Life changing advice about the spiritual battles we face as children of God.

on the topic of spiritual warfare

a lot of christians tend to be

lackadaisical about the reality of

spiritual battles

in one sermon by priscilla shire

she spoke on this matter

and she said you have an enemy

and he is scheming against you

he is against you

he is not for you

he plans to do anything and everything

in his power to stir up challenges in

your life

enough to cause you to shrink back and

not rise up and stand firm

in the victory that you have been given

in christ jesus

how true is this statement

indeed the devil is after us as children

of god

and we need to be aware of this reality

all the time

because i don’t know how you feel about


but there are some battles that you face

in life

that may appear to be


battles and challenges that

seemingly come out of nowhere

and appear to not make any sense at all

but we need to remember that the bible

makes it clear

that we ought to fix our eyes not on

what is seen

but on what is unseen

it tells us further to walk by faith and

not by sight

and furthermore

the bible tells us in 2 corinthians 10

verses 3 through 5

for though we walk in the flesh

we are not waging war according to the


for the weapons of our warfare are not

of the flesh

but have divine power to destroy


we destroy arguments and every lofty

opinion raised against the knowledge of

god and take every thought captive to

obey christ

the bible tells us all of this because

spiritual warfare is real

there is a real enemy

who is really scheming against you

here’s what priscilla shire went on to

say about the enemy we face

she said that we have an enemy who wants

you to think

that just because he is invisible he is

also fictional

he wants to be chalked up to nothing

more than a caricature

a cartoon picture

a myth

he doesn’t want you to recognize the

influence that he has over your life

possibly to cause you to never walk in

the full expression of god’s grace

and goodness in your life

he is sinister

he is a master illusionist

and he is a deceiver and he hopes to

cleverly disguise himself

behind life’s most pressing problems

to where you will forget that he is even



i truly believe this to be true because

the devil does disguise himself

as he comes in many forms

he sometimes comes disguised as an angel

of light

he comes disguised as a friend

a friend who comes to trip you up in

your faith

the devil even comes under the disguise

of religion

but that is why we are told

to test the spirits

and so when it comes to spiritual


our best form of defense is not to run

and hide

it’s not to sit and wait it out

but rather

our best form of defense against the


is to put on the full armor of god

because it’s only when we put on the

full armor of god

it’s only then

that we can stand

and fight

the bible speaks clearly about the

reality of spiritual warfare

now you can bury your head in the sand

and pretend like this doesn’t exist but

my friends let me tell you that the word

of god would not mention spiritual

warfare if it weren’t a reality

but rather than focusing on the enemy we


i want us to focus on the weapons that

we’ve been given

ephesians 6 verse 10 to 18 says

finally be strong in the lord and in the

strength of his might

put on the whole armor of god

that you may be able to stand against

the schemes of the devil

for we do not wrestle against flesh and

blood but against the rulers against the

authorities against the cosmic powers

over this present darkness against the

spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly



take up the whole armor of god

that you may be able to withstand in the

evil day and having done all

to stand firm

stand therefore having fastened on the

belt of truth and having put on the

breastplate of righteousness and

as shoes for your feet having put on the

readiness given by the gospel of peace

in all circumstances take up the shield

of faith with which you can extinguish

all the flaming darts of the evil one

and take the helmet of salvation and the

sword of the spirit which is the word of


praying at all times in the spirit with

all prayer and supplication

to that end

keep alert with all perseverance making

supplication for all the saints

i want you to notice something

the belt of truth

the breastplate of righteousness

feet fitted with the gospel of peace

the shield of faith

the helmet of salvation

these are all defensive elements for our


these are all meant to help us block the

attacks of the enemy

they are designed to secure us and


that no weapon from the enemy’s camp can

cause serious damage to us

the only offensive weapon that we do

have is the sword of the spirit the word

of god a word that is living

this is what we are to defeat the enemy


and so i want you to understand each of

these individual elements that make up

our armor

now jesus christ said he is the way the

truth and the life

and we need to gird ourselves with this


the devil is the father of lies but with

the belt of truth on

we will not fall victim to the enemy’s


we are to wear the breastplate of

righteousness because it protects us

from all of the enemy’s unclean devices

his sinful schemes

with this on we pursue righteousness and

turn away from sin

on our feet we are to be fitted with the

gospel of peace

and i believe that this means we need to

be rooted in god’s gospel of christ

and then there is the shield of faith

this is what protects us from the arrows

that the enemy throws

arrows of discouragement arrows of

depression low self-esteem

now your head is somewhere that your

enemy will attempt to attack frequently

because if he can affect you in your

mind he can affect your life and so the

helmet of salvation is a must for all


and finally

we are told to take up the sword of the


the sword of the spirit is god’s word

god’s word is living and we can use his

word to defeat the enemy

we can speak god’s word over our lives

for protection and safety

the word of god is like a hammer that

destroys evil it crushes a person’s

unholy conscience because it is god’s

very own word

you cannot deal with god and not change

you cannot meditate on the word of god

and not be changed

romans 10 17 says

faith comes by hearing and hearing by

the word of god

so the word of god is like a hammer that

helps to build faith another

characteristic about the word of god is

that it is like a mirror

james 1 verse 23 says

for if anyone is a hearer of the word

and not a doer

he is like a man observing his natural

face in a mirror

the word of god is like a mirror

and what does a mirror do

it allows one to see their blemishes and


the word of god shows us the true

reflection of what we are to aspire to

in terms of being christ-like and

therefore we can see ourselves and see

where we fall short in comparison to his


so will you make a choice today to

meditate on the word of the lord will

you make it a habit to meditate on the

things of god



