set bow he brings you into

the game

and he’s the one standing at the finish


he initiates and perfects our faith

because of the joy that was awaiting him

he did this too

he endured the cross disregarding the

shame now he’s seated in the place of

honor beside god’s throne this is this

is the thing i want to let you know we

can’t compare because we have our own

lane our own set of rules and our own


and god’s sitting in the grandstands of


saying just run

your race why because i put it there

this lane was not put by your parents

this lane was not put by your professor

this lane was not put by somebody that’s

a celebrity or a life coach the lane off

called you to run

is the lane i put in front of you

run that race

your joy is in that race your blessing

is in that race your peace is in that


your rest is in that race

your efficiency is in that race your

family being whole is in that race when

you step outside of that and run

somebody else’s race because it looks


you stepped out of the grace for your



and do you know the quickest way to

devalue something

is to compare it to something else

you loved your stuff

until you saw they

stuff but nobody shoes better than your


until they came out with a new pair of


and and and and

holy spirit helped me communicate

everything that’s in my heart right now

because i if if i could just get you to

do one thing i would get you to uncuff

from comparison because then it would

allow you the space

to uncomf from comfort and convenience

but right now you worried if what they

doing and what they doing

is everybody watching this series okay

then i’ll watch it

you we might be in cuffing season god

tell you to go by back and watch expect


well that that’s not where everybody

else is

i ain’t ask you all that

i didn’t ask you

what everybody else i said stop

comparing yourself somebody say i gotta



this masterpiece

say it one more time i gotta stop


this masterpiece this is the most

faithful thing you’ve said in a long

time say it with faith say i gotta stop


this masterpiece

has anybody ever had a toothache before

now i don’t know um for everybody who

has not had a toothache go to the


keep brushing your teeth

my mama said that’s right


there is no pain in this world

oh my god i got emotional

there is no pain in this world

like a toothache

especially a toothache when you don’t

have dental insurance

and the toothache when you’re broke

ain’t nothing like that pain

some of y’all get them two days like oh

i’m gonna call jim tomorrow and go get

there was a season in my life

there was only two options stay with the


yank that hoe out

that it those was my only two options

oh excuse me i got too real for you

i remember

i told you we’re a real church here

progression not perfection all right

i remember

having a tooth pain

that was so bad

it had me


with my shirt off

towel over my head

screaming in my neighborhood like this


my neighbors came outside and said are

you okay i said i’m just doing an

exercise yoga just

practice y’all


hurt more than anything i’ve ever

experienced and it and

a toothache is the only thing that will

really make a grown man


you can literally be sitting there all

the orajel don’t work no more

my father-in-law had me gargling whiskey

i was like i’m about to just drink it

because i need to be drunk right now

my whole mouth on fire

they couldn’t see me for another week

and a half


it messes with your attitude

can’t eat nothing

they ask you for things that your whole

body still work except yo too but you

think that nothing else works

can you lift that yo wrong music

when i finally went to the dentist

i realized what happened

is that there was a cavity

that ate away

at the foundation of my tooth

so much so

that it hit a

a nerve

now you ain’t never

ever experience your body go into

immediate paralyzation


something hits that

okay okay now i wanna i wanna bring this

back to comparison

because there’s a progression of


comparison always starts with a cavity

something that’s missing

it could have been words people spoke

over you

it could have been things that you saw

that you knew you weren’t and there was

something that was a hole created by

this world

and now

you are at the place where it can hit a


that’s why when you’re scrolling you see

certain stuff you’re like

what did that hit

that’s why you can go certain places and

you see certain type of people and they

remind you of other type of people you

don’t even know them but they just

remind you

of people who treated you and it hits a

nerve okay


and i need everybody to see this

comparison always starts with the cavity

a whole something that you feel like

needs to be filled but it’s not filled

so you start looking at other things to

feel this hole that only christ was made

to remake

and that’s why when i say comparison

comes after there’s a cavity it’s cause

if you like yourself

can’t nobody mess with you about


like whatever area you’re super

confident in and you have god’s grace in

and you feel confident in in that area

can’t nobody mess with you in that

it’s the places where there’s a cavity

and and that’s why i’m asking you where

are the cavities

where are the holes

where are the spaces in your life

that the enemy has been filling up with


that it’s only hitting more nerves

and hurting you deeper

you will fine with your house till you

saw the house

you was fine with your car

you prayed for that car

you anointed that car with two carts of

oil every day

and prayed in the spirit it helped your

devotion life

until you saw that car

you was good with your wife

until it was that time of the month and

they giving you compliments at the water


it was fine with your kids

until they became teenagers

okay let me just stop but you did

so the progression is it starts with a

cavity but write this down a cavity

becomes comparison

so so there’s there’s there’s such a

place you can get with a cavity do you

have a picture of a cavity i don’t know

if some of these people have ever seen a

cavity before

somebody said no i could just open some

of your mouths and we can see it but if



so so i i gave him the pg rated version

of a cavity

right right there is a cavity and going

down into that black part is where it

can hit a nerve okay

the reason the cavity is even there is

because they were tasting or eating


that was not good

for their teeth

nobody gets cavities eating lettuce

if you brush your teeth

and you eat greens

and chicken

and fish

you don’t get it’s when you put sugar

when you get things that your flesh


and craves

and desires more of when you put that in

your mind those are the things that

create cavities

and cavities

can go to such a place where it hits a


where they can’t fill in the tooth no


now some of y’all know about this

but what ends up happening is they say

the nerve has been exposed too long

and what we’re going to have to do

is we’re going to have to kill

the nerve

and at the moment of pain

you don’t care

you murdered that nerve

murder it now

but what they don’t tell you at the

point where you make this impulse

decision because you don’t want to feel

the pain anymore

is the effect that that space now has

on all your other teeth

take out one of your teeth

just one

and watch how your teeth

do the dougie

all around your cup i’m not even pl then

mugs start and then they don’t watch me

where they’ll do the whole

you will look at yourself

and because of taking out something that

hurt in the moment because the nerve was

exposed you’ve now opened yourself up to

a whole nother set of problems what are

you saying comparison doesn’t just come

with comparison

it leads

to coveting


i know these are big words we don’t use

in 2022 but they all through the bible

the cavity

goes to comparison

and comparison

turns into coveting

and now coveting is a sin

this is why it says it’s not wise

to compare

because you’re one step away from


why would you be close to sin

if you could be far away in contentment

you can either live content

or you can have a cavity or you can live

in comparison or you can live in

coveting and god says i want my children

to be all the way over here


god if this is what you’re giving me

right now i’m not comparing i’m not

comparing with them

i’m gonna stay right here


get married


have a successful bit yes

kids is beautiful yes

and still be good

my marriage still need work

still be good

i’m not the weight i want to be still be

good uh see y’all

i’m trying to teach you everybody say


and some of y’all are so mad right now

cause you don’t even know anything else

except comparing yourself

even when you win it’s not a win until

it was better than somebody else’s win

you don’t even celebrate what you did in

k and just just in case somebody else

did something great it takes away your

thunder takes away yo your fire takes

away i thought it was until it was

somebody else’s birthday how do y’all

know that everybody has birthdays on

your birthday

and the more people you know there will

be multiple people that have birthdays

on your same day i met somebody was so

mad that it was somebody else’s day new

birthday on their birthday

and they literally let what that person

did for their 30th birthday

ruined something they had been looking

forward to for the entire year

it’s because they started everybody say

write this down coveting

yeah comparison becomes coveting and

look at exodus 20 17

you shall not covet

your neighbor’s house

it’s so specific this is so nasty i love

the bible you shall not stop going

through the neighborhood saying how they

get here

you may not say it out loud but you feel

it in your heart

don’t covet their house

you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife

stop looking at your friend’s wife

wishing you would have met her first

we’re the close camera

give me give me a call they need to see

my face get bring the camera right here

stop looking at your friend’s husband

wishing you would have had a night

to show him how a real woman

treats a man oh i know what’s in your


and you watching all these shows that

are reinforcing

this idea this sex in the city idea that

and i ain’t gonna call too many shows

because i know y’all watching but i’m

just gonna tell you

that that idea

has you in sin

you are

coveting covenants

that god did not give you

and you’re neglecting

the thing that would be your good thing

if you actually put effort into it

the grass is not greener on the other

side it’s greener where you water it

and i’m telling y’all husbands and wife

you need to stop well i wish you would

do something like that for me and i wish

you would you need to stop doing that

and you will reap what you sow some of

y’all are waiting for somebody to go

first and faith goes first

faith says i’m gonna be the one to do it

i’ma say sorry i’m a plan date night

i’ma go well i’m just sick of giving

jesus wasn’t sick or given to you he

gave everything to you and it is the

season and the time for us to stop


let me stop they


shall not covet your neighbor’s house

you shall not cover your neighbor’s wife

his male servants

or his female servants

or his whip

that’s the ox

or his donkey or their business that was

how they got around or how they did

their business

or anything

any everybody say anything

that is your neighbors

coveting is a

sin this is one of the ten commandments

like it’s up there with thou shalt not


thou shalt not compare yourself to the

place where you want what they want

we don’t say it like that but it’s that

raw in the bible

don’t cheat on your wife don’t cheat on

your husband

don’t want what they have

be content with what you want and i know

somebody’s like but is there a desire is

there a problem with wanting more no

more of what god wants for you

but not more what they got

because at the moment people come into

the equation you’re not supposed to be

comparing to people

god’s saying would you let me give you

your lane

so you can run your race

and get your life back

you’re not living when you’re comparing

it is

it is literally an exercise

of frustration

to look at everything god’s given you

and to look at something that god’s

given other people and devalue what

god’s placed in your hand

what i’m just trying to tell you right

now is it’s time to get uncuffed from


so you can actually live and have a



full of faith life

that is content with what god has placed

in your hands because all you have

is all you need

what’s in your hands right now look at

your hands just look at them just put

them out like this

there are things there are children

and influence

and ideas

and cures and solutions

and love and joy

and administration and health

and there’s things that god has placed

in your hands that he has never

coded anybody else in this world for

except you

and comparison is robbing not just you

as robbing all of us

of the truest greatest version that you

are supposed to be

and today i’m asking you


from comparison

i feel the spirit right there

oh and you know this is not an age thing

all the time that just asked act like

because you’re over at the age of 60.

you don’t you don’t care no more

yeah you still got that crease on all

your jeans

there must be a yale cleaners all the

time cause let me stop you

cause you desire

to be

presented and looked at and done a

different way we all got our things

and god’s saying just


because if it goes from

a cavity

well let me just

let me just say it like this we all

started out as con content

like like like when you come into this

world don’t take it don’t take much

to satisfy you


and a changed diaper

you’re not looking at other babies like

what you eating

demarcus what kind of milk you got over


trevor what does white milk taste like

what does black milk taste like what is

hispanic meal taste like don’t nobody

they are content

what they’re get we learn comparison

we are teaching our kids comparison

how y’all i’m just trying to tell you

something that’s killing our

we literally talk about we ain’t going

to that church this sunday because they

worship don’t be right

you literally just put into the next

generation choose a church

by the worship being the style you like

not if you’re called there to help and


and become who god’s called you to be if

the worship they may need you

for the worship to be right

they may need you i ain’t going there

because and that’s the problem

you don’t want to be a solution

when that’s who god created you to be

but i’m comparing

what are y’all doing what are y’all

doing and this is why we

for we can’t we can’t stay in content if

we got taught

and we got a cavity and now we have

comparison and then we end up in covet

covetousness and i want to say this sin

that that

coveting and any sin that we have over

here is a

illegitimate response to a legitimate

need i’m going to say it again

sin is not this crazy thing you actually

need to be whole

so anytime you sin

it is a illegitimate response to a

legitimate need

you need peace

so what you start doing is going to

sleep placebos and things that cannot


you up and you do things that cause you

to sin but it’s because you actually

need peace

you want love that is a legitimate need

but laying down with everybody is not

going to give you that it’s an

illegitimate response to a legitimate

knee i just want to let everybody know

that’s like man okay i keep messing up

what you need is real

where you get it from is wrong


you’re not a bad person you’re human

and so what i’m telling you right now is

the reason we have to stop comparing is

because we gotta get it from the right

source james chapter four

verse two it says you want what you

don’t have

so you scheme and kill to get it

you are jealous of what others have

but you can’t get it

so you fight and wage war to take it

away from them

yet you don’t have what you want because

you don’t ask god for it

that is some nasty bible right there

god stop trying to get it without me

come to me

you want a home that can entertain

people not a home because they got a

home you want a home so that you can be

able to to facilitate healing for people

come ask me

god is saying you want to be effective

in ministry and you want to learn more

god says come ask me you want your

children to be raised in the admonition

of god and be able to love jesus all the

rest of their life and you raising them

in a world where snapchat is taking over

come ask me i’ll teach you

but you got what you don’t want

and you can’t have it cause you asking

the wrong person

you ever been at a restaurant asking a

wrong person for help

what do you say when they can’t help you

let me speak

to the manager

and if the manager can’t help

let me speak i’m trying to go as far up

the chain as because somebody has

the authority

to change my situation god’s saying stop

going to all these people

that do not have the authority to change

your situation

ask me for it

verse three and even when you ask uh-oh

you don’t get it

because your motives are wrong

you want only what gives you pleasure

you adulterous

you’re adulterers don’t you realize that

friendship with the world

makes you an enemy of god

i’ma say it again if you want to be a

friend of the world

if you want to be a friend of the world

you make yourself an enemy of god

this is all leading

out of us wanting and desiring things

that god said that ain’t in your lane

so be content with what i gave you let

me put it in a point comparison is human

but not holy or helpful

i want to acknowledge it’s human

oh when you get older it’s like ah

their car

their body

their calling

their platform just trying to get like

just want to be able to do like

but the true problem is

it’s human but it’s not holy

and it’s not helping you

and that’s why i look at

the story of the prodigal son

and i’ve changed it after this cuffing

season it’s not

we talk about the prodigal son

but i call it two cuff the brothers

y’all know the story

in luke 15

where there was one brother that was

like yo daddy give me all my inheritance

i’m going out to turn up turn up turn up

turn on turn up and he goes and i want

it now he’s like i got plans for you no


daddy gives him the inheritance goes out

turns up for a little bit loses

everything that

dad gave him and provided for him it was

the grace that he had anything in the

first place

jesus is telling this parable he

literally goes and squanders and it’s

like ah

well i’ma i’mma live out here in the

world like everybody else and this man

finds himself in a pig pen

looking at what pigs eat which if you

know anything about farming pigs eat


excuse me everything

that it don’t trash


other animals feast you put it in they

call it a trough

and they just eat whatever

this man had gotten so low in his life

having such a big cavity

comparing himself to people out here it

robbed him of his calling and his

identity as a kid of royalty

so much so where he had been in that


and he’s looking at what the pigs is

eating like

i wonder what they share

and the crazy thing about this is we

look at this story and we don’t see


but many of us have been so in positions

that we’re taking things oh what’s the

name of this series cuffing season what

is cuffing season it’s when you settle

for something less than the standard

because of isolation

this man was isolated

and he had devalued his situation and

now he’s looking at trash like it’s good

and he has an idea let me go back to my

father’s house

and we know the story the prodigal goes

back daddy’s like is that my boy

he’s waiting on him he goes out there

every day trying to see if he’s coming

out he doesn’t wait like father god

doesn’t wait till you get right

you start making a step towards him

and he’s running after you with grace

he says get the ring get the robe get

new shoes

my boys get y’all better playing the

biggest party tonight

we celebrating

cause he was lost

but now he’s found

we love this story because it’s most of

our story

but there’s another brother

and we just kind of leave him to the

side we always talk about the brother

who came back to god but i just want us

to visit him for just five minutes

to figure out if this brother was cuffed

to comparison

luke 15 25 32 meanwhile the older

brother was in the field

when he came near to the house he heard

music and dancing what the

so he called one of the servants and

asked him what is going on

your brother has come home he replied

and your father has killed the fattened

cat and because he has him back safe and

sound that because he has him back safe

and sound the older brother became angry

and he refused to go in why because he

was comparing what he had done

and what his prodigal brother had done

that quick y’all it didn’t even take two

seconds for him to put himself against

his brother and compare and look what it

did write the point down comparison

keeps you out of rooms you were supposed

to go in

oh that’s nasty

this man had a a seat right next to his

daddy and his brother

and because he looked at what he had

done and what he thought this brother

didn’t deserve and what this person

didn’t deserve in their business and

what this church didn’t deserve and what

people that come from backgrounds like

that don’t deserve and people with that

skin color don’t deserve because he did

it that quick

he became angry

and he stayed out of a room that he was

supposed to be in

and i just

want to tell you that if you were cuffed

to comparison

you have taken your name

off of


that god already had pre-marked you to


you keep comparing to them you’re

supposed to help them

the reason i had to uncuff from

comparison is cause my next connection

was through somebody i was comparing

myself to

and god said i can’t give you the next

thing cause that’s the vehicle i’m gonna

use and if you see them as an enemy and

you see them as somebody that that makes

you feel devalued you’ll never show up

fully to what i’ve called you to do so

you need to celebrate them instead of

compared to them because that’s your

next level

and so many people

because they’re compared they’re cuffed

to comparison

you sitting outside of a room pounding

that you should be leading in

the church didn’t recognize my okay

that’s why i’m going to okay

three years from now you’d be the ceo

but you won’t you won’t even start by

apologizing for you you did that was

wrong what you did

well if they would have never been i

wouldn’t no no no no no


that’s not maturity in christ

okay let me

can i give you another point that i saw

right there because it just says it in

that verse 28 the older brother became

angry everybody say angry and he refused

to go in so

comparison keeps you out of rooms you’re

supposed to go in but this is the other

thing it does it makes you emotionally


that quick he got angry

and being emotionally irate leads to


that quick comparison boom

he says what i need to do

is stay out

on an island

and isolate and this is the the

ignorance of comparison

then they’ll know

that i don’t i don’t i don’t approve of

this i don’t get down like that ain’t

nobody gonna mess up me like that and

like oh yeah we know

the truth of the matter is

people who really enjoying the party

don’t even care what you’re doing

can i tell you something

i’ve been off instagram for six months

we didn’t notice

that’s why you got announced when you

leave and and when you came back we

don’t even know

you mad and angry and frustrated

and we don’t even care

because when you’re consistently

concentrated on your calling

it is very difficult

to keep up with people who because of

why you don’t even know the dad thought

he would be excited about the party the

brother probably wanted to see his

brother but because he got emotionally


he isolated himself mad over something

nobody even knows he’s mad about

half the things that

have the things that you won’t talk


and that people

have now experienced the distant but

don’t know what’s wrong


they don’t know

they don’t know it hurt you

i mean yeah if you put all the blues

clues together they could figure it out


the truth the truth of the matter is

they’re dealing with their own cavities

and their own insecurities nobody’s

paying attention to details on march

28th you called but you didn’t return my

phone call and still so then on april 6

i seen you at the store but you acted

like you didn’t know me and so then may

i see you like baby

could you just tell me

hey i’ve been feeling distance in our

relationship and it’s made me actually

feel different and i saw that you posted

about going to our other friend’s

birthday party and i started to compare

myself in our relationship that we’ve

been in for a long time to that

relationship and i just wanted to know

is everything okay with us

and two sentences from them

could turn everything that’s been

comparing you

into something that brings it right back


but pride

will keep you outside the room

how you doing how you doing

how you doing you’re not coming in no

and some of y’all been like that for




look at the grace of the father luke 15

28 so his father went out

and pleaded with him

it’s something about god coming and

finding you

i don’t know if you’ve ever had that

happen but like daddy knows you not


he should be here by now

he should have answered the call by now

he should be leading by now

she should be here using the giftings i

gave her by now

by now she

she should be helping some where is

i’ll be right back y’all keep turning up

hey boy

what you doing

why you

i sent them to tell you your brother’s


we got a party all week

i got a special seat for you i got a

purpose for you i got a calling for you

now the plan i have for you and your

brother together can happen

everything i built was for y’all’s


it took both of y’all to do what i

planned to do

when he walked away you shouldn’t be

competing you should be completing

i got something for y’all to do


verse 29


all these years

i’ve been slaving

for you and never this will be


yeah you never gave me even one young


so that i could celebrate with my


if you don’t catch anything else i say

please catch this


makes you a slave and not a son

did y’all see it in the scripture

he literally said all these years



slaving for you

comparison had jacked up his perspective

so much

that he didn’t see himself as a heir

working for something he would one day

take over

he knows that his daddy got enough to


inheritances and he knew that he was the

only one that stayed and obeyed he

admits it but because of his own


and him being cuffed to comparison

he saw his own self as a slave and not a

son and my question to you today

is in the view of all god’s grace and


are you a slave

are you a son


can make you a son except the father

and god has been telling you

i love you

i’m pleased with you i got a plan for

you i made you a masterpiece and you’re

still listening to the comparison of


god’s saying

your dna

it’s my dna

when you gave your life to me you became

a new creature i made you a joint heir

with my son jesus that’s your elder

brother why in the

world are you settling for the title of


when i’ve called you a son

a daughter

cut from loyalty

somebody who’s supposed to stand in any

sphere and represent my name and be my

representative wherever i’m at you are

not a slave



somebody needs to receive that lift your

hands right now i pray

the spirit

of spiritual slavery off of your people

right now

oh i feel that thing i pray in the name

of jesus

that that your children would see

themselves as

heirs father that this whole kingdom

that is being established is to lift

your name and give us dominion on the

earth father i pray right now that every

wrong thought process every perspective

father god every pain every hurt every

trauma that has robbed us of our royal

identity i thank you that is being

restored in your presence right now and

we would stand up no longer as slaves

but as sons

and daughters

of the most high god

in jesus name if you receive it go ahead

and give our father our abba oh come on

somebody in the back just got it if

you’re gonna be a son a daughter if

you’re gonna know your identity


imagine prince harry and prince william

walking around begging for something

that wouldn’t happen why because they

know their identity


luke 15 30. we almost out here can i

have five more minutes y’all can we

finish this up okay


luke 15 30. he mad he said yet you never

let me

even have one young goat so i could

celebrate with my friends comparison

but when this son of yours

has squandered your property

with prostitutes he was keeping tabs

comparison always knows


you working real hard

you you had to you had to pinch that

picture all the way in

y’all know how y’all be is that jerome

in the background

i see you

with prostitute and he comes home

and you kill the fattened cat and you

still show him grace and mercy

and you still celebrate him

watch this


paralyzes your perspective

and convinces you to live below your


when you compare

he’s literally comparing himself

to the brother who lost his inheritance

and he still got his

we don’t never think about it

he’s been living beneath his privilege

the entire he could have had a goat

every day of the week

if he wanted to

but his daddy doing it for somebody else

was the first time he ever had the

perspective to see that he might have

had permission

the reason you have to run in your lane

is because there’s things you’re praying

for that you already have permission for

but you don’t even ask about it or think

about it or see it or want it until

somebody else got it and god said i now

i can’t give it to you because it’s

coming from the wrong motives but if you

would just say god enlarge my territory

let me see me bigger let me see what you

placed in my head you ain’t got to do it

for nobody else but show it to me give

me the dream give me the vision give me

the idea let me be the one that you

large their stakes

don’t let me just want it cause they got



show me

oh i felt that thing

somebody say show me god

show me what’s for me

show me how you want me to live

show me how you want me to bless show me

how you want me to learn show me how you

want me to be

your hands and feet on this earth

i came to tell some people you already

have permission

for things that god’s placed in your


but you’re so busy looking at what

everybody else is doing

that you don’t even want it until they

got it

oh my god

i wish the daddy would have asked have

you ever asked me for a goat before

you killed the goat for him when’s the

last time you asked me for go

you ain’t never

that’s never been a request to yours

if you were to cuss her to go

instead of taco tuesday we didn’t go

taco tuesday

you could have a goat every week

but it wasn’t until

you saw my grace on somebody else

that now it didn’t make you celebrate it

and made you think that i was less of a


because i would do it for them and not

for you i’m just trying to help you

right now y’all

that god’s view

and you in it

is messed up by how you see yourself

god hasn’t changed

but you think he has

because he gave somebody else something

to show his grace that you could have

had every day of the week but you just

ain’t never asked for it

oh god i’m in heavy water now i’m i feel

like i’m sinking over here

all i’m just telling you right now

is this man’s his perspective was

paralyzed by comparison

and he was living below his privilege

verse 31 the father speaking to all of

us my son my daughter

you are always with me

and everything

that i have

is yours

i just need to stop there and let you


god’s saying to you

my son my daughter

you’re always with me

and everything i have love



patience kindness gentleness

self-control all of these things

everything i got


the ability interpret dreams the ability

to speak in tongues the ability to

steward gifts

everything that comes with me

gives some administration and helps

everything i got access to

you can have to fulfill your calling

you’ve always been with me

you’ve got everything you need cause you

got me

the the real statement is all you have

is all you need

because you have god

like it’s not just all you have is all

you need there’s stuff i don’t have

except when i put it in view of god

everything i need

i have

he said but we had to celebrate

this is why we turn up over one person

giving their life to christ

like do you know like like they told me

this morning 15

500 people have gotten saved in 2022. oh

y’all better help me celebrate online in

this building i said 15

500 people gave their life they came


glory to god


that’s the vision of this church

transformation in christ but the crazy

thing is it’s hard for some people to


because you see the transformation in

somebody else’s life and it makes you

feel like

god could do more in your life

see that’s why we have to be uncuffed

from comparison

he said we had to celebrate and be glad

because this brother of yours wow

he didn’t save my son

y’all you got to read the bible

he didn’t say because my son is returned

he said this has something to do with


every child of god that wins

is a win for this family

every kingdom business

every kingdom family every the reason

i’m celebrating

osbee’s weight loss is because that’s a

win for the whole kingdom the reason i’m

celebrating oh come on another year of

life for my brother brenton is cause

that’s a win for the whole kingdom

the reason i’m celebrating 42 years of

ministry for bishop and pastor debbie

it’s cause that’s




when you put your hands together for

somebody else

it still affects you

he said this brother of yours

that’s why i start claiming other

people’s blessings

my friends get a new house we got a new


you don’t even know how to

celebrate i bring welch’s to the party

i got a new house that means we got a

new house

it’s another place i can lay my head

if if oh god y’all don’t even understand

when transformation church wins

the body of christ wins

we gave over 8 million away last year

y’all don’t want to celebrate with me

but when p y’all don’t hear me you

should be every time we give a hundred

thousand dollars to a church you should

be shouting cause you might be next

oh my god

i’m gonna have to do a whole week on

celebration don

because we have lost the art of


if it doesn’t immediately impact us

so we had to celebrate

because your brother was dead and now

he’s alive again

he was lost

and now he is found the most important

part of this whole thing look at this


always kills compassion for people

you will not have compassion

if you’re stuck in comparison

the very people

you’re measuring yourself against

which is an act of ignorance

according to the bible

are the very people

you’re called to help

about five years ago i stopped

criticizing celebrities

they don’t even make sense

i knew at some point

god was going to raise my influence

to a place

that people who don’t know me

don’t know where i live don’t know how i


we’re going to be able to

give their opinion

about stuff they have no idea about

and i took it a step further some of

y’all been here on monday night prayers

like i’ll pray for celebrities like i’ll

call out people’s names and i’ll begin

to pray for them and intercede and

different things like that because it’s

different the reason i started doing


because now i’ve started to receive some

calls of people you would know

hey man i just

i see how you handle yourself and it

just seemed real

i’m going through a situation i just

need you to pray for me


there’s no way

that god would trust those people with


if i was com still comparing myself

to the god is a loving father he’s not

about to send

his masterpiece

into the hands

of crooked


who are looking only for what they can

get out of the situation

the reason that god

has trusted me

with some people

who may be in this valley of decision

and they need to be like all of us

compelled to christ

just because you have money don’t mean

you have everything

how you killing yourself and taking

pills in xanax and lee and lean and all

that stuff with 25 million in the bank

25 million in the bank rate and you

still have to take pills to go to sleep

you got four houses and no home


and what god told me he said the reason

i had to change your heart and you had

to stop comparing yourself

is because you cannot have compassion

for somebody

you are comparing with

and the very people that some of y’all

need to forgive

you have to stop comparing yourself to

them first

that family member

that sibling oh let me say one that’s


that parent

i ain’t nothing like my mama well

it kind of raised you

right there in the core memories

and you need to forgive them

but every time you discipline your kids

anytime anybody tells you try to say

something or do something

you’re so you’re so consumed with

comparison to that

and what you don’t like about that

and what you don’t like about your dad

and what you don’t like about it that

you literally

won’t have the compassion

to even see them as a human

and i just want to i want to give us the

chance to uncuff from comparison

and ask god to come in

and do a work on our heart you can’t


you can’t help somebody

that you hating on

you’ll never serve anybody you don’t see

you won’t give to people when you’re

holding a grudge

and you won’t free anyone that you’re

ready to fight

this is why we have to uncuff from


caleb come out here cause i’ll preach

another two hours i got too many more


i i hope somebody this is hitting your

heart today

because it’s going to come for you as

soon as you get out of this service

some of y’all’s been trying to attack

you right now

you’re gonna go to some of y’all need to

take a break from instagram

facebook you’re feeding the beast

you can’t even be happy about the

apartment you prayed for that apartment

you asked god to give you the down

payment for that apartment you asked god

to bless and he gave you a bed and a

comforter and now

because you’ve seen somebody that ain’t

even a house they’re a real estate

broker they’re just taking a video of

somebody else’s that ain’t even where

they live

you want you know one of the things i

can’t stand this ain’t even spiritual

but thank you for giving the music so

that that it feels more spiritual but

when you’re going to high-end like

stores yeah like louie and gucci and all

the people

have you ever had the people who work


act like they own the store


i’ll be looking at them like you

work here

but for some reason just being in the


of wealth and they see you and they

looking you up and down and what you got

on and what you’re wearing and like they

can’t afford this and they won’t give

you service

oh y’all don’t hear me

they won’t give you service because they

don’t they don’t know

who your father is

and it’s so crazy that a lot of times we

acting like the person right now

that’s not getting the service but in

many cases


we’re the people

judging other people

and comparing ourselves to them

because they ain’t been saved that long

they’re baby christians

what an arrogant

pompous statement

for somebody who’s been at that same


there baby i can’t associate with baby

christians and i just have to be what

you’re proving to us is you’re not like


because he was drawn to the least of



let the children come

let the ones who are broken and don’t

get it

because i’m not comparing myself to them

i’m compassionate towards them

three very simple ways to kill

comparison write them down and let’s go


the easiest way to kill


constant celebration


i’m talking about start cheering for


start start celebrating send it extra

text don’t just like it on a social

media platform hey i saw that y’all

having a baby i just wanted to let you

know i know you’re struggling with



it’s giving you a great opportunity

to see a miracle

as well as be content in the season

you’re in


every person you can

who has

what you desire to have

until your heart is purified to the

point to where it’s not even fake

it’s a real thing

when i see my friends in ministry

getting new buildings and doing i

literally i am celebrating i’m sending

texts i’m i’m why because i know what

it’s like

to believe god i’m not saying well when

god gonna do it again for us


everybody say constant celebration

kills comparison

second thing

if you want to kill comparison be

confident in your calling

i have come to the conclusion

i will never be td jakes

and i’ll never be joel osteen i’ll never

be stephen ferdick i’ll never be some of

my favorite preachers in the world

and that used to bother me

because i wanted the impact in the


but i would have spent my whole life

living in a facade

to hopefully get something that ain’t

even coming cause i’m in the wrong lane

so i decided

i’m gonna be me


i’m gonna show up everywhere

as myself

i promise you i went to the pga

tournament what was that yesterday the

day before

now i don’t know how many y’all been to

country clubs

but it’s a completely different

environment in there

everybody dressed like they playing golf

ain’t nobody playing except them few



i have so many funny stories from that


but i went with two of my homeboys

and these bros dressed like they was

playing golf too

and i was like is y’all playing and all

they had on different album

listen what you

wearing jordan ones

a big old chain


i’m gonna wear a snap i may have been

the only person in that country club

with jordan’s home

but i was completely




myself as soon as i walked in there

comparison tried to jump on me

because it’ll

try i mean i walked in there and

everybody you saw them look at me i was

like i don’t know bright colored shirt

all the designs i like that shirt

everybody else is inside like pink and

blue and i don’t i liked my shirt

and i walked in there and it tried to

jump on me

and god said show up here

like you show up everywhere


i started wait hey

what’s up what’s up i see him looking



you know where you ain’t been to where

you don’t even know what to do like


by the end of that experience

i’d almost met tiger and

i know he heard me i know

he had to have heard me

and he did see me i know he saw me in

that shirt that i had

but when i left there

i didn’t feel like i had to become

somebody or something else


i wasn’t cuffed to comparison i went

there as myself i left as myself

and i’m asking you to show up everywhere

that god has called you to be

as you

does that mean he doesn’t keep working

on you no because some of y’all

are stubborn

i’m gonna have to talk about that

another level this is me that’s been you

for 14 years

and god never leaves anything he loves

the same

there should be progression not

perfection okay you got it

but be confident in your calling

third thing last thing how to kill



only to christ

comparing only to christ

well there’s only one person

that you should be comparing yourself to

the only measuring stick

the only standard

jesus that’s the whole reason god sent


they need

they need a standard

they need a playbook they need a

measuring stick

could you just give that to them jesus

live 33 years don’t sin i know it’s

gonna be hard

but don’t sin

show them how to deal with adversity

show them how to deal with trouble

show them how to deal with submission to

authority show them how to deal

and so forever i can leave this bible

and i can allow them to only

compare themselves

to you

remember tell those in the scripture how

do we do this keeping our eyes on

who’s the one who

started it and we’ll finish it

i’m gonna put it in the point and we’re

going home

christ should be our only comparison

not to see how far we are

but to see

how close we are getting

let me say it one more time

christ should be our only comparison

not to see how far we are

but to see how close

we are getting

every step of faith

every right decision

every temptation we ignore

every confession we make

every time we lift up our hands

every time we say i’m sorry

you look up to jesus

and you don’t say oh god i’m just so far

don’t have the perspective like that


that live below his privilege have the

perspective as a son i’m getting closer

god i’m getting closer

you not that far away

five years ago we was way back there and

i’m not all the way where i want to be

but i’m getting

hands lifted all over

father i thank you


that you would uncuff us from comparison

thank you for being the most high god

and thank you that

all over this world today we are

deciding we will no longer be

slaves but we will be sons and daughters


receive that

said i’m no longer

a slave to fear

i am

a child of god

said i’m no longer

a slave to fear


i am

a child

of god just sing that out a few times

just say said i know

sin i am


just one more time i’m no longer


sin i am

what’s the next part destiny


receive this right now

thank you lord



listen listen listen listen listen

if you’ve been cuffed to comparison in

an area of your life i want you to do

something right now i want you to stand

to your feet i want you to take a step

of faith i want you to stand to your

feet yeah all over whether you’re in

your house you might be at your cubicle

your your co-workers may be looking at

you just act like you’re stretching it’s



just yeah

it’s all good

and just lift your hands and say i’m no

longer i’m no longer


sin i am

i feel the presence


father i thank you that you’re uncuffing

us right now i’m no longer



yeah something’s happening for your home

your mind your perspective


with your hands lifted let me pray for

you father i thank you for every person

that has admitted they’ve been cuffed to



would you would you feel the cavity

feel the hole in us that was made when

we were a child that was made when we

moved to that city that was made by

maybe our parents not being there that

was made father by that relationship

damage god i thank you that you would

heal the cavity

and there would be no room for


father for every person that has

been coveting

god today i’m praying for all of us

to go back to the start of actually

being content yep let’s pray for that

father thank you for the spirit of

contentment to rise inside of your

church father god

i thank you father god that where we are

is not where we’re always going to be

but father let us recognize that here is


and there’s something you can do here

and you can get the glory here and you

can move in our spirits and you can

prepare us for what’s next right here

father let us no longer be a slave to


but let us accept who we are as sons and

daughters father

and let us be content with your love

today let it change the way we act

change the way we talk change the way we

walk change the way we wake up father

and let us have compassion for others

because we’re no longer comparing

ourselves to them

let us be wise

and no longer compare

i pray that you’re an uncuffing your

children today

marriages are getting stronger families

are coming together father i declare

businesses are going to be joyful again

father god because you are bringing us

into a place of contentment

and we let you do whatever you want to

do in us god

we accept being a child of god

in jesus name

as even i’m singing that song there’s a

group of people

that have not committed

to being a child of god yet

you’ve not given your life to him your

name has not changed

and today i want to invite you into the


just a bunch of your brothers and

sisters that you don’t have to compare

to we all been in the pigs pen in some

area of our life

and we gonna celebrate you you’ll see in

just a minute if you come back to the

home where daddy’s waiting on the porch

he wants to give you a ring he wants to

give you new sandals he wants to put a

new robe on you and you about to get

about 25 000 people celebrating what

god’s doing in your life i don’t care

what trough you were drinking and eating

out of last night

the grace of god

and your place at the table

and the party is waiting on you right

here in the kingdom of god


today i want to give you an opportunity

to accept jesus as your personal lord

and savior it is the greatest one

decision i’ve ever made

it took me from being a liar a

manipulator somebody who was addicted to


had an insurance fraud case

had felonies had to do all kind of y’all

i was a mess


but god said with all of that

give it to me don’t compare yourself to


don’t don’t compare yourself to them

just come to me

and i’ll give you a calling and i’ll

give you

a career

and i’ll change your character

and i’ll put you in a lane and i’ll

allow you to run and today i’m not a

perfect man i’m a progressing man

that is trying to get as many people to

daddy’s house as possible

and today is your day of salvation

get up off the pigpen

and come back to the palace

we’ve been waiting on you on the count

of three

we’re about to pray and if you want to

be included in this prayer to give

control of your life back to the only

one the master creator of you his


i want you to just lift your hands one

you’re making the greatest decision of

your life

two i’m proud of you but more than that

your name is gonna be written in the

lamb’s book of life for eternity three

just shoot your hand up in the building

or around the world yeah i see you

i see you i see you my brother

i see you my sister and if i don’t see

you god sees you heaven is standing up

right now we’re clapping but god is

rejoicing at a whole nother level

so we’re going to pray


there’s thousands of people who are

going to celebrate you

there’s 15 500 that act just

transformation church this year have

done what you’re about to do


today we’re adding to that number

and i want you to know

your journey doesn’t have to be compared

to anybody else’s

today god wants

you now transformation church you all

know nobody prays alone

we’re gonna all pray this prayer out

loud for the benefit of those who are

coming to christ

so let’s just lift our hands and say god

take control

thank you for being my lord and savior


i uncuff

from comparison

and i cuff

to you

i believe you lived you died

and you rose again

with all power

just for me


i give you my life

i will serve you

i will love you


i believe you lived

you died and you rose again

just for me

change me

renew me

transform me

i’m yours in jesus name

amen can we start a party

i said can we start

a party give god some praise in this




the party is just beginning for you


we want to walk with you if you just

made that decision towards christ i want

you to text the number on the screen and

some of our party hosts are gonna text

you back and we’re gonna give you

information that’s gonna help you on

this journey

and i want you to know that we’re here

for you as a church

we want you to get into

big groups and get around community we

want you

to let somebody know your name we want

we want you to come to monday night

prayer some of this stuff is just the

catalyst just the beginning but we want

you every monday night at 6 00 p.m if

you’re in tulsa you can come to this

building now

and we’re praying getting ready back to

launch and do all the different things

get here and pray if you’re watching

online you can watch i’m like we’re just

asking god to do something on the inside

of us

and transform us

and uncuff us and we want to celebrate

with you so please text that number on

the screen

and for the rest of us

this week

god’s going to

challenge the word


and we’re going to be okay

letting him fill in all the gaps

because i’m no longer a slave

i’m a child of god


father bless these people

keep doing this working us god keep

giving me revelation

so that i can share it with your people


we’re uncuffing from comfort and

convenience and comparison because we

will no longer love things that don’t

love us back

we trust you and we believe you

in jesus name until next time go out and

live a transformed life let’s give god

one more hand to pray