Break free of the cycle of negative, defeatist thoughts and develop a confident expectation of God’s goodness toward you every day! Join Joseph Prince in this faith-inspiring message as he shows you why you can have Bible hope, which unlike wishful thinking, is a confident expectation of good that will never disappoint. This message will encourage and strengthen you as you continue to trust God for and call forth your breakthrough. Change your circumstances by changing your expectations. Live life as a prisoner of hope and go from having lack to experiencing abundance!

they also happen to you as well amen

proven character produces a positive

confident expectation of good and this

Bible hope does not disappoint

I said what disappoint in the Greek

literally blush with shame when you have

Bible hope you will not blush with shame

alright church listen carefully the will

says don’t raise your hopes that is

human hope raise your Bible hopes my

friend child of God raise your Bible

hopes why this hope Bible hope will

never put you to shame hope for the

better life hope for a bright future

hope with a happy family when you marry

don’t allow your friend to stick

negative about the are marriages in both

hope you never divorce have a positive

confident expectation your marriage will

be a beacon forget your past your past

is normal your future is bright as

bright as God’s love for you okay but

there is something here on share with

you and is this when does hope does not

this when does hope not disappoint when

the love of God has been poured out in

our hearts by the Holy Spirit hope

that’s not this point because God’s love

is poured out in our hearts by the Holy

Spirit you know it means or not look up

here whenever you feel God loves you all

right whatever you hope you will never

disappoint you every morning when you

wake up say Lord Jesus I know this will

be a good day it’s not happen right so

it’s not confession of faith it’s

confession of hope father I know this

day you’ll be with me your love will

surround me your favor is all over me

it’s gonna be a great day it’s gonna be

a good day

Jesus Christ is the high priest of your

confession of hope he’s listening you

know and the more you thought like that

the more you are saying the same thing

he’s saying amen

talk to him show him your hope tell him

you are hoping for the best

amen whatever it is if you’re sick All

Right see yourself playing sports

playing games see yourself doing what

you cannot do amen said Laura

when I get out of this bed all right I’m

going to play golf I’m gonna do this I’m

gonna just see yourself doing it jogging

running whatever it is all right see

yourself doing it be confident Amen

believing God for children amen see the

children see them playing almost are you

calling out for them why because this

hope will not disappoint whenever you’d

say Jesus because you love me that’s way

all happens you see when you say Lord

Jesus you know when I read the newspaper

for example this you’ll be careful when

you read the papers all right it’s

designed for bad news right because bad

news sells unfortunately all right

there’s no news people say see good news

all right bad news

so when you read always be aware all

right when you see something that

happens it’s very easy for you to slide

into the mentality wow that happened to

the child

Wow it may happen to my child who knows

poor things you never realize when she

left that morning for work

I should come back to a cops you know

then you really kind of think wow this

guy mother is but never know who love to

come to your house and murder you before

you know it you’re thinking like the


you’re squeezed into the world all right

and you forgot your child of God you

forgot your righteous by faith you

forget that things don’t happen to you

by accident amen you should be saying

what thank you Lord Jesus because you

love me even with paper because you love

me even under your breath okay because

you love me this will never happen to my

son this will never happen to my

daughter tell Jesus because you love me

that whenever your sense of God’s love

when you hope you will never disappoint

you I can’t tell you this I can describe

to you in detail rather this experience

I have whenever have a sense that God

loves me I have a sense God loves me

okay it’s almost like before I even pray

I think of something that I want it

happens the same day the next day or the

same week I feel like it’s been a long

time since I ate that food and I met

someone who say you know I have this

gift for you it’s my food I wanted and

it’s like you know it’s amazing I have a

sense of God’s love I remember when I

had this sense of God’s love one time

and even though I was on duty during my

national service so we went to the cook

house you know and I was on duty on

Sunday so I didn’t feel too good about

it all right but I felt like God was

with me in the camp while I was on duty

and I felt a sense of God’s love and

God’s presence all day I went to the

cook house and there was a pile of

chicken you know fried chicken like a

little mound there of all kinds of

chicken drumstick breasts and all that

and there’s one particular chicken piece

I wanted it was way down there somewhere

and I saw it I was just doing Lord you

know any was with me I felt his love and

I said I sure I sure hope that I get

that chicken and of all the pieces when

he came to my tent the person went all

the way down did that piece for me hey

you know these things have happened so

many times that before I can even pray

all right God brings the answer it’s

those seasons when I felt the love of

God in my heart in my life it’s almost

like it came to a place where I was

frightened by it I became even

frightened because I feel like hey

what’s this you know I’m supposed to

pray thank God I’m succeed before I pray

got answers ready of course there’s a

verse that says there before they call

our answer is it faster than light amen

and and and it was those seasons when I

felt God’s love for me doing it is the

first time the Holy Spirit in the book

of Romans it’s got nothing into the holy

s–t knotting to deliver gifts of the

Spirit everything to do but helping you

feel that you are special you are God’s

beloved there’s a primary role the Holy

Spirit he has come to show you you are

God’s beloved you’re a son of God amen

when you feel loved see I feel the love


amen you’re God’s beloved