If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us

. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

well let’s get started anybody ready for

the word what we’ve been in a series

called Mart and like I’ve been debating

whether to pause the series and just

talk about baptism but I think I can

make this all work together and because

when we talk about being mark that’s God

anointing or his approval on something

like like a lot of people say anointing

and that’s a big Christian word that

people use like we don’t want God to we

don’t want to do anything without his

anointing or anything and they use it in

the scripture a lot of times but all

that means is God’s approval is

something he said yeah III agree with

that and it makes it easy and there’s a

blessing and there’s extraordinary

things that happen but what I found out

is that baptism is one of those things

that marks your life it’s something that

when you get baptized you can say hold

on I’m mark somebody just yell at me I’m

marked come on cuz I believe God has

done something and your life that that

he’s specifically wanting to see come to

pass and it’s gonna take you to do it

and we’ve been talking about these

processes to the purpose and the pallets

that God has Oersted to go to but as I

study scripture this week I saw that our

great example Jesus he got marked by

baptism and I’ve never looked at it like

this before

but when we talk about the anointing of

God or the approval of God remember I

told you that that Jesus embraced his

season of obscurity when he went away

from the time of 12 to 30 and he decided

that God was gonna have to develop some

things in the dark room and then we see

him at 30 and he performs his first

miracle but do you know what happens in

that first section of his ministry he

goes and he gets baptized and I was like

what is this God he said people who are

gonna do great things for me don’t

follow half of the instructions god on

earth who could have said i baptize

myself in the name of me me and me

he decided everybody say decided cuz

that’s what many of you are gonna do

today cuz I know some of you came in

here real preppy and night seems like

it’s Labor Day weekend I ain’t getting

my hair wet just got it done

ain’t gonna do nothing but I’m telling

you by the end of today my prayer and

imma be up front with this at the end of

my talk today my prayer is that

everybody who’s received Jesus as their

personal Lord and Savior would take the

next step on their journey and be

baptized today can I get somebody to

agree my brother back there like uh I

don’t I don’t even know the thing that

you gotta realize is that we’re on a

spiritual journey and God wants all of

us to do it his way and and I know some

of you like well I’ve been baptized

before I have pictures did you know what

you were doing because this whole thing

in relationship is about choice and a

lot of us there’s religions that feel

like as soon as the baby gets out you

got to sprinkle water on them you got to

baptize them or they’re going to hell or

all this other stuff the scripture says

nothing about that it says when you come

to a place of maturity where you

understand who you want to be identified

with what baptism does is it lets

everybody else know of the inward work

that God is doing in your life and I

started to think about that like God if

it’s that simple why don’t people get

baptized like I was just kiss aimed and

then get baptized he said because most

people want a sidechick Savior

which is the title of my talk side-chick

Sega yeah if you taking notes I know

you’ve never taken a note on this yet

but I want you to take this note see

most people want the benefits of a

relationship with God but no commitment

most of us want to be able to call him

when we need him but not claim him in

front of people

some of y’all notice y’all the side

chicks in a former life but what I’m

what I’m saying what what I’m saying is

something like side shake its Ali

explain side shift to me okay if you

just look it up in the dictionary it’s

somebody that has a relationship that

they claim in front of people but

somebody has another person that they’re

in relationship with but they do not let

anybody know publicly that they actually

have a relationship with them and I came

to challenge some people who have been

using God as a side chick Savior you got

if you ever get me out of this situation

I’ll serve you but we go back on our

promises because it was only me and him

late night talking and uh huh and we

then have to say it in front of nobody

we don’t claim any of their pictures we

don’t show up for any family events we

don’t even come to the house where the

family is at all we want is the benefits

with no commitment but that’s why why

water baptism is so important because

what it does is it say I’m coming out of

the work that has been happening

enclosed proximity the inward work and I

want to let everybody know that this is

the one I choose this is the person I

claim you don’t have to look for another

and and this is the thing I literally

looked it up cuz it’s so funny how

practical things correlate to spiritual

things I just typed in Google how to be

a sidekick don’t ever type that in but

I’m a pastor okay so I typed it in look

at the first three things it said how to

be a side chick keep the situation to


how to keep Jesus aside chick Savior

don’t tell anybody what he’s doing in

your life keep the situation to yourself

I used to do this and I used to do this

but I’m not gonna share my testimony you

know the word says we overcome by the

blood of the Lamb that’s what he did but

the words of our testimony but if you

never tell anybody that you used to be

that are you used to struggle with that

and it was yesterday that you typed in

that website or it was yesterday that

you and your wife had an argument or it

was yesterday that you lied about

something what he’s trying to do is keep

the relationship behind closed doors and

the enemy will lie to you that your

personal relationship is just supposed

to be between you and God

and he said what you’re doing personally

what me and my wife do personally yes it

is between us but you should see effects

of it when I’m around you if I came in

here and my wife I acted like I didn’t

know her when she had a request I

ignored her when she you would say I

don’t know what’s going on but they

probably ain’t they need some counsel

and some a right and there are too many

believers right here because God is

their side-chick Savior they’ve not ever

made it public the second thing that it

said is expect plans to change if you’re

a side chick so so God needs to

understand that there’s priorities that

you have that they have that have to be

first and this is the crazy thing about

many of us we have other things that are

first above God and I know nobody’s

gonna say it right now but you have jobs

your family there are things that you

have put before God because you think

they give you more security than him and

he said could I please come out of this

category of a side thing to you could

you please make this public for me the

last thing it said is it says if you’re

gonna be a good side chick don’t ask

about where the relationship is going

how many people you’ve been in the same

place in your relationship with God for

the past decade I pray God answers I

live any kind of way

and God don’t ask me to serve don’t ask

me to give don’t ask me to get baptized

cuz that means our relationship would

have to progress past this point and and

and and I need you to be I need you to

be a good side piece to me God so please

don’t ask me to grow in our relationship

what I believe God’s challenging all of

us to do today I’m preaching already

some of y’all like where is this in the

scripture I got it for you okay come

with me

but I’m trying to get you to understand

that this is the day that no matter what

you did yesterday and what you did

before you’re saying I’m coming out of

the shadows with my relationship with

God I’m about to make this thing public

and I’m gonna let the whole world know

who I’m in relationship with well Pastor

Mike is this something that we need to

do yeah why water baptism because

baptism is an action of obedience write

that down it’s an action of obedience

Matthew 28 verse 19 it says therefore go

everybody say go therefore go and make

disciples of all the nations watch this

word baptizing them now he could have

said anything right there he could have

said like hey I want you to go and I

want you to get everybody a chain with

my face on it call it a Jesus peace I

want you to go I know What did he say

because this is one of the last

instructions that he gives to his

disciples before he leaves that guys

come around here this is my only

instruction for you I want you to go and

I want you to baptize people in the name

of the Father the Son and the Holy

Spirit I know you’re gonna have a lot of

things that people are gonna try to

remember and you’re gonna try to

remember all my talks and all that other

stuff he said but when people hear what

you have to say something’s gonna move

in their heart and when it moves in

their heart they’re gonna be like I want

to follow this Jesus and when they

follow tell him hold up don’t just

follow him from what you’ve heard I need

you to do something to actually show

that you actually identify with what

you’ve heard and there are too many

believers right now who don’t ever want

to take a step beyond what is

comfortable and today baptism it ain’t


you got to get wet in front of people

you don’t know you might have just spent

a lot of money on your hair some of you

that’s just not my personality but he

didn’t say let all extroverted people

get baptized he didn’t say let all the

wild people get back

he said baptizing everybody say all it

doesn’t matter your color your Creed

your race your background he said if

they follow me I want them to get

baptized and I want them to do it

because this is the second reason why we

get baptized I want this to be an action

of identification I want them to

identify with me

they’ve been identifying with things of

this world they’ve been identifying with

drugs they’ve been identifying with

pride they’ve been identifying with all

these other things I want to sign that

they identify with me this is what

baptism does for all of us and there was

a man named John he was an evangelist he

he was around a long time before Jesus

and and literally 700 years before that

a prophet Isaiah he prophesied there’ll

be a man he’ll be like a man that

shouting in the wilderness saying

prepare the way of the Lord and this was

John and and John he was baptizing

people before anybody and so what would

happen is he had a message that he

shared every Sunday the same message

every Sunday with the same three points

would you go to that church every Sunday

his message was like this hey y’all good

morning god bless you all right open up

your note tablets repent and all that

means is turn turn from what you’ve been

doing turn from the way you’ve been

going turn from the way you’ve been

acting and then he gave clarity to it

he said turn to God see cuz a lot of

people turning there sorry for what they

do in one season but they don’t turn to

the right thing a lot of times they turn

to a substitute and so he had to say

turn repent but then I want you to turn

to God and then his third point was get

baptized service is over we’re going to

the pool

this is the whole service repent turn to

God get baptized I’m pastor what do you

preach in next week repent turn to God

let’s go get baptized in the church did

you think you were gonna switch it up oh

yeah I was gonna tell him repent turn to

God and then do what get back that was

the whole and thousands and thousands

and thousands and thousands of people

every day did this very simple

instruction but for some reason along

the way we’ve gotten away from the

simple instructions that the Bible tells

us to do because we want to impress

people instead of impress God and so all

I’m saying today I think we going back

like like like this ain’t like a

old-school Church thing this is original

school church thing that today all I’m

asking you to do is repent turn from

whatever you’ve been walking in that’s

not like God and don’t just turn to

something else turn to God in just about

10 minutes I’m gonna give everybody in

this place an opportunity to get


there has been no easier moment then

right now I’m only preaching twenty five

minutes so that you have no excuse to go

public with what God wants to do in your

life and I’m telling you for some of you

this is gonna be the line that you’ve

been one way for so long and God said

this is all I’ve been waiting for it’s

you to make a decision to come to me and

repent and get baptized mow is the word

in the Greek and all it meant is to wash

or to immerse yourself and this is a

crazy thing that God used a cultural

word before it was a spiritual word

they used the word baptism oh all the

time in the day there’s like girl about

to go down to the lake and baptism oh my

hair it wasn’t a it wasn’t a Christian

turn but the reason that John and I

believe God made that word is he because

I want you to know that culture has a

definition of something but I have a

definition of something

and I want you to identify with me and

so they’re here in John say come get

baptized most like oh my god I was

already taking the shower after late why

is he telling me to get baptized more

and it would intrigue these people like

what is he talking about that’s more

than what we’re already doing

what is this Christ thing have to do

with my life being cleanse more than my

body or my hair are my clothes being

cleanse so they were they were baptizing

people in the same area that people were

taking showers that people were getting

drinking water and that people were

washing their clothes and they hear


like oh my god but what would end up

happening is they would see people’s

life transformed and they said maybe I’m

not as clean as I think I am maybe maybe

there’s a portion of me that this water

and this soap take touch there has to be

something that’s done on the inside of

me I feel the presence of God and and

what ended up happening is they went and

got baptized because baptism is a public

declaration of a new Association write

that down it’s a public declaration of a

new Association when I put this ring on

my finger

I was letting everybody else know all

the other women that’s my man right

there he helping me preacher

I was letting everybody else know that I

was in an association with Natalie

Dianne Todd and when I get a new

Association it should change the way

people treat me and it should change the

way I act with others okay see when you

get baptized today this should be an

identification of a new Association I

was at your party last week and I turned

up you got pictures I can’t but that was

who I was but today I got back to our

field istic

today I got baptized and I talked a

little different and I walk a little

different and and I’m not perfect yet

but I’m progressing and there’s some

people in here that you’ve been looking

for that defining moment and you thought

it was gonna come when you got more

money but all money does is magnify who

you really are

you need a transformation and what

baptism says is that when you go down

it’s a symbol of your old life going

down and you identify with Christ and he

said when you come up your new creation

and today there are hundreds of you in

this room that I believe that that thing

has been stirring in you and this is the

moment that everything is going to

change in your life look at Matthew

chapter 3 verse 11 it goes on john is

baptized in one day is like y’all i mean

i baptize with water man this is great

what God is doing and people are

repenting of their sins and they’re

turning to God but someone is coming

soon who is greater than I am no no no

the autumn did it he’s so much greater

than I am I’m a matter of fact he’s so

great I’m not even worthy to tie his

heir Jesus sandals he said I’m not

worthy even to be a slave or carry his

sandals he said when he gets here he’s

gonna baptize you with the Holy Spirit

and with fire

some of y’all I’ve been trying to figure

out like how does your relationship with

God go to another level it’s like it’s

like playing Mario Brothers like there

are certain things that you can’t do

until you pass a level and a lot of

people on the first level of God like

why can’t I do this thing that I saw my

friend do it’s because you have not done

the things that are necessary to go to

the next level it’s when you get

baptized it opens up to another one

who’s gonna come and baptize you with

the Holy Spirit and with fire and this

is what God wants and literally the

Bible says as John is talking Jesus

walks up now picture that scene like

he’s like bro somebody’s coming he’s

like oh my god y’all there he go there’s

like no it ain’t look at him

that’s him that’s what I was talking

about it said then Jesus verse 13 of

Galilee he he came up and then they

to Jordan River to be baptized by John

but John’s like Jesus you know this is


I said not be baptizing you I’m the one

who needs to be baptized by you so so

why are you coming to me but jesus said

it should be done but baptism should be

done am I going to hell if I don’t get

baptized oh you know not if you accepted

Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and

Savior we know that there are some

situations like the thief that was on

the cross and he accepted Jesus right

there he didn’t have time he was hung up

bad joke but but but he didn’t have time

to get baptized but we know Jesus said

today I will be with you in paradise

you’ll be with me in paradise

but if you had the time the effort the

energy pulls outside 85 degrees and

Jesus our example said it should be done

why would we listen to a direct quote

from our Savior who didn’t have to do it

but he did it so he could identify with

us why would we hear that and then be

like no I’m you know I’m fine and this

is where it comes to having a sidechick

Savior is that there’s a need or a want

or a desire from the one you say you’re

in relationship with but because it

doesn’t seem like a priority to you you

dismiss it and God said I want to I want

to move up in your life I don’t want to

be something that I meet your needs

behind closed doors but you act a

different way on Instagram and Facebook

I don’t want it to be that when you’re

in a dire situation and one of your

family’s needs need to be met you pray

out and you cry out to me but then I

never hear I never hear from you ever


after I meet your need God saying I’d

like you to do something for me

could you let your co-workers your

family your friends could you let them

know we’re together

could you let them know that even though

our relationships not perfect because

there’s still things we’re working out

that you chose me and I chose you and

what happens here is he said this should

be done for we must carry out all that

God requires so a John agreed to baptize


don’t miss this this is so powerful the

powerful thing about Jesus getting

baptized is that Jesus doesn’t ask

sinners to identify with him first

but through baptism he identifies

himself with us he says I’m gonna do the

same thing I’m gonna ask you to do we

serve a God that never asked us to do

anything that he hasn’t done he said yo

I’m getting this dirty water in front of

everybody who’s gonna end up killing me

cuz you’re worried about what people

think about you and he said I’m gonna do

this for and in front of the same people

they’re gonna kill me but it doesn’t


he said cuz I want my children in 2019

years from now on may 26 to know that

I’m not asking them to just participate

in something that seems cool I’m asking

them to let everybody know I’m not a

sidepiece in their life anymore I’m the

main dealer and I don’t care what it

took for us to get to this moment I

don’t care how much hell we had to go

through I don’t care how many times that

almost didn’t work today is a defining

moment and I’m approving beef by getting

baptized in this place this is the

fighting moment and I look all through

the scriptures like an axe 8 when a unit

Ethiopian man got saved his first

question was where can I get baptized he

said what must I do to get saved they’re

like nah is the Sabbath he said stop the

cart in that some water over there I

want to do the thing that I know is

taking me to the next level with God and

then this other woman in Philippians

there were some jealous that were there

with Paul and Silas when the window

jails were shaken they got this man

and that man said hold on we gotta go to

my house and I’m gonna get my whole

family saved Pookie ray-ray Chauncey

everybody come on we’re going to get

everybody say baptized he did not wait

he said I can’t wait for another

opportunity God just changed my life I’m

not promised tomorrow so I’m not just

going to lead my family and do it i’ma

bringing them with me and last year we

saw entire families say I know our

relationship hasn’t been the best but

today we’re making a new declaration and

a new association that God is in this

relationship and they got baptized

together all I’m saying to you in this

place is that God wants to renew you

some of you have had horrible past but

baptism is an action of renewal this is

gonna be a new day for so many of you

Galatians 3:27 and all who have been

unified with Christ in Baptism is what

the scripture says but put it up there

because they need to seize it all who

have been united with Christ in what

does I say that have put Christ on it’s

like a garment like putting all new

clothes it’s like it’s like when I take

this mug off and I get baptized it’s

like oh that’s real quitting and what

ends up happening is now everybody

doesn’t see what was under what they

first see is what’s over until I unzip

this and show you my scars in my my

office all you see is Christ and this is

what God says he said it’s like putting

on new clothes second Corinthians 5:17

says therefore if any man be in Christ

as a new designer like If any man be in

I’m wearing Nike right now but just

imagine this said Christ they’re not

saying like if any man be clothed with

Christ because he’s been baptized he is

a new creature look at the promise the

old things are passed away

some of y’all been needing this so bad

that what you did how you messed up what

you said you would never do the second

and the third problem in issue said all

that passes away and behold I make all

things know what God told me he said

Michael the reason I don’t want to be a

sidechick Savior anymore is because I

want to give them PDA and some of y’all

like huh public displays of affection no

no no he wants to give you a public

display of approval see see that’s what

anointing is cuz you don’t realize what

happened to Jesus after he made this


the Bible says look at it Matthew

chapter 3 verse 16 it says as soon as

Jesus was baptized as soon as it

happened as soon as he identified and

went down and came up a new girl as soon

he went up out of the water and at that

moment heaven opened I’m telling you I

prophesy to you right now that some of

you are about to make this decision for

baptism and as soon as you go down and

as soon as you come up

heaven is opening over your family

heaven it’s opening over your situation

heaven it’s opening over that issue that

has been well I feel the presence of God

heaven somebody say heaven open it says

heaven opened and he saw the Spirit of

God descending like a dove

and it came on him in the scripture says

father said this is my son that’s my boy

that’s my girl

they’re marked and I’m well pleased what

would happen if hundreds of us made a

decision to go public today come alive

in Christ and allow God to open heaven

over our lives and see his public

display of a pool he opened the sky he

didn’t send him a text message remember

when I talked about being approved in

private there comes a moment when you

claim God that he’ll approve you in


and he cracked the sky and let everybody

see this act has changed everything and

Jesus goes from that place he gets

tempted and then he starts doing

miracles that in the world we’ll talk

about until Jesus comes back today this

is the first time some of you will ever

be who you’ve truly been called to be

because you’re gonna make a decision I

will the presence of God in this place

hearts are being molded right now people

who came in here prideful are right now

deciding like what do I have to lose I’m

making a decision to go public with my

faith if you believe in baptism and

you’re thankful for it can we give God a

shout of praise in this place

so this is what I’m gonna do

we have over 160 people that before

anybody got here decided I’ll get

baptized I will not have a side chick

Savior anymore I’m going public

everybody say public I’m going public

with my faith but I feel like there’s

hundreds Lord that after hearing this

and it don’t matter about your title or

if your kids are gonna think something

some of you men need to do this to make

an example for your family now I’ve been

a different person but today God is

starting this transformation in my life

some of you mothers need to go ahead and

do it some of you kids don’t wait on

your parents be the change in your house

I’m telling you right now this is a

moment of renewal and I want to pray for

you in this place right now the first

thing I want to pray is that you would

give your life to Christ if you’re in

this room and you’ve never made Jesus

your personal Lord and Savior see

baptism has an order let’s not get

baptized and think it saved says get

saved ask me to come in

let me let my grace wash over you like a

flood and then right after that you

don’t got to wait them off and prove to

everybody you could do it immediately

but today would you close your eyes and

bow your head everybody even watching on

transformation nation and only you and

God know if this is real and we’re gonna

say this prayer today and I believe

there are several people in this room

that this is going to be a defining

moment in your life because you’re gonna

make Jesus Christ your personal Lord and

Savior everybody just say God thank you

for sending Jesus to identify with me

today I need a Savior and I choose you

come into my life and change me

transform me renew me I’m yours

I believe you lived and you died just

for me and today I surrender my life

today I surrendered my life I gotta

thank you for every person that prayed

that prayer today I thank you that their

lives are changed forever and will give

you all the glory all the honor and all

the praise in Jesus name come on can we

give God a shout of praise in the

building right now