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okay 92 and you should be there we go

hey gorgeous hey baby

how are you i’m doing well

good to see you sweetie good to see you

i’m gonna go live on instagram okay

okay i’m gonna find you

i’m gonna find you hey y’all

good to see you for those of you who are


we are having a conversation a very uh

vulnerable transparent conversation


with pastor sarah and myself

about hold on a second

okay so then

here we go i’m coming

all in i’m on my way on my way

i see oh there he is hey


how you doing sweetheart i’m good how

are you

doing great

doing great doing great uh let me see

you looking good

well thank you it’s good to see you i

think i’m gonna put or oh i can’t pin a

comment i can maybe put


hey family we’re gonna have a

conversation for those of you who don’t


um pastor sarah and i decided

at the last minute to bring you into

um quite frankly a blow

that um our family experienced uh last

sunday that we’re still living in

uh right now

and uh ironically

we wrote about this

we wrote about um about

finding balance when there’s a blow in

fact there’s a chapter in our book

called ballast after the blow

uh and quite frankly i thought we were

finished with our blows for this season

uh but a blow came to us

on sunday in the form of covert 19.

uh it’s crazy babe we went

for two years uh dodging it escaping

this virus that has been

just causing havoc in so many people’s

lives we’ve been praying for people you

know seeing them through we’ve been

burying people we’ve been encouraging


uh and for two years you know

by the grace of god

we dodged it um


come last sunday uh it caught up to our

family and uh and it hasn’t been fun at


and so we don’t believe in

letting the enemy win

we we don’t we don’t believe in and

we we know that god causes all things to

work together for good and and i i want

to hear from you and my wife right now

uh she’s still testing positive for coca

19 so we’re not going to push her

too hard she’s got obviously enough

strength it’s actually her idea to do it

um but i’m gonna try to carry this as

much as possible

i’ll be in prayer for her i’m believing

god that by this weekend she’s going to

test negative

and we’re going to be through it i have

one more daughter who’s still positive

as well

my 24 year old

and uh thank god you know

my 12 year old daughter mackenzie and my

six-year-old daughter

um ella

had it but have tested negative they’re

the first one they were the first ones

to get it first one’s test negative


um my son malachi is away at school in

college uh and me and my son isaiah when


mckenzie and ella

were diagnosed with it um they they

kicked us out of the house to to protect

and preserve us

uh while

we you know quarantine in the house

um and so we

avoided it but anyway

we want to talk to you a little bit i

mean first of all uh there is a whole

new level of empathy and honey i think

that you can attest to this there’s a

whole other level of empathy empathy

that has come to us as a result of


experiencing covet 19 it was

uh close but distant because it hadn’t

come to our house


now that it has and and we realize

not only the the physical

and the medical turmoil it brings but

all types of disruption it truly is a


and we want this time to be about


transparency and vulnerability about

what we faced

um we want it to be a time where we

minister and pray for you or those that

you know who are struggling with this

and we also

believe in the book balance

more now than ever and particularly

we’re going to look at a chapter

uh called balance after the blow which i

think is going to minister to you


if you’ve experienced the blow it may

not be covert 19 it could be

the death of a loved one it could be the

death of a relationship it could be some

sort of disappointment of failure but

we’re going to walk through

um what it’s been like for us and how we

have been able to still find balance uh

even though we experienced a very

difficult blow

so i’m a pause baby um

how you doing

um i’m okay i think so many of you are

sending your prayers so thank you for

that yeah no it’s been

it’s been rough it’s been rough i think

that there’s obviously the physical part

of it which is challenging and

not knowing like what symptoms you’re

going to have next but there’s also like

an emotional toll

i think especially because we are

not together right now because you know


when i realized we were going down fast

and we were having our first in-person

service at one on

line in los angeles and then your book

is coming out i’m like babe you gotta

get out of here i’ll take care of the

kids and so

you know i miss having you with me we


don’t face anything

not together and it’s been challenging

you know kind of feeling like

like you know

i’m not in it by myself because my girls

are in it as well but you know you’re my

person you’re my partner


uh that’s rough but i feel your prayers

and we’ve been doing a lot of facetiming

and a lot of outside social distancing

but it’s hard there’s an emotional toll

that i don’t think has been discussed as

much as the physical symptoms and and

that’s rough


yeah it’s uh

it’s devastating um


i i didn’t realize how many layers

there was to to

coming down with covet 19 because to

your point honey it’s the

it’s the obviously you know

you’re sick

uh and you’re real sick it ain’t like a

cute little sickness and we’re all we’re

vaccinated you know uh we got the the

booster so we you know we take you know

um vitamins and various things to keep

our immune system together on on the

regular because we believe in that

and it’s still it’s crazy it’s still uh

rough i mean i don’t have it but i’ve

watched my wife experience it um

and so it’s layered you’re right the

emotional thing i mean for me as a as a

protector as a husband as a father

it kind of hit me in a different way


there was a like a real helplessness

that i feel like you know i protect my

family i provide for my family i i cover

my family you know i live for my family

uh and so to not be able


leverage any of my human resources


get my wife to get my my daughters my

three daughters who got it out of



uh it is uh

it’s emasculating i mean yeah

prayerfully that’s not the right i mean

maybe that’s not the right word but it

it has been and then baby i i just gotta

like shout you out too because


when you told me to go i mean like like


you know and i and i left before you had


but when you were you know when when

when mckenzie and ella came down with it


man like

and you were like babe you gotta go you

know you’re starting press on your book

good friday is coming up easter is

coming up you can’t get sick and you’re

right man we do everything together

sarah jakes roberts is my person like

like it’s not it’s so much it’s it’s

beyond my wife

she’s my person she’s my everything and

so to to have to pack up of course we we

brought staff in and and people to

support her to make certain that that

she and the family were covered all that

was happening but but at the end of the


struggling with the guilt

you know of here i am i guess almost

like survivor’s guilt you know i’m over

here in this hotel me and my son

isaiah’s in this hotel you know 15

minutes away

my wife is struck i can’t do anything

about it and so i’m like i’m not going

and she was like don’t be a fool

you know what i mean like

like how are you gonna help me if you

get sick

and uh and that just speaks to the type

of heart you have the type of woman you


and that’s why i love you and and



my ninja

the vacation i’m going to take you on

it’s over



it’s going to be off the chain but but i

want to talk about balance a little bit

because there’s a chapter

called balance after the blow i can tell

you right now the book has administers

to me it it is a manual if you don’t

have it

you need to go pre-order it right now

it’s called the

i think uh my son-in-law my son-in-law

ty is in there putting it in the feed

maybe we can pin it but this book is a

game changer and there’s a chapter

in the book

that particularly if you’ve experienced

the loss experience a setback

experienced a disappointment experience

anything like that

there’s a chapter in the book that’s

going to minister to you the same way

smith said to me

uh i’m gonna read you can i read a

little bit honey is that cool yeah

can i read a little bit that’s in that

chapter first one baby okay and you can

start reading tonight tonight you ain’t

got to wait you can start reading

tonight if you pre-order it go to

you can pre-order it in fact uh i

believe that you can order signed copies

now i think from premieres that they’re

signing up but anyway anyway listen to

this tell me if you’ve ever felt like

this before when something crazy

happened to you out of the blue loss of

a loved one whatever i’m gonna read it

the most this may be the most

debilitating part of suffering life’s


what eludes us in moments like this more

than anything else

is the path back into alignment

the place of balance where the highest

and best version of ourselves reside

instead though

in the blink of an eye watch this

we encounter an overwhelming sense of


all god

that’s what i felt as if we have been

sucked into a black hole

unsure if we will ever be able to find

our way out again man this is

this is real i didn’t realize it baby i

was like i had like

like i think a low-grade depression you

know we don’t like to say it you know

we’d be so you know i can’t say it but


what has it been like for you i know

you’re sick

but has it felt like have you felt

powerless have you felt like

like man i mean a week ago man we on


you know we we’re making moves we’re

doing things we’re dreaming together and

then this hits you

like like talk about

talk about what that was like for you

yeah i think today i feel really down

morrison yesterday babe because

yesterday wasn’t great either

yeah today i fell down because

i took my test today and it’s still like

everyone else is getting better but mine

is still like my line is still pretty

dark so

and all i can do is just take it

and you know we we’re touring and i want

to go with you next week on your trip

and that’s just

today’s heart


i’mma hug you today you you stopped me

from hugging you last night i’ma hug you

today we’re gonna put our mask on

seriously babe

and i wish you would have let me hug you

last night

because you told me you told me what you

told me last night before i left to go

back to the hotel

and i started walking toward you to hug


because when it comes down to it i

really don’t give

that much of a flip i don’t want you to

get sick

yeah but i don’t want you to feel like


i don’t want you to feel like that

i don’t want you to feel like that





how are you i know we talk

we have our little um

we have this this thing now where we we

put our mask on we go out in the

backyard and we kind of have this social


time of connection easter i mean we had

to like like easter we we thank god the

lord blessed us with a a nice open big


so the people who


who were positive were able to sit at

the table and another table you know

those who were you know either had come

out of it or whatever

we’re making it work it’s hard man it’s


it’s hard baby like what are you

i know it’s not you’re not down

all the time like

how do you stay up or how do you get up

in those down moments because we have

victory we have those victorious moments

but what what what are you like how

like what what what’s working for you

i mean i think

as having our time together like making

the best out of it works i think they’re

just moments where it just hits me that


it’s endless and i don’t know i mean it

has an end but i don’t know when the end

is coming um

i get excited when i think about just my

purpose and

my life

and knowing that even when i’m down like

people are still commenting on my videos

like this is changing my life you’re

helping me so much

and it makes me feel like even when i’m

down like god is still

using the grace that’s on my life to

help other people and sometimes that

feels like protection to me i think a

lot of times we feel like

we got to have strength for every season

but when we talk about just god going

ahead of us and making our crooked paths

straight it’s like guys like i’m gonna

let you be on purpose and i’m gonna let

you go through this at the same time

which means that you can be weak and

strong at the same time that there’s a

version of you in the spirit that can

never be diminished so even while i’m

getting my heart together my mind my

body together like it’s still going

forth you know we’re going on tour i see

so many people talking about like you

coming in my city you not coming to my

city and dragging me and it just reminds

me that this blow that this blow won’t

last forever

but i was reading balance after the blow

just because i’m just like man just when

i feel like um i got these big projects

done and like now i’m ready to like go

beast mode i’m back on activate i’m

ready to hit the road like just when i’m

ready and feel like i’ve got strength

and you know i get sat down but i was

reading balance after the blow and i

feel like

this book is so good because it when you

talk about positioning yourself to do

all things well it’s like how do i do

this well

like how do i

grieve well how do i recover well

without putting pressure on myself or

feeling upset with myself or not

recovering quickly and

um i think that there is a way that we

can show up in every season of our life

and you know sometimes that’s with

vulnerability and tears and even that

can be well and then there are other

moments where it’s beast mode and that

can be well i think it’s allowing the

definition of well to change

based off of this season that you’re in

and you talked about just those little

wins after a blow in the chapter that

has made a big difference so to i went

you know i went on a run today it was 15

minutes and i was out of breath but it

was something you know


i know one thing

when you come out of this

and we pray this on sunday

you think you have fire before

they ain’t nothing like the type of fire

that gets on you when you walk through

the fire

you you you you have fire in you

but now you’re gonna have fire on you

and and i believe i believe with all of

my heart

i know like like when i was praying for

you so i went down and i was i’ve been

obviously praying for my wife and my

daughter that still has it

and this morning i went to pray

and man i just broke i just like

i just broke down you know you you

you’re carrying it right

but you’re not fully acknowledging the

pain and sometimes you know

you’re trying to survive so you’re just

going and going and going and i

i pray like i broke



i wasn’t mad at god i ain’t gonna lie

first i was a little i was shocked

babe i was shocked like lord

man we’re god we’re serving you like for

real for real not know one way at church

and then another way at home or one way

like no for real like we we’re serving

we’re giving we’re laying our lives down

how could you let this happen in my


like i got this prayer i pray every

single day for my family a covering

prayer and i’m like

lord this doesn’t add up like this

this you protected us for two years

like what is this and why now at the

most inopportune time i went through


but this morning

i just i didn’t question his goodness

i just like

you know it was crazy not having you


on good friday by my side i don’t even

know how i did it to be honest with you

because i was on the side of the stage

ready to break down

okay sunday the same thing i’m on the

side of the stage ready to break down so

finally i just had to tell the truth

you know like guys i’m hurting and i’m

hurting because my baby

is not well

you know i know paul will be well but

she’s not well she’s not here but this

morning man i just like

i let it out

i let it out and i and i prayed and i

said god

i trust you i i trust you

with sarah i trust you with taya

i trust you i know like job said job

said this in his word

he said god knows the way that i take

and when he has tried me i shall come

forth as gold and joe went through i

mean the plague was a part of it the

whole thing

and uh i’m gonna get you back to i’m

gonna tuck you back in in a minute and

i’ma hug you i’m not leaving this house

without hugging you and we’ll mask up

and even if it’s a quick hug i’ma hug

you today


i i think

what’s important for me how i have been

able to

to wrestle through it to work through it

is i i realize that

although this is

unwelcome unwarranted i also realize

it’s a season

and and i know you know like the song

and this

you’ll pass

i don’t like that it’s taking longer

than i wanted to i’m like you know

what’s so funny is like you know

something happens to you a blow comes


and you’re like okay i’m cool but you

know go ahead and move it along move it

on along okay we got the lesson you know

we’re trusting you we’re in the fire

we’re coming out the fire but go ahead

and i need you to heal my baby and i’ve

been praying like the prayer of faith

expecting i mean on sunday

you know pray the house down i expected

to come home you take the test and and

it’s negative


and the god dang test is still positive

i’m like lord lord

you know but but but i’m learning

something about god because sometimes


we we only trust him according to our


and and the moment that our timeline is


then our trust begins to diminish

and uh and i just think he’s teaching us

how to trust him in every season but

what helps me is as i recognize that

this is the season

you know and um

anyway you look like you’re about to say


no no i was uh just as you were talking

about perspective being everything

there’s a chapter and balance then

if you guys are just joining us and

catch everybody up um sabrina enzyme is

there sick what’s up i got diagnosed

with covet last thursday

um it was in our house so um one of my

daughters got it then another daughter

got it i told pt he should leave because

he’s you know we are having our first

in-person service his book is coming out

and so i’m like babe you got to get out

of here i’ll take care of the girls

we’ll figure it out and then myself and

our other daughter tell you about it as


and so we’ve just been navigating the

sickness part of it the emotional part

of it thinking

god that you know even though we dodged

it for two years that

you know if we’re gonna have it i keep

saying like now is the time to have it

because i know a lot of people

um face a different set of circumstances

than what we’re facing now but it’s

still rough but imbalance after the blow

in my husband’s book which i want you

guys to order today because it’s

available on amazon especially if you’re

trying to figure out what is life now

like how do i balance this season maybe

it’s trying to get back to normal after

covet maybe trying to get back to normal

after losing someone a job lost a new



there are moments where we have to

acknowledge that like this is a blow and

i think that that’s exactly what we kind

of came to this realization like this is

a blow we’re not under the same roof

when we go to bed uh we don’t know how

long this is going to last we’re missing

some moments that we were looking

forward to having together and you know

my health is not improving as quickly as

you know we probably thought that it

should and so just sitting back and and

doing and all of the things all i’m

taking all kinds of vitamins and natural

remedies and rx meant we’re doing a lot


name in the book you talk about

perspective is everything and two

thoughts must prevail in your mind

during these times and i want to read

this for someone else who’s maybe going

through a tough time trying to figure

out what what do i need to be grounded

in in order to survive this and not let

it wipe me out you say foremost remember

you will get through this make no

mistake about it if any blow you’ve


had exceeded your capacity to persevere

then you wouldn’t have made it this far

to be reading these words

so let’s restore your ability to see the

big picture clearly right now

your life will be filled with sunshine

again you are not in exile from balance

you’re merely displaced temporarily you

will make it home again where you belong


i don’t want to say that to you but

yeah we’re gonna

make it to home again i think

one of the things even if you haven’t

had covert your life has been affected

by covid and there’s this prevailing

question that we keep having like i just

want things to get back to normal i just

want to figure out what the new normal

is and normal is not going to come in a

boxing ring the doorbell normal is not

just going to wake us up one morning

we’re going to have to define what

normal is and defining normal is such an

inside job

and so allowing yourself to say what is

my normal gonna be

um in this season what are my

non-negotiables about

you know where i want my spirit to be

anchored not necessarily where my spirit

is right because sometimes your spirit

is broken sometimes your spirit is down

but where is home what is the gps

location for where my spirit my thoughts

my energy has to live we mark that spot

we call that spot balance and then our

job then is how do i find the court

coordinates to get back to what is home

for me

and right now i am definitely off

balance i feel

more sad than joy i feel lonely i feel



but i know where home is

i’m looking at home right now

when i look at you babe i’m home is

looking at these comments and being in

purpose home is

feeling fulfilled and strengthened and


every step that i take that gets me

closer to home every face time we have

that feels more like oh this feels like

home it’s a reminder to me that that

home is not as far away as it is and i

just want to say this real quick

um you know maybe it’s not a a temporary

illness like covid

um maybe you’ve lost someone that you

won’t see again until you make it to the

other side of heaven

maybe you’re in a financial situation

that’s going to take years to recover


i just want you to know that home can

come in unexpected moments

that a chuckle at a meme

that an experience in prayer and worship


that if you hang on to those moments

maybe it’s just 30 seconds of a laugh

maybe it’s an hour of just filling god’s

presence maybe you’re experiencing it

right now i just want you to know that

that’s home calling you that’s home

whispering i still exist

joy still exists hope still exists

balance is still available to you and i

just want you to not miss the moment

where home says i still exist maybe


in a state of depression maybe you’re in

a state of sadness or no inspiration i

want you to take heed to those moments

when when home calls you because home

still calls

yes it does

um i want to do two things one i want to

get my baby back into a restful space uh

but two we want to pray we want to pray

we want to pray for you we want to pray

we want to we want to pray for you

uh the prayers that we’ve been praying

for ourselves


so we want to pray for you um

one thing that we did not allow this to

do one thing that we fought against

was uh

we didn’t let it

make us not trust god


there’s a passage of scripture in

hebrews chapter 10 and verse 35

and it says therefore cast not

it says cast not therefore

away your confidence

your expectation that word it’s a greek

word that was translated confidence and

it means expectation cast not therefore

away your expectation hebrews 10 35 it

says therein there is great reward

um david said in another place i would

have fainted

unless i believed to see the goodness of

god in the land of the living one thing

that we did not do

was allow

this this this season as challenging as

it is in all the ways that we have

described we didn’t allow it to take our


and so if you’ve been through something

and we’re going to pray into this

god is going to get he’s going to give

you the strength to trust again

to trust god again to trust life again

to trust love again to trust again


that that’s what is is under attack

what’s under attack is you trust that

we’re not gonna let that happen i want

to pray for you if you have covet 19

and it’s it’s around family it’s it’s

hidden i know a lot of people right now

that is sick uh if you have a relative

that’s struggling uh that is thick


put it in there if it’s not covered in

something else put it in there if you’re

disappointed if you’ve experienced the

blow we want to pray for you some sort

of blow we want to pray for you

um and just put it right there all of us

this is we’re going to turn this into a

prayer meeting the enemy means for evil

we’re going to turn around for good

pastor sarah said baby we ought to do it

live tomorrow and we’re going to call it

you know balance and covet and we now

renamed it balance after the blow

and um and i encourage you

you know if

if if this is ministered to you that

chapter the whole book is really going

to minister to you and you can go to

it’s on our page you’ll find it get the

book but we’re going to pray for


honey i’m going to pray because i just

want you to conserve yourself unless

i just know you so um

father we just we just thank you for you

thank you

we thank you god that you are a very

present help

in the time of trouble

and we thank you god that that

we can literally

pause in a moment like this and have

on all the platforms over 4 000 people

connected to this moment of prayer and


and we know lord god we know

that out of that many people

somebody is in a blow right now

somebody’s experienced a blow somebody’s

just coming out of a blow somebody’s

just getting into a blow somebody’s

getting ready to have a blow

and god we thank you that there is still


that there is still balance and that

there’s still breakthrough and blessing

even though blows come hallelujah and

god we thank you that this is temporary

lord your word declares that our light

affliction which is but for a moment it

don’t feel like we ain’t gonna lie it

feels very heavy but in comparison to

the glory that’s gonna be revealed after


it will be a light thing when we come

out of it it will be a light thing i

thank you for touching my wife

i thank you god at your hand is it for

my wife and you wouldn’t have allowed

this thing to attack her if you haven’t

if you hadn’t already paid the way of

escape if you haven’t always not just

restored if you hadn’t always intended

not just to restore

but for her to come out of this thing


with a a more powerful testimony

with a new dimension of glory on her

life for the masses that you’ve called

her to touch and to influence and so i

thank you god even as all of us are

praying and you all in your own way just

take a minute and pray for my baby


and pray for my our daughter taya and

we’re also praying for anybody on the


who is struggling with any sort of

ailment in sickness

and and i also want to say that on



watch the stream on sunday seven nine


seven nine eleven one and six because

we’re gonna take communion again we’re

bringing that good friday communion

right back and we’re gonna commune again

because there’s power and there’s

healing in that so i just wanna throw

that in there but gotta we just pray for


we’re praying this prayer of faith right

now and we believe lord god for a

significant and mighty and powerful

breakthrough god testimonies

lord this might seem like

a a a defeat

but it’s not it’s a temporary setback

and you are setting up the comeback

help someone to know right now

that this is just a season

that weeping might be enduring for a


but their joy is coming in the morning

that you are the god of the breakthrough

and you

know how to cause all things to work

together for good you can cause the pain

and the loneliness that we’re feeling

right now you can cause the the bouts of

depression that we’re struggling with

the sadness that that we we’ve had for

over a week now you can cause all of

that to turn into joy and i just decree

that right now for my wife’s sadness i

pray sevenfold joy is coming lord for

her pain i pray sevenfold happiness is

coming god

and i’m gonna take her on that vacation


so bless my beautiful wife bless all

those who are watching

blessed lord god

my daughter bless all those who are

struggling and suffering with covet 19

or any other

type of ailment bless them right now we

thank you god if you can raise jesus

from the dead

and surely you can raise us up and you

will raise us up and give us patience

and perspective while we’re in the

process give us patience

and perspective while we’re in the


and god i pray

that balance after the blow will be a

part of

the perspective that we need

to weather this because you’ve got

greater things on the other side and we

decree this in jesus name

amen amen amen

family um


here we are

you know

not just highlight reels


this is probably

one of if not our lowest moment

uh and we we we just believe that if we

show you our scars

and we believe that if we say us to

that that no

no uh uh measure of accomplishment no

measure of notoriety or whatever you

want to call it

none of that exempts any of us

from difficulties

and if we can overcome

so can you

and since we’re gonna overcome yes who

are you

we love you man so much we thank god for


encourage you to get balance

balance after the blow the

it’s going to bless you the whole

i’m not even saying this this thing

go to

we love you

we’ll see you soon pray for my wife and

i’m believing god

that that in short order she’s going to

be not just back

but on a whole nother level and she fine

to look at it oh my goodness


no you’re not

just put your i can kiss you through the

mask no


can i tell you all something when

um pt and i first started dating and

you know he started really sweating the

kid very hard and it became evident that

he wanted to marry me

it became evident that he wanted to

marry me

um i made a promise that i would protect

his purpose


you don’t understand when pt was writing

this book like

i saw him go through so many different

stages of questioning and overcoming and

starting it over

and fighting for it to be released and

his book comes out

on next tuesday


i’m protecting his purpose by making

sure that he’s able to bring his full

self to this moment and i love you and i


your desire to want to be with me and

catch covet with me and just be in

whatever condition it puts you in but

your purpose is important to me your

purpose has changed my life babe like i

don’t know if you get this or not but

who you are in the earth

gave me permission to release all of my

all of my crazy and anointing and

authenticity and vulnerability

and i want someone else to receive that

same anointing in their life through the

book balance so

i love that you want to hug me and kiss

me and want to catch cover with me

but we are in a marriage that is bigger

than just us it’s about the anointing

that explodes through us and my job is

to make sure that this message goes into

every part of the earth so i love you


you can kiss me when i get a negative

covet test

you’re not the boss of me love it

a little bit

love you baby get some rest i love you

too okay come on

come on



i am love you

bye family

how do we close that oh you did that

already okay