Look on Dr. Stanley’s desk and you’ll find a sticky note that says, “You’re young and useful at any age, if you’re still planning for tomorrow.” It’s a principle that’s guided him through decades of productive service. Learn several other key principles to living a life marked by vitality and fruitfulness. Regardless of your age, it’s never too late to start trusting God and growing young.

as long as you and I alive we have the

responsibility of being fruitful all the

days of our life and I wonder sometimes

if some people shorten their life

because they’re not useful they come to

the opponent life and they say well I’m

55 and I’ve got 62 let’s see I got seven

more years to live and then I’m finished

let me tell you something when you tell

you about it that you have finished your

body begins to break down


four decades ago we started in touch

ministries to lead people worldwide into

a growing relationship with Jesus Christ

throughout the years we’ve seen God’s

greatness his love and his blessings in

such awesome ways that we just want

everyone to know him so let’s open God’s

Word and seek Him together next on

InTouch how to stay young and useful all

your life

how does they young and useful all of

your life that’s what I want us to talk

about and somebody says well is that a


no is it a pill no is it like course of

exercise no well what is it that’s what

I want to share with you and I want you

to turn to the 92nd song and in this 90

second song I think the Lord lays out

for us an idea of how we can indeed live

young and useful all of our life many

people just want to live long if you’re

not useful what’s the use of living long

how do you remain useful and young all

the days of your life well look at this

90-second Psalm and let’s begin in the

twelfth verse the scripture says the

righteous man will flourish like the

palm tree he will grow like a cedar in

Lebanon planted in the house of the Lord

they will flourish in the courts of our

God they will still yield fruit in old

age they shall be full of set and very

green to declare that the Lord is

upright now I believe in this passage of

Scripture is a key to being useful at

any age in our life and you’ll notice

how he begins this he says the righteous


not just anybody the righteous man will

flourish like the

three what does it mean by righteous

that is a person who is godly not just

anybody but a person who’s godly will

flourish that is will be abundant in

whatever’s going on in their life like

the palm tree like a cedar in Lebanon

now the palm trees that they were

talking about we’re date-palms and

they’ll go 50 or 60 or more feet high

and if you’ll think about a palm tree

that reduces dates it has fruit and they

use the leaves to bill fences that be

part of a house on the roof of the house

and so forth and then the Cedars of

Lebanon will grow and can grow up to 120

feet tall

30 feet around and all of their limbs

are straight out it’s a majestic sight

to see one of those trees so he says the

righteous man will flourish like a palm

tree grow like a cedar in Lebanon

planted in the house of the Lord they

will flourish in the courts of our God

that means there will be abundance

there’s something going on awesomely

going on they’ll still yield fruit in

old age and they shall be full of SAP

and very green they’re going to be

growing and they’re not going to look

all that old full of SAP and very green

speaking of strength and fruitfulness

and healthy to declare that the Lord is

upright so the question is how many of

you really believe that God expects you

to be useful all the days of your life

all right so how do we do that what I

want to do is I want to give you what I

believe is the key to making that

truthful so I want you to jot down these

simple phrases I’m going to give you and

I want you to think about them in your

own life so I don’t want you to think

about this is a sermon I want you to

think about it is a word of instruction

how you can live longer and be more

useful now I know that God is the one

who makes the fire

decision about how long we live and some

people not meant to live as long as

others but let’s just say you who you

are and you don’t know when you’re gonna

die and so as long as you’re in our life

we have the responsibility of being

fruitful all the days of our life and I

wonder sometimes if some people shorten

their life because they’re not useful

they come to the point in life and they

say well I’m 55 and I’ve got 62 let’s

say I got seven more years to live and

then I’m finished let me tell you

something when you tell you about it

that you have finished your body begins

to break down because your mind sends

your body a message in seven years I’m

finished finished doing what God created

you and me to be fruitful all the days

of our life ever how long that is and I

do believe that if you are fruitful it’s

gonna lengthen your life humanly

speaking so the question is what is

essential to making your life useful all

the days of your life and the first one

is very important that is keep learning

when you cease to learn you cease to

grow when you cease to learn you sort of

begin to decay a little bit you are to

learn to how to stay healthy and you say

well how do I do that it will the proper

diet and exercise and rest that’s part

of it there was we’re not healthy by

accident it’s by learning some key

things in life that really make a

difference and when we keep learning

something happens in our life for

example you’re not living in an age when

we’ve had to keep learning because when

I was born there were no computers that

I knew of in 1900 and 32 so we go back

and you look at your life and think

about all the things that you’ve had to

learn that your predecessors and your

church your parents didn’t have to learn

because they didn’t even exist so if you

if you’re gonna be useful all the days

of your life you’ve got to be willing to

keep learning so I would simply say that

a lazy brain

is an aging brain you don’t want to

learn what happens you start decaying

and so there’s something interesting and

exciting about learning things in life

no matter who you are and no matter what

your age might be so I would say at the

top of that list is learning the Word of


learning to quote a verse of scripture

if you can’t doing the better just to

learn this one jesus wept

if you can’t learn that what you can’t

learn anything so the first step this

remember we talk about remaining useful

all the days of your life number one

keep learning secondly keep loving love

is a very important part of our life and

in the Old Testament in Deuteronomy God

says commands us to love Him we can’t

wait to love God with all of our heart

all of our soul with all of our strength

and Jesus talked about loving one

another and I believe that the very

experience of loving someone it’s like a

flow that’s in your life and it’s like

loving isn’t it it’s an expression of

something on the inside of you that you

don’t ever want to stop for example if

there’s no love there’s bitterness

resentment hostility or hatred all of

which damaged a person’s emotional and

their mental life God made us to love

one another he made us to love him

loving is a very important part of

staying young all the days of your life

and of having the spirit that promotes a

good health then of course there is the

whole idea of keeping laughing there’s

somebody says what does that have to do

with being useful when a person is

laughing something’s going on on the

inside of them it’s like everything

flows and when you laugh for example you

just laugh from your belly hohohohoho

you laugh and laugh and laugh in what

happens if something happens to you and

when there’s laughter

and there’s love and there’s joy your

body is going to respond accordingly but

if you’re uptight and you you you you’re

not laughing

and if you’ll just think about what

happens to your whole nervous system

when you can’t laugh and somebody says

well I don’t have anything to laugh

about well yes you do if you think about

it you do

there are times we don’t feel like

laughing but there ought to be the joy

of the Lord in their life when you have

the joy of Jesus in your life you’ve got

a lot to laugh about in fact Christians

have more to laugh about and you think

about all the good things that God has

done in your life and is doing in your

life you can count some tough things but

there’s much to be laughed about but if

you can’t laugh but this way if you

can’t laugh I’m not too sure you’ve got

many friends who wants to be around a

grouch all the time always frowning

there’s always something wrong and when

you say well let me tell you something

good happen to me I’m not interested

well when people have that attitude I

believe your nervous system is affected

your whole system is affected I think

there’s some simple things God placed in

our life and the process of exercising

them will live longer

now you say can you prove that or so far

I can

so far I can and and one of the things I

love about my friends is we are always

jabbing each other and one of my friends

and all I think all of us sitting here

there’s more not all my friends but we

are always Japanese other bets on we’re

always laughing and I think that frees

up your nervous system so you may say

well I don’t have any laugh about well

make something get something going and

watch something that will help you laugh

and you find people sometimes who just

they just if it’s like they think it’s a

sin to laugh Christians ought to be the

happiest people in the world because

we’ve got more to be grateful for and

then there’s another one and let’s keep

leaving you say well leaving what that’s

very important keep leaving your cares

behind don’t drag yesterday’s problems

in today and don’t drag situations in

circumstances and conversations and

incidences that have been in your past I

can think of things in my life that

we’re not the most pleasant of all but

you don’t have to you don’t have to

think about it and I love what Peter

said in that first chapter of the fifth

chapter and the seventh verse in first

Peter he said for example cast all your

anxieties on him because he cares for

you in other words God says when you

have cares and burdens and heartaches or

whatever it might be he says cast them

up cast them upon the Lord in other

words just lay them down and so when we

talk about leaving there are people who

live with the rear view mirror in their

life well let me tell you what happened

they can always bring up something I

think often times they’re looking for

sympathy or whatever it might be

well back yonder all of us can bring up

some junk in our life but we had to live

everything with that behind us we don’t

have to think about that God doesn’t

want us thinking about all the

difficulties and hardships there may be

times when

word of testimony about how God’s

brought you through that but you don’t

drag it along with you so I’m asking a

question is is there something in your

past that you that you drag with you if

you do it slows you down it affects your

attitude it affects your whole emotional

system and I believe it affects your

health God intended for us to leave our

burdens behind then of course not only

keep leaving you but keep longing what

in the world do you mean by that well

simply this you got to keep dreaming a

person who doesn’t know how to dream

it’s not gonna enjoy life very long

you’ve got to keep dreaming that is

about the future and never stop somebody

says well you know at this point in my

life I don’t see anything to dream about

we’ll start thinking about it it’s a

matter of attitude nobody can keep you

from dreaming and you say well I just

don’t think I can do this and so well

why don’t you stop thinking about that

and thinking about the things you can do

and it’s not a matter of just having a

positive attitude it’s a matter of being

watch this a child of God you would

agree with that amen and you’re in

trouble the Holy Spirit amen

so all power exists within you amen so

don’t live in the past thinking about

what you can’t do you can do anything

God called you to do and don’t

underestimate God if you agree that the

Holy Spirit is living within you if you

agree that God is within you

then don’t chalk cut off as to what he

can’t do because he can do anything and

everything that it is his will for you

of somebody says well that’s not the

will of God for my life how do you know

it’s not have you asked him now around

my computer I have all these little

sayings that have impressed me and

affected me and and I count them everday

and had 25 well here’s one of them

you are young and useful listen that

you’re young and useful at any

if you’re still planning for tomorrow

you know write that down yeah listen

you’re young and useful at any age if

you’re still planning for tomorrow

because that means you’re dreaming that

means you’re planning it means you’re

looking ahead and so whatever the ages

don’t give up don’t stop don’t quit

just think about what what would I like

to do what what do I believe God would

have me to do so you keep longing and

then keep looking well you say what

looking at what will look your best

you’ve heard me say they look your best

do you best be your best I think that in

other words watch this if you think you

look your best you are going to act

differently right ladies is that true or

not absolutely do you think your hands

just right and you’ve got them just

right you’re looking just right you’re

gonna act differently so you look your

best do you best be your best then of

course keep laboring that is keep

working and one of my favorite the

seminary professors was teaching in his

night early 90s I loved it my first time

I saw the men I loved him and because he

just kept going now he didn’t run he’d

walk slowly but he was an awesome man

III godly man and here he was at that

point in his life and I remember Bertha

Smith who was a missionary to China for

40 years when she was in her late 90s

she heard a head on her calendar times

that she was gonna speak up to the age

of a hundred and five and I know that to

be absolutely true I tell people that

shouldn’t retire if that means you stop

doing nothing had changed something in

the Bible only the priest could retire

they started 25 and that 50 that

whatever they’re finished but the Bible

doesn’t teach retirement the Bible

teaches us to be fruitfulness we said

all the days of our life and life if our

life is to be counting for something in

somebody’s life and so we keep laboring

when you say

in your mind and you think it and you

say well that’s it I quit no more work

I’m just gonna have you send your body a

message and that message is it’s all

over I don’t need to function the way

I’ve been functioning that’s not of God

we’re to live it out through the last

day of our life and so keep laboring is

a very important part and if you’ll

think think about this the longer you

live if faith should be greater that

confidence should be stronger the things

that we do we would do may be better

than we’ve ever done before so laboring

keep laboring and then of course keep

leaning and we lean on the Lord which

means we rely upon him which we trust in

him he answers our prayer he answers

their needs we keep leaning on him that

is we should live every day trusting him

depending upon him and acknowledging the

fact Lord I’m trusting you for today

what you’re saying is I’m leaning on you

to give me wisdom and direction for my

life and guidance and so when I when I

think about that and think about what

the Bible says in the 37th Psalm three

times fret not fret not fret not as

believers we have Christ living within

us through the Holy Spirit we do lean on

him we do rely upon him we do trust him

so that’s what God wants us to do he

wants us to lean upon him he wants us to

rely upon him he wants us to trust in

him he wants us to come to him

acknowledging that we had depended upon

him because he wants to be everything

for us that we need in their life and

then of course keep listening and this

is one of the most important ones keep

listening learn

listen to God and many people go through

their life saying well y’all never said

anything to me yes I did you may not

have listened you may not have obeyed he

did not speak to you audibly but God

speaks to us and he wants us to listen

to him for example how do you find the

will of God you have to listen to him

how do you know what to do in making

critical decisions in your life or

simple decisions you listen to him and

how do you listen to him you be quiet

how do you listen to him you get in the

word and you ask God to speak to your

heart and I think it’s the most

important lesson in the Christian life

is learning how to listen to God and

know that you get a direction for your

life the confidence to know what to do

next learning to listen to him is

absolutely essential to living a godly

life a useful life a profitable life

listening to him and I’ve reached a

number of sermons about that and if I

should ask you do you know how to listen

to God you can know some of these other

things but learning to listen to him

what is God saying how is he giving me

direction for my life at this point

learning to listen to him and so if I’m

gonna stay on the right path I bet watch

this if I’m gonna walk in the will of

God I gotta listen to him if I’m gonna

make wise decisions I gotta listen to it

if I’m gonna have right relationships

with other people I’m gonna listen to

him if I’m going to if I’m going to

avoid yielding the temptation I’m gonna

listen to him if I’m gonna have my needs

met I’m gonna listen to him you can ask

any question you want to but learning to

listen to God is absolutely the basic

one of all how you going to be saved

you’re gonna be saved by listening to

the conviction of the Holy Spirit who

convicted you of your sin and said that

if you die without Christ you’re gonna

be lost you listen you got saved you you

listen to him when it came to convicting

you about your sin and you want to go to

heaven when you

well we listen to him about everything

and when you start the day off every

morning you should be listening to him

Lord speak to my heart give me guidance

whether they make me sensitive today

that what’s going around me make me

sensitive Lord to the people I meet how

to respond if there’s a need it’s

something I can sell do Lord help me

know how to listen so that some things I

need to avoid learning to listen to him

is absolutely essential because you see

you don’t have a discerning spirit

really unless you know how to listen to

him should I do this or should or not

listening to him and so we’re talking

about being useful all the days of your


learning to listen to God is absolutely

essential because what happens well for

example let’s say you’re married how you

going to build an intimate relationship

with your wife or your husband you learn

to listen to them how you want to raise

godly children you learn to listen to

them and teach them to listen to you and

teach them to listen to God

listening is essential to every single

aspect of our life and certainly if

we’re going to be useful all the days of

our life we’re going to learn to listen

to God because he’s gonna tell us what

to do and what not to do what to avoid

and what to pursue God is always

speaking to his children and in light of

what we said look at this verse the

righteous man will flourish like the

palm tree date-palms grow grow strong

like a cedar in Lebanon planted in the

house of the Lord they will flourish in

the courts of our God they will still

yield fruit in old age they shall be

full of SAP and very green that is

strong and fruitful and healthy to

declare that the Lord is upright and

I’ve simply said to you today I do

believe this is the way you stay strong

and healthy as possible

and useful all the days of your life it

doesn’t make a difference where you are

now you can start today and ask God Lord

I want you to I want you to make me

sensitive every day to all of these

attitudes because that’s what I want in

my life it’s a decision you make and it

begins with trusting Jesus Christ as

your personal Savior that’s the

beginning that’s when you start learning

to listen right then and if you’ve never

trusted him as your Savior you probably

not even going to attempt what I share

with you this morning

but asking the Lord Jesus Christ to

forgive you of your sins surrendering

your life to Him and then saying Lord I

want my life to count every day I want

to be useful all the days of my life

show me how to do that and I trust that

if you’ve never trusted him as your


you’ll be wise enough to make a decision

this morning Jesus forgives all sin he

will take you right where you are and if

you will trust him as your personal

Savior today and listen begin with this

list today your life will change

beginning today if you’re willing to

allow him to work it in your life amen

and father how grateful we are that

you’re more than willing they give us

your best I pray that every person who

hears this message will remember

carefully listening to you and obeying

you that’s the key to life and it’s very

best no matter who we are

so we want to say we love you and praise

you for being patient with us for

guiding us for helping us but providing

for us and giving us this awesome

indescribable gift of eternal life we

say bless your holy name Jesus amen if

you’ve been blessed by today’s program

please visit us at intouch.org II in

touch leading people worldwide into a

growing relationship with Jesus Christ

and strengthening the local church this

program is sponsored by in touch

ministries and is made possible by the

grace of God and your faithful prayers

and gifts
