Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

you do not have to guess when God wants

to let you know he is God in a way that

you have previously not know you do not

have to wonder and follow Alice to a

place called Wonderland to find out when

God wants to manifest himself glory the

manifestation he wants to become visible

because the one thing that will happen

that will let you know God wants to

become more real to you at a level that

you’ve never experienced him before is

when you are in a crisis when you are in

a crisis what I’d like to suggest you

today is a crisis is not just a crisis

it is a crisis but it is more than a

crisis a crisis is an opportunity to

experience God epignosis

the experience of God at a level you had

not previously known him if you’re not

satisfied with just information more

knowledge academic acumen in the

religious sphere of life about God then

you’re a prime candidate for a crisis

now I know automatically hearing that

some of you are saying well I don’t want

to know him that well

and I’m satisfied with the service and a

sermon but to miss out on who God is is

to miss out on how great God is when God

in the Bible wanted to reveal himself at

another level you will find this

consistent pattern he would either

create or allow somebody else to create

a crisis people would find themselves in

situations they themselves could not fix

they found themselves in scenarios they

could not solve predicaments that they

could not unravel circumstances that

they could not circumvent the crisis

you’re in a crisis when your options are

gone when everything you thought could

work doesn’t work when you spent all

your money and you weren’t able to buy

your way out of it when you talk to all

your friends and they couldn’t hook up a

connection to resolve a problem when you

lead on all the knowledge that you knew

about the subject when over-the-counter

doesn’t work and you’re in a crisis

you’re in a situation you can’t fix you

can call it what you want you can call

it a catch-22 in a pickle on a Ledge

between a rock and a hard place

as one of my good friends calls it a

trick bag you’re in a predicament

anybody in a predicament anybody here

been in a predicament

anybody here your life is a predicament

it’s just predicament I want you to

theologizing crisis I don’t just want

you to have it I want you to

theologizing I want you to put on some

glasses some HD glasses because they

sell those now and I want you to see a

little clearer in high-definition

your crisis and crises come in all forms

they come that’s financial crisis whole

bunch volcanoes and that kind of crisis

relational crisis circumstantial crisis

medical crisis I mean the one common

denominator is you can’t fix it it’s

bigger than you suppose just suppose not

suppose that’s that’s soft suppose God

has you in the crisis because he wants

you to see him at a level you’ve never

seen him before I like what Paul says it

and said Corinthians one he says God

took us not to death he says we were so

overwhelmed our crisis was so great we

knew we were going to die and then he

says and God did it so that we would

come to know the one who raises the dead

see if you’re not dying you don’t know

what the resurrection looks like cuz you

don’t need one

it’s one thing to say he’s a healer if

you’re not sick there’s a whole

different ballgame and say he the healer

and you are sick

it’s one thing to say he’s away makeup

if you already know your way it’s a

whole different ballgame and say he the

way makeup when you lost it’s one thing

to say he’s a provider what is already

in the refrigerator and the freezer and

in the bank Oh somebody wanting a sermon

today it’s a whole nother thing to say

he’s a provider when you don’t know

where your next meal is coming from and

like the widow of Zarephath you down to

your last dime God allows crises in our

lives to reveal God in a way you have

never seen him before

of all the stories in the Bible that

revealed God allowing even crafting

manipulating a crisis for the purpose of

our experiencing and knowing him better

is the most famous story in the Old

Testament Cecil B DeMille the opening of

the Red Sea that story is repeated over

and over and over and over and over

because it was the premiere crisis of

the children of Israel and it was one

they would never ever never never never

ever forget when God wants to move you

to a new level

to a deeper level of experiencing him

not just knowing about him he will

typically use a crisis now Israel had

expanded in Egypt and God was ready

for them to move now to a new place

called the promised land

but they had gotten comfortable where

they were they waited Japan everything

was going pretty good in Egypt the

problem is they could live comfortably

without God in Egypt and you can be

comfortable without God

many of you know non-christians who

don’t think much about God and I do it

ok ok don’t need God they got a good

bank account they feel healthy

everything seems to be going well well

the children of Israel have become

comfortable in a place God didn’t want

them to stay so like a child when it’s

time for them to leave you know they

need to leave they don’t think they need

to leave why you believe when the food

is free there’s free the heat is free

the roof is free and all you do is

coming and going why are you gonna leave

you can be comfortable so let me help

some of you parents out with 28 year old

still living with you 48 year old still

living with you let me let me help some

of you out here you’re asking why won’t

they leave it’s too comfortable this

money not gonna leave so if you want to

move them on and move them out rawhide

if you wanna if you want to get them

going you’ve got to create discomfort

tell him you got to stop paying rent

help you got to buy your own food tell

you got to split the utilities tell them

you can’t use my gas card anymore tell

them you can’t be coming in whenever you

want to you make it uncomfortable and

they will reconsider their position but

if they know they can live there tell

their dying day ain’t going the way God

wanted his people to go somewhere he

wanted his people to leave Egypt where

it was comfortable and to go to the

place a promise where they would

experience him more personally and more

deeply because they could live without

the experience of God in Egypt so

according to the book of Exodus chapter

2 God allows there to be discomfort God

allow there to be difficulty God allow

there to be anguish among the people of

God because of his desire to move them

to a new place in fact look at chapter 1

verse 8 now a new king arose over Egypt

who did not know Joseph verse 11 so they

appointed taskmasters over them to

afflict them with hard labor and they

built for pharaoh new storage cities

verse 12 but the more they afflicted

them the more they multiplied verse 23

it came about in the course of those

many days the king of Egypt died the

sons of Israel side because of their

bondage and they cried out and the cry

for help because of their bondage rose

up to God things kept getting worse so

it says they cried up to God now they

not crying up to God prior to things get

bad have you ever noticed you don’t cry

up to God when it’s okay

you prayed in polite press then them

Christianese prayers them they’re the

same old same old prayers Lord bless me

Lord bless my you know now I lay me down

to sleep pray the Lord my soul to keep

if I die before I wake

pray to God my soul to take and you know

you know those nice those nice

sophisticated studious prayers but when

all hell is breaking loose and things

are getting worse not better

that’s the different prayer that’s a

different that’s a different contact it

says they cried up and their cry rose up

to God what does that tell us they were

not crying out because it was nothing to

rise up because things weren’t bad

enough yet when God wants to move you to

a new experience with him he will often

not all the time not only but often

allow your life to get worse not better

now I know that will contradict a lot of

theology that’s out there because a lot

of theology will tell you that the way

you know God is good is he’s blessing

you and they measured that by material

success well that is one way that you

know God is good but God is also good

when he precipitates a crisis because

the purpose of the crisis is for you to

find out stuff about him you never knew

to experience him and a whole nother

level so a crisis can be as good as as

good as what you typically define as a

blessing getting fired can be as great a

blessing as getting a raise

didn’t think about that

a downturn in your situation can be as

great a blessing and maybe even a

greater one then an upturn in fact

Hebrews chapter 12 says when God shakes

things up and causes things to be

disturbed it’s because he’s doing

something new that’s a New Testament so

don’t look at your crisis merely as a

negative thing that’s happened don’t lie

about it say it’s positive if it’s

negative I just want you to understand

that God uses crisis to expose himself

to us at a whole different level these

people cried out to God verse 24 of

chapter 2 says so God heard their

groaning ‘he’s never groaned hmm and god

remembered his covenant with abraham

isaac and jacob god saw the sons of

israel and took notice of them he paid

special attention that’s what took

notice means he paid in that what you

want with you in the crisis you want

special attention okay you don’t want a

general god when you in a specific

crisis you know general is good when I’m

generally okay when I am in specific


I need a specific God for my specific


it says they called on God and he

remembered his agreement with them by

the way there’s a whole nother subject

but God has an agreement with you it’s

called the New Covenant

this was the Abrahamic covenant that was

the Old Covenant that promised that he

made Abraham that he was going to

protect his people God has a agreement

with you if you’re a Christian the day

is called the new covenant that’s his

agreement and his agreement is to seek

your good even if you’ve got to use bad

to do it that’s why you can fall in love

with Romans 8:28 all things work

together for good to those who love God

and are called according to his purpose

God is for you even if he has to you

negative to prove it even if he has to

use negative to prove it

don’t resist God in a crisis run to him

in a crisis

cuz the crisis is for him to expose

himself at a level that you’ve not seen

him before

so they call on God well when they cry

out to God now Moses was pastoring his

flock the [ __ ] of his father-in-law they

call a little God this says God noticed

me my affliction is getting worse the

people are treating me bad they’ve

ruined in my life things are not going

well now Moses was pastoring the flock

of his father-in-law Jethro that doesn’t

seem to connect but you know the story

Moses is uh pastoring his flock and he

comes across a bush that does not burn

okay the burning bush it was the non

burning bush because bush is not burning

it’s on fire but it’s not burning

that’s called ladies and gentlemen a

contradiction a bush that does not burn

is a contradiction it doesn’t make sense

it doesn’t compute guess what Moses says

Moses I gotta look closer at this

because I’ve never seen this before this

doesn’t make sense if you want fire you

supposed to burn he walks over there to

the burning bush God says take off your

shoes Moses you on holy ground

watch this now Moses went over to a

contradiction and God was in the middle

of the contradiction God was in the

middle of the thing that didn’t make


God was in the think see see maybe you

ought to run to your contradictions and

not from them because God was right in

the middle of something that didn’t make

sense take off your shoes

you’re on holy ground God go into a

situation that didn’t make sense and now

tell them now

tell Pharaoh let my people go okay

chapter two we need help God goes over

unbeknownst to them to a man named Moses

tell Moses I’m choosing you to go tell

Pharaoh answer my people’s prayer see

God may have your solution over there

dealing with their own contradictions

and he just needs to create what I call

divine intersection between your need

and your crisis and his solution so you

know the story Moses goes to Pharaoh he

says Pharaoh God said let our people go

Pharaoh says no he says no nine times

the tenth one was a doozy he says no we

said no once too much and now God kills

all the firstborn of the Egyptians he

preserves the life of the firstborn of

Israel the Passover which leads us to

our everything I just went over with

introduction which leads us which leads

us to our main scripture really chapter

13 and 14 or we can summary so this this

these two chapters are pregnant and they

are a preamble to your crisis to your

Red Sea experience Pharaoh knew he had

to get rid of these people watch this

now God forced the sinner to set the

Saints free by allowing the sinner

Pharaoh allowing the sinner Pharaoh

Egypt the world his people so they do

that verse 17 of chapter 13 now when

Pharaoh had let the people go God did

not lead them by way of the land of the

Philistines even though it was near for

God’s sake

the people might change their minds when

they see war and return to Egypt

hence God LED them around by the way of

the wilderness to the Red Sea oh this is

this is sweet freedom they finally get

freedom after the tenth plague Pharaoh

can’t take it anymore

he says y’all get out of here not only

did he say y’all get out of here they

gave them the money for the trip right

the Bible says they wanted to [ __ ] out

there so bad in Chapter 12 that they

took off all they go all the jury all

this silver all their wealth and turned

it over to them not only do we want you

to leave we gonna pay the fare get out

of here

so God now what’s this supplies for the

journey when he delivers them out of

their former crisis

in the wilderness and then it says God

did not lead them the near way in other

words God didn’t show them the closest

route because the full signs were there

and he knew if they ran into the

Philistines they would be so afraid so

intimidated they would want to go back

to Egypt so he took them watch this he

took them the long

all way around you don’t feel like God

is taking you the long way around

you finally get delivered you finally

see some blessing you finally see some

something-something you finally look

like God is answer your prayer and now

you got to go though

all way around not the direct route

listen if God is taking you the long way


nobody he’d taken a long time to finish

what he started it’s because he knows

their problems on the direct route see

the first aisle that was the problem it

was the quick way it wasn’t the best way

the quick solution to whatever it is

you’re facing if not always the best

solution that’s why you gotta follow God

because he’s got inside information that

you’re not aware of you don’t know what

you’re gonna run into if you go the

natural route the direct route which

would have been along the Mediterranean

Sea that would have been a great little

trip you know along the Mediterranean

you know with all that gold with jurian

all that stuff that’s living large we

would have gotten to our destination

quick God says that’s not the best route

now watch this God says I’m taking the

long way around verse four this is

critical verse 4 of chapter 14 thus I

will harden Pharaoh’s heart and he will

chase after them and I will be honored

through Pharaoh and all his army and the

Egyptians will know that I am the Lord

let me tell you about this phrase I will

harden Pharaoh’s heart a hard heart

means a heart that is resistant to the

will of God it is a heart that is

refusing to submit to the authority of

God it’s a hard heart that is a refusal

a hard heart is not a struggling heart a

hard heart is a refusing heart it’s a

heart that says I don’t care what God

says let me explain how God judges God

judges by taking a hard heart and making

it harder

cousin chapter 8 we already read Pharaoh

hardened his own heart

so since Pharaoh hardened his heart God

said you ain’t seen a hard heart yet

imma let your heart get even hotter the

Bible says in Romans chapter 1 that the

wrath of God is revealed on all

unrighteousness and then it says and he

gave them up God’s judgment is giving

you more of what you want until what you

won’t now controls you see people think

was God’s judgment of him getting you

even getting you know one of God’s

primary ways of judging is giving you

more of what you want Israel said we

tired of this we tired of mana we don’t

want mana

we don’t want mana we want meat we want

meat we won’t be satisfied God till you

give us quail we want quail we’re tired

and it’s cornflakes from above we want


we don’t want matter anymore and so they

crumble then crumble then crumble the

quickest way to a hard heart is

complaining they grumbled and grumbled

and grumbled and grumble grumble until

God couldn’t take it anymore

God couldn’t take it anymore a lot of

you have children like that no matter

what you get them they complain complain

complain complain complain Gargan take

it more he says okay I’m gonna give you

me I’m gonna give you me and more me and

more me and more me

you okay you want me I’m gonna give you

something I’m gonna give me some meat


Crale started dropping out the sky yes

just Birds just have heart attacks and

just dropping out the sky and just

that’s just quail all over the place

he gave them so much of what they wanted

they couldn’t have a little anymore and

he didn’t want it anymore because they

were resistant to divine authority God

helped them along never had a mother say

when you crying I’m gonna give you

something to cry fall

let me help let me help a little sister

out let me help a little brother out

since you gonna cry why don’t we just

give you more reason for it and so he

hardens Pharaoh’s heart and says what’s

this now when I harden his heart he will

chase after them the way God my prayer

is get Pharaoh off my back that’s my

prayer tell my boss leave me alone

change my mate tell my tell my situation

to go away that’s my prayer God said Oh

are we gonna make it worse I’m a

hardened Pharaoh’s heart so he won’t

stay home I’m a hardened Pharaoh’s heart

so he chases you I am going to make your

situation worse now what’s frustrating

about this is he just advances one

prayer by raising up Moses setting us

free from Egypt and then I’m back in a

brand-new crisis well after the first

crisis I’m praising the Lord I’m free

we’re free we’re not delivered Egypt

anymore and I got some money in my

pocket Egyptians have paid me well so

I’m excited now you thought God just

answered your prayer you run into

something else a few minutes later a few

days later a few weeks later and you

want to know God where did this come

from well God showed you a little

something earlier he wants to show you a

bigger something now because the reason

for a crisis our point is is to give you

a deeper more experiential knowledge of

God not information but experiential he

says i’ma make him chase you why are you

going to do this God God tells you in

verse 4 so that I will be honored by a


this fool is gonna know that I’m God

okay now so the king of Egypt told the

people that had fled fair honest

servants had a change of heart toward

the people cuz as hard as now hard and

they said what have we done we’ve let

these people go from serving us what

were we thinking why don’t we let them

go and give them our money we don’t have

their service and so he tells them in

verse six get your chariots ready we go

on after these folk we gon deal with

these folk so verse seven six hundred

chariots all the other chariots of Egypt

all the officers over them and the Lord

hardened Pharaoh’s heart verse eight

king of Egypt and he chased down the

sons of Israel the Egyptians chased them

with horses and chariots verse nine now

all of a sudden we come to verse 10 as

Pharaoh draws near the sons of Israel

looked and behold the Egyptians were

marching after them and they became

third very frightened as the sons of

Israel oh watch this now what do they do

cried out remember last time the crowd

they cried out because they’re in a

crisis God has become God becomes really

important in the crisis being all fancy

is not your concern in the crisis in a

crisis you know you’re the crisis you

ain’t trying to be cute and no crisis

you’re not trying to be all

something-something look at all

sophisticated and spirit children

that ain’t a crisis hmm ain’t trying to

be sadiddy’ in a crisis in a crisis your

kid who’s listening see some people’s

like well you know I don’t like to pray

around people it ain’t bad enough yet if

it get bad enough you don’t care who

listening if it gets bad enough you

don’t care other people hearing you if

it gets bad enough you don’t get because

you are now desperate for God and god

guess what wants you to be desperate for

him they cried out because they are

scared to death they cry out and they

said to Moses in verse 11 were there no

graves in Egypt if we’re gonna die we

couldn’t leave died died back home

you got us die out here in this

wilderness it would have been better for

us verse 12 to serve the Egyptians that

cause when they were in Egypt they would

crying out get us up out of here up out

of here but they’re in a crisis Moses he

stands before the people and he says do

not fear stand by and see the salvation

of the Lord which he will accomplish for

you today for the Egyptians who you have

seen you will never see them again for

ever and the Lord will fight for you

while you shut up

okay when he says why you are silent he

does not mean no talking

it means no talking like you were just

talking a minute ago a verse ago

wouldn’t be better if we go back to

Egypt cuz we went back to Egypt we were

had graves in Egypt we could serve the

Egyptians shut up shut up shut up

that’s the silence he’s talking about

he’s not saying my mother couldn’t

whisper to her son and the father

couldn’t say any word to his daughter no

he’s saying that foolish is you just

talking about two verses ago why I went

you know why can’t we go back to Egypt

and I told you when we were back to

Egypt in other words complaining about

the very thing they asked for

complaining about the very thing they

asked for get us out of here God gets

them out here

if you shut up you’ll see the salvation

of the Lord what’s the implications if

you keep talking you’re not gonna see

nothing if you keep complaining you’re

not gonna see anything if you keep

grumbling you’re not gonna experience

anything if you keep blaming God rather

than looking to God you’re gonna be

you’re gonna be disappointed in God shut

up shut up shut up so we can see what

God can do you will not see them again

I love verse 15 verse 15 you might call

a conundrum say conundrum in verse 15 he

says the Lord said to Moses why are you

crying to me tell the sons of Israel to

go forward now why would I call verse 15

a conundrum

because I can’t find where Moses is

crying to God I mean let’s not miss


he says Moses why are you crying to me

but Moses was just talking to the people

God will deliver you God’s gonna fix it

God’s gonna turn it around God’s gonna

save you God’s gonna be your deliverer

and the next verse Moses was talking to

the people he says Moses why are you

crying to me that’s a conundrum I don’t

see Moses crying I don’t see Moses but

he said it to Moses so let me tell you

in my sanctified imagination what’s

going on here it says the people were

skurd they’re scared to death they cry

out to God Moses cuz he’s leader he’s on

the pulpit he’s standing up and saying

listen God’s will take care of this

God’s gonna fix this he’s away maker

he’s a bridge over troubled water

he’s a balm in Gilead he’s a bright and

Morning Star he’s so high you can’t get

over he’s so low you can’t get under

he’s so wide you can’t get around him he

is able to do exceedingly abundantly

above all you can ask a thing that Moses

is talking noise own outside but deep

down where Moses live

deep down in Moses ha

he’ll go fix it


see Moses was crying too but he delayed

us so he can’t show it sometime I’ll be

up here and I’ll be stirred he says why

are you crying to me tell the people

much much when there’s a Red Sea does a

Red Sea where are we going Moses verse

16 lift up your staff stretch out your

hand over the sea and divide it and the

sons of Israel shall go through the

midst of the sea on driving I’m going to

show you something Moses I’m gonna show

all of Israel’s something I put you

between a rock and a hard place I put

you in a bad situation cuz you gonna see

something you ain’t never seen before

you’re gonna experience something you’ve

never experienced before I want you to

do something I want them to do something

I want you to hold out your rod the rod

that you used to lead sheep with that I

told you to throw down that became a

snake and told you pick the snake up by

the tail and it became a rod again yeah

that rod that they used to call the rod

of Moses that now it’s called the rod of

God that’s thick you hold it out over

the water you tell the people to march

everybody’s gotta exercise faith you

March even though it doesn’t look like

there’s any place to go I want you to

act in faith I want you to go forward I

want you tomorrow you don’t see what I’m

gonna do I know you don’t understand how

I’m gonna do it I just want you to march

hold out your rod and I will do the rest

let me explain something to experience

spiritual deliverance you must exercise

the faith that you can all they can do

is March they couldn’t separate the

water that was in God’s ballpark but

Moses could hold out the rod and they

could move forward as far as they could


did it happen God said the Egyptians

will know that I am the Lord and I will

be honored by Pharaoh and his chariots

the angel of the Lord came before the

camp the color cloud moved before them

the army of the Egyptians verse 20 is

the cloud of darkness yet it gave a

light at night thus the one did not come

near the other Moses stretched out his

hand verse 21 the sons of Israel went

through the midst of the sea watch us

now you you rarely hear sermon on this

we all know they went through the sea

but there’s another miracle yeah there’s

a miracle that the water divides okay

Charlton Heston Cecil B DeMille I got

you on that one

the water did divide but if he of a

miracle dry land

the dry land dry lay the land is not

supposed to be dry if you’re gonna see

if you’re gonna see you can’t roll carts

and animals and you can’t do that on

that kind of muddy surface

you can’t move two million people who

are being chased in a smooth way unless

the land is dry so while it is awesome

that God whipped up the wind and caused

there to be a wall that blocked the

water it’s also staggering that the

ground is hard hard enough for them to

roll the chariots over all the different

wagons over and what they carried all

their goods in the be able to walk on it

that was a miracle

they went over on dry land and the

waters were like a wall the Egyptians

verse 23 pursued verse 24 and the Lord

looked down on the army of the Egyptians

through the pillar of cloud and first 25

he caused their chariot wheels to swerve

he made that chariot will drive with

difficulty so the Egyptians said let us

flee then Lord the Lord said hold out

your rod Moses and the water comes back

together and they returned verse 28 and

covered the Egyptians and the sons of

Israel verse 29 walked on dry land and

the Lord saved Israel that day from the

hands of the Egyptians and Israel saw

the Egyptians dead Israel here it is saw

the great power the Lord had used

against the Egyptians the people feared

the Lord and they believed in the Lord

and in his servant Moses well here it is

when they saw his power what kind of

power delivering power because they were

in a pinch up a creek between a rock and

a hard place when they witnessed his

power it’s not enough for you to come

hear me

he’s got power you already know that you

can tell yourself that but when he puts

you in a crisis and you get to say to

power that you talk about here about

Amen about tell others about but you see

it with your own eyes oh now you know

him for yourself you you know him well

for yourself you’ll let you get to the

bottom he’ll let you get down to the

last bill he’ll let you think you look

like you’re gonna lose your home he’ll

let you get fired

you’ll let the things go well you’ll let

pulse sometimes go left he’ll let

circumstances not appear to be in your

favor but instead of grumbling and

complaining and making your heart heart

you ought to say God you have now

created an opportunity for me to see you

at a level that I have never witnessed

you before and I’m looking to you to

overcome or override deliver turn tweet

flips twist to override the Egyptians in

my life that’s a different testimony

June 11th 1963 George Wallace stood at

the front door of the University of

Alabama and he said of two Negro young

people you ain’t coming in here he was

backed up by the police force he was

backed up by the citizens and he said

segregation now and segregation forever

you ain’t coming in here but the white

house which is up north from Alabama the

white house said oh no oh no no the

University of Alabama is going to be

integrated so the National Guard

was sent from up north to the state of

Alabama to March the two students into

the school they surrounded the students

and said it’s time to go to class the

students were in a bad situation because

they were surrounded by the Egyptians

they were surrounded by those who had

taken a strong stand and had hardened

their hearts in the name of segregation

the National Guard said much it’s time

to move forward but if you look down

there there’s every reason not to move


cuz the head of the state says we’re not

moving and you’re not getting here but

there was a word for applause the word

for Washington was I won’t the God to

get them to where I want him to go but

there was a block they were told they

must up to the door George Wallace said

I’m not moving the head of the National

guy I love this he said to George

Washington he says well let me explain

this to you clearly you have the option

of moving yourself all the other options

of us moving you we don’t open up this

see we gonna open up this door I don’t

care about your cops your police I don’t

care about your pettalia

because applause has the clamps

cuz we open it up here I know it looks

like your boss is telling you to do

exceedingly abundantly above oh you can

ask in the middle of a crisis