On Resurrection Sunday, we heard such an impactful message about the stains we have in our lives. Pastor Michael presented such a powerful illustration about how the things we experience in our life can stain us. But, the good news is that God came to exchange our stains for a new life with Him! Check out this incredible Easter Sunday message and share it with someone who needs it!

happy resurrection

sunday oh come on i dare you to give

god the biggest praise you got

he is reason

oh you better come on


i know i know some of y’all are like

sally is this what your church does

every week i just want to give you a

spoiler alert okay

around here we’re excited like the same

way people get excited for the super


or the nba playoffs the same way that

people get excited

about having a baby or they get excited

about getting their new house

all of those things are temporary the

thing we’re celebrating today

is something that happened eternally and


is the day we celebrate our lord and


not just dying not just being in a tomb

i’m getting happy

but on the third day somebody say the

third day

he rose again with all power

and so today we celebrate a risen savior

will you give him praise right now



you’re like did that man take ritalin or

something no no no no

i just knew where i was when god found


and his resurrection power found me

and the difference that separates

christianity from every other religion

is that everybody else had a god but

when they died

they died when buddha died

they only can make big statues when

christians died

they only had pictures with my heart

y’all don’t hear me

when every other god died they

died but when christ died



he got up and today we celebrate the

resurrection from your soul

just give him one more shout of


yo hey if you are sitting next to

somebody or you around somebody

just tell him he has risen and then say

it like this he has risen



i am so grateful

that you are joining us for

transformation church today

there are people watching all over the


and some of you are sitting at your tv

screen like this right now it’s like i

ain’t heard that much screaming in a

long time

let me slow it down and introduce myself

hello my name is michael

and i have the awesome opportunity of

being the lead pastor of transformation


and today we are celebrating

what many call as easter but we know

it’s the resurrection of our lord and

savior and so all i want you to know

is that if you’re watching this right

now we’ve prayed for you

we’ve we’ve been praying that something

in your life would align that you would


the promotion or somebody would have

invited you and you would get here in

this moment because this entire


is so you can know about our risen


and and i want to pull no punches this

year i’m going to do something

simple uh usually you know at easter

when you come to a church this is when

we have

um people flying out of the sky

everybody gets tattoos that say he is


we have all of these different things

that happen this year

i just want to present the gospel to you

and the word

gospel all it means is good news

that’s all i have for you today i have

everybody say it

good news and i know in a world where

there’s so much bad news going on right


and you’re watching things that are

making you afraid of tomorrow

i have good news and i’m going to give

you a spoiled alert but i need the bible

to help me i’m already preaching if you

didn’t know

i want to go into this thing but

revelations chapter 1 verse

17 i’m gonna try to do this in a short

amount of time

part a says don’t be afraid and i’m

speaking this over your life whoever you


that have been walking through a season

of fear that you’ve been walking through

a season of not

knowing is god in control of everything

the pandemic the problems

my my personal life and you’ve been

walking through all of these different

things and i want to let you know right


that god is in control somebody said god


in control and the reason i need you to

know that god is in control

is because he says in revelations

chapter 1 verse 17

don’t be afraid don’t be afraid

he said i am the first and the

i’m the alpha and the omega i’m the


and i’m the end i’ve been here before

the oldest person you know

and i’ll be here way after everybody is


i am the first and the last

i’m the living one and then i love this

god’s funny he said i died but look

yeah i am alive

forever endeavor

and when i did that i hold the keys

of death and the great

spoiler alert

has already won the victory for your



and today i want to start off letting

you know

that all i want to get to you today is


i know a lot of people try to do a

little trick by the end of it and they


they’re like oh no today we’re going to

talk about better life and then at the

end they want to trick you with jesus

i’m going to tell you right up front

because it’s the one thing that took me

from being addicted to pornography a

manipulator somebody who was a liar

somebody who has no business talking to

you right now

it took me from being all of that to not

a perfect man but a progressing man and


i want to give you jesus

so for the next 40 minutes i need you to

stay with me

i promise you this will be engaging i

promise you the friend that you invited

him to this and you like please don’t


my reputation with these people trust me


got you okay i i prom this is what i’m

called to do i was born to do this right


so i’m gonna help you and i want all of


to receive a new revelation

say his name with me jesus can we pray

right now hands lifted all over the


father i thank you i thank you today

is all about jesus it’s all about you

and right now god i thank you that all

of us we may have feelings and agendas


we may have things that we’re going

through father and you care about all

those things today

i thank you god that you sent an answer

and a solution to every one of our


before we even had them so father for

the person who is wondering

how long will they have to be alone in

that relationship

i thank you father today there will be

an answer for the person father who


by the financial debt they’re under

right now father i thank you today

you’re going to send an answer

father for the person father god who has

has sins that have been

weighing them down and they don’t want

to do them anymore father god

but they’re trying to figure out how to

live this life in a new way i thank you

that today they’re gonna find

an answer for the person father god who

doesn’t feel seen

who’s on their third miscarriage for the

person whose business didn’t get bailed


by a stimulus package for the person

who’s frustrated

because they lost a loved one father for

the person father who’s dealing with the

special needs child

for the person father god yeah for the

person father god

who is standing father needing a miracle

in their body

and father god no doctor has an answer


i pray that you will be an answer

father let everything that’s said and

done give you glory and use me

to help your people god we trust you we

believe you and we thank you

for not just dying we thank you

for the resurrection have your way

and this service today is our prayer in

jesus name we agree

will somebody give god one more huge

shout oh come on give him a huge

shout of praise amen

all right i got a message for you right

now and i’m so excited

because we have put together um this


that everybody that is born into this


is stained stained by something stained

by somebody

stained by other people’s decisions

stained by their own decisions

and what i found out is that many people

are living trying to hide their stains

now all y’all can be fake if you want to

but the truth is there is something

that is going on in your heart your soul

and your mind right now

that you don’t want me to see okay y’all

gonna be saying

right now i could open some of your

phones right now and just see it it’d be

right there

you wouldn’t want pastor mike to see it

the crazy thing about it is you care

more about me seeing it but god’s there

right now


he was there when the stain was made he

was there when you tried to put makeup

on it and beat your face

and and and try to cover up the stain of


oh i’m coming straight for i ain’t even

got time today

i got to go right to it he was there

when you double down on the business

because you thought that being

successful in that arena

would allow you to hide the very deep

stains of being overlooked as a child in

your family

and so now i’m going to make them notice

me and i’m going to have the money and

i’m going to have the car

and i’m going to have the woman and i’m

going to have the kids and now you’re

staining another generation


because you have been hiding your stains

with things

and neglecting the ones that god called

you to raise

everybody say stained yeah the truth of

the matter is all of us have

stains specifically the one talking to

you right now

see i’m coming to you talking from a

place of humility

and a place of knowing who i actually am

see the thing about my stains

is if you don’t know them i know them i

woke up with them

i know the thoughts that i have when

nobody’s looking

i know the things that i watched too


on that certain channel when everybody

was asleep

i know the things the deep roots

of the things that i do

to be seen and to be loved

i know the places i’ve gone not because

i was accepted there

but because i just wanted to feel



and i know i’m kind of heavy and there’s

somebody right now that’s thinking past

the mic i’m not going to take 35 minutes

of this i

can’t do it so let me bring it up for

you i’m coming back for you just but

just bring it up

see i’m going to tell you something that

you may not know about me

is your pastor is a messy eater

now if my wife could tell all of y’all

all the time she tells me don’t eat

there because you’re gonna mess up the


or don’t eat here because you’re gonna

spill that i’ll be like girl don’t worry

about it

i’m gonna do it and inevitably

for some reason when i finish eating no

matter how careful i

am there’s always something that spills

on the floor and the reason is not

because i don’t know where my mouth is

i’m very

aware you can tell by my waist size

where my mouth is i know where it is

the problem is i like sauces

does anybody like sauces i consider

myself somewhat of a sausologist

right now in the comments i need you to

shout out and type your favorite sauce

come on

let me hear what’s your favorite sauce i

heard ranch

i heard sriracha polynesian oh

chick-fil-a got some sauces

chick-fil-a sauce you could put that on

anything even cereal and it’s good

chick-fil-a that was like but i’m a

sausage and so one of the things about

when i eat

and why my eating is so messy is because

when i eat before i start taking bites i

dip it in a bunch of sauce

and as i’m enjoying the delectable


delightful sauce combinations that are

exploding in my mouth

many times there’s so much there

that a little bit drips off

and i started thinking about this one


that i had the audacity to wear

all white to an event i mean i was clean


don’t trip your boy was colleen

period poo i was clean

but they had the audacity to have steak


and when i have steak i need my a1

i need my barbecue sauce this is

different for some of y’all i need my

sriracha i put sriracha on everything

and i was dipping and whipping and

dipping and whipping

i was doing it i made it through my


meal you know how you eat and then you


i was eating and checking i made it

through my whole meal got to the last


and when i hit that last bite you know

sometimes you just do a little extra


whipping and dipping living and i just

put it in my mouth and it was like slow

motion happened

i bit down and it was like


that mug went all the way down from the

top of my head

to the side and literally it was at the

beginning of the event

so the rest of the night when i went in

to say what’s going on

everybody i looked at their face and

they looked at

my stain


i i went in and i was like good to see

you and i knew they weren’t looking at

me anymore

because what once was very clean had now


very damaged by something

they didn’t experience but they can see

the residue of

and it brought me to the thing of your

attitude that you have

the things that you go to how you

medicate yourself

all of those different things we see the


of what we weren’t there to witness

but the proof is on you

and as i begin to look at my life

i look like that outfit

i look good on the outside until you

actually get to see

my stains and i know there’s some

self-righteous people who are sitting

there with your easter finest on at your


and you talking about i ain’t got no

stains baby

the bible tells us write this down first

point we all have stains

somebody say i have stains some of y’all

couldn’t even get that out because

you’re so self-righteous and prideful

right now

you don’t see it the thing about me is i

did not see the stain

the way others saw it i’m walking around

with it on me

but it’s evident to me when i look down

it’s evident to

them when they look at me at all

and the crazy thing about this life is

we’re walking around

with people and around people and many

times they see our stains

and today i just want to let you know

that your stains

aren’t better than their stains

yeah i gotta come set it straight from

the very beginning because some of you

think the little white lie

is different than homosexuality but when

you go to the foot of the cross

it says that it is an even playing field

so you can be in church lying and

talking about people

or living in an alternate lifestyle and

god said you’re still


and i don’t know what you’ve been

stained by

but some of you have been stained by


secrets that are in your family right


secrets that even as i’m talking to you

they’re touching your heart right now

stains from conversations you’ve had

with people

stains from the mother that did not

validate you

because she knew something she didn’t


anybody else to know so she kept it a

secret what happened to you in that


yeah no no i know i know i know i know

we don’t want to talk about it for real

but many of us right now are hugging


secret relationships



in the dms with people secrets

and the thing about the secrets is it

left a mark on you

and as much as i try to go away from it

and only come back once a month

every time i connect with that secret

the longer it stays alive

the more i try to only do it when i

really need it

it finds itself a part of me

and now i go to church on the praise

team like this

and now i’m raising kids like this and

now i’m trying to do this and the thing


now they’re nowhere to be found

the secrets go away from me

in my action but i still

have proof that it

impacted my life


and all i’m saying to you is that we all

have same somebody say we all have


and i know that some of you have run so

far away

from that childhood past from that


that thing that has happened but i’m

telling you the trauma was never dealt


and so you have been

affected by the secrets and the secrets

have given birth to trauma

yep hold on i didn’t know that it was

going to affect me i’m 35 years old why

is 13 year old me

coming out in the workplace hold on i

didn’t know

i didn’t know i thought i would be okay

if i just left that denomination

or if i just left that church but the


and the trauma now have become

something that i fought my whole teenage


and i thought when i went to college and

i left my family

and i left those people and i moved to a

different country

that it would go away but the trauma


but the trauma’s still on me

and now every thanksgiving

it walks away for 11 months

but comes back every christmas

good to see you i missed you you’re

heavy you’re awake

let’s act like everything’s cool

and now the pain i had with my

high school sweetheart has followed me

into my marriage

we couldn’t talk so now the person i’m

supposed to be with we can’t talk

thanks for taking

your stains and marking me

see all i’m trying to let you know

is that even the one talking we all have

stains and maybe your stain didn’t come

from secrets

and maybe your stain didn’t come from

trauma but maybe your stain is coming

from addiction it’s only

every once in a while i picked up this

little habit you understand what’s up


hey man thanks bro that party was crazy

last night it was lit man

it’s the only thing that made me feel

like it was worth it bro thank you ro

for hyping me up i’m in college i got to

do my thing i’m in high school i got to

do my thing

now i’m in the boardroom i got to do my

thing man thank you for supporting me

it’s the thing that always lifts me up

and whether your addiction is a


or a person yeah yeah

no we only connect every summer

thanks thanks for giving me that high

again thanks for calming me down

thanks for being my peace

thanks for being my peace

and what ends up happening is the thing

about addiction

is it goes away it goes away

but it doesn’t come back to you you go

back to it

just needed another hit now i’m gonna go

live for god

ah but i just need

to be touched one more time i need to be

held one more time

and now i’m gonna go get married but ah

i need to be able to make sure i try to

chase that

high again and it’s a cycle

that many of you right now are trapped

in as i’m talking to you

and i know the pain and i know some of

you have tears flowing down your face

right now

because what has happened to you is that

the secrets

and the trauma have turned into

addictions that nobody even knows

but guess what it left you stan


you know the crazy thing about it it may

not be an addiction

but all of us have idols

see and some of you think like i thought

idols were back in the old school days

no no idols when you look at the bible

or anything

that exalts itself above god

some of you your family is your idol

take a picture of our family

your relationship is your idol take a

picture of our

our relationship our house is an idol

come on take a picture of us in front of

our new house look

at us our success is an idol

uh oh we just made number one number one

in the world

we’re the one who did it though your

ones up another one

yeah yeah whatever you make bigger than


has become your idol

and the crazy thing about idols is i

don’t stain you

yeah it was just that one time

i thought my degrees would make me


and star i started valuing education

over my existence i lost relationships

because i’mma get these degrees and i’m

gonna make this money and i’m gonna do

this and i’m not saying any of that’s


but did it become an idol did it take

god’s place in your life

the truth of the matter is it left you


and i don’t know who i’m talking to

today because it could have been the


the trauma the addictions the idols

but it’s on you and this is the saddest

part about it

because none of us asked to be here

none of us asked to be here when our

mother and father whether it was

um they had love or was a one-night

stand or it was some type of

uh very horrific situation we didn’t ask

to be here

and what ends up happening when you

don’t ask to be here

and you’re learning from other people

with stains

and they tried to do the best that they

could with what they had but they didn’t

have much anyway


then we end up getting stained not just


the things that have we’ve already

talked about but we get

stained by neglect

why won’t you dare dad

why didn’t you why didn’t you come

you didn’t you didn’t know i needed you

and it it might be slow interactions

but my coach was supposed to look out

for me

and then you molested me

i thought you were going to take care of

me you hugged me the same way when we

won the game

and now you hug me and abuse me and take

advantage of me why did you neglect me


you saw how i was in the world and i

told you i was gonna follow you

yeah talk about it and then all you

wanted was my money

you wanted to use me to make your

ministry big you wanted to

you just wanted to volunteer on your


you neglected me now i’m done with


i’m done with my dad i’m done with god

after you i don’t want anything to do

stop coming towards me

i’m sick of this because you should have

been there

and you should have done what their dad

did for them and their pastor did for


and their leader did for them

and now i’m walking away from you i

don’t want to talk to you anymore you

can go to your space

but now i’m left

with the stains of neglect

and as i’m talking to y’all right now

you might have buried these thoughts so

far down on the inside of you

that you haven’t even thought about them

in years but what i’m showing you is a

physical picture

of what your soul looks like

your mind will and emotions have been

stained when we got to this earth

there was something that was here that

messed us up

and we didn’t even ask for it

the biggest stain of them all the one

you could sum it up in

is sin see when sin

entered the world in genesis it was the

thing that would stain us forever

don’t eat from the tree adam and eve but


what god has for me is not as good as

what culture has for me

maybe i can do it that way instead of

his way and the thing about sin is it

comes out in every form

yeah it comes out in every form it comes

out in my career it comes out

in in in my relationship it comes out


violates you yeah yeah

what sin does it tells you to spread


what sin does is it pats you down

sin comes to rob you of everything god

came to give you

see what sin does is it reminds you

of your faults and your pain and it

keeps you in a spot of vulnerability

and it promises you everything that

it’ll never be able to give you

and the world is suffering from being


by sin


no matter what we do we dapp it up with


and what happens when we dap it up with

sin give me the other one

now i’m so used to it

i start putting it on myself

i start thinking this is the way to live

my life

and now i’m encouraging other people hey


come get stained with me bro it’s only

one night

it’s your birthday yo

oh my gosh you just got a promotion

let’s go get stained together

let’s netflix and stain

let’s have children out of our

brokenness and stain them

and this is the plight

of humanity we have been

say it with me stand

i don’t know what your stains are today

i’m not coming to judge you because this

is an

actual representation of me on the


the pastor pastor mike

no no this is me the only reason i got

up in here

and let them touch all on me is because

this is what sin did to my life

i don’t know why i saw that when i was

five years old spending the night at

their house

but it stained me and led to me dealing

with the addiction of pornography it it

caused me trauma

it was a secret i kept from my parents

and it caused me trauma

and it became an addiction that followed

me into my marriage

and it became an idol and it was

something that made me neglect the

people that i love


i am stained

and for everybody that thinks that

you’re outside of this realm and you

don’t see yourself

up here be careful

that you think somehow you’ve you’ve


this purity position when you were born

into this world

all of us god everybody say it with me

stan can you write this point down

sin stained humanity

romans 5 12 says and when adam sinned


entered the whole world and adam’s sin

brought death so death spread to

everyone including you

for everyone’s sin the thing about sin

is it has affected

influence touched and stained all of us

but the truth and the good news that i

have for you today

is that if you recognize and you are um

um one of those who will be willing to


that you’re stained

i i gotta go with this because somebody

is still sitting there self-righteous

look at romans 3

23 it says for all have sinned

or all have been stained and fallen

short of the glory of god

so god now a perfect god

sees his children since adam gets


and he says i can’t leave him like that

i got to do

something so what i’m gonna do

is i’m going to send something to clean

them up what god

did is god sent sanitizer

and his name is jesus

if i was in the middle of a pandemic

y’all know sanitizers

businesses have skyrocketed i’m about to

start a new brand of sanitizer called

jesus it’s the greatest sanitizer in


it’s the only one that was poured out

one time

and would be able to clean the sins and

the stains of men

forever i’m getting happy right now

every sin that you would make

that you have make and that you will

ever make god

sent a sanitizer

and his name is above every name his

name is

jesus somebody’s like

sanitizer bob let me tell you what

sanitizer means

a sanitizer is a cleaner that alters


regarded as less acceptable so as to

make it more

acceptable so when i came into this


and sin got all on me god said i’m

sending jesus

because what’s not acceptable is this


but if they ever get touched

changed and transformed by the sanitizer


it now gives them the ability to come

back in relationship with me

and that’s all he wants for you and me

and some of you are saying i hear you

but you don’t know how dirty i am pastor


but you don’t know what i’ve done and

how far

these stains go back

i don’t but god does

and the bible tells us before the

foundations of the earth

he made this plan so that you

and i could be clean

and today for everybody who has woke

up this morning and tried to cover your

stains and you’re going to go to work


and you’re going to try to cover your

stains and you were raising kids with

stains all over you

and you were like how can i keep going

like this

i’m telling you you can’t

and then i’m begging you

to understand that you don’t have to

because when god put the plan of


in play he said i’m not just going to

send a sanitizer

i’m going to clean them all the way up

look at second corinthians 5

21 for god made christ

who never sinned to be the offering for

our sin so that we could be made right

or made clean with god through christ

can i give you the passage remix can i

give you the mlt version the michael

living translation

for god made christ who had never been


he made him take on everybody’s stain

so that we could be made clean through

jesus christ

let me show it to you very plainly um

just like my uh shirt that was

white i have a white shirt that i

i want the team to bring out just bring

it to me real quick and and what what

what i want you to do is picture your


completely clear and clean

and then i want you to picture yourself

coming into this world

and then i want you to picture what you

look like

after sin touches your life i’m going to

help you

understand this right now very quickly

when when i when i found my stains

sin came in

and it jacked me up and this is what

my life looked like what your life looks


yep a little more a little more yeah a

little more a little more

and what ends up happening is many of us

run to religion

and we want to be cleaned up by religion

but all religion does

is make everything dirty

so i went to the church and they were

supposed to help me

and what was a few spots on me

became my identity


but then god said no no no no no i’m not

just going to let them

stay like this because what we want to

do is get hurt and then we want to get

hung back


forget it i’m just gonna go and get

self-help and i’m gonna read all the

books and i’m gonna manifest everything

and i’m gonna light my candles and i’m


i’m gonna smoke my herbs and i’m gonna

find peace and i’m gonna do all of this

other stuff

and it’s cool because i understand you

were jacked up and then you try

something else

and you try to get in a place you’re

gonna try a relationship to clean you up

maybe if i have some kids and take cute

maternity pictures


and now you can’t even recognize who i

used to be

but god said that ain’t gonna clean you

up that’s why i had to send the


jesus and some of y’all like uh

that looks the same that’s what

everybody thought when he died


see back in the day crucifixion was a


occurrence to kill people they would

scourge people

they would hang them on a cross and they

would die it looked

regular but what they did not understand

is that

jesus wasn’t a regular man that he came

here and he lived for 33 years

a regular life just like me and you but

he had

the power of god residing on the inside

of him


and when they thought it was a finish

all they did was give

a platform for jesus

to prove that he was god

hear what happened at the cross

jesus took every one of our stains

and he said this is the thing that i can


i can take the very thing that hurts you

when you were a kid

i can take the very thing that happened

to you

illegitimately i can take the same thing

that the devil tried to use to take you


and i can use it this is why we

celebrate the resurrection

as a testimony of me making something

new oh you see the colors changing

this is called transformation the reason

why our church is called transformation


is because this is a sign of what god is

about to do in your life

and he looks at all the dirt that you

caused and he says it’s not enough that

you just get clean

but i want to take and i want to pour it

out on your family

i want to take and i want to pour it out

and your co-workers

and i want oh i feel the presence of god

i want to clean

everything that has

been damaged

i’m telling you today with everything in

me if you has b

if you have been stained jesus has come

to clean your life

up you’re not too far

you’re not too broken you’re not too

jacked up

you haven’t done enough you

are the only one that

jesus went to the cross for

the bible tells us that he would leave


99 just for the one

and this is the truth of the


it wasn’t for them it was for you


at the cross at the tomb

and when the tomb was rolled away

what jesus did is he took

all of my stains

and he took and traded me

the brokenness that i would have

oh pastor mike i still see a little bit

on your shirt that’s my testimony


see my garment is clean but i never

forget where i came from

see the only way that i can be excited


is i remember how jacked up i was so

this part i

left there to make sure i would never


that i once was broken lost hurting

addicted controlled

but through the blood of jesus

he set me free

the one thing that i need you to know is

what happened at resurrection

is jesus stole our stains

he stole him the bible tells us that he

defeated death hell and the grave he

ripped everything that we would be


guilty for and he says i’ll take it

when i think about christ being on the


going to the tomb nobody

talks about how long saturday was

they call it a good friday it wasn’t

good for him

and then there’s a dark saturday

the disciples had no guarantee he was

coming back

the same way you think that your

situation is hopeless

you got to understand that jesus has

resurrection power

when they looked for him he was gone

he had traded the stains of humanity and

took him on

so that you could walk in freedom so my

question is for you today

why are you still living in shame

why are you still living in pain can i

say it to you very

very clearly why do you keep reclaiming

the stains

why do you keep going and romanticizing

the years that stained you

if i was 20 again

if i was in college again if i could do

the marriage

over again why would you keep reclaiming

the stains

that he already paid for

and today i’m asking you

to exchange your stains

jesus has already done his part

according to the scriptures all you have

to do is receive

what jesus has already done for you

that’s it that’s the good news i have

for you

how you looking right now the stains

that are all over you

and making you uncomfortable jesus says

exchange me

hey hey hey what better day than right


to trade me second corinthians 5 17 says

it like this

this means that anyone who be in christ

they have become a new person the old

has passed away

behold look tala i have become

brand new

and this is the truth that i found out


i feel this the truth is

that the same spirit that raised christ

from the dead

is the same spirit that will enable you

to live

his plan was not just

to get you from a place of being stained

to clean

he said i don’t want you to be

in that place no more so he took the


so you could be listen to this sustained

god is a redeemer so he takes whatever

you had and he adds his super to your


and he took your stain

cleansed you turned it into your


and it is the thing that will sustain

you how is pastor mike up here telling

you because revelation

says we overcome him by the blood of the

lamb that’s the work he did at the cross

the blood of the lamb and the words of

my own

stings what i was a hoe i

did do it i was addicted to pornography

i was a bad person

and god says that’s all i needed was

somebody to accept that they don’t got

to wear those clothes no more

and then not to forget the story

because what’s going to sustain you is

that you take the stain

submit it to him and now god will

sustain you

it reminds me of my bro will come up

here bro

will’s on staff here


probably um how many years ago was it

six years ago six years ago this man was

in jail

addicted to all kinds he was stained

today he leads our insur internship



the one thing i love about will is he he

he didn’t

forget that it was jesus and only jesus


who took his stains and turned it into

something that could sustain other

people he’s teaching people who want to

lead and

want to do he was in jail six years ago

what i’m telling you is you’re not too


what i’m telling you is god does not

care he is no respecter of person

he doesn’t care what stained you before

today god

wants to sustain you

our worship team


i feel the presence of god right now

he’s wrapping his loving arms around

people right now

our worship team um we wrote a song


that talks about what god wants to do

for you

and for the next few moments we’re going

to play this home

and in your home in your car if you’re

watching this on rebroadcast i don’t

care where you are

who you are or when you’re watching this

i believe this is a defined moment

for your life your future and the

generations to come

and i want god to reveal to you the


that you’re gonna exchange today not

tomorrow don’t turn it off don’t get

distracted now

this is the moment that god is going to

transform your life

and i want you to know his promises for

your life

they’re about to come true and it’s not


on what you do it’s dependent on what

he’s already done

god wants to sustain you

listen to this moment



holding on to your words










i used to


you oh we’re letting go of every fear

come on







this is my favorite part right here


so i will trust you

i can’t do it

i will trust you

you are my strength



faithful and true









trust me










you’ll never


no matter what it looks like you

in the middle

in the middle of my brokenness you will


through the pain through the heart

through the trials

when it hurts when it’s hard when you’re


in the midnight hours


your mercies are new

so i will trust you

the promise is always


someone needs to say this right now so i

will sing i will trust you

i will


will you


will you trust him right now


i will

trust you in the middle

in the middle


in the middle in the middle

i will trust you in the middle

i will trust you i



i don’t know who you are and what has

happened to you and what has stained you

but today i want to give you an

opportunity to receive jesus

he’s the only one that can take somebody

as stained as me

somebody who was addicted to pornography

i share it and i share it every day

because this is how

i’m sustained i was addicted to

pornography i was a liar

and a manipulator will didn’t just have

a case i had a case

for insurance fraud and god said yeah

with all of that if you

give me your life i will throw your sins

as far as the east is from the west

and i will choose not to remember them


and today is the day of salvation

if you’re in a place that you know

you’ve been stained

and you want god to come in

and take away the stains on the count of

three i want you to lift your hands i

don’t care who you are

how much money you have in the bank i

don’t care what your status came from


today your name is going to be written

in the lamb’s book of life

and you’re going to be made clean

because of what the precious lamb of god

has done for you behold the lamb who

takes away

the sins or the stains of the world

he did it just for you one this would be

the greatest decision that you ever made

two i know religion tells you to jump

through all these hoops and change


but god wants a relationship with you

and the beautiful thing about god

is if he has your heart he’ll help you

change your habits

if you want to receive jesus three come

on shoot your hand up in the air

all over the world i believe there’s

thousands oh come on shoot your hand up

in the air

i believe their stuff heaven is

beginning to rejoice right now

you’re getting in to a place where god’s

cleaning you up

listen to me this is your moment

transformation church you already know

what we’re called to do represent god to

the lost and found for one reason what

is it

transformation in christ this is why we


and this is why god produced all of this

just for you

this is your moment everything changes

right now

well will i have problems yeah but

you’ll never walk alone again

this journey is about progression not

perfection and today

you invite the sanitizer jesus into your


at transformation church we all pray

together so you already know how we do

it i want everybody to say this out loud

for the benefit of those who are coming

to christ today

if you don’t mind would you just do this

gesture forget about who’s with you

because they won’t stand with you before

god they they may not even

get with this right now but this is the

decision that you’re making and it

changes everything would you just lift

your hands right there

yeah yeah it’s real simple this is the

international sign of surrender

if i go to any country and they say

freeze what i do i put my hands up

it’s saying anything that i have been

holding i’m releasing it

and i’m surrendering it to you this is

what god is asking you for right now

just give it to me cast your cares

because i care for you

and i want you to say this prayer out

loud with me say god

thank you for sending jesus

to take away my stains today

i believe that you lived

and you died just for me

i commit my life to you change me

renew me transform me

i’m yours from this day forward

in jesus mighty name

amen can we give god

are y’all playing right now but

thousands of people

have just accepted jesus christ

heaven is rejoicing right now and you

should too

glory to god listen

the bible tells us so clearly that

all of heaven turns up turn up turn up

turn on turn up

over one person getting saved i believe

there were

hundreds of people that just got

cleansed and the stains have been


today you start your new life

i’m so proud of you and more than that

your name has been written in the lamb’s

book of life for all eternity


i want to make a guarantee i want to i

want to guarantee you something

come close to me come close i’ll make

you a guarantee

okay listen to me very clearly if you

just accepted christ or if you’re one of

those people that only come to church on


and this was your spiritual duty and all

that whoever you are it’s all good we

all stand okay we just

45 minutes sustained okay you got it but

today if you made a decision

i’m gonna make you a guarantee this will

be the best year of your life

if it is your best year spiritually

i’ma say it to you one more time this

will be

the best year of your life in business

and family and finances in your own soul


if it is your best year spiritually

and i’m challenging you to get in a good

bible-based church keep coming back here

matter of fact what i want everybody who

just committed their life to christ

to do i want you to text the number on

your screen

i want you to text saved to

828282 and we’re going to send you some


and we’re going to walk with you on this

journey why

because god never meant for you to go

through anything alone

you need community you need people to

walk with you

and you need a church we want to be that

church to help you grow

and mature we have resources for you but

more than anything

god is the one that’s going to transform

your life

today we’re so excited for what god has

done in you

and through you but this is the time

that you have to make a commitment this

is not for today

this is for my lifetime and that


jesus has made to you and today our

church is making to you

and we just want you to continue to grow

i want some of y’all to go back on

youtube and watch

grace like a flood go watch mark there’s

message series go watch forgiveness


for some of the stuff you’ve been

staying by you got to forgive some


some of you need to go back and watch

planted not bury i’m giving you what you

need right now

some of you need to go watch

relationship goals you know richard

ricardo and ronaldo

they all bad for you that’s not god’s

plan for your life

i want you to go watch that stuff and i

want you to meet me here next week

and every week after that and what’s

gonna happen to you is you’re gonna get


you’re gonna grow and you’re gonna stay


we love you we believe in you

and i want you to know that jesus is the

only thing

that can take away your stains happy


happy resurrection sunday share this

with everybody you know

and go out and live a transformed


