This is a Mark of the Beast prototype. It will have the ability to change a person’s DNA. What do UFO’s and the mark of the beast have in common? Is this the mark of the beast? This week on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, L. A. Marzulli will share a new and accurate revelation explaining the mark of the beast!

you’re going to hear a new a unique and

I believe accurate revelation explaining

the mark of the beast I can tell you I

have never heard this before is there a

supernatural dimension a world beyond

the one we know is there life after


do angels exist

can our dreams contain messages from


can we tap into ancient secrets of the

supernatural our healing miracles real

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years

researching the strange world of the


join Sid for this edition of it’s

supernatural hello Sid Roth here welcome

to my world where it’s naturally

supernatural there are such strange

phenomena going on in a supernatural

fashion around the world that I have

asked my friend la Marzulli who has

spent the last few years of his life

documenting these things I mean most

people read a little headline but they

don’t understand how serious these

things are and what they are telling

what their signs are pointed for

instance have you noticed the increased

number of earthquakes and armies these

tragic events strange weather patterns

sinkholes just mysteriously opening up

there have even been reports of sounds

coming from the center there at the very

eery of UFO abductions and they’re being

verified cattle mutilation but it was

supernatural not just just some crazy

man doing it mystery codes being

revealed in the scripture that’s

predicting the future mystery of the

mark of the beast la I can see how God

hand-picked you to do this investigation

because see LA was raised Catholic and

he was just disillusioned and had never

seen the supernatural so what happens

the first supernatural he sees he thinks

it’s good but it’s not it’s demonic he

gets involved in the new age and he goes

through a whole maze in that and and he

gets pretty high up with a hurry and

he’s in an ashram and he’s part of this

Maharaja’s Orchestra does a ten-city

tour and then the highlight they come to

the Houston Astrodome and there what was

the purpose of them coming to the Esther

day it was a gathering of

of all the devotees of Maharaja into the

astrodome numbers were sort of they

expect it like you know tens of

thousands of people it wasn’t the case

they probably had about 20,000 people

but the purpose was it was called

millennium and we were told that this

was going to be a life-changing event

and it was life-changing for me only

because I saw something well I was on

that platform with the orchestra that

night that sort of gave me a hint that

maybe what I was looking at wasn’t what

I thought it was what what did you

actually see well I mean you weren’t

looking for this but you had a

revelation of there was something there

beyond the people there was a large

platform which was the stage and behind

the stage was a Dyess and the Holy

Family was perched on this Dyess with

the girl in the very top most part of

the Dyess and this was an evening

service and the crowd was applauding and

just you know lots of energy from the

crowd and the orchestra played and got

the crowd warmed up and then the girl

came out had this big crown thing on and

I remember my friend nudging me like

this and said you know take a look

behind you and I glanced back like this

now here are the members of this

so-called holy family the mother three

brothers and the girl and the highest

part of this of this Dyess and as I

looked at them I had no words that

describe this or no dialogue to – you

know articulate it as I’m doing so now

but they did not look entirely human and

what I mean by that they were human but

there was a power that was emanating

coming through them and I didn’t

ascertain or couldn’t answer dammit I’m

whether the power was benevolent or

malevolent I just saw power and it was

overwhelming okay so he left that

organization he decided then enough with

this this craziness I’m here to go into

business things didn’t work out too well

he gets a hold of a book tell me briefly

about that floor well it was sort of at

the nadir of my of my journey and and a

spiritual walk were looking for

something and I was 30 years old and I

was reading a book by David

called the cult explosion and as I was

reading that book I was going silver

Mind Control been there asked looked

into that you know all sorted grows and

I just went a little like a checklist

going through each of those things and

at the back of the book there’s this

little prayer I’m alone in my room

there’s nobody on television you know

exhorting me to accept your show as Lord

and Savior none of that and I just read

this with a prayer and this was it I

just said look I don’t know whether

you’re you’re real or not but if you are

come into my life and I braced myself

like this and kind of waited looked

around nothing happened of course you

know I had that same experience and

here’s what I thought

well I guess it did worried as it may be

it works cause so now they work for me

about what happened well about a month

later I awakened from an extremely

troubling dream it shook me the dream

shook me to my core and I woke up just

bawling blowing and that was the

beginning of sort of the taking me out

of the kingdom of darkness or that all

the occult stuff I had been in and

moving me away from that into another

dimension or another another paradigm as

it were and you know even though I

thought in LA thought God didn’t hear

that prayer because we didn’t feel

anything we didn’t see anything we

didn’t sense anything God heard the

prayer and the same thing happened in my

life literally

the Spirit of God flooded my room and I

have never I don’t understand a

backslider but what I believe

la is that people that were involved in

the dark side that then have a

tremendous transforming experience

purged perhaps like Saul of Tarsus who

became Paul leader also we have like a

supernatural sense for the demonic

knowing whether something’s demonic or

something is of God are you finding this

true in your life absolutely I mean

everything that I that I work on and all

my all my research and investigative

reporting it all comes down to looking

at what is what is happening let’s say

for instance there was a something

manifested what I mean by manifested

appeared in Cairo about two years ago

over a Coptic Church and what

was was these light figures the mayor

was so overwhelmed by this thing that he

made sure all the power to this town was

completely cut out but guess what

even though there was no electric power

these entities these light entities

appeared over this Coptic Church and did

so for about two weeks

thousands of people thronged to this

area to look at the phenomena that was

going on but see no one tested the

spirits no one you know what is this

thing everyone just assumed it was a

benevolent apparition not so fast you


when we come back I want Elly to talk

about these people that are being

abducted my so-called flying saucers and

what does he think this power is but the

thing that is so amazing is they’re

putting implants in people and he has

actually talked to the doctor that has

removed these implants and he has

amazing information took away

we’ll be right back to it’s supernatural

Sid Roth has found the key to world

revival this is God’s time to reach the

Jewish people with his love Messiah

Jesus has torn down the wall dividing

Jew and Gentile the two together form

one new man to reach the world God’s

method to reach the Jewish people is

through signs and wonders this is why

our website is jam-packed

with tools to equip you to move in signs

and wonders understand Israel and the

Jewish roots of the church log on to today we now return to it’s


hello Sid Roth here with la mercè Julien

la I am so intrigued with these people

that are being interviewed that say

they’ve been abducted tell me about this

doctor you spoke to dr. Leir who started

out as a skeptic of this whole phenomena

he’s a surgeon yes tell me about well

leah was asked by a friend to go in and

look at this patient who claimed to have

some sort of a implant or whatever

something under his skin

you know first layer just went figured

it was probably a wire or maybe a BB

from childhood accident or something but

when he when he found out that the

person was claiming would be inducted by

so-called aliens he did an about-face

and walked out of the room didn’t want

anything to do with this stuff and in

some ways who could blame him so he goes

in reluctantly he’s sort of persuaded to

come back and look at the thing looks at

the x-rays yes there seems to be

something there so he decides to operate

he goes in and to his absolute

astonishment what he discovers is very

small metallic implant but over this

implant and this is a obviously a

magnification leave my fist is a

secretion a membrane of some sort and he

takes his scalpel and he tries to cut

this membrane and he can’t cut it he

then takes a forceps and goes in and

Yanks this thing out and it comes out

sometimes he’s done sixteen of these

things since but it comes out sometimes

in two or three pieces what he’s

discovered is when you take these things

out and you put them in a petri dish of

the patient’s blood and you just let

them and then the pieces are let’s say

separated by a half an inch

come back 24-48 hours later the pieces

have tried to assemble themselves how is

that possible these implants are giving

out a a clock speed of a frequency which

we believe is a sawtooth which means

it’s a computer we wave it’s a clock

speed at 300 gigahertz which is a

hundred times faster than the fastest

computer we have on the planet inside

these things are carbon nanotubes not

found in nature and other compartments

we have no idea what they’re doing but I

asked Lear I said in your professional

opinion what do you think this implant

is and in sort of a gruff I’ll do my

best imitation while I was changing the

person’s DNA but that’s what he believes

and that did you hear that it’s

literally going to change a person’s DNA

this sounds way beyond robots and way

beyond any science fiction things I’ve

ever seen

what is the source in your opinion are

there really flying saucers well there’s

two paradigms a person can can embrace

one is the extra-terrestrial hypothesis

that these are entities from the

Pleiadian star system or is that a

reticular you know pick your poison and

they’re coming here they’re our

overlords I call it the coming great

deception that they’ve decided to that

they created all life on this planet

they genetically manipulate an early man

they started our civilizations now

they’re back at this critical juncture

in human history to usher mankind into a

time of peace proclaiming in the science

fiction point will go that way right the

new ages go that all right what’s what’s

your I believe that they’re

interdimensional beings they are highly

malevolent they are pernicious they are

evil they have an agenda it goes back to

when we read in the book of Genesis

Genesis 6 the sons of God the bonanno

heme the Fallen Angels saw the daughters

of men it shows for them wives and the

hybrid was a Nephilim isn’t it

interesting that Yeshua says as in the

days of Noah so it will be when the Son

of Man returns

why is he signaling the days of Noah to

us why is he pointing in the days of

Noah because something happened there

that is unlike any other time in all

history and that is the presence of the

Fallen Angels openly presenting

themselves on the earth and I think

we’re moving in

that time you’ve investigated so I don’t

think there’s ever been a time in planet

Earth there’s been so many different

supernatural phenomenon and most people

don’t have not seen the the the evil or

the good the God or the demonic so

they’re setting themselves up for a big

big fall up la another thing that

intrigues me immensely is the

discoveries of Torah codes explain

briefly what that is well briefly this

is Torah code 101 if you would take the

book of Genesis written in Hebrew and

you were to do an equal letter

equidistant letter sequence you can do

this by hand and you go every 50 letters

it will spell Torah it’s amazing yeah it

is yes I know I interviewed a man that

did Bible quote and I said show me look

my name up and I was shocked do you know

they not only found my name the name of

it’s supernatural but they they found

the name of my wife her middle name she

has a unique middle name I’ve never even

heard of anyone beyond her mother that

had that name it’s thoroughly I mean

that was in the Bible codes I am NOT a

skeptic of these things they recently

found President Obama the Cullens

what did they well they did if you go to

Ezekiel 38 chessy 30 a zekiel 30 after

you read the headlines like right hand

and everybody definitely and and we’d

love to talk about that but if you can

do this without a computer so you don’t

there’s no you know you don’t need a

computer to do this you can just go to e

cos e Co 38 if you can read the Hebrew

it spells Obama in that passage of all

the things that that seem to be

happening right now President Obama’s

name was there that’s hell made that

well that’s that’s incredibly bizarre

he’s the president right now obviously

and we see in front of us these nations

remember this prophecy has lain dormant

collecting dust for 2600 years and all

of a sudden in the age that we are in we

see Israel regathered back from the fork

of the earth re-establishing its ancient

homeland they are truly a nation living

without walls or gates any of that stuff

and they’re basically dwelling in safety

you know what’s so amazing is these

Bible codes even have predicted the

future and they’ve come true principle

I’ll tell you what when we come back

we’ll talk about it don’t go away we’ll

be right back to it’s supernatural

for he himself is our peace who has made

both Jew and Gentile into one and broke

down the bearer of the dividing wall his

purpose was to create and himself to

create in himself his purpose was to

create one new man one new man one new

man Aegean Norway juliek Adam Kadosh

Akkad one new man we now return to it’s


Sid Roth here with LA Marzulli and LA

we’re talking about the Bible codes

which are fascinating but what if you

took another large book like say warm

piece and look for predictions in that

using the Bible code what would you find

it doesn’t work plain and simple it just

doesn’t work it’s not a remote eye the

same but there are things of predicting

the future for instance the Prime

Minister of Israel Rabine tell me about

that there was a Bible code that was

done with each soccer beans name and in

a very very tight grouping of letters

each chakra being assassin will

assassinate this was done a priori

before the event that’s very pretty in

Pacific even gets wilder than that

someone found it and went to the Israeli

authorities but obviously they didn’t

pay any attention what about these the

Bible predicts they’ll be strange signs

in the skies tell them tell me a few

well certainly we’re looking at objects

around the Sun that NASA seems to redact

those images from the Soho twin the

satellites redact mean they brush them

out set

hours after research I look at them good

question I don’t know the answer to that

tell me about the moon we looked at

films from youtubers all over the planet

who were looking up at the moon filming

the money going hey

I’m you know I’m on a an astronomer or

anything but I’m looking at this this

body and it’s it’s not it’s not where it

should be it looks different it looks

weird well if one person says that you

kind of dismiss it but from all over the

globe people reporting the same

phenomena well so we did some research

on it my partner I Richard Shaw and what

we discovered was we paper by an Italian

scientist by the name of Lorenzo I Oreo

and he wrote a paper called the a

centricity of a lunar surface he thinks

that there’s a large body coming into

the solar system which is perhaps making

the moon act in an erratic way well

there was actually a Torah code about

the moon in that particular year

explaining well the Torah code which is

really interesting because when this was

all happening my partner Richard Shaw

sent it to the rabbi’s and so they did a

Torah code and it said moon will be

observed in the date basically 2011 and

anomalies in the lunar surface will be

observed in 2011 so vittor code sort of

corroborated what we had been

investigating which I found absolutely

fascinating he has an understanding of

the mark of the beast I have never heard

before and it rings true

I think it’s historic what you’re going

to share will you do that right now I’d

love to thank you for allowing me to do

this we see in Matthew 24 Yeshua states

something as in the days of Noah so

being the Son of Man returns alluded to

that before what differentiates those

days are the presence of the Fallen

Angels but there’s also some other

dynamics in that passage which we

overlooked one of them in particular is

the length of life span five six seven

nine hundred years old people lives and

I believe that’s literal they live to

nine hundred years or older okay hold

that thought then jump over to the book

of Revelation it says and we all get

this one that anyone who takes this mark

will not be able to buy sell or trade

that’s an easy one right but then we

find out that anyone who takes this mark

whatever this thing is

grievous sores will appear over the body

then we find out in the book of

Revelation also anyone who takes to mark

is immediately thrown in the black

fire there’s no grace there’s no mercy

it’s just you’ve got the mark BAM you’re

in a lake of fire not my words those are

the words of yushua and those are in the

book of Revelation

a little further army reads something

which is not necessarily tied into the

mark of the beast but here’s the deal it

says that in those days the days of the

mark men and women will seek death and

not find it how can that possibly be

I’ve held the chip from dr. earlier in

my hand I’ve asked him point-blank what

does this thing doing is changing a DNA

this thing and this is how they’re going

to do it this is the chip this is what

they go into flying saucers have to

surge these are the products by the way

did this doctor find that these people

were loonies no not at all all these

people that have been abducted most of

them I would say over well over 90% do

not want any notoriety in fact they seek

unanimity they’re not interested in any

type of want to fly why doesn’t the u.s.

reveal all the information they’ve HEPA

flying saucers other nations have done

it well the other nations have done it

Greece the United Kingdom France Belgium

Germany Japan Mexico Brazil they’ve all

relates related or released I should say

what we’re at one time top-secret

documents we don’t do it and I think the

reason is simply this

they fear some sort of a backlash

religious backlash what happens if

people all of a sudden find out that

maybe the God we’ve all believed in

isn’t this is what I call said the

coming great deception and I believe

it’s been over a year that’s changing

the DNA why would someone want a chip

inside of them here’s the scenario let’s

say there’s a war upcoming war in the

Middle East and we see some sort of a

nuclear holocaust remember this is just

a scenario okay so we see nuclear

nuclear event in the Middle East perhaps

in this country and all of a sudden

mile-wide UFOs begin to manifest begin

to appear all over this planet how is

that going to affect everyone but

they’ll come up with two things they’ll

come with a free energy source and they

will come with a chip and this goes

right back into what Matthew 24 states

they will come with this implant which

will you take it

bring you into as a member of the New

World Order okay

and when they scan this thing not only

will have its medical records but it

will change and corrupt your DNA that’s

what we’ll be told so so right now the

woods you live longer you lose to 500

years disease-free whoo all this all

this so who’s going to say no oh there’s

my son that’s a toast the Lord exact

only and you can see why they be enemies

so that we will look at as Neanderthals

how can you possible even this

ridiculous mythos of of a

judeo-christian God why not just take

this mark and live disease-free for 500

years it sounds like a great deal and I

look I’ve held it in my hand this is

what I think it’s coming and it’s the

only thing which fulfills all that

criteria which we just spoke about

that’s found in the book of Revelation

and as far as timing isn’t it

interesting in this whole scenario that

of what we see shaping up right now of

the nations coming against Israel is on

the horizon with Obama’s name in the

secret code of it this is it shows you

how soon it will be that the Messiah is

going to return tell me about the

rapture vision you had real real brief

because there is a blessed hope I didn’t

seek this I did in anyway I was getting

ready to go in the shower so unlike our

last guest I didn’t fast or pray or any

of that stuff I was just getting ready

to go in the shower I was not in the

body or out of the body I can’t tell you

just like Paul says all I know I was

snatched up I found myself in the

heavenly scene I was there for three

seconds one second two second three

seconds and back again second one I look

around and I can see that we’re not

sandwiched in like sardines that there’s

20 to 30 feet between myself and other

people we are all looking in the same


that’s second one second to there was a

holy reverential silence which permeates

the entire scene you can hear a pin drop

no one’s asking gee where are we there’s

none of that everyone knows exactly

what’s happened it’s a holy I can’t even

describe it are the best warriors I

could holy reverential silence the

stillness is unbelievable second three I

realize to my utter amazement that my

sin nature what I mean by that is all

the little nasty stuff that we do that

crops up he

no we don’t want to do it just crops up

and sort of eats at us our anger our

bitterness whatever it is all that was

gone and I was liberated that’s in three

seconds in the dam I was back and I wept

but let me tell you something this has

never happened to me before

but a few days before this interview I

woke up and I from a dream and this is

what I was saying in the dream Jesus is

coming soon Jesus I said it three times

Jesus is coming soon I say to you Jesus

is coming soon are you ready

an increase in wars and rumors of wars

mass flooding spontaneous outbursts of

Arab unrest in Greece of earthquakes

tsunamis and volcano activity

unexplained sinkholes massive

spontaneous bird and fish deaths

increased sightings of UFOs claims of

alien abductions Torah code prophecies

that predict what’s happening in the

news today are all these a wake-up call

from God warning us of the events about

to take place on planet earth we’ll be

right back to it’s supernatural for over

30 years la maza Li has been watching

the biblical signs of our times which

indicate we are truly in the last days

and messiahs return is imminent all of

what he’s found is documented on the

Watchers DVD series in Japanese Island

was struck by a 9.0 earthquake and of

course shortly after that a devastating

tsunami swept inland and wiped

everything out of the Fest the phenomena

sinkholes again are appearing in

countries all over the world some of

these sinkholes are absolutely huge I

mean they’re acres and they go down deep

into the earth there is great unrest in

the Middle East in the Muslim world on

the Arab Street I’ll be looking at a

redistribution or a reconstruction of

the existing borders in the Middle East

we are subjects of a managed agenda

a recent table on the twin tower attack

with September 11th massacre twins

towers the Torah knew how many would die

before the US could tally the dead are

these harbingers call now and got la Mar

Solis the Watchers three volume DVD

series plus his two-part DVD teaching

messengers of deception all five DVDs

for a donation of $60 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number nine one three nine through The

Watcher series you will see verify

documented proof that we are living in


time’s understand what’s behind the

mysteries concerning UFOs alien

abductions mass cattle mutilation be

convinced that the Shroud of Turin is

forensic proof of the death and

resurrection of Jesus find out about a

new discovery concerning the mark of the

beast that has been uncovered and so

much more I’ll tell you one thing when

you get hold this material you play it

for your friends for your Bible study

even for your church it won’t be

religion as normal you will have so many

conversations going on and people will

end up saying I need to know you’re

Jesus plus here la Marzulli is revealing

two part DVD teaching messengers of

deception the Bible says that we are

living in the days when even the most

elect will be deceived find out who are

the people spreading a false gospel a

counterfeit gospel learn how to discern

God’s supernatural occurrences from the

demonic understand how to protect your

loved ones from the Antichrist plot to

deceive destroy and disrupt God’s

blessings and destiny for your life a

whole object of the watches series is to

get people talking when you show it at

your home Bible study or who but your

neighbors over it will get people

talking surely something is going on the

phenomena is real don’t miss out on

getting la marzu Li’s the Watchers

three-volume DVD series plus is two-part

DVD teaching messengers of deception all

five DVDs for a donation of $60 shipping

and handling is included s for offer

number nine 139 call or you can send

your check to sid roth it’s supernatural

p o– box 39222 charlotte north carolina

28278 please specify offer number nine

139 or log on to call or

write to

next week on it’s supernatural

when my guest plays the violin something

so supernatural happens the music of

heaven literally comes out of her violin

and many people are instantly set free

from pain sicknesses suicide and

