If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

men I am so glad that you guys are here

today if you can’t tell we are fired up

because today is flood Sunday that’s uh

Mike what is flood Sunday you guys are

screaming yelling wearing all the same

t-shirts what is happening here um we’ve

been in a series called

grace like a flood and and this has been

probably the most revolutionary series

we’ve ever done because it’s talking

about the grace of God and we say that

stuff and we’ve like nothing about the

grace of God but we don’t really

understand it most of us don’t have a

real revelation that what Christ did was

not something that we have to earn for

the rest of our life it’s something that

we have to receive and live out of that

knowledge see the grace of God is the

unmerited unearned undeserved favor and

kindness of God there’s nothing you did

except believe in this gift that God

gave you and we’ve had four weeks of

washing religion off of us because some

of us were born into it like we came

into families where it was just like

it’s heaven or hell you either do

everything right are you going to hell

that was basically the gospel but it

like took Jesus out of it like like if

you read the Bible it tells us all of

sinned and fallen short of the glory of

God but and we know the wages of sin is

death but it’s like we stopped at that

part of the scripture the rest of the

scripture says but the free gift of God

now how many of us like free gifts now

come on now I don’t care how rich you

are a freak

the free gift of God is eternal life

through Christ Jesus and that’s what we

call Amazing Grace and so we’ve been in

four weeks of this series and the series

is not over I still got three more

messages in this series that’s gonna

make your eyebrows peel off

no I’m serious these next three crazy

but I thought we would take a pause in

this series and give people who have

received the grace of God really not not

just I said the prayer and I’ll walk the

line and I’m saved because I just don’t

want to go to hell not bad like really

received what God has done for them give

them an opportunity to make the next

step in their salvation through water

baptism so what we did is we took a

whole Sunday this is my message right

now if you if you’re looking for

something else you ain’t getting it

today cuz cuz in about 20 minutes we’re

going outside and there’s gonna there’s

40-plus people who’ve already signed up

and said you know what I made it

official y’all can do better than that

i’ma go public and so at this church

vision is to represent what would be

better then on one of the hottest days

of the summer when it’s spring it really

is summer though in the hottest days of

spring go outside and get uncomfortable

and watch people come to life in Christ

yeah and and I know and I know I know

you came in just to get your three

points in a poem and go about your

religious duties this way but for some

people they can’t go another day without

acknowledging what Christ did for them

and identifying with that thing and so

today we are going to see people come

alive in Christ but but I would think it

would be not wise of us to give some

explanation to what we’re gonna do

because the Bible tells us in all your

getting get an understanding and there’s

too many believers just doing stuff they

don’t even know why they doing it

there’s what we’re doing you okay and

and and then there’s two problems with

that because you can never give it to

anybody else if you don’t understand it

and then you can be led astray because

you don’t know you’ve never studied to

show yourself approved you don’t know

what the truth is and so what is the

truth it’s the Word of God we anchor

back to the Word of God if you ever hear

me teaching something that’s off and

goes against the Word of God get up out

of here do you hear what I’m saying

because because if it’s not the Word of

God then it’s just made-up opinion but

this thing is going to bring us life and

so I titled today’s talk cuz it’s not

gonna be a whole message because they

only gave me like 15 minutes so I’m

gonna title today’s talk why water

baptism if we could just answer the

question why then I think a lot of

people would move past their fears their

insecurities that they hair might get

wet and would really take the step and

get baptized and my prayer today is that

every person who has received salvation

receive the free gift of God would take

the next step on your journey and get

baptized with water now Pastor Mike I

was I was three years old and I got

pictures I was baptized in water they

kept they sprinkled me and there’s so

many different ways and all this other

stuff the only problem is you didn’t

know what you were doing then you had no

under and all you’re getting get in like

like and there’s other religions that

believes like you got to get your kid

baptized immediately because then

they’ll go to heaven and all that

there’s that’s nowhere in the scriptures

what God wants you to do is have an

understanding to what you’re doing so

today I’m gonna try to give you an

understanding at a very short amount of

time so we’re going to school y’all

gotta stay with me so that we can get

through this and they don’t cut my mic

off okay

but as I was thinking about this I get

cultural references like I’m I’m in the

world but I’m not of it so I recognize

things that happen and when I was

thinking how do I represent baptism I I

went back to 2014 Super Bowl and the

Seahawks were in the Super Bowl and the

Seahawks have running back at the time

name Marshawn Lynch and and Marshawn

Lynch he was beast mode on the field but

he didn’t like to talk a lot and so they

were doing an interview with hundreds of

people and he was literally on the

podium not answering anybody’s questions

and so after about six questions he

walks off the podium and everybody’s

upset and frustrated and Deion Sanders

on prime-time Dallas Cowboys

championship excuse me excuse me I don’t

know where that came from my spirit it’s

been so long since we want anything just

got to go back but uh but but he was

standing off the side of the stage and

he asked him he said it just seems like

you you don’t like to talk that much and

he had a one-sentence response he said

I’m just about that action

and for everybody who doesn’t understand

that like what he’s about is about he

he’s just about that action okay let me

break that down what that means is he

would rather act on something then talk

about it and so when I thought about

what should be the title of my water

baptism thunk cuz y’all know I couldn’t

just why why water baptism you know I

can’t just do it like that

so the subtitle of this message is I’m

about that action now like that I’ll see

you in the bag you like that your

Seahawks fan okay somebody say I’m about

that action some of you like oh my god

that’s Ebonics I wish never say that

okay but this is what this is what I

want you to understand that baptism is

about an action that identifies us with

what we believe let me say it a

different way

baptism is the deed that expresses what

we believe and so after we recognize

what God has done for us baptism is an

action of obedience point 1 baptism is

an action of obedience what you gotta

realize is that when Jesus was on this


they recorded almost everything that he

said from about five different people’s

opinions a lot in the Gospels and and

then and then it goes on through the New

Testament and and one of the last things

recorded that Jesus ever said now this

is his this is his goodbye speech okay

this is the last thing he ever gets to

say on the earth to his eleven disciples

at the time and look what he says in

Matthew 28:19 he says guys this is a

huddle up last instructions I want

everybody to go everybody say go and

then he says I want you to make

disciples of all nations baptizing like

I want everybody to see out of

everything he can said he said he could

have said I want you to go make

disciples and build churches he said I

want you to go I want you to make

disciples and make sure everybody has

like a chain with my face on it like a

Jesus feet

Jesus pieces he didn’t say that

what did he say I want you to go make

disciples of all nations what did he say

baptizing them in the name of the Father

the Son and the Holy

he basically tells his disciples y’all I

know I said a lot this past three years

and if you don’t remember everything

that I say it’s okay

try to tell them everything that you

remember but but make sure once they

start believing and they want to follow

me and they want to be my disciple it’s

not enough for them to just believe it

in their head I want it to drop down to

their heart and when something drops

down to your heart there’s always

corresponding action with it so I want

to see the the inward work manifests in

an outward declaration so that’s what

baptism is if Jesus really really is

what you say he is he my lord he my

Savior he my everything he my boyfriend

my because you know everybody just if

he’s really that be about that action

like let’s stop talking about it have

you ever been in school and this is bad

so don’t don’t do this but I went to a

public school and they used to fight

sometimes and I hated the fights where

they wouldn’t do nothing bro get off me

bro get off me bro get off me bro get

off me bro get off and then somebody

will yell stop talking about it

be a bat like that and then they would

want somebody to throw a punch and then

a school teacher somebody would come

around and they would never really fight

but that’s like many believers that we

talk about following the Bible and we

talk about our example in Jesus but we

never actually get around to doing what

he said transformation church is not a

church that just uses the message of the

Bible we use the method of the Bible

and there’s too many churches out here

using the message but they do whatever

they want and this is the last

instruction of Jesus go make disciples

baptize them in the name of the Father

Son and the Holy Spirit

so baptism first point is an action of

obedience second point baptism is an

action of identification see you are

identified with Christ when you were

baptized and this started back in the

day there was a man named John and John

he he was like the first evangelist like

like John was go around and he would

just stop in places and start telling

people like public squares and would

just start telling people about what God

was doing and and it was so cool because

seven hundred years earlier there was a

prophet named Isaiah and Isaiah

prophesied that there would be one and

he said it he put this imagery he said

he would be like a voice shouting in the

wilderness prepare the way of the Lord

and that’s what who John was and so John

will go to these public squares with all

of this water and all these people would

show up and this is the crazy thing he

only had one message with three points

and it never changed and people kept

showing up just think about me having

one message 52 weeks out of the whole

year I’m preaching one message with the

same three points and people kept coming

and let me tell you his message I wish I

could do this one day good morning

church I got the same message as I had

yesterday point one repent yep

turn from whatever you’re doing that’s

not like God just turn from that because

that’s all the word means is turn we

make it so deep but if you’re going the

wrong way and you’re doing things wrong

just turn repent and then this second

point write this down on your tablets

turn to God don’t just turn to anything

because a lot of times we can turn to

other stuff

we say we repent but we turn to a

relationship we say we repent and we’re

not doing this but then we turn to money

or return he said repent first turn but

let me give you some more specific

directions turn to God point 3 get

baptized that was his whole message and

thousands of people every time he did

this were getting baptized but there was

so funny thing about this word because

in the original Greek the word is

baptism and this word was a cultural

word it wasn’t a spiritual word first it

was a cultural word so I want you to

imagine this they’re down at the

riverbank or they’re down at the ocean

and and John steps in the water about


he says his message but as people are

watching there are people at this


washing their clothes there’s people

taking baths

will he be quiet I’m just trying to oh

my god I want you to think they didn’t

have any this was the public body of

water and he’s telling them to do what

they’re already doing cuz the word

baptizo let me tell you means to immerse

to cleanse by dripping or submerging to

wash to make clean with water to wash

oneself to bathe so just imagine in

their unspiritual natural minds there’s

a guy standing out there saying repent

turn to God wash yourselves baptized Oh

cleanse yourself why is yelling wash

yourself but this is what you have to

understand that there were certain

people that were getting a revelation

and revelation all it means is a

revealed truth it’s there everybody’s

hearing it but some people are getting

me and there were people getting it and

to be able to differentiate what’s

baptized oh they were talking about

whether they talking about just washing

something because that was a common term

or being washed of something how they

identified that is if they went into the

water and let John baptize them did

this is where water baptism came from so

they said either they used it as a

cultural term like girl don’t don’t

worry tonight I’m gonna be my hair is

gonna be baptism is gonna be late don’t

worry like either it was a cultural

return it was like yo I hear what he’s

saying and something in me resonates

with that I believe that that the

kingdom is at hand and something in me

is saying I want to be baptized Oh today

I want to be watched today I want to be

cleaned and they would go out to the

water just like many of you will in just

a few moments that you’re saying

something Pastor Mike is saying is

identifying my heart is beating or that

there’s something in me that’s saying

you know what today I want to be

baptized because identify with the

message it was an identifying mark of

what you were leaning towards culture or

God and I want you to see that that’s

the same thing that’s happening right

now that God we about to be off on the

side of a street anybody can walk by

even your ex-girlfriend your ex-husband

your friends from your coworker

but these people said I don’t care who

sees I identify with the gospel that is

being told to me and I want everybody to

know it and that’s where it identified

you with what you believed write this

down cuz this is so powerful baptism is

a public declaration of a new

Association and I’m telling everybody

about my new association with God and

say people how you gonna be in saved for

50 years and never told nobody out loud

now just think about it if I was married

to my wife but nobody knew how would

that make her feel how would that make

me look like and that’s the thing us

being baptized today is us receiving the

grace of God but saying this is too good

to keep to myself I gotta let everybody

who don’t even want to know have you

ever seen people freshly in love and

they’re like I’m in love

I’m in love and they walk around and

they hug and they kiss in public and

they do all this because they don’t care

who see the same way that when God takes

our sin looks at all of our faults and

looks beyond it and sees our need and

sent his son to the cross and wiped away

our debt for eternity and we’re able to

stand redeemed of righteous stuff saved


this is too good to keep to myself

that’s why they call the gospel good

it’s not you going to hell it’s God

saved me that’s the good news

so what ends up happening here is just

like this ring it’s a public declaration

of my association with my wife if I

don’t wear this ring I’m still

associated with her but you don’t know

it and because I love her so much I want

everybody to know it and it should

change our conversation


now I know you think I’m fine but you

better not step to me after you see this

ring because that’s a change the way

that we community is to change your

expectation it should change the

understand my association when you see

it when you get don’t it should change

how people interact with you it should

shake because I’m going public with

what’s happened on the inside of you and

so when we think about baptism and these

tons of people getting baptized with

John saying hey I need you to identify

with either culture or God

tons of people did it every day and this

is where he gets the name John the

ding-ding-ding-ding and so imagine this

he’s baptizing people midday comes and

he’s like y’all I need to take a water

break you get it water cuz he was ok

never mind he takes a break and he

begins to tell these guys he’s like

y’all today is phenomenal he was like

look at all these people who trusted all

these people who believed look at all

these people who are identifying with

the truth he said but man yo y’all get

ready Matthew 3:11 it says i baptize

with water those who repent of their

sins and turn to God but someone is

coming oh he’s coming and he’s greater

than I and they like naw bro

ain’t nobody greater than you John the

Baptist and he said y’all don’t even

understand he’s so much greater that I’m

not even worthy to be his slave and

carry his sandals and y’all know I don’t

do feet but I would carry his sandals

and I wouldn’t be worthy of that he will

baptize you with the Holy Spirit and


now imagine him telling his group his

baptizing committee this story and as

he’s talking Jesus walks up like this is

what happened and he says a matter of

fact there he is right there and they’re

like oh and they’re like what does he

want what is it is it over is it do we

well I bet there was Dane sayers and

naysayers and all this other stuff and

Jesus said I came to get baptized by

John John’s like you you already know I

can’t baptize you matter of fact yes sir

I do you need to baptize me he said no

no no look at verse 15 but jesus said it

should be done now

either Jesus is our example or he’s not

and if he says would everybody agree

Jesus isn’t our is our example

okay so then jesus said when he’s

telling them no we don’t need to do this

you need to baptize me he said jesus

said it should be done somebody say it

should be done for we must carry out all

that God requires and this is the thing

that you got to realize that there steps

to this journey after you receive God

says hey this should be done this is

something that God requires if you have

the opportunity to do it I want you to

progress in your relationship I want you

to be baptized and so John agreed and

baptized him this is probably my

favorite part in the scripture because I

don’t want you to miss this and how

powerful this is that Jesus did not ask

us as sinners to identify only with him

by his act of baptism he said I’ll never

make my kids do something I won’t do

first and so he identifies with us as

sinners and he gets baptized I have to

get back he was God he was baptized him

in the name of me me and me Father Son

and Holy the understand he didn’t have

to do it but he did it as our everybody

say example and he said it should be

done or I feel the presence of God

and as we think about this he identifies

us with us remember second Corinthians

5:21 for he made him who knew no sin to

be sin for us that we might become the

righteousness of God why get baptized

baptism is an acts of definition it’s a

defining moment in your life people that

are about to make this decision they’ll

never forget it the rest of their life

they’re gonna say that was the day

what’s today’s date May 27 May 27th my

old man died and a new one came to life

for me yeah oh y’all better help me this

is a day of definite yeah touched you

out last night at 12:01 but today I use

less words do you hear what I’m saying

cuz I’m good coming on new creation and

what I’m saying is everything doesn’t

change that’s why we have to be

transformed by the renewing that’s a

continual process that’s why you got to

get here and be a part of small groups

and get in a life-giving church because

you’re gonna continue to be renewed but

something happened and this what

happened to tons of people in the Bible

it happened to the the eunuch who the

Ethiopian eunuch in act 16 he got saved

and he the next thing he did he said um

I’m not supposed to get baptized and he

said yeah but we want to make sure that

it’s all good for you he said ain’t that

some water over there stop the buggy I

gotta go get what must I do there seemed

to be an urgency to make sure that I

obeyed and I identified with the one who

saved me

and he did that the same thing happen

for a jailer who Paul and Silas was in

prison and they were sharing the gospel

and the man who was supposed to keep

them chained not free and he got saved

and he believed went home and told this

family and the whole family Jerome

Kiki John see everybody come on we all

go and get baptized right now all I’m

saying is it was it was not a long

process between believing and

identifying what what happened this is a

defining moment the last thing you need

to do why baptism why should you would

be about that action cuz this is a

action of renewal it makes everything

come to life Romans 6:1 in 4 tells us

that when we go down we identify with

Christ in his death and when we come up

we identify with his resurrection and

then we have the power to live you want

to know how you’re gonna be everything

God called you to be you have to be

renewed Galatians 3:27 and it says and

all everybody say all and all who have

been UNIF united with Christ in Baptism

have put on Christ like putting on new

clothes now I don’t know about you but I

like popping tags I like new clothes and

God says that there is not a cleaner

outfit on you then when you go down and

you come up you put on those you put on

the robe of Christ

and then you you may know this scripture

and now hopefully it makes complete

sense second Corinthians 5:17 therefore

if any man any more men be in what you

put it on when you go down to baptisms

you get a new not just wet you get a new


it’s called Christ this is black label

it’s a new brand you can’t even just buy

it out of store you put on any man who

be in Christ you ever seen an award show

and they’re like yes that is

such-and-such and they are now wearing

Dior and they’re wearing Tommy Hilfiger

and they are they should see you and say

look at them they’re wearing Christ

any man that be in Christ he is a new

creature the old things have passed away

behold all things become when you get

baptized this is an act of renewable so

my only question why baptism cuz I’m

about that action it’s an action of


it’s an action of identifying it is an

action that every person in this room

needs to take to say you know what I’m

not just gonna stay at this place I’m

gonna do what God’s Word says and I’m

going to have a defining moment and it’s

an action of renewal today if you’re in

this room I want you to get baptized if

you’ve never been baptized if now on if

you have believed and received the grace

of God

well tell some like am I going to hell

if I don’t get baptized no because we

saw a man on the cross with Jesus he was

a thief and he believed at that moment

and she they didn’t have time to go

through some water he was hung up

my jokes are just all bad today but but

ups okay but what was God’s words to him

today you’ll be with me in paradise

but you got the time and you have no

excuse because we didn’t cancel the rest

of the service for this to happen

figured I’d be teaching another 30

minutes right now and now you can go get

baptized what I’m saying is the first

step to this progression I want you to

get saved everybody just bow your head

and close your eyes if you’re in this

woman you’ve never accepted Jesus Christ

as your personal Lord and Savior today

it’s the greatest day for you to believe

and I just want you to pray this prayer

I know you messed up and I I know that

you you’ve done some things wrong but

God says I don’t care about that I care

that you believe right now I took into

consideration all your mess ups if you

believe in my son and so today with

everybody’s head bowed and eyes closed

if that’s you and you want to make a

commitment to Christ or you want to

rededicate your life

put it back in him again I just want you

to slip your hand in the air nobody’s

looking I just want I want to see it I

see you I see you there’s hands all over

this place I see you glory to God you

could put your hands down and we’re a

family so we don’t pray alone so I want

everybody to pray this prayer together

everybody just say God I need you to

come into my life and renew me

I believe you lived and you died for me

to come alive transform you renew me I’m


and I am saved

in Jesus name Amen can we give God a

shot all those people all over them oh

come on that’s the land hallelujah