If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

I’m so excited for what God is about to

do today if you’re joining us and one of

our other services are watching on the

rebroadcast we are excited because today

we are celebrating 20 years of ministry

and four years of me and pastor not

being the lead pastor and look what God

has done we are so excited because we’re

just getting started and we are in part

5 of a series that we’re calling help me

release this is the year of release we

believe that God has come very clearly

and and said I want you to gather

everybody’s faith around this one word

and I’m unpacking all year but this is a

year of freedom and deliverance for

people this is gonna be a year where you

will not carry around the same bondages

that you’ve been carrying around for the

past decade this will not be a run rerun

of last year if you will allow God to

release in your life and so God begin to

say he said Michael this is the year

that I’m gonna release my people my

children from the place of bondage and I

don’t know what your bondage is I don’t

know what you’ve been tied to I don’t

know what you’ve been dragging along all

of your life but God said this is the

year of release and I need somebody to

get the faith because a lot of people in

this room you’ve been so familiar with

your issue that you think it’s a part of

you and God said that I did not create

you to carry that for the rest of your

life it’s the year of release and he

said I don’t want to just release you

from the place of bondage I want to

release you from the perspective of

bondage because how many know you cannot

be in a place but still think like you

are and a lot of people aren’t in

poverty anymore but still have a lack

mentality a lot of people aren’t in

perversion anymore but still have

thoughts that keep them tied to that and

I’m here to tell you that this is the

year of release and the last part of

that God said is this is going to be the

year that I release you into everybody

say into come on help me say into this

is the year he’s releasing us into the

promise of our blessing God does not

want us to stay in the same place but he

wants us to progress forward so when we

heard that and I’m encouraging you go

back and watch every message that we’ve

done this year

it will set the trajectory for the rest

of this year for your life your business

your family cuz this is the year of

release so if God’s gonna release then

that means we have a part to play

because God only can do something on the

earth through people and so he wants us

to be able to begin to release so the

past few weeks we’ve talked about the

releases we’re gonna do the first

release we said is you know what we’re

gonna let God free in our life see

because there’s a lot of areas that

would be like God you can touch that you

can touch that but not that because this

is my protection mechanism this anger

y’all know everybody got that line that

if you cross the line you just black out

you don’t know what I’m gonna do after

that God said I need you to let me touch

that this year I need you that

insecurity that’s been there since you

were a young child let me into that and

this is the year that God saying okay

y’all you’re gonna have to work with me

let me free in your life and as a church

we’ve made a decision that our faith is

whatever God wants to touch in our life

it’s for our betterment anyway so god

the thing that I’ve been holding back

from you I’m giving it to you the thing

that I’ve been trying to keep secret

from my family and my wife and my

friends here it is God

it may be messy but it will cause me to

experience a miracle and I’m here to

tell you Church that we have to release

so that’s the first thing we gotta let

God free in our life and then we said

you know what we gotta stop holding the

things that have held us to our pants

and many of us the pain of your father

leaving you you have held that for so

long and God says he’s not even here

anymore it’s time to release well God

they didn’t deserve to do that to him he

said no no they didn’t but I’m the only

one that can take a burnt-up situation

and make something beautiful I think the

scripture says it like this

I give beauty for Ashes and God said I

don’t know what you’ve been holding

that’s been hindering you but this is

the year of release and it’s time for us

to stop holding those things this last

one that I’m gonna talk about today I’m

so excited about because I believe this

is the place where God gets a lot of

glory out of our life the last release

that I believe God is going to do an

seeing us to participate in is making it


write that down make public because I

really believe that God wants to make

what he’s doing in our life a public

spectacle for his glory and now I know

this is a problem for some of you who

think that God wants to deal with you in

the dark room and then act like you came

out as beautiful as you are

and I know this has been a mentality in

church for a long time that that somehow

we came out like this but what God is

saying is I want you to start sharing

what I’m doing in your life not when

it’s over but while it’s happening yep

I’m gonna come over here because some of

y’all still trying to get the concept

what I’m telling you is you still may

have a broken area and God’s gonna say

tell it make it public well pastor that

doesn’t make physiological or

mathematical sense because might be

completely free from the thing and

walking 10,000 feet away from it and be

totally transformed this is the process

of progression not perfection and there

are too many people that walk into

churches and I heard people even say

this and it breaks my heart I’m like man

you should come to church it was like

there’s some things I need to work out


there’s some things I need to get

together and once I get them things

together pastor Mike and I’m gonna be at


it’s been 40 years are you trying to get

it together if you could have got it

together you would have got it together

the church is the hospital for Humanity

if you’re broken if you’re hurting if

you’re lost if you’re jacked up if

you’re confused if you don’t know your

sexual orientation if you don’t have a

clue why you’re here you’re supposed to

come to the hospital where we have the

great physician and he’s the one that

can be able to meet every one of your

needs but that means we have not been

doing a good job making public what

God’s doing in our life because a lot of

us we look down on people who are going

through issues when the

you still in your issue and God said

Michael I want you to change

transformation Church from a consuming

Church to a commissioned church we will

not sit here and not make public what

God’s doing in our life can I help you

that’s why the Bible says we overcome by

the blood of the Lamb that’s what Jesus

did but guess what you got a part to

play in it you got to make it public and

the words of our testimony was the last

time you told somebody what was really

going on

when’s the last time that you you you

said you know what I’ve been dealing

with pornography for a long time but I’m

13 days free from it and church people

would be like that’s nothing to


you ain’t even made it a month I’ve been

chained to that for years and the Bible

tells me the way I overcome is by the

blood of the Lamb and the words of my

test forget that it ain’t your testimony

but it was day 13 and I’m a-tellin and

now I overcome and day 14 imma make it

public and now y’all better hear me in

this place some of your bondages have

been able to stay there because you

won’t make it you have not everybody say

released and God said this is the year

what I want you to use everything that

you feel like nobody should know as a

platform for my power to be seen imma

imma do things with you which are under

qualify itself which you’ll under

develop self

what’s your unsure self if you’ll let me

use it I’ll use you your family your

ideas as a billboard to bring me glory

somebody shout at me rise and so when I

think about this concept that means many

of us are gonna have to come out of our

comfort zone and we’re gonna have to be

transparent and not just honest

see transparency means that you’re

offering up what God is doing in your

life are offering up when you messed up

honesty is telling the truth when

somebody asks you the question and the

truth is most nobody has anybody asking

them the right questions and this is a

church I know this is gonna make some

people uncomfortable like but I’m

telling you we’re trying to see this

thing run for another 20 years and the

world the thing they can’t stand is us

they want our Jesus but they can’t stand

us and the reason is because many times

we make them feel like we were born like


born reading scriptures born loving our

wife your wife get on your nerves like

but you won’t make it public that you’re

in marriage counseling because somehow

you saying that you need help

makes you less of a man or less of a

woman but it’s time for us to identify

with people’s humanity and then take it

to the one who controls eternity and be

able to be a church that can identify so

that God can get glory somebody say

release that means we’re gonna have to

make you public y’all and the reason I

say that is because I’m leading the way

that’s why I can’t get up here any

Sunday and preach something that God’s

not doing in my life because the reason

I’ll tell y’all that I was addicted to


every Sunday cuz every Sunday I say that

that’s how I over come I’ve been free

from stuff because I make it public

people like you you you real pastor you

real and the thing is I got to be real

or I’ll be real bound like if and I’m

just trying to help somebody if we’re

really talking about being released if

I’m not real with it

then I’ll be real bad and so we started

that in our church as a core value of

being hot humble open and transparent we

say we have a hot culture and I’m trying

to bring that to another level in our

church because I know many of you are

new and many of you come from places

churches from new converts so you’ve

been in church for a lot of years and

you just

come and you Sydney was like oh I’m

passing right she did a great job today

and God bless you we’ll be back two

weeks from now and uh if that’s been you

you’re gonna be very uncomfortable in

this church in this next season because

what is about to happen as we in this

series this is a vision series and I’ve

focused most of this series on what

God’s gonna do in your life but I gotta

move this to what God’s gonna do through

us everybody say through us not just not

just the church as an organization but

you as an organism what God wants you to

do is go into your area of influence and

represent him to the lost-and-found for

transformation in Christ that is our

vision to represent God to the

lost-and-found for one reason what is it

transformation in Christ and until you

go into the entertainment industry and

represent God there’s somebody who will

not be transformed in Christ until you

go into education they not gonna hear

Pastor Mike I’m here to equip you and

you are supposed to go into the welding

industry and be able to represent God

you are supposed to go into in the

sports arena and entertainment and

represent God and that’s why I have a

whole new paper a passion right now to

make public all that God is doing

through this church through my life and

through your life because through that

we’re gonna see God transform so many

people’s lives one of the ways that we

do that as a church as four years ago

when I became the lead pastor one of the

first things we did is we said we’re

going to be completely transparent about

everything and so we we made a magazine

called the transpire and the transpire

magazine is something that everybody’s

going to get a copy of today when you

leave here and if you’re watching online

you can download it on the app or on the

website but the trend get pastor Barbara

looking all good on the magazine look at


we’re a multi-generational Church see 60

something plus in her crop top and she’s


alright just a plug and she’ll cougar so

uh get in where you fit in all right I’m

trying to get people married up in here


but what I’m saying is when we started

doing this magazine we put everything in

here every dollar and dime that comes in

this church we put it in this magazine

for anybody to see

everything that we gave a mission

dollars everything why because one of

the things that we have to do is we

gotta make public what God’s doing even

if it’s on a small scale or if it’s on a

large scale and I don’t have time to go

through all the amazing things that God

did in 2018 but there’s a few things

that I want to tell you of how

transformation in Christ happened this

year one of my favorite numbers is 396

everybody say 396 now this is the time

where you get to celebrate 396 people

got baptized in transformation Church

this year transformation church can we

give God Oh

are y’all not happy about transformation

in the building let’s give God pray

Charles I see what type of church we

have we have a few people who understand

that this ain’t for you and we got a lot

of other people that think that this

this is all so they can consume the

problem is we have a lot of obese

Christians that that it’s all about us

eating eating eating give me more word I

want a new word give me a new word but

we’re not sharing what God has given us

and today we’re shifting we celebrate

not three million people butts in seats

we celebrate transformation in Christ

396 people decided I’m done with my old

life and I’m coming up new

can we give God praise for what he’s

doing through your faithfulness to your

giving your testimony through what God

is doing through us come on high five

three people say we did that we did that

come on we did that why are you saying

we did that Pastor Mike because it was

the family members you invited it was

the people you sent the link to it was

the money that you gave so that when

somebody decided to get baptized we had

drawls shirts towels socks

they had no excuse we did that and I

just believe that’s the beginning let me

tell you another one of my favorite

numbers oh this is so crazy at the end

of the year we gather and and we get our

faiths together to be able to give in an

offering and you’re gonna say Mike how

is that a number of transformation in

Christ because we understand that where

your treasure is your heart goes there

as well and I’ve been teaching this and

I’ve been believing that God would make

us into a generous church and so it’s so

crazy a year ago I was corrected in my

numbers from the first service a year

ago when we did our end-of-the-year

offering this year we called it

tabernacle and last year was a legacy

when we did it thirty-nine thousand

dollars came in for our offering and I

celebrated that like it was thirty nine

million dollars because when you’re when

you’re doing the work the work of God in

anybody obeys you’re excited because

somebody was believing so thirty nine

thousand dollars came in last year for

our end of the year often this year

everybody said this year oh my gosh

y’all I’m so emotional because you never

know when you step out on faith if

people will believe with

and we said we know we need another

building we know we need to expand we

know we need to get get things so that

this this message can go out further and

y’all in this one Tabernacle offering

the reason it’s taken me five weeks to

tell you because you’re my pastor tell

us already

some of y’all saying that right now nope

the reason I waited is because every

week I went back to get the number

people were still giving and people kept

giving and people kept giving I said I’m

just gonna have to tell them because I

don’t know if people are gonna stop

giving transformation Church get ready

to celebrate because through your

obedience through your sacrifice through

what we did together in our tabernacle

offering transformation church you gave

1 million one hundred seventy eight

thousand fifty eight dollars and fifty


give God praise in this building you’re

worthy God high-five three people say we

did that come on high five oh we did

that yo Pastor Mike why are you

celebrating that it’s not the number

it’s that God has spoken to people and

they obeyed transformation Church God

has our heart and when he trusts that he

has a heart he can give us more cuz this

ain’t money to give us gold chairs and

do it we’re about to partner with all

type of organizations over around the

city to release people from sex

trafficking to release people from

bondage of poverty to

people who are coming back into real

world after being in penitentiary Oh

y’all better hear me we’re gonna help

we’re gonna help release churches we’re

gonna help everybody shout release we

did that so we can see more people

release let me tell you the most

exciting number and some of y’all like

did I come just to hear you give a

report we’re trying to be the living

word a lot of people read word speak

word don’t live word and I decided that

we would be a church that represents God

to the loss and the found for one reason

what is it transformation in Christ my

favorite number is the reason this

church exists to see people not changed

for a moment but see their eternity

changed and transformation in Christ are

people being saved or accepting and

acknowledging that Jesus Christ is Lord

it’s not a thing about them being

righteous they’re made righteous because

they put their faith in Jesus and you

know from online and in the building in

the year 2018 nine thousand nine hundred

four hundred and forty eight people gave

their life to Christ if you don’t

celebrate anything else celebrate that

eternities have been changed families

have been turned around transformation

and Christ has done come on starts let’s

give God praise right there






the reason why that’s significant

because those aren’t just numbers those

are people like think about nine

thousand four hundred and forty eight

people with stories and names and past

and hurts finding out that God loves

them beyond their fault this is the

crazy thing because many times we don’t

understand are why we celebrate a number

but but but the number our people

they’re people like Nicole and Carell

this is our why they got in a car last

Saturday because they’ve been watching

transformation church online and they’ve

been in a season in their life where

they really needed God to do something

God started reaching out to them through

our online ministry and they heard that

we were baptizing people they live in

Virginia drove nineteen hours with their


to come to transformation church last

Sunday and be baptized as a married


they said that our marriage is new the

old has passed away

oh if y’all want to celebrate we’re

talking about a life-giving church that

makes a difference this is our why this

is why we gotta make it public this is

why we invite people this is why we tell

people because somebody’s transformation

is on the other side of our obedience

our why is people like Mattie Tiffany

Matt had a hard year last year and he

lives in Lansing Michigan

and God begins to speak to you through

our messages and let me help you it’s

because of the giving of people like you

that we were even able to have cameras

even like what is what is the money for

the cameras have to do with anything

it leads to transformation in Christ he

was so ashamed to go to a church so he

just started watching us online it moved

his heart so much that one day just told

his wife I gotta go it seems like were

you going she said too tall he said to

Tulsa Oklahoma she said what she said

I’ll explain it to you later he got in

his car and drove from Lansing Michigan

to sit in a service he’s set in the

service and he said God met him sitting

right over here in the service he was so

impacted then he drove back that day

packed his wife up and they came back

the next week they were so impacted that

that they went back they got their

children and brought them back the next

week for four weeks in a row they throw

back and forth from Lansing Michigan

because what we were doing here was

transforming their life I’m glad to

report to you that God spoke to them

that this wasn’t just supposed to be a

commute this was their new home they

were in the last service with all of

their family oh and they just moved to

Tulsa and got in their house last week

this is our why this is why we serve

this is why we give this is why we pray

this is our walk and I know it’s hard

because some of us have never been a

part of anything bigger than us but I’m

giving you an opportunity to not just be

a part of a consuming church but be a

part of a commissioned church

that’s only two stories out of probably

20,000 I could pull I’m telling you

there’s somebody else on the other side

of your yes what are you saying Pastor

Mike it’s time for us to make public

what God’s gonna do through your life

and in this church let me help you cuz

something like that was a great speech

but I need some Bible okay

turn with me right here it’s the first

Kings chapter 18 I’m going to the Kings

today okay um I really feel like this

whole making it public thing is very

important because the reason why God

wants to make public in your life what

he’s doing is because he wants other

people to see his miracle-working power

like like he’s not looking for a perfect

vessels he’s looking for your vessels to

be used so all of your disqualifications

are the things that qualify you I’m

gonna say it again everything that you

think disqualifies you

qualifies you to God and he’s looking

for his power to be on display so I’m

gonna just tell you a story real quick

and I’m at the paraphrase this so you

can understand it but I want to give you

the title because some of you are like

okay how am I gonna make public what

God’s doing and I want to give you the

mechanics to making it public the

mechanics to making it public see

because there are ideas and businesses

and deliverances and freedoms on the

inside of you

you’re like I don’t even know where to

start to tell somebody about what God’s

doing I’m gonna give you the mechanics

today but I’m gonna do it through a

story that happened in first Kings let

me paraphrase it for you a prophet

Elijah um God spoke to him because there

was a famine in the whole land and God

said in first Kings chapter one he said

get up and I want you to go tell a hab

that I’m about to make it rain it was a

bad king at the time because he had

different idols than God and so what he

said is that I’m about to make it rain I

want to do something in the land and I

want to do it for people but I need them

to know that I am God and it’s

crazy this whole story is about people

who placed idols on their heart other

than God and I ain’t coming at you right

now but my only question is what’s

sitting on the throne of your heart

because if it’s anything other than God

the thing that you have to realize is at

some point there’s gonna be a showdown

and either what you’ve been serving and

sowing and giving – it’s gonna be yoga

or Jehovah Jireh our provider the Lord

who reigns on high is gonna be your God

and so I just want to set this picture

this is like an old western showdown

right here and it’s gonna happen at mark

Mount Carmel and they say call everybody

out and like this is what’s happening

and what they said was hey I’m one

prophet and and I want you to bring

everybody you think can summon your God

Bale cuz they were serving bail at the

time and it’s okay I know you don’t

serve Vail but you might serve money and

you might serve sex and you might serve

pride and so whatever your God is that’s

the thing that’s about to go against God

today yeah I’m coming for you and they

said let’s meet at Mount Carmel and

let’s have a showdown and I want you to

look at it in verse 20 it says so Ahab

said for all the children of Israel and

gathered prophets together on Mount

Carmel and Elijah came to all the people

and said how long will you falter

between two opinions if the Lord is God

follow him but if Bethel is God follow

him this is what God is saying to you if

I am God for real follow me if money is

God follow it see how far that gets you

see how long that’s going to sustain you

this is the thing where God is saying

for me to make my power known in your

life you’ve got to be connected to me

and so the people look what it says but

the people answered him not a word this

is why God needs our church more than

ever right now is because people are

confused they want God but they see what

the world offers and they’re confused

they’re not saying a word they’re

waiting for God’s power to be revealed


regular person just like you so that

they can say that’s God like like no no

no how he healed their marriage that’s

God how he took them from that place of

disparity that’s God and I want to serve

that God and that’s why God’s saying I

want to use you everybody say release

this is what he wants to do in your life

it said then Elijah said to the people I

alone and bless that’s the Prophet is

about 450 of y’all so let’s cut up two

bulls and let’s choose one bull and then

we’ll cut it into pieces lay it on the

wood but don’t put any fire under it

because your God should be able to

answer this situation by fire and I know

my God can answer this situation by fire

so let’s see whose God is really God

verse 24 then you call on the name of

your God and the God who answers by fire

He is God so the people say I bet they

didn’t really say bet it said it is well

spoken but in my mind it was like bad

like now Elijah said to the prophets of

belt choose the bull verse 26 so they

took the bull which was given them and

they prepared it and they called on the

name of bale from morning even till noon

saying oh babe they’ll hear us hear us

but there was no voice and no one

answered then they leaped about the

altar that they had made so they didn’t

just go from singing they did

choreography Oh bear Oh bear oh oh bail

he’ll answer bail like they they were

they were trying to get an answer but

isn’t it funny how we start doing things

and trying to express our love to

something that can never fulfill us I

don’t even got time

so and so it was new now they’ve been

doing it since the morning

now it’s moon noon then Elijah mocked

them saying hey y’all got a they got an

idea why don’t you cry a little louder

he’s God you’re only saying busy y’all

didn’t get on his schedule today umm

maybe he’s meditating or maybe he’s busy

like being God for somebody else or I

got it

he’s sleep y’all need to be an alarm for

him and he’s just mocking them so they

cried aloud and then didn’t they start

doing some stupid stuff they start

cutting themselves as was their custom

what what now I’m serving no God that

make me cut myself but it’s funny we say

that now but we’ll serve God’s that put

us in harm like that was their custom to

cut their self but your custom may be to

lie to cover your god your custom may be

to do something and your custom and what

God is saying is like I need you to know

that everything that you’re doing to try

to prepare a way for your God it’s not

gonna work or the idol that’s on your

heart it’s not gonna work anyway and it

says and midday pass and then they

started prophesying I speak to the winds

in the name of bail and I say you bring

fun and this is something that’s very

special because everybody doesn’t

prophesy a lot of people profile I this

thing was never about to happen because

they were tapped into a power source

that was impotent it could not produce

for them and I my question is how many

of us are so tied to a power source that

can’t produce for us okay let me go back

it said but there was no voice no one

answered and no one paid attention then

Elijah came and said to the people come

near to me this is the beautiful thing

of why God has connected you to

transformation Church and why God is

giving you the

mission to make it public on your job in

your sphere of influence it’s because

the world has been watching something

that has not worked for years these

people spent all day watching something

not work we’re literally seeing this

right now the government not working

literally like everything like all of

these things not working and we’re not

gonna have to pump and Prime like hey

try Jesus are we gonna have to do is

like Elisha y’all come over here because

when you know who’s on your side when

you know it’s not you the reason the

business is gonna succeed is because

God’s using that as a platform to change

somebody else’s life the reason your

marriage would be restored it’s cuz

God’s gonna use that as a platform to

change somebody else like you know the

pumping problem you just say come over

here and look what the response was so

all the people came near to him and he

repaired the altar that the that was

broken down and Elijah took 12 stones

that’s order and according to the number

of the tribes of the sons of Jacob to

whom the word of the Lord had come

saying Israel shall be your name then

with the stones he built an altar in the

name of the Lord who did he build the

altar in the name of I want you to

understand what God’s about to promote

in your life what he’s about to make

public make sure you’re not building it

for your name make sure you’re building

it for his name the reason that God was

gonna do a miracle is because he built

this altar in the name of the Lord and

he made a church around the altar large

enough to hold two bundles of seeds and

he put the wood in order cut the bull in

pieces laid it on the wood and said fill

four pots with water and pour it in the

burnt sacrifice on the wood now he’s

he’s showing out because statistics will

tell us like like if you have a dry

piece of wood it could probably catch on

fire quicker but Elijah was so confident

in the God that he served that he said

I’m gonna dig a trench around this thing

and I’m gonna do the opposite of what

supposed to do right here pour water on

him I don’t what no no we’re trying to

make it light on fire water puts out

fire God said to me through this he said

Michael what people think is the

disadvantage for them it’s the very

thing that’s gonna prove that I’m God

you’re gonna be in a disqualified

situation a situation where the water

has already been poured on it and God

says I don’t want you to look at the

situation where the water has been

poured on it and think that I’m not

still gonna answer by fire they gave you

a notice that you could not get the loan

God said they just poured water on it

and I’m still bout to show up they gave

you a notice that you couldn’t come to

the north side of Tulsa and start a

church that would be ethnically diverse

that was just a little water that they

poured on it I feel the power of God in

this place they told us that when we

transition the church that the church

would go down and nobody would come

that’s not a grocery store within 10

miles of this place all they did was

pour some water cuz the miracle that God

is about to do in your life and what

he’s doing in this church it don’t

matter how soaked the situation looks it

doesn’t matter how wet it looks it does

not matter what is happened God is going

to answer by fire will you give God some

praise in this pool I feel this thing

cuz some of y’all been so discouraged

because your situation looks so we serve

the God who answers Bob’s fire y’all got

me to height some of y’all are sitting

and looking at jury situations right now

your marriage is drenched the trust was

broken a long time ago

God said I’ll rebuild this altar

I’ll I’ll change this thing but you

gotta you gotta let me free in it you

gotta let go of the pass and you gotta

make public what I’m about to do in your

life look at it verse 36 it says and I

want you to realize that they didn’t

pour water on it once he had them come

back and pour water on it three times

and said I know dad’s about to perform a

miracle because I think there’s a

scripture that says something like this

if God be for me then everybody just

lift your hands like that and just say

oh no no I need you to do it no don’t

say it in your bass voice I need you to

say it in the higher questioning octave

say Oh like that’s what some of y’all

need to believe now that even though

it’s a situation that looks bad that

because God is on your side bring them

out bring them out go go stop the plan

of God for this church pause go stop the

plan a god for your marriage

who’s gonna poop if God is for you and

see this is the faith that you have to

walk in when you’re making it public God

is about to use this for a platform look

what he does oh I feel this thing and it

came to pass at the time of the offering

for the evening sacrifice that Elijah

the Prophet came near and said Lord God

of Abraham Isaac and Israel let it be

known or make it public I’m doing this

in front of everybody so God can get

glory huh he said this day that you are

God we’re gonna let it be known that you

are God and in Israel I am your servant

right this point down this is the

mechanics of making it public making it

public is always the plan God never

means for you to go through something

that she’ll never tell somebody else

and I know that scares a lot of y’all

like but what no no no no I’m uh no no

it came to take you out but it’s gonna

work for your good but God can’t use it

if it’s a secret and so it was his plan

all the time how do we know what’s his

plan all the time because God is a

generational God he starts off by saying

this is the God of Abraham who he made

public a spectacle in his life because

he he couldn’t have no children but he

told him he would be a descendant of

many nations and it was at a hundred

years old when his wife’s moon was dusty

do you hear what I’m saying that God

allowed for a miracle to come out of

that so he said I did it for the

generation before and he said I’m the

God of Abraham Isaac I did it for him

and I’m the God of Jacob this is what

I’m saying to you we served the god of

Bishop Gary and pastor Debbie and they

had 20 years in the game and now we’re

savoring the same god of Pastor Mike and

pastor Natalie and we’re gonna sir my

daughter will be able to stand and say

that I watched my grandparents and my

parents God is a cyclic God he wants to

do the same thing remember the song we

sang he’s doing it again this is the cry

of people who have faith if you’ve seen

it before if you heard it before

the Bible says eyes have not seen ears

have not heard nor has it entered into

the hearts of man the things that God

has planned for those who love him what

I’m telling you is it’s been 20 years

but making it public and let’s go into

the world it was God’s plan from the

very beginning look at the next part

making it public is not about my

ascension but my association see

remember what he said he said you are

God in Israel and I’m your servant

it was the Association not his ascension

and so many people are worried about

anymore Instagram followers are being

being famous and and and being able to

make impact and God said no no I can’t

give you that because you lose the

Association when you get

ascension so I’ll take you up and you’ll

forget to pray like I’ll promote you and

you won’t promote me no more and God

says I want to send you into areas of

entertainment and I want you to know

that when you were sinned don’t forget

about your association I’m here to

represent God in this place cuz I’m his

servant you invite me to government I’m

here to represent God in this place cuz

I’m his servant if I go into the movie

industry hello I am here to represent

God because I’m his servant and what I’m

saying is there’s many of you that God

wants to make what he’s placed on the

inside of you public he wants to use

your testimony to go around the world he

wants to use you to affect your

cul-de-sac forget the whole world talk

about the four houses that God placed

you around and he said but I can’t do it

if I ascend you and you lose your

association with me

okay so I’m trying to give you the

mechanics the next point I want you to

see it making it public it’s not I want

you to see that making it public should

have an eternal motive

look at verse 37 look what he says he

says hear me O Lord hear me this is the

reason this was his motive that the

people may know that you are Lord and

God and that you have turned their

hearts back to you again what I’m saying

is I believe God wants to make the

visions and the dreams that he’s placed

in your heart I think he wants to take

it public I think he wants to release

you this year

some of y’all have witty inventions and

ideas some of you have had business

smarts some of you have ways that

families can be reconciled and heal God

wants to everybody shout at me release

he wants to release but what you got it

realize is when he blows it up he saw

that people can find him

he wants to use the platform he gave you

for you to give them the eternal life

that they need I’m telling you right now

everything that God is doing in this

ministry and me and passing Natalie’s

personal life I said at a table with the

famous athletes sports agent last week I

didn’t even know when I woke up that

morning I did not know it what happened

and if I started calling names y’all be

like I’ll for real can I get your


no but as I left that table

God said Michael I’m about to make you a

secret agent in places that people like

you have never been able to get into

because cuz they wanted them for their


they wanted to take a picture with them

or they wanted to show other people that

that their their cool cuz their and God

says I don’t you do none of that

he said I’m sending you on an assignment

for eternal purposes hear what I’m

saying to you if you want to allow God

to really make public all that he wants

to do in your life your motive god bless

me bless me indeed but so that I can get

people to you and that’s why Elijah was

about to see one of the biggest miracles

of his day let me tell you how it all

shakes out it comes down and it says Ben

verse 38 the fire of the Lord fell and

consumed the burnt sacrifice and the

wood and the stones and the duck it

burnt up the dust I never have you ever

seen dust burn it was wet it was a

disadvantaged situation but because the

motives were right the connection was

right and because it was God’s plan all

along when he called on God he answered

by fire and he consumed everything I

love the language look at the next word

it said and it lifts up the water that

was in the trench

literally anything that was wet the fire

of God

what God’s saying is he’s gonna perform

miracles in our life if you allow him to

make it public that nobody will be able

to deny that it was God look what

happened look at the result

verse 39 now when all the people saw it

nobody had to do an altar call line

nobody had to say see guys I told you

God is so good huh yeah none of that had

to happen it said when they saw it they

fell on their faces and they said the

Lord he is God the Lord he is God the

miracle that God is about to release in

your life I believe people who see it

are gonna stand as same it only could

have been God the Lord he is God

somebody help me the Lord he is God when

he sees your relationship restored

people look on a on their faces and say

because of that situation the Lord he is

the Lord he is done when they watch how

a man came here 20 years ago and took

off his shoes in north Tulsa and God

said reverse the curse he handed the

church over to an unpolished 28 year old

and now four years later we’re impacting

the entire world

the only thing I can stand here and say

is Lord he the Lord say it with me he is

got somebody give God praise in this

building it’s oh y’all better come on if

you know that we serve the Lord that

answers by fire

this is the year of release God says I

want to make it public

well will you let me do a miracle

that’ll leave your family who doubted

you saying the Lord he is God – Lord he

is God sit down for one more second

because I want you to write this point

down because some of you this is gonna

carry you the rest of this year making

it public will manifest miracles if

you’ll allow God to use your mess-ups

your defaults your hurts your pains your

issues your shortcomings and you’ll get

accountable and you’ll allow God to work

on your heart he will take everything

that she’ll make public and he’ll

manifest the miracle that’s Mike why are

you so hype about this cuz as I was

praying through this word release when I

was in Chicago earlier this year God

told me something very specific and he

said Mike I want you to do something

that’s gonna make you step out on faith

and you don’t really got no business

doing this but I’m about to use this

take it glory so I said what do you want

me to do got you you want me to put some

more Instagram content out there you

want me to write a book or you don’t I’m

saying make it public through a book so

no I want you to do something that you

thought was years away and it’s time for

what God’s doing a transformation church

to be made public it’s time for what God

is doing in our church for us to allow

other people to be blessed healed and

learned from it well passing like we

just started and God said that’s why

it’s gonna be a real miracle cuz this is

not about perfection this is about what

progression so transformation church I’m

so excited to let you know that he gave

me the date and everything September


2019 we will be doing our first-ever

transformation conference 2000 and now

yeah come on y’all

celebrate with me yeah

don’t check this out we’re inviting the

entire world and we’re about to make it

public what God is doing here

we’ve already rented out the maybe

sinner and we’re all y’all Oh y’all

thought we was gonna do it here we rent

it out to maybe Center and we’re

believing that thousands of people on

September 10th through the 12th people

from transformation nation coming from

the Caribbeans in London and Australia

and Illinois is in California they’re

gonna come and we’re gonna empower them

to represent God to the lost and found

for one reason what is it transformation

in Christ and let me say this very

clearly this is not a church conference

for our church it’s not for us this is a

church conference from our church the

reason I need you to get in serving

positions the reason why I need your

leadership to be released the reason why

I need you to get in small groups and

get accountable the reason that I need

you to start serving every week it’s

because God is giving us a humongous

opportunity to not just be spectators of

the move of God but participated in I

believe that when we set this moment

that the God who answers by fire it’s

gonna meet us September 10th through the

12th and people’s lives will be

radically changed forever and I’m

telling you that this is a step of faith

for me we could be comfortable we could

stay here we could do nothing we could

act like God’s do amazing things and we

just stay real comfortable but it’s

about to be a showdown I believe that

people are gonna come who don’t believe

in God I believe people from the

entertainment industry from the

governmental sector from all they’re

gonna come and they’re gonna see let’s

see if God really shows up and because

of the faith of a group of people there

in this room we serve the God who had

just bought fire and heat it’s blowing

just answer us and meet us in that place

I’m so hype about this I just want you

to check out

just get hiked with me check out this

promo for transformation conference 2019

check it out


transformation church can we give God

praise for that everybody’s name

I told you this was a vision series we

can’t tell you anything that we’re not

leading you in some of you we got seven

months to get everything together cuz we

go on public God is saying right to

vision make it plain so that other write

it in big bold letters so that others

can read it on the run lift your hands

all over this place I want to pray that

God whatever he has on you he’ll he’ll

release that thing father I thank you

for every person that’s in this service

that’s watching in the one o’clock every

person father God who’s in the four

o’clock in the six o’clock that there is

a release coming to our lives father

that you are gonna make public those

things that have been on the inside of

us and you are gonna release them to the

world but father God let us know that

this was your plan father let us

remember father that this isn’t for our

ascension but it’s because we’re

associated with you and from the car

thank you right now father God that as

you do the miracle it’s an all for your

glory I thank you that you’re raising up

people who I have faith to believe you

and you’ll take a situation that looks

drenched and you are answered by fire we

have the faith to believe you and we

give you glory and we give you honor and

we give you praise in Jesus name come on

church let’s shout unto God

oh if you believe it hey thanks so much

for watching today if transformation

Church has impacted your life in any way

we want to hear about it send us an

email and my story and transform Church

taught us also if you like to partner

with us financially to see more lives

transform you can visit our website at

transform Church Dinah’s /give hey

thanks again go out and live a

transformed life