You don’t have to live in fear of the Coronavirus! Jesus has already redeemed you from the curse—which includes all sickness and disease (Galatians 3:13)! We want to help you learn how to use your authority in the Name of Jesus, so you can stand strong against COVID-19. Take the victory that belongs to you!

Friday night at 9:24 now Gloria and my

usual routine is we go to bed early and

listen to a couple of messages but

brother Hagin watch the 700 club by you

know 10:00 10:30 turn the light up well

we had just listened to brother Hagin

that first must end suddenly the word of

the Lord came to me so I jumped up grin

got my notepad and wrote it down 9:20

for this disease called Co DV 19 will be

over much sooner than you think

Christian people all over this country

praying have overwhelmed it give me all

the glory set the spirit of grace and

many many people will come to know me

through it I’m still lord over this

nation on the throne and faith in me

changes things



go Ritu gone