How can you know Gods will without listening to him? God speaks to us in many ways, one of which being his invaluable word

now what you listen is carefully

probably if I said to you or do you pray

yes well let me ask you this when you

pray what do you pray for primarily both

unlikely you gotta say for my needs

naturally oh I pray for my friends or

people who are sick or whatever well

when you pray how long do you pray what

do you pray about and then how long

after you finish talking do you listen

you see you cannot have an intimate

relationship if you do all the talking

if you’re married or do you have a dear

friend and you do all the talking no no

no no you go I mean you just and so the

other person never gets a chance to say

anything what happens after a while what

do they do they close up they don’t want

to say anything because you have

demonstrated that you are not listen to

this you are not interested in what they

have to say you’re only interested in

what you have to say now I know what

you’re thinking you say well no wait a

minute do you mean to tell me that my

pray I should expect God to speak back

to me

yes for the simple reason he created us

and revealed himself to us through His

Son Jesus Christ in order to develop

this intimate relationship with us you

could never have intimacy with somebody

if you don’t listen to them how do you

discover their hurts their pain their

needs their desires how do you discover

what’s going on in their life if you

don’t listen to them and as we’ve seen

many many times before I’m on children

and teenagers what is it they want

they’re above everything else with their

parents that is what they’ll say I want

under listen to me everybody wants to be

listened to so let me ask you this the

last time you pray did you stop and say

Lord now that’s my feeling

now I want to hear what you’ve got to


oh you say well you know God doesn’t

speak to me oh yes he does his spirit

speaks to your spirit but you’ve got to

be willing to listen they give him time

to speak if you say your prayer I pray

to Him and get up off your knees more

than likely if it’s the kind of praying

you’re doing you’re not on your knees

anyway but if you just pray and and the

last thing you know you you go to sleep

you didn’t hear from God you just voiced

your feelings remember this he created

us for the primary purpose of developing

a personal intimate relationship with us

because we are the only part of his

creation with whom he can have a

relationship and he said let us create

men in their own image listen which was

the highest honor that he could possibly

give us to be created in his image and

to have his spirit living within us so

that our spirit can connect with his

spirit and we sense this oneness this

closeness this intimacy this

indescribable relationship but you’ve

got to be willing to listen somebody

says well I don’t think God’s never

spoken to me yes he has well you don’t

know what he has or not yes I do how do

I know that because I know who he is and

he does speak and he speaks in different

ways but if you’re gonna have an

intimate relationship you got to figure

out how does he think

how does he act how does he work so we

have the Word of God a big part of that

to help us understand who he is and the

truth is this is the most important

thing you won’t you can’t you may have a

40 carat diamond that didn’t compare

this likes and you may own this and own

that you may be very prosperous in life

if this book is not a part of your heart

you are in poverty no matter who you are

because this is where truth is this is

the truth about God and God has given us

his word in order to do what the

understanding so that when we read his

word and we began to search his word and

begin to understand the way he thinks

and the way he works in a person’s life

intimacy means I must be willing to

listen to him what does he want to say